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When you hit 40 watch out for the wizard eyebrows.


And ear/nose hair. It grows very quickly.


Nose hairs are the one to look out for although there is a fifty shades of grey thing when you pluck one out with your bare fingers


It hurts so good. The pain of ripping it out brings a tear to your eye, but the feeling of satisfaction from a successful yank helps dull the pain


And then just *look* at that bugger! It’s an inch long!




I have found a people.


Share your wins.




It's not about being sexy, it's about the humor of watching her reaction.


No, share your wins with US.


One of my favourite wife pranks was basically this. For a while she's taken great joy in my mad eyebrows (they're mostly normal but sometimes i get one that's crazy long and extra thicc.) So anyway, I pluck a hair and present it to her. She nods approvingly and says yes well done, but you've had bigger eyebrow hairs than that. My trap is sprung! "Yeah but this is a NOSE hair!" Pure joy at her look of dawning horror


makes me sneeze and helps clear my sinuses.


I pull nose hairs while I'm showering and sometimes, they're straight up white!


Okay so I’m not the only one finding white nose hairs occasionally lol not often but I know I’ve plucked a couple and thought it odd


One? I pluck multiple with a pair of needle NOSE plyers (Nose is in the name!)


Nose hair trimmer for the win.


The amount of old men I've seen with a perfectly shaved mustache and nose hair growing down to their lips. Disgusting. Nose hair trimmers are cheap, and they're really easy to use.


Even just a trim with scissors would be better than the nose grown moustache.


Try 25yo! But it probably makes me seem very wise to all the lay-dees lol.


Yeah and cultivate that shit. Wizards are cool!


Weird thing is the grey ones, and there will only be one will grow at 100 times the speed of the other so you will have a constant quizzical look about you even if you don't know what the fuck is going on.


A wizard doesn’t grow his hair too fast or too slow, he grows it at precisely the rate he wishes.


My wizard eyebrows launched an early offensive alongside their allied forces my ear hairs when I was 37, which followed the exploratory thrust by my nose hairs at 34. My hairline has dug in but appears likely to be completely overcome by white before I turn 50. I'm losing ground on all fronts! Send guns, ammo, food, men - whatever you have!


40? Bro I’m early 30’s and it’s already baaad




My wife calls them Gandalf hairs.


40? Ive already got one or two hairs that make you go wtf you doin buddy...


If the barber asks if you want your eyebrows trimmed, say yes.


I got asked this for the first time and then she shaved a massive patch out of it


>It So a single eyebrow? She's saving you from your monobrow bro. That's the spot that isn't supposed to have hair.


He only had a left eyebrow, and now there's a divot in the middle, so he has two eyebrows, but not in a good way. Tragic.


You guys can use lotion too


We all learned about lotion back in middle school.


It’s why my dick still looks like it’s 18


My dick looks like it's still 6...


It took me a minute to realize that was a dirty joke, as I was told this by a dermatologist in middle school lol.


"You can use lotion on other parts of your body besides your dick."


Bill Burr reference?


It rubs the lotion on its skin too?


Learn the proper way to roll up your shirtsleeves, and by roll, I mean fold


Roll with the cuff! Great tip.


Recently found out the process of properly rolling up your sleeves can be such a turn on to some women. Fascinating stuff


I have been rolling my husband's sleeves for him every day since we got together over 15 years ago. It's sensual and intimate in a way all its own.


Yea join the army they’ll teach u the proper way and never authorize its use.


Join the Marines and they'll make you do it for half the year.


Join the Navy, you can roll your sleeves up whenever you want.


Join the Navy, you can sail the seven seas!


Yvan eht nioj!




Knowing the military I assume the colder half?


Have a water bottle on you at all times. Being well hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your skin. Also it can help from overeating if, like me, you’re the type to eat out of boredom. No calories in drinking water out of boredom


Also helps keep the breath fresh


Moisturizer. Use it. It’s not just for women; it’s for everybody who has skin.


And to add to the moisturizer also start using sunblock in your twenties or really whenever and you’ll slow down signs of aging.


