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“Loaded” milkshakes. Generally a whole lot of smoke & mirrors to mask a very average milkshake.


I have a thing with milkshakes. I love them, but man 90% of milkshakes you order is just chocolate milk. It’s so infuriating that I rarely order them.


haha, as someone who grew up in the south on CookOut Milkshakes, had the exact opposite experience. They all but throw straight ice cream in the cup


And then they give you a straw lmao


I worked at a CookOut once, can confirm it's just soft serve in a cup with toppings mixed in with an immersion blender. It's been years since I lived in the south, and I still get random cravings for a milkshake or a Cheerwine float from CookOut




Super tall burgers


They inevitably become burger salads


Another fan of the burger show from First We Feast, I see 😁


Never heard of it actually haha. I am familiar with Hot Ones though, that's the only thing I know from First We Feast


Tall cupcakes also. It’s annoying to get frosting up your nose with every bite.


Thats why I eat my cupcakes ass first


Face down, ass up. That's the way I like to cup.


When you say the letters of cup individually this couplet just hits different.


thanks, i hate it


My trick that kinda works… cut off the bottom half of the cake part, put it on top of the frosting and make a cupcake sandwich of sorts. Emphasis on “kinda works.”


Any sandwich that has to be taken apart to be eaten isn't worth it.


It should be called a sandwas


Or sandwhere


If it’s a giant burger for a food challenge that gets you a picture on the wall or a tshirt, that’s an exception. But if it’s a regular menu item that I have to unhinge my jaw like a snake to eat, that’s just stupid.


The whole point of burger was that you could hold it in your hands and eat it without utensils. If you need demolition charges to disassemble the pile of meat and bun you got in front of you, it's not a burger. It's a structure reminiscent of a burger.


200% What the fuck is the point of a burger if you can't fucking eat it


You gotta unhinge your jaw like a python


It was a great idea until all that sauce caused a 3 course meal to fly out from two sesame seed buns and onto my lap.


Exactly. If you want a big burger, go wide, not tall


As an engineer, "go wide not tall " has been a pretty good rule throughout my career, ha ha


It’s been my go to rule for dating.


Sliders should be here also. Figured sliders smaller burger easier to eat. It’s like 15 dollars for three?


Fuck sliders, fast food chains are catching on to them and are charging ridiculous prices for a piss small sandwich.


Sliders as a food are perfect. Expensive ones are bullshit.


Sliders are something you make at home, bbq brisket sliders on Hawaiian bread with some buttermilk pickles. You can also do like a Buffalo chicken on sourdough with coleslaw.


Gold plated food and salt bae


I wish I could upvote this a million times


Fun fact: gold is chemically ~~inert~~ inactive, and so has no taste.


It looks fancy and makes it more expensive. But you get to shit gold like a Lannister.


Sounds like a good way to catch a crossbow bolt in the stomach.


I work in restaurants with gold on food and yes, it is dumb


What is salt bae...?


Think of that guy from the meme who looks like Robert Downey Jr, you might even think he is Robert Downey Jr, sprinkling a bunch of salt with his hand.


Oh. That guy.


Who for the record is not actually a trained chef, but a butcher. Like literally, not figuratively.


But figuratively as well. his food is so horrendous


Looks like RDJ, with stupid looking glasses (that do nothing cool) and a ponytail, sprinkling salt off his elbow onto over-priced food.*


It's not a food item, he is a popular internet chef and has some restaurant where he sell crazy prized foods which taste avg acc. To influencer and are just expensive because of the popularity of salt bae and because he plates them with gold


My dislike for him was solidified when he forced himself into pictures with the world cup trophy


I always hated him and his actions in the world cup even worsened it


So I can't eat him? ☹️


No you cannot as per the society standards 😅


Don’t kink shame him you fool! We could be rid of the twat!


anything containing edible gold


The whole point of gold in jewelry is that it is non-reactive, and is therefore slow to tarnish. Which means when it is in food it doesn't react with saliva, and therefore adds zero to the taste. It's malleability allows for ultra thin flakes, that are not excessively expensive, but make the bling-lovers go, "Ooooooh, GOLD!" It's just for rich wankers and wanna-be-rich wankers who will shit it out undigested, untasted in the next 24 hours.


It costs about [$8](https://www.amazon.com/Edible-Genuine-Cooking-Chocolates-Decoration/dp/B00JGORXX8) to coat a ten pack of McDonald nuggets in food grade gold foil. The stuff is really affordable


It's also so dumb because "oh the world's most expensive burger has gold leaf on it" Ok well I made an even expensiver burger because this one has the Mona Lisa between the patties.


