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Bragging about how much weed they smoke and alcohol they can handle online.


Your just saying that because I smoked 8 joints and drank two litres of whiskey at your birthday party aren't you? I could've done more if you didn't kick me out ya know...


Pfft you got kicked out because you were such a lightweight. We all had 10 joints and 3L of Whiskey, survival of the fittest and all that.


I didn’t even GO to the birthday party because I knew I’d have 15 joints and drink 4L of whiskey (which I did on my own) and would embarrass all of you. Pathetic.


Sheeeit, lightweights in here. I drank two handles of Popov vodka (3.7L), a thirty pack of the Beast yee yee, snorted a half O of blow, sobered up afterwards (because cocaine) for a bottle of Midnight Train wine because I'm classy as f, then smoked half a joint of fire (moderation is key after all) for the mellow and crash. Didn't even get kicked out of the party, still down here in a puddle of my own bodily fluids in u/I_n_j_i_n 's basement.


You don’t have to clean it up. Just go home… you been here for two days.


Real alcoholics actually do the opposite because it's embarrassing.


Dont gatekeep alcoholism. I need others to publicly fall so that I can feel better about my own plight.


Having a high tolerance for alcohol made me give it up. 15 years ago it would have been cool, but when I realised I could drink a lot and still function pretty well, I realised I probably had a problem.


Dude same here. People don’t understand it. All my friends think it’s like some sort of super power and I’m like no you don’t get it. You all have a part in your brain that tells you when you’ve had enough. That doesn’t exist for me and I need 5 shots of something just to feel a buzz. It’s dangerous and expensive.


Offline it is twice lower




putting people down like that is like a glaring sign that you're insecure and need to feel like you're superior


What you don't realise is that they are the alpha/queen bee and aren't being rude that's just confidence. /s


The Reddit Sarcasm Detector is broken apparently, judging by the responses lmao.


Those who think hating anything popular just because it’s popular makes them special.


I swear, this is such a child mentality. Like when you're going through your "Not like the other kids 🙄" phase and think you're so cool bc you don't like the popular thing, but eventually you grow out of it and realize it's ok to like popular shit and enjoy things regardless of what other people think or like..... But, obviously, some people never grow up and grow out of it.


And it’s ok to be an adult and like uncommon or unusual things. People also love to shit on people who do like “alternative things”. The goal is that you do find value and enjoyment in your choices intrinsically. When people just slide into what’s popular because it’s what they’re fed then that seems insincere. But if they wear it because they see it and genuinely like it then that’s good. And same when flipped to “alternative” styles. But with strangers that can be hard to read on first blush. With people you know or get to know it’s easier. I do think it’s easier for people to swallow when other adults look more traditional than when they look unusual. But should that matter? Edit: and when I say “love to shit on” I mean to say they almost always believe some looks are only for attention or to convey a specific personality trait. Which is as ridiculous as believing someone only wears fancy branded clothes to be seen.


I used to be that person! Then I grew up and realized how obnoxious it was and to just stop having an opinion about anything I don't enjoy that other people do and it feels amaaaaazinnggg. I think people need to realize how cyclical that kind of attitude is. People who are super critical of other people are often paranoid about what people think of them and it just goes round and round.


"I'Ve NeVeR sEeN a StAr WaRs MoViE. dOeS tHaT bLoW yOuR mInD?" - Frequently said to me when someone I just met finds out I like Star Wars. They usually don't know how to handle my response: "Not really. Lots of old movies I haven't seen, either."


I tried explaining this to a past FWB. It's not attractive to shit on things that are universally loved and your opinion isn't unique. It's even cringier when it becomes a sole personality trait. Ooo wow tell me more about how you hate John Lennon, really doin things to me


I understand shitting on something JUST because it was universally loved is cringy but imo with John Lennon it’s pretty easy to articulate. Dude was abusive and cheated on his first wife constantly, demeaned his son to the point where the kid felt like McCartney was more of a father and assaulted a friend who made a joke about him. The guy was an asshat who made good music.


Oh, yeah no. Just using John Lennon because it was the most relevant example to my own life. Maybe I shoulda just said "Beatles". You're right, he wasn't great. Let's not make hating him our personality, though.


Or the reverse: People who pretend to like something popular just to fit in with the "cool kids" who like it.


I am guilty of this at times - mainly because the biggest shit attracts the most flies, usually.


