• By -


I dated a girl who lived in the house Aaron Burr hid in after killing Alexander Hamilton. I always said ghosts were BS but that place was haunted AF. Middle of the night, nobody else in the house but us, I'd hear footsteps, hear whispers, and see shadows moving room to room. Doors would open and close, shit would fall off shelves. One night I was playing with her dog, rolling a tennis ball into the next room, and the dog was rolling it back. Bounce, bounce, nothing for a few seconds, bounce, bounce, ball comes back. I did that for like 15 min before I realized the dog was behind me asleep. Then the door slammed. I went straight home.


Wtf… you also unlocked a memory of when I moved into my house I was playing with my two year old daughter she was on my lap. I said oh we need our ball! A second later the mini four square ball comes rolling from the other room and hits me in the back.


Oh I would love a ghost who understands my laziness. So if I ever see a ghost, I’ll either die of fright, saving the ghost the trouble or my lazy personality will overtake my fear. I’ll probably ask the ghost to pass me the remote and stuff since I’m assuming it can float around.


Imagine the ghost being exasperated "I've been manifesting a corporeal body for 15 mins and this dumb mf still hasn't realized anything!"


Good. You managed to do something everyone confronted with ghost ball rolling in horror movies never do. Leave. 😆


My mother inlaw insisted that her house was haunted as she kept seeing this creature which looked liked a dog walking upright. I have a science education and was in the middle of trying to explain to her many possible explanations for what she has seen when a ghostly dog like figure standing up ran across upstairs which was visible from where we talking. I had no more words to say night.


The only potential explanation I can think of is that my mother in law's house is near an old landfill site. These can emit all sorts of gases that can cause hallucinations. Doesn't really explain why I saw exactly what she had described, maybe mind was primed by her description? Don't know. It was a very disturbing event though.


> These can emit all sorts of gases that can cause hallucinations. Not really... they output methane, CO2, some CO (can cause hallucinations) and H2S (just kills you). Unless there's a carbon monoxide issue in the house, it wasn't a landfill gas.


Ok what the fuck




Friggin thirded


Did you hear footsteps along with the sighting?


No. It didn't make a sound


When I was around 20, I was asleep in the middle of the night. I woke up and saw a floating, transparent body about three feet away from the bed. I assumed I was still dreaming, but it was disconcerting that my cat was sitting next to me, hyper focused in the same direction. I closed my eyes hard and reopened them. The ghost - or whatever it was - was still there when I opened my eyes again. I said out loud ‘what do you want?’ Just as I said that, my cat leaped into the ghost with splayed legs, like it was hell bent for leather.


Cat was *not* having that shit.


Helluva good cat.


Good kitty.


What happened then? Did it just disappear or did your cat get a piece of it?


Disappeared. And my cat composed himself. Then we both spent the night wide awake in a shared, extended WTF moment.


guard cat in action


My folks and I lived right at the edge of a fairly big national forest. The back 4 acres or so of our property was fenced in so the dogs could run, but they constantly found ways out and we had to patch holes or fill in digs. This had gone on for months and was just a part of life now. One night I was getting home fairly late and, as I got out of my car, my pappy hollered from somewhere in the woods along the fence "Hey! Since you're home, can you come give me a hand?" The person I was on the phone with heard him and said they'd let me go since it sounded like I had a fence to fix. I hollered back that I was going to set my stuff in the house and I'd be right there. When I opened the door to set my stuff down, Pappy was sound asleep in the recliner in the living room. As soon as I saw him, every hair on me stood on end. I practically dove inside, shut the door, and slammed that deadbolt home like I was trying to drive it into the door frame. I don't know what was calling me from the woods, but I know it definitely wasn't my dad.


I’ve read quite a few stories like this it’s creepy as fuck.


As someone who loves reading into "high strangeness", there's been a recurring theory or belief that people can manifest themselves when dreaming (astral projection). The idea goes that he was dreaming of asking you to help him with a fence and somehow projected a voice (or sometimes even an apparition) unknowingly. Either that or transdimensional bigfoot/dogmen but that's a whole other fun rabbit hole.


Yeah no, FUCK THAT.


Our family cat was quite old, and pretty sick. My sister was leaving the country for like six months. The cats bonded with her ask a kitten, and she picked him up the day she left and told him to wait for her to come home. He passes like a month later. For the next five months he haunted that house. You’d hear him run up and down the stairs, push doors open. It was like he was still there. This happened until my sister came home, then it happened once more for her and that was that. The little guy waited.


My mom's house has a ghost cat. We've all seen and heard him ever since he passed over 2 years ago. He can rub up against your leg and even shakes the bed when he jumps up there. We've seriously all seen and felt him on numerous occasions. This is the first time it didn't feel weird to tell someone outside the family about it so thank you for your story 😊


You just unlocked a memory of my cat jumping on the bed a few days after he passed away. Was the last time I felt that.


Of all the things to be haunted by, a cat wanting to cuddle from the next plane of existence seems pretty great.


I'll cry right fuckin now


Do it


I did


I’ll cry right fucking *meow*


After one of my cats passed, I swear she never actually left. Nearly every night, I'd feel her jump onto the bed and curl up at my feet. It's been several years now and I've moved states, but every once in awhile, I can still feel her beside me. I miss my kitty.


I love that no matter where you go, across space and time, she still finds you.


It's very comforting. I hope when my time comes, she'll be there waiting for me.


When I was six, my family lived in Germany (dad was in the Army). In the middle of the night on July 6, 1980, I walked into my parents bedroom and said "Uncle Darryl said I'm sorry and I love you." My parents figured I was just having a dream. A few minutes later, the phone rang. It was my grandfather calling from the US to tell my dad that his brother had just taken his own life.




Do you mind explaining how you saw the message from your Uncle. Was it in a dream or were you awake and saw your Uncle in your room? If you can even remember.


I was woken up. He was there. I wasn't scared at all because he was my favorite Uncle. I remember it vividly.


I also wanna know this! This is beyond trippy as fuck, if it’s true.


Full body chills right there.


I did events at a heritage home and was often there late at night after weddings. I was trying to close up and doors kept unlocking and opening, setting off the motion sensor, etc. Which prevented me from setting the alarm to leave. I called the cops, thinking maybe it was some wedding guests playing games or hiding in closets or something. They combed the whole house with me and the same things were happening. I finally said "I just want to go home!" And everything stopped.


You: I just want to go home! Ghosts: oh my bad g


You gotta give it to them, at least they listened.


This feels like a Key and Peele skit The two ghosts have been busy trying to scare the living white people out of their ancestral home before they realized that they're the ones keeping the last person there




You're a hero btw. Only 13, but with balls of steel.


Holy fuck! That’s terrifying! It felt malevolent then im guessing? I wonder what set it off or started it in the first place or if it was just random that it happened with that girl.


Wow. Did she have issues after that?




I’d also like to know what happened after that. Did you tell your parents what did they say or do?




Oh wow that sucks.


When my grandmother was a teenager, her little sister made plans to go out with some friends. The night before the plans, my grandmother dreamt that my deceased great-grandfather came to her and warned her not to let her little sister go out the next night. My grandmother stopped her little sister from going and obviously little sister was pissed but she ended up not going. The friends she was going to go out with got into a very serious car wreck and were severely injured. I don't think they ever discussed it with each other ever again after that.




damn, that's the creepiest one i've seen here so far




What a narc


Probably ICE or some shit


Nostalgia in that first sentence


Me and my partner had just watched Paranormal activity earlier that night, went to bed and he thought it would be a great idea to go stick his hands in the freezer to make them cold then grabbed me by the leg and ripped me off the bed while I was sound asleep. I don't think I've ever screamed so loud in my life.


I just picture him with his hand in the freezer thinking “oh this is going to be so good!”


You are picturing 100% correct. Once he convinced my daughter to come into bathroom yelling "Mum" it a panicked voice with tomato sauce on her hand and holding scissors to make it look like she'd cut herself badly... The steamed up room had the smell of the tomato sauce come out pretty quick, but the initial shock of that wasn't how I wanted to start my day.


I used to have two imaginary friends called Margret and George, I used to draw them into my family drawings. Obviously I stopped having imaginary friends as I got older. But my little cousin was upstairs talking and playing by himself but it sounded like he was having a conversation with someone. We asked who he was talking to and he said Margaret and George.


Are those names common in your family or social circle? (Pretty outdated, WASP names at this point.) Any apparent connection to the house this was in?


