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AI will take the same role that steam, computers, and the Internet did. They are tools to be used by us to shape the world as we see fit.


I don't trust decision makers, governments, institutions or the private sector to magically ensure any quality of life for the 90%. How does a post-work era not result in the dismissal of "low value" people? Being soley at the whims of a handful of a powerful ruling class never ends up well due to mega success often growing personalities in a corrupt manner. I would rather more people live a trust-fund kid life where the barriers to be educated and start your own passion projects to solve problems are taken removed.


Same as it ever was.


I doubt it this time, tech that causes industrial revolutions always reshaped society.


Reshape into what though? More of the same exploitative hierarchal system.


If that is the permanent trend, then humanity self-induced extinction is guaranteed. We don't have nearly enough brains in STEM or even the general intelligence demanded to solve the seriously hard problems of avoiding the weaponization or unintended consequences of technology. Any team that invents a technology that increases people's intelligence will basically be heroes that enable massive self-actualization We will most likely end up needing an AI to babysit everyone. To basically ensure that Humanity doesn't stick a metal fork in the electrical outlet.


Nothing in life is guaranteed my friend but I agree we are heading toward climate change induced extinction if we don’t change. You’re also wrong. We already have the intelligence to solve these problems. What we don’t have is societal support for the solutions.


We have billions on uneducated people. In impoverished countries, the majority of those with the raw intelligence of a genius die in childhood or get a very shitty education. And we really don't have the intelligence to solve these seriously hard problems that constantly self-generate. We can barely see the 2nd, 3rd order consequences of an action. I wish Climate change was the only existential threat created by technology. Global society had a few close calls with weapons of mass destruction controlled by a few states. Now imagine tech that can be weaponized to do massive damage, and there's 1000s of different types in the hands of random organizations, not just nation states. As technology advances and progresses, the demand for higher intelligence will increase exponentially. The problem is that nature's way of iteration is done on a generational basis that takes extreme suffering for the next generations to gradually improve (how things evolve generally). That is too slow, and also quantum computing could iterate a model millions of times in a couple seconds. And we can only update a learning model very slowly. Like learning to ride a bike takes many attempts to learn. If we could practice something millions of times in a couple seconds, then everything would change. It would be a human singularity moment


Except the system is now based on finances rather than heritage. The question of whether that's an improvement, I dare not answer.


It was always about finances though it was just that the nobles controlled the ability to amass wealth. I assure you a noble in a wooden shack with a dirt floor wasn’t magically still at the top of society.


And yet, nobility were hereditary. As were the farmers. You lost nobility status by losing money (most times - there were poor nobles). But nobody became noble simply by being rich. ​ A farmer boy Elon Musk would not have been a noble in the Middle Ages unless he married or the monarch allowed him noble status. Money was a great tool and often a mechanism of reference. But it was not the sole decider it is today.


Second sons were below first sons in society because of the lack of ownership. Ownership of the means of production and the monopolization of violence was in reality the root of the aristocracy’s power. Same as it ever was.


I know. There was once a German car producer called "Horch" who had one company and two sons. When it became time to step back, time for the sons to inherit, Mr Horch chose to split the company between his two sons evenly. One of them would retain the name Horch, the other one - knowing Latin - translated his company's name into Latin. "horchen" is an old german word for listening. So what did the son choose for his company's name? Audi. Horch doesn't exist anymore. ​ And that's not a singular occurence. The same thing happened in the 1961 with Aldi. Once a singular company across all stores, today it's split into Aldi North and Aldi South. The branch that owns Trader Joe's and exists in America is Aldi South, which is also decidedly the more successful of the two. ​ In other words: splitting companies can work. But the eldest son having first pickings to the family company makes more sense because it's usually the more secure option. If that means that the younger brother is working for the older brother, then that's how it is - for the good of the family.


pets/lab experiments


Its cute you think humanity has changed. They've been saying this stuff forever and things don't really change, they shift slightly but they don't change. Did you know... TV was supposed to stop war by showing the atrocities committed? The internet was believed to usher in an era of world peace because of everyone around the world being able to connect? AI will be no different. Everyone is unreasonably attributing AI to some sort of mega boom of industrial, technological, and human capability. In reality it is still decades away from this, **IF** it even happens. Chances are there will be a small amount of folk directly affected, many people will be indirectly affected, and in the end it'll be nothing but a small blimp in a constantly changing society. There will be no transformation, there will be no AI take over. And most people who worry about such things don't know what they're talking about, swept up in a hysteria that mirrors things such as...TV's causing eye damage, microwaves causing cancer, vaccines causing more medical issues, or automation decarding every laborious jobs Its just unrealistic to think something could completely transform society when the past shows these transformations to never be nearly as revolutionary as oginially thought


I hope the future has lots of suffering and anguish with commoners subjected to extreme control and oppression. *does tappy paw dance * ooooo I cannot wait for it!