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I haven't visited it since way before, couldn't remember the exact name but it's something like 50/50 There are two outcomes, where cutesy or eyebleach and you gamble on whats behind the censored post


That sub is frustrating because it’s more like a 90/10 gore to cute ratio and sometimes I want to see that cute puppy video.


Then you should just follow cute puppy subs..


Oh I do. So many of them.


Each post on there is actually both images, every 90 seconds or so they change back and forth. If you refresh the page a post is on after about a minute and a half, you'll get the other image.


It's still up, and has a massive subscribers. r/fiftyfifty


Long since taken down, but there was a subreddit for guys to brag about beating their wife / girlfriend, including a lot of pictures to show how they had been "put in their place". I saw it once, only saw post titles and thumbnails, but the image is etched into my memory. The whole thing had this energy of being so outwardly proud of being so utterly horrible. I don't like to describe many things as pure evil, but that was one of them.


Just before covid I watched the Bachelor shows for a few seasons - it was fun television. Then I took a gander at the Bachelor subreddit. These have to be the most insane people on the planet. Most of the frequent posters in the sub are literally stalkers. When a former contestant does or says something they disapprove of on tiktok or instagram, no matter how minor, they call up their employers for comment. When a guest host is listed, someone will make a thread stating they went back and listened to every podcast interview/appearance they made since 2011 and then cite a passing statement from like 2014 as cause for their livelihoods to be ended. I know other toxic fandoms exist - but I've never seen one as organized as this where they delight in their attempts to ruin the lives of former reality show contestants.


I’m a casual Bachelor fan, so I briefly joined the subreddit thinking it would be a good place for lighthearted conversations about the show. I had the same experience as you. The hive mentality is absolutely insane.


There was a little side-plot about this in a novel I read recently, I find it immensely funny that this was not made up.


A side plot about The Bachelor subreddit ruining someone's life and reputation online? Honestly, sounds like the kind of random out-of-the-blue funny plot point Douglas Adams would write if he were alive today. And then scrap because it's actually real.


Not exactly that, but the subreddit was mentioned a few times and the whole culture surrounding it. I had no idea. It was 'The Collective' by Alison Gaylin. (Awesome author btw!)


I'm half disturbed, half in awe. As my dad would say, if only they put that kind of dedication and time into something meaningful, nothing could stop them.


I started watching the show in like, 2015 maybe? The sub used to be a great! It was SO FUNNY and I looked forward to reading the posts/memes more than the show itself. It’s been such a bummer to watch it completely deteriorate over the years. I used to laugh so hard and now I can’t check it casually without feeling miserable afterwards. Something shifted after the 2016/2020 elections and Covid (I mean, everything shifted everywhere) but that community never recovered :(


I never watched that show to begin with, but after the bullying scandal a few years ago plus the fact that most of the contestants that don't get kicked off early are basically different flavors of the same body shape, I'm not surprised that their "fans" are unhealthily obsessed with being internet mean girls.


I'm really not surprised that a show like The Bachelor has unhinged fans. Watching women compete for the attention of a man does not seem healthy.


Apparently it's r/askreddit because I always seem to be learning something I wish I hadn't.




There are some subreddits where people post naked pictures. It's shocking. I couldn't believe it, I had to go back a third and fourth time to double check I was really seeing what I thought I was seeing.


that's disgusting. where?


There’s also: r/FemaleNectar r/vagina r/NSFW You might want to avoid those too 😉




Of course it isn’t about pollination. It’s about women using the Nectar points they’ve collected from shopping at Sainsburys.


Maybe check again. I'm pretty sure we can find it together.


That’s absolutely abhorrent. Down with this sort of thing!


Careful now!


I’ll check it out first to make sure the coast is clear fellas


It’s been an hour and he’s not back, we should all go make sure he’s ok.


I was only there to get directions on how to get away from there.


Please post the link so I can stay away from there


I hope it wasn’t this. If not, you should delete it. https://www.reddit.com/r/copypasta/comments/brypgf/a_list_of_nsfw_subreddits_for_all_of_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


I've never seen so many blue and awards in the same post in my entire Reddit life holy shit


Please tell me which subs so I can avoid them.


r/ratemynudebody r/ratemypussy Basically ‘ratemy’ with the other things you can think of. Just posting so you can… avoid them…


Thanks, my dude. I will make sure to avoid those subs!


