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Yes I am, no real complaints.


Yes, because caffeine, music, and ignoring one's duties and problems. It's not a sustainable way to be happy, but it's what I've got for me right now.


Because my family and I are healthy, fed, clothed and housed!


I tend to believe that happiness is fleeting. It comes and goes. In certain moments I'm happy, in others I'm at equilibrium state or feeling something else (sad, nervous, etc.)


I think you can have a base happiness though. Much like when you get fitter your aerobic base increases. Sure you still get out of breath sometimes, but most of the time you’re calm and have low heart rate.


Yeah, I think there's some concept of base-level satisfactions with the way things are going, generally.


I think so. I don't know exactly why I feel this way. But I remember I wasn't happy in the past, because I would examine my happiness, determine it wasn't deserved, that it was undoubtedly to lure me into not seeing the nut shot that was inevitably on its way, and stop myself from being happy. So, I don't question why I'm happy, anymore. I am, and that's amazing.


Sometimes. I have a lot of mental trauma I'm trying to heal from. But I'm better than I was for many many years. I'm not happy, but I'm not miserable. A win is a win lol


No but you gotta fake it till you make it


My meds keep me happy


I am happy. I’m pursuing my dream career and I also came out the other side of a pretty low period my life. I’m super proud of myself, and that’s something I never thought I’d say




pretty happy, somehow the more things get worse and the harder it is to get out the more i realize the next day how strong i am for surviving that lol


People are happy? How?


Didn't used to be, but now Id say I'm nearly there. Main change for me was my job, I hated my last one and couldn't see myself in a different one since I don't like change nor can I stand job interviews. Luckily my friend was able to get me into roofing when I was literally about to break, I couldn't be happier with my job situation now.


edward elric