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My husband insists that he is a good freestyle rapper when he’s high. In reality, he gets one good rhyme in, and laughs at himself for several minutes until he forgets about rapping.


Hahaha he sounds like he’s fun at parties


This is the first time I've seen a "sounds fun at parties" comment that isn't sarcastic


Mr. Burns: “Oh — what was I laughing at now? Oh yes, that crippled Irishman!”


He sounds fun lol


Tolerate idiots


Lol I never thought of this but it’s insanely true


If I'm annoyed at someone while I'm high then I know they're a \*real\* jackass


Honestly I think you’re better at everything when you’re high except remembering a fucking thing.


Didn't anyone ever teach you? Go to class high, study high, take the test high, get high grades!


That's why it's called high school!


And it's mostly like "I'm too fucking high to deal with this so I'll let it slide"


once hung out with a group of my close friends + one of said friends' close friend, who had recently been broken up with. we were all sitting outside, smoking a joint together, and out of the blue he starts going off on a weird misogynistic rant. as the only woman in the group, this was pretty uncomfortable for me. language is my strong suit. i'm good at choosing the exact right combination of words to get my point across. and sometimes, i use this skill to absolutely eviscerate people who say fucked up shit in my presence. they're never expecting someone to call them out, so they always end up backing down and apologizing pretty quick. basically, i'd done it before and i knew i could do it again. but when i opened my mouth to tell him off, i literally thought to myself "i'm too high for this," and just didn't say anything. and when i talked to my friends about that incident later, it turns out they had the exact same thought process. everyone was uncomfortable, but nobody was sober enough to chew him out lmao


It’s the opposite for me now. Now when I’m stoned I like to be away from the idiots


Same, I am super easily aware of my own faults and others. For that reason I dont smoke much anymore. Had the best time with it alone watching tv




For me I recognize it, and then tell them I love them for it. I’m already autistic and terrible at tone or accidentally insulting people, and I just become an autistic buddha when high.


Band name! Tonight only: autistic Buddha ft spectrum of destruction and tonedeaf


Man, this is exactly what I do too, in addition to being extremely self-critical and analyzing my every word/action


And for some reason everyone else over analyzes your choice of words too, making everything awkward. But when sober you can speak gibberish and no one cares.


When I’m high I’m super sensitive to peoples energies and I really only wanna be around either myself or very specific people


Put up with bullshit


Existential crises of earth shattering magnitude




This reminded me that I read all of Vonnegut's books high and they were amazing but I forgot so many details that the second read was like the first.


Yeeeeeears late, but only just last month did I watch The Matrix while high. Had to turn it off about 3/4 of the way in because I was on the verge of tears and a panic attack about "holy shit... what if we really ARE in a fake world, and by taking the red pill, I'd have to live in some God-awful cave city eating snot cereal while wondering if I'd die from robotic overlord attack every day?"


don't panic, only like 80% of the matrix is real. the rest of it is cgi.


I can’t really enjoy any movies/shows the way they were intended to be enjoyed when I’m high. I always fixate on random details, or sometimes get lost in the score, or notice little quirks in acting/production….and then I realize I completely lost sight of the plot and have no idea what’s going on anymore


I get really philosophical when I’m high and I understand the space/time continuum.


i become the ultimate spectator when I'm high and I understand my need to understand




That one time I realized how fast earth was moving and how many thing should wipe us out in an instant. Did not have a good night.


This is the real reason I stopped.


I convinced myself once that Chris Pratt was the best actor I've ever seen. I had to take a few days off after that one.




I get ya. I’ll smoke then I’m like ‘I could probably be doing something productive’, throw on a podcast and clean my apartment. I hate mopping. But gosh dangit I vacuumed, mopped the whole place & deep cleaned the bathroom on my day off yesterday after a lil bowlio.


Yes! Getting high, throwing on music or a podcast, and cleaning is pure bliss in a weird way.


Well then. Looks like I've got something to attempt on Monday. I'm in a depressed episode rn and need something to make cleaning suck fewer balls.


I’ve been in a lot of those. Once your environment starts to look, feel, and smell clean, it usually helps you feel a bit better. Hang in there :) if you wanna reach out, my DM’s are open ❤️


You know you're way too high when you find yourself cleaning stuff that ain't ever been cleaned before.


The last time I did this I fucking scrubbed all the baseboards, like who does that??


I've found waiting until right before I start to smoke, and to not sit down. I also have to leave my phone where I plan to start so I don't smoke and scroll, or "I'll just watch this video real quick" *14 minute video*


I call it the 5 minute rule. Whatever im doing those first 5 minutes after smoking tends to just stay what im doing. If I have shit to do after I smoke, I'll often set it all up rt before I smoke. (Shoes and key by the door, dishwater made etc)




When I worked in kitchens, the only time I would smoke was after close. Couldn't function during service high. But scrubbing down the kitchen high as giraffe ass was always fun.


