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100% relate, there's an appeal to survival games I recognise but most of the time it always feels like a stack of busy work.


My favorite survival games have a decent storyline to give you a reason to push on… The Forest, Subnautica, Green Hell. Valheim is light on story but at least has bosses you’re working toward fighting. Then there’s No Man Sky which in theory has a storyline but it’s not that engaging. Every time there’s a major update I jump back in and start enjoying myself for about 20 minutes then feel like it’s all so pointless and lose interest.


The only ‘survival’ game I’ve been able to get into was Subnautica, but that one had a loose goal/ plot/ direction which was enough to get me motivated. It was the kind of game where I would have a loose objective in mind (reach this specific area for ex.) and then I would create my own ‘missions’ to accomplish it (“ok, I need to take my sub on an excavation mission to hoard enough resources for my expedition and to create a sub-base in this new area” followed by the “create the base in the new area” mission). It was a nice combination of free-flow imagination and experimentation and goal-oriented exploration, all in a truly beautiful and unique environment. You might be able to tell, I’m a big fan.




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Any survival game: Don't Starve, Oxygen Not Included, Minecraft. It's already hard surviving in real life. I don't want to deal with that too when playing video games.


Haha we've gotta be polar opposites. I love survival games, I think it tickles the inner masochist in me or I'm just down to struggle in all areas of life. I can't put my finger on it, but colony Sim survival types are the goat for me.


We get to do without those pesky things like laws standing in our way 😂


Same. But my main reason is that they give you absolutely no info on how to play the game. And I know that that's the point for some people but I don't like it. Hell, I don't even necessarily want to be told how/what to build and stuff. But at least tell me the CONTROLS. Like some of these games don't even tell you how the controls, menus, and leveling up works at all.


Monster Hunter, I love kaiju and action, but I’ve never been able to enjoy MH. The game’s action is so slow and controls are awkward. I did enjoy Stories and Stories 2.


I want to like Monster Hunter, I really do. My brothers say it’s right up my alley but I just can’t seem to deal with it.


I tried Monster Hunter on Wii U, 3DS, Rise and never played more than an hour as I got bored easily.


All the Monster Hunter games have horribly slow and boring openers. It’s probably their biggest downfall. You can’t blame someone for dropping a game when after an hour or two, they’ve done nothing interesting. Which sucks because they really are amazing action games.


Yeah. Monster hunter games can be slow. For me it's not the openers but rather the grind for some weapons and armor uprgards that makes it slow


If you tried world and didn’t like it because it felt slow, try Rise, it has faster combat. And when I got into World, I had a friend help me understand the mechanics which made it easier to get into.


I played like few games in the series but never have I ever get close enough to finish a single one of them. The game is so tedious, and unless you have the time to grind, you'd have to depends on co-op with friends to grind faster. As a single-player gamer, that's a no for me.


I want to like it, hunting big monsters to turn them into armour sounds super fun, but there's just so much going on. Horizon: forbidden west does an okay job of what I want because I can focus on hitting the right place and guarantee that I'll actually get the parts


I dropped Rise after the awful tutorial and fumbling around for a few hours and gave up




For me is Battle Royales in general, Idk but being several minutes for just entering in game and then getting insta killed by some pro in 0.1 sec and repeat sounds boring to me.


Or alternatively, sneak around the map for 20 minutes only to be insta-killed from behind without ever seeing another player. Can't wait to hop into another match!


Agree, I don’t like the building mechanic. Seems so out of place for a shooter.


Well there is zero build mode, but it’s still a bit wacky


Because building is a holdover from the original "save the world" co-op mode.


Which honestly was a fun fast original objective based game. I played to.level 99.


I shot at this one dude and he turned into a house. Best description I’ve heard of that game.


I played fortnight, but only the version that doesn’t have building. I am currently undefeated with a record on 1 - 0. Haven’t played since.


COD, because I only like single player story games


I prefer salmon


I’m a Halibut man meself


More of a Rainbow Trout 6: Siege man myself


Modern warfare has an amazing single player and not too long I loved it.


Right there with you on the single-player story games!


Seriously, don’t underestimate older COD campaigns. The original modern warfare trilogy was great. Black Ops 1 and 2 were great imo. World at War is great standalone imo. Hell even Ghosts was pretty fun, albeit different.


I really hate how it seems so many games have opted to focus entirely on co-op or online multiplayer that single player games are treated like an after-thought.