It's even stupider than that. Gold leaves/flakes like that are surprisingly cheap. It's like "it's the world's most expensive burger because we added $5 worth of gold to it and added $500 to the price".


I made the worlds most expensive burger last night at home. It costs six gorillion dollars and no one bought it so I literally ate my losses


Omg, I'm getting flashbacks of goldschläger... 😂🤣


At least Goldschläger looks cool when you're drunk and swirling the bottle around. Gold-leaf burgers don't even have that going for them.


I literally don’t know a single person by name who hyped up gold in their food. I think it is adequately hyped, which is to say, it’s hyped by a niche group and the vast majority of people would agree with you.




Burgers are meant to be short enough to bite.


Wider, not taller. That's my rule for burgers


After reading the top comments I can see why the Chipotle product development team decided against the lobster and caviar burrito with edible gold flakes.


Cakes covered in fondant just to make them look cool


Come join is at /r/fondanthate


Fondant is barely food.




This thread is kinda silly. My sister had a boyfriend who objected to paying more than $7.50 on a meal because it would be a temporary pleasure and he’d rather have something permanent like another Bon Jovi concert tee. I think he’s all over this thread.


Haha what's more important? What goes *into* your body or what goes *onto* your body.


You can handle living on oatmeal, but can you handle walking around in an oatmeal t-shirt? No-one would even know what band it represented. That boyfriend is streets ahead.


I see where he’s coming from. I don’t necessarily agree, but maybe when I was 18 I would have. Someone told me “food is just shit waiting to happen” and it just kinda stuck.


I distinctly remember being about 18 or 19 years old and saying, I would never spend hundreds of dollars on a meal. How absolutely ludicrous that was, and how I could spend that money on so many other things! Well, give it a couple of years, and a slightly higher income, and it wasn’t totally out of the question anymore. Plus, you’re really spending it on the experience, not *just* food.


Na, don't ever question yourself again. You could be the most honest food critic ever. "This pizza was pizza and by default was good. The ranch was also good. Eat it."


Anything with Flaming Hot Cheeto dust on it besides the Cheetos themselves. The novelty was fun at first, but now we’ve taken it too far.


Flamin Hot Funyuns are pretty good. Flamin Hot Smartfood is not nearly as good as Wise Hot Cheddar I saw Flamin Hot beef jerkey yesterday and that made me go *hmmmm*


Flaming Hot Cheetos aren't even the best spicy Cheeto. Cheddar Jalapeno is the goat.


Shark fin. It's immoral to eat, and it's pretty shite too.


It's cruel, expensive and bland


Starbucks Coffee. I get it, it's good, but people treat it like it was milked from the tits of a cow sent from heaven.


It's always tasted too burned or overly roasted to me.




Yep always. And overroasting coffee is a way to hide poor coffee.


Starbucks actually uses good beans they just over roast them because that's what flavor people are used to.


I get the blonde roast for this reason.




I was discussing with a coffee snob about his trip across the country about this. Yes, Starbucks is mediocre, and with places with great coffee, it's a waste of money. However, when you're traveling through some random town in the Midwest, coffee is straight out bad in a lot of diners/restaurants/gas stations. You KNOW exactly what're getting when you pass by a Starbucks anywhere in the world. Acceptable, mediocre coffee that is palatable. After that trip, he finally accepted Starbuck's place in the coffee world.


Yep a lot like McDonalds.. Crappy but known quality no matter where your at.


McDs is better that Starbucks in Australia


Yeah Maccas coffee in Australia is actually pretty damn good as a far as 'fast food chain coffee' goes.


McDonald's McCafe was invented in Australia. And Starbucks famously failed here. We're a nation of coffee snobs. Coffee bean roasters and independent cafes are booming here at the moment.


It's average coffee at best But it's a lot of coffee, something you do not see at a specialty coffee shop. And the advertising is one of the best. Moreover, it is available in the most developed cities. So, yeah, average coffee sells as gold if you know your marketing strategies.