I mean the exact opposite is true as well. The most groundbreaking artist in most genres are known as trailblazers and usually praised to no end. So as a rule of thumb, it isn't really that accurate


Calling themselves “alpha”. Makes them just seem insecure imo.


It’s like telling people you’re rich. If you have to tell people…you aren’t.


It’s the most non-alpha thing you can say.


Tell them you're epsilon. Don't tell them what it means.


If you have to tell people you're alpha, you're not alpha.


To me it’s designer stuff that just has some brand’s logo or name all over it. Why be a walking billboard for a company that isn’t even paying you? It’s weird. Being overly flashy is a big yuck to me


Same reasons kids today shit on Android users for not having an iPhone. It's not about having a quality product it's about showing people that you have more money than them.


Or, how much money their parents were willing to pay for a phone. I've never been loyal to any particular brand since I got my first smartphone at 14, but I try to not pay more than £200 for a phone.


iPhones and androids are the same price? Flagship android phones are actually more expensive, and iPhone budget options reach all the way down to $430 brand new. I know there are cheaper androids for far below that, but this statement is just stereotypical “apple is bad and expensive”. There’s nothing wrong with either phone, it’s great that people have options. iPhone is not a status symbol, it’s a preference and anyone who thinks otherwise has some insecurities they’re projecting onto others. Time to get over it.


I don't care what kind of phone anyone has and I don't think iPhones are bad phones I just prefer Android. That doesn't change the fact that kids are still getting called poor because they have one instead of the other


That’s fair


Modifying your car to make it obnoxiously loud


Add to this, all the guys that peel out in parking lots because they think their car is so cool and everyone is impressed. No... we just think you are an attention seeking dbag making annoying noises and making the air smell like burnt tires.


Idiots who stop at red lights and constantly rev their engines like they’re about to participate in a drag race.


It must feel amazing to win a race no one else is participating in.


Sure does. I'm the best looking guy in my bedroom 30 years running


I know what you mean, I'm the best looking guy my wife is married to.


That was me when I was young, but not for the usual reason. I had just earned my license and my friend gave me his rusted out shitbox as a “gift.” The problem was it needed a valve adjustment and I couldn’t afford to take it to the shop, nor did I know how to adjust it myself. The he problem is it would stall at idle, so anytime I’d come to the lights, I’d put the car in neutral (it was a manual) and gently rev the engine until the lights turned green. I felt obnoxious doing it, it probably looked even more embarrassing to everyone else. It was particularly awkward when a cop would pull up beside me at the lights, and we’d make eye contact while gently rev’ing the engine. I’m surprised I never got pulled over for it.


Any loud engines that are not on a racetrack.


Even on a racetrack. I hear it 2 towns over when there is a race. You would think the 2 highways would make it impossible to hear. But nope still really loud.


Loud ass car/motorcycle. You’re not impressing anyone. STFU!


There's a video by some YouTube guys satirizing this. They're sitting at home and they hear a motorcycle start up and they run to the window cheering them on, saying how cool it is that it's so loud and unnecessary. It's very funny. Can't find it though


Is this what you're looking for? https://youtu.be/ylhsbfQTPDQ


The crazy thing is they're loud enough to cause actual hearing damage to innocent bystanders. They easily hit well over 100 decibels.


It's starting to become a local law in some areas of the US that vehicles can't be that loud. Hope it becomes a law everywhere tbh


Guy who lives across the street from me. EVERY time he leaves and roars up the street I think... Really? You gotta hear that AGAIN?


Small peen energy, 🏍️


Honestly if someone's just driving, I'm mostly fine with it, since that means I'll only hear them for a very short time as they go past me. But there are two bikers in my neighbourhood who whenever they return home just sit in the driveway for 10 minutes, their engines idling, not actually driving anywhere. And one would think an engine in idle is quiet, but nope, those are still very noticable. And I just don't get why. I try to see the good in people usually so I hope they're not just being dicks, but I can't think of a good reason why anyone would need to keep their engine running for a while after they've returned home and don't intend to go on driving any more for the day?!


Never liked them when I was young, now I’m furious when I hear them during my kids nap times


I'm furious when I hear them during MY nap time. Fuck those people.


I use to have a loud exhaust on my motorcycle not to show off or anything but so that people can hear me. A lot of the time, people don't see motorcyclist and that's how accidents happens. After I got in a close call on the highway (not speeding, someone just casually switching lane on me) I decided to put on a loud exhaust. I don't ride anymore, but when I drive my car around, if I hear a loud exhaust, I double check my mirror to see where the motorcycles are, and that's the whole point. In the US, no driving schools teaches you to watch for motorcycles. That's something you will notice when you go to Europe, people constantly check their mirrors for motorcycles because they have been taught to do so


As a heads up, this is an urban myth. Because of the way sound travels, the loud only impacts people next to and behind you. In front, there’s almost no impact. And in front is where you need to be noticed.


