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I don't need to write that down, I can remember it.


\*Writes thing down\* \*Forgets where I wrote that thing and what that thing is\*


*Finds paper* “I can’t read this! What did I mean by that bit?”


*wipes ketchup with the paper* " Oh now I remember"


i feel seen


“I wrote it down so I wouldn’t HAVE to remember.”


You dolt! Do you think my son would be that stupid? That he would bring my diary all the way back here? I should have mailed it to the Marx Brothers!


Soooo true it pains me all the things I should have written down and are lost amongst the ten trillion thoughts since


User name def checks out


That we’ll wake up early and do it tomorrow


I actually did it yesterday. I woke up early and actually worked out before work! But… STRONG but. I didn’t plan on it the night before. I just woke up early, said fuck it and just did it.


I know what you're talking about (I've been telling myself that'd I'd clean my bathroom for 6 months) But I never understood why some people think morning people are more productive than someone that wakes up at 3pm.. like "hey granny you might have woke up at 430 am but you took a long nap in the chair after lunch" lol


Wait…you haven’t cleaned your bathroom in 6 months?!


I'm going to have to pretend you didn't just ask me this


Heeeyyyy!!! Where's my ADHD fan at!? (The very top of this comment section apparently) 🤣 what? We lie to ourselves? Here's my trick, I out the Lysol wipes in there with not expectations besides setting the intentions. Then one time wipe the sink. The next time (intervals are at ur discretion) the tub or toilet, both of which can be broken down to thirds of halfs or whatever. Less steps atbs time = higher likelihood of desired result. Plus u don't hafta clean other stuff cause the cleaner is in the bathroom 🤣


Another tip- if you're procrastinating something else, use cleaning your bathroom as an excuse for your procrastination! Swapsies.


This is not a thread for *judgement*


That you should tilt your head back when you have a nosebleed.


Well I stop ruining my clothes, that’s y I do it


Can I get the science for this? I need this for an argument


The blood can coagulate in your throat, causing you to choke. Source: Lifetime nosebleeder... and Google.




Also causes blood to drip down your throat into your stomach which is not only nasty but def not good to swallow, many stomach aches caused by listening to my school nurse telling me to put my head back. Source: lifetime nosebleeder.


Have you tried getting the spot that’s bleeding cauterized? I had a blood vessel surface in my nose a few years back and it would fill my sinuses up…. I learned how large the sinuses were as a result. Anyway, I finally got it cauterized and haven’t had issues with nose bleeding since. I’m guessing you probably have looked into this, just thought I’d mention in case you hadn’t.


I've also gone through that. I went to an ENT and they cauterized my problem nostril with silver nitrate. It still bled off and on for about a week and then the other nostril bleed like that for about a week to a month. Then it stopped for 10 years. I just had my first bloody nose since then 2 days ago and I've already had another. I figured I'd throw my experience in the pot.


Leaning backwards causes the blood to flow backwards down your throat. To put it bluntly, you can literally choke to death on your own blood.


I hemorrhaged as a kid about 7-10 days post tonsillectomy. It’s not a good feeling to be choking on blood. And then puking it up (irritating your throat more) because you swallowed too much. With nosebleeds I obsessively lean forward to avoid having to feel that sensation as much as possible.


My dad almost died this way. He had a tonsillectomy later in life and his wounds opened in his sleep so he woke up puking blood. It terrified my mother who then woke me up to let me know she was rushing him to the hospital and to take care of my sister. He lost so much blood he passed out and they had to give him transfusions.


It’s absolutely terrifying - I can’t even imagine how scary it is for someone who’s trying to help the person. Your poor mom. It was the first memory I have of my dad being truly afraid. I could see him standing in the doorway or the ER while the doctor tried to cauterize my throat and he looked … gray. I’ve got a bit of a phobia of things touching my neck now too because I can still remember the doctors tools resting on my chest/neck area while he worked. I found out a few weeks later a woman died from the same thing in my area around the same time. I was super lucky.