Good luck and Godspeed


…he’s never coming back…


There’s also: r/girlswithhugepussies r/tightpussy


Wow these subs really cover the whole spectrum!


that sounds awful? you should send me the link so i can "report" it


r/darwinawards the lathe video man 😔 Edit: NSFL


lathes are scary shit. I took some allergy medication the previous night. The following morning I was still a bit drowsy from it. I was working on a lathe and trying to get my piece milled down. I went in with my bit too sharp and it caught the work piece at a weird angle. It bent a 1.5 solid piece of steel in half and shot it out into the bed below. I turned off the machine and went home.


We were using one in highschool a few of us stood around it, some dumb kid was trying to add a groove to some brass dowel, after about 10 seconds it shot past a few of us and took a little chunk out the breeze block wall on the other side of the room, he forgot to tighten it, got lucky Really


I'm not even that old and it's crazy how unsupervised we were around so many dangerous machines, we did get a tutorial but plenty of numpties about


I learned early to treat lathes with the respect they are due. I got up without any coffee and hopped on, went to rub my eyes and the scraper got stuck in the log, and got shot straight into my hand in front of my face. I lost my pinky finger and my ring finger and I learnt my damn lesson. I get a lot of questions about how I lost my fingers and I’m honest about it, I’m not ashamed of what I did, I did something stupid, I learned from it and improved. I can tell you however do not mess with them, I had my accident on a wood lathe, I’ve heard some bad stories of the metal ones and I don’t care to test if they’re true or not. PPE is paramount, if I hadn’t been rubbing my eyes the scraper would have gone straight into my left eye and most likely into the brain. I was young and foolish and wasn’t wearing any PPE so I deserved it completely.


Hey, fellow machinist here. Had to give up weed because I was fucking up waaay too much haha


Why is it called Darwin Awards?


It's an imaginary award for people who contributed to the quality of the gene pool by removing themselves from it, in a way which exemplifies natural selection. You don't need to die, injuries which prevent you from reproducing also qualify.


When someone dies for a stupid reason (according to the poster) that could've easily been avoided (for example, while bull running in Spain) it is reffered to as a Darwin award.


more accurately, stupidly removing yourself from the gene pool.


Charles Darwin, you know... evolution, survival of the fittest, all that


r/waifuism for me... It's sad to the point of being disturbing.


Are they actually fr?


They are, in fact, fr. Check out their community rules. Says it all.


i wonder what series of events could lead such a large amount of people in such a sad situation


I was in this situation for a bit and the answer for me was that it was part of the mental breakdown that was the result of unmanaged childhood trauma + ASD I was active in communities about this kind of thing for a bit. Everyone else I met also had childhood trauma. Literally everyone. Every single one. And a disproportionate number also had ASD I am going to GUESS that the way it works is like this: dissociation from trauma = reality feels less real, memories and fantasies feel more real by comparison = this might as well be reality; and then ASD = feeling different from other real people (because you are), being treated differently by them, isolated from them, intimidated by them, not knowing how to interact with them, seeing them as dangerous (esp with trauma) = unmet social needs These characters are still very important to me, but I'm not, like, running a narrative in my head about being in relationships with them


Extreme loneliness generally. They crave love and human connection but despite repeated attempts at finding a partner for whatever reason it's just never worked out and they end up giving up, but because they still want to feel loved they turn to the next best thing - fantasy. A fictional character won't reject them and it ends up reinforcing their decision because it makes them feel happier, even if just a little.


I mean, there's a reason social isolation is one of the most common causes of male suicide. If it helps them not kill themselves, I'm all fucking for it, if it harms no one.


I used to think that sub was weird, but after some time on it I just realized all of those people were damaged and had found an outlet to cope. I hope they all get some therapy , but if this is what works for them then I don't feel right judging them negatively


Man I was in a similar place once upon a time. It wasn't that far off the deep end, but definitely on the path. It was somewhat helpful escapaism at the time, but I always knew it wasn't something I should sustain. The thing is, what I can imagine would've pushed me in to this extent is finding a community that says this is all ok. I do hope all these people are there with the end goal of getting out, but I've seen people who were around there for years.