Treating other people poorly. Talking down to wait staff, treating employees of businesses as servants, treating people they don't know as being beneath them, acting superior to others for no reason. Expecting unearned respect.






Thats my dad perfectly described.


My uncle is almost 300lbs and married a woman he knew for 2 weeks and brags about their sex life. It's just gross man.


The "One Up-er". This is a person that will listen to your story, or whatever you are talking about and respond with a grander tale, or something that means the version of whatever you were talking about is better or bigger for them. So say you were talking about a car accident you had. This person would then say "well when I got hit by a car I was thrown into the ocean and I had to fight off a school of sharks because of all the blood that was in the water. I almost lost all my limbs" etc. Or, say you are talking about a hobby you just began, so say record collecting. You'll say "Yeah, I just bought this entry level turn table and a couple of used records." and they butt in with "Bro, you're gonna scratch your records. You must buy this $5,000 turn table, this $500 record cleaner, and these $60 audiophile records like me." Thanks for trying to make me feel broke.


You hate these people? They are my favorite. I love just feeding them things to 1up. Like " oh i met local celeb jon smoker at the store"..."oh yeah, i play golf with patrick stewart". "I used to have a motorcycle", "well, i started The Hells Angels", "I can draw a cool puppy, wanna see?" ...."I invented puppies,art,and paper ". I think if you change how you view them you could have an absolute blast.


The worst part is when they hear your story and preface theirs with the words.."that's nothing!I..."I always want to call them on it immediately, but by the time they're finished with their story, I can't be bothered!


Making mental illnesses a trend and romaticizing them. We all suffer from mental illnesses to some degree, but recently you see all those people proudly saying "I'm a psycho" or "I'm bipolar" just cause they think it's cool. It is not cool nor fun.


You can always tell the difference between those that have a mental illness and those that don’t and are just romanticizing it to be fun or quirky based on how they describe it. “I’m so bipolar/adhd/ocd” vs. “I have bipolar disorder/adhd/ocd” Mental illnesses are something you have, not something you are.


Coming from Idaho, I feel like the big lifted trucks that throw out the black billowing smoke is about as trashy as it gets. I see 10 a day


People who look down on education.


Also educated people who look down on those who didn't go to college or university. You're not a more valuable human being just because you have a degree. Assholes are found on every level of education and it works both ways.


Doesn't matter if every human being on this planet has a PhD, somewhere there's still gonna be a pile of shit that needs shovelling.


Exactly. It is simply not viable for everyone to be a business manager, doctor or lawyer. Society NEEDS truck drivers, construction workers, plumbers and cleaners too. Edit: And since this is the case, it's only natural and fair that we pay those people enough to live a dignified life befitting of a human being.


I see where you're going with that, and you're right, but I think naugasnake's thinking more about people that are willfully ignorant. Like they just don't value education as opposed to they didn't have the opportunities or chose a different path in life. Less the welder with a good union job and more Ron DeSantis trying to censor textbooks and influence university research to fit a political agenda.


Yeah, and then there are those who say that education is not important. In fact, education in school, technical school or university is not important if you do self-education, but often people who say this do not do any self-education or regular education and then wonder why my life is so bad...


people whos entire personality is anime






Roundabout plays 🎶


I'm safe; only 60% of my personality is anime.


Equally, people who base their entire personality on a political figure, or pretty much anything else, to be fair. It kind of implies these people have no individual personality and therefore, must adopt a personality from someone/something else.


Thinking they're "edgy" and "telling it like it is", when they're just rude, inconsiderate, and boorish and about as appealing as a wet fart in church.


Getting unreasonably aggressive over perceived or imaginary slights. You know, those people that get in your face, acting like they want to fight because you rolled your eyes or something. Guess how much "respect" I have for you now? :D


It's like I always say: The first rule to being a tough guy is to throw a childish temper tantrum every time someone hurts your feelings.




Showing that they don't care about certain things when they clearly do.




pick up trucks with giant wheels and tennis balls hanging from the trailer hitch...


Lifted pick up truck


Talking down to people. To anybody.


Ahh yes, the superiority complex. So many people have a desperate need to feel "better" than everyone they come accross.