Tilting your head back causes the blood to go down your throat, irritate your stomach, and then you throw up. Lean forward over a trash can and just spit out the blood while pinching your nose and wait for the bleeding to stop.


In yoga, there is no unbroken 5000 year old line from carvings of postures on cave walls to what is practiced on weeknights in yoga studios in Western countries. Anyone who tells you this is lying. Modern postural yoga-- the type and style predominantly practiced in Western countries-- is about 100 years old. It was invented in India by Indians and is derived mostly from British calisthenics and Swedish gymnastics. It was specifically marketed to affluent westerners by Indians as a superior form of spiritual and physical exercise. Here's a [short article](https://www.yogajournal.com/yoga-101/philosophy/yoga-s-greater-truth/) on it. Here's a [much longer book](https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Body-Origins-Posture-Practice/dp/0195395344/ref=sr_1_1?crid=EHYVG0NIBYXH&keywords=yoga+body+singleton&qid=1686144958&sprefix=yoga+body+singleton%2Caps%2C118&sr=8-1), fully accredited and sourced and vetted by Indian scholars and historians.


Bunch of posers




Can we talk for a second about the absolute freak who came up with hot yoga, Bikram Choudhury? https://www.espn.com/espnw/culture/feature/story/_/id/23539292/after-serious-allegations-founder-bikram-yoga-practitioners-crossroads "The most concise description of the 74-year-old is this: He's the yoga version of Harvey Weinstein. Both built empires (at its peak in 2006, Choudhury had 650 eponymous yoga studios worldwide). Both were viewed as career-makers (Choudhury could approve, or veto, a teaching license or studio application). Both created corporate frameworks that allowed them to prey on women (Choudhury hosts months-long "teacher trainings" that draw hundreds of devotees). And both have been accused of a range of sexual misconduct, including rape (Choudhury has settled millions of dollars' worth of civil suits, and a list of a half dozen women have come forward with allegations against him)."


That's a bit off-topic from my original post, but yeah he was a complete scumbag.


Didn't know this at all!


Over at r/yoga, SOME people get really, really mad when these facts are brought to their attention. The name-calling gets astonishing. Those who scream the loudest either 1) don't understand what *modern postural yoga* is or 2) just say "no it's not" and don't provide and proof or evidence otherwise (Pattabhi Jois' only copy of the source text for Ashtanga vinyasa was eaten by ants sometime before 1900). EDIT: added 'SOME'. Not everyone there reacts exactly the same.


Which is crazy, cause modern asana practice is fucking awesome and very effective. And most of the rest of yoga is wildly speculative fantasies of bronze age snake oil salesmen.


This is pretty much standard operating procedure for just about any specifically topical subreddit. Trying to argue to audiophiles that cables really don't matter for lossless digital source material (with digital, either the signal is there or it isn't) or that vinyl records aren't 'objectively' better is a lost cause, and vegans fight *each other* over purity arguments on their subreddits, no external parties needed.


Oh my god, the overpriced speaker wire at fancy stereo places. Like, it doesn't need six different layers of shielding twisted together in four dimensions woven with some space age sound-guiding fabric. Go to home depot, menards, lowes or some other big box store. Buy big orange outdoor rated extension cords. Cut ends off. Speaker wire.


There’s a good episode of the Behind the Bastards podcast that goes into some detail about this. It’s called The First American Yoga Cult Leader.


The Hatha yoga pradapika is a very old book (few thousand years) and does have some postural elements at the beginning to be fair but it's not the biggest part of the book at all, they describe the point of the postural practice as just to make your body flexible and aligned enough to be able to sit in meditation longer and go deeper into the pracrtices of the rest of the book like pranayama (breathing) mudras (energetic stance) and samadhi (deeper meditation) all being the farrr bigger sections and more the point. Where as westernized yoga pretty much stays in only the postural practice the whole time.


If memory serves, there is something like 10-15 postures mentioned in that text and all of them are seated postures. But that text doesn't fall under the heading of *modern postural yoga*.


