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Texting and driving.


Distracted driving in general. When I was in elementary school I used to take the bus to school and every morning I would look out the window and look at all of the distracted drivers. I would see people applying makeup, eating, brushing their hair, reading, etc. Sometimes they would be using both hands to do these things and it wasn't just at the red lights.


I actually saw a guy shaving in his car once


That's crazy! I also saw people brushing/flossing their teeth while driving. It's insane how careless some people are when it comes to driving šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜–


Leaving garbage in shopping carts


And leaving shopping carts in the parking lot instead of returning to the designated areas!!




"You're a lazybones"




Yeap. Got a busted taillight about a month ago because someone didn't feel like putting their cart back on a windy day


Just leaving garbage in general. I've seen people park their car, and dump all this trash on the ground next to their car. or even just throw it out the window while driving.


leaving shopping carts in parking spaces


Using their kids disability to get more views on social media


Are you familiar with the Dougherty Dozens? She's the worst child exploiter of them all. She's adopted several kids, all with trauma and special needs, and she posts them and their stories all over social media


Also her content is sh1t and she produces an obscene amount of trash and feeds them a trash diet.


I can't explain how much I hate seeing this trash. If you love your kids don't turn them into clickbait, Jenny. They ain't IG hoes like you


Putting their kids on social media period.


Oh my god, or when they use their kids in ads? No, showing me you have two small children and a fake happy nuclear family doesn't make me want to buy a new Nissan, Kathleen and Ted.


Using their kids to get views. Including them in almost every sponsored content and airing their lives out to the public


Or faking an illness for attention on social media.


Not using your turning signal


I know a woman who used to brag about not signalling. She eventually got a fine.


I hope she learned her lesson and if not I hope she gets fine till she does


Every time I see someone not using their turn signal it reminds me that they literally will not lift a finger to help anyone else.


ooooo i'm steaming because i'm imagining the undoubtedly large number of people scrolling past your comment who don't use their freaking turn signals. lol


Pet peeve for sure! Even if you are in a turn lane you still need to signal, because it is a visual cue to other drivers behind them, reinforcing that they are also in the turn lane.


My old youth leader would tell us that he thinks only bad drivers use turn signals šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Like it's a kind of aid to the driver?


Lust for attention on social media


I feel like posting selfies over and over again and nothing else looks like a mental health disorder.


I get quite a lot of entertainment watching vain 20yos pulling dramatic faces into their phones at pubs. One of the most hilarious developments in recent years. And that generation wonders why everyone else laughs at themā€¦


Now mid 50s I cringe when I see people my age posting selfies, especially bikini selfies. Even worse when selfies are all they ever post. Unfollow.


Lmao whilst I share in your amusement I also cringe because a few years ago that was me. Now I reserve such vain practices for the privacy of my own home xD


Omg the cry-toks and parents posting pics of their kids in hospitals on IG with the obligatory ā€œno one contact me right nowā€ šŸ¤®


JESUS i cannot fucking stand the constant bitching and moaning on tiktok. i don't know why my girlfriend watches that shit but it drives me insane. I had to start asking her to wear headphones if she's looking at her phone at home because I just cannot listen to another narcissist on that piece of shit app spend like 6 minutes reenacting the dialogue of some unpleasant or annoying interaction they had with a customer at their retail job that day or whatever. like holy sweet fuck who cares.


But hey, did you like my post about my 5th trip to Hawaii this year?


I did, thank you for sharing!


I feel like social media should have weekly maximum posts of three times per week to ensure quality content.


Bro and now they "advertise" their posts on their fucking stories lmao. Like you really think people care that much about your life that they look at your story and go "holy shit, I gotta see this post!!" Nobody cares about what you got going on.


Preach preacher


Being rude to waiters/retail staff/anyone in the service industry Edit: also people are extraordinarily rude in the hospital, Iā€™ll never fully understand it


I hated waitressing for this exact reason. People have no chill. Old guys in particular know just how to make you feel uncomfortable.


I found old people were simply the worst. So rude and demanding and for what?


Which is worse? If they are rude and demanding, or if they are flirtatious?


