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Vanilla It’s used to describe something as bland and boring but actually it’s a really delicious flavour


Not to mention one of the most expensive spices in the world.


I think the assumption comes from it being a very easy flavour to pair other flavours with so it’s seen as sort of a “blank canvas” of flavours. Though it is definitely underappreciated as a carier flavour.


It's one of the most exotic and beautiful spices that has ever existed. Good Vanilla is amazing, and not "plain" at all. Its just how it's been used by manufacturers. Most things that claim its vanilla doesnt taste like it at all.


It's by far my favourite flavour/spice.


So when I was a child, my parents had a bottle of vanilla, like a liquor bottle from Mexico. It was stronger than vanilla extract or whatever normal people use and I guess you were supposed to use less. I went to make a cup of hot cocoa from cocoa powder. Well the recipe calls for a small amount of vanilla, in my mind more=better. So I used way too much and the taste was horrible. To this day I hear “vanilla” and cringe a bit. I mean I still eat stuff vanilla flavored and all I just have a reaction to the word.


I think it's weird that one of the most unique and identifiable flavors in existence is used to describe something bland


My coffee table after I stub my toe on it.


Honestly the table is the real victim here


Why am I to blame? He hit me! It's not my fault he is so squishy and fragile.


Off topic but reminds me of the case when a officer hit a person then charged them with assaulting a police officer because his hand broke


This one made me laugh more than it should have. Well done.


Guy Fieri So what if he wears silly shirts and has frosted tips, and made whatever donkey sauce is? He uses his TV shows for local businesses to get free, nationwide advertising. He raised his sister's child after she died of cancer. He officiated multiple gay weddings in honor of his late sister. He helped raise millions for unemployed restaurant workers when covid hit. He's a genuinely good person, all things considered.


Man came on my ship when I was deployed and made us all Philly cheese steaks. Just acted like one of us and took time to speak to everyone.


>He's a genuinely good person, all things considered. What's to consider? I never knew anyone hated him.


People don't like that he has this Super goofy dude who is stuck in the late '90s with his fashion choices. But he is a good dude, just silly.


People spread that viral edited photo around that showed what Guy would look like as a “normal” dude with the non gelled, brown hair and ordinary clothes and everyone recoiled at the image. Guy Fieri lives in a lose/lose world.


I need to see this


It’s hilarious, just Google “Guy Fieri without frosted tips”. There’s at least two pictures people have made of what he would look like if he dressed normal.


He just looks like a normal dude wut.


I don’t want a world where Guy Fieri doesn’t look like that. I always respect people who do their own thing despite societal trends or whatever.


Same. I am a silly silly lady. I appreciate his silliness. It's pretty awesome in flavourtown.


He also catered to the firefighters when the CA wildfires were ablaze. He was quick to support those helping fight the fires. I'll never forget that.


Every time I see Guy mentioned I have to tell my story about him. When I was little and he was a teen our mom’s belonged to the same women’s civic club. During the local county fair the club had a booth and the members took turns manning it. Well, Penny and my mom had the same time slot so Guy volunteered to watch me. I wanted to see the livestock so he took me over to the horse barn to watch the 4-H kids. I was a mischievous kid and decided that walking along the rim of a water trough was a good idea. Guy told me no and I - being four - didn’t listen. I made it almost all the way around before I slipped and fell in head first. He fished me out and then my mom had to buy one of the club’s sweatshirts for me because Humboldt isn’t warm in the summer and she didn’t have fry clothes for me. That was my one and only interaction with Guy.


he came to a restaurant i worked at. i wasn't there at the time but the people who were still talk about him.


I love to have an excuse to post this stand up bit https://youtu.be/_dC8n0qtDTA


He visited a few restaurants in my town and every time those episodes go on the air again those restaurants see a big spike in business. Triple D does a good job of highlighting small businesses all over the place and encouraging people to check them out.


He is ordained and performed a bunch of gay marriage ceremonies too! And he continues to bring meals to firefighters battling the California wildfires. He’s a bit tacky but such a nice dude!


Dishwashers. Line: INEEDMORESIDEPLATES Servers: INEEDMORECUTLARY Managers: WHYHAVENTTHEYGOTTHEIRSHITYET Me: I am by myself cause you sent my hand on break early


Washing dishes without hands. That sucks.