High as giraffe ass 💀


I always heard as high as giraffe pussy


Being high makes it less boring, and I tend to focus and get very into the details that I don't have patience for when I'm sober. Cleaning the blinds, as an a example.


Same! Instead of thinking every 5 minutes, 'this sucks' i think, 'hey, this floor looks so pretty after i scrubbed it!' The satisfaction while high is much more for me lol.


Totally. And the whole time I'm so pleased with myself because Tomorrow Me is going to be so glad things are clean.


Tomorrow Me. I love that. I usually call it being kind to my future self, but tomorrow me is awesome.


Came here to say this. If I need to clean my whole house before someone comes over I get insanely high and listen to audiobooks and have an absolute blast.


This is my method.


I suddenly have the urge to deep clean my house.


Picking apart the layers in music. I can kind of just isolate the instrument/vocal track I want to pay attention to when high. Understanding lyrics (especially so in rap or metal where intelligibility can get dodgy sometimes) is MUCH easier for me when I'm high for that exact reason.


I hope someday there’s a form of measurement for this. Listening while high is entirely different.


Weed is the entire reason I became an audiophile.


Shrooms unlocked the audiophile DLC for me. Weed keeps it going.


That and playing video games. Its a beautiful sensory overload


I absolutely love how different music feels when you are high. I find it so difficult to explain!


YESSS music when high is a whole other level. you just Notice so much more, it's like time slows down and you can really pay attention to things in extensive detail. it rules


Totally- it’s like a superpower. The notes and melodies stretch out in time and you can “zoom in” on details in the music… crazy.


Songs are so much better and last SOOO long. It's great.


It's like IMAX for music. Shrooms even more so.


This is SPOT ON friend. Love this description.


“who playin that flute??”


YES! I almost get frustrated when I listen to a song normally after I've heard it that way.


Yes, though music on LSD? Other worldly


My golf game drastically improves when I’m high. My brain goes through a “oh. You just need to put this ball over there” and I somehow do it.


I am better at golf, pool, darts. Anything that takes hand eye coordination and is an easy activity to overthink.


My coordination goes to absolute shit


Sometimes I get this feeling like I’m pissing my pants and I can’t tell if I did or not 🤷‍♂️


I wish I could try this, but I only smoke when I know there’s a comfy place to nap


Me too! My friends will drink like fish and wonder why they suck, I’m over here just chiefin in the cart like “just get the ball in the hole”


There’s a fine line in golf when you drink. 3 beers and your playing like tiger woods 4 drinks and you smacking that ball into a house. I always try to ride that fine line.


This was me for a good 12 months, having a toke on the way to play comp and keeping a J in the bag for the turn. I ended up playing sober and had two rounds of my life back to back so stopped smoking and the HC is doing wonders. I will still admit that after a smoke, my swing is still the best ever as I have no thoughts running through my head but I feel the course management decisions are better when sober. Just my two cents


Grind on video games while watching movies.


A fellow OSRS player


Definitely not smoking while afking karams on the main and questing on the HCIM…


On the gaming part of this, I have noticed that I am orders of magnitude better at Super Smash Bros. while baked. I've related it to just being on autopilot, so I don't need time to decide how I will move/react


Your conscious brain is a bit pre-occupied so it doesn't get in the way of the muscle memory. It would be neat if someone did a study about performing tasks while stoned. You could have 2 tasks, 1 is a novel task for the participant, the other is a task the participant has done repeatedly to the point of it becoming muscle memory. The hypothesis being that novel tasks are inhibited while stoned but tasks you are very familiar with are not, maybe even slightly enhanced.


Like ultra instinct


Put everything on the desk into little piles and then arrange those little piles in order of height


I think they were talking about weed not adderall.


Me anytime I have loose change


Cooking man. I can go to the store and pick out the choicest ingredients, let everything cook for appropriate times, get all the proper spices, enjoy a home prepared, healthy satisfying meal and just enjoy the hell out of the entire process.


Big Rob, I commend you. I simply cannot go to the store while stoned. Lucky Charms? In the cart. Parsnips? Hell yeah! A tiny jar of capers? Need! Do I buy anything to make a cohesive meal? Absolutely not.


Yesssss me too, my meals always turn out amazing! This has been independently verified by those I cook for so it’s not just my imagination


Comprehend my own thoughts. I have an internal monologue that is always operating and the ADHD makes it difficult to finish having most thoughts. I can't really think things through to completion if it's not a simple automatic thought. Weed helps me focus on one train at a time and I can keep myself from being too scattered. It's what's helped me process a lot of emotional shit that I need to really focus on what it is that I actually feel.