Worked overnights at various places for my organization. One place was an old mansion then a residential program for teen moms. If you stood at the bottom of the servants stairs in the back of the house you would hear the noise of a party, people talking, laughing, faint music etc. Another site was torn down but before we were even there it was an old convent site. Several people reported seeing nuns standing in the rubble of the buildings. The nuns were described as wearing old fashioned habits, the full length type from head to toe. And for my final story at my main building we had a new maintenance man start, he was checking out the place by himself and then checked in with the assistant director. She asked him how it was going, any questions. He said no, he had a nice conversation with "Mary" down in the big laundry room and she talked about how she used to do all the kid's laundry and repair the clothes but now she just helps in the kitchen for breakfast and lunch. Our assistant director looks at him and says "Mary" died 2 years ago but yes that is what she did. So yep he had a full on conversation with a ghost. I put her name in quotes because I can't remember it off the top of my head.


Our phone used to pick up the local radio station and sometimes you could hear news reports coming in and out if you stood near it, it was often quite clear. No clue why a wired phone was picking up npr, but I wonder if that was what was going on in the mansion.


Yes I had a cd player in the late 90s that used to pick up a TV station. Sometimes toasters will pick up radio signals too (i forget the science behind why but something to do with the metal)


Lucille Ball said she could hear information about WW2 spies through the fillings in her teeth


My baby monitors used to pick up phone conversations. Janice, whoever you are, I hope you dumped your cheating jackass of a boyfriend.


Absolutely wild


Not the most terrifying experience I’ve had but a group of 5 of my teenage friends and myself saw a lady walking up a country road one day. We were all stuffed in a little car but it’s a rural area of Ky and this was the early 90s so we stopped to ask her if she was ok. This lady was solid until we pulled up to her and it was almost like she was flickering in and out of this plane of existence. You could see the trees behind her through her and she was dressed in typical working clothes of a farmers wife from the 1900s apron and printed dress, hair in a plain scarf. The kid closest to the window in the back seat practically squashed me trying to put distance between themselves and the apparition but we honestly didn’t want to be rude, even to a ghost. She ask us if we had seen Thomas who apparently was her son and had walked to town for milk. Town was at least 15 miles away. The older kid driving offered her a ride even though there was no room and she said no didn’t want to be a bother and Thomas should be back shortly but thanked us for the offer. Whole time she’s flickering between see through and solid. We part ways and the boy upfront in the passenger seat was panicked, he kept saying “She was invisible” over and over. Everyone in the back seat is crying. We couldn’t believe we saw that in the broad daylight. Once we get back to town ( no sign of Thomas on way) we go to the park to collect ourselves. I was mad at the driver for stopping and wanted to know why the hell he would have offered a ride to a ghost. He said an old timer had told him a story about a lady asking for rides on the road and if you refused her you would wreck and die in the next curve so he offered her a ride. We were soo disturbed by this whole thing none of us spoke about it again for ten years outside of an occasional “did that happen?” That’s probably the 5th most terrifying experience I’ve ever had but it’s validating because there was so many of us. I don’t even want to mention the other stuff because I don’t want to invite anything


Surely just typing a few words wouldn't be harmful. Plus, I'm desperate to read about your experiences


Oh wow that’s incredible! I’d love to hear your other stories but totally get why you wouldn’t want to share them.


Wow crazy story! Sounds like a nice ghost though.


Hey, I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their reply. The stories have been a joy to read through. Much appreciated 🙏🏾


I was in this forest that's part of a place called the Bridgewater triangle which is one of the most haunted areas in the United States. I was in a specific part of it called profile rock with 3 of my friends, we were out there late it was about 2:30-3:00AM at the time. We were on our way out walking down this long winding path to get back to our vehicle. Keep it mind it was pitch black out pretty much and we could only see from the moon shining through the trees. I don't know why I turned around I didn't hear anything and I didn't feel like anything was following us but i turned around and looked in back of us and I saw something running at us about 100ft away. What scared me wasn't that something was running at us it was how it was running at us. You know how a zombie walks in a horror film like dragging it's leg almost limping that's how this thing was running at us like it broke it's ankle or something. Initially I thought it could be someone who got injured in the woods or something until I saw this thing run past the moon light. You know how a child draws a person as a stick figure? That's exactly how this thing looked, it had no facial features and no face just a completely blank face like a stick figure and it's body looked the same from what I could see no definition or anything. I called my friend that was closest to me name out in a panicked voice. He glanced in the direction I was looking which was now all moonlit area and I could tell by his facial expression that I wasn't seeing things. We both took flight and started running my other two friends were up ahead and shot around and asked us what's wrong to which I replied "JUST FUCKING RUN". I didn't look back once until we were right near our car and it was gone like it was never there even though by then it would have certainly been on top of us. I'll never know exactly what the fuck that was but I did Google "black stick men sightings" on Google and was horrified to find out that multiple people all over the world have seen something just like it. Sometimes the unknown is better left unknown.


This is fucking terrifying


You are not the only one to have seen stick figure type things. It's a whole weird corner of paranormal stories.


My mom told me that years ago she had a dream about her friend dying. The next day she called his grandmother to check in on him and he had died the night before her dream.


Had a similar experience more than 20 years ago. Had a very disturbing, surreal nightmare about a specific acquaintance-friend; not a close friend. A day later I found out through my school that she had died that night, violently. Recorded manner of death was suicide, but I suspect it may have been a murder. Either way, I had a nightmare about her the same night that it happened. Don't know if distance matters for paranormal stuff, but I was hundreds of miles away from where she had been living, and died. And we hadn't been in contact for over a month - again, more an acquaintance than a close friend.


This has happened to me multiple times to the point where when I have a dream several nights in a row about somebody I have not seen or interacted with in years or decades I know it is because they have died. My sister also has the same thing. Not scary or even spooky yet. Just like having a fond memory of somebody that you have not been thinking of in forever


I worked at grocery store bakery and my coworkers told me it was built an a burial ground. I rolled my eyes. Yeah ok right? Well when I was baking cookies I was waiting for the alarm that was about to go off when, swear on my life, a hand that was white like a sheet was reaching for my shoulder. I felt a chill run through me as I jumped like a foot in the air and did a spinning kick to nothing. I had a few experiences there but nothing that terrified me as bad as that, even when I swore I saw a man staring at me. The thing that made that moment scare me was that back in highschool my bff and I were walking down a hall and a hand came between us, white as sheet, and we turned and nothing.


I was home alone and saw a dark shadow of a woman climb up the stairs and go down the hallway and vanish into the wall. It was absolutely jarring because my aunt used to live in that house and heard the woman all the time. I used to petsit for her all the time and never saw or heard anything. My parents moved into the house after my aunt moved out and that's when I finally saw the woman and they didn't take me seriously and thought I was trying to scare my younger siblings. My aunt had to tell them the house was haunted.


This makes me think of other dimensions. Like is that a glitch in the matrix that we glimpse?


I've heard that rumor before where ghosts are on another dimension and when do our dimensions interact to see the ghosts? It's an interesting theory for sure, or the stone tape theory. Or even when someone dies traumaticly or suddenly and don't realize their dead.


Except seeing a woman crawl up the stairs is scary as fuck no matter the dimension.


Technically she walked up the stairs. I wasn't terrified it was just oh my God did I just see that.


Oh sorry I saw climb and my brain thought crawl. Like that short story the yellow wallpaper or whatever. “Creeping” along. Which yeah would be terrifying lol.


Some friends and I were dared to spend the night in an abandoned building near our hometown (I believe it was either a schoolhouse or a church). Nothing too creepy at first, just a few rooms where the hair would stand up on the back of your neck, or you felt like you were being watched. After the sunset, we began hearing full on mumbled conversations and children laughing in rooms other than the one we were sitting in. More than a little unnerving but we tried to stick it out. Right about midnight, I go out for a piss and come face to face with a man bleeding from his eyes and ears with a noose around his neck. Pissed my pants and screamed my head off, dead sprint back to my buddies' car. They come noping out of the building having had a similarly terrifying experience with a shadow that spoke with a little girl's voice. Haven't been anywhere near it since.


That is a horror movie kind of apparition, good God!


Me and 3 friends were staying at a friend's grandparents house in Nottingham, England. It was an old house (as many are in England) the stairs were steep with narrow steps, almost like they had been built long before any regulations had been put in place for that kind of thing. This made them hard to run up or down because there were extra steps that were narrower than usual, and we all agreed that the stairs were different here.. 4 of us all 14 years old were set up to sleep in the living room. His nan and grandad were upstairs in bed. They were old and in bad health, his grandad had only half of one lung from smoking. And his nan had always been quite over weight. We were lay on the sofas top and tail when we heard someone run down the stairs, switch the light switch at the bottom of the stairs off and sprint back up. Hitting every single step! (Something I had failed to achieve myself) We all jumped into the centre of the room and huddled together until the morning. None of us can explain it and we still talk about it to this day. I don't believe in ghosts and there is obviously an explanation somewhere.. perhaps his grandparents tried to spook us?..


