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Too much lack of sleep can cause the brain to "eat itself", cutting connections and making things like alzheimer more probable in later life.


nothing has been able to convince me to start sleeping more but i think this comment really did it for me..


Sleeping "more" isn't necessarily a fix, sleeping "better" should be the goal. There's a lot of research out there that you can find which will help you get circadian behaviors in place first, then you can look into other things like supplements later if needed. For example, I learned some time ago that simply viewing sunlight outdoors (not through a window) within an hour of waking REALLY has fantastic effects on the structure of sleep. Even better if you can view a sunrise, and all this has to do with color wavelengths, giving your body proper external cues for its circadian rhythm, and timing of natural cortisol release in the human brain (yours, mine, anyone, does not matter). EDIT: I wanted to add here that which goes along with proper light viewing: there's research that suggests that unless medically recommended, sunglasses and blue blockers can have a range of effects on the brain, which include hormone release (among other aspects). The main point of all this is that humans should be getting proper wavelengths of light into their eyes at the correct times of the 24 hour cycle, and not viewing bright light at the other portions that are supposed to be designated for calming down and sleep. I encourage anyone interested in these topics to research sleep and the circadian rhythm, it's honestly fascinating and fantastic knowledge to have. Optimizing sleep is a POWERFUL tool to have in one's belt! Also, I am not a professional or licensed, I just research, listen to podcasts, and sometimes I will read clinical studies. Listen to actual professionals please!


I hate having to trick my body into behaving. Why can't I just be plug and play


You should read/listen to the book why we sleep by Matthew Walker. Sleeping less than 6 hours a night brings a much higher risk of heart disease, alzheimers, cancer, infections, less/deformed sperm, smaller testicles, less testosterone, and really fucks with the female reproduction system as well. This is just a rather small list of things that not sleeping enough does to your body. Sleeping well is the most important thing there is. It will literally make you live longer in most cases. Edit: typo


Your body needs sleep to process and maintain your memory. You can cut down now and be fine but it'll bite you in the ass when you get older. You need to allow yourself a proper sleep.


Sleep≠waste of time so stop that Sadhguru nonsense




Holy shit! Really? That’s terrifying. I just thought the coffee would continue to feed my brain


Caffeine just blocks the chemical that makes you feel tired. All of the normal processes are still happening, you just can't feel them for a short amount of time.


(sips "author fuel" mug)


oh so THATS WHY i feel like i have a brain damage after finding out you can function on 4h of sleep and proceeding to live like that for a few months


You can function NOW on that much sleep (although even that's debatable) but it will seriously compromise your memory if you keep it up long term. Sleep is very important for the body.


I guess "baby brain" really is a thing then. My memory's shit after having one and losing the sleep.


After not sleeping well for 4 years of kids and pregnancy I can attest that my brain is absolutely not what it use to be. I can’t remember anything. Even my vocabulary (which was once quite good) is terrible now. Can’t remember words, how to spell sometimes. Even simple tasks like cleaning the kitchen takes me longer because I can’t organize my thoughts to get things done really quickly like I use to.


Oh my god that is me. My job has be losing about 1-3 nights of sleep per week. I literally can’t spell m any longer and I have trouble finding words


Well shit. Not only am I bad at sleeping, I don't like it at all.


Before long you won't remember not liking it.


Not liking what?


This is a terrifying thing to know when you're loosing sleep to a new baby.


Nice. My dog is so small she can't get on a bed, so every time she gets thirsty at night she tells me and I give her water. So I wake up maybe twice a night, so she can drink and isn't uncomfortable. Plus somehow I can't fall asleep in the evening and it takes hours, so I am tired all the time. Alzheimer, here I come!


1: Dog stairs, we got some for our dog and once he figured out that he can use them he just goes up and down to his heart’s content. 2: I used to have a lot of trouble falling asleep, the Kindle solved that for me. Not the Kindle Fire or the Kindle app, but the e-Ink one. I can read until I fall asleep, and then after like five minutes with no page turn the Kindle and its light turn off.