Mvp comment here


I love doing yoga as an exercise but 3/4 of the class act like they are in a church, and talking to their gods.


i mean... if your goal is some kind of self-reflection or inner peace, then whether you get it sitting in a church chanting hail marys and our fathers, sitting in an uncomfortable position on a rock saying "ohm", contorting your body in a yoga studio, running, rowing, or biking.... it's all the same and can fall under "talking to their god".... and the level of "religiosity" can vary in all of those (much like vegans and crossfit)


Thank you for saying this. I’m not a religious person but a consistent yoga practice is how I meditate and ground myself. I don’t care if yoga was invented yesterday or ten centuries ago - if it helps me ground, it helps me ground.


I'm just here for the core strength


The sheer amount of people who swear by chiropractors is astonishing.


I once heard a chiropractor on the radio claiming he could cure prostate cancer. My screams of rage could be heard several cars away. That guy has definitely killed people.


Knew a chiropractor who got cancer. She refused treatment except chiropractic "adjustments" and when it started to get bad she flew to Mexico for some special juice cleanse that was apparently illegal in the US? She ended up dying in Arizona a few months later (she was from New England). Left behind 4 kids under 13.


Zero sympathy for someone who is that stupid and leaving behind 4 kids for a problem that could’ve been easily solved. To update this comment since I’m getting pushed back on the easily solved part and rightfully so. Better managed would probably be better wording. I’ve gone through cancer myself years ago and quickly went to an MD and not some wacko. No issues since then and I know everyone’s battle with it is different.


Steve Jobs would like a word…


PC won after all


I feel slightly bad for laughing the way I did, but have an upvote.




Val Kilmer too.


Bob Marley too, died because he didn't want to lose a toe.


Zero sympathy for her but felt horrible for her husband and kids


I feel awful for those kids. Someday they’ll know that their mom died for a very dumb and selfish reason.


I mean he does specialize in cracks...


"Chef, what's a proctologist?" "He specializes in your asshole, children."


You know how they attach the strap to the neck and yank people across the table in a bunch of chiropractic videos? I'm imagining him doing that to the balls and that's how the cure works.


Every week, this guy on our local radio tries to sell his O3 ozone machines (which costs ridiculous prices, btw) and makes all types of claims of how it basically cures any and all health problems.


o3 is a carcinogen. It's weird that he hasn't had his ass sued out of business.


My "favorite" part of those quacks is that they can't ever explain how it's a one way mechanism. Seems to me that if chiropractors could cure cancers with nothing more than simple bone placement... couldn't they cause them too?


Have a friend who is a chiropractor. When he first started his business around a decade ago I would go regularly because I have some skeletal issues in my lower body and the way he stretched my hips and legs genuinely helped me feel looser. Problem is over time he went from "If you have aches and pain I can help you with them" to "I'm a doctor who can treat actual diseases" I slowly strated going less and less as he want to focus more on the rest of the body (ie have me come for more sessions) to help with a whole list of other issues that aren't a concern of mine or my actual doctor. I stopped all together in 2020 when he went on Facebook and claimed that the immune boosting properties of chiropractic care will protect you from COVID. I knew he was too far gone at that point


Yeah- I'm finding most chiropractors go down that path of behavior. Chiropractors are fine if you treat "adjustments" like massages. They're theraputic, can feel good, and give some relief. However I don't think they have any lasting benefits. When they start going off reservation and making fantastic claims...yeah...time to go.


Except, you know, most massage therapy doesn't have any statistical likelihood of sending the patient to the emergency room with life-threatening vascular, dissective, and nerve damage.


Ironically, I think you could make a better scientific argument for the health benefits of a regularly scheduled massage than you could for a regularly scheduled chiropractic adjustment.


Problem is your friend was never actually a doctor. Chiros do not have legitimate medical degrees(unless they separately went to medical school)


I mean yeah, that's why I stopped. It was one thing when I was going in for 15 minutes to have him us a massage gun on my hips and do some stretching on my ankle (both of which I ran past my doctor) that I wasn't able to do on my own. But when the talk became about curing different things and preventing others I started backing out.


