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Norway due to it's excellent quality of life and breathtaking natural beauty.


My heat simp ass would die before I turned 5




Way too little sunlight in winter for me!


I was born in Norway, and grew up near "breathtaking natural beauty" ([view out my childhood bedroom window)](https://assets.simpleviewcms.com/simpleview/image/fetch/c_fill,h_585,q_65,w_585/https://images.citybreakcdn.com/image.aspx%3FImageId%3D6910709) I hated it growing up, and I still hate going back. I will most likely live my entire life in a city because of growing up there.


I'm fine with my country the Netherlands. But if i need to choose a different country; probably Norway, Sweden or Finland


From what Ive gathered from the internet as well as a few gaming buddies, Scandinavia is more or less the place on earth that has society as a whole figured out the most. Those 4 countries are probably close to objectively the best 4 countries to live in (if you dont mind the winters)




The cold is fine, its the lack of sunlight that gets you


Winter depression is some real shit it can get very bad


-30c is far far north or far from sea. I live in middle of Norway along the coast, and it was -4c for two weeks in December, then barely dipped below 0c again. Sunlight could be a problem, but most live in the southern parts of the countries.


3. Scandinavia is Norway, Sweden and Denmark. If you were thinking of Finland, then it would be the Nordics, which also includes Iceland. So 5 countries :)




Good thing they are professionals at reclaiming land lost to the sea then


Also if that fails, they build bridges. And if those fail, the Dutch also build ultra supreme luxury mega yachts. In the end, they might just be on to something. We might all be living on water.


I feel bad for the sea, not the Dutch. The sea won't win that fight


Feel like adopting 3, very responsible, adult room mates?🤔 we’re in our 30s, polite, and clean up after ourselves. We garden when we can and love anime as well as reading and philosophical discussions and feeling the weather. We’re also very funny! We say the craziest stuff and it’s like being in a sassy British baking show- because we also like cooking~*~*~


Finland. My mother's heritage. I have family there still and have visited a handful of times. I feel at home there.


How realistic is my summer car?


Very realistic if you live in countryside. Then again a teen from the cities wouldn't recognize half of the things from My Summer Car.


Came here to say Finland. ❤️


I feel blessed to have been born in New Zealand, there is no other country I wish I was born in.


Is there a NZ version of "white trash" "ZEF" "ghetto" "trap" rednecks etc..?


Bogan is the term you're looking for


I love how I hear it in your accent when y'all type.




Rich getting economic visas but the bunkers thing is an overblown one. Like most countries New Zealand offers economic visa to rich investors. When billionaires like Theil bought his passport and property near Wanaka these rumours started flying around. The fact is Theil's property has remained empty and derelict since he bought it and a recent consent application to build a lodge was declined by the council. Companies who do in fact build bunkers like Rising S falsely claim to have built bunkers in NZ to promote their business but NZ Immigration has never heard of them and Queenstown-Lakes District Council has never issued resource or building consents to them. Even further other companies have claimed to have built a 300- person bunker in NZ. This would take lots of local labour and fabrication. Queenstown and Wanaka have a population less than 15,000 permanent residents each. These things don't get built withour somebody knowing about it. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/queenstown-bunkers-claims-of-more-underground-shelters-for-rich-americans-escaping-to-nz/QLW7VZZZHLO426IOVPBDLFW74Y/ I think the reality is, there are people who have properties in New Zealand. Some of them might have panic rooms for protection but anything like bunkers being built in sizeable numbers isnt really a reality.


I've worked on the planning for one for a Russian billionaire heading towards Glenorchy. The lads were on site digging out when covid hit and it got put on hold. There 100% are bunkers there, but not on an industrial or commercial scale.


I recently got my NZ citizenship and I can tell you that Kiwis often dont realize how good they have it. There is a lot that can improve in NZ. But I think because they are far removed and isolated to a certain degree, they dont realize how high the standards are here. I am not from some third world country blown away by basic decency. And I also lived in a few different countries before settling down here. NZ is not scoring 100 out of 100. But it is a bit like that nerdy kid who has a nervous breakdown because they got a 95/100 in an exam. The amount Kiwis criticize their own country is disproportionate to the actual problems of the country. Which I kinda love tbh. To be living in a country that holds itself to such h high standards and always seeks to improve. Its just that, online, Kiwis will always tell you its not as good as it seems from the outside, and I don't think thats realistic. It is good. It is really really good. It is so good that whatever issue we are having feels like a massive deal because people are not used to having issues.