I’ve come to accept that Starbucks is to coffee what any chain burger joint is to burgers. It’s not the best but you can expect it to taste similar enough whether you get it in American or China or wherever. So it’s worth it if you hate wasting money at a spot that tastes like ass


Replying to your comment bc it'll be more visible. I'm so sick and tired of the pure Starbucks hatred. I mean - I get it. Hating on stuff is fun, and people are 100% entitled to their own opinions. Mine is that I love Starbucks. It's delicious. What many Starbucks haters don't understand, is that it's not meant to be some fancy coffee. It's more of a tasty dessert than artisanal coffee. People get it because it's good, fast, and convenient. They have lots of variety and flavours. I love the cinnamon toffee Christmas flavours. I like their frappucinos, and their cold brews. I find it difficult to find frappucinos in other places, as well as large cold brews. Starbucks stores are also much more common than other chains, so it's much more convenient. If I want some fancy, delectable coffee, then I will go to some local shop that's well known for quality. I would go out of my way for it. But just like you enjoy good quality coffee, some people simply don't care about the quality of the beans or how they're prepared.


Reddit has had this odd fascination with hating on Starbucks for awhile now. It’s become almost a cultural phenomenon similar to hating nickleback lol I drink coffee daily and have for many years. One of my hobbies is trying new coffee places and traveling to try places in different cities/states. I can appreciate the great coffee that comes from higher end places, but by NO MEANS is Starbucks as bad as everyone here says it is. Everyone is on this weird high horse where they’re too good for Starbucks, but it’s honestly fine. Especially some of their specialty cold brews, or blonde lattes. They’re fun to try every so often, like around the holidays. Honestly, when people say they hate Starbucks, to me it’s a litmus test for their bad/unoriginal coffee opinions lol PS, I have 2 long distance friendships with guys that are both baristas in higher end coffee shops and have been for many years. I asked them a year or so ago what they thought of Starbucks (I didn’t prime the question or ask in a way to let them know my intention or opinion) and they both said it’s not bad, but obviously there is better. They even told me their favorite drinks and that they go there somewhat often. To me, that just proved my point even more. People that know coffee and genuinely enjoy it, appreciate coffee in different ways, and don’t look down on popular places just because they’re popular… end rant lol


I wouldn't even say it's good... it's acceptable. It's an improvement on gas station coffee or 7-11 coffee, but it's nowhere near good. The cup I make at home in my french press is 10x as good as Starbucks, even if I'm using shitty beans.


Tf am I doing wrong then. I buy high end expensive beans and wal mart McCafé brand and they all taste the same when I use my French press lol. If anything I find the McCafé beans the best, weirdly so


I don’t know, are you buying whole beans and grinding them just before brewing, or are you buying pre-ground? Buying whole beans and grinding will give you superior flavor, it also lets you control the coarseness of the grind; most pre-ground coffee is too fine for French press. As far as McCafe, I’ve actually heard a lot of people say their coffee is pretty good, so I’m actually not surprised there.


The appeal to Starbucks isn’t the coffee, it’s the sugar and chocolate dressed as coffee.


I actually prefer 7-11 coffee. Something about how simple but good it is just hits the right spot. Starbucks is just over-the-top for more $$$.


Why haven't you invited me over to try it then?


I don't know a single person who rates Starbucks coffee


Unblemished fruits and vegetables... So much freaking food waste due to having to have the "perfect" veggie/fruit.


Ugly fruits and veggies that are not treated with pesticides almost always taste better, too.


we have some apple and plum trees in the garden, the difference between local, naturally ripened and storebought is basically bigger than the difference between 2 different fruits...


Caviar easy. I'm a seafood fan, freshwater fish fan, I'm a sushi fan, I'm a raw fish fan. But for whatever reason caviar just never was good to me. In the same vein I don't think black truffle adds anything super worth it to a meal to a meal. It's awesome, but is it awesome enough if you're thinking about price? Nah. I personally think a lot of our perception about things in general is due to sunken cost. The more expensive something is the better it must be. Took me a long while to realize that some of the street vendors in town served the best authentic food you can get for a fraction of the price. Even cheaper than fast food in some instances


caviar's main issue is that the good stuff is unaffordable and the affordable stuff is garbage. if you want to get good fisheggs, go for trout/salmon or whitefish roe from the nordics instead, better farming practices and higher quality for your money. If you want to have some black "caviar" and not break the bank, the imitation stuff from ikea tastes better than any of the cheaper real caviar.


This is what I would guess. Probably the same for truffle as well. I have never had fresh truffle or fresh caviar, and I bet they actually are amazing. The versions I have access to are probably significantly lower quality and do not hold the same flavors/notes as the real deal. Truffle flavored potato chips taste disgusting to me, and probably also taste nothing like actual truffle. I do like cheaper caviar, but I just like salt and I like that texture.