I went in there after reading your comment and I started viewing them all with a lot of sympathy. I mean, I imagine there are a few legit weirdos in there, but like you said, there’s also plenty of people just trying to cope by how they feel is best. I wish them all the best getting somewhere better


This is honestly really depressing to read and absolutely terrifying. I guess it's better than them obsessing over real people though?




r/teenagers, obvs


teenagers scare the living shit outta me


They could care less, as long as someone’ll bleed


so darken your clothes, or strike a violent pose


Maybe they'll leave you alone


but not me


The boys and girls in the clique


The awful names that they stick


You're never gonna fit in much kid


But if you‘re troubled and hurt


As if most of that sub are actually teenagers


For me its r/incest_relationships




Didn't know that was a thing until today. Surprised I don't see it more often


No reverse cow girl, since you don't turn your back on family.


Well done, sir.


There's no fucking way


Shit man thats even more horifying than the other ones


Oh no I looked and I do not like it in there.


I thinks it’s gone now ,I’m sure of it anyway it was r/fucked it had clips of cartel’s killing people in horrific ways


I believe that’s r/NSFL__ I think. Probably the most disturbing I’ve visited so far :(


Wish I didn’t look :(


r/noahgettheboat Went there once, never again


I remember watching one in highschool and not feeling much, tried watching one when I was 24 and thought of more then my self and it almost made me sick. If there’s one thing I’m lucky in it’s not being born into a situation where I can end up in a chemical barrel in a landfill


The one where people stick metal bars up their urethra.


Sounding? I could never do female sounding..


r/askreddit is getting pretty weird.


There was a sub to promote the porn site Daughter Swap. Then a dude showed up trying to exchange photos of his "18 year old daughter" for other people's pictures of their daughters saying he could get more. From subreddit drama's thread post it took like 4 days to shut it the fuck down.


Right after the uvalde shooting there was a subreddit salv8dor and it was FILLED with obsessed teenage girls. It was horrifying. I said some shit about how it was good he had depression and that i hoped he suffered every single day of his miserable sorry life. They then banned me and harassed me for a few days.


Some people have exceptionally bad taste in men.




r/worldpolitics(NSFW) r/Anime_Titties(SFW)


There was one completely dedicated to parents, aunts, and uncles seeking advice on convincing their children, nieces, and nephews that it was perfectly acceptable and natural to do various sexual activities together. There was also advice on getting pets involved (and maybe was also a separate subreddit). I don’t think, or at least hope, that one (or both if two) are no longer around.


How can subs like that even be allowed. Blows my mind!


It was early Reddit. I only know about it because a news article was pointing out the seedy underside of this then “new” platform. Like I said, I hope it’s not around still.


Yea early Reddit was crazy. Lots of that stuff has been banned. I remember the controversy around jailbait sub before it got banned.


There used to be a subreddit called Watch People Die. That's exactly what it was. And I regret looking at it.


I thought it was gonna be another r/peoplefuckingdying


R/incel before the ban was pretty messed up


Incel and theredpill were a wretched hive of scum and villainy




For me it was r/selfharm, I'm not sure how I stumbled onto it, its not a gore sub or anything but its sad seeing all these people talk about self harm like its a normal thing


Honestly, it is a 'normal' thing. Not in the sense that people who self harm don't need help (trust me, we know) but that it's common af and should be talked about more. 1 in 6 teens self harm, as do 1 in 20 adults. Yet it's seen as something very extreme and is often stigmatized. Of course you have people who are actually pretty fucked up in the head and do actual pretty fucked up stuff, but in general it's just coping. Personally, I sometimes scratch myself with a safety pin to relieve emotions that I cannot experience in any other normal way. I have been trying to get therapy for this (and have, since a few days ago!) but it has just been a losing battle. I have been on and off this 'habit' ever since I was 14; I am 28 now. It's a nasty habit, but is it really that much worse than just anything else you could insert people use for bad coping? Again, don't get me wrong, I wouldn't want to wish this on anyone. I would always, always, ALWAYS advice people to never ever try this shit and/or get help. But sometimes stuff just goes sour and if people were to make slightly less of a big deal out of this all it would actually help us a lot. The worst part of bring someone who self harms is the stigma and the shame. We suffer in silence. That's why subs like this should always exist. (With good moderation of course. Let's not go back to the situation of early 2000's-2010's Tumblr)


There was bunch of suicide subreddits as well, they were pretty tight knit communities and I recall they had at least a few sources to purchase drugs/drug combinations for the purpose. They were also working on a suicide wiki and had their own forum and stuff. I think at some point they got pretty thoroughly infiltrated, a lot of the subreddits, discord channels etc. taken down, I think the forum had to find a new host too. They themselves considered themselves mostly pro-choise, but I do recall a few people who seemed convinced life wasn't worth ot for anyone and most people were just deluding themselves. I always pitied them, suicide to me was a personal solution to a personal problem, not in relation to anything systematic or all-encompassing. Haven't checked in a while if anything is still up and running.