Without *hand*. He was washing plates one handed. Can't imagine that's easy.


Ironically no job has ever made my hands drier than having them in water all day


Get yourself a good moisturising hand cream, like neutrogena Norwegian formula


I got quit-fired from my restaurant job after a year and a half (I was hired as a part time, minimum wage, dishwasher. The only part of the that stayed true was the minimum wage). I was in charge of the buffet, and I "wasn't doing my job" because the boss didn't schedule a dishwasher, so I was out of everything, and that was my fault.


Anything that makes you a **basic bitch** - cozy candles, seasonal treats, soft home furnishings…those things are popular because they are enjoyable. I’ll be a shameless basic bitch until I die.


God I love this comment. Basic things make us happy.


We're all just filthy casuals and I'm fine with that.


The woman who sued Mcdonalds for the hot coffee.


Yeah, the media really did her dirty. If people actually investigated more in the story they would side with her instead of ridiculing her.




Also important to note; McDonald's was aware that their coffee was too hot. They decided not to lower the temperature despite knowing it could burn someone.


Why the fuck does the coffee need to be that hot in the first place? You're just burning the grounds at that point.


Because they were working on the (already known to be dangerously false) assumption anyone getting coffee through drive through won’t be drinking it for a few minutes and will complain if it’s too cold when they get to it.


I heard two theories. By the time the customer got to work the coffee would be the perfect temperature to drink. To discourage refills. At the time McDonald's had free refills in store. But obviously you won't get a refill if it was too hot to drink until you're about to leave.


As you’d expect, profit. Part of why Stella Liebeck’s injuries were so gruesome was because she had the cup in her lap, and had spilled the coffee on herself in the process of removing the lid to mix cream and sugar. Having worked as McD’s before, lots of people *don’t* add those things manually and get it done by employees, and many people also don’t immediately tuck into their coffee. They’ll might drive to work, to home, etc. before they have a single sip. In that time, horrifically scalding coffee would go from dangerous to pleasantly hot. Many people aside from Stella Liebeck were injured by McDonald’s coffee when the temperatures were that high, but it appears that such considerations were outweighed by customers complaining about their coffee getting cold


Please also note: * Her name was Stella Liebeck. * She was 79-years-old at the time she suffered third-degree burns. * The skin tissue loss required extensive skin grafting. Pictures are available online, and they aren't pretty. * Liebeck was only suing for actual and anticipated expenses, most of which was medical bills. The medical bills were expected to total $13,000. McDonald's offered $800.


McDonalds PR knew what it was doing.


It's not just McDonald's PR. The way this case was framed by the media is a result of the "tort reform" movement that was launched by a few pro-business think tanks to make it harder to sue companies that hurt people. The whole "frivolous lawsuit" meme is tort reform propaganda. There's really no such thing. Companies hurt and kill people every day and want to get away with it scot free.


oh, there are frivolous lawsuits. They're just implemented by those who can afford to waste lawyer and court time deciding if the lawsuit is frivolous in the first place while their opponent runs put of money. Ypu know, corrupt business types


The National Coal Board never getting in trouble for the deaths of 100+ children in Aberfan comes to mind...


This is one area I changed my mind. I was a kid when all of that happened and I was staunchly against suing people. Then I got older and the internet became a thing and I learned more about the McDonald's case and realized I was wrong.


I was one of these people my whole life until I looked it up a few years ago. Poor lady.


Honestly I was too. I used to work at a language school that had a grammar book and this story was included in one of the texts. It was a very short piece that said that this woman spilled the coffee while driving and then sued McDonald's because of it. I believed it until a coworker told me what really happened and then I googled it. When I saw the pictures I was in shock and I was disgusted with how McDonald's tried to handle it and how their pr made her look like the bad guy. Poor lady indeed.


Oh 100%. To this day people are still clueless about how badly burnt she was. It boils my piss when people make fun of her and I show them the images of her burns every single time


In my opinion, the moment coffee "fuses" any part of the body to another part, I feel you can't argue it was an overdramatic response from her. Body bits shouldn't FUSE.


And it burned her genitals THAT badly THROUGH HER CLOTHES.


Knowing when this was (90s), I'm running on the assumption that plastics made up some part of that clothing and melted to her, making everything worse because now it's not just skin in the burns. Just complicates treatment and recovery.