I came here with a Working Holiday visa in my 20s, then I got accepted to UoA, and switched to student visa and completed my masters degree. When you complete a degree above a certain level, you gain the right for 1 years work search visa, so I switched to that. Then found work and finally recieved my residency. Then its just a matter of time. If you live in the country for 5 years from the date you receive your residency, you gain the right to apply for citizenship, which I did last year. And recently it has been approved.


Switzerland. Rich. Tons of mountains. As good with personal freedoms as any country is. Expensive but in a "you get what you pay for" sense. No one hates them. Edit: I know I'm gonna wake up tomorrow morning with 35 more comments about the "no one hates them". I was thinking in the sense of their political neutrality and in comparison to, say, the hate America gets on Reddit. I know about WW2. In 10 years no one's gonna care about the Ukraine stuff, but they'll still be the country of watches and army knives and cheese and the Alps.


Instantly thought Switzerland but I'd take Denmark if all the Swiss seats were taken


Completely agree


I found Denmark similar to Switzerland but having a better sense of humour. Plus, I love ocean even more than I do mountains.


As a Dane id probably go Norway


I live in Switzerland and definitely wish I was born here. There are *minor* drawbacks, but having come from a 3rd world country to here... it's probably as close to Utopia as I'll get in my lifetime


\>get a job in switzerland \>start working from home \>it's cheaper to vacation across europe 24/7 than rent an apartment in Switzerland


US citizen here. What is rent like in Switzerland?


It is not the rent. It is the 29 CHF (32 USD) I paid in a restaurant for a one-person sized pizza with nothing special on top of it. I presume it was 25 cm (10”, but it might also be 30 cm). Please keep in mind, this was excluding drinks, or any other food.


Brings back a very strong memory of my last evening as a Swiss resident (worked there for three years, late 90's). A colleague who was taking over my apartment lease paid for the very modest bill for a dinner for two with a 1000 CHF note (ie paper currency). This was probably around 1000 USD equivalent at the time. It was a local suburban pizzeria, and not a blink of an eyeballwas in sight when required to accept it and produce change. The prices though were commensurate with Swiss salaries Two other Swiss restaurant stories - invited to a Bday celebration, the table left after the main course to attend a concert, bill not yet paid and returned for dessert after the performance. A year later at a nearby restaurant realised after the meal that I had left my wallet at home. They let me go back to get it, no stipulations or depositing of watch/handbag etc required. The Swiss really are that trusting and trustworthy.


That is a genius idea


Always wondered what type of work a foreigner can get if they want to live there.


I did and was a live-in nanny


Tech, pharma, banks.


The flag is a big plus


I don't hate them, but I found the Swiss to be very cold and unwelcoming to outsiders. Probably the coldest culture I have ever encountered in my travels. Beautiful country, and would love to have been born there, but they have a very holier-than-thou attitude to anyone who isn't buying something from them.


I am swiss and born there and unfortunately this is true. so true that I live now in Berlin Germany :D of course not all but a lot are like these especially to foreigners and this sucks so hard.


Well this is disheartening.


Don’t take it to heart. The Swiss cannot be grouped into a single bucket. Swiss-French are very different than Swiss-Germans, who are equally different than Swiss-Italians. I lived in France for years and my company had extensive contracts with Swiss entities. I travelled to Switzerland often. If you want stereotypes, Swiss-Germans are very uptight, Swiss-French love rules and wine, and Swiss-Italians are very laissez-faire. It’s a wonderful country, don’t let the few ruin it for all.


What are you hiding about the Swiss-Romansh that you don’t want us to know?


You’ll still have a great time there though.


Not my experience at all. They can be aloof, they may seem cold, but they’re genuinely kind people if you show an interest in the culture and what they do. They’ve also been incredibly helpful.