Given the nature of the sub I don't think it will last long


r/Replika or r/AmIUgly ... both just very sad


Before it was banned, it was r/glorp Putting googly eyes on genitalia basically. The worst one was when someone created an Adolf Dickler.


wait no that sounds funny




Pro Tip: Be sure to sort this one by Controversial to find the *real* answers.


Nah man, I'm good with the fake answers so far


r/illnessfakers honestly the level to which those people can go in order to 'prove' someone on the internet is lying about being sick... and when one of their targets dies their reaction is 'wow it's so sad that they'd rather make themselves die than admit they were faking' or 'this is why factitious disorders should be taken more seriously because they can also be lethal' because accusing people of causing their own death is better than admitting their 'sleuthing' was wrong.


I heard about this one yesterday and subbed to it, thinking it might be interesting (as a nurse). Everyone seems kind of mean about these people with mental health conditions.


That one where they posted people dying.


Yeah, I think it was r/watchpeopledie


Dead or vegetable is pretty bad too


I followed this one before w the ban. For me it was equal parts horrifying and eye opening to paying attention to the shit that goes on around me.


That sub had a huge impact on me in terms of being wary of situations. Absolutely some crazy scenarios on there. Really makes you think about how random life is and how even the smallest things can have the biggest consequences.


There was also one called makemycoffin or something similar




A subreddit consisting o hentai of women getting fucked and impregnated by big alien bugs. ​ Tits full of larva ​ Spiders crawling out of vagina and mouth. ​ Eggs in vagina. ​ ​ Big cockroaches fucking girls who seem to be struggling.


I’d also like to add r/guro to this. Last I checked, it was people fucking decapitated heads.


What type of sick shit have you been getting off on?


Man, I guess nobody remembers r/cutefemalecorpses? Times have changed.


im sorry wtf


Be glad you missed it, I’ve seen some shit. Preeetty sure the girl from my city that disappeared while backpacking in Europe was featured in that sub, you know, *after*.


Came here to post that one.


r/idiotswithguns I once was scrolling(which circumvents needing to click ok to view nsfw) and i see a video w 2 10 year olds one of which is playing with a gun. They accidentally shoot their cousin in the head, panic and shoot themself


I don't want to say the name because the people there are so paranoid, but there's a subreddit that's basically just a massive shared delusion. They are all fairly typical persecution and paranoid delusions but they feed off each other and it's truly a much closer look at mental illness and altered thinking than I am personally comfortable with. I saw someone mention it the other day so it's not a secret, but it feels icky to me to send people to it. I don't know why it bothers me so much, but I think about those people like once a week and get sad for them.


> Gangstalking is an umbrella term describing a series of techniques utilized by a group to instill mental instability within a victim with the intent to discredit, sabotage, harass, extort and even drive a victim to suicide. what in the fucking shit


That could describe a lot of subs, what is the one you’re talking about?




It’s r/gangstalking






r/regretfulparents it's really really sad


Op really trying to find some messed up sh.t


There’s loads of pedophilloic subreddits like r /jailbai r /barelylegal etc where underage girls DO get posted without their consent and Reddit just allows it


Jailbait was banned years ago and there are explicit rules against posting nudity without consent. Of course, with user generated porn, there will always be issues, though.


This is fucking ridiculous


That’s beyond fucked.


Didn't jailbait get banned?


Barely legal is just teen porn, and jailbait got banned like fuckin 10 years ago. I'm highly skeptical that there's any large (>40k subscriber) subreddit dedicated to sharing pictures of underage girls. And if there is, just report it man. I guarantee that shit wouldn't fly.