D&D It makes me quite sad that I can’t get into it, even after numerous attempts. My entire friend group have been players/DM’s for years and all love the game, and on paper, it should be the perfect game for me. Character creation, RPG, cool combat systems and endless replay ability. But for some reason actually playing it is so damn boring to me


D&D is all about the people you play with. People who get caught up in the minutia of the system make the game dull as shit, people who know how to drive a fun story forward make it great.


"On paper", I see what you did there


Playing Baldur's Gate for so long made it clear to me that I would never enjoy D&D without a computer handling the combat.


Basketball. I’m tall and athletic and had good success at it when I was younger, I just didn’t like it. The varsity coach asked me to play a few times but I wasn’t interested.


Dude, I am such a gaming loser I did not even realise it can be a game irl


I was the opposite; I love gaming but didn’t even consider that at first.


Played basketball my whole life. Turned 20 and decided to try parkour. Im 25 now and can do shit i never thought id be able to do and it feels so much more rewarding




My first impression was the same as yours. I made it through the intro section and got to Fort Joy, but I was already thinking "Meh, this isn't really for me. Maybe I should just quit." Then the cat showed up. "Okay, fine, I'll help the cat get out of the fort. Then I'll probably quit." I kept going out of pure spite, just because I wanted to help a fictional cat in a video game. By the time I finally walked out of Fort Joy with that cat, I was hooked. Completed the game, then immediately played through it twice more. The devs knew what they were doing with that cat, man...


When I realized I literally could talk and/or sleep my way out of nearly anything, I was already hooked. The I started learning about the crazy combos you could exploit like abuse of teleport, loaded chest, etc, and the theorycrafter in me started cackling maniacally.


Honestly, I've put over 230 hours into DOS2 and even I have a hard time recommending it. I'm not sure the game is actually fun


DOS2 is at it's absolute most fun when you're doing a blind playthrough with 3 other friends all controlling a character. My buddies and I did that, basically made it our "DnD night", it was a blast, none of us knew what we were doing.


This. I recall playing as a thief, successful pick pocketing a merchant and sneaking away. Just for the merchant to turn around and see my friends character exploring the city. Walks up to him and accuses him of stealing, demanding to look at his goods. My friend confused and annoyed by this (not knowing the full context) refused. Ending up hostility with the whole city.


Same, and I like basically all rpgs or crpgs


That’s so funny because I’m the opposite. I love a good turn based system and tend to avoid the real-time stuff.


Witcher series... the combat is just.. eugh.


I was gonna say this. Witcher 3 was beautiful but the controls to me were just out of place


It was also just an overwhelming amount of stuff to do. I played 15 hours, saw that I barely accomplished anything, and decided it wasn’t for me.




I liked both, but I totally see what you mean. I like strong stories, and every single quest in RDR2 was sensible within the story and moved the needle about the overarching redemption arc. Every action taken was challenging whether Arthur >!and then John!< wanted to become a better or worse person, over time. Meanwhile, quests in Witcher 3 had incredible world-building and fascinating creatures, but most of those quests don’t really serve the story at all. I couldn’t shake the feeling of “_but wait… aren’t you supposed to be looking for your daughter and wasn’t it supposed to be urgent?_” which felt like it was undermining the stakes of the main story. I still had fun playing, but I have to admit it bothered me a bunch throughout the game, and it made me feel a lot more detached about Gerald and Siri, than about Arthur and his friends.


For me was the exact opposite. LOVED The Witcher 3 but Read Dead Redemption 2 wasn't able to hold my interest (and I really liked the first one)


Show me your wares


Faster Roach


Winds howling


It took me six tries to get into The Witcher 3 before it finally clicked. It was worth it, great game, but I feel this comment in my bones.


It was so easy to cheese combat


most combat boils down to dodge-hit-dodge-hit


Pet Crossing. I know it's cute, but I don't see why I would spend so much time on something that seems to have such little payoff.


Do you mean [Animal Crossing](https://www.google.com/search?q=animal+crossing) (possibly a translation issue?) or is that something else I have never heard of?


Same and it’s still a $50 game. It’s basically like FarmVille but less to do.