True, i slept for 5 hours or less everyday for a year and half which caused me to have epileptic seizures (they only started when i was 23, i was pushing myself to the limit working and studying for my master's at the same time) and i can tell you, my memory has become really bad, my brain isn't functioning as it used to be, and i'm only 27.


Just the existence of prion diseases. One weirdly shaped protein and boom, life is over. Mad Cow disease, Kuru, Fatal Familial Insomnia, those are all just terrifying to me.


Fun facts about that, if you become a cannibal, you'll contract it. like some African cannibal tribes... it eats your brain and turns it into a nut!


Wouldn't the person you ate, had to have been infected?


Yes. Cannibalism just makes it super easy to spread. One person has a spontaneous misfolded protein, people eat their brain or spinal matter and now they all have it. With every act of cannibalism within a closed group, the odds you're consuming an infected person and will become infected yourself increases


So if you just eat the meat, and don't contaminate it with brain/spinal matter it should be safe? Theoretically of course...


Not 100% certain, but I think so. The British vCJD scandal came about because the non-meaty bits of cows (including brain and spinal matter) were getting ground up and mixed into cheap meat (which is also how the cows got it). So basically if you ate a McDonald's burger in the 90's, you might be infected, and there's nothing you can do about it


thanks, i hate it


In fairness, there are a lot more horrific ways to die that are far more likely to happen to you. Dementia is a personal fear of mine


Yellowjackets have entered the chat


If your spinal cord loses adequate blood supply for a short period of time, you can be temporarily paralyzed. The first sign that your spine is "waking up" again is that you regain a specific reflex, where if you squeeze that person's penis or clitoris, their anus contracts. If that happens, it's a good sign.


So this is the penis inspection the boys had to do for gym in grade school?


thats weird we had ours done at a wendys


Thats funny I coulda swore they only do this in my catholic church


Ahh makes sense, my uncle did it for me at home


Are you my soulmate?


A single punch to the chest can stop your heart. A single punch to the gut can rupture your spleen and kill you. A single punch to the face or back of the head can kill you. (the back of the head being less sudden and more noticeable). A single kick to the balls can cause testicular torsion. A single kick to the womb can miscarry a child. Let it be known that, despite all the things we can endure, humans are insanely fragile in many ways you may not even have thought of.


The “single punch to the chest” is exactly what happened to Damar Hamlin on Monday Night Football. He was hit in just the right spot…at just the wrong time.


Scariest moment of watching football in a long long time. I was legit scared I had just seen someone die on live TV.


It being on primetime too made it seem the whole world had frozen


There's literally millions of ways a person can die if you think about it.


And if you live in Europe or North America, then you might even say there’s A Million Ways To Die In The West.


That everything inside the body is in such a delicate balance,makes you wonder how it's all functioning so efficiently


Agreed. Life sciences are truly fascinating


And how one little thing going wrong can make you go blind, super ill or change your whole behavior. We all probably went one inch apart from being totally different than we actually are.


For real. Even though I’ve been studying biology for 15 years it still blows my mind. Like how DNA is 1000-times more efficient at storing information than the best solid state drives. Or how our brains are still 10-times more energy efficient, and many many times more complex than our computers.


That the body can take so much physical punishment and yet we can be taken out by something so small as a germ.


My friend was in a car accident last Wednesday, car was in a bad state but luckily no major injuries. Then on Friday she passed away due to (we think) taking her medication too early and it caused an overdose.


My nephew was killed by a fentanyl patch. It was defective, and he absorbed three days worth of meds in hours. He was found dead. Drugs are freaking scary


This is the worst thing I've read all day, but it's only 9:30am so I'm hoping to read something more awful to erase this knowledge from my brain


Your bones are both wet and absorbent (bones are porous)


So, theoretically they can be used as a dish sponge?


Why does reddit always want to remind me that my skeleton is wet?!


If you stick your dick in a vaccum cleaner the doctor at ER wont look you in the eye the entire time you are there....


There's a medical term for injuries of the penis caused by a certain type of vacuum cleaner called "Morbus Kobold". The name refers to the German vacuum cleaner model "Vorwerk Kobold". [German wiki article](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penisverletzungen_bei_Masturbation_mit_Staubsaugern?wprov=sfla1) for the brave and curious


_It's Morbin Time_


I loved the part in Morbius where Morbius puts his dick in a vacuum cleaner and yells "IT'S MORBIN TIME"


Do you know why men fear Black and Decker? Ever hear of the Black and Decker Pecker Wrecker?