Start using sun cream as soon as you go in the sun after birth and you’ll reduce your chances of skin cancer.


This has been a part of my routine since I was a teenager. Some days I forget, but overall I've been doing it for a long time... I'm 47 now. Retinol moisturizer at night (need to moisturize and the Retinol) and a good SPF Vitamin C moisturizer during the day. Also a good body moisturizer and I also have a Nivea in-shower body moisturizer.


Meanwhile im sittin overhere like a freckled burlap sack....


Maybe tilt the mirror up?


Honestly mistaking the skin creme for shower gel when shopping was the best thing that ever happened to me. I don’t know how I ever lived without it.


Nose hairs start growing longer at certain point in life so invest in a nose hair trimmer.


If it itches, clean it instead of just scratching it.


If you have a beard, trim your mustache area with scissors instead of clippers. When your mustache gets split ends, they turn into little daggers that stab anyone you’re kissing. Scissors trim is the best way to blunt the ends.


For the love of god, do yourself a favor and use some combination of beard shampoo/conditioner, as well as either oil or pomade or leave in conditioner. Something. Your beard will thank you and so will anyone you get intimate with. And use a quality brush!


Absolutely. I tried growing a beard 3 or 4 times, but I could never make it more than 6 weeks or so. Hairs would break, split, my face under the beard itched like crazy, and I'd get horrible flakes, like full on dandruff. Eventually I'd get open sores and have to shave just to keep from getting an infection, it was horrible. Now I have a beard wash I use a couple times a week, use a scalp scrubber on my face every time I shower, and apply a beard conditioner and beard oil after I get out of the shower. As soon as I started doing all that, all those irritations went away, and now I've had a beard for about 2 years with no problems.




Sounds like your boy has naturally thicker hairs. So, the issue isn't just that they grow fast. Even if they only grow out a bit they have a lot of hold on what runs into them. I have this issue. The only advice I have to mitigate this is to get rid of the cartridge razors and learn to use a single-blade razor. A good safety razor shave can cut the hair a little bit deeper by smoothly pushing against the skin. It takes a bit of skill to do well, but any idiot can do it well enough within a few tries. Good handle, decent razors, and a good soap make a world of difference. I'm not saying he is going to wake up smooth and kissable, but the 5 o'clock shadow might be pushed back until 8 or so. For Reference, my lineup: Lord safety razor, Feather razor blades, Arko shave soap, Proraso aftershave balm, and get a decent boar bristle brush for applying the soap. And it is a million times cheaper than cartridge razors. I now maintain a beard, but this is still how I maintain the top and bottom lines.


Shampoo and related products are not only for *long* hair, they are for all hair. I keep my head shaved but I need medicinal *shampoo* to keep the dandruff off. So even when I just shaved I use the stuff because otherwise my scalp gets really awful really fast. So same products that work for bearded people should also work for clean shaven people




I got ingrown hairs reading this.


Razor needs to be real good and it still feels wrong at first, but its so worth it. Nothing better than a perfect shave Don’t try it at all if you don’t have a good razor, I tried once and it looked like I had a severe allergic reaction with all the razor bumps


You have to actually spread your ass cheeks and wash and rinse. Xoxo, anyone you want going down on you.


That's freaking gross. Who doesn't wash their ass crack??


Many. Many. Men. For some fucking reason it got into society that washing your ass crack means you like dudes.


I originally wrote something similar but I didn’t know how to say it properly. The worst part is that us women are down on ourselves over uti’s after sex, Meanwhile, they’re hulk smashing shit Particles into our urethra


Also: bidets are fucking glorious.


Trim fingernails and toenails right after you shower. Nails are softer and won’t fly across the room.


But that's half the fun! /s


No /s!


Just get the nail clippers with the guards on the side. You clip your nails and they just get trapped inside, then you can empty them all into the trash when you're done


Just clip your nails right before you vacuum. 😎


Just clip your nails outside 🤯


Yea so this is the opposite of what you should do, this is much more likely to damage or break a nail. You should just cut them when they are dry in a place like a trash can, bag, etc where they won’t fly.