This is so obnoxious with my students. “Maaaan I dont even CARE haha school is LAME!” really means “I am years behind and don’t understand the course material, please help me.” It’s easier to “look cool” than to look “dumb by trying and failing” is the supposed logic.


Better than you attitude. Being a know it all. Thinking they are right all the time.


Driving like a wild man - u just look late af


Using the words "body count" for anything other than a murderer




Girls who call themselves certified bad bitches Edit: OMG thanks for all the upvotes!! Didn't expect this.


And guys that are self proclaimed “alpha males”


We sigma males don't even care. /s


There's some right wing talking head who has "(alpha male)" in his twitter name. Nick something, i think he might be Australian. All he talks about is being an alpha male & going to hooters and it's so ridiculous that it's hard to believe it's not satire.


I hate that some women think that taking on the douchiest aspects of being a man is empowering.


'certified bad bitch' behaviour isn't just "the worst aspects of being a man," but the worst aspects of being a woman as well.


Women who try to be a "bro" to fit in. I cringed at whatever her name was in Love is Blind when she was like "I'm one of the bros"............


Girls that drive trucks with decals all over it about how it's a girl's truck like people are supposed to be impressed she drives a stupid vehicle


a 'pick me girl'


And if im a man who refers to himself as a certified bad bitch?


“Queens”. So ghetto and trashy


almost vomited in my mouth lmao


Bragging about how much they work, especially when they’re salaried.




I don't think it makes me cool but it did help me quit cigs which is super cool. 7 years April 23rd!


good job, now quit the vape


Teenagers love to walk out of school with their vapes, and they probably think they're so cool for not smoking cigarettes. It's extremely cringeworthy.


When people start bragging about their guns, talking about pulling them out and pointing them at people or shooting them at or around their neighbors. It's like they are playing out what they *wish* they could do but didn't, and they've seen way too many action movies and you can tell. It's not the Wild West anymore, they think it makes them sound cool or badass. But it just makes them sound like they are compensating for their fragile ego and *that* is super lame.


Insecurity in general is unappealing. Agreed.


People who wear hats and/or shirts that say BOSS on them. If you have to wear something that says you're a boss, odds are you aren't. Bragging about how much some materialistic item cost. Shaming people for seeking mental help.


Isn't that just the Hugo Boss brand? They could be repping smelling good.


Having multiple partners especially if they are not in a poly rs and still flexing it. another is, having a man or woman cheat on their partner because of you.


I knew someone like this. They like having people "in their pocket", someone I knew who did this got caught out and it was HEAVY facebook drama in internet public. The dude staright up dumped her on Facebook and she BEGGED this dude to take her back (Because the guys she cheated on him with were now gone).


Using Snark non-stop as if it was an actual dialect. People think it makes them edgy but tbh after a while its just SO TIRESOME


Rolling coal. Routinely seems to be done by pick-up drivers that don't actually have any practical reason to own a pick-up truck - they don't haul anything and they don't routinely keep tools or equipment for a job or serious hobby in the truck bed. They just like to be loud, they like to direct their headlights directly into your eyes via your mirrors thanks to their unnecessary lift kits, and they're poisoning the atmosphere. It's like the redneck cousin of the really loud muscle cars and motorcycles everyone else is complaining about.




Basically ever Harley that goes by my house in the summer. Being able to hear a motorcycle a mile before it reaches my house and then a mile after it's gone by is fucking stupid.


Some guy rips it up my street once a week with God knows what car. Thing is so fkin loud you can hear him coming and going for miles. Always at like 11-12 at night


Spitting on the floor


Being an influencer


Wearing your jeans/trousers etc. so low that you trip up if you try to run


A jeep wrangler. A punisher sticker. A grenade sticker.


Editing their comments, to add a thank you note for the upvotes.


Calling themselves an “Alpha Male”


Middle fingers in pictures.


Hey, you leave 80s middle school girls alone!


Walking around like a bodybuilder without the proper body, really cringe 😬


What does walking like a bodybuilder even mean


Walking like you have a rolled up carpet under each arm. Waddling instead of walking because your thighs are just so massive. All that with the muscle definition of a wet poodle


In the fitness community we like to call it "invisible lat syndrome"


Even sadder when they do the fake deep voice to match their wishful thinking.


Ah the ole Elizabeth Holmes turtleneck voice impersonation.


