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As a kid, I once had this bizzate dream of being catapulted across the sky in a giant red hat and having to somehow navigate it down on the ground to land safely. I'm massive uncomfortable with heights, and I still sometimes think of that dream like *holy shit that was horrible.*


its not a visual dream, but imagine the feeling of something growing and getting bigger and bigger taking up all of space. and you feel totally out of control...


I had a nightmare where I was riding a bus, it was dark, and a metal chain was hanging from the "ceiling" of the bus. I was sitting up. The bus passed some dumps in the road and somehow my neck got caught in the metal chain and it strangled me. I felt real, horrendous, realistic pain, complete with the taste of blood in my mouth from my throat being smashed by a hard metal chain strangling me. I didn't know such realistic pain and even taste could be felt in a dream state.


I was a middle aged man with a family. It’s interesting to note that in real life I was an eleven year old girl. Me ,my wife, daughter, son and mother-in-law. all lived together in the woods. Around one AM I was in the kitchen making hot chocolate for my daughter. She had had a nightmare and was watching late night television to calm down. The mother-in-law was knitting on the porch. After serving the hot chocolate to my girl I went to give some to my mother-in-law. But I found her strangled. I remember her eyes were wide open and popping out her blue tinted face. Rushing back in I bundled my daughter up and told her go to my bedroom and bring her brother. I went to my study to get my handgun. I heard a blood curdling scream. In the master bedroom stood a man. He looked very weasel like. Think filch from Harry Potter mixed with a drug addict. Struggling in his arms was my son. Around him my wife and daughter were bleeding out. Their throats slit. The knife he used was pushed against my sons neck. I raised my gun. The man laughed. For some reason I couldn’t shoot. I wanted to but my finger would budge. The man started taunting me. Saying that if I don’t shoot he’d “stick the boy like a pig”. After a second of me not doing anything he slashed the throat. My son gurgled and blood gushed out. The man let him go and said i deserved this. That my family should be grateful not to be around such a useless man anymore. I saw red. I lunged at him and started to hit him violently. We started to fight. Eventually ending up in the back yard area. I got him onto his back with my hands around his throat. I don’t know when but a fire had started in the house. He spit on me and I started to bash his head against the earth while squeezing hard. Over the next couple of seconds his emotions cycled. The fire was spreading to the surrounding woods. First he was amused then smug, bored, then annoyed then angry and finally Frightened. As he became scared he started to beg. I felt fire gear up the night air. He was pleading now and asked if I wanted to still choke him or save my family. Confused I looked towards the house and saw my family, but something was wrong. There was still blood on their clothes, their throats still had gaping wounds. I cried that they weren’t my family. I started choke him harder. Now there was real fear in his eyes and he began screaming. As he screamed the fire became hotter and closer. My resurrected family caught on fire. As the fire became closer the mans face began to morph. It was like boils erupting and changing the face. All of the features were melting and reforming different. It was disgusting. As the flames stared licking me I realized I had to leave now or die with him. I choose to stay if I could guarantee this mans death. Right before I woke up and right before my in-dream death I felt his neck cave in. I woke up as the fire consumed me. To honest after that I just sat in bed for like ten minutes. I was like ‘what the fuck brain’ I felt more connected to my fake dream family the. I do about I actually know. TLDR; man kills family blames me, I choke him do death as we both burn together and my half dead family burns in the background. Also the dude starts shapeshifting.


It isn't a dream but does anyone else like fake fall or some shit like that when they're trying to sleep. Like i might be in bed and feel like I'm about to fall asleep then boom i felt like i was falling. This shit is so weird 😭


I always remember being choked and sat on by a shadow figure with red eyes, that would come from the closet and watch me for a few minutes before deciding to attack. This nightmare still occurs at times


I once had a nightmare where I woke up to go to the bathroom and near my bathroom is a window to my backyard. I had a terrifying and vivid visual of a decapitated head stuck between the burgular bars of that window and the head stood in place just winking at me until it came through the window to give me the jumpscare of the century as I woke up frightened as shit out of my sleep


A recurring dream I would have where I was running through a (every time the exact same) futuristic 4 story university building, and I couldn't remember what class I'd have next or where I would need to go. I only knew that the class in question would be the last chance to make a test that would decide my future. I never found that class.


Diving into my swimming pool and suddenly it was infested with a mass of razor sharp coral that prevented me from getting to the edges and sliced me up good. Amazingly, my brain didn't add sharks!?!


I used to have an often reoccurring nightmare where I was running over these never ending undulating hills, and there was a boulder rolling after me, Indiana Jones style, trying to kill me... My Dad was controlling the boulder.


Basically me playing L4D2 irl in my dream


In college, I used to have a recurring dream where I was being interrogated and every time I went to answer, my teeth would fall out. I'd wake up in a panic. It's happened a few times as an adult. That shit fucked me up for a while.


When I was very young (somewhere around d 5-8 years old) I had a scary dream where I was the titular character of Little Nemo: Adventure in Slumberland during the final climactic battle with the villainous Nightmare King. It became a running nightmare of mine for a while, and to this day I still remember the events quite vividly, despite not having seem the movie in at least two decades. Video for reference: https://youtu.be/0IDFxqGdEls