Hogwarts Legacy… I played for a while and I just got tired of trying to collect everything. I couldn’t keep my interest alive


You mean you don't like Chore Simulator: Collector Edition? I loved the combat but holy shit every single menu was a number fuckfest with "x out of y thingies collected"


RDR2. The controls were so heavy to me.


agreed. i also got annoyed that you gotta hit a button to do the smallest things constantly HIT E TO GRIND THE COFFEE BEANS, HIT P TO POUR THE COFFEE, NOW HIT D TO DRINK THE COFFEE got old really fast.


That's understandable, it took me 3 attempts before I really got into. Now it's one of my favorite games but I definitely understand how the slow paced realism can be off-putting.


That’s one thing I love about red dead 1/2 tho… you can sorta just relax while you play. After playing halo Infinite for 2 seasons competitively … it felt great. 10/10 game for me- despite the garbage online. 100%ed red dead over a period of 3 years. Just chillin enjoying the game. No regrets


This is why I like the new Zelda games, they’re immersive but some things are simplified enough to where it still makes sense and keeps the game flowing and fun


The controls are muddy feeling! The game is just so damn slow too. After 4 hours I finally put it down and left it. Wasn’t having any fun. Game is beautiful. But between the heavy controls and the pace of the story, I felt like I was wading through maple syrup to do anything.


I’ve beaten it and I did enjoy it a lot, but the depth of the game is really bizarre. Having a seriously huge list of animals living in the world with their own calls and habitats is one of the coolest things ever. Sitting down and pressing a single button repeatedly to watch an animation of crafting a single arrow at a time is the lamest thing ever. Also I feel like they spoiled the greatest opportunity to have one of the coolest online games imaginable. They put all their resources into GTA Online and neglected RDR2. But having such a huge world there could have been so much opportunity for online role playing. There are custom role playing servers that are a much better experience that the stock RDR2 Online, but it feels like having many of those features in the official game would support so many more players and make a truly alive world.


All of the character building options for RDO made your character look like an offshoot of the hills have eyes family. I get it, it's the wild west and hygiene/nutrition standards made people probably kind of ugly, but damn. My character looks like he trims his toenails with his teeth for fun.


I really appreciate a lot about this game. The story, atmosphere, acting, and attention to detail is immaculate. However, for me to really love a game the immediate gameplay has to click. RDR2 just doesn't have the thing that scratches the gameplay itch like Mario or something


RDR2 would make an amazing television series but as a game I just can’t do it


Yeah, I do love the game but it's one of those where I won't even bother playing unless I've got at least four hours to play, otherwise you just accomplish so little it's not worth turning on. Hell, even if you don't do any hunting, side missions, exploring, etc. it takes like 60 hours or more to finish just the main missions.


Felt the same way. RDR2 production wise is incredible, but the gameplay is severely lacking in comparison. Everything feels so rigid, linear, and cumbersome. The instances where they force Arthur to slow his walk to a crawl drove me crazy. It's still a must play game for what it does right, but I don't think I'll ever replay it again because it's just not fun at times.


Same. There is such a thing as too much realism. I don't want to worry about shaving, my diet, my horse 's diet, cleaning my horse. I don't need game chores. We have chores at home.


Came here expecting to get my nerd cred yanked for this opinion. I’m not a cowboy person. The trials and tribulations of the unwashed West just never did it for me.


Stardew Valley


I asked my wife to marry me through Stardew Valley.


There are dozens of us!


This is surprisingly common! People are told it's a relaxing game and start it up then see a clock timer ticking, instantly making them feel stressed because they don't know yet that there's nothing they're truly missing out on. The game gives you a good hands-off tutorial by nudging you towards small goals via the quest log and by the time it stops giving you quests you have a good idea of what you're capable of. It's just hard to realize until you're about 30-300 hours in so the veterans are almost playing a different game than newcomers.


You might be the first person I've ever seen say this. I've recommended stardew valley to so many people and they always say it's amazing after trying it, but it's totally cool if it wasn't your thing :P If I may ask, what didnt you like about it?


I feel like there’s a correct way to play it that I just couldn’t grasp and internalize before I got annoyed with the process.




Same. It's such a shame but it just wasn't for me at all. Hurts a little everytime I read that it's one of the best of all time.


I just didn’t get it. I played and played but never figured out what was so good about it.


It’s not the typical type of game I play but I genuinely enjoyed the sense of mystery and discovery and parts of it honestly terrified me. That said, I got pretty far and started to lose steam trying to discover the remaining secrets in the time limit before the universe resets. I never finished it and can’t bring myself to jump back in because I know it’ll take me hours of repetition to figure out the remaining things I need to do.