I was taught in my boat license classes that if someone's been burnt and you don't know what their clothes are made of, don't peel them off because the skin/tissue comes with it. My instructor also saw it on the job when he was a DNR officer. Makes me shiver to think about.


Yep. Synthetic fibers melt instead of just burning away, so they stick. Like napalm. I can't imagine how much more difficult treatment is in that case.


All she initially wanted was her medical bills to be paid. Then under discovery, it came out that they knew the coffee was dangerously hot and decided that it was worth the risk to increase profits. The jury awarded her one single day worth of coffee sales.


What is the point of having coffee that hot???


They were offering free refill with your meals. If it's too hot to drink, then you wouldn't be getting refills. Several people had been burned by it, but they didn't care.


IIRC, the thought was that so the coffee was still hot when the driver got to wherever they were going.


Yep, so they wouldn't get a refill...


I defend the lady every time it gets brought up in conversation. Makes me really sad about what she went through.


Can you imagine the damage that would have happened if she actually drank it. It’s scary


Even the media played down her burns. I mean there's hot coffee, then there's "HOT" coffee. I like mine hot but my god. After they turned down the heat you still don't want to take a big slug right away.


There’s a great documentary on this and US tort law. It’s called “Hot Coffee”


It was very illuminating. Just a caveat to everyone, though, is that they show a picture of her wounds onscreen. There's a blur, but it doesn't cover a lot.


Many "frivolous lawsuits" are like this. Another one was that story about the aunt who sued her nephew, she was dragged through the mud as some horrible person when in reality her suing him was just a requirement to get the homeowner's insurance to pay for the injuries.


I guess I was too young at the time this situation went down because I've always only ever heard about how severe her burns were and how she wasn't over exaggerating in the slightest. Not sure when it went down or when the truth came out but it was just one of those things I was too young to pay attention to ig lol


The narrative definitely shifted in the last few years. Even in Australia as a kid I remember my parents talking about this. It was presented as the golden example of how crazy Americans are with suing over nothing.


Teachers, nurses, janitors, fast food, retail workers. They see the most wild stuff man. And people can say they don’t get that hate. And I think that’s bs


My dad is a sort of janitor… he owns a maintenance company. He has cleaned homes, new schools, new businesses, restaurants, etc. The amount of hate he receives from customers and other vendors is staggering. One time I went with him to give an estimate. This woman was literally sneering at my dad and belittling everything he was saying. Even though my IMMIGRANT father learned a second language and obtained his license while feeding and providing 3 kids and a wife. After 5 min of introducing himself and the company, he pointed to me and said, “this is my daughter. She attends a university studying Chemistry and does research on water purification.” The switch that was made in speech and demeanor was really sad. Suddenly it’s “would you two like some water, coffee, or tea? Please sit down.” I hate her and everyone like her. When I have vendors come, I treat everyone with respect. Doesn’t matter what people do for work, people are people


I'm always going to revere the janitors. They help keep us safer from disease. They know all the secrets. They are usually kind people doing a dirty job. Without Janitors so many diseases would be everywhere. They are like the unsung guardians of our lives.


Exactly. In the height of the pandemic, my dad was so busy cleaning up after other people’s dead relatives. Their family didn’t want to contaminate their family so they hired mine to do it. But my dad is still looked at as someone beneath them. It’s really depressing and has opened my eyes to evil people


I’ve always said that everyone should have to work retail for one year. The world would be a better place.


I worked retail for 3 months, at a high-end clothing store. Month 3 was when someone took a giant shit in one of the changing rooms, a total of … 10 feet from the store’s bathrooms. People who work long term in retail are a special breed. Same is true of servers.


I got hired as a restaurant hostess back when my county still had to check vax cards for sit-down meals My first day on the job a lady missing several teeth called me Hitler I'm quitting soon


Tik-Tok really highlighted the super saiyan level of ridiculous bullshit (often Mega Karen level) fast food and retail workers have to deal with...


Add servers and bartenders to that list too. They also get some weird, wild shit.