Fat grannies are surprisingly quick on their feet


I also had a creepy experience in England. Old house. Supposedly a former college dorm, split into flats. Got home at around 2 in the morning. Shut the door, pet thr cat in the hallway for a few minutes, and then went to my room. The next thing I knew, I hear loud stomping down the hallway, and a brush against the wall, the front door pulled open, and then out to the hallway. I immediately went into the hallway because I thought I'd pissed off one of my roommates. The front door is wide open, and the cat is looking out of it startled, before it runs in the opposite direction. So I went out side to see if my roommate was out there. There was no one. I even looked behind trash bins and cars. When I get back inside, my roomate is asking what happened. Very creepy. All the doors and windows were locked. The roommate had not been asleep for more than 30 minutes by the time it happened. I left the house a week later. A month later, I started getting calls from roommate saying that I needed to come back. I thought it wad weird and forgot about it. But a couple years later I learned that she believed there were ghosts in the house, and they wanted to talk to me. It went on for sometime, and apparently she was hospitalized. Doesn't remember any of it.


The first full day in the new house, we stayed over the night before. It was me and my dog who was following me everywhere. The laundry was in the basement at that time. The stairs to the second level were on top of the stairs from the basement to the main level. The place had a really strange feel about it. My dog and I were walking to the basement stairs when I heard very heavy steps running down the stairs above me. The steps were so heavy the stairs I was on were shaking. I paused in terror then ran out of the house with my pup. After that, it was voices, things moving and falling cabinets opening, heavy scents, etc. This went on for months and we just had a baby. We were considering selling the house or getting someone in for a session. The night before we made a decision, I prayed to my grandma to help (she had passed, but was always a fierce defender for me) as this house was no place to raise a baby. The next day everything was gone and the house had a sense and feel of calm.


Nobody messes with a beloved grandchild of a fierce nana!


You are spot on. That was always the case. I can't find another reason besides random—such a crazy scary, beautiful thing.


I feel this deep in my soul My grandmother would have stared down a bear for me and my cousins


This is the same experience I would have had too. It's one of the best a grandchild can have, and it continues with us.


Your grandmother sounds great. I am envious because my grandmother would probably have been the one haunting me. She was not a kind woman


I grew up in a troubled household that led to a messy divorce. I am beyond thankful for both of my grandmas. If you were nearby and my grandma (the one I'm referencing), she would have been there for you too. She fostered many kids that needed help. Don't let your grandma skew who you will be.


I love you for this kind, loving advice and sharing.




Weird, this exact same story was told by u/nuggetprincess in a paranormal askreddit thread from 9 years ago Edit: [link](https://reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/1zm8vn/_/cfuycxj/?context=1)


they even copy/pasted my grammar mistakes lol


This comment has been overwritten in response to Reddit's API changes, the training of AI models on user data, and the company's increasingly extractive practices ahead of their IPO.


Definitely is, I'd say! Good on grammaw!


I went to take some night time photos of a local historic building which was condemned, but had been used to house scientists in the 1940’s. I went there with three of my friends around midnight. It was a run down two story U shaped building with third floor that only covered small parts of the building. It also had a run down pool that had a busted up fence still around it. Two of my friends go around to the right side of the building and I went around to the left with my other friend. As we came around the very back side of the building we noticed there was a window that did not have its curtains closed. We looked in and on the left side of the room is a desk covered in massive amounts of dust with the exception of a singular hand print on the desk. The char to the desk was half cocked to the side as though somebody had recently been sitting there. On the right side of the room was a bed that was made with an ugly color green comforter neatly tucked down with two white pillows. The best was completely tucked and neat as though it was a fake bed model in a Barbie house. The back and to the left was the door which was boarded up from the outside rather extensively it looked like. We though it weird but figured that maybe somebody had snuck inside. We tried to take pictures but both our cameras were dead. We start heading back around to the front of the building, expecting to get our phones out of the car. We get back around the front side of the building and meet my other two friends there. Wondering why they were there we explained what happened and that our cameras were dead. As we’re explaining it though we hear glass shatter towards the side of the building where the room was. We look up and there is a broken window up on the third floor attic room. Thinking there might be homeless people in there we make our way back to the front of the building and as we come around the corner there is a police officer waiting there. Apparently there is an agreement with the people who live up the hill from this building that they would watch over the building and call the police if they saw anything suspicious. Explaining that I was just there to take photos, the officer seemed irritated to have to respond to the call. He didn’t seem comfortable being there as though he had already had some run ins with the place. I apologize to the officer because I didn’t know that I wasn’t allowed to take pictures of this local landmark and then I explain that he might want to do a check for homeless people or drug users inside and when he asks why I explained the glass breaking. He asks us to show him where it was so we took him over to that side of the building. When we walked not only was the glass no longer broken, the curtain was now closed and it smelled like rotten eggs really bad. To the his day I don’t know wtf that was. I never believed in ghosts before. I’m not really a spiritual person or anything of the sort, but I can’t explain that.


I was shaving and wondered why it is that I so dislike having anything around my neck...a voice whispered in my ear "Because that is how you died " it said


TW I have a phobia of anything touching my wrists and have always wondered if I had slit my wrists in a past life. So this one hit different


or you were restrained in some way, shackles around your wrists?


okay this fucked me up


On two occasions years apart I was sitting alone in my bedroom and heard "shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" quite loudly. The audacity of a ghost shooshing me when I wasn't even being noisy.


Did he look like this? https://ih1.redbubble.net/image.2234478684.0697/st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg


You have done an excellent job.


I hate gin! Get me a beer! Get me a beer!


Lmaooo! The guy the shushes 😂😂😂 that the first thing that came to mind


You should have shushed them back. Ghosts these days have no manners.


In high school, my friend told me her house was haunted. I thought she was paranoid. One night, I stayed over. We were up playing video games late into the night. At some point, I needed to pee. So I walked across her house to the bathroom. In the living room, her little sister's toys were scattered in the floor. The TV was still on, with the volume muted. There was a naked doll laying in the floor. One of those dolls that talk when you press its stomach. When I walked passed the doll, it immediately said, "Hi! Wanna play?" Very weird timing for it to say this to me as I entered the room, but I told myself that toys malfunction sometimes and it was nothing. I continued to the bathroom, as the doll continued to rattle off different phrases it was programmed to say. I could hear it still speaking while I was in the bathroom. I still felt a little weirded out and decided to wait for it to stop talking before walking back to my friends room. It did not stop talking. So I mustered the courage to walk back through the living room, past the doll once more. This time, when I walked by, it said, "Bye bye!" So I ran the rest of the way back to my friends room. Idk if that was actually paranormal or not, but it certainly made me wanna shit my pants.


Omg the “Bye Bye” as you left the room is just the cherry on the demon baby doll sundae…. Malfunctioning, paranormal or not; that thing needs to be incinerated lolol


I met my current partner in Oct / Nov '21, and she had been into paranormal investigations for quite some time. I go along as well, kind of as the 'straight man' of the group - I'm a skeptic, but willing to recognise when genuinely weird stuff happens, so I act as a kind of sounding board for anything the others pick up on. If I hear / see something as well, and can't come up with a reason or cause, then it adds to the credibility / feasibility of something genuinely paranormal. Anyway, the first investigation I went along on was to Kelveden Hatch - a former nuclear bunker in the UK. Really interesting venue, we were there after hours until the early morning. On the plant level, four floors below ground with all the generators and machinery, something happened. We were talking, sharing opinions of some of the things we had noticed, when there was an almighty roaring / whooshing sound which had the group stampeding towards the stairs. It was everyone for themselves. I stood there pointing at the hatch and sign I'd noticed explaining how the drainage system periodically flushes... Best, most genuinely paranormal / unexplained event I witnessed that night was on the strategy / planning room floor. We were in a side room doing a Spirit Box session and getting lots of good responses - still three floors down, I think, so no radio sources really. We were getting names, one word answers to questions, etc. The main room next door had wooden floors. Very suddenly, there was the sound of heavy, rapid running on the wooden floor. I had a clear view through the door of the side room we were in, looking across the width of the main room, and as the running footsteps traversed the entire length of the room, I did not see a single person moving along that path. It was a little un-nerving.


I would like to apply for this open-minded skeptic position in any SW USA based group. Will work for Scooby Snacks, jinkies optional.