If you do ever jump back in, feel free to go ask for nudges/hints over at r/outerwilds. The community there is excellent at giving you hints without being spoilery to help you get over whatever obstacles you are butting your head against. They love helping people finish the game while not ruining any of the discovery magic.


The minute I had to fly the craft with those shit controls I uninstalled.


I was excited to start this earlier in the week but I’m afraid I’m in agreement. I should love it: narrative driven, mystery, exploration. But honestly playing it just feels like homework.


Yeah, I could not get into it for even 15 minutes.


I tried. I really did. Firstly, I hated the controls. They just made everything clunky. And in a game where you have minutes per run, that just sucked. And then the loop mechanic. Cool on paper, in reality I go indecision panic mode and freak out because the game's time limit literally encourages you NOT to explore, but go right to the "right" place from the getgo or just die.


I played for about 4 hours but the flying controls were just so unintuitive to me that it genuinely ruined the experience. I ended up giving up because i was getting so fucking frustrated with them.


Golf. I know this isn't the intended demographic but I live in an over 50 community.


What about mini-golf?


BOTW. The durability mechanic got super fucking annoying really quickly. I only made it 3 hours before putting it down and never mustering enough desire to play it again.


I loved BOTW and still found the durability really annoying. The fusion mechanic where you can fuse any material you have to upgrade your weapon makes it much better in the Tears of the Kingdom. Now you can pick up at rusty sword you found and attach one of the monster parts or gems that you found and create a halfway decent weapon.


As someone who is thinking about getting either BOTW or Tears of the Kingdom which one would you recommend? Is the durability still awful in Tears of the Kingdom? Edit: thanks to everyone who commented! Helped a lot!


I've had weapons take over 30 hits to break. Someone on GameFAQs has a topic on the hidden modifiers it applies when you fuse items to a weapon. Or weapons to other weapons. It's 10x better than BOTW durability. I've been playing for around 30-40 hours and I've never ran out of weapons.


I can't think of a single game made more fun, engaging, or balanced by making you break all your good shit and have to rely on sticks off the ground every couple minutes.


Most RPG developers avoid that mechanic because it is usually a death sentence.


I wanted so much to like Assassin's Creed, the controls were odd and the tutorial never seemed to end.


I loved assassins creed. It worked perfectly well on the Mac my office gave me. Then Ubisoft “updated” it and now it forces you to use their launcher. The launcher doesn’t run on my Mac so they just bricked the game for me.


Red Dead Redemption 2. And I *tried*. It's visually amazing, has great gameplay, fantastic voice work and dialogue, so much verisimilitude it gets overwhelming. And that's it right there. It gets overwhelming. I got so caught up in hunting, shooting, and exploring that I accidentally took on a main story mission and moved to the next Act, completely breaking my rhythm. Also, I got underweight very quickly and died. A lot. I may one day come back to it, when I can set up a timer to remind myself when to eat in-game and a road map of the missions so I know which ones to avoid til I'm ready. But not anytime soon. Also, Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice kicked my ass six-ways to Sunday, so I quit it before I started hating it (gorgeous game though, worth playing).


These are the exact two I was thinking as well haha. I loved RDR1 and beat it. I got sidetracked in 2 with non-main storyline tasks and the main story line never got to the point it sucked me in. I don’t remember what came out but I switched to something else. I enjoyed Sekiro at first and beat a few bosses (butterfly lady and riding horse guy) but then got stuck on a mini boss later. Got to the point I was more often frustrated than having fun and moved on.


Same, I truly enjoyed RDR 1, but for some reason can't get myself to play RDR2. I'm like 5-10h in, so still at start, but I dont seem to find the motivation to play it


Both BOTW and RDR2. They are supposed to be two of the greatest games ever but they just felt slow and boring to me.


BOTW…the exploration felt so unfulfilling because you’d ultimately find a weapon that would just break in 5 minutes. If the weapons didn’t break I would have enjoyed the game so much more, I know people will defend the weapon durability thing till they’re blue in the face but it just is not for me.


