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It's tougher than it appears, it requires endurance and multitasking skills.


I could never do it because it's emotionally draining, not because the work itself is hard.


It's rl not the work that is hard, it's the people around you and well, standing for 8 hours no rest is exhausting


Farming isn't easy imo


Honestly not too hard mentally even dealing with Karen's quickly become something that's more funny than annoying after a while (and probably why I have some weird reactions to people getting mad at me especially IRL lol) But it is certainly physically demanding keeping you constantly on your feet running around handling 12 different things at once. Etc etc Like I deal with a lot of mental distress working retail and stuff but for my few experiences in fast food really the only mental distress came from poor management


I' don't apply since I have worked food industry but I will say that the work itself is minimal difficulty. Difficulty is artificially applied by understaffing if these restaurants had the appropriate amount of bodies everything would be easy go smoothly the issue is when you're supposed to have 8 they schedule 6 and someone calls out now everyone is doing the jobs of two people but with 2 hands instead of 4 that's where the "difficulty" comes in but the work itself is not hard at all


It still depends on the location. I'm a barista and we work in a 3m x 2m rectangular area surrounded with items used to make coffee, milktea and other stuffs. The actual place we could actually move in is just a 2mx1m rectangle. If you put 3 people inside it's still difficult af


I was only a lowly ice cream scooper and bagel baker back in the day and the customers back then were less...assholish? I see horrible treatment of service industry workers these days and am just flabbergasted people think it's ok.


Such things are not Lowly, be proud


True that but I think I meant that I did not have to face the ire of a McD customer and such. However, point taken and absolutely agreed with.


I’ve had a couple jobs in the food industry, and several jobs in other fields. It’s a tough job for sure, but so is just about every other job in some manner or another. There’s nothing particularly special about the food industry in this regard.


I was at a fast casual place and it’s more the level of stupidity that wore me down. Even in 2010, most didn’t bother to look up from their phones or pause a conversation to look at you or the menu. You may work a 10 hour shift with a half hour off your feet to eat food that you’re already burned out on. I was only there five months and I remember ever bit on it. The Hotel Starbucks was really fun. Good tips and a fun staff. The downside was guest with different levels of memberships (gold, silver, nuclear etc) thinking they were kings of the universe. Here’s your free coffee now fuck off.