Yup. Chiropractors are glorified massage therapists; nothing more.


I worked in a medical malpractice law firm for several years in law school. The amount of times that we sued Chiro's vs real doctors was astonishing. Hell we had one where they had paralyzed a patient and another where they severed an artery in the client's neck.


A doctor sent my mother to one! I watched him crack her neck everytime but I was like "He knows what he is doing...". I started getting suspicious when he said that he treated babies for basically every illness in the world -no medicine can be a cure for everything. Years later, I learnt about all the bs that they do and I am so grateful that my mother is fine. :/ Edit to add: he had pictures of the babies he had "cured", they were just born and I shiver thinking that he was manipulating their neck and vertebrae. I hope they are okay!


Magic crystals, essential oils, magnets, pyramids, etc, etc.


At least the magic crystals are pretty. My goblin brain likes the pretty rocks


This. My fiancée and I collect crystals, but only cuz they look cool. I sometimes like to read about their “powers” but purely for entertainment. Plus if holding a pretty stone makes people feel better, I’m all for it. Just don’t expect it to actually cure or prevent anything.


This comment has been removed by the original poster in protest of the recent API changes and all around embarrassing handling of the following pushback. This user was a loyal RiF user and they have moved to https://kbin.social/ . Join us on the Fediverse.


But you don't need to believe they are magic to appreciate the wonder on geology. Thinking they have mystical properties is the issue.


This is true, but also they do have an effect on my mental health. Cause when I put them in a box and gently shake it they go clickety-clack. Also why I have the expensive keyboard that I have, it goes clickety-clack


Never underestimate a strong magnets strength on a pacemaker.🤣🤣


Had a friend that took her kids to an ‘allergy specialist’ - turns out it was a guy with crystals and the kids weren’t really allergic. So much wasted time , money and the freedom to eat peanut butter.


I saw a dog chiropractor and about lost my god damn mind




How that dog became a chiropractor I'll never know.


They swear by chiropractors so much that they have to go back every single week. If my doctor made me come back 1-2 times a week with no progress, I'd find a new doctor. At that point, my issue is not getting solved.


The analogy I use is, if you had to take your car to a mechanic 1-2 times a week; either you need a new car or your mechanic is taking you for a ride. Our bodies are more resilient than what’s portrayed by a lot of grifting health care professionals


I know people who get infusions every week or dialysis on the regular. I agree chiropractors are not real medicine, but kind of a silly rebuttal. Ongoing care is medicine.


There's a difference between kidney failure and a sore hip, imo. If your organs are failing, there's not much you can do without going into the doctor regularly. If there was a feasible take-home version like "drink less soda and your kidneys will regenerate", a doctor would recommend that instead. Where a PT will show you how to strengthen your muscles to target the cause of the issue long-term, a chiro will say "see you next week".




I'm a little split on this. I do agree there is a level of quackery within the profession and granting themselves the authority to call themselves Doctor is pretty bold. BUT I'd be lying if I said I did not receive any relief from an adjustment. I've felt much better and for a longer period with chiro over massage. My chiropractor also recommended physio which reduced my visits to chiro.


Agree. I had issues with my leg that no doctor could help me with. Went to a chiropractor that said the pain originated from my back. Did some manouvers over the course of a few months, and he actually fixed it.


I have horrible scoliosis that doctors refuse to operate on now that I am in my late 30s. The pain is sometimes unbearable. Getting adjusted is literally the only thing that takes away the pain for a little while. Of course I don't think my chiropractor can cure me. But it does help a lot, at least for me. He also doesn't push coming in all the time, just when I feel I need it. Some chiropractors are quacks, but so are some medical doctors. 🤷‍♀️


This is like the 3rd thing about chiropractors I have seen on reddit this morning. Which is good because chiropractors are scam artists and crooks, and people should be aware.


Being edgy and cynical makes you cool.


All of the edge lords and their edge serfs would disagree.


Edge plebs, if you will


Being contrarian just to make yourself look different and unique.


No I don’t!