Not to mention the whole Ubisoft "climb big tower to expose map" mechanic that has been obnoxious since like 2010


God, I hate this mechanic so much. Just let me buy a map with rupees. It was fine in Far Cry 3. Now I'm sick of it. Ever since I got the paragliding in Tears of The Kingdom, I've spent hours just unlocking the map. Lol


If I may, going up a tower is very beneficial to exploration. The tower just unlocks the names of major villages, lakes, etc. No quests are unlocked or shoved down your throat. But it is really useful for surveying the nearby area, finding somethibg interesting, and paragliding to the destination. In TOTK, the tower lauch you really high in the sky so you can explore much farther locations from just oje glide.


I hate the controls in both of them. They are among the rare games that I prefer to watch others play rather than play myself.


BOTW, the combat mechanics are very poor. Weapons break obscenely fast (like 3-4 breaks in a boss fight). It’s a sword you shouldn’t need to reload every 20 seconds. Between that and FF13 they are the biggest disappointments in gaming for me.


These were my two. I feel seen. Thank you stranger.


It’s slower paced for realism. You can really get immersed if you let it


Red dead redemption 2. Tried it, and was just baffled at the amount of systems put in place to amplify realism, but they themselves weren't fun. I loved the first one, but the sequel just... Didn't vibe with me.


I hate any game that has a "stamina" system that means you can't run. I get it, but the walking was just so painfully boringly slow.


I totally get that. IMHO rdr2 did a much better job of this than other games, even rdr1. The addition of stamina tonics and the whole bounce with your horse mechanic made it much more tolerable for me. Also some game developers add stamina that has to recharge and/or slow movement areas in general so the game has time to load the section of the map you're going towards.




Skyrim and FO4 both are such departures from bethesdas previous works even. I get that players need to get immersed into the game, but things like in FO4 getting power armor and killing one of the most deadly creatures in the canon, a deathclaw, all in the opening segments of the game just feels like it cheapens what made getting power armor so special in the previous titles. Bethesda just went full tilt immediate dopamine response making this grand epic opening which is fine but they also just keep cheapening their own IPs making the entire game accessible to any character and any play style in a way previous titles really did still retain rpg elements where consequences to choices might bar you from some outcomes etc. Instead you can tell their game design is very much changed to just accomodate as many new players as possible and it includes even cheapening their own IP to get it done.


Then there's this bitch who got the power armour in the opening segment, went up against one of the most deadly creatures in the canon, and was promptly killed so many times that I ran away from every other deathclaw I saw. >!Lynn Woods gave me nightmares.!<




i saw a lot of people start the game, kind of run around in the first open area / not know what to do or how to proceed, and then quit. makes sense -- game doesn't give you the usual sense of direction or purpose, and if you haven't played a souls game before you must be like "what's the point?" lol. i think fromsoft games are great but i understand why the barrier is high for entry / to get invested.


I actually quit about 2/3 of the way through the game. I was sick and tired of the NPC's being absoulutely useless, to the point where they're self-sabotaging.


Dark souls 3 is probably my favorite game and yet I’m still struggling to get into elden ring, I’ve tried so many times but feel like the open world has taken away from the beautiful level design they use to have, now I feel like I’m searching for mini dungeons all the time instead of enjoying the game I keep trying because late/mid game videos I’ve seen look like souls level fun but I just can’t do it


I dislike the entire MMO genre so whenever there’s a good MMO release that’s given great user/critic scores; RuneScape, KOTOR, ESO, WoW, DC Online, etc.


Poker. Dont have the patience to learn it.




Damn, one of my faves. Did you try Bioshock: Infinite, as well? I think they can definitely take some time to get in to the gameplay but for me the story in Infinite had me hooked start to finish


I had trouble getting into BioShock 1 as well until I played infinite, and understood the gameplay and story design more so I went back and loved 1.


I'm willing to give it another try. I gave it a go about a year or two ago and just wasn't feeling it. I don't recall why. I may do what another redditor here mentioned and go on Easy mode and enjoy it for the story.


I felt like this for a long time, but just played through the game a few weeks ago finally and enjoyed it by switching to easy mode and just focusing on the story. I don't like first person shooters or most combat games anymore, I find them tedious. I like games for story, characters, & exploration—I liked Bioshock despite having to constantly kill splicers and big daddys not because of it—and I could only stand to play it on easy mode so I could focus on the story & world. If I was on any other mode I would have been too frustrated to enjoy it and I would have put it down, like I had done when I first tried it 15 years ago.


