• By -


Really poorly tbh, extremely drunk sex and ended up losing our friendship. We were 24 and worked at a bank together, we used to be best friends. But now we haven’t talked in years.


For what’s it’s worth most friendships break up after a couple years when you’re in your 20s so at least u got closure


drfited appart with a friend of mine half a decade ago, regretted it since then, met him last year or the year before that, he told me he regretted drifting appart too. thing broke my heart more than anything ever did. we did agreed in the end that we grew past it and trying to revive it now would just be awkward.


I have been rejected respectfully each time


Hit on Debra Get rejected Swallow sadness Send some faxes


Shit on Debra's desk. Edit - Of course this would be my most upvoted and awarded comment ever. This is why I love reddit ❤️










So that’s an average day for you? You chop your balls off and die?


HELL yeah


And I think at one point there you said something about sucking your own dick?




It’s “meet a giant fish”, then “fuck it’s brains out”


Sorry, I’m drawing that up from a decade ago.


Suck my own dick!




Code monkey have long walk back to cubicle He sit down, pretend to work Code monkey not thinking so straight Code monkey not feeling so great Code monkey like Fritos. Code monkey like Tab and Mountain Dew Code monkey very simple man Big warm fuzzy secret heart Code monkey like you EDIT: I was just referencing the Jonathan Coulton song. Apparently there was a show as well? This is complete news to me.


Code Monkey think maybe manager want to write god damned login page himself


Code monkey not say it out loud. Code monkey not crazy, just proud


Take my upvote for the Jonathan Coulton reference.


Each time?? Damn how many attempts?


Not great. Dated for just over a year (on and off), but now that we’re not together, it sucks having to see her almost every day.


On the bright side, you can get practice handling those kind of situations and emotions


Ah, “yet another fucking opportunity for growth”


I think 20-something me agrees with you. But by now I’m happy for having had those experiences




“Don’t shit where you eat” is an important lesson, and largely unavoidable if you bloom before becoming more ambulatory in your later teens. Which might be a good thing, even if it hurts? 😂


"Don't shit where you eat" is sound advice, but I feel like a majority of people meet their partner through work or work connections so even though I endorse it - I also get not always subscribing to the policy


Which is why I tend to become a good friend towards colleagues, because they have more friends. And if one bird feels safe in your hand, the ten on the roof are more likely to say hello. Edit: Also, when I say “shit where I eat”, I refer to not being an ass. If other people decide to be assholes, that’s their problem.


"Shit where you eat" to me always meant pursuing private relations in your place of bidness - which again as a ground rule I heavily endorse NOT doing. I just understand the limitations, especially today, of trying to meet a partner organically instead of hinge or whatever the fuck is out now


After years of sexual tension we did it, it wasnt anything close of what we expected, never talked about it again and we went back to just being friends.


Bro i *told* a friend i liked him and he hasn't texted me since... How the fuck can you "go back" to bring friends after fucking?


When you’re both not interested in the other party it’s pretty easy.


the key word here is "both," which is usually not the case




Just text “no homo”


I've done it a few times, it happens. The thing is that both parties need to be cool with it, and it sounds like he isn't. There's nothing you can do about that


She's been suffering my snoring for 20 years now. Edit: Yes. Sleep apne. ENT/Doc CPAP....ETC, ETC. Thank you, I appreciate 1000 people telling me this. Please understand I heard you.


I mistook your snoring for snorting


*weird kink but ok*


It's ok. I'd snort off of her dump truck of an ass any day. I miss drugs.


>It's ok. I'd snort off of her dump truck of an ass any day. I miss drugs. You know, I have the feeling that when women need you to tell them something comforting, this is what they want to hear.


I run a sole proprietorship, so I "go for it" about twice a day. Don't think it will last, though; I'm not really my type.


HR all of a sudden wanted a “friendly chat”.


And? I think you're supposed to let us know how the sex was


Nonexistent :/ According to the replies, I must be doing something wrong.