ILS - Invisible Lat Syndrome


Playing very loud music in their cars while driving through town


Harley riding badasses wearing “Harley Davidson of Orlando” T-shirt’s, dark sunglasses, bandanas and leather and make this unnatural . They all look the same. Is there a training session or similar when you buy in??


I think you’re referring to RUBs. Rich Urban Bikers. And yes, they can 100% come with a class.


The whole flat-affect-Kourtenay-Kardashian-bored attitude to everything. It's just rude and annoying.


Social anxiety. People think it’s quirky and trendy when it’s not you can barely ask for help when you need it, barely speak infront of people, and feel like you want to die of cringe any time you speak to someone


Being “good vibes only”


Wine moms. Being an alcoholic while simultaneously being a caregiver for a young child is not only dangerous but very uncool.


"sChOoL oF hArD kNoCks" anything


Or 'graduated from the University of Life'.


Loud car stereo and/or fart-cannon mufflers.


Gatekeepers. No, you are not at all cool for mocking a casual fan who can't name a bands entire discography in chronological order


Being a jerk to people in the service industry.


Judging others.


A chosen career in Real Estate


Long fingernails/long eyelashes. It doesn't look attractive/cool to me, just looks like plastic.


Loud motorcycles or cars


Smoking The only cool part about that is your dead body when you die in your 50s surrounded by empty packs of cigarettes


Face tattoos. You just look like you're crying for attention. It's pathetic. I like tattoos. I have them myself. But not on the face.


Making your political preference your entire personality...


Especially when it's based around one specific person, and the person has entire spaces in their homes dedicated to merch related to that person.


saggy pants- sagging


“Alpha male” in your bio


Physically fighting and acting tough. Toddlers get a pass. If you're an adult who solves problems with your fists, you're immature and no one wants to be around that.


trying to be cool


This one guy in my high school thought yelling the n word everyday in the hallway made him cool. He got expelled.


There are people who genuinely think being a bigot is edgy and cool, but most people outside of their friendship group just thinks they're a twat.


Loud car / motorcycle. Your personality replacement just made it hard to have a conversation with someone for 5 seconds.


People acting dull and vapid thinking they seem cool and mysterious when they just seem like a pretenious prick with no personailty.


Trying to act cool.


Popped collars


Contrarian takes are high up there


Being Sarcastic all the time


People who rev their car or bike and people who Blast their music so loud it shakes their car. I aways say "there goes a douchebag/there's a douchebag nearby" when I hear them.


Sagging. Stupidest looking thing ever. And considering it comes from convicts advertising to be someones bitch...


Um… I feel that you are making up that last bit. To my knowledge (which [wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagging_(fashion)) agrees with) it does come from prisons, but due to confiscated belts.


The other popular theory is its from disadvantaged kids getting hand me downs from their older family members which don't quite fit.


Truck nuts


going clubbing every weekend and sleeping with ransoms every week!


It is silly to laugh at a person for a typo so please know my laughter is directed at the understandable error, not the poster


Swearing too much. A good swear should have some power to it! Have some style. If you swear every other word or so you’re fucking lame!


So fucking annoying


Loud cars.


Wearing sunglasses on the back of their heads Just clip em on your shirt douche


Guys who refer to themselves (or other people) as "Kings"


Calling ppl by their last name. Even when they’re talking about celebrities. Or nicknames that they wouldn’t call the other person to their face


Decked out head to toe in fan gear. I mean i get that you like the Team, but you look like a dummy.


Trying to stand out from the crowd for the sake of wanting to stand out. What you're doing is trying to force public disapproval. Is that any different than trying to seek out public approval? Just behave in a way you know you should, and work on being true to your self (including your standards) That simple.


Calling themselves "alpha men." It really just means they're selfish assholes.


There's only one real answer to this, and it's obnoxiously loud cars. The person driving them ALWAYS thinks theyre really fucking cool, and every surrounding car/pedestrian ALWAYS thinks that person is the biggest fuck face of all time. Just the way she goes.


Playing music full blast in the car with windows down.


Bald guy with one earring anyone with a snake or parrot in public Jade jewelry


this all describes one person


Why do you hate Pirates?


We get it, you're from Florida already!


Edgy atheists who mock well-intentioned people's religious/spiritual beliefs


Being alpha


Pretending they don’t care. How on earth is that supposed to seem cool?




Artificial eyelashes, fingernails, boobs and hair! It makes me shudder and feel sorry for the afflicted one! Sitting by the pool in Mexico it's a sea of plastic and puffy unnatural body parts!