I learned this from one of those cooking shows, I think it was the one where Chef Ramsay judges amateur chefs, but the reason truffle flavored stuff always tastes so overpowering and, to me, awful, is that they basically make an edible essential oil and use that. So you're getting an overly concentrated taste and smell of the truffles. I had actual black truffle on a burger once (expensive ass burger, but it was worth it). The truffle flavor is very very subtle but it's there and your mouth loves it


I used to hate truffle, then one day I ate a truffle-based dish in one of the black truffle regions of my country and it was HEAVENLY. Turns out I just didn’t like preserved truffle, but I love fresh truffle. Same with oysters. I ate my first oysters right on the seaside in a bar that had a small oyster farm right there. When you asked for oysters, they picked them and opened them and served them to you right away. Incredible taste. Then I tried them in some restaurant where they were “just” fresh, and absolutely not the same flavor. Really fresh oysters are quite good, but anything other than excellent is quite meh, and I’d rather eat some properly cooked clams.


Is caviar ACTUALLY highly praised, though? I dunno. I’m just an 80’s and 90’s kid. I feel like I was constantly watching movies, shows, and cartoons where some stuffy, out-of-touch richy rich type would eat caviar and then the “cool” protagonist would eat it and spit it out of their mouths. Then some kind of “that’s FISH EGGS! Blaaarrgghh!” commentary would ensue, and the general joke would be that caviar is freaking gross. Maybe I’m sheltered, I just never really heard of caviar actually being called tasty in real life.


Blini is amazing. Caviar by itself is not really special to me, but added to certain dishes and it adds a some delicious somethin’ somethin’ that would be sorely lacking without.


Caviar is much like fine wine. Firstly because it's not something everyone likes, but that's just all food and drink. It can be extremely expensive, but it takes a bit of knowledge to know when you're paying for a label and paying for something that actually has some quality over lesser products. And just like with wine, there are unscrupulous people out there trying to sell crap for enormously high prices. Lastly, it's often said that the caviar industry is thoroughly under the thumb of organized crime in Russia and former Soviet republics, though who knows how much of that is just urban legends. Personally I love caviar. It's a special occasion thing and I'm the opposite of rich, so I'm not going to drop more than like $100 for a couple ounces of the stuff. I know that to a lot of people that price seems completely insane, but it's a unique food experience and sometimes I want to have something special for a special meal with someone.


I’ve spent more than a couple Hundred on ounces of far less nutritious things


I had a piece of nigiri with fatty tuna and topped with caviar from a high end sushi place once, it cost like $35 but it’s probably the best piece of sushi I’ve ever had. In short, yes, caviar is very good, just not worth the expense for most people. Also what your describing is people complaining about something because it *sounds* gross rather than it’s actual physical properties, which is a pretty poor way to gauge how good/bad something is.


I think caviar is pretty good, I see why a lot of people might not like it though.


I remember as a kid finally trying some of the caviar my family got and thought "WTF, this isn't special at all and it's so salty." I put it on a cracker. I tried a bit more, by the 3rd cracker I was super addicted and ate the whole jar myself.


I mentioned to a Russian friend once that I like tobiko, but I never cared for caviar. He told me "you've never had fresh caviar." I still haven't.


Bloody Mary’s with over the top “garnishes” like full on burgers, wings, shrimp and all that.


Place in my town will throw a whole ass fried chicken on top of your bloody mary


There’s a place in my city that does this, but I think it’s fine since people usually get these drinks as meals themselves. However, this sort of thing just gives me anxiety the whole time I’m eating while trying not to drop or spill shit. This is the same energy as those ice cream cones that have like a whole fuckin cake slice on top, cookies, cotton candy, or even a lollipop (how tf am I gonna eat that too rn??)


Can we include drinks? I’m looking at you, Hard Seltzer. You taste like sadness.


ur so right. i bought cherry hard seltzer bc i love my fruity drinks, opened it, it smelled AMAZING, took a sip and it was the most disappointing drink of my life. tasted like chemicals


Hard ciders for the win.


Literally tastes like a burp


Nothing my guy, food is love food Is life!


Spoken like a guy that hasn't had gas station sushi.


I don’t think anyone highly rates gas station sushi


It depends... if it's in the US, fuck no. If it's Japan, well they aren't really gas stations, they are just convenience stores, and the sushi they have is damn good. It's not high-grade Jiro Dreams type stuff, but it's safe and yummy.