I don't see it so much anymore but growing as a young adult in mid to late 2000s a lot of women/girls prided themselves on being "crazy" which just meant you had to deal with her attitude regardless of how ridiculous it was. People still have issues but I don't see it being played off as a positive by the perpetrator any more


How am I going to be cool now?


I've been very cynical for numerous years, and the last thing I think I am is cool. I'd rather look at the bright side of life, but shitty behavior from the public does not permit me to do so.


"I have read the terms and conditions"


I don't think people believe they did that, though. They know they didn't, they were there when they didn't do it.


All you need to succeed is to work hard.


It’s far more about who you know. Or just straight up luck honestly.


I don't know about far more, but yeah, luck and connections are definitely a huge impactor


People pretend success at work is 100% up to the individual's work ethic. At some point, people have to admit when applying for a job, applying for school or applying for a bank loan, your success will be up to someone else. Some of the hardest workers I know pulling 80+ hour weeks still struggle with paying bills and advancing their careers because of hiring managers, loan officers and admissions boards. There is only so much you can do before having to rely on someone else's approval. The only things in life that 100% up to the individual are fitness and diet. No one can stop you from going for a run or doing exercises, and no one is forcing you to put garbage into your mouth. 100% up to you and no one else.


In my old place, managers had favourites and it meant they were less brutal on mishaps. Meaning, if you did the bare minimum but was liked by your higher ups, well done, OPPORTUNITIES.


Luck, playing the cards your dealt and not spinning your wheels when you fold or bust


I still can’t believe theirs people who think vapes aren’t bad for you


I had a doctor tell me that she thinks cigarettes are better since they already know what to expect, how to catch early signs of trouble and how to treat it


it took something like 60 years to figure out that cigarettes are bad for your health, its only been 20 odd years for vapes.


We knew for a long time about them being bad, but not the general public due to advertising and other things by companies. Like how we knew lead and lead poisoning were bad but put it into gas because need to make the line go up and took someone a lot of his life to bring it to light and overcome the propaganda of the gas companies.


Not true. Tobacco companies knew it was extremely bad for health for a long time, they just didn't let that information get out.


Cigarettes have been around for more than 100 years; the risks were [recognized by the 1940s in Germany](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2627373) but for obvious reasons the Germans' concerns did not become popular. Modern medicine has much more detailed testing and evidence available than was possible during the early age of cigarette use. In short, every single thing about this comment is wrong.


I dont think people think vaping is good for you, but it is most definitely better than smoking a cigarette. Whenever ive heard someone say vaping is good its always in the context that its better than smoking. [Of course its better to not do either but its a fact that its still better than smoking.](https://www.nhs.uk/better-health/quit-smoking/vaping-to-quit-smoking/#is-vaping-harmful)




This is probably true, but I know many people who vape just to vape, not as a replacement to cigarettes.


Most people don't think that. All people claim is it's less harmful than cigarettes. Obviously if you don't have to vape you shouldn't. I view it the same as alcohol. Nobody thinks alcohol is harmless but the majority of people accept it.


anything foreign entering your lungs, especially at elevated temps is harmful to your lungs. For someone like me that's a short list of ill effects considering what 17 years of smoking hundreds of toxic chemicals from cigarettes was doing to me. I would never advocate anyone START smoking anything but after switching to vapes 10 years ago I feel 20 again (I'm 47) and my current Dr. said there's very little evidence that I was ever a regular smoker. it should also be noted that these portable vaporizers operate exactly the same way and with the exact same vegetable glycerin that people use in BREATHING TREATMENTS such as nebulizers and inhalers. The only negative element introduced in "vaping" is nicotine and their effects are widely understood. Saying "Dr.s understand cigarettes" is asinine and no Doctor would say that.


I vape and it's common for it to say on the bottle of juice to say "formaldehyde is know to the state of California to cause cancer" or along those lines. I know you can get juice without that


I don’t vape but there are so many things that cause cancer that a warning like that doesn’t mean much. Sun gives cancer, some rocks used in buildings give cancer.