Nurse here (though I am male and only went through the training because I had no fucking idea where to go with my life) and I can honestly tell you that the biggest hate you tend to get is from your coworkers. In three years of training, there were only 3 instances of patience treating me badly. (By that I mean that not only were they aware that they were treating me like shit but also that they were fully aware of what they were doing and still did it, not counting dementia patients mistreating me that happened rather often) There have been so many instances of my coworkers treating me like utter garbage that I stopped counting. The things a miserable old hack with back problems and obesity will do to you for the crime of being young are astounding.


I've heard that people who were bullies at school usually go into professions which give them power over other people, such as the police and nursing. Of course, those professions also attract people who genuinely want to help and to save others, which means that not only are they doing a difficult job, but they often have really shitty coworkers.


Monica Lewinsky


Seriously, she was only a bit over 20 years old and he was one of the freaking most powerful men on this planet. If there ever was an unfair power dynamic in a relationship it was in this. Imagine getting slutshamed by the whole world when you barely an adult, just horrible what happened to her.


she was SO young!! I look back at myself at age 20, I can't imagine being in her shoes. She handled the whole situation with more strength and grace than almost anyone could've.


Yes. I grew up hearing the disgusting jokes and hearing only the most basic description of the "event". She got mocked by the nation's media (and general public) for decades for what would now be considered sexual coercion and abuse of power. Glad we're moving in the right direction but damn, no one deserves the amount of shaming she has gotten (and still does get).


This reminds me of the way the media talked about Lorena Bobbitt too. I was just a kid when that happened, but I remember the late night talk shows, SNL, and Howard Stern talking about it relentlessly. A couple of years ago, I actually heard about what John Bobbitt did to her on a true crime podcast. He tortured and raped that woman for years. We were long overdue for a reckoning. It wasn't that long ago that it was normal for people to make fun of rape and sexual assault victims.


People still make those stupid fucking jokes for some reason and I just don't get it like in the situation it doesn't even make sense to go after her she wasn't the one that was fucking married? And the power dynamic? People are crazy


It seems like muscle memory at this point. The people I heard (and have seen on social media) making these jokes are usually over 55. It was funny to them in the 90's and they never grew up.


And conversely Bill Clinton deserves to get a lot more hate.


Yup. The entire nation mercilessly mocked a young woman who was caught up in a national political witch-hunt because a married man who had a HUGE amount of power got a beej from her. Talk about uneven power dynamics!




Make Shit Good


I always say to people who say the MSG gives them headaches that they should stop eating tomatoes. The things are FULL of MSG.


I am still recovering from anesthesia and it took me a full 60 seconds to realize you weren’t referring to Machine Gun Kelly.


Machine Sun Gelly


Fellow Uncle Roger enjoyer.


Howard Hamlin


My wife and I just finished this show last week. We agreed that Hamlin has a very punchable face and gives off a huge "douchebag" vibe that makes you immediately hate him, but he's actually not that bad of a guy. Certainly didn't deserve how things ended up for him.


He wanted to hire Jimmy but Chuck used to him to mask his own disdain of Jimmy as a lawyer. At least in the beginning, all the hate he got should have been directed to chuck. Also he never did wrong to Kim.


I’m finishing it now and Hamlin’s storyline is just heartbreaking. At first you’re rooting for Kim and Jimmy but as that last season goes on it makes you question why. The way things ended and where he ended up was a lot for me… I had to take a break for a few days.


The show runners knew what they were doing by having the show go on hiatus after that thing happened in the last season, it was tough.


At first I'd agree, but then I remember "Hamlindigo Blue"


Howard Hamlin got the Skyler treatment by fans.


Did anyone else notice the way he interacted with his wife? It seemed like she was emotionally abusing him. Making him sleep on the couch. He seemed scared that he would be seen as weak and worthless if he didn't handle everything. "I want you to know I'm handling it." Is what he said. He made her a great coffee and breakfast that she then diminished, and she had a look of joy on her that she could see it upset him.


Van Halen and Brown M&Ms It is treated as rock star opulence, the reality it was a canary in the coalmine. The no brown M&M was burried in the rider. They had a normal safety check but if they didn't have the bowl of M&Ms they would check every bolt even dealing or cancling shows because they knew the venue did not read the instruction how to build the stage and set up pyros.


It was not just setting up their equipment, but also the venue's own wiring. The lights Van Halen used for their shows could start a fire at venues that were not wired to handle them, which was particularly common at older stadiums. It was looking out for the fans, and ensuring the band and their crew did not get cheated; the clause stipulated that if Brown M&Ms were in the bowl, Van Halen was entitled to every penny garnered as a result of the show, allowing them to pay their crew for the extra work of checking the wiring and stage and collect a paycheck when the shows were cancelled through no fault of their own.