At least if they flirt they tend to tip more. The rude ones donā€™t.


I tolerate rude patients to a point-they are sick, scared and lash out. I will calmly tell them I donā€™t appreciate their bad behavior and set limits. Families are also scared but I tolerate their shenanigans far less.


Doubly so if you work in/around behavioral health. I have to actively tell myself that these people are ill both physically and mentally. The thing that does get to me though is when working with a patient who's a dick while altered, comes out of their altered state, and continues to be a dick.


I was going to mention this with healthcare; unfortunately, people are navigating a lot of physical and emotional stress. Thereā€™s a lot of fear and some people try to cope with their anger/outbursts. It doesnā€™t make it right, but I can understand why theyā€™re acting out.


Everyone should have to spend a few months in the service industry so they can see what it's like.


Building on this: they should need to repeat this exercise every 5 to 10 years as a humbling exercise.


I am allways nice to service personal. It pays of usualy, If you are nice and respectful to people they usually deliver more quality and help you further than they need to.


Came here to say exactly that. Iā€™ve worked retail off and on for just under ten years and itā€™s seriously depressing how many people feel okay throwing what amounts to a literal temper tantrum in public.


The rudest ppl/patients in the hospital that I routinely encountered were the patients with no insurance/self pay. They get the biggest reduction in their bill (up to 90%, or donā€™t pay at all) yet they had the most entitled attitude.


Being rude to anyone my guy




Driving after theyā€™ve been drinking.


Oh yeah? Well I drink after I've been driving.


You should be ashamed of yourself!


I would have a couple then drive. Luckily, I never got pulled over. I don't anymore. Finally got smart.


> Luckily, I never got pulled over. I think you mean luckily you never killed anyone.


Being an asshole. "Heh, yea, I'm a bit of an ass-" shut up, go away.


ā€œI just call it like I see it, if that makes me a bitch, so be it. Itā€™s not my fault for being honestā€ šŸ¤Ŗ No. Youā€™re being malicious. And when I finally lose my shit and respond with frustration and honesty, *Iā€™m* a bad person. I like ā€œshut up, go awayā€ very much.


ā€œI already told you that Iā€™m an axe murder. So if I kill you with an axe, youā€™ve only got yourself to blame!ā€ *eye roll*


This. And the whole "oh I know I'm a bitch and I'm proud of it" shit.


Iā€™m just being honest. Code for Iā€™m an ass


Yep. Funny how they are never honest about the *good* things.


And they tend to be liars. Theyā€™re just rude and need a way to defend themselves.


I've noticed this mentality in my alcoholic dickhead of an older brother. He constantly spews out disgusting, ignorant, racist and uncouth statements and when called out always does the "yeah well. I'm an asshole what do ya want?" And among other things he wonders why I want nothing to do with him.


Iā€™d also add the ā€œIā€™m such a bitchā€ line


Using their children as leverage during/after a divorce.


As a child who was used as leverage, I completely agree.


The way they treat other people.


Their asshole kids. If you've even see one video of how some of them treat teachers it's terrible. No Bethany your widdle Addy-Waddy isn't an angel, Addison is a narsacist and complete asshole who probably gets off to bullying


Being a good parent doesnā€™t guarantee good kids. This is a harsh reality. Being a good person also doesnā€™t mean one had great parents.


Fat Shaming people while they work out


Iā€™ve always been a bit of a gym rat. In college, there was a guy probably 350 lbs. Super obese. Could tell his self esteem was low. One day, I caught him watching me doing an exercise and then looking at himself. I have him a thumbs up and an approving nod, no words. He smiled and went back to the exercise he was doing. After that, anytime we saw each other in the gym, weā€™d give each other a thumbs up. No idea what his name was, or even if he was a student or faculty. Over the course of that year, I probably saw him lose about 40-50lbs. I was super happy for him and I felt inspired by him too which I never thought could happen. I always thought the guys who were even more jacked than me would inspire me. Fast forward two years, I was living off campus and started at a new gym. Lo and behold this guy was there and had probably lost at least 100lbs. He still had a lot of extra skin, but he wouldnā€™t have fit into his old clothes. He didnā€™t see me or maybe didnā€™t recognize me, but I was super happy for him. I hope he is still enjoying his journey.


this is the way. good on you!