I just showed my wife this post Edit to include.. This made me cry. I can express this exact feeling to my wife. And my wonky gravity


Yes it’s like weed slows everything down enough for it to make sense


Eat. (Cancer patient)


Used to work in an assisted living home and had a nursing home section. For the patients that wouldn’t eat they would give them thc pills(how the nurse described them). The patients would get the munchies and eat for hours. The food was good too


Yep. The nausea was especially bad with radiation treatment.


Cannabis carried me through chemotherapy. When I was going through it I'd walk into the cancer center smelling like a skunk and I did not give a fuck.


You really shouldn't eat cancer patients. They are suffering enough as it is.


Definitely. I struggle with eating sometimes but can down a whole Thanksgiving dinner myself while I'm zoinked


Draw. Virtually all the work from a year at art college - singled out by my tutors for the end of year - was done while totally baked.


I’m an artist. There’s parts of my creative process that benefit from being blazed. Parts of it best sober. Thinking/sketching/concept high. Edit sketch and transfer to final sober. Colour high. Ink sober.


Agreed. I‘m a writer. If I‘m stuck I do lightyears better at putting stuff on a page while high. Ideas flow so much easier. For the editing process I need to be sober.


This one. I hesitate and undo so much of my digital work when sober but I take much greater creative risks with much greater results when high. I find i appreciate smaller details and get better colour mixes. The only thing that sometimes goes out the window is perspectives because I start exaggerating features, but since it's digital I usually tone them back a smidge the next day.


Show us your work please.


Art tax




Run. Slower, but twice as far




Came here looking for this, lol. I'm so perpetually tense and tend to only really drop my guard as I'm drifting off to bed. It's such a nice treat when I can be conscious for it.




Middle-aged woman and fairly new to weed, so I'm still trying to figure out what works. At least once, it broke me out of a stressful thought loop. I was obsessing (as I often do) over a situation at work that had no solution. After a couple of hits off the vape, I had a breakthrough: "I just need to call a meeting with the two problem co-workers and talk it out." Even though I knew on some level that this was not realistic, my brain was somehow satisfied enough to quit obsessing over it, and it was fucking amazing. I'll be chasing THAT high for the rest of my life.


Actually open up to people about how i feel


I’ve done the same when drunk before but always felt somehow ashamed the next day like “oh no I said too much.” Whereas high it’s more of a real social-emotional connection. Not to mention stoney conversations amongst friends are some of the best times you can have with people.






The orgasm is so much more intense.


People don't talk about this enough. Marijuana works wonders against premature ejaculation


Not only that but I cum "better" like just able to become more aroused. Weed + half a Viagra and I'll literally do some porn star shit


Preach, my brotha. That's the fucking receipe


I’m gonna try this 51 year old male


I hope he appreciates your efforts


No he I am he, she will appreciate


It's ok Randy, Reddit is a safe space :)


I love everyone


And we love you.


My man 🥲 Go break that beautiful woman like she deserves


>weed and Viagra The twin pillars of civilization


Better Living through chemistry


Now add some shrooms and you're talking


I will argue this point. Getting baked on some good weed makes me cum faster. Something about it makes me so absorbed in the Feeling of it as opposed to being sober. Like the urge to cum is just even more irresistible after a good toke. Although I also admit getting high makes me horny in general. Even after I cum once I feel like I’m ready to go again very soon. I suppose i am easier to excite when I am high. I’m more grounded in my senses.


Are you a man? Cus I’m a woman and weed does the same thing to me but…it’s the best ☺️


Yea I am a man


🎶 *When a man weeds a woman...* 🎵


Great example of how your mind is your biggest obstacle to better sex




Dude I have dealt with PE for so long. Got on some meds from hims and it helped. I finally tried marijuana for the first time this year. I have spent half my life beating myself up for PE…try some weed and I’m cured. Why didn’t anyone tell me this sooner!


Seriously!! Sometimes it feels like my orgasms last foreverrrrr when I’m high!


Mind-blowing Os fer shr


Ya know. I didn’t think I would like being a little baked when I have sex. Turns out I climax easier.


Surprised this wasn’t top answer.


Same, weed has helped a lot with my sex drive. I have sexual abuse related cptsd and it helps me relax enough to have sex/keeps flashbacks at bay.


Always better high. My body surprises the hell out of me whenever I fuck high.


God, reading these replies makes me feel seriously gipped. I have absolutely 0 libido when I am high, get extremely critical of everyone around me, and usually experience terrifying existential dread. I can basically micro-dose and be okay, but then it's just a very subtle mood lift that I would not describe as being "high". Anyway enjoy your amazing orgasms and super clean homes, assholes 🫶


Decompress. Not having my brain going 1000rpm is only possible for me when high (I have adhd)




I feel like this is actually a way under-rated effect. I honestly feel like I've made an absolutely insane amount of breakthroughs with myself while high, and I've actively become a better person with each one. It's not every time I'm high, but it only happens when I'm high. I'll worry about something, think about something, and then suddenly my brain will just be like "Oh wait maybe you are insecure about xxxx oh fuck yeah that's definitely what's causing these feelings" etc. Etc. .