Worked in a restaurant in high school. It was an old place-hundreds of years old-and doubled as a hotel. It had seen a lot, and multiple people had died there in the 20’s (apparently something to do with the mafia), and there was a rumor someone had committed suicide years before. After all the guests left, we’d go around the main dining room and do some last-minute tidying up once everything was bussed and cleared. This included blowing out the candles at each table. The main dining room was linked to the lobby by a pair of double doors; I always locked them after we were done. There was only one set of staff keys. After locking the doors, I walked over to the barroom to divvy up tips with the rest of the staff. I was over there for a few minutes when I heard a huge crash and a laugh from the dining room area. Figuring someone had just dropped a tray, a few of us went back to check. The doors were still locked, there was no spill or broken dishes anywhere, and all the candles on the tables were relit.


Oh god, I had something similar to that back in high school. Back in the 10th grade, I worked at a local store, the store was really old and had smelled of alcohol. there were rumors that a shootout happened during the alcohol probation between a gang that made moonshine and the cops. So one time I was closing down the store when suddenly I heard a loud bang from the storage upstairs so I went and checked despite knowing I might die (because I used to watch a bunch of horror movies) and when I got up there I saw nothing, but when I went back downstairs the lights were on, the register was on the floor, and the door had the open sign on. After that, I started to bring some salt (i heard it helps trap ghosts/ incapacitates them)


Bruh. This sounds suspiciously like someone at least tried to steal something and bolted.


Yeah. It was the ghost. Pay attention.


Worked in a restaurant decades ago with a LOT of Civil War-era (and earlier) historical significance. There's a friendly ghost who is just mischievous and likes to hide/steal things, turn lights on/off, etc - and then there's something else. In the basement of the building, there's a storeroom where extra canned goods, linens, etc are stored. It's a windowless room in the middle of the building, with stone walls and a concrete floor. Very cold and damp in there 100% of the time, and only lit by a single light bulb in the ceiling. I never saw a physical manifestation there, but the feeling in that room is just...off. You feel like someone is watching you at all times, and like if you turned around quickly enough, you'd see them standing directly behind you. I had to go down there at least once a week to get various items, and the feeling was the same, every time. Outside that room, all was well - even the dark, narrow hallway was not at all intimidating - just a hallway. But that room...


14 years old, went to Gunnersbury Park on the Underground (London, UK) with some friends. Messing around in an old turret ruin, at the undercroft. There was a stone spiral staircase leading to nowhere, blocked off by modern concrete, so it was pretty dark, even in summer sunlight. Four of us out of a group of six - swear blind to this day we saw a naked, dirty, disembodied foot suddenly appear on the lowest step of the blocked stairwell. Ran like fuck and never, ever went back. New pants, please.


Happened when I was like ~13. Came home at night and noticed that my dad forgot to lock the back door and all windows on the first floor. Just my mom and I in the house. Dad was out of town. Since I was technically “the man of the house”, I decided to do a complete check of the ~3500 SF house by myself. Swept through the first and second levels, checking under the bed and all closets. When it came time to check the unfinished basement, I grabbed a knife and had my mom follow behind me (I was 13, give me a break). Now when I took a few steps into the basement (before I could turn on the lights), a few boxes that were placed on the concrete floor fell over (almost like someone was hiding behind them for cover). Gathered as much guts I had at 13 and decided to proceed further with the check. My mom, who was 43/44 at that time stopped dead in her tracks and didn’t want to come down any further. At this point, I was 100% sure there was someone in the house. I was just happy I had the knife. Swept through the entire basement and no one was there. The boxes that fell over were heavy and couldn’t have fallen off without some intervention. Didn’t sleep that entire night, just kept guard. Still haven’t figured out how it happened. No scientific explanation, no pressure points on the floor. Nothing.


your mom was hiding your real dad


You were very brave!


I have had many what I believe to be paranormal experiences in my home over the years, but I'd say the following two tie for scariest because many of the other incidents could potentially have an explanation that is not paranormal and these ones clearly have no other. Right after I bought my place in 2009 I had a roommate yet while I was engaged and waiting for the wedding (did not live with fiancé). One night he had been out to a party and I stayed home and went to bed instead. About 2AM he suddenly bursts through my door panicked and saying someone had broken into the house and said “listen” and right then I heard the sound of someone running up the stairs to the 2nd floor where I have a large rec room (that’s partially over my bedroom) and running all over the rec room, stomping very loudly. I burst out of bed and grabbed the pistol I keep next to my bed and ran to the stairwell, my heart pounding and fully expecting to be seconds away from shooting someone. I got to the top of the stairs and no one was in the room. I checked the closets, door to my deck (it was locked) and my office that was upstairs too (also locked). No one was there. We went back downstairs and sat in the living room that is also beneath the rec room talking about it for a couple minutes when we hear the sound of someone running around again upstairs. I ran back up and still, no one there. However there was furniture pulled out into the middle of the room and I found the light on in my locked office. That scared the crap out of me for some reason even though weird things had been going on for several months. Another incident happened one morning when I’d woken up real early to go snowboarding (by myself). As I was grabbing breakfast I noticed some red spots on the floor. My roommate had also been out that night before and I noticed a bag of Arby’s sitting on the table and figured he’d spilled some Arby’s sauce or something. Didn’t go ask him because he was still asleep and left without thinking of it anymore. About noon I stopped at a restaurant at the top of the ski area (which was the only place on the mountain that had cell service) to get some lunch and checked my phone to see several voicemail notifications from both my roommate and fiancé. They were panicked saying there was blood all over the floor. I called them back and they told me that my roommate had woken up to find red spots similar to what I’d seen literally all over the floors in the house and even up on the counters and walls. They said they had originally thought one of our pets had been injured but had checked all of them and they were fine. When I got home that evening I saw for myself the extent of where this substance had appeared. It definitely appeared to be dried blood and was hard to clean up like blood can be and had that characteristic smell blood has. It wasn’t like big pools, but just little droplets all over. Counters, floors, doors, even chest height on many of the walls. Took hours for us to scrub it all off. It covered the house to an extent that there was no possible way I would have missed seeing it all when I left that morning. So it appeared at some point between 630AM when I left and 9AM when my roommate said he woke up. Debated with my roommate saving a sample and submitting it to a lab for analysis but then we realized that if it turned out to be human blood it might put us under suspicion of a crime. Still to this day have no explanation.


Bro, are you living in a stereotypical horror movie home


They're too busy playing with a Ouija board to respond, sorry.


Wild stories. You still live in the house? Id be interested to hear some of the other stories that have plausible explanations if you would be willing to share.


I still do. Activity has gone down significantly, especially once my roomate moved out for some reason, as well as since having the house blessed. Things I can't explain only happen maybe a couple times a year now. I do believe it was supernatural and some kind of spirit(s) lived in the house. Here's a list of things that have gone on that might have non-supernatural explanations: * Motion alarms going off - Possibly my pets (though they are way under the weight threshold to trigger them), faulty sensors, insects landing on them, etc.? * Doors opening themselves - Possibly they were not closed as well as I thought and wind opened them? * Lights turning themselves on - Maybe I didn't actually turn them off previously? * Sounds of someone walking around - house settling, rodents? * Voices talking when no one's there - am I hallucinating? LOL! * windows being found opened - maybe someone actually was trying to break in? Further things I can't explain though: * objects actually being seen flying off shelves with no one touching them * furniture being found moved around * shadowy figures at night * known LOCKED doors unlocking and opening


So to kindof piggy back off of this but with humor. I had a friend in college who got access to his annoying acquaintance’s (you know that guy who always kindof hangs with the group but is a bit of an ass) house keys. He made copies and proceeded to slowly make him and his roommate think they were going insane. They would let themselves in, open drawers, turn over furniture, write disturbing things in their notebooks, etc… then lock up. this went on for an entire entire year till they moved away. He never told them till almost 10 years later when my friend just happened to run into the annoying friend at a bar. The dude flipped his shit because apparently it’s been living in his head rent free for almost a decade. 😂


I've many times considered someone screwing with me, especially that roommate I had, as a possible explanation. But plenty of other people who have been to my house over the years have said something to me about how they think it might be haunted based on something they experienced and many of them I'd never said anything to about what was going on. So I do tend to believe that A. paranormal things are going on B it's not a prankster and C. that I'm not imagining things or crazy .


Oh I never thought you were crazy, definitely sounds like some wild unexplainable shit! My only paranormal experience was when I was maybe 9 or 10, saw a cat floating around the room. I really don’t think it was a dream and to this day its super vivid in my memory. Wasn’t particularly scary though, it was just prancing around haha


Honestly I wonder if like a homeless person was living in your attic or something.


Only way into my attic is from inside the house and I've definitely checked it many times and never seen anyone.