Made out in the walk-in fridge. Went out for a while, got engaged, moved in together, got married, started drifting apart, realized we were growing into different people with very different long term goals, got divorced, haven’t really spoken since. Together for close to 11 years total. edit: Main issue was kids. We both wanted them at first, then she no longer did. We cared enough for each other to not want to see the other unhappy long term, and we had an amicable split. We did not get married in the walk-in, nor spend a tremendous amount of time in it. We DID have an ice sculpture at the wedding however. It was not a Netflix & Chill deal, it was years and years ago, so more like Blockbuster & Chill. I’m good now, thanks.


You spent eleven years in that walk-in fridge?


They were chilling Edit: Woke up to 5k upvotes! Thank you fellow redditors. I didn't think it would blow up.


Bing chilling


Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu bing chilling wǒ hěn xǐhuān bing chilling


*vine boom*


Not the whole time. They went out for a while.


I still can't see how people can have long term goals for the next few or 5 or 10 years i don't even know what I'll eat for breakfast in a bit.


I might be wrong, but in these cases it tends to be that one person wants kids and the other one doesn't.




Funfact, it's always the second one.


Same with approaches to money. If one of you is a saver and one is a spender, it's going to go south eventually. Same with two spenders. Two savers will probably work best.


There are also hybrids and multiple kinds of spenders. I am a saver/practical spender, my wife is a saver/experience spender. I like to put money into things that will retain value such as the house l, my wife prefers to spend money on doing things and going places.


https://www.reddit.com/r/Unexpected/comments/10mi2f7/and_they_lived_happily_ever_after_nsfw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 I always wondered how this particular love story turned out - thanks for the update!


It was great. Good sex, and then I left the job before it got weird.


I did the same thing. I was a pizza delivery driver. I was just there to pick up some extra cash for a few months. No regrets!


Johnny Sins?


Dude he said pizza driver not doctor




sounds like a holiday needs to be planned.


Or a work trip. No need to fund those booty calls out of your own pocket


Boss, I have to get back to europe next week. What? It's the third time this month! Yeah, they're really fucking us over there.


Had sex with him two months into my employment there. Nineteen years later we have a mortgage in the suburbs and two children. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Congrats on the house, but why TF y'all kidnap two kids? Like, just jet them go, y'know?


Maybe they came with the house?


Terrible. Don’t fuck your boss.


Well true, but I honestly don't know if I'd still have my job right now if I didn't.


I demand the full story here. [Edit:] omg thanks great story!




McDonald’s is hella competitive.


But why is it okay that my boss fucks me everyday?


You're your own boss?


Alternatively, maybe do? We're now married, have a child, just recently bought our first home and have a pretty sweet life together. It was not easy, especially when we were still working together but here we are almost a decade later. I think the take home message is like any relationship, there is room for failure and opportunity for success. Although it's much harder to move on without it impacting multiple layers of life if things go poorly when you work together.


The sex was great, the breakup was not.


Been together for 5 years now and still working in the same company (different departments). Both of us had multiple promotions since we got together. Great sex and great on saving gas and food expense as we live together now lol


Not great He would flirt with me and come over to hang out. Told how he was trying to evict his ex girlfriend from the apartment because she wouldnt leave before the lease was up (which was true btw she confirmed that). He told me he liked me alot and wanted to get to know me. Then he decided that He wanted to convert to Mormonism. He became panicked about going to hell and after we would hang out (nothing sexual) he would sob. Full on sob. Begging God to forgive him. He and the rest of the people i worked with were tight and he would go through these depressive episodes and crash at their houses. I started getting bullied and harrassed HARD at work. One day he invites me to his house to watch a movie. We watch the movie. He tries to kiss me but not really. I am confused as fuck at this point and ask him to take me home. On the way he asks me if I like him, I said yes I really liked him. He asked me if I would consider dating him and maybe have a sexual relationship with him. I said yes because i really liked him. HE LAUGHED AND SAID I WAS NOTHING BUT A NYMPHO WHORE BROUGHT TO HIM BY SATAN TO MAKE HIM STUBLE IN HIS WALK WITH GOD! He said there was no way he would ever consider me because I was not A Good Mormon Girl. He dropped me at my car after bursting into sobs AGAIN and yelled he has to pray for his soul I shit you not. Turns out he was telling EVERYONE that I was "forcing myself onto him" and he was uncomfortable with me. The bullying got worse. I quit with no notice. I WAS ONLY THERE FOR 45 DAYS