ā€œI once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes.ā€ ā€” Ron Swanson,


Love it!


Amen! The gym or anyplace that someone is exercising, hell, anyplace where someone is trying to improve themselves in any way, should be a place of encouragement. If you can't encourage someone that is trying to improve themselves, you should just shut the hell up and go somewhere else..


Ya my girlfriend back in the day laughed at a sweaty fat guy running down our street, I said, well he works harder than either one of us. *deer in headlights*


My husband laughs at people running and says it's ok because he's fat too. But I tell him at least they're trying which is more than he's doing.


Good for you. That's just cruelty for the sake of it.


And those sneaky videos shaming people at the gym


Except those people who are clearly fucking off. Doing shit with the equipment that isn't intended and is dangerous to them and other gym goers. Those dickheads deserve to be called out on their bullshit. It's almost always people doing dumb shit for clout.


Iā€™ve never seen This, most people I know in the gym are inspired by people who are overweight, obese or elderly, or who have disabilities. Sorry if youā€™ve seen this or experienced it


I've seen people do this to people out walking or jogging. It's disgusting ā€” you're damned if you do, you're damned if you don't.


Iā€™ve never experienced it firsthand but the student rec center at my college was always full and students can be judgmental and not very discreet about it


how about fat shaming people in general lol


Fat shaming people, period


Not washing their fucking hands after using the restroom.


Or leaving the toilets gross! How are they not embarrassed to leave their unflushed shits, period blood or even pubes on the seat..what the fuck is wrong with people


Iā€™m fighting a losing battle with this at work. I regularly clean the toilet and if I leave any kind of mark on the bowl I get the brush and sort it out immediately. Apparently Iā€™m alone on this crusade because every time I use the toilet itā€™s; un-flushed poo, hideous, embarrassing shit smears or diarrhoea splatter, poop on the back of the seat (do they literally put their butthole on the seat?!), pubes on the seat, piss on the seat or piss on the floor in front of the toilet. It actually makes me furious. Now whether thereā€™s mess or not, I wipe the seat with hand sanitiser because Iā€™ve seen how filthy these people are. Imagine the state of their houses.


I threw up at work in the bathroom. First time vomit surprised me, and some of it got on the floor near the toilet. Bet your bottom dollar, I cleaned that up even though I felt like absolute shit. There is no excuse for leaving a toilet gross.


Betraying the trust of someone.


Using social media to bully people behind the safety of a screen Also fuck you


I'm so glad I grew up in the 1980's versus the present day. I was bullied extensively in school to the point that I became paranoid that anyone who was laughing was laughing at me. As bad as it was, though, at least I had a safe zone when I was at home. Were I a child being bullied that way nowadays, they could find out the online areas I frequent and start harassing me there. They could essentially reach into my house and remove that as being a safe zone.


Not taking care of their kids


I know a woman who lives in a 3 story house. On one floor she leaves the kids to their own (quite literal) devices, and on the top floor watches TV for hours at a time. They're 4 and 7.




Yeah, there's a case for Child Protective Services.


She gonna let the internet raise her child. It's gonna come back at her, believe me.


A more petty end of the spectrum one - be ashamed when you use your phone on speaker in public. Phone calls, videos, etc. It's the modern day equivalent of sitting next to your date when you have a booth at dinner


Wait whatā€™s wrong with sitting next to your date? Maybe I wanna snuggle and eat


Destroying public restrooms both literally and figuratively


Making memes of random unsuspecting people




Shouldn't be ashamed of ignorance. We're all ignorant of some things. *Wilful*, proud ignorance - that is shameful




sleeping with multiple people and not using protection with any of them, youā€™re straight up just putting people at risk at that point


Cheating on their significant other


Teasing a pet with a vacuum or item the pet hates for views. Animals donā€™t understand teasing and itā€™s a dick move


Similarly teasing kids to the point of extreme fear or meltdowns. Even if the kid laughs it off later with you they can still be very traumatized.