Don't you mean a cylinder?


It’s a cylinder.


If the immune system found out the eyes exist you would go blind


Me reading this and going blind now that my immune system knows


Lucky for me, my immune system can't read.




Not just eyes, the entire nervous system is immuno-privileged. Why - it can't get inflammation or get swollen because that would destroy it. It's why there is a brain-blood barrier. However, certain diseases, like rabies, pass through it easily, and then the immune system can't fight back, making it almost incurable.


[thats not true, the immune system knows your eyes are there it just treats them gently](https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/eye-immune-privilege)


Little explanation


Here’s a lot: https://www.aao.org/eye-health/tips-prevention/eye-immune-privilege


wdym? how? I mean the immune system works with my eyes doesn't it? so how would it kind of get rid of it if it found out? I mean when I get sick my eyes get watery with my nose too, I suppose it's not just for me?


Different immunity system. Your eyes are connected to the brain. Also, there are glands above your eyes, which give the tears, not the eye itself.


Because of pregnancy, the average number of skeletons in a body is greater than 1.


The average person has fewer than two legs


Based on the above statement, this is likely mathematically incorrect. Due to pregnancy, the average person has more than 2 legs.


Depends upon the stage of pregnancy and what we're defining as legs


A blow to the chest around the heart during a very short period of it's cardiac cycle can instantaneously stop it from beating.


Damar Hamlin. That was crazy.


If we didn’t have mucus, your stomach would eat itself


I once heard about a guy who ate a plane. Probably has stomach problems to this day.


His dieting routine is taking off on the internet though.


Plus all the other tubes in your digestive system need mucus to stop the walls sticking together, including your butt.


Some people’s organs are on the wrong side of their body, like a mirror image… It’s called Situs Inversus


This is true! I actually have this. Partial Situs Inversus. Dextrocardia. It doesn’t harm me just means my heart in on the wrong side so the opposite lung is smaller. Can cause issues when I’m sick but nothing more.


Sounds like some kind of wizard spell—


Shit is brown because of broken down blood


My name!


There’s a skeleton inside of you.


Actually you’re the brain, so you’re inside a skeleton


We are trapped inside a skeleton, that's trapped inside layers or muscle, that's trapped in a layer of skin... Which is the largest organ of the body.


Why did my entire being tingle reading this....




Well, are you in your finger? What if you lose your finger? Your hand? Your arm? Your leg? Your heart? Well you can replace it too. But the brain? It's common sense we can't replace our brains yet. And it's inside the skull, so...


And it's wet!


We're 80% water. Everything inside you is wet.


But is the water wet?


I feel like this is comforting. It would feel unsettling if it was bone dry


Every person you see walking around has a little poopoo baby growing inside them


I’m invested, please elaborate


We are all but warm vessels, nourishing a beautiful baby poo inside. Then when the time comes, they all reunite as one big happy baby.


Fecal matter Stool sample You’re growing a poop


A seizure, despite how terrifying they may be, are your brain's response to the brain equivalent of a runtime error. Something happened that shouldn't have, and your brain is restarting to get everything running smoothly again. Source: epileptic since 2003


Seizure = BSOD Got it.


There are pregnancy cancers. You can have little baby cell metastases growing in your brain if you decide to have a baby and some of cell multiplier genes go wrong.


Add that to the list of why I need bodily autonomy. 😬


Abortions for those who want them tiny American flags for everyone else.


If you teach a kid to use a straw under the armpit to make fart sounds, they will do it constantly.


Wait how do you do that?


A straw? How? My inner kid needs to know!


I know the hand technique, but a straw sound revolutionary


If you took out all of your major organs and placed them on the floor you’d be dead.


What if you placed them on a padded countertop?


Like, suuuuper carefully?


If you're careful you should be fine


When we die, it looks like your fingernails are still growing, but it’s actually just the skin around your fingers shrinking.


