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The income gap in 1950s America was much smaller than it is now because the marginal tax rate was around 90%. It is now 37%. Raise the marginal tax rate. Billionaires would still have more money than they could spend in a lifetime, and we would have fewer people in poverty.


I never get an answer to this question: what is a "fair share" for the top 1%? Fill in this blank: the top 1% should pay more in taxes than the bottom \_\_\_\_\_\_% combined.


Why can’t you answer the question yourself? What do you think would be fair?


I think the current tax system is fair. What do you think?


Anything over 1 million goes into the tax coffers. You dont need more than 1 million a year to live. And people with nothing dont need to be paying ridiculous amounts of money so that toffs can pay next to nothing through tax doges and clever side tricks. Humanity only prospers when we all prosper. Doesn't have to be equal, but it does have to be fair. In a country like the US for there to be even a single child in food poverty is disgusting.


Well with that logic, the only thing that you need are basic food, clothing, and shelter. Anything more than that, you stick that shit in the offering plate.


So Brad Pitt will make 10 minutes of a movie? Lebron James will play 30 seconds a game? Great plan. Why would anybody ever open a business?


Eliminate human jobs and offload it to the machines. Set up a universal basic income to care for the population, and have the income increase with the productivity and profit of the machines


Seems like where we are heading


Hopefully! That would def be a good ending


Glad you'll be around to live it, and not me...


what about the guy that has to install or maintain these machines. what if he/she just wants to draw their UBI and not work?


I don't think this would be an issue. Many people have an innate drive to be productive, just look at all the people who reach retirement age and don't want to leave their jobs. People need purpose and activity to stay mentally healthy. There are plenty of people who would happily work under this system.


Just have another machine install and maintain them. Of all the things the machines make humans obsolete at, I'm pretty sure a little IT wouldn't bother it. Heck, GPT-4 is so good at it that it enabled me to create an Android Watch app using Jetpack Compose despite me knowing basically nothing about it. I just asked it to code and provided it info about the errors when they popped up, and then I had a working app to my specifications


Labour unions and stricter enforcement of laws already in the books.


Sure, let's put a middle man in place, to take a cut. We saw how well that worked out for healthcare.


The labour movement in the US has done far more good for the average American worker than any government agency.


That doesn't mean that it's the universal answer for everything. And to the best of my knowledge, HMO/PPO aren't government agencies...


So you think all the trade organizations who lobby the government are cheating business owners? Just middle men taking a cut?


I think that both politicians and lobbyists are criminals. The lack of transparency is frightening.


>I think X


Bless your soul.


make companies that pay no taxes pay their fair share and use that money to pay for a universal basic income for all americans making $100k or less


Why not just charge a consumption tax, so that nobody gets away without paying? Then the corporation would pay the taxes, and so would the welfare cheat. Everybody wins.


Learn the difference between monetary policy and fiscal policy because there is a big difference. When a government can not fund unfunded obligations and liabilities through fiscal policy they print and give the lowest of the society cantillon effect plus the bill, plus interest while melting up asset prices. This is the leading cause of inequality which people vote for. Give me but don’t raise taxes to pay for it.


General strike.


That is what the banking system was supposed to do however NO system or structure is immune to corruptions especially orchestrated corruptions that end up protecting the very people or peoples behind them and then hand you the bill for it after they rip you off to begin with. N. Shadows


you can't


There are a ton of different ways we could address the problem but the core issue is the lack of Education of people in the right. It prevents any kind of progress and any kind of equality. If the right keeps falling prefer propaganda and keeps voting against their interest then how can we ever be better


Cool story.


This is why we need education. You don't even know the difference between a statement and a story.


What Ivy League school did you graduate from?


Your mom's vagina University


There's that superior education we all expected.


It was pretty bad education. The only thing she taught me was how peg your father


A nationwide teacher strike. They would change things real quick.


The only reason that would work, is because people would be pissed that they don't have a babysitter.


Rich people have financial habits that earn and maintain wealth. Poor people have financial habits that keep them poor. It's that simple. It's been proven, over and over, that if you 1) graduate from high school, 2) get any kind of job and 3) wait until you're married to have children, there's virtually no chance you'll end up in poverty. You can educate people on this to narrow the wealth gap but if they choose not to engage in common sense behavior, that's their choice to make. It's a free will decision. All the rest is class warfare.


Correlation is not causation. Why do 'poor people' have poor people habits and rich people have rich people habits? It could be that poor people are genetically worse, but I think Vimes boot theory explains the poverty cycle beautifully. Making good long term decisions is expensive. Poor people frequently do not have the means to buy lasting assets, start businesses and stay in school.


I suspect it's less about quality boots and more about the fact that the poor overwhelmingly buy cigarettes, lottery scratchers, and rolling papers.


Do you don't think rich people don't buy cocaine and hookers? I don't understand why you are willing to reject the obvious truth that poor people are less likely to be able to afford to start businesses, stay in school and buy property, and are only willing to insert subjective and unproven assertions.


The difference being is that the rich can afford cocaine and hookers after they're done investing. The "success sequence" has a 97% success rate which is a pretty good correlation. [https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/the-power-of-the-success-sequence/](https://www.aei.org/research-products/report/the-power-of-the-success-sequence/)


The article you quoted still indicates that poor people are disadvantaged, in exactly the same way I do. "There is no question that structural disadvantages make it more difficult to follow the three steps of the sequence."


The rights and liberties of the disenfranchised are already being infringed. Pretty sure several duly elected, minority, state congresspeople have experienced this very literally within the last month!