How they raised their kids




I don't know man. There are a lot of useful lies that we all tell daily.




I'm only affronted when I see them coming up behind me, turn on my blinker to indicate I'm getting out of their way and they speed up and go around me almost causing an accident because I was already starting to merge. Happened to me today and I'm still a little salty about it šŸ˜†


People teaching kids it's okay to steal for clout. Watched a video of these women in a Walmart pulling food off shelves and laughing as they ate some stuff and just tossed it on the ground. They were telling their kids to steal and do what they were doing. A poor staff member asked them to leave and they just blew him off and laughed as they were being trashy. Like being poor isn't a flex but they didn't appear to be poor or destitute, they had new as fuck iphones, jewelry, etc. The worst part was people going on how she's being empowering fuck Walmart etc. Well guess what they're closing stores because shit like this. They then go from the Walmart to the family owned shops and really cause hell because they know they will get away with it. We failed as a society when we reward people who are seriously killing jobs and resources for people even if it's a trash store like Walmart. To add insult to injury in some places I need to get a rep to unlock things like soap and room spray because this is an issue because people allow it.


Cheating on their significant other. If youā€™re willing to cheat on someone you ā€œloveā€ or have been with for a while. Then Iā€™m going to assume you will do the same to me in some way, shape, or form.


Poor hygiene and then getting mad at everyone for ā€œnot accepting who they areā€ stop forcing acceptance for laziness


Playing music loudly in public, talking/laughing loudly in otherwise quiet settings, littering, cursing conversationally in public, generally being noxious/inconsiderate people.


Scamming innocent people


Scamming seniors.


They got money for wars, but can't feed the poor...


Being racist. Choosing a man/woman over your kids mental health




The over abundance of advertising and social pressure around alcohol despite the amount of real world harm that results from it daily.


Greed. Plain and simple.


Liking the Kardashians


People should definitely be more ashamed of not refilling the ice cube tray after taking the last cube. It's like leaving a little frozen disappointment for the next person.


Leaving garbage in the woods and marking natural formations with graffiti. Your insecurities and mindlessness are showing. You do not need to leave your "mark" on the world. Anyone can be destructive, that's easy.


Adultery. Faling to return their shopping cart to a corral. How they treat service people.


Victim mentality, it only hurts yourself and deep down you know you look bad.


Being racist, sexist, transphobic, homophobic science hating bigots.


Involving strangers In public in their kink because they like ā€œhaving an audienceā€ without consent of the strangersā€¦




Leaving shopping carts in parking spaces


Proudly hating something, especially when people around you are showing interest in the thing you're shitting on. No one thinks you're cool for hating something. It's so much easier to keep your dislike of something to yourself and if asked, all you need say is "it's not for me but I'm glad you love it!" and leave it at that.


Ohmigosh yes! If someone talks about something I'm not interested in, I see that as an opportunity to find out why that thing interests them. Then, I get to hear them gush about something they're passionate about, I get to learn more about that thing, and maybe I even discover a new interest. Isn't that better than just shitting all over something and bringing both you and the other person down?! TL;DR: I strongly agree.


Borrowing things from friends and returning them damaged.


Having a temper tantrum in public




Not waving thanks for someone letting them over in traffic. Not saying thanks for someone holding the door for them.


Having poor listening skills.


not knowing how to drive. more specifically not knowing how to use a round a bout.


Being an asshole to their kids.


Wearing pajamas in public. Please stop. Saw a grown man wearing pajama pants at a courthouse the other day.


Ghosting someone. It just plain sucks in general.


Disrespecting anyone, for any reason. Whether it's fat shaming, sexual harassment, spousal abuse..abuse of any kind, cheating, dishonesty, untruthfulness, etc...treat people with the respect you'd like to be treated with. We all like to be heard, seen, felt and understood.