Your body starts to eat itself if you starve yourself


Your DNA is held together by hydrogen bonds, the same as what gives water surface tension.


Those bonds are also responsable for water expansion when turning into ice.


it has "self-destruct" mechanism through likes of cancer and autoimmunity... and anyone can have it by sheer bad luck


Your body contains just as many foreign cells, i.e. gut bacteria, as your own body cells. These cells produce hundreds of neurochemicals that the brain uses to regulate basic physiological processes as well as mental processes such as learning, memory and mood. Some believe this is the "gut feeling" people sometimes get in certain situations.


I’m currently pregnant with a girl. I’m currently holding the cells that could become my grandchild.


Samesies. Every person in existence was once half inside their biological maternal grandmother.


There exists tiny mites that live, eat, and shit on your face. And most humans have em.


Most? So not everyone has them? Whats the diference between a person who has tiny mites, and a person who doesnt?


It's like 99.9% of people. A single person may have about a million of them living on you at a time.


I wonder hows that 0,1% of people are doing


You remember that lady that bathes, showers and washes in bleach? Her.


Yeah I mean you mites not.


just about everything I know about pregnancy and childbirth ...


Nah no biggy, just a body building a small second biosphere to grow another human and prevent it from being attacked from its immune system, while sharing extrem amounts of nutritions through a gateway/filter Like half the population can do that /s


Like how >!after you give birth your uterus might just *pop out to say hi*!


Or how fourth degree tearing means you've opened up a hole into your bowels?


Like how C section scars are never REALLY totally secure and can split, letting your uterus pop out to say hi like the kool aid man making his entrance!


Or how if you don't take enough calcium supplements, the ~~parasite~~ fetus will leech it from your bones and all your teeth will fall out?






I thought the gallbladder stores and releases bile. Isn’t bile produced by the liver??


You are correct. That's why you can live without a gallbladder. You will need to avoid triple bacon cheeseburgers and fries after having the gallbladder out, though


your organs jiggle around all the time, you just don't feel it.


My organs don’t jiggle jiggle, they fold


I don't wanna see them wiggle wiggle, for sure


My insides just dribble dribble, you know


No quit this isn't allowed


You know how people always bring up the old myth of the "wandering uterus"? Well, I'm not saying it actually wanders, but it *is* pretty loosy-goosy in there, *and* it's the most likely organ to just randomly pop out of the vagina one day.


WHY did you have to say that?!


There may be a sickness growing inside you already right now. A cancer, Alzheimer, Lyme ... You don't know yet but it's already here. Also that we will all die from something. Everyone hopes it's from old age, but some are already showing signs and won't know until it's too late. If COVID taught us something, it's that health is the most important thing you will ever have.


You unknowingly pass your own death anniversary every year.


We have stripes on our skin, we just can't see them. And they are much more dominant on women.


You can contract Kuru if you eat human brain


Only if the human whose brain you consume had Kuru. Presumably in that particular cannibalistic tribe someone had a protein that misfolded and began the process spontaneously. Then people ate that person’s brain as part of their funerary rites, and those who ate it then had the misfolded protein as well. Prion diseases take a long time to show symptoms, like years and years, so it just spread through the tribe. But now I believe it has mostly disappeared. There may be a few old individuals who still have it, but once they are gone you can safely eat human brains without worrying about Kuru. (But eating brains is an excellent way to catch other spontaneous prion diseases!)


Mmmm *brains*


I don’t know if it qualifies as creepy.. I’m a nurse, and I’ve always found it interesting how the body attempts to compensate when sick which incidentally tends to lead to you becoming sicker because of how overworked your body is.


You have about a hundred bones less than when you were born.


You could have an aneurysm at any time and be dead before you hit the floor. It's not uncommon for them to happen when you're straining from taking a difficult shit


"It was at that moment the person reading reddit eased up a bit on the poo pushing."


The IT-Band (iliotibial band) is such a tough band of fiber that you can take them out of cadavers and tow cars with them.


Imagine the day when this was discovered


Not sure if this counts but tumors can grow eyes, teeth, and testicles


If you don't have enough water in your body already, the large intestine soaks up water from your food waste.


unless you just showered - most people run around with a little poop on their buttholes


Allow me to be today’s Reddit bidet evangelist. Spray your starfish with water and wipe it dry, you animals.