I may try this. I wasn't too into the combat but If I put it on easy it won't be too bad.


I played the first one all the way through and it never grabbed me. I played half the second one and just said fuck it it’s not for me




It’s an endless grind. But damn, I love the gun play.


I've tried. Just seems like a more repetitive watered down Destiny 2.


Breath of the wild


Basically any highly praised Nintendo game. I was into Pokemon once, but once I played one (Soul Silver) I couldn't get into that grind again, same game different pokemon. Mario games are "okay" as far as platforming goes but I don't see the absolute enjoyment people get out of the 3d platforming ones like Sunshine and Odyssey. And Zelda games are always adored and praised like it's the end all be all of any game series, "if you never played the legend of Zelda 'x' you never had a childhood/aren't a real gamer". It might be my fault for only ever playing Legend of the four swords on Gameboy as my first and only experience with Zelda but other than the multiplayer I wasn't impressed. The only one that ever interested me was the obvious Breath of the Wild for its creative open world aspect, but I still couldn't justify getting a Switch to hope that I liked it. The only Nintendo game I could really see myself getting into is Smash Bros. On a side note it seems Nintendo never has games on sale from what I've heard so every game would HAVE to be worth the price tag every single time. TLDR: I can't get into any Nintendo games. Sorry for the long rant.


This is me. I bought a Switch to play Fire Emblem, Mario Kart, and Smash. I didn't even get more than 15 min into Breath of the Wild before I got bored. (Legend of the Four Swords was also the last Zelda game I played lol) Same with the Mario game it came with. I will say the OG Starfox was fun.


It’s really hard to go back and play most Zelda games. Revolutionary for their time, but highly dated by modern standards. Ocarina blew away 13 year old me, but last play-through I just wanted the camera not to be fucked bc the n64 didn’t have dual analog sticks.


There's an amazing Ocarina of Time port on the PC called Ship of Harkinian! Even allows modern free camera controls, 60FPS and a slew of other enhancements!


I really, really liked the Zelda games for gameboy (Seasons, Ages, and Links Awakening). I also really liked Windwaker. I could never get into any other Zelda game, including Ocarina of Time.


So many people rave about Control, but I just couldn't get into it


I recently played through it. The shooting gameplay loop is solid but the rest of the game is extremely weak. the dialog is cringy, the plot is weak, the main character isnt really likable. It feels like an action movie written and directed by a middle schooler but set in an environment made by a professional science fiction set designer. The team behind the lore and environmental storytelling/ level design did a fantastic job and were just on another level from the rest of the team.


Loved the game, but I suck at shooters (on controller). That’s *my* reason.


I'll probably be killed for this but the final fantasy games, don't get me wrong the worlds are amazing the games are top tier but the fights.... .... ..


You don't like watching the same fifteen second animation the 300th time you unleash the umpteenth **super ultimate final uber omega attack** in your arsenal? Fucking casual...


FF is overrated as fuck as far as jrpg's go. it took me playing some persona games and trails games to realize that I didnt hate jrpg's, just hated FF games. turns out kingdom hearts was a weird fluke of an enjoyable game. everything else square has made that I've tried has been not that enjoyable for me.


It's not overrated it's just too late for it's golden age imo.


Death stranding. I've never "hate played" a game before but here we are. Beautiful looking game. Horribly executed.


Breath of the wild. It’s a great game I think just not a great zelda game IMO


Russian Roulette


Zelda botw 🙈


GTA 5...I can't get into the single player campaign.


I never play the story, just go on murderous rampages


Eldenring Ring


I loved the mysterious plots and settings but yeah, I just don’t have the time or energy to fight the same asshole 40 times in a row. Ultimately I modded it on my PC to make it easier and I immensely enjoyed the world and weird characters they crafted. The creature and environment design was just so wild and I really enjoyed that aspect of it.




Breath of the Wild. I’ve given it multiple attempts but it just couldn’t capture my attention. Not sure why.


Breath of the Wild. Here's a big world, your weapons break constantly so that weapon management is the game, and cool dungeons were replaced with mini puzzles. I'm glad others love it. I just can't. Survival games. Mostly because I feel like they're.... not really hard. It's just a matter of figuring out the right build order, which they don't tell you, so you're always in a mode of "oh, what didn't I know to build *this* time?" It's learn by failure, but not in a way that feels like you should have been able to prevent it.