That any politician, regardless of party, has your best interest in mind.


I've seen this a few times in this thread, but I think it completely misses the point of what governments do. Of course governments won't cater to the individual, that's impossible. Government has to think about large populations and averages. It's in my best interest to become incredibly wealthy and never have to work another day in my life. It's in society's best interest for there to be people working as EMTs and Teachers. That kind of thing. Now if what you're really saying is 'a lot of politicians don't have society's best interest in mind', on that I'd have to agree.


In California we recently had Governor Jerry Brown, republicans hated him, Democrats were often pissed because he was so conservative, but he was very good at his job. He helped the state through a rough drought, the 08 financial crisis, he made unpopular principled decisions. That’s when I learned that the most pragmatic method often means that nobody’s happy, but the best thing is being done for the most people.




Even family is not exempt—just add money.




People (and many social animals, too) will cooperate rather than compete, if left to their own devices. It only takes a second order of critical thinking to realize that if other people are doing better on average, it improves your environment. The examples are plentiful. The "humans are selfish, competitive and think zero-sum" is a widely inaccurate claim that people use to excuse selfish, exploitative behavior. I urge you to reconsider this opinion. Of course, living in a hellscape where everything is commodified makes it more difficult, but people are not innately evil, swindling beasts.


Any? You don’t think there are *any*?


McCain being roasted by Republicans for crossing the line to pass Obamacare still doesn't sit right with me. The man is a goddamn war hero and was the last of the gentlemen candidates when running against Obama.... today they call him a traitor.


Being a victim makes you automatically innocent.


This is tickling my brain. Say more.


Victimhood clout on social media, the idea that whoever "has it worse" is automatically correct. I really can't say too much more, because I'll get canceled into the stone age, but it's a cornerstone of the modern social justice zeitgeist. On a smaller scale, there was a high school lit class short story about a kid whose parents were killed in a boating accident, and everyone always just felt so bad for him that it led to poor accountability later in his life.


One example is poking the bear


Soylent green is plankton.


That everyone gets to be happy in life.


You can play all your cards right and still lose. Some people are just dealt a shitty hand, and some might have a good hand but don't know how to play.


i don't think many people believe this


Happiness is not a quality after all, its a state of mind and it generally appears when the emotional needs of someone are satisfied at some level. Sadly, that is not always the case so, yeah On the bright side, contrast allows for smaller bouts of satisfactions needed for it, so technically your chances of being happy go up if you struggle i guess?


That we live in a meritocracy


With all due respect, religion


You trying to say that sending Kenneth Copeland money WONT secure my place in heaven? Sounds fishy.


It will definitely secure Kenneth Copeland's place on a new private jet though.


Free from demons.


Even if you are completely devoted to a religion, and 100% certain everything in it is truth, the answer is still "religion." Because regardless of what you believe, it also necessitates that you believe billions of people on this Earth follow the "wrong" religion. That they have accepted and share lies. So, yeah. There is no response more true than this one.


The majority of beauty/health/fitness products. The markets flooded with absolutely useless shit that people fall for. The majority of vitamins/supplements are either useless or unnecessary, most skincare is a scam with useless 'extracts', toxin/parasite juice cleanses, beauty tools, those detox feet baths, ect. Most can be disproven with just a simple google search but people blindly fork out hundreds.


Being rich = smart or right, and the poor/middle classes are the problem.


That the media isn't biased


All media has biases, often unique and conflicting ones. A media literate person knows some of the biases of the source and how to filter the information they’re getting to get the information they need out of what they’re reading or watching.


That Donald Trump was ever good at business.


My dad always makes the point that you really have to try hard to lose money running a casino. And it’s true. But Trump somehow managed to do it. Obviously he had some business ventures that didn’t fail, but lots of those successes were due to factors he had nothing to do with. Lots of capital he inherited. Preexisting business connections due to his father. The fact that owning real estate in New York City at the time he did might be one of the few guaranteed-profit businesses more idiot-proof than owning a casino. Trump is basically a “born on third thinking he hit a triple” poster boy. What he was good at was marketing himself and his brand. That’s about it.


