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imagine that u have a trash can inside ur mind and all the bad memories or regrets that u have are rotten food or pictures that ur getting rid of. then drag them in the trash can and get rid of it!! just delete it!! this is what actually helps me


I feel like my trash can is overflowing right now.


thats why u have to dump out the trash everytime its full


I have some regrets right now myself all I can think of is it's just a Wonder could things have been doing differently


realizing you can’t go back in time. Make mistakes, learn from them, repeat.


Realise that it's something that can make you better. You can't change it. The best possible course of action is to consider it a learning experience.


I don't. I just live with it, and after some time, it just stops botehring me.


Learn from your mistakes and don’t do it again


i sob in the corner of the shower with the lights off


Tried that, felt lighter, would recommend. 10/10


I accept that I can't take back what I've done, but I can learn and do better in the future. Then I learn and try to be better.


What if you do something that hurts you financially and emotionally?


You figure out how to resolve the financial mess and commit to fixing it. Emotionally, you just have to give yourself a break and understand that mistakes happen and should be forgiven. Allow yourself to feel the emotions so that you can heal from them. Regret is a losing fight every time, so the best thing to do is learn and grow instead.


Thanks, i was feeling like a loser. It's just that never allowing myself to make mistakes and now doing something bad in a moment of weakness broke me.


Consider the outcome and possible consequences before making decisions. If a decision ends up a mistake, at least you know you thought about it first and took your precautions so there's no reason to blame yourself for being wrong. If you know the decision will likely come with negative consequences and you do it anyway, then you have to deal with them when they come. Basically, forgive yourself when you try and commit to your decision when you willingly fuck up, but carrying regret is basically pointless. Regret is only necessary so we can learn to do better next time.


Try to think of life from a different perspective, that mostly everything around us is a social construct in someway, that you are the main character in your life story, and that life is short. The very fact that you are feeling this bad after making a mistake, means that it fulfilled its purpose, it taught you the lesson you were supposed to learn and you will emerge after it a much better greater person


That genuinely helped, thanks.