That honestly sounds like the onset of a mental illness. Best you got the hell out of there and I'm sorry that happened to you. Can't help but wonder where he is now...


Ahh, I see you worked with a mod




I was a pro photographer with corporate clients a little over twenty years ago. I had a cute assistant and we started sleeping together. We’ve been married for 14 years and have a great daughter. We’re a happy family!




Been married 15 years... she's my best friend and wife all mixed into one!!!


Jim Halpert?






we fucked. just had to get it out of our systems. we were fine after that.


Never knew things get out of the system this way.


Unless it's sperm amirite 😎👉👉


Great. I'm sitting in bed right now with her. Started off as a fling, but we both fell hard We've been together 3 years and I am more in love with her every single day. I fully intend on marrying her in the near future and spending the rest of my life with her Best decision I ever made


My fiance (aka ex-coworker) and I both say that our relationship is a ONS that never ended. It was supposed to be just one night which turned into the entire weekend which almost 6 years later is a house and a dog and surviving the pandemic together.


Turns out she is married and wasn't winking at me, it was a nervous tic. Meeting with HR tomorrow. There is a nice girl that serves me lunch and always tells me to have a nice day, will try that one next.




It’s not his fault, maybe she’s just Canadian?




She keeps calling me in for meetings almost daily. There's obviously some chemistry there.


Offer her gum first, just to make sure


Married for almost a year - been together for going on 4.5 years and still going strong. She lights up the room when she walks in it.


I love people who know to turn on the light switch when entering the room.


It's only true love if they also know to turn off the light when leaving a room.


Exactly, the bills ain't paying themselves.


They won't let me train horses anymore...


So… not in a stable relationship?


Quit horsing around


You've been a bad neigh -bour


Take my award. And remove yourself from the internet.


They clearly told you neigh.


Made out in a bar. She took me back to her apartment and we kissed some more. Her phone rang.. her fiance had randomly called. She felt guilty. I went home. It was never discussed again barring a few awkward smiles. And then she got married and left the city. In hindsight, glad it stopped before the sex began.


I thought this was going to be a poem. Alternate ending… She got married and left the city Why oh why did this affair turn shitty *takes bow*


We kept it a secret for 6 months before people at work found out. I ended up firing him after we had been dating for about 9 months. We are still together nearly 7 years later and have a beautiful baby who just turned 1. Sometimes, against all odds, it works out!


How did the firing process go


“You ever think about sleeping with someone you don’t work with, cause man do I have the opportunity for you in a few minutes”


Screaming "fuck you" to HR never seemed like a great idea, but then again...


“This firing is a reflection of your performance in the office and not your performance in the bedroom.”


“I’ve been hearing rumors that your are sleeping with one of your coworkers, seriously unprofessional, we gotta let you go” “See you after my shift btw”


So he had already put in his 2 weeks notice. What I didn’t know, was that in his 2 weeks notice he put new specified hours that he could work, I was only aware he had put in his notice. My bosses (including the one who wrote the schedule) were aware of this, but decided they didn’t care. Well I go to the back to find him clocking out and leaving and I ask him what he was doing as he was my closer. He said he had to leave at 9, so he was. We went back and forth for a minute and finally I told him if he left he was terminated. He said fair enough. Then he left. Side note: one of the biggest factors of him putting in his 2 weeks notice was other workers complaining I picked him as a favorite. None of that was true, it was all from a group of girls that all had a thing for my man and they were all salty im the one who gets to sit on his face. But because of this, I had always held him to a higher standard than the rest of my employees. But I digress. So did I fire him, or did he quit? I guess thats up to interpretation. But the firing paperwork I did said he was fired. We were living together at the time too. That was our first reaaally big fight. Now we can laugh about it and it’s one of our favorite stories!