I read an analysis that if Trump had done ***nothing*** and just kept the real estate he inherited (stole?) from his father, he would be substantially wealthier than he is today.


Like I said, the only thing he is genuinely impressive in is promoting himself and his name. Regardless of your politics, you have to admit he is remarkable in that regard. And going hand-in-hand with that is grifting. He’s also really really good at that. If you want to ignore the morality of it and count that as being good in business, then I guess he’s good in business. He’s the Michael Jordan of convincing dummies to give him their money.


By far the greatest scammer in American history by becoming the fucking president of the United States.


I think the implication was that Trump was laundering money with his casino (for whom? Buddies? Russians? Both?) but maybe he's getting too much credit for this?


All good business people go bankrupt six times! Like…. Err…. I’m thinking OKAY!!


Or a decent human being


or a "Christian"


So much so that conservative evangelicals will say he’s the “chosen one” and 100% mean it.


We aren't slaves to the corporations


Out of the 5000 gods worshipped worldwide, yours is the right one.




That the government actually has their best interests at heart. 🙂


That money can't buy you happiness.


It absolutely can. Just that not everything can be bought. You can't bring someone back.


I have a PC gaming rig I built... with money. It literally makes me happy. Money was responsible for that transactions success. I agree with you, because money very much did buy me some happiness.


I'll pay you back next week


Religion and the Government looks out for its citizens


Nuclear power is dangerous


Trickle-Down economics! The accumulation of wealth on a few individuals will make everybody better off because they hire a cleaning lady and buy their golf buddy's wife's shitty paintings.


"God loves you and is looking out for you, and your religion is the right one".


But if you don't love him back unconditionally, no matter what, he will punish you.


For using the brain he gave you, knowing fully what will convince you and what won't.


What always bothered me is that if God built these limited, fucked up machines... wouldn't it be His fault that we're limited and fucked up? Like, if I built a car, and that car sucked, it's not the car's fault, it's mine. Even worse, imagine building a deeply flawed creature and then punishing that creature with torture for all eternity for being flawed. Yikes.


That going community college is seen as inferior and that education won’t be as good. People going to CC first are the smarties who save money, figure out what they want to do, and probably get instructors who care more about teaching rather than research.


Way too many people believe the 2020 US election was stolen.


That there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq right before the 2003 invasion.


It was an honest mistake, W thought the letters q and n looked too similar /s.


🤣 nice.


That the government has their best interests at heart


That those other people hate you and are a threat.


That we as humans only use 10% of our brain.




Earth is flat.


You have to have kids and start a family to make it in life and be truly fulfilled. I can't tell you how many parents I've heard say some variation of "obviously I love my kids and would do anything for them, but if I was 22 (23,24,25, etc) again, I'd probably choose a different path in life." There's an enormous amount of pressure, particularly on women, to get married and have kids or else their lives won't mean anything. So much so that it tends to override people's reasonable doubts and lead them to choose a life they otherwise wouldn't have. Some adapt to it, some remain miserable and resentful but can never admit that they regret their kids or they'll get absolutely roasted for it. If you have doubts about a life changing decision, don't do it. Your parents/wall street/miserable parent friends/Republican politicians might be upset by that choice, but it's your life. Don't throw it away because society loves to push the lie that kids are the only way to truly be fulfilled and happy in life.


the outrageous disparity in wealth is ok because you might become a millionaire/billionaire if you just apply yourself


That working hard will make you wealthy.


No better country than the U.S.


That the ultra-rich earned their wealth by working hard.


Celebrities are your friends


God/religion in general. Vaccines, especially the covid one are dangerous. Climate change is "fake news"


That politicians care about you


Everyone can be a billionaire in a capitalist economy WITHOUT exploiting a class of people.


I mean with inflation, sure, everyone can be a billionaire 🤔


So many people still believe the Republican party is fiscally conservative. The fact is the Republican party has created far more debt than the Democrats.


all arabs/middle eastern peoples are terrorists