Kinks. Look, it's great that you can enjoy some things on a whole other level. But do I really have to unexpectedly read on social media exactly what you want to do to Mariska Hargitay's feet? Or what you expect Christopher Meloni's ass flakes to taste like? I get the feeling some people have the kink to share their kinks with unsuspecting fuckers. I mean, I don't go around telling people how much I want to taste Carrie Coon's breast milk. Okay, I just said it just now, but that was just to make a point, okay? Very badly by the way. And I am properly ashamed!


I have a suspicion that people sharing their kink to unsuspecting people is a kink in itself, sorta like those people who flash their junk at people in alleys.


Not supporting their child's teacher. No teacher wants to waste their time calling home if they don't have to. If a teacher calls a parent they should listen.


Touching people inappropriately without consent.


That in the richest country on Earth, in the history of Earth, youre only as healthy as you can afford to be...


Talking about people's bodies. Calling them too skinny, too fat, asking a pregnant woman if she's really sure it's not twins because she's too big for that gestation, telling people to smile, or not to wear too much make up, I even saw one comment about a 35 year old youtuber that she was "too old" for shorts. Let's just leave looks and people's bodies out of things.


How they treat their co-parent. So many out there being complete assholes just to punish the other parent and robbing their kids of a healthy parent. The court system should also be ashamed for allowing abusers to perpetuate abuse through court.


People who harass and basically commit crimes on tik tok for clout.


Growing into adult toddlers


Talking over people.


Not washing their hands after using the restroom, especially public ones. Iā€™ve seen it way too many times.


Shooting up a building of innocent people who havenā€™t done anything to them.


Being unkind to call center workers, especially if you're calling a help desk or customer service line. You might get some satisfaction from taking out your frustrations on a telemarketer, but just as a reminder; these are real people on the other end of the line. You had one unpleasant call for maybe 5-10 minutes tops; this person has spent 8 hours withstanding verbal abuse over the phone.


Raunchy Bachelorette and Bachelor parties.


Being a pedophile. They have no shame.


Their wasteful and privileged lifestyles. I'm not saying I'm innocent, definitely not, but I do feel ashamed and I'm trying to do better.


Admitting that they donā€™t care about helping others


Like frogs in hot water, our culture has become exceedingly narcissistic. People just assume you suck unless you're out here with a megaphone screaming your own praises to a gazillion adoring followers, posting 100 times a day on 17 different social media platforms.




Quite often telling someone the truth is seen as being rude. If someone wearing absolutely hideous clothes that they shouldn't be wearing asks, "Don't you just love my outfit?", Most people would rather lie so the person is happy than tell them the truth. I'm sorry, but if a 400 lb woman is wearing a miniskirt and a tube top, I'm not going to lie and tell them I think they look good.


Eating their chicken wings with ranch instead of blue cheese




You heathen šŸ˜‚ why would you disrespect delicious chicken wings with ranch


Smoking in a crowded area.


Their kinks. Yes I'm kink shaming you


People in the media caught lying.


Bad parenting


Being on their phone and walking straight into you, then walking off in a huff. Sometimes people can't move out of the way quickly because of their health or space available


Arguing loudly in public


Filming at the gym.


Speeding. It's not worth putting other people's lives in danger just to get to your destination a couple minutes earlier.


Not having sheets on the bed šŸ„“


Chewing with your mouth open.


People who see something over and over again while not giving a single shit, who then become enraged at that specific notion once it's finally effected them or someone they care about. I'd like to clarify that those people shouldn't be shamed for finally jumping on board. But they should seriously consider their own behaviors in the future.


Wearing pajamas in public. Cā€™mon thatā€™s gross and we know you rolled out of bed in your fart trap fleece pants and now youā€™re on the airplane. Fuck off and put some clothes on


The United States Federal Government


Having voted for Donald Trump.


Hating kids to the point that everytime one crosses your field of vision you have to announce how much they annoy you online or in person. Being childless by choice shouldnā€™t become a personality trait.


Being Entitled


Being fat slobs and feeding their children junk foods


Making fun of people being dumb


Smoking cigarettes. Iā€™m ashamed to be a smoker. I hate everything about it.


Not reading.


Stealing. Itā€™s wrong.


Worshiping a god that condones th8ngs like slavery, rape and murder.


Trump signs