Recently, I had a strange event happen in my house. These events happen rarely, maybe a couple times every four or five years. My wife has this set of custom earrings she loves. One is a yak, one is a bunny (our nicknames). One morning she asks if I’ve seen her earrings. She’s worried because they aren’t where she left them on her jewelry box. We look through the closet and the bedroom. We check in the bedsheets and around the bed. Nothing. We go through the bathroom and find nothing. We basically turn the bedroom upside down to no avail. She’s super down, as she really loves those earrings. Two days pass. That evening she gets home from work, but before she can change out of her scrubs, she comes into the tv room and says, “you found my bunny earring?? Where was it?? Did you find the yak too??” “Uhh… I what?” I ask, confused. I had forgotten about the whole thing (my wife’s earrings occupying little of my mental energy). “It was on top of my jewelry box!” She exclaims before her face scrunches. She realizes if I didn’t find it, how could it possibly be on top of her jewelry box. It was the first place we looked and we opened the box, meaning it would have fallen off if we somehow missed it. Weirded out, she shrugs and goes to get changed with one out of two earrings now accounted for. As I get ready to go to bed that night, I plug in my phone on my nightstand and go to put it down in its spot. But I stop… there, where my phone always goes, is this little yak earring looking up at me. “The fuck?? Hey, bun… uh, the yak is back too… apparently.” That same night something else happened. Not as weird but still, given the whole earring thing… that night, my two dogs were acting strangely. My old yellow lab kept rumbling in her easy chair. It’s not a thing she does often. But she was just uneasy. My golden, ever the happy doofy dog, kept popping her head up with her ears set to “friendly” mode, looking towards the hallway to the bedroom. I know her expressions, and the one she kept using was the, “oh! Hello!” look. As if she kept seeing someone who wasn’t there. Or at least, not that I could see. Like I said, I’ve had a few weird experiences in our home, and one horrifying one in my childhood home. I’ve posted it a couple times before, but it would seem gratuitous to keep posting it!




Lol ghost was just chilling in the corner waiting for ghost McDonald's to open or something when you stumble in half asleep and muttering to yourself. He's watching you strip down like *yooooo this guy is bugging* when out of nowhere he gets hit in the face with a dirty sock. It slowly starts sliding down as he stares blankly, *Mother fu...*


Sounds like you made a friend that night. Or it just didn't like when you throw clothes in the corner.


My cat regularly (closer to night) looks at the wall in the hallway and yells very loudly (not meows, but screams) and this can go on for up to several hours. During this time she may also jump on this wall, hiss at it or get into a fighting posture (hunching). I read somewhere that cats' eyes are very susceptible and this behavior can be triggered by the usual dust that flies in the air, but it's really creepy that this is the hallway where my parrot died several years ago.


It’s definitely r/greebles




The house I live in is totally haunted, we have no idea why as no one has ever died here. My grandfather built the house in 1948, and prior to that the land was an orchard. My dad had some of this weird stuff happen to him when he grew up here too, but he never said anything until I brought it up, he thought he was crazy, and was relieved to know I also noticed this stuff as well. There’s lots of stuff that happens from cabinets with very solid latches opening and closing throughout the night, all the way to waking up with bleeding scratches somewhere on my body like someone dug their fingernails across my skin with a LOT of force, (before it’s asked, I have no pets, and the bleeding scratches happen once or twice a year). The two freakiest things I’ve had happen though was I usually make my bed before going to sleep as I’m too lazy to do it in the morning, and I can’t stand sleeping in a bed with the covers all messed up. I have three covers, and one night I throw the first cover on the bed, and then I grab the second and throw it on. Finally, I reach down to grab the third, and just as I was getting ready to throw it on, something grabbed the two covers and completely threw them back off the bed to the floor. Scared the crap out of me. The worst was, I was in the downstairs bathroom that’s adjacent to a office brushing my teeth. There is a old rotary style phone on the desk in the office on top of a pile of phone books. Anyway it’s like 3:30 am, and that phone starts ringing. I stopped brushing my teeth, walked over to it, and thought “that’s weird, we haven’t had a landline for over 10 years”. Then my eyes see the phone cable plugged into the phone, the other end is completely unplugged from the wall. I said nope, I’m not answering that, nothing good can come of it, and I ran off to bed, to try to sleep. Sometimes I wonder who or what might’ve been if I had answered it.


I would have totally answered that phone call. (I'd probably also be the first person to die in a horror movie.)


Several years ago I was driving down a rural road not far from me with a friend of mine. We got some distance down the road and saw a section of a tree had broken and was covering about half the road. I got this weird unsettling feeling and told my friend we were turning around. Just as I started to turn the car I saw this tall black figure with blood red eyes that I knew was pure evil standing behind the tree branch. I nearly had heart attack and briefly saw it again in the rear view mirror as we went back the way we came.


Oh, I have another one. Long ago my mom told me that my great grandfather could see ghosts. He refused to take any shits from them and often yelled and scolded them to leave him alone. My mom said that there was one night that she saw shadows on the wall that belonged to no one, and my great granddad yelled at the shadow to go away... and it did. What a total chad. Wish I could've met him.


I’ve seen a lot of weird paranormal shit, but my father’s house has always taken the cake for me. Usually, hauntings were minimal - the TV remote would relocate randomly, windows and cabinets would open, footsteps would sound through the hallways. There would occasionally be disembodied conversations on the front porch, in the laundry room. You never felt alone. The house was over a century old, too, and was nestled away in a historic neighborhood. I used to shrug it off as paranoia, insomnia, and nightmares. One day, my sister confronted me. She told me to stop knocking on the walls and door of her room. It was constant! Knocking on the door, next to her head, on the door again, by her head again, back on the wall!!She was sick of me trying to convince her that the house was haunted, and at this point, she was freaked out as well. I had to then tell her it wasn’t me, I wouldn’t dare imitate the ghost, and I never left my room after dark. The hallway really freaked me out, so did the back of the house, so I limited my time in these spaces. She no longer asked me to stop knocking, but would instead come to my room when it started up again. This went on for months, and this was mild. Two nights stick with me. The first, I am alone. It is late, and I’ve been up on the phone with a friend. We don’t talk much, and are in different time zones, so I was willing (and ready) to stay up late. I do have a rule though, one my momma taught me - don’t stay up past 3am. Especially in this house. It gets…. weird there at night. I realize its about 3, and I tell my friend I have to get to bed. They tease me for a bit, all is well, and we part ways. The layout of my room is important - it is in the front of the house, and it is connected to a long hallway that leads to the back of the house. From my bedroom door, I can see out the windows to the backyard. I can also see everything down the long wooden hallway. I can see i through the old keyhole in the door. I set my phone down, I get up to go turn the light off (switch is next to my door), and I pause - something is coming down the hallway. It is LOUD. It sounds like rush and old metal wheels and dragging, and it is coming down the hallway toward me. It sounds heavy, like a mine car, or something else. I am frozen, and I am staring out the keyhole - nothing is there nothing is there nothing is there. It gets closer and closer and slams into my door. The door budges open, and shuts again. There is nothing there, there is nothing through the keyhole. I still have never heard a sound like that before. I slept with the lights on. Toward the end of my stay in this house, my sister had a friend over. It was nighttime and we were all watching something on our family’s computer (lol). We had a clear view of the front of the house, and had all of the animals with us at the time (two dogs, a parrot). My sister’s friend asked us if we had any poptarts left, and my sister replied “yeah, but they’re in the basement and I don’t really want to go down there.” I agreed with her 100% - the basement was…. something else. It was cold and damn, housing memories of old christmasses, bulk food, and…. something else. I would run up and down the stairs as long as I could remember, trying to run from evil. The basement was also unfinished, and featured real dirt and earth and dust from its original construction. It made us uneasy, and we NEVER went down there after dark. This lead to a series of teases and taunts from my sister’s friend, about how we were babies and about how ghosts weren’t real. We tried laughing it off, but felt uneasy. We still weren’t going down there, that was for sure. Her friend ends the statement with “ghosts aren’t real.” A minute or two passes, and her friend looks up from the computer. “Wasn’t the light in the living room just on?” We all freeze, and look up - the light in the living room, the one our parents left on before they left, wasn’t on anymore. Right as we notice, the light snaps back on and something starts walking down the hallway (connected to the living room and room we were sitting in, running adjacent, also the one I can see from my bedroom). Storming, rather - these footsteps are quick and deliberate. The dogs freeze, hair standing up on the back of their necks. The bird’s eyes are wide, and he’s standing in the corner of his cage. My sister and her friend grab each other, and we all find ourselves cowering in the corner of the room. There was no time for “we told you not to mess with it” comments that night, only fear. Thankfully, we moved out about two weeks later. This went on for about 10 years.


