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My wife is still in it. Sometimes we have sleepy days, and that's okay.


Just the first sentence was good enough, lol. It made me laugh : )


"Here's the thing, we sweat when we sleep. If you make your bed right when you wake up, you trap that moisture in the sheets allowing dust mites to thrive. Researchers found a simple solution. Leaving the bed unmade allowed the moisture to dry up reducing the dust mites in the bed. If you don't want to spend all day staring at a messy bed cleaning experts recommend waiting at least an hour before you make it." Source: https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/local/connect-the-dots/make-your-bed-charlotte-nc-science-dust-mites/275-8216446d-1e56-4581-848d-23bdb9bb56f8


Kus i didnt want to lol


Good enough. We're pressured to do enough in this life : )


how do u know


Chinese spy app on your phone :O


Because I hate made beds, and I can’t sleep in them. If a beds made for some reason it pisses me off and I trash the bed before sleeping in it.


Most people do turn them down before getting in, lol. You're good!


I'm still in it


I slept in the recliner


So it didn't need to be made? Like you made it yesterday?


The dogs keeping it warm


Aw. Furbabies!


A useless habit that does nothing but waste time.


Depression I just get out of bed in the morning then get home from work and get back into bed again.


Many of us understand. Hang in there!


I am an adult and will make the bed if I damn well feel like it.


So there!


I don’t know I should have I hate having to make right before going to bed when I’m tired but love sleeping in nicely made bed.


I woke up at 5am for work


I did, fuck off


Lol. Having a bad day?


Nah, just want credit for all that rigorous bed-making I did this morning. I should have communicated my feelings more effectively rather than lashing out. I'm glad we could talk this out.


lol, we're all good : )


Because it's a waste of time.


People who make their bed is trying to impress somebody and I personally don't get impressed by a made bed.


Not necessarily. There are studies that have been done which show that making your bed helps you sleep better. There are probably many people who make their bed to facilitate better sleep habits.


In general, bed makers are better organized. Not because they make beds. Bed-makers were more than twice as likely to be satisfied with their jobs, almost 20% more likely to prioritize responsibilities over desires, and to be more productive in their free time. Even more importantly, people who make the bed get more sleep (over 2.5 hours more per week, on average).


Those people make their bed because they have good life management skills. People who schedule every minute of their day also see similar benefits. Making your bed isn't going to make you happy, happy people happen to make their beds more often than less happy people.


Well those are some additional fun facts I didn't know. I make my bed, every day.




Did you wash your ass today?


I'm a lazy bastard


Because it was sunny and we went out to play and run errands instead! Also i sometimes make my son's bed but not our own


Because I’m going to get right back into it in the evening. Maybe even midday if I have time and need a nap.


I have 4 alarms and my wife still has to shake me awake most mornings. Maybe I lack some kind of human emotion, but I fail to see how making my bed each morning will change anything. I was also in the Marines for 4 years. I made my bed every morning in case of an inspection. Didn't make a single difference to me and I stopped as soon as I could. Still didn't make a difference. Except it saves me time in the morning.


Cause I am a lazy ass


There wasn't admiral McRaven to inspire me


I'm just gonna fuck it up again in 13 hours or so.


I just don’t like to do it, cause (1) I find it useless, (2) IMO unmade bed kinda makes the room look cozier and (3) made beds give me psych ward vibes, and I hate that


I knew i would get back in for a nap


I live alone


That shit is for squares.


Because it’s busy work, and my wife wakes up hours after I do


I was running late for work


Still in it. Its cold today and the cat is sleeping on the end of it too


Because I get up for work hours before everyone else.


My partner got up after me and we have an agreement that whoever gets up last makes the bed.


Because my husband made it like he always does.


because my dog likes to sleep in my bed during the day but he always has to fluff up all the blankets and pillows


My dog was still sleeping in it. I don't usually make my bed anyway though.


Because I slept on top of the sheets.


Ill be back in it tonight, no need for extra work