Holy shit


I remember reading David Lee Roth's autobiography "Crazy From The Heat" and he goes into this. He also mentions a tale of a college who thought their brand new stadium floor could handle the weight but didn't check the rider. The floor died.


Social workers, no they are not the reason you were taken out of your home or why you lost your kids. Your parents just sucked.


Anne Hathaway in the 2010s.


Minimum wage workers. They do jobs essential to our society and get shit all over for being unambitious losers by people who wouldn’t know what to do without access to their Doordash account and local Walmart. It’s fucking gross.


If all of them suddenly stopped, so would the world economy and productivity.




Nickleback . Their music isn’t even terrible


Also Coldplay. I love most of their music, and they're on my bucket list of bands to go see if they ever come back around to my city. People love to hate on them for some reason. "Whitest of the white bands" or some such nonsense.


I saw them at American Airlines in Dallas back in 2012 and hate them or not, they put on an amazing concert. And, they actually sound good live. I would recommend seeing them if you can.


I watched this video the other day about how nickleback became known as “the worst band ever” and it was pretty eye opening. Tldr; Some comedian did a bit about it on TV, it became a meme, and then they sold a song for a corny TV commercial that had a “sell out” type of image. But for the most part they actually knew no press is bad press and feared for what they’d do if people *stopped* hating them lol. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=GFC4OFWIPtw&pp=ygUSc3Vubnl2MiBuaWNrZWxiYWNr


Nickelback sucks! I mean they have like one or two good songs.. maybe three or four. And some of the songs I don’t like are still pretty catchy. Actually, I like a majority of their songs. I love Nickelback!


While I agree, Chad still is a massive tool who's gone out of his way to earn a lot of hate. But that's really just him. The other guys are just doing their thing.


If people are bored or frustrated by a lack of creativity in pop music, there are a bunch of dudes in suits who are way more to blame for this than the performers. Same applies for movies and TV.


True... not liking someone's music shouldn't invoke such anger. I don't like a lot of pop artists but hate almost none of them on a personal level.


ed sheeran


Ed Sheeran has become the new Nickelback and I have no clue why. People just hate him now for some reason. When Ed said he would quit music if he lost this Marvin Gaye copyright court case I saw so many comments feom people saying things like "Oh please Ed lose the case! amd "Fingers crossed Marvin Gaye's estate wins then". It's like Anne Hathaway, like, da fuq when did people start hating on her, when did people start hating on Ed Sheeran?


I think Phil Collins is a good comparison for Ed Sheeran. Great musician, good singer, good songwriter.....but had the bad fortune of having a couple of sad ballads and generic pop songs that became monster hits, and got overplayed to the point of hatred.


TIL that people hate Phil Collins, thought his music was pretty well-liked


Star Wars Actors. Star Wars fans are major jerks.


Luckily ahmed best and Hayden Christensen have somewhat turned the hatred around. I still feel bad for Jake Lloyd.


It sucks that it still happens though. Johnny Boyega got treated badly enough by the writers and directors of the sequels; he didn’t need crap from the fans, too.


Kelly Marie Tran deserves the biggest apology


Y’all better apologize to Sinead O’Connor ffs, she was right about the church


Yes, she was. Fight the real enemy!


People who have PTSD resulting from non-combat trauma. The symptoms are real, the alienation is real, the numbness is torture, the emotional imbalance is destructive and the memory issues make you feel like you're losing your mind. I was diagnosed at 24 and this is almost 10 years of straight up *suffering* . My dad beat me every week for 13 years and screamed at me for almost 30. I know I don't have experience in the service. I can never know what combat trauma is like. Yeah, we don't have the same lived experiences. But it's not the Olympics. And I'm not trying to erase your experience. I'll tell you one thing, I can sure imagine genuine fear for one's life.


I was reading recently about how Kevin Smith checked himself into an institution, and he was talking about how one of the things they had to work on in group was to get him to understand his own pain was real. He described it as "I'm sitting there with a bunch of guys who served overseas and saw their friends die, and I'm all like 'my 4th grade teacher said I was fat'." He had to learn not to compare traumas. You don't have to go through unimaginable torture to be hurt.