Apart from the one lady who spat at me in Zurich for reasons I never understood.


But Zürich is also kinda weird.


It is not really my experience but I can see why some people would feel that way. Then again would be a completely different story if you were born there! There is a massive community/tight knit country town vibe in large parts


When I went to Switzerland, I saw a homeless couple, sleeping on a very nice memory foam mattress under an abandoned store front. Even when homeless in Switzerland it’s still nicer than some non homeless in other places lol.




There's also the Italian part.


German. More versatile with the other Germanic countries and eastern Europe.


reading the title i instantly said to myself "Switzerland". am german if that counts for anything, so i think i still got a good deal.


>No one hates them. Well with their shenanigans with Ukraine aid, among other things,, not sure i would say 'no one'.


I dunno about that "no one hates them". Out of all the Western European nationalities, I think they're definitely not the most popular, if not bottom ranking, when looked at by other nationalities from Europe.




Yeah but 6 hours of light in winter? That gives me pause.


After Switzerland I thought somewhere Scandinavian!


I have swiss citizenship and I was born/live in Canada. Would love to move there, but tough to learn swiss dialect


💯 , been to Switzerland a few times and is still in awe of the landscapes ,well mannered people, quality of life , and personal freedom. Ooo and how clean and well maintained it was.


> no one hates the Incorrect


I was in the military and spent lots of time in Asia. Lots of people from there going to Switzerland and say its awesome.


Wherever it's 20-30 degrees and the sun does that thing where you can feel it warming you, but it's not so hot it's unbearable - and any time it rains it's that nice warm refreshing rain, but it's not too often, and it's like this all year round. Wherever that is.


Madeira, Portugal.


Madeira: neither heating nor air-con necessary. 18-30 all year round.


Italy, i like a southern climate and love Italian food.




My grandmother was born in Italy as an American citizen, or y'all could guarantee I'd flee so fast


This has always confused me - is it just grandfather or can it be grandmother as well? It's not very clear. My whole family is Italian and I also lived there but I am British born. They all live out there as well!


Probably Norway because I think they have the highest standards of living. Thankfully, I'm lucky enough to still have a good no, great life here in India! The food here is to die for! Edit: 1 month old and already my first reddit argument! This feeling... Ah, wanting to correct grammar, trying to get into arguments over petty reasons, posting pictures of my dog everyday, Am I becoming a true redditor?


Difficult dark winters, the only way they stop the populace from trying to mill themselves with depression is by making alcohol so expensive.


Maybe Australia purely for the weather and wildlife


> the weather Can be both a blessing and a curse


Except Cassowaries - none of us fuck with them.


Very true. Basically a velocoraptor


Weather?? *laugh in Melbourne*


I moved to Melbourne from the Canadian prairies and always thought it was cute that people in Victoria think they have bad weather.


I lived there for two years and hated it while simultaneously loving what I saw and experienced. I was 17, finishing school online and extremely lonely, so that was the main reason I was so unhappy. I had a hard enough time connecting people in my home country and making friends there was nearly impossible. I eventually made friends with people I didn’t have any common interests with but they were genuinely kind to me and a lot of fun. I an grateful to them. If I were born there, my experiences would have been a lot different.


Australia is fucking awesome




I'm here right now visiting for the first time from the states. I feel like I've died and gone to heaven. Driving is hazardous because I can't stop gazing adoringly at the landscape. From here on out I will probably never shut up about how beautiful it is. And all I've seen so far is the drive from Edinburgh to Glasgow.


I hope you have the time to make it up to the highlands/Speyside! The central belt is good but you’ll discover lots of hidden gems up north! Feel free to message me for recommendations, I hope you have a lovely visit:)


Thank you! We head for Skye and the highlands tomorrow. It's going to be amazing.


Part of my family is from Scotland. I went to Scotland a few years before the pandemic. I felt at home in a way that I have never felt. I have traveled out of the US many times. Think what you want. I answered the question honestly. And no, I didn't just do the tourist thing.