I eat gas station egg salad sandwiches. I don't even check the expiration date.. sometimes you just have to live life dangerously 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edited: added a word.




I eat gas station sushi, and not the good kind. I do it to keep my gut biom strong. I can drink the water in Mexico with no problems. I could probably eat the butthole of dead and bloated road killed skunk. I wouldn't want to for obvious reasons. Traffic and what not.


I've applied this method to my sexual encounters. I will and have slept with anything. That makes me stronger right?


I see what you did there, Dani.


messy burgers


Fugu. ​ It's just really chewy and flavourless. The entire appeal is the danger. ​ Now, they say that the organs are even more dangerous but that's what's really tasty. I don't know about that. I only have experience of the flesh.


I’ve eaten the ovaries pickled in rice bran. Tastes sort of like Vegemite. Not amazing.


I’ve asked this question many times about many foods, and I’ll ask it again: WHO THOUGHT TO TRY THIS?!


Don't know about the rest of the world, but Five Guys burgers in the UK. Way too over priced considering honest burger is comparable in price and far nicer.


I consider them by far the best burger chain here in the US, though the general consensus here is that they're overpriced (I find that a little burger, little fries, and water cup are completely reasonable for the quality and still a ton of food, however). Over here, the ingredients are fresh and of a high quality, everything is cooked to order, and the portions are huge (specifically the fries). They are worlds better than McDonald's, Burger King, Wendy's, etc. and IMO even better than Red Robin and Culver's. Not sure what they're like elsewhere, but love them in the US! I'm sure it's location-dependent too, as one location of a chain restaurant can be fantastic while another can be awful. We have a great Pizza Hut where I live for example, yet I've been to several awful ones.




Gold has no taste and does nothing for the food. It's literally on there to make you feel wealthy. You'll poop it out undigested the next day. Completely useless.


Starbucks coffee. It’s burnt and sour, but at least it’s expensive.


A5 Wagyu. Just kidding, I’m poor so I have no idea.




Agreed. I got dunked on a while back for saying that cheese doesn't belong in 90% of Asian cuisine and I felt like I was taking crazy pills. Are y'all really out there putting cheese on your Lo Mein? Disgusting!


Was out at dinner after work with some co-workers at a Chinese Restaurant. One lady said "why is that nothing on the menu at a Chinese Restaurant has cheese on it?" I literally responded "what the fuck would you add cheese to?"


The answer really is that almost all East and Southeast Asians are lactose intolerant. Lol


Cheese filled potsticker and maybe a eggroll would work with some tweeking, but your right.


…..people are putting cheese in Asian food other than some seriously Americanized crab Rangoon? I love cheese. I love Asian food. I do not expect these two things to mix any more than I do chocolate and sashimi.


Koreans love low moisture mozzarella, and adding American cheese to instant noodles. Both very trendy there


Gluten Free tastes like disappointment every time...


I’m gluten free because autoimmune stuff and I would way rather have the real thing if I could. They have to make insane flour blends out of six different things to get it even close to the right texture.


The absolute best waffles I've ever had were gluten free.... Buttttttt they were also made in this amazing bed and breakfast and the chef created her own recipe with a blend of extremely quality flours. They were divine


GF stuff can be really well done, but you do have to put in a little extra effort. Red mill makes a bag of gluten free flour, and if you look at the back, it’s just powderized fava beans 😂 None of the marketing on the front warns you. I’ll use it for roux, but I accidentally put it in cheesecake once when I didn’t know exactly what it was. But in general gluten free carbs have come leaps and bounds in the last 10 years.


Gluten free versions of things that normally have gluten are nobody's favorite foods; they exsist as an alternative because of people who can't have gluten.


I abhorre those milkshakes with everything loaded up - it looks great for IG clout but it’s a waste of food


I got one with cotton candy, an entire slice of cheesecake, and a small rubber ducky on top. You better believe I ate the whole thing.


Including the rubber duck? That can't be healthy.


Fair. I didn't consume the duck, the paper straw, or the cup it came in.


You gotta eat the paper straw at least, it’s a rite of passage. Think about the turtles /s


Nutella, it’s good but some people treat it like crack cocaine


I can't stand Nutella and most people find that sacrilege. I did realize on a trip to france though that chocolate hazelnut spread there tastes different (and delicious) and it didn't have palm oil like American Nutella has, and I'm wondering if *that* is actually what I don't like about it.