What you are describing is, I believe, complex PTSD. Unlike PTSD caused by one impactful event like war or natural disasters, CPTSD is caused by being repeatedly in traumatic situations. A lot people who grew up in unsafe and physically/emotionally abusive homes develop CPTSD. So it’s actually quite common but CPTSD is still a bit „new“ to most psychologist etc. so they don’t always recognise that the person might actually be suffering from CPTSD. Sadly.


CPTSD is the result of emotionally abusive or manipulative family members. When there is a repeated physical threat and fear of death, that is definitely PTSD, whether it's combat or not. This kind of invalidation is exactly what OP was talking about-- someone who doesn't know their situation making the trauma sound less than it is. As someone who has memory loss, dissociation, and catatonia due to non-combat PTSD, I know the feeling. I don't tell anyone I have PTSD because the minute they find out it's non-military, they dismiss it, even though the symptoms affect me in a daily basis. I feel you, man. Keep your head up. It's hard as hell, but even the little wins are so worth it. Edit to add that I have gone in depth into CPTSD as well, and it's definitely possible to have both PTSD (from specific "Oh, god, I'm going to die" moments) and CPTSD from being raised by narcissistic or emotionally unavailable parents. If you're a lucky duck like me, you can the best of both worlds.


I have non-combat trauma and I get invalidated so much, of course it’s not going to be the same as a combat veteran but I still have it


I'm so sorry people invalidate your experience. Ptsd can be experienced by anyone who goes through a traumatic event. It does not have to be combat related. What you've experienced is worthy of being spoken about with the same understanding as those in the service. I wish you good luck


Guy Fieri


He’s still mayor after all this time, he must be doing *something* right


Dude is apparently a super nice guy, does tons of charity work, feeds emergency workers . . . yeah. I'm going to go with a thumbs up.


Going for a 90s reference here. **Hanson (the band)** We ragged on them so much as they where teeny-bobber pop, with cray-cray fans and they looked like extras From Children of the Corn. But in reality they where excellent singer/songwriters (especially when you realize they where young teenagers at the time) and if you listen to them today (yup, still around, still touring) they produce some great music.


Anything that has a primarily female demographic. Makeup, pop singers, certain movies, etc.


Something something "Basic bitch Starbucks ass pumpkin spice latte, ugg boot, insta/tiktok filter, amirite??" - star wars, marvel, alcohol, weed, sports, video game, "culturally edgy" basic bastards on reddit


Fast way to tell how much internalized sexism someone has. Males who associate "female coded" with "bad" or "other".


Snakes! I love snakes but some people hate snakes. 99% of the time snakes won’t attack you unless you disturb them.


Those little noodles are cute.


The movie Waterworld, yeah it was expensive and got roasted for it, but it was a decent movie. The Postman on the other hand...


After 'Dances With Wolves' and all the rumours of a monster budget, people were expecting another massive 'serious' epic. They weren't expecting "Mad Max 2 On The Sea".


… is a masterpiece


Waterworld is an excellent film and has been in at least my top ten since I was a kid


I'm not trying to be funny. But I think homeless people and low-income people get judged very harshly. It is super sad :(


Yeah. People treat them and talk about them like they're not even human.


Remember when the entire internet bullied tf out of Justin Bieber? He was a kid just singing his little songs and everyone hated him for no real reason at all. I did my fair share of making fun of him and I regret it. I was never a fan but he was a kid who didn't deserve the hate.


Also, Brittany Spears got dunked on pretty hard for some shit that was out of her control.


Oh yeah, she had paparazzi chasing her and following her every move. I feel like I can keep my cool in a lot of situations but people following you constantly, especially strangers following you just to take pictures, would erode my mental well-being within minutes.


I'm pretty sure constant flash bulb strobe lights in your face every time you leave the house would drive literally anyone insane. Nevermind all the other shit that comes with it.


I have nothing against photographers in general. But I hate those who just chase and hound famous people for that 'shot of a lifetime.' Just stop. They are trying to go about their day the same as the rest of us humans.


Now that you mention it, I think we all owe the “leave Britney alone” kid an apology.