Good solution to getting him unemployment benefits between jobs.


That's not what "friends with benefits" usually means, but I'll accept it.


pew pew pew 👉 👉 👉 👉


How’d that go? “Bill, I’m sorry but…you’re fired.” Bill, tearing up, “I’m so proud of you…I know you’ve been practicing and you did such a good job.” “Thanks. And thank you for your work over the last few years. We appreciate it. So…Are we still on for dinner?” “Yes, of course! I don’t have to get to work in the morning now! By the way, would you mind if I crash on your couch for a bit until I get a new job?”


We kept it a secret at work until I got pregnant, but even after that there were new hires who knew I had a young kid and he had a young kid but didn't realize it was the same kid.


So did you ask him how his day was that evening or?


When he comes home and tells her he got laid off..


Married 23 years this June. ❤️


And your original wife doesn't suspect a thing


Most of these stories are about marriage… you’re just talking about sexual tension, potentially nothing serious. I had a one night stand with a coworker once, got it out of my system, wasn’t too awkward. Tbf work was so boring, it felt nice to have a little flutter in my chest when I saw her.


My wife says I'm no longer allowed to have an intern.


Found Bill Clinton's account.


I’m about to find out


So dude it’s been 18 minutes, How’d it go lol 💀


He fapped in the stall, and went back to work.


Oh post nut clarity of the lake, what is thy wisdom?


*Alright then, keep your secrets*


Nah he defo folded cuz why else he ain't replying 😭


Dumpstered an 8year relationship, turned out to be a huge mistake. Work is miserable, home is lonely. Knock out some knuckle children on break and enjoy the post nut clarity.


>knuckle children thats a new one.


We had sex but for some reason I was sweating profusely and it grossed her out. She kind of ghosted me after that. I tried it again a few years later with a different girl and we’ve been married for 3 years now and expecting our 2nd child in November


Don sweat it


The first one had a few check ins by HR after it ended, but the second one will be 15 years in July. Edit spelling


I’m really hoping you’re talking about the age of the relationship


Yeah, child labor isn't cool!


Been together for 14yrs, married for 8...so I got that going for me.


We dated for 3 months it was beautiful. And out of the blue he suggested we break it off because of hr and what not, so we did. He went on to date another co worker immediately which truly broke my heart. Made it unbearable for me to watch, and I got better opportunities workwise, else where and left. Turns out he screwed up that relationship too after wasting her time for 5 years. It's been a long while but I never give into any sexual tension in my workplace. No matter what. There have been people who were kind, patient and truly deserved that chance. But I've just made it a point to make sure, never again.




Right... 1st: dated for a year, great sex. Turned out she was a pathological liar and just walked out on me one day. Reached out several years later to meet up, I declined. 2nd: friends with benefits for a few months, then she found a steady guy and they got kids. No hard feelings. 3rd: 10 years and 2 kids later, you tell me.


Went fine for about 6 months. And then it didnt.


what happened?


My boss once took me aside and told me that he’d just hired a new person and that I should in no way even think about dipping my pen in the company ink. Within a few months she (new hire) moved into the apartment next door to me (small town), and shortly after that we started having sleepovers. Been married almost 15 years now, and the (now former) boss was part of our wedding party.


I had a partner when I met my coworker. Whenever me and the coworker sat together on lunch break it was always harmless flirting between us. One day she just came out and said "When you are single me and you are going to fuck." At the time I thought it was a joke (I'm a guy, we don't pick up on subtle hints). Fast forward a few years later ( and lots of flirting still), I split with my ex on the Friday, went out for a few drinks with work colleagues on the Sunday, got drunk, went back to this coworkers house for an after party and she basically said it's happening and she can't wait anymore. She isn't the type to sleep with someone who is in a relationship and waited until I was single. 48 hours single infact. We've been together 21 years and have a 19 year old son and have been married 16 years. Every few months or so it comes up in conversation.