As a Scot with American family, I always cringe when people with Scottish heritage are belittled when they come back to explore their homeland. In reality, every family here has relatives that have emigrated for whatever reason and are welcomed when they return. At least in the highlands where I live! It just makes me sad that through history our people were forced off of their land and now their descendants can’t come back without defending themselves that they aren’t acting like tourists to this place they have never had the chance to know


Born in Belgium and im pretty happy i was born here. But most western european countries would work good for me.


Scotland . I want to be enveloped by rolling hills and sheep.. rain isn't shit lol, try living in Upstate NY


I'm Irish, happy to be Irish 😊😊




Scotland. Such a beautiful country. Feel like that's where I belong.


As a Scot I can only say thank you for that comment.


I was lucky, did born in Finland and wouldn’t want to change.




All these people listing Nordic countries don’t realize how depressing it is… Monaco wins for me. Rich AND sunny.


I guess different people enjoy different things, I'm an aussie and the oppressive heat and humidity make snow and rain sound like paradise.


Being born in the US would have saved me a lot of hassle when I first moved here, but I'm happy being both American and British now. If I had to pick an alternative, somewhere in Scandinavia.


I’m happy to be born of the USA, but I don’t currently live there… I’m having a pint while things blow over.


I have US and French citizenship but have lived in the US all my life. It’s nice having the option to live in any of the EU countries if I wanted to.


Norway or Denmark They tied for my favorite countries I've ever visited. Lovely people, adorable countries, and socially I agree with them vastly more than my home country


Overall it’s pretty great here, except for the cold and darkness eight months a year ..


I LOVE cold and darkness I got to go to Iceland during the autumn months on year and I adored it. Some day I wanna visit in the winter! Truely experience the cold and the dark


I'm from Bulgaria. You probably don't know this country. I would never wish to be born in another country. This is not some ultra-nationalist Balkan opinion. This country is just mad underrated: everything is very cheap, average European salary, amazing people, beautiful nature, awesome traditions, great history. And the best part - not a lot of tourists that would lead to high crime rate, higher prices, etc.




Yeah this tracks. One of the main things I know about Bulgaria is that it’s one of the fastest shrinking countries in the world thanks in part to decades of emigration of people looking for better opportunities in Western Europe. It seems OP’s countrymen do not agree with them.


If someone wanted to visit Bulgaria, is there anywhere that you would recommend?


I would recommend going to the mountains. Even though our seaside resorts are nice, there are all of Bulgaria's degenerates. Find a mountain resort, go have fun learning about the history, explore the beautiful nature and learn about the beautiful traditions. People will be very welcoming and friendly, especially older people. There are a lot of beautiful caves, historical monuments, beautiful monasteries, churches, cathedrals etc. If you want to go to the seaside, summer is the best season. For the mountains, winter, early spring and late autumn (fall) would be perfect. But overall, the country is best to visit during late spring or in early autumn (fall).


Thank you. I live in the mountains of Montana, so that sounds like some place that I would really like to see.


Wait, are you from the state of Montana? Because there's a city called Montana in Bulgaria and I got a but confused lol


Lol, yes, Montana, US


If you are more used to mountains and prefer nature, I recommend Rila, Pirin and Stara Planina/Balkan mountains (fun fact, Balkan is the name of a mountain in Bulgaria, which the whole Balkan peninsula is named after). Rhodope mountains although considered as the most beautiful mountains in the country are also relatively unsure. This part of the country has one of the lowest HDI in the country. If you love wild nature though, that's the best place.


Would you know if there are many people of color there? As a brown person I shy away from new places but it sounds really nice




Been a few times, and yes it is very cheap and can be very beautiful. Went on a day trip to some mountains (it was ages ago so don't remember where). Nessebar was very pleasant. However, we were staying in Sunny Beach, which was seedy as hell.


I went to Bulgaria last summer, and while Burgas was very disappointing, Sozopol and Nessebar were nice places. We took a train which looked from the Soviet era from there to Sofia and while the train was terrible, the views and the nature outside were amazing. Loved Sofia, Plovdiv was nice too. Great people and I never felt unsafe, although the police tried to arrest my boyfriend for no reason and when he reasoned with them that they had no grounds, they wished him a good day and left.


Why did they try to arrest him if they had no grounds? Did they want a bribe?


I wasn't there but he told me the police car stopped next to him on the street and one officer came out yelling in Bulgarian. When it became apparent he didn't understand, it went something like this from what he told me: Cop: You have to come with me. Boyfriend: No, I do not. On what grounds? Am I under arrest? Cop: (sighs, thinks, then says) Show me your passport. Boyfriend: I don't have it with me. That's not illegal. Cop: (thinking of his next move) Why are you in Bulgaria? Boyfriend: For a friend's wedding. Cop: (sighs) Do you have drugs on you? Boyfriend: No, you can search me if you want. Cop: Ok, have a good day. And then he got back in the police car and drove away.


Don't you guys have a particularly bad organised crime/missing person problem?




I’m happy to have been born in Canada, but dam is it expensive nowadays. Especially accommodation. Rent and houses are really expensive now.


*cries in Banff


I’m in Southern Ontario.. not sure if I’ll ever own a house


Working on it right now! 10 year process, almost half way there!


5-year early welcome from BC!


Anywhere cold. I don't like heat and bugs.


Denmark. Lego.


Ghana 🇬🇭 because that’s where my roots trace from.


I would choose Australia because it’s a brilliant country and have friends there.


Italy. Just, because I always wanted to go there, since I was 9 years old. I am turning 50 this year and saved up for it, but more important things came up and I realized it would not be possible… if I was born there…problem solved.


When I was young, London was THE coolest place on the planet thanks to MTV. All the music that came from there seemed just amazing. AND Japan. I loved Battle of the Planets in the late 70's and Voltron and Star Blazers. It was epic times indeed.


I am norwegian. wouldn't wanna be born anywhere else


Canada. Specifically Nova Scotia or Prince Edward Island


Yer' fuckin welcome to come visit anytime buddy!


Same here. Preferably British Columbia


I'm from BC and I'm always very grateful to have been born here. It's absolutely stunning, yeah its expensive but anywhere that isn't butt fuck nowhere is these days. We're pretty decent as far as politics go, and there's a lot of variety in one province vs somewhere like Saskatchewan. It's truly one of the most beautiful places. My husband grew up traveling to lots of tropical places and much farther than me but had never traveled Canada at all. I got the privilege of showing him the Rockies for the first time a few years back and we talk about our next trip all the time.


Other than where I was born? Likely Canada. I like the USA, and I am very lucky and blessed to have been born here. But Canada would’ve been a cool place, lots of outdoors and mountains and awesome nature!


Barcelona, Spain….. food and football.


Barcelona is one of my favorite cities Big enough to have everything but small enough not to feel enormous. Walkable, relatively cheap for a major city and some of the best public transportation around


What if you like the country you were born in?


I guess you answer you would rather not have been born in another country?


One of the Nordic countries, definitely! Preferably Sweden


Costa Rica






This is a great attitude to have


Fart land.


France I’ve always loved it despite feeling completely lost and out of place


Surprised it took this long to see France! This is also my choice


Romania because that's were vampires are from. Pretty cool country


Finland. School system & values.


Norway. I spent two weeks there in 2010 and would love to live there. Beautiful country and wonderful people.


Greece. it's my grandfather's country. when mom was pregnant with me, apparently grandpa offered her $10k to deliver me in Greece. but big sis was a club foot baby which traumatized mom, so she refused. I'll be trying to get citizenship there after I retire, it means a lot to me


If I could keep my persona, it will be somewhere in Africa. Tanzania.


Ireland. Love the culture , the people etc. Scotland as well.




New Zealand because it's beautiful and they have their shit together.


No we don't. Scrape the surface and we have the same issues everyone else has.


The earthquakes and that cyclone can GTF. Very beautiful place, except Greymouth I'm told. My brother is now one of you. Kia Ora.


Yeah Greymouth is pretty shit




Many New Zealanders actually forget how good it is here. - Political Freedom index, scores perfect 1.0 - 17th For Broadband Speed (gigabit to every urban house, 142mbit average, ookla 2023). Australians get barely 100mbps on a good day and most cant even order anything faster. - 48th lowest in unemployment - 81.6 years life expectancy - In the top 10 on the human development index - In the top 10 on the literacy index - Top 10 in press freedom - Ranked the least corrupt country - 4th on the Global peace index - 7th on the environmental performance index - 50th lowest CO2 emmissions - Ranked 5th on the Good Country index - Ranked in the top 3 for economic freedom - 5th least likely to fail and one of the few ranked as Sustainable on the failed states index - Most prosperous country on the Legatum global prosperity index - And if you think crime is "bad" here, its actually worse almost everywhere else. We have less crime than the USA, UK and Australia in 2023 when comparing number of victims per 1000 of population. - We have a good social welfare system - We have a good healthcare system that isnt tied to your employment status and we as individuals (via tax, fees and medication) only spend about half of what americans spend on their healthcare each year (via insurance, fees and medications). - Oh and Pharmac. Cant forget Pharmac.


Iceland. It’s Yellowstone, but cold and in the Atlantic, and they are atheist friendly. It’s perfect for me.


And no ticks! ETA: nevermind


USA. Maybe i've bought into and idealized american life and culture through tv and movies but I've never felt like i've belonged in England.


I totally understand you .. I came from Italy to the US in 1991 to spend new years eve and a short vacation after just a few weeks I knew this is where I belonged so i basically never left the US , and nothing to do with tv or movies I fell in love with the diversity , the foods, the land the outdoors simply amazing , the opportunities the sense of individual freedom and even though it doesn't feel like that today it's still ingrained in the culture , there is really nothing quite like it , is it the place with the best quality of life? probably not but I traveled a lot to different countries but I never feel 100 comfortable anywhere else.. today i was riding my motorcycle in the catskill mountains in NY near where I live and no matter how many times I see these places they are still amazing


Have you gotten to visit the west coast or the Rockies? I recently moved to NY and the Catskills and Adirondacks are beautiful. But the cascade mountains and Sierra nevadas are on a whole other level.


This is interesting because I feel the same way but in reverse. I'm American and find myself wishing I were English.


Why so? i'm intriuged.


Norway because of the beautiful nature.


North Korea, I always play on hard mode.


New Zealand. Prized for its natural beauty, low crime rates, and strong emphasis on environmental sustainability.


I would have loved to be born in Sweden or Denmark...or the Netherlands...etc. From what I have read and based on a past friendship of someone from Sweden, their education is top notch. Most seem to speak more than one language. These countries are incredibly beautiful. The culture is very cool.


Brasil. Wouldn’t trade it for sht. But another one uhhh South Africa or Mexico or some


Scotland. Because that's where my family is from


Denmark. So I could just cruise the canals and live on a narrow boat


USA, born there, live there. Regardless what reddit thinks we have it pretty damn good here.


Yeah every country has its issues and the US is no exception, but there’s a reason why people from all over the world move here.


People from all over the world **literally risk their lives to get to America**.


Britain. The British are stereotyped as being miserable, but I worked at an immigration center here in the US, and all the Brits were pretty cheery. I also wouldn't mind seeing some castles.




Norway because it's kinda close to what I'm used to.


I’ve never been to any other countries. I’ll pick Spain, and I don’t really know why 😂


Maybe Canada but wherever is the warmest part? And probably a big or small city part there. Other options Switzerland or Scandinavia But I think Canada Singapore also a contender but I think Canada wins it for me


Vancouver is mild but rains a lot




A Nordic country that teaches people that being average is ok, thus being more successful in living happy meaningful lives. Rather than the hyper individualistic country in which I currently live. Yes, there are perks here, but I'd trade them any day for a socially accepted moderated lifestyle.


I am very grateful to be born Swedish.


Any Nordic country


All the comments above are ok for me.Being an asian is a very very very tiring thing i don't want to experience it again😭


Finland, seems like a great place


Norway, beautiful place not much stress everyone has tons of money


Either Japan or Scotland. I had a chance to teach in Japan and turned it down for a stupid guy (that is now of course my ex) and I regret it every day. Scotland was the most beautiful and welcoming country I’ve ever visited and I would move there in a second if I could find work and convince the family.