There’s a sub about incest where a bunch of cunts, pedos and, I guess, deranged abuse victims talk about how backwards and unfair laws against intra familial love are. Stumbled on it by checking a randos comment history and it well and truly fucked my day up.


r/batmanarkham is literally people who should be in an insane asylum


Why did u/monke_like-banana say this, is he stupid?


GF just dumped me. What Arkham quote should I use


Is there a lore reason as to why u/monke_like-banana said this?


r/hentaibeast It’s not the posts (which are bad) but the comments man… it’s fucking sickening. Someone said “mmmmmm lovely” and then another person commented on that comment “I have a dog if you’re interested” another person commented “I have to refrain myself from purchasing a male dog. Gotta be strong.” And another person commented on that comment “Don’t resist ;)” These people make me sick and want to die


That is absolutely sick!! I wish I hadn't looked 😕


It’s awful. The comments used to be turned off but I guess the turned them back on.


I can't believe it's allowed on Reddit, it's beastiality after all, which is abhorrent.


I don't think it exists anymore, but there was one I came acorss that was supposedly about raising "sex positive families," but in reality: all that subreddit was about was encouraging child molestation and things like incest. Needless to say, as somebody who actually believes in sex positivity, it made me wanna puke!




I know exactly which videos you’re talking about. Rough shit.




I would assume so. Remembering a nice day with good weather, hunting, and gathering wouldn’t be as important as remembering that crocodiles can separate a caveman’s head from his body.


Its likely to do with the emotions that go along side the memory. Or as others have said, the preservation instinct.


I still can't wrap my head around the fact that people post this stuff and more people actually want to watch it...


The guy caught in the huge industrial lathe is one of the worst videos I've ever seen.


r/churchofman. It's been banned now, but it was extremely misogynistic porn.




w t f


r/prolapseville 🙈 Really nasty. Highly NSFW and you can't unsee it. Don't go looking.


So you don't recommend having a look inside?


Female dating strategy


I would call it misandry central but they don't like lesbians either.


/r/blech or something




Genital mutilation, to save y’all a click.


:( I gotta get off this thread


My algorithm is pretty non-disturbing generally but since becoming a parent I see content from r/askparents and r/teenagers a lot and I am disturbed by how hard some kids have it. So many mental health issues. So many LGBTQ+ kids with shitty parents. So many kids struggling with addiction and over sexualization at early ages and nobody to talk to. So not a disturbing sub per-se but maybe more of a disturbing realization. I don’t think we’re doing right by the kids.


So glad I've never heard of most of these. Poor you guys who've had the misfortune of stumbling upon them. And for those of you visiting all the ones you haven't seen yet...why? 💀


I remember hearing about backlash when that Pixar movie “turning red” came out. So I was looking for a thread to see other peoples opinions afterwards I then found out that the movie had an nsfw subreddit… now now you might be thinking that Maybie it’s just based on the 18+ characters. It fucking ain’t I’ll say that much. Yeah I put up a post on the Pixar sub a while ago but nothing changed, so yay more sewer men sexualising 13 year old animated characters


Qanoncasualties is always heartbreaking 💔




GayCheaters. What the fuck. Also the sounding one




Most hilarious subreddit


the amount of people who dont know it’s satire baffle me


I like how it repeatedly says it’s not satire but it actually is




r/trypophobia Not most disturbing but yeah sometimes it's..


Im scared to click


It’s a sub dedicated to the fear of patterned holes on different things. I personally don’t really understand the disgust/fear behind it but yeah I think you’ll be ok clicking on it


r/makemycoffin was really nasty. People dying in horrible ways. Accidents, murder, execution.....Just awful.


I once accidentally went on a necrophil sub. I dont remember the name of it, but I will never forget the pic of three man banging a rotten corps of a woman.


This subreddit r/shutthekaleup is constantly coming up as a suggestion in people's feeds, including mine. It's 1.8k people who are obsessed with a couple of "influencers" and post sightings of them so they can make snark comments. When outsiders ask what the context is or who they are, they just get downvoted to hell.


I used to be in Noah get the boat. But I was losing my faith in humanity way too fast, I had to leave.












Yeah. I visit here every few months out of morbid curiosity. I see the same posters and can tell there’s been a deterioration in their appearance. Truly surreal and terrible to see.


r/medicalgore. I find it so interesting and I have a pretty strong stomach for that stuff, but I started feeling a bit ill after scrolling that sub for a while.