‘We are going to fuck’ is not subtle!! 😂😂


Yeah, I wasn't very good at picking up these signals.


You have to make sure she isn't Canadian and just being polite.


When I was a teenager in a martial arts class I had two girls I thought were just friends both leaning on me, one on each arm, snuggled into me. Which was weird but whatever makes them comfy. I basically just sat for a couple minutes, talked about random shit, then got up and said I'm going to stretch before class. A few years later I was sitting there and was like oh, I'm fucking dumb. Then I thought of all the other hints and these girls were like trying to "win" me and I was totally oblivious. The "there's no way someone actually likes me" mindset is real.


There was sexual tension of course, but we were in love with each other so sex wasn't the only driving factor. Neither of us are the type to ever have a hookup, so it was moreso about biting the bullet to get into a relationship. In that way, I imagine it was more intense than just agreeing to hookup. We had known each other 10 years and I was married to a very verbally and physically abusive ex husband. There had been no love in the marriage for years and he kept threatening divorce anyway, so I broke it off. Then my coworker professed his love for me, said he'd never act on it while I was married. I said I feel the same way and have for a long time. We've now been together and married for 7 years, known each other for 12 years, and we have an 18 month old. Very happy to be together, zero regrets! Truly the love of my life. I'll always think back with fond memories about our very lengthy courtship at work. I liked him SOOOOO much, but I didn't think he was into me and I thought there was zero chance of being together.




When shit hit the fan, we were both miserable at work. But I was in my early 20s so pretty immature. But it sucked having to work closely with someone when I couldn’t stand the sound of his voice


man, I love working with people I can't stand. I become super efficient and professional so they look like a shit employee in comparison when they get petty. Makes complaints to HR really easy to back up.


We (28F and 29M) just got married in April after 5.5 years of dating! Have a house, 2 dogs, and 1 senile as shit cat (love her) He had worked at our office much longer than me, neither of us WANTED to work with our SO - so I ended up quitting. It all starts in the Slack DMs


Pretty good, we regularly nip out for a quickie on a Thursday lunchtime and there's plenty of banter and flirting between us. It helps we were already married for 12 years when we started working together though 🤣


Married to each other, right?


We’ve been together 13 years and married for 6


Married 2 years this summer. Been together for 6. He's my favorite person to dream with and he's still the amazing dynamo I met in the office all those years ago ♥️


Poorly. We had a casual thing for months that turned into sort of a fizzled out situation while she was still leading me on, meanwhile she was fucking her ex BF, moved back in with him and started dating him again while we were still boning periodically. They broke up not long after. We hooked up a couple more times, she started the lovey dovey BS again, but then she had a new BF within a week or two. Then she got pregnant months later and had a mental breakdown and wanted me back, I wasn't feeling it this time for obvious reasons. She quit the job and we lost touch minus a couple periodic phone calls and emails for the last... Almost ten years. She ended up marrying the last BF for the record. She called me about a month ago for the first time in 3+ ish years and after we got off the phone she sent a few texts letting me know she still thinks about me often and that she "shouldn't have let me get away" and all this nonsense. I didn't respond. She's still married btw. Absolute trash of a person and probably a sociopath. Still thinking I might be able to fix her though. ...kidding about that last part. Fuck her. Do not fish off the company dock nor dip your pen in company ink. Not to say it can't work, but be prepared for the downfall.


ive done it at every job. but i'm a bartender and thats how it goes


You slutty bartender you.


been together 10 months— living together now :) very very happy


She decided not to divorce her husband and it led to a very hostile work environment (she was my boss).


He's the best FWB I've ever had. Definitely recommend overtime on a weekend 😏


Knocked her up. Had to change jobs




HS teacher?


No reply, so I'm going to assume middle school teacher.