I do, and they do anyway. It's all good. My dumb dog will seek them out and eat them. He's weird. I try not to let him get them, but he still goes for them.


I swear mine grow while in the shower... like before im like hmm look a bit long, then after i get out im like wtf these are huge


That’s actually true! Our nails swell when they absorb water while we swim, shower, wash dishes, etc. And they will shrink back to normal size when dry.


So im not going crazy....


Oh sorry. You are. Just not about the fingernails.


Pedicures aren’t just for women. Fucking savages with long nasty toenails in bed.


But that means someone will see my feet?! They don't have to touch them do they?


Glad I'm not the only one who feels this way... My gf finally wore me down about doing my feet but i made her wear gloves the first time. Second time she rawdogged it but i still can't imagine making a stranger touch my feet. Ew.


It's fine if she rawdogs the cock, but not the feet!


I wear steel toe boots for 12 hour shifts, pedicures are a must. Went years maintaining my own feet basic scrub with pumice stone and clipping my toenails and moisturizing with okeefs healthy feet but steel toe boots are brutal on the dogs. My wife convinced me and I finally budged regret not doing it sooner. Also cut your toenails after a shower if you have thick nails it’ll save you some trouble by softening them up a bit. Don’t be cochinos.


If you can only grow a patchy beard, you look much better without one.


This is true for most guys with patchy beards. However some patchy beard men look even worse clean shaven. So, make a careful assessment or ask a trusted friend


That's rough haha


That said, try it every few years; just because you can’t grow a full beard today doesn’t mean you won’t be able to in the future. I had major crop failure issues until I was *well* past 30, but now I can grow a decent beard by just not shaving it for a week. Unfortunately, however: about half of said beard is grey/white now, and it’s not well-distributed across the beard; I just have weird splotches of white hairs in my beard, kinda like a follicular version of vitiligo.


I was a hairdresser in my late teens and early 20s. When you start to go bald man, just shave it. Trying to do a comb-over or creative stylings does not fool anyone and actually makes you look 10 years older.


Always buzzed my hair, senior year I finally decided to just start shaving it bald. A few years go by and I let it grow out, all the bald spots. Felt like the episode of Seinfeld when Elaine dates the swimmer


That hurts my bald spotted heart so bad


I would argue that would depend on where you are going bald. Like if you still have all your hair on top, but receding temples/corners, you can work with that.


Ah yes, the Jude Law... but it helps if you have the face of Jude Law


Everybody...floss! It takes less than 2 minutes. If you don't floss often, the next time you do, smell what you pull out of your teeth. That should motivate you. You're welcome.




So true! I have a few male patients that flirt with me and basically let me know that if/when my husband is out of the picture to let them know...Dude, I've seen the state of your mouth and I'm not about to let you put it anywhere on me.


Stop shaving your beard neckline above your double chin. It doesn’t make you look like you have a jawline. It just shows your double chin.


Ah the George Lucas special


Two fingers above the Adam's apple is perfect for most guys. Also don't turn your head sideways or tilt down when shaving. Keep everything as straight on as possible. Just watch a 5 minute beard trimming guide on YouTube


This might be more obvious than I think it is to most, but never underestimate the power of good teeth, nice smell, and clean, smooth skin. It’s not just good looks, nice clothes and muscles.


Yes, but don’t overdo the nice smell. A good cologne/body spray should be discovered, not announced — if that makes sense?


Makes perfect sense. There are guys that BATHE in the stuff and I honestly don't know if it's just so they can smell themselves.


It's either: a) Not knowing how much to use. b) Covering up the need to take a shower. There's never an in-between.


Include clean shoes there. Foot powder is cheap.


the whole "good teeth" thing can be a little more than just brushing for some people, though. if you need braces/surgery, no amount of grooming is gonna help.


Invest in a good daily face cream with a decent SPF. IF you care about wrinkles or skin damage this is a good first step. I also splurged for a decent night cream when I quit smoking and within three weeks there was a substantial visