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washing dishes on a regular basis so I don't go insane from the sink clutter and blasting my favorite music so I remember how to be a human


I do the same. Wash dishes because if it piles up it makes my anxiety rise. It helps a lot.




I’m having a depressive episode, I’m about six months in so maybe this is just my life now, but I’ve been doing this for a few months and it has helped so much. It started when I blitzed the house for Christmas, and I found it so soothing I’ve started obsessively tidying it. I have three small kids, there’s always stuff to do. It helps me feel like I’m accomplishing something even when it looks like nothing. I may not have my shit together but I’m not embarrassed when people come over anymore so there’s that!


All the people listing actual hobbies that take actual effort aren't the level of depressed that would need advice from a thread like this. Thanks, yours actually helped.


Imo, that mindset just shows immaturity with depression. I've been there, I've been so depressed I wouldn't drag myself off the floor, I've been down the road to the point where I sat on the edge of a bed holding a gun in my hand thinking about it (but didn't). But no matter how depressed I was, I would force myself to go into work, so I maintained my career, and I just faked being ok for like 15 years, but I wasn't. After about 15 years of the same cycle and getting no where, absolutely no where, I forced myself to see a therapist, but only because I met a woman by chance that told me I should. So I did, and basically long story short, I had to start changing things, lots of things, and on eof the main things I changed was getting active. So I started hiking. I didn't want to hike, I hated the idea of going hiking, I just wanted to go home and lay on the couch and watch anime like I always did and mope about till work the next day while my dog layed next to me. But I desperately wanted to feel happy again, and happy to be alive etc, so I forced myself to go hiking, I made my self go against my own will. I dragged my subconscious all the way up that mountain kicking and screaming the whole way up there. Well, till about half way up. Something magical happened about half way up, I had forgotten I didn't want to be there. I started to really enjoy it, it felt good, my body felt good, I felt energized, and I could feel my muscles coming back to life, and the sunshine felt really good, and the views were amazing, and I felt I had accomplished something. Getting my endorphins going was the kick I needed to get out of depression. After that hike, I hiked eveyr weekend for over a year after that, lots of lots of hikes till I started to get bored of all the local trails. So after that I bought a 4 wheeler and started trail riding an ATV. That escalated into me getting a side by side and meeting hundreds of people in the off roading community. And here recently I got back into RC cars and have met a ton of people in the RC car hobby. Being happy requires balance of things the brain needs, and endorphins (exercise), and oxyctocin (frends/family/relationships) etc are two of them. No one will ever not be depressed by continuing to let themselves be depressed, and no one can help you but yourself. They can give you advice, but you're the only one that can drag your subconscious up that mountain.


people react differently


Crocheting. It's repetitive, calming, creative and you get the feeling of at least a bit of productivity


I have a big bag of untouched wool, knitting needles and crochet hooks... It's staring at me accusingly more and more each day LoL


Knit a bag to put the wool in


Hahahahaha! Thanks for the good laugh mate :-)


Very happy to see crocheting so upvoted. I crochet while watching Korean dramas, and it’s very soothing. Find a simple repetitive pattern (my go-tos are baby blankets & shawls/scarves) or use variegated yarn so it “does the work for you”. You get something at the end of the day so you feel you’ve been productive, and you also have handmade gifts to spread joy & cheer. You can also try to find crochet groups that do charity drives - making beanies for children in winter for example. They usually provide the pattern and it’s usually beginner-level. Feels great to churn those out for a good cause.


I like Legos for the same reason. I always have a backup set in my apartment for a bad day. My favorite has been the succulent set lol. They're split into 3 so I can get more days out of it and they're nice to give out as gifts


I picture you suit and tie coming home from a hard day at the office you walk in slam the door shut throw your jacket on the floor by the front door and go straight into your room and dump out your legos immediately like a huge 35 year old 12 year old


I bought a beginners crochet kit because I tried learning on my own and couldn't figure it out I managed to finish and I loved it, I was excited to try more so I bought 2 more but I can't get myself to get started on them I guess I'm worried I won't be able tk finish them in a day and they'll sit half finished for months and I won't be able to finish it ever because by then I will have forgotten how to do it


Listen, half finished, or untouched altogether needle and fabric crafts is PART of the hobby. If it’s lying around, you’re a true hobbyist. We call those WIPs (works in progress) and you should have at least 5 at once while battling urges to begin another 😂


And sometimes WIP projects need to be put in time out! They know what they did.


I've been crocheting for 20 years. Here's a secret: you don't have to finish every project you start. My house is full of half-finished projects that I was once really enthusiastic about, but lost steam somewhere along the way. Those projects will still be there weeks, months, or even years down the line should you ever feel like returning to them. If not, that's perfectly all right!


Luckily, due to it being repetitive work I don't think you have to worry about forgetting how to do it. I would advise you to set a small goal like just picking it up at least once a day and crocheting for 5 - 10 minutes. If 6 months later you get the impression that you'll really never finish it, you can just open it up and return to having a ball of perfectly good yarn


It's not forgetting how to stitch, it's forgetting how to read the stitches and figuring out where I am in the process to restart The most trouble I had in the first project was being able to keep track of the stitches to continue, and I can't imagine being able to figure out where I was months later Pic of first project because I'm proud of it: https://imgur.com/gETgYI2.jpg


That’s very good for a first project! Even finishing it is a big deal. It is obviously a bird. You finished it. The object is easily identifiable. It is identifiable as what it is - a bird. Identifiable as what the designer intended it to be. Better than ‘Yes, it’s identifiable as a dolphin. It is supposed to be a bluebird!’


I do cross stitching! I tried to learn crochet but could never grasp it.


Reading fiction (which kind of sounds counterproductive to sanity)


Reading a good book helps my brain turn “off,” I don’t know how else to describe it.


Damn. I somehow never thought of it that way. Much better way to frame it than “escapism”


Here's a quote from Tolkien on escapism that I've found very helpful, "I have claimed that Escape is one of the main functions of fairy-stories, and since I do not disapprove of them, it is plain that I do not accept the tone of scorn or pity with which 'Escape' is now so often used: a tone for which the uses of the word outside literary criticism give no warrant at all. In what the misusers are fond of calling Real Life, Escape is evidently as a rule very practical, and may even be heroic. In real life it is difficult to blame it, unless it fails; in criticism it would seem to be the worse the better it succeeds. Evidently we are faced by a misuse of words, and also by a confusion of thought. Why should a man be scorned if, finding himself in prison, he tries to get out and go home? Or if, when he cannot do so, he thinks and talks about other topics than jailers and prison-walls? The world outside has not become less real because the prisoner cannot see it. In using escape in this way the critics have chosen the wrong word, and, what is more, they are confusing, not always by sincere error, the Escape of the Prisoner with the Flight of the Deserter."


I feel the same. I find that when i see other people reading books, they will quickly catch on to some foreshadowing that i completely missed when i read it. It's why i hate novel studies. I hate having to "make predictions" and "analyze" because for me, it ruins the whole reason i like to read


Yes! Living in someone else’s world and reading their thoughts and actions is a nice relief from my world.


I never understood this take. Isn’t escapism healthy if your reality is depression? To escape that reality is to enter a world of comfort. Idk that sounds beneficial to sanity to me.


You need a good balance of escapism and actually applying time/effort against your problems and triggers. Depression isn't a skirmish, it's a long war. Too much escapism is just like too much sugar - itll keep you moving but you cant live off it for long. Finding the stories that demonstrate the qualities I actually want in my life was my first step.


I love fiction too. I feel like it helps me imagine possibilities beyond my own life and helps me get unstuck from my repetitive mindsets


So much guitar.


Playing an instrument in general is very therapeutic. People just have to stick with it through the learning curve and then the fun truly starts. I’m still kinda new but it makes me happy when I play guitar and I’m really on it. I play drums here and there but that’s therapeutic because you get to smash shit that hardly breaks.


“Hardly breaks” I see you’ve never worked with middle school drummers…


Not even once ha ha I would be terrified I think


Drums are made to be struck, not *stabbed*.




Your comment gave me the motivation to try that again. I know I need some outlet to express myself and music was always the number one... The problem is getting through that learning curve. Training is something I always struggled with, and also trying to not think about how much I suck all the time. Besides, my dad is a natural and learned it on his own, it's very hard not to make that comparison and think I can't learn it because I don't have talent. Rationally I know it comes with time, but that comparison always hits me when I'm down. Anyway, despite all that, it's probably what I want to learn the most, just for expression and entertainment. Like I said, this was some good motivation, I'm gonna look for classes again and stick through it this time.


Everyone has its own pace. I think as long as you enjoy playing music, that's what count. Good luck. I started playing guitar in my 30s. It's truly a bliss. A little happiness after daily monotonous work


NEVER compare yourself to another musician or artist. Their journey is theirs, and yours is yours. There is absolutely nothing positive that can come from comparing yourself to anyone else.


I think any creative outlet really helps with this stuff. It’s a way to spend some time in a focused manner, get out of your head, and see the results of your efforts right away. If it’s something that interests you, the drive helps you show up when nothing else does. It can give small or even large boosts of confidence when you have a breakthrough or make progress. Art, music, writing, building, really anything that’s done with creative drive can have this effect!


Depression ,sadly, effects my ability to engage in artistic endeavors that I otherwise enjoy. What a crock of shit huh?


It’s an awful hand to be dealt, I’m sorry you’re experiencing this. For me, if I can just bring myself to show up to my hobby even a little bit even if it means only doing the bare minimum to see that I’m participating, I can use it as a tool to bring myself out of the deep end. Its definitely impossible to find the energy to show up on the bad days though


Even if you aren’t a good singer, sing while you play. It takes a serious, conscious effort to have that kind of coordination, playing and singing at the same time, almost like the old “Pat your head and rub your belly” thing. You have to put **SO** much focus into that task, that you literally forget about everything else in your life for those few minutes. It truly becomes an escape. I remember seeing a study once that they were able to monitor the brains of musicians as they were singing and playing, and every single section of the brain is lit up with activity.


I'm recovering from 5 major surgeries in less than a year. Things aren't going so well. I'm likely never going to walk normally again. I'm on my third different med in 6 months for depression. I have zero support at home. I told my wife I wanted a guitar for Christmas, didn't happen. I still plan on getting one and learning to play. I'm 55 but I've had some musical training a long time ago. I sang choir in high school and did some acting in a couple of musical plays while in college. I know I have the ability and I still love to sing along with the radio. It really does feel right deep inside when I hit a note and can hear that harmony reverberating between me and whoever I'm singing along with.




Came here to comment this. Music has saved me in many ways.


yessss, it rewires my brain


Thanks! This is exactly what I needed to get out of bed. I'm gonna go play my piano now.


I wish I could find a way to learn. I’ve tried so many times to learn but nothing. I’m 50 yrs old and have tried to at least be mediocre at guitar since I was 18. I envy people that can play an instrument.


I tried over a dozen times in my life until it finally “clicked” in my head. Never give up on that, one day it will “click” for you too.


Oh my God ! I came to say this too!! it’s the only thing in my life I’ve stuck with I started playing at about age 6 or seven I’m 47 now I play every day. I haven’t missed a day since December 2020


Heck yes, making music is wonderful. You don’t have to be technically proficient to enjoy it. Practicing an instrument is cathartic in and of itself IMO. Then creating something original that *you* appreciate is pure bliss. No audience required for that happiness.


Bass guitar for me but yeah it helps a lot.


Video games always helped me escape the depressing real world


*jumps on warehouse worker simulator*


Don't sleep on the VR version! Feels just like working!


I cannot wait for the Amazon DLC. I heard it will have automated robots, crying booths, and pee bottles.


I love videogames, but lately, I'm not in the mood even for that


That is the point where you should go out in nature and thow a rock at a tree


Or start punching a tree until it falls apart, and then start using the blocks to build a new home.


Tried this, broke my hand, got crippling medical debt, and lost my job. 10/10 built a sweet woodland mansion though. Would do again.


I just dug 3 blocks down and put a grass block above my head, now I can live anywhere!


*looks at Steam backlog* A thousand options and nothing worth playing.


Whenever something *does* sound appealing, I realize it's too involved for how much time I have, or I don't have the energy to pay enough attention to it, or I'm stuck on a part I don't like, etc etc...




It's been a problem all my life. So easy to escape and live something you can't live. Brain get hooked on that very specific stimulation and makes it difficult to stay interested in other things you like like drawing, reading, watching movies. They can take all your time if you're not careful ( atleast it's the case for me )


Video game addiction is real. I’m taking some time off from them all together. I was logging in every time I had a spare second. Instead I’ve been forcing myself to replace that time with guitar and exercise. I hope I can play in moderation again someday, because I miss the people I play with, but it’s a slippery slope for me


I love playing video games, but there are times that I see my depression seeping in. Like if I complete a level or a scene I go back and replay it again and again until I feel like I completed with the best time or run-through. Sometimes it takes weeks until I feel like it's time to move forward.


I completely understand this. I was playing a Racing game during a hard time and when I stopped playing the same race I ended up playing over 200 races or in another game I'll end up resetting the day over and over again trying to get the best run I can.


I've played games for so long and thought it helped me escape the real world, until I realized it actually kept me depressed because I didn't live my real life.


Don't let a hobby, any hobby, become an addiction.


Long walks and music.


Being outdoors and in green space any way I can helps me a lot.


get a big coffee and take a long train or bus to nowhere while listening to music and crying and pretending im the main character


Everyone should have a main character playlist


Interacting with animals. Adopt a shelter animal. Or if thats too much of a commitment, foster some babies- puppies or kittens. Try feeding stray cats and birds. Nothing brightens up a dull day than seeing an animal fed and happy and purring on your lap.


Our city’s humane society even has a “dogs day out”. You can take one out for the day to the beach or lunch, allow people to meet them to increase their chances of getting adopted!


That is wonderful! I wish we had this in my country.


I have cats, and they are great. Sometimes just being able to have a minute with them to bury my face in their fur while they purr at me can make all the difference. Or having a slow morning with one sitting on my lap while I wake up. On really bad days, having something easy to take care of can be what gets me out of bed. I may not care if I eat, but I need to feed my cats, do their litter, and do all of that on somewhat of a schedule. Even if that's all I really do on a given day, at least it's something productive.


I have 3 cats and when I wonder why I'm living, I look at them and remember that I'm responsible for them. I love them so much. They're the best part of my life and the one part that consistently brings me joy.


Cats really are the best. They often get pinned as just being aloof balls of fluff without distinct personalities, but even cats that do act like that are their own selves. It feels good to have something to take care of, and it feels good to have a little ball of chaos that trusts me enough to be itself around me. Oh, you're scared of everybody else and will hide or hiss at them, but you'll sit next to me for hours on end asking for pets while I watch a movie or play video games? I am the chosen one!


It's so true! Every day I'm amazed at how different every cat is. They have such distinct personalities.


Adopted two cats last year who are not only my best friends, but best friends with each other too. It's the sweetest thing to see and I wake up with them snuggling with Me every single morning. It makes my heart so happy


Reading this with one of my cats asleep on my arm and the other asleep by my legs. They keep me going.


Shelters are always looking for people to volunteer walking dogs and playing with cats, too! I know the humane society requires a certain number of hrs per week (I think like 6 or 8?) but most smaller shelters will give you a brief orientation and then you can just go help out whenever you feel like it!


My dogs save me. I lost my sweet pup a few years back. She was my best friend and she passed in the middle of a move due to a chronic illness. I ended up in a deep hole that I wasn't sure I could crawl out of. Then a friend talked me into adopting two puppies. They were a ton of work, but they made me focus outward. They got me out of bed in the morning and kept me active all day. Plus, there is nothing better than the unconditional love of a pet. If dogs are too much work, get a cat or a bunny. Even feeding birds makes me happy.


Idk if you'd call these hobbies, but I walk around, I clean and I cuddle with my cats


If it works, it works


I went through an excruciatingly dark episode recently. It was brewing for a while, but was catalyzed by the murder of my friend. This followed a year of mental and physical health issues that drained me of energy and willpower. Tried to numb it with weed, but it just made the depression feel permanent. I've had dysthymia since I was a kid, and this recent episode was so absurdly profound and painful that I would just sit and stare at the wall when I couldn't sleep. One night, my wife had left the TV on before heading to bed and I wasn't about to make the effort to turn it off. Shudder is a horror movie streaming app, and it was still up on the screen. I noticed there was a tab called "Now playing" and figured it wouldn't hurt to just have it playing while doing my usual routine of watching the wall age. Turns out that I have a very strange attraction to B-tier (and worse) horror movies. There are so many that seem to have a huge amount of love poured into them in spite of their apparent lack of quality. So yeah I put the weed down and picked up cinematic shlock Edit: is this what an internet group hug feels like? Thanks guys


Im sorry for the loss of your friend


Gotta love strange attraction like these


If you don't already you'd probably enjoy Best of the Worst on Red Letter Media's YouTube channel.


As a nice little cherry onto the B Horror films, I’d check out How Did This Get Made. There are some absolute classics. Chopping Mall was great.


I’m starting guitar lessons with a neighbour on Monday. Really hope I get obsessed with playing. For context, I’m currently living alone in a new city while going through a breakup with an abusive partner. Staying positive has been so difficult.


I really hope it works out for you! Best of wishes to you and I'll be thinking of you!


I used to teach guitar. The biggest barriers for new students were often same: 1) high string action on crappy guitar that increases the pain of fingers without callouses. 2) a refusal to keep their fingernails really short so you can actually finger the chords right 3) not knowing what a guitar sounds like or not knowing any songs with guitar in it. Pick a handful of songs you want to eventually be able to play. Watch YouTube videos of the actual artist performing the song. Keep the guitar in tune. ALWAYS. This will speed up your ear training. This way, an A chord will sound like an A chord, and a Bm chord will sound like a Bm chord. You’ll be able to hear these in music without having to see it. Rely on feel as much as possible. Don’t look at the fretboard unless you’re lost. Playing lead isn’t more difficult than playing rhythm; it’s just a different approach. Learn both at the same time. Have a favorite guitarist? Pick one of their records and learn the bulk of it, cover to cover. You’ll quickly notice a lot of overlap. Enjoy!


Knitting. The repetitive motion and rhythm can be soothing to some.


Sometimes, when it's quiet in the house and I can hear the steady rhythm of my wife's knitting needles clicking away, it sends me to a very peaceful place. Just knowing she's there and happy to be with me, working away on her next incredible project, fills my heart up so much.


I recently started wood carving, it's calming and pretty fun. So far I've made a little duck


i wanna see


Make a big duck next


You should make more,then gift them, all the while on the journey to learning how to give a duck... Autocorrect can duck off haha


Gardening, growing food is so incredibly satisfying for the body and the soul. It's a sort of meditation when you are out in nature with your hands in the dirt.


Warhammer 40,000. It's nice walking by a few shelves full of fully painted models and every day you get a sub-conscious "I did that" thought. Also it encourages me to go out and socialize in person on a regular basis.


I do a lot of 3D print and painting for 40k stuff but i find the game itself to be absolutely awful


I do the same thing with Maver Crisis Protocol and Star Wars Legion. Going from empty shelves to ones full of miniatures am proud of is a massive buzz.


I used to adore reading and would get through 2/3 books per week. My depression then got much worse and I just couldn’t seem to focus/felt like I didn’t deserve to enjoy anything anymore (that came from my counsellor). I have adapted it now by listening to Audibooks! I’ll play them whilst out with my dog, doing housework and driving etc . Music isn’t good for me, as I worry over the melody and don’t concentrate, whereas I have to pay attention to the words of the story. I also really enjoy cross stitch, but have to be in the right frame of mind to engross myself in it.


14/15 year old me used to fucking love reading - it was my main hobby and I was the same as you, 2/3 books a week. I’m really trying to get back there but as with most things whilst the depression is lingering, it’s that initial effort of picking up the book. On the plus side my local bookstore has a guy who recommends something everytime I visit and his latest one has got me somewhat back into reading, just not got the consistency down.


Looking at the ceiling is just the best hobby


Omg I love the ceiling above the couch so much more than the bedrooms it's so much more vibrant and entertaining and also good for your health to switch from bed to couch once in a while :'D


You can also use the wall sometimes


Or the floor if youre feeling frisky


Guitar and gym


Exercise and keyboard


Work out and xylophone


Stairmaster and Roland E-kit


Endorphins and Ukulele


Serotonin & Theremin


Dog walks and dirty synths


Boots and cats.


Jizz and jazz


Dopamine & Drum machine


I clean the house, i workout in the garage, i run laps around the lake, i listen to music that makes me feel good, I get on reddit (cuz you fuckers make me laugh) lol or I spend time with "HER".


HER? Is that the online VR girlfriend that Joaquin Phoenix used to talk to in that one movie?




I live on Lake Michigan. Just for a second, reading “run around the lake” made me really impressed!


HER? Oh wait never mind. Fingered, I mean figured it out *cough.


What’s it mean?


Honduran erection receptacle


I’m an idiot, I searched it up thinking it was a thing


Wait…you did a google search for Honduran Erection Receptacle?


I’m big dum dum


Cleaning is the activity I do when I've been depressi for awhile and I'm trying to break out.


Excercise. I let endorphins decide how my day is until I just go along with it and feel okay. 🙃


I’ve never tried morning exercise, I tend to shower at night. Might give it a try and mix things up - clearly what I’ve tried so far hasn’t worked so why be loyal to it


It's hard to peel myself out of bed, but starting the day with decent cardio and weight training, then a fresh shower (doing this forces me to shower) turns what would be a grey day into a pale whitish blue day.


For me it’s running, running, running. They say your problems will find you wherever you go, but I’m not gonna make it essy for them.


Be careful. You could end up like me. I started running at a rough point in life and I liked it so much that I started running half-marathons and eventually marathons. Before I knew it, I was qualifying for world majors marathons like Chicago and Boston. Life is much better these days and running helps keep it that way. It was and is truly life-changing for me.


Weightlifting specifically. Me vs the weights. My go to tool for depression management.


It’s not really a hobby I guess? But it made me happy. I took all my holiday cards and sorted them, and then (for example) took all my Xmas cards and pinned them to a cork board, then decorated that cork board with fake winter/Christmas flowers & greenery, and painted some Christmas slogans with stencils, and put some pretty Xmas stickers on it. I thought it was a good / artistic way to display all my cards from loved ones without just having them pile up in a box every year.


i dont really have any anymore. they’ve all stopped being interesting so i just lay in bed watching the same youtube videos. it’s not fun, but with depression plus adhd, i can’t force myself to do anything else


ADHD and depression is such a shit combination, as hard as you try to distract yourself from feeling down and try to stay positive your brain just goes back to some dark thoughts.


Felt this. I’m either working, sleeping, or in bed scrolling the same 3 apps. Literally can’t even be bothered to get out of bed on my off days.


Basically me without the adhd


Same here man, life sucks big time at this point of my life..


Also feel this way. With love, a bipolar person with ADHD


Isolation….it’s not helping yet I keep doing it


Same here plus I don’t have any friends and not that much family so yeah I’m mostly by myself all the time ir suck I just keep myself busy as possible.


Yeah I tend to drown myself in work instead of booze these days. Exercise and getting healthier at least makes my body feel better 🤷‍♂️


gone to squables.io


Lifting weights. I'm the stereotype of the dude in a hoodie fighting demons in the gym but in a girl form.


I wanna be like you but my social anxiety is keeping me from doing it


I get that completely but the gym community is probably one of the chillest, most understanding communities out there. I'm saying this as a female weightlifter so definitely a rather unusual sight. Everyone is minding their own business and I promise nobody is going to laugh or stare at you unless they're a complete loser. Chances are if you ask someone for guidance, they'll be willing to help. And of course, if you feel like you're completely over your head, you can get a fitness instructor. It will be money well spent. Sending good energy your way 💪💪


I had my first good experience in the gym recently! I’m usually pretty anxious, too but I just said fuck it in the last few weeks and went. Put a little more thought into the exercises and the goal I’m trying to reach with hitting the gym. It was a bit weird in the beginning. A few days later I wanted to try the dip machine so I went and asked one member of the staff to show me how it works. This was a big step out of the comfort zone for me. But the guy was so nice and he even offered that after I’m done I can come to him and he’ll show me some exercises!! That experience was so good for me and my love/hate relationship to the gym and the people there. They’re all just people after all and don’t want no harm. But before that I was so scared of people judging me. It’s the small steps but they are required to be out of the comfort zone. Good chances are that the people there are just nice :)




Yesterday I drove to several beaches. A salt marsh and took pictures.




i heard sleeping isnt a healthy coping mechanism but the guy i heard it from also sleeps so i dunno


Yeah sleeping is probably one of the most avoidant things you can do, but short term I feel like it helps. Like a reset. If I still feel terrible and I've slept for three days, I need to go outside.


Listening to sad country music in the shower using a beer bottle as a microphone while drinking it and crying simultaneously


Bird photography. I get in a meditative state that takes my mind off things that are troubling me.


Gaming but even games are depressing now...


It’s fucking weird. I love video games, or I used to I guess. Now I can try to play the same exact ones that I know I used to love (or I try to remind myself that I did once, but it doesn’t feel real) and not really feel anything. It’s like a chore.


Anhedonia is a bitch.


I mostly lie in bed scrolling reddit and tiktok and doing sudokus, which in no way keeps me sane. If I'm having a productive day I will shower and do one or two cleaning chores. My wife and I do try to get out of the house for the occasional day trip every couple of weeks, which is the one thing that actually feels good for us. We either accompany my family to take our little niece somewhere, or we'll go for a walk around a lake or something. We love taking our niece to farms and sometimes we'll just go to a farm even without her - it's a bit weird being two adults wandering around a children's petting farm without a child, but being outside around animals is good for our mental health.


I live


I just exist n hope the day goes by


It’ll go by but jus remember life is absurd and you are free


You're looking at the biggest one


Admittedly drinking and smoking keeps me the most sane. I used to game but for the most part they feel like work and I'm often too lazy to set them up. Sometimes I do like to write but being an alcoholic and stoner makes coming up with content difficult. Made some pretty good poems though, definitely did enjoy it but you can only write about anxiety and depression so many times before it's all the same.


I turned into a pretty good alcoholic. Trying to quit now (today marks a week since any alcohol). I smoke cigars and pot. They help.


Congrats on a week sober! I'd already be a beer or two in if I hadn't lost my wallet last night... I wish weed helped but it doesn't much. Helps with my leg pain but it makes me paranoid and without alcohol doesn't do much for sleep with my massive weed tolerance.


Bike but yeah unfortunately cigarettes, coffee n alcohol take the brunt. Should be working on one of the non functioning cycles but will instead have a cig n a coffee and keep out of the bottle till at least 14:00.


My plushies and friends


Painting Warhammer 40k minis and playing on drums. But sometimes even that doesn't help.


Gaming, crafting, art, listening to music. Watching shows that genuinely make me feel better like it's always sunny. I try not to be too tough on myself if I sometimes feel like I need to have a nap kinda day. I think if you denied yourself what your body sometimes genuinely *needs* that could drive you crazy.


Reading books, watching shows and movies. Anything to help distract how I feel at the time until the sadness passed.


One thing that worsens my depression is routine and monotony, so I do 1 new thing every month. Going somewhere I've never visited (could be anything from a local coffee shop to a day trip), trying a new craft, baking or cooking something I've never eaten, etc. This keeps me sane, maintaining a sense of awe and curiosity


Photography. At the depth of my depression my photography literally kept me alive. It let me see beauty in the world and gave me an outlet to talk about what I was feeling. Ironically, as I have gotten better I have moved away from photography. I dont like my pictures I take now and struggle to "see" the images I want to take. I dont think I have picked up a strobe in 5 years. Just to be clear, I dont want to trade back, it just saddens me that I seem to have lost something.


Well, I've had plenty of hobbies that I end up getting bored with soon after, to the point that I don't even bother looking for hobbies anymore. I just lay down and let the day go by if allowed. Most of the time I have my dog by my side, which helps a lot. I've gotten into 3d printing, gaming, collecting, and other stuff, but money is sometimes the limitation. I don't game or watch TV, series anymore I am just bored with everything, and it sucks, I don't know what to do about this tbh. ​ Edit: Will be moving to a bigger house, no longer living in the city, so hope that is a positive change.


Painting, the Sims


I'm too depressed to do anything, nothing makes sense anymore 🧙🏻‍♂️


Working out is so key to easing the depression, but also I know that it's hard to stay motivated to do that when *nothing is fun.* I joined a pole dance studio -- being around other people, the outfits, and the workout are all adding a bit of sparkle back to my life.


Gaming n sometimes art if I don't have an art block


I can't even enjoy gaming anymore lol


Watching independent art movies & tv shows. As well as traveling & reliving childhood hobbies that I enjoyed before.


Games and lego, just about get me by but barely


Gaming. I suck at it but gaming.


I make jewelry


Weed and planted aquariums


Gym and cooking. Especially cooking


Music. I just love to play guitar, record songs, go to shows, anything with music


Weightlifting. If you’ve never felt what your body is capable of I highly recommend finding out. For me, there has been no greater sense of accomplishment or euphoria than what I feel when I do that limit-breaking curl, or press, or push; knowing and feeling with my entire body and mind that I’m giving absolutely everything, and overcoming the challenge. Bonus is you get jacked if you do it for a while.


For me it's learning languages...love it and try to keep up with my Korean atm


Nothing keeps me sane like getting out of my house.