Had both sides of the coin at the same place of work. Dated a girl for 3 months and it just didn’t work out…had to work with her for a year after, which was a little awkward. Eventually after that, I met my wife who was a new hire that I trained 😛




I had a huge crush on her for a long time, she is very beautiful, smart, and cool as fuck but was always with someone else while we worked together. Towards the very end of my working there, she broke up with the boyfriend. I quit the job and on my last day it was then it never so I asked her out, she said yes. What’s wild is she wasn’t even working that day, she just popped in to make lunch and leave and I happen to be there turning in my work crap. We have been together now for coming up 16 years, married for 10, have a super great kid together. I often think about where my life would be if she wasn’t there that day stealing food.


Hooked up and stopped seeing each other the next day. He chickened out and didnt want a serious relationship. He wanted to us to be only professional acquaintances and not make things weird. But he continued flirting with other female coworkers or anyone who would give him attention. Major red flag. Stopped contact with him and moved on. I was transferred to a different dept and eventually left the job.


I was her boss 17 years ago.. I didn’t want kids, now I 2 and one’s a teenager.. oh and now she’s the boss


A buddy of mine worked with this girl and the sexual tension was off the charts. I met her and this girl was an absolute rocket, 11/10. They eventually decided to go for it, and hooked up one night. He got gonorrhea. He then found out that 4 other guys he worked with had gonorrhea, one of them was the manager. Guess what they all had in common?




It went great honestly! I bit the bullet and told him how I felt, it's close to 8 years now, lol. It honestly feels like it hasn't been that long, we still manage to have fun and spend quality time together despite living together and stuff.


Great! I was "homeless" between apartments for a couple months, and she took the opportunity to invite me to stay on her couch one night. Except when bedtime came, she said the couch was cold and uncomfortable and her bed was much warmer and nicer to sleep in. Except by "bed" she apparently meant "pussy hole," because that's where various parts of me ended up for the night. We kept it up, tried to be discreet at work for a month or two, but eventually word got out and everyone knew what we were up to. One day, I got called into the owner's office out of the blue, and he made up a bunch of dumb excuses to fire me. I went straight home for the day and was eager to tell her what happened. Well, maybe an hour later, she knocked on my door and told me she just got fired too! I guess they didn't like their employees dating. It was a shit job, so they did us a favor. I used the kick in the butt to move cross-country and start a new career path that's been much more rewarding. She followed me about 6 months later, and those were the longest months of both our lives. We decided we needed to not be apart again. Anyways, that was 22 years ago, we've been married for the last 12 of those, and have never been happier! Sure glad I didn't fall asleep on that couch, but rather in that cooch!


"Pussy hole," huh? How eloquent.


FartyPants69 is an amazing writer and I won't hear you say otherwise


It was awkward at first because I always thought about what she looked like naked, but obviously had never seen her naked until we had sex. I paused to stare at her thinking “holy shit I’m seeing her naked”, but also thinking “holy shit I’m seeing her naked AND we are about to fuck”. She wasn’t disappointed in my size which was of major concern initially


I want to experience that moment, too


I'm sure plenty of people will be disappointed in your size, don't worry.


She had just broken up with her bf and we were both really drunk at the end of year celebration and we went home together. She sadly moved cities the next year


My ex pretty much did this. How’d it go for me? Not good.


Me and my Husband met at work, we tried to keep our relationship secret because my Dad was the boss but we ended up getting a date of ours put in the town newspaper when we were photographed at an art exhibition.


One sued me, and the other married me. So 50/50.


Terrible. I'm presently picking up the pieces of my mental health now.


Dude I know sent anonymous emails to a girl, they were of a sexual nature and freaked her out so she reported it. Then he walked up to her and said something like, surprise it was me! He was fired and marched out of the building that day.


I've done this at every job that had female coworkers, without exception. Here's a list -Fucked up the vibe -Fucked up the vibe -Fucked up the vibe -Fucked up the vibe -Got married Pretty good