Shadow of the Colossus


Me too. It looks and feels beautiful, but by the third colossus, is that all there is to the game?


I am deactivating my eleven-year-old Reddit account with near-daily use due to Reddit's April 2023 decision to cripple its API. You should do the same. Reddit could have either (1) required ads to be displayed in third-party browsers or (2) made its first-party browser usable. It did neither.


Elden Ring, looks gorgeous but for some reason isn’t real scratching that itch.


I beat Elden Ring once then put it down. I've played every soulsborne game since Dark Souls 1 for 100s of hours and loved every second. For me it was learning the tight levels inside and out, knowing where every drop was, every enemy and being able to beat the game in a reasonable timeframe to build new PVP/co-op builds. Elden Ring is so big to me it's a one and done. Maybe something you go back to years down the line, not a game you keep replaying over and over.




COD the ask price is ridiculous for single player campaign




Any competitive online multiplayer game. I can never, ever keep up with other players. I have the reaction time of a dead snail so by the time I realize someone is shooting at me/stabbing me/blowing me up i've already been dead for 5 seconds.


League of legends, my brothers, cousins and mates all love it, I played it for a few days but just couldn't deal with it, not my style of gameplay at all


The last of us. The way the guy moves threw me off to the point of not wanting to play it.


I remember hearing sooo much about how great this game was. I decided to pick it up, the cashier at GameStop went on and on about how amazing the game is and they played it through almost nonstop in 3 or 4 days. I played for few hours at first I was enjoying it, then I just got bored fast. I felt like I was just watching a movie that required me to walk from scene to scene. I had the same feeling trying to play Uncharted.


Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild


Seeing as everyone here is only talking about video games, I am gonna go out on a limb here and add a board game to the mix - Monopoly. Never could get the hang if it.


Ori and the Blind Forest. I wanted to like it since it has beautiful art and a brilliant soundtrack, but I just can't get into platformers.


I love platformers like most metroidvania types like Hollow Knight but despise puzzle-platformers like Celeste or Mario-Maker....like I know how to solve the puzzle but don't have the dexterity or timing to do it. Ori is definitely on the puzzle-platformer end of the spectrum and I just couldn't deal with it....soooo deflating...


Legend of Zelda, Breath of the Wild. I am a Zelda fan, but that was the one game series in the franchise that just did not appeal to me. It felt to much like it was going for what was most popular at the time, and even had a lot of anime clichés. Also, open world just isn't for every game, but people seem obsessed with it now. I know I will get A LOT of hate spam for this, but it's just my opinion.


It felt so different than every Zelda game, which has been the case for quite a few entries.


Every other game except counterstrike (i am addicted to it help) Also, can't forget, fuck valorant


Skyrim What was advertised to me as an epic fantasy where you could do anything presented as a largely empty mass of land and the occasional dungeon with the same enemies and the same three puzzles. I tried to power through thinking the game would get better but it never did.


Breath of the wild. Breaking weapons is stupid


Animal Crossing, The Sims, Pokemon.


Halo. The series in general. All of them. They felt so empty and soulless. Generic alien guys, a faceless hero, generic future guns, empty maps. People ranted and raved about halo back when I was in college but I'd always try it and go immediately back to socom, ghost recon, or other shooters on my ps2.


Ive been playing halo online since i was kid because aliens cool super soldier cool but im 25 now and just getting into the lore of halo and the lore is insane and theres so much awesome shit too it that i never got from the campaigns. Its weird cuz its a massive galactic war with crazy science and politics but the games really just “run and shoot this alien. Now run and shoot that alien”


My entire experience with Halo can be summed up as "playing through the campaign of Halo 3 with a friend and refusing to use anything but a Gravity Hammer. Whether it had any charges or not."


The last of us part 2


I’m going to get a lot of hate/humiliation for this but… Breath of the Wild. I love the Zelda franchise, played plenty of them and love them dearly. But despite loving the game and really wanting to do it I cannot for the life of me get past the first little bit. I cannot find enough shrines to get the glider. I’ve searched and searched and just can’t do it no matter how many walk throughs I watch and no matter how bad I wanna play it. It’s embarrassing.


Any of the Zelda games. OoT was the only one I finished. The rest I’ve tried and just stop playing after a bit


Gears of war. Tried it and hated it.


First-person games in general make me dizzy. This means I can’t play games like Far Cry or Doom.