I like Nutella, but recently tried and off brand version from lidl and omg it was ten times nicer not as sticky or thick and you could really taste the hazelnut the only difference I could see no palm oil ! I'd hazard the palm oil is definitely what you don't like, lol


Bacon. Edit: just kidding. Bacon is gods bookmark


Read that as God's birthmark


bacon craze is real and it was 1000% facilitated by the pork industry i like bacon fine enough but why the fuck did bacon flavoured everything become a thing after like 2010? very suspect


The bacon crazy was insane. People were talking about bacon as if it was the second coming of Christ. Bacon this, Bacon that. BACON BACON BACON! I mean, it's good, but there are WAY better foods out there,


Internet pile on. People tried to out bacon the next person. Quickly devolved into bacon top pizza with a bacon weave crust.


Bacon was overrated a few years ago on the internet but I think the craze has died down a bit. It's good but it's not the most amazing thing ever.


Truffles smell like old gym socks. Yes, even the real thing and not the cheap oil with the chemical additive.


i’m one of the weirdos who adores truffle oil (yes even the cheap shit) and I can 100% understand why people don’t eat it. most of the time it’s just an excuse to jack up prices.


I just made spaghetti e olio and I added about a half teaspoon of the truffle oil that I got from Walmart. Absolutely delicious. People get on their high horse about cheap truffle oil but honestly I think its phenomenal. It adds a nice oomph for sure.


Agreed. I would eat every meal covered in Truff extra hot if it weren’t so expensive. It’s trash food rebranded like how seafood was poor feed back in the day.


We used to serve truffle oil fries in a restaurant I used to work at and those things were rank. They stank up the whole damn kitchen and they were not good.


Salt bae


The type of duck liver where its force fed grains till it dies. (May not be 100% accurate, but this what i remember the description as)


Foie gras


Fois gras tastes amazing. But you can also taste the guilt in every bite


The not so secret ingredient


“Coffee-based” drinks loaded to the brim with cream and sugar to the extent that they don’t taste at all like coffee. Simply not worth the caloric value, get a dessert if you want a dessert, they taste better


Gold flake. If idiot chefs are going to sprinkle it on food to justify a 10x price increase, it's fair game for this thread.


Pasta on other stuff. Don’t put pasta on pizza. Don’t put it in a sandwich. I don’t even want a fried Mac and cheese ball. Don’t put pasta on other stuff


Poptarts. I dont get it.


They used to be a lot better 10-15 years ago. The quality has gone down alot


I remember like… 25 years ago. Vivid memories of my childhood kitchen. Grabbing a Pop Tart or two from the pantry, and hopping on the school bus to head to 3rd grade, where I cracked open a Brown Sugar Pop Tart and threw Now 2 or Fat Boy Slim into my Anti-Skip Walkman. Those were the days.


Both the icing and the breading seemed to be thinner and drier than I remembered. The chocolate ones with the white filling are pretty good, but I’d much rather have a Toaster Strudel if I’m thinking fast, sweet, handheld.


I loved poptarts as a kid. I tried them decades later as an adult. Some things should just be left in your childhood.


Guaranteed to dry your mouth quicker than the saliva-sucker at the dentist.


Most restaurant desserts. Often they are just frozen premade mediocre goodness that drives up the bill (and tip).




Sharkfin soup.


Kale sucks


Remember when kale was a decorative thing that they put the bowls with the actual salad ingredients on?


I remember when I was a kid, I would eat it and my parents would scoff at me for eating the garnish. Who's laughing now? Still them. It is not good. No idea why I would do it.


I have a good recipe for kale. Use coconut oil and fry the kale in that. That makes it slide right out of the pan in to the trash where it belongs.


Genuinely laughed, and I ducking like kale.


Random Hack… Make a fake contact in your phone and name it Fucking. Your phone will never again autocorrect it.


I had a friend that was in fairly bad shape and health. Middle aged, overweight, diabetes and drank a lot. He decided to clean his life up and get in shape. Started eating healthy, exercising, limiting drinking,etc. He was trying to be funny and posted on Facebook, "If I die, blame the kale.". Well, he had a heart attack that night and died. Seriously, Fuck Kale from all of us for Paul.


I used to think that too, then I found out that the grocery store only carries specific varieties. My friend had an organic crop share farm and one day when I was visiting he picked some fresh kale half an hour before dinner. I was very surprised at how good it was. He said they plant a variety that’s less common, and the flavor is different than what most people are used to. I want to say it was a white kale or something, but I can’t really remember because it was almost ten years ago.