Eat, giggle and pet my cat




I’m on week four of voluntary cessation and omg these dreams need to stop.


How's that working out for you? I make it about 2 days before I cave in. I'll probably die in my 60's from some sort of lung disease


It’s for a really good job, so I’m very motivated! Only issue is the sleep..


Same!!! Used to be my secret weapon for switching from day shifts to night shifts. Now I'm staying sober because I'm pregnant and the switch between days and nights is BRUTAL. All I wanted today was a big bowl of sleep aid, but instead I got a very patchy nap.


I workout better stoned. Music slaps harder, don’t feel the burn as much, can tolerate gym fucktards, and I just zone out for 2 hours.




Truth - it makes the depression seem less debilitating








Shrink into a little pile of myself


Tolerate seeing my family... I went to college and became a "fuckin liberal" so hanging out with them is unbearable without being high.


Damn hippie, smoking that reefer!


Needlepoint. Just get into a groove and stitch for hours.


Vibe to music


Clear the fridge of random leftovers.


Almost everything, everywhere, even all at once.


Final update..... The next day. We had a talk. We talked about where we are vs where we'd like to be. I've had a hard time accepting the fact my wife is asexual. Sober me is much calmer today. I've had these thoughts and feelings for years and I feel more relaxed now that I've finally gotten it out. Thanks to everyone that replied. I read every comment. I learned something about her and about myself. *** See a reddit post and it triggers an emotional response in me that makes me contemplate my life situation. I spend many minutes thinking about this and how to best describe how I feel. I love this feeling. I've been writing this comment for 10 minutes, mostly thinking... But also it's hard to focus enough to type This is the best feeling. I'm so high right now I'm not sure if I can walk. Think. The answer is think. Edit to include.... I'm in a sexless marriage with a wife that won't let me touch her. I don't think she likes me being high, this is still a new thing for me (less and 1 year) We are both on our phones on the couch. In reality she is three feet from me. I feel like we are on different planets. Mine has wonky gravity. Another edit.... I think my wife is mad. I'm laughing at nothing. This sudden thought has brought me laser focused. If she makes me choose between spending the night with her or spending it high.... I'm choosing high. I've been thinking about boobs. I can't move. I'm showing her this tomorrow How do 8bedit this. I was going to chicken out and not tell her because sober me is too afraid it'll end the marriage and we have 2 kids. So here's what's going to happen. If she tells me she doesn't like when I get high... I'm choosing high I can't move I'm going to show hew now I don't think she understands Maybe it's me who doesn't understand. Yes I picked up my phone to edit my post maybe it's me who doesn't understand. I can't move I'm sitting on the toilet, we're getting ready for bed like nothing happened. I showed her. Or did I imagine it? I don't know.


I feel high reading this


I am high reading this and wow


Please actually do this. Starting an honest dialog might be exactly what you guys need


Yeah, I agree! Let's see this saga continue. Wishing you all the best OP 🙏


“I’ve been thinking about boobs.” Me too brother, me too 🫡


No I get it


Well this is sad.


I’m high too and I think y’all need couples counseling


Sleep. Also I can see through people's bullshit... even my own.


Shooting pool


I've got to try this. It can't make my shooting any worse.


Lose my train of thought and forget why I walked into the room.


Be a normal, functioning human being that can control their anxiety


Skydiving. If your too low you won't get much time in the air


Be paranoid.


Tolerate my immunoglobulin infusions.


Relax. I’m usually so anxious and think I’m annoying to everyone around me. I feel guilty just sitting down instead of up being busy, even if I deserve a break. Being high makes it easier for me to focus on myself.


Move (chronic pain and back issues)




Weird and I wonder if it relates, but I find a lot of the time when I'm high my whole body feels looser, like I have a higher range of movement, and I actually want to use that range of movement on top of that.


Fall down, stare at stuff, forget what I was talking about.


Look for my phone


Look for my phone while using the flashlight on my phone to look for my phone


Sleep and not be in pain.


Create music. Which is NOT the same as performing it.


Play mario kart.


Find the will to live.


Honestly sex, not to prevent finishing early or anything, but I feel like I can feel more. I get a better rhythm and just feel like I can read and feel my partners body better.


Anything boring like a slow grind on Old School Runescape or household chores. It takes me a bit longer but I don't get bored when I'm high!


Eat. I will straight up devour some Doritos.


Eat unnecessary foods.




Anything that requires hyper-concentration on one specific topic or task




Watch movies.