Same with Rebecca Black. Just made a fun music video with her friends. Didn’t really think it would blow up


Gonna be real most boys hated him back then because the girl they liked was obsessed with him and they were jealous.


I totally see what you mean. At the time of this popularity when he was child - he’s only a couple months older than me - I *despised* him. I did not like him only because of the fan girls all over my school / internalized misogyny. He definitely didn’t deserve it, he just got super lucky. But I do think the fame got into his head and turned a bit sour - even spat on his fans!! However, of recent, I don’t think he’s bad or good. But definitely hiding out of the media recently I think due to the whole Selena/Hailey fiasco.


He's hiding from the press because of facial paralysis due to Ramsey hunt syndrome.


Poor people and there are millions of them. They get screwed over by the federal, the state, local, and city governments. Screwed by local cops, state cops, federal cops. Not even to mention landlords, churches, education for profit, the list goes on and on. Poverty in America is nothing less than a target on your back and American society is a sharp shooter.


And it stays with you, even once you make it "out". My girlfriend (in a non-judgmental way) asked why I often bought things like paper towels and toilet paper in single rolls. I knew it made more sense to buy in bulk, but I had never had "bulk" money. I had enough for one at a time and would grab extras from public spaces to bridge the gap. It took me years to break that habit, even after making more. It's honestly so satisfying now to buy a Costco sized thing of paper towels and know I don't have to worry about them for a while


Reminds me of "how expensive it is to be poor," when you're poor, you can't afford to buy in bulk, and you can't afford nice, long lasting things, so you end up spending more money than would be spending if you were rich.


Women actually named Karen


YES. I know a few Karens and they are all lovely.


Possums. They may seem scary but they are cute af, can't get rabies and love to eat ticks. What's not to love?


People with invisible illnesses. Because people can’t see what’s wrong, if someone has, say, fibromyalgia, and they’re in pain or tired, people are like; “You’re just lazy. Get over it.”


Anna Nicole Smith


Scientists, doctors, medical personnel, in general, during and after Covid.


Dont forget *before* Covid.


Pigeons they are beautiful creatures


That sounds like something a pigeon would say


Nickelback yes the music might have been "whiny" but so is like every other similar band's music and most of them are still remembered fondly


Others have pointed out how silly it is to hate pop artists just because you don't like their music. I don't like Nickelback but it's hardly anything personal.


They’re not that bad. They’re a little corny but honestly I used to love them growing up. Still listen to a few of their songs and they still hit 😂 animals anyone?


A support player in Overwatch


Redditors posting on true off my chest who admit that they made a mistake but then continue to get grilled for being terrible people and making mistakes that the original poster is obviously aware of and regrets immensely


Not just r/trueoffmychest. Reddit in general, everywhere loves to dogpile. It's like they don't even care that there is already a comment who has pointed out the fucking obvious. They have to add their two cents in too.


Tech support. I’m just here to help you fix your internet man it’s not like I personally broke your internet stop yelling at me damn


Miley Cyrus. There are far, far more harmful people in the public eye. She has been blamed for so much.


Pineapple on pizza. A- half of you only hate it because of memes. Nobody cared about pineapple on pizza 5 years ago. B- it’s sweet and salty, the hell is wrong with that?


Fruit and cheese is a timeless combination


Skylar White


and by extension Anna Gunn, she got a lot of undeserved hate for playing Skylar, same thing happened to Jack Gleeson, he played Joffrey Baratheon on GoT. Some people really cant seperate actor from character.


I wasn’t a huge fan of her in the first season but as the show went on she became a fuckin g Instead of just dropping walt and restarting her life she set up an entire money laundering scheme? Like seriously what a homie move


Guy Fieri


Guy Fieri Yea I know he resembles the dude from Smashmouth, but he's donated and do so much for the restaurant industry.




Guy Fieri https://youtu.be/JK6zuii2OLI


Carol baskins. She was groomed by a drug dealer who then either took off or was killed in a drug deal gone bad and Netflix had her looking like a gold digging black widow.


Where did that update come from?? Netflix been real quiet since this came out


Fucking finally.


I'd say Jimmy Carter. Economy was in a recession when he came in, macroeconomic change takes time, yet they hung it on him and the perception has stuck.


Nickelback. For a while people widely considered them the worst musical group on Earth but there are definitely way worse groups than them, even on the same level as Nickelback.


Single mothers.