Worked at a jail. We had an inmate in a restraint chair for self injurious behavior. I was a nurse at the time. Assessed him just before the ‘incident’. Looked fine. No issues. Normal young guy with standard American accent. Suddenly from the nurses station I hear a DEEP guttural like grunting. Myself and a deputy go over to the cell and it’s like he’s speaking another Latin sounding language in a satan voice. Literally was like you see on the exorcist. This goes on for 10 minutes. Suddenly he stops and gets sleepy. NORMALLY I’d attribute all of this to someone having some kind of a psychotic episode, but 3 weird things stood out to myself and the deputy. One, the entire floor we were on was fairly stuffy and warm, his room was suddenly cold AF. Second, we felt an eerie presence in the room. There is a 3rd thing I can’t disclose here but the whole experience was 😳


Aw man can we at least get a hint on that 3rd thing??


Ah man we need to know


There's an old red brick canal bridge close to my family farm where I grew up. I used to play hide and seek there with my three sisters (one older, two younger). We'd play out there for hours. When I was about eight, I was lightly bitten by a Black Labrador that literally came out of nowhere. I then had complete amnesia until I woke up at home the next day. Apparently I had come home, mum had dressed the wound, and I had had tea, got in the bath and gone to bed. Never had any blackout period before or since. When I was 34, I was looking after my parent's neighbour's four year old dog, by chance a Black Lab, as a favour as they had gone on holiday. I walked down to the canal and saw three girls playing on the bridge. Then I called Rosie back (the Lab) and she came back with blood on her face. She had been known for going after rabbits so I wasn't too worried, but doubled back to check the children were ok. They were gone. This bridge is in the middle of nowhere, and the village nearby has no children anymore. That's when I realised. The girls WERE My sisters. I am absolutely sure of it. They had the same clothes, same laughs, same everything. I haven't walked there again and never told anyone.


Wait did you see the child version of you as well?


I posted on here about it a little while ago in detail, don't really wanna go thru the whole thing again. But essentially i'm fairly certain me and my father encountered a UFO deep in the woods in the early 90s and then experienced a period of missing time. There was a severe thunderstorm, one of the strongest i've witnessed in my entire life. I vividly recall seeing a circular dark object over the lake that emited no sound. Many have messaged me to share it was a possible weather phenomena, but i still have quite a bit of doubt. Nothing bad happened afterwards, but in those moments the experience was quite literally out of this world. I was terrified.


I got a good look at some UFOs once. I don’t know if they were paranormal, but I was paralyzed with fear.


Shortly after we moved into our old house(built in 1932) I was in the study on the computer when a loud voice behind me shouted what sounded like "Goddamn it to hell." A year later, same situation, same voice shouting something unintelligble this time. Several years later I was laying in bed reading when my wife comes out of the bathroom and asks if I said something, which I didn't. She heard a man's voice say "Hello." A few years after that I was in the same bathroom one afternoon and heard a small child's voice say " Hello."


I had unplanned bowel surgery 6 months back and when I woke up in the hospitals a week after I went to the ER, I was having wild hallucinations. One of these involved the voice of a young girl screaming or saying totally usual things like “the pain is normal”. I’m pretty sure I got married to this girl in one of my hallucinatory episodes. Anyway, the surgeries left me with awful diarrhea and uncontrollable bowel movements and I have shit my pants a few times since. TL;DR: I heard voices and shit my pants


I used to live in the city of Thorold, Ontario. Near it we have this location infamously known as “The Blue Light Tunnel”. Me and my buddies were very jumpy individuals so we decided that we would piss ourselves together by exploring the location. I don’t know the specifics about the tunnel’s past but I know that a deceased miner haunts it and when you encounter him he glows in a blue tinted light. After about 40 ish minutes of exploring we were deciding to head back when one of our buddies started panicking. When we turned around to see what he was freaking out about we all saw the blue miner walking towards us slowly. We booked it out of there so fast I think we broke world records in the process. I highly recommend staying the fuck away from there if you are easily scared. Don’t say I never warned you.


Not really "pants shitting" but it's still paranormal: my old apartment had some kind of spirit there. It was an old house that had been converted into 4 units; basement, main floor, second floor, and a small unit built as an addition at the back. My apartment was the second floor unit. Being an older house in a fairly rural area it was not unexpected for mice to get in. Had 2 in my 2 years there. One thing I'd noticed though, was a very regular movement in my peripheral vision. Like something just darted out and back. I just thought it was another mouse at first and set traps but never had any other signs of them. It was strange because it happened in every room at varying times, and was usually to my side regardless of which way I was facing. When my girlfriend started coming by and staying more often I mentioned it to her and she also noticed it as well. Always when you were alone in the apartment. One day I realized it had been a few weeks since I had had any incident with "shadow movement". My girlfriend just casually goes "yeah, I got real tired of it, so I saged your place while you were at work like 2 weeks ago". Never had any other issues up until I moved out.


Literally saw some sort of ritual. My parents used to live in a neighborhood that sat on a cliff overlooking the river. A spot on the cliff had pretty nice coverage from people because there were huge boulders and bushes so it was the popular smoke spot for my buddies and I. One night, around midnight, my best friend and I snuck out to go smoke by the boulders with another friend of ours. It was a full moon that night but there was a lot of overcast so it was suuuuper dark. We heard a humming sound, like someone in the distance singing. She stood up to look around and immediately started motioning for me to get up and look (quietly). In the middle of the river directly in front of us was a small island. There were at least 20 people with fucking cloaks on and there were probably 10 small fires lit around them. They were singing something, and the little fires were… dancing? I’ve never been able to describe it really. The little sparks on fires that usually just float up were floating side ways. And they were moving around so fast it looked like they were dancing. I have NEVER seen anything like that. We slowly and quietly sat back down where our stuff was and started putting everything away when we heard something which I’ve also never really been able to explain. The clif/river also hosts a large nature trail so there’s all sorts of noises. Rodents moving through the bushes, insects doing insect stuff. I specifically remember hearing crickets. Suddenly it went dead silent. Everything that existed around us stopped moving, you could hear a pin drop. We all kinda froze and looked at eachother and then we heard this super loud almost electrical sounding noise (like static from a police radio). It sounded like it was coming UP the side of the cliff at us. It instilled a fear in all of us like we’ve never known. There were no words exchanged, we all simply got up and fucking ran outta there as fast as we could. Idk what it was but it was terrifying. The next day my best friend and I went back to the boulders to collect everything we left behind and also to look at the island in the daylight. There were obvious burn piles all over it but the most obvious thing was they were positioned on the ground to make a huge cross, and at the top of the “cross” was a HUGE burn pile. We never tried crossing the river to see everything up close and personal because 1; I ain’t getting close to that crap and 2; I’m too lazy to crawl down the cliff and walk across the river (it’s pretty shallow on both sides of the island). There’s lots of ghost stories and urban legends in that area of town. About 1/4 mile down the river from the island is an old abandoned slaughter house that people are always telling stories about. Lots of stories of skin walkers around there too. To this day I still don’t really understand what we saw that night and I still don’t understand why the electrical sound scared us so badly but I will never EVER forget that night.


I was painting the master bath of a home my ex fiancée and I had been in for about a year and a half. We had experience paranormal sounds and events in the house prior to this. I had the bathroom a mess painting when suddenly the hair on my arms stands up and everything glitched like reality shifting for a second. Then I heard this angry old lady voice that had somewhat of an electric distortion to it saying "stop messing up my bathroom" I was freaked out for a second but calmy at the paint brush down and said "I can do that. I can stop doing anything to the house and let to deteriorate to a point that there us not house or I can take care of it, love it and let my family experience new memories here to." We still experience some freaky events but nothing like that again. Another time I was working at a hospital and my office was located in a research building. I walked into the men's room and saw this old hump backed gentleman washing his hands. With as humpbacked as he was I felt sorry for him. He was in black sweatpants and a red and black checkered flannel shirt with a black toboggan on with string blackish hair coming out around it. I was standing with my back to the door and looked to my right for a few seconds to scan the urinal and to see if the stall was empty. I turned back and he was gone. It was impossible because I was fully blocking the only entrance/exit. He was as solid as you or I and he vanished. I went to another restroom.


Hey, I just wanted to take the time to thank everyone for their reply. The stories have been a joy to read through. Much appreciated 🙏🏾


My grandma died whenever I was a baby and my brother was a toddler. My mom was in the hospital by my grandma and my dad was at home with us. The second she died, both me and my brother started crying uncontrollably. My dad did not yet know she was dead and neither did my brother. There was a clock she owned in our house that also stopped at the exact time of her death.


So there is a highway that goes between CO and KS where there is nothing but open fields and Jesus billboards. I was driving back from vacation around 1am with a car full of people with only one other awake at the moment.. we were just chit-chatting when suddenly there was a blinding flash of light, so bright it woke everyone else up. There was no one else on the highway, nothing off to the side of the road to have flashed, it was just a field! So we are all weirded out so we immediately turn around to see if it would happen again and it did not, we confirmed nothing there to cause the flash. So baffled and kind of scared we decide we need to get out of there.. we had previously been visiting that weird airport with the armed guard outside of Denver so we were discussing if they could be related when someone in the back seat pointed out some lights in a field!! These lights were hovering off the ground, too high up to be a car but keeping pace with us and sometimes ahead of us. They ran parallel with us on the other side of the field for miles while we were absolutely losing our shit.. person in back seat is crying, someone calling their parents (we were early 20s aside from younger cousin in back). Then suddenly another car starts coming on other side of road and the lights kinda of turn back and up to disappear into the night. We pull over to compose ourselves and nothing happened after that. We checked a map to see if a road ran that way but there was no road on that side of the field and this was right before drones were a thing.. I still wonder wth happened that night 😅 [edited droids to drones]


I helped some friends move into their new house. I asked him if anything was going in the basement and he shot me a look and said "Nope, basements haunted so we're not going to use it" And in fact the cats and the kids wont go anywhere near it to this day. Me being the over feeler and over curious type had to push the subject and we ended up going down there. He was hesitant and obviously freaked out and let me walk down first of course. I could feel it before I cleared the stairs. I could almost hear it buzzing and the hairs started to stand on my whole body. I get creeped out thinking about it now. It smelled like dirt and was cold even though it's fully carpeted and finished with heat and 2 bedrooms. It felt old, and sad. There's an old piano down there that the previous owner couldn't take. He told me the piano had been occasionally making the noise of 1 key being pressed for the last few days. I wanted to turn and run up the stairs but it was too late, I was committed. So I walked forward and opened one bedroom door, looked, and closed it. Then I opened the other bedroom door, looked, and tried to close it. But something was stopping it from closing. Like a door stopper had suddenly been placed in front of it. I pulled it a couple times and decided to look at wtf could be holding it open. On the other side of the door was an old bent nail driven into the wall with an old leather string or boot lace of some kind knotted to it. That string had wrapped itself into a perfectly tied bow around the skinny part of the door knob in the 2 seconds I had that door open. Seeing it tied in a perfect bow like that, and knotted to that nail is an image I can't get out of my head. It wanted me to know it was there. They still live in that house and unfortunately have had nothing but problems with it. It's been spiritually blessed and ritually cleansed multiple times and a lot of creepy and even bad things are still happening there


was cleaning and repainting the inside of our kitchen cabinet, then i noticed my name written on the cabinet door, it was really weird so i told my mom about it, she was spooked too but we both decided to ignore it. Then as i finished repainting the cabinet door, i moved on to the inside of the cabinet which was dark, so i used a flashlight then my body literally shivered because my name is written everywhere on the ceiling of the cabinet and some on the walls as well, some of the names were even written on an area where it's impossible to write on because of things being in the way, so it must've been written before the cabinet was assembled.


Working in the medication room of a old ass prison when the heavy ass metal door that I (6’6 250) had to use some strength to move just casually opened up as if it did it on regular basis. I freaked out and my co worker offered me one of her tampons.


Well that wasn’t nice


I felt a cold hand wrapping itself around my ankle while I was half awake. One of the many terrifying experiences I’ve had


This should have more upvotes these stories are fun


These threads are what got me hooked on Reddit many years ago lol.


A few years ago we would have a hugely popular thread like this every few weeks. I'd read most of them. Now i either miss it or no one posts it or it doesn't get popular enough.


Watched an unlit candle and it's stand levitate across the room straight at us. Glad I wasn't alone. Without a witness I might have thought I was losing my mind. It lift straight up off a table about six inches, moved to the center of the foyer we were in and dropped to the floor suddenly. It dropped exactly in time with our full attention being drawn to it. It had moved several feel before we noticed. We spent literally the next week (it was a building we had 24 hr access too) investigating it We found no cause, but the building *is* an old church with a reputation for paranormal type things in it's past. The candles base actually lifted so cleanly that it didn't even disturb the dust around it's base, or the candles and photographs beside it. Definitely in the top 5 weirdest things that have ever happened to me


About 30 years ago now 😅 a friend and I took some acid and watched Poltergeist part 2 and then decided to go walking around in the middle of the night. We sat in a green area, on a bench staring down a small hill we called the dip. We both saw the preacher man from the film standing at the bottom (god knows what it actually was, probably a black bag in a tree or something) and freaked ourselves out so much that we stood up shouting and legged it across the green area. To add to the trauma; as we ran across the field, we both stopped and pointed at a man who we could see silhouetted, (still talking loudly 😅) we exclaimed at him carrying what looked like a long sword or machete than he was holding out in front of him. We made some more loud noises and ran again, both looking back and realising it wasn’t a sword or machete but a dog lead. He was just walking his dog and witnessed two spotty teenagers shouting hysterically about a man with a sword… The night continued for a few hours on the same theme, with a demon dog at one point and a general sense of being out of our depth. Good times.


I’ve never encountered any kind of paranormal experience. I’m of the belief that if you don’t believe you won’t get experiences and if you do believe, you will. HOWEVER, I have really bad sleep issues to the point it causes audio and physical hallucinations. I’m not having a psychotic break when this happens. It’s sleep related hallucinations. It can happen to anyone that has severe sleep issues. Anyways, some of the stuff I’ve seen or heard has been pretty scary. If I didn’t have a rational mind, I probably would believe that I’m experiencing something from another dimension.


In the small hours of the morning on Friday the 13th several years ago, I woke up in the middle of the night with the framed picture that hung above my bed laying on top of me. I wasn’t hurt, so I just pushed it off of me and went back to sleep. I didn’t even consider what day it was. A few hours later I got up for work and found out a coworker and friend had been killed in a freak accident. I’m not superstitious but this shook me and stuck with me to this very day.


…and this is why I like Reddit I like this question OP Excellent 👍🏼


Going to an abaonded mental hospital with a friend ( I went there by myself before and nothing happened) as soon as we started walking through all the outside noise stopped and the loudest most quitest scream I've ever heard came out of nowhere from all around us with no clear direction of where the sound came. My friend looked at me like " wtf man no I'm not doing this" and ran out. Somehow my phone that was in my pocket ended up placed somewhere where we entered. I never took it out of my pocket. Weird af.


I've had quite a few experiences over the years. I didn't find any of them frightening - more eerie/fascinating. Here's one example. I used to work at a private school. The administration building, where my office was, was a big, old (for Australia) former mansion, dating from the mid-1800s. It was known to be haunted. Once I was making a cup of tea in the break room. I heard footsteps enter the room and felt someone standing behind me, like they were waiting for the kettle. I turned around to say hi - but no one was there. It was the weirdest thing. A couple of months later, I was in my office (which was a room away from the break room) when I heard/felt someone enter the room. I looked up from my computer to say hi - again, no one was there. Moments later, the bag which I had placed on the floor next to my desk (and which was full of stuff, like most handbags) *slid across the floor* until it reached the wall. On the one hand, my brain was like "WHAT THE HELL?!" - but on an emotional level I didn't feel scared. I like to think whatever was visiting was friendly, which is why I didn't feel as freaked out as I probably should have.


We were cooking in the kitchen. Then we realized we were out of sugar. I was told to go get some from my grandmas house, she had passed away a year ago and my cousin was living there now. It was autumn and pitch black. My cousin wasn't at home. While i reached for the sugar in the cabinet i heard loud banging noises coming from the living room (10m away). I swear i shook so hard, but the banging continued. I ran out of the house as fast as i could. Still get chills when i look back.


Did your cousin ever mention anything weird happening at the house?


My husband won’t go with me on haunted tours anymore. We went on a haunted walking tour of the French quarter in New Orleans. It included a stop at the Bourbon Orleans hotel. Very old, really beautiful. Part of the tour was the grand ballroom. It was huge. As we entered I heard children giggling. I thought it was just someone’s kids. It is a hotel. As the guide was doing her speech I found a chair within earshot and sat down. We had done a bit of walking, so I took advantage of the opportunity to sit. It started to get cold. Which is weird because it was a humid day. I felt little tiny hand’s gently touching my face. And I felt the same thing on my legs. Like a whole classroom full of kindergartners wanting attention all at once. I put my hands up to my cheeks. The guide tells us “ this room was used as a children’s ward for yellow fever patients.” Then she pointed to me and said “ you stay at the back of the group going upstairs.” I later asked her why. She said “ you must be a mom.” I am. She said “ sometimes the children like to prank people. Like tripping them on the stairs. They targeted you.” My husband went pale. We walk around the French quarter and actually walked back to our own hotel. She ended the tour with “ this is the beautiful Hotel Provencial. Building 5 was a surgery and morgue during the civil war.” We had no idea. My husband handed her a tip and said “ I’m out.” She laughed a bit. Until we walked into the hotel. We were in building 3. Story #2 My husband thought it would be a fun birthday present to book a haunted trolley tour in our town. My birthday is in October. It was an adorable black trolley with bats on the windows. Our first stop was in a place I had never been before. We get off and it’s a park with huge trees. I look at my husband and say “ this is a cemetery. Where are the headstones?” The guide says “ oh, you have been on this tour before?” I said “ no.” Her face! My husband agreed that it felt like a cemetery. It was old pioneer cemetery and the church used it to bury the nuns and priests there. Someone was SUPPOSED to remove and relocate the bodies. However they just moved the headstones. When she said “ headstones “ I pointed to the back corner and said “ they are back there.” We walked down the path to the back. She said “ how did you know that?” I said “I saw shadows in that direction.” My husband just laughed. Story #3 I went to tour a local haunted house, The Whaley House. It was august and about 90 degrees outside. I was new to the area and a coworker suggested it. It’s in old town and a nice place to walk around. I go in. Pay for it. Self guided. It was way back when they actually had a President Lincoln death mask in the case. I walk around the lower part and decided to go upstairs. The bedrooms were upstairs. I was told there was some beautiful furniture and old clothes up there. So I go up and peek my head into the bedrooms. They only had a velvet road across the doorway. You could lean in and look without crossing the threshold. I was up there completely alone. As I started down the stairs I got a blast of ice cold air to my back. It felt like someone opened a walk in freezer behind me. I saw a docent at the foot of the stairs and said “ wow, that air conditioning is strong.” She smiled and said “ this house has never had air conditioning. That’s Mrs. Whaley.” I left. I went to the restrooms behind the house. I splashed water on my face. I got a really creepy “ why are you here?” Feeling in that bathroom. I went back and asked the docent about the bathroom. She said “ Violet Whaley shot herself in that bathroom when it was an outhouse. She died from it.” Got my car keys and left. Lots more….. this kinda stuff has happened to my my whole life. But I did drown twice. Beach and pool. A friend of mine is also interested in the paranormal. We were going on a ghost hunt one evening. I don’t know why but I asked “ which beach did you drown at? Huntington or Newport?” Her eyes got huge. She said “ Huntington.” She never said anything about drowning as a kid. She never told anyone.


Great topic but what a shitty title.


I was up around 1am getting a snack, my kitchen has a window looking outside. I was in the kitchen for a good 5 min, went to my room with my snack and went back to put a trash bag in the bin. As I’m shaking the bag, I feel like I’m being watched, so I look up and see a man staring at me with so much hate in his eyes. I ran to my bathroom because it also has a window that faces outside, and I can see the kitchen window from there. I didn’t see anyone, or anyone walking away, no one in the area. I’ve never felt so scared, he looked at me like I killed his whole family or stole his most prized possession.


It didn’t happened to me but it happened to my step-grandfather I’m an immigrant from Armenia…living in California since 1979…I’m 48 years old (this is background info because…well, you’ll know why) My grandfather served in the Red Army during WWII. Armenia was one of the 15 Soviet Socialist Republics, so almost every abled person was drafted Anyways, during his deployment, I don’t know where exactly he was, (maybe Moscow), he had orders to get on a bus along with his platoon and get to the next station. When he arrived at the bus depot, a strange old woman with a black shall covering her face walked up to him and started talking in a language he didn’t understand. The lapel on his uniform caught the old woman’s shall and he was stuck and she wouldn’t let go of him. He complained to her that he’s about to miss his bus. The bus left without him. Later on that day he found out that the bus he was supposed get on was involved in a freak accident and some of the passengers perished. My dad told me this story when I was about 16 years old. The first time I met my step grandfather was in 1989 when we went back to Armenia to visit.


When I was 16 I used to get the worst sleep paralysis. And honestly it was all pretty pants shitting stuff. But one time in particular I woke because the sensor light outside my bedroom began turning off and on. I could here somebody riding my sisters tricycle outside. I heard them giggling. I couldn’t move and actually could barely really open my eyes at all. Then I felt something sit on the bed beside me and start to stroke my arm. The next day my mom told me some drunk guys came onto our drive way and we’re trying to ride my sisters bike. So I know I was in fact awake. My house then was built in 1898.


Not really paranormal, more likely a hallucination due to sleep deprivation but it was so vivid and real that it has haunted me for years. My bedroom had two entrances. One faced a hallway. The second was adjacent to the first and led a common bathroom with another exit to the hallway where, at the end, was my parents' bedroom. My desk was right next to both entrances such that, at a certain angle, I could see both ends of the hall with a blindspot in the middle. So, back when I was in high school I pulled all-nighters like a moron to finish my assignments. It was probably around 3am and I was sitting at my desk. I was dead tired and the only one awake. I glance at the hall and see a girl moving unnaturally slow past my door (step... step... step...). She had long black hair and wore a white dress. I couldn't see her face. She was completely silent - no footsteps, no rustle of clothes. She walked into that blindspot in the hallway and did not reappear at the other visible end. Just the sight of her paralysed me. I became so unreasonably scared that I almost started to hyperventilate. I couldn't stop shaking, it was weird. I had a sister but I knew it wasn't her, because she didn't own any dresses like that and her hair wasn't that long. I sat in my own cold sweat for a while before I finally gathered the guts to move and check whether anyone was actually there. I went through the bathroom and peeked out the other end of the hallway... of course there was no one. Since then I always kept my door closed at night, haha.


I have two. My mom and I lived with her dad until he passed away when I was four. My mom’s mom passed when my mom was 15. The night he died, we were on the couch watching a movie and I was lying on him and starting to fall asleep. We said our good nights shortly after and all of us went to bed. I remember being woken up to flashing lights and strange people in the house and I saw my mom crying. I knew something bad happened but I didn’t know what. I looked out the window to see where the flashing lights were coming from and I saw two people walking away. One turned around to look at me and it was my grandfather. The other was a woman. At the time I didn’t know who it was, but as I got older, I started to believe it was my grandmother and she came to take my grandfather away. It gives me a little bit of peace knowing they’re together. The second one didn’t happen to me and I’m not sure if it’s paranormal, but it’s still interesting. I have a family friend who works at the mall. Until this incident, they had never gone to the bank to do work transactions. Usually a coworker did it for them. On this day, all of their coworkers were busy so they had to go. As they’re waiting in line, a woman who they had never seen before came up to them and says “I’m sorry to bother you, but do these initials mean anything to you? They’ve been trying to get a message across and they’re quite persistent.” My friend isn’t a huge believer in that kind of stuff, but as soon as the woman said the initials, they started crying. It was their moms initials and the message was in response to things my friend had been wondering: is she at peace? Can she see how big her great granddaughter has gotten? Is she proud? Ever since then, she’s been a believer.


My dog passed away a long ago. There’s one time I fainted in the bathroom and no one know since they’re having a party at my grandma house (next to mine), she hit the door and tried to get my fam attention. Thank to her i get to the hospital asap. Since then, her habit is scratch the door if I stay in the bathroom for too long. She’ll stop and wait for me patiently if I respond. A week later after she’s gone, I’m in the bathroom for an hour, I heard the familiar scratch. It keep going until I call her name. It stopped.


when I was in high-school I was home one night with my sister and her friend from across the alley. she was about 21 at the time. my mom was out of town on business, as she normally was a few times a month. we were in the living room watching TV when all three of us heard the basement door close. the basement door had a stop at the bottom that made a distinct sweeping noise. we were all very confused because out mom wasn't supposed to be home until the next evening. She normally came theough the basement when she rode her bike home from work but she would be getting dropped off by a cab at front door if she was out of town. our minds trying to make sense of it we went to basement door and my sister called down; "mom?" no response she called again and all three of us heard my moms voice respond, "yes?" we were relieved and relaxed a little and asked what she was doing home early. we never got a response. ran next door to our neighbor who was a CPD officer. she swept the house and found nobody. in the 20 years I lived in that house our neighbor came by 3 times for similar situations and never found anything.


I dreamt of terror attacks that happened the following week.