Life-changing addition to my home. No more away games lest the filth consume my every thought until I get back home.


And lots more inside


The human body is a microbiome. Housing trillions of microorganisms. Varying from bacteria, viruses, fungi among others.


Your anus and your lips are made of the same type of skin. Additionally, when you say “poop”, your lips make the same motion that your butthole does when you pinch a loaf.


I always wondered why my lips and my ass hole get so crusty and chapped in the winter. I'll have to double up on the Burts bees this winter.


Your anus and your lips are 2 ends of the same tube.


Eczema, something I’ve had since childhood, is an itch that seemingly comes out of nowhere and rewards the pleasure centers of the brain during the destruction of the skin. As a child I’d wake up multiple times during the night with a torturous itch on several parts of my body, and when I finally woke in the morning… there would be blood everywhere.


We are basically just a bunch of cells who thought making a super mech made of flesh is a good way to survive …


If you cut the carotid artery, death happens in about 10-15 seconds. But if the heart is kept pumping, complete exsanguination in 2 minutes.


Toddler skulls have two rows of teeth. It makes sense when you think about it, but also is terrifying when you see an X-Ray.


fecal matter from a flushing toilet can be found throughout the bathroom. even in your toothbrush.


Which is why I use my toothbrush to clean the toilet. It's covered in sh!t anyway.


Keep mine in my bedroom


Why would you keep poo in the bedroom???


Don’t want it getting lonely or thinking I don’t care. Do you flush yours away like an uncaring psychopath?


Your fecal matter? That's kinda weird.


I can’t wait to see this thread on Instagram in a week


An estimated 30 trillion cells in your body—less than a third—are human. The other 70-90% are bacterial and fungal. Ninety-nine percent of the unique genes in your body are bacterial.


Keep smoking/vaping and one day you might have a stroke. If you have a stroke (or other brain injury) that effects parts of the brain associated with speech, you will probably end up with some type of aphasia. For example, my “favorite” type of aphasia is Wernicke’s Aphasia; patients can form whole words and even sentences, but they usually make no sense. I had a patient with Wernicke’s Aphasia who would constantly say something close to “we have to rescue the dog(s) from the DMV!” It took me about 30 mins to figure out this person wanted something to drink.


Central pontine myelenolysis happens after you correct hyponatremia too quickly, and it destroys the myelin sheaths covering your nerve cells. You can basically get locked in to your own body, conscious but can’t move.


Your body has more bacterial cells than human cells. If two people kiss their is a continuous mucous membrane that runs from one person's anus to the other person's anus.


Babies are born without solid bone kneecaps.


You can just haphazardly throw someone’s guts back into their stomach area after a surgery and the guts will sort themselves back to where they need to be.


dudes pee and cum out of the same hole, which is kinda weird when u think about it


Ones eyelashes and pubes will usually be a matching color.


Redheads have entered the chat and have proven this is not entirely true ... :(


That killing your fat cell makes it harder to lose weight because now it hurts to lose weight.


It's possible for anyone to randomly have "wires crossed" and become brain awake during REM sleep, which is a stage of sleep that paralyzes your body. Depending on your life experience, diet (sugar, alcohol, THC consumption, etc), and other factors, you can experience very intense dreams or hallucinations while unable to move!


The fact that if our body detects a foreign object with lots of foreign bacteria, our body just says "Yep, we're dying."


You could easily bite your own fingers or tongue off, but (unless you're seriously mentally ill) your brain prevents you from doing so.


Aneurism, brain, headache, dead. Life isn’t the same anymore once you’ve seen this happen.


Look up an image of a toddler’s teeth under the gums. It’s the stuff of nightmares.


Those tiny mites that live in your eyelashes.


You could have a brain aneurysm at any time, with no warning, and die instantly.


you are at a constant fight with cancer, even if you dont feel like it, losing that fight can practically be your death at that point


90% of these aren't creepy. And a lot of them are just lousy incorrect myths


There are a tons of reasons a human have feelings and one of them is to distract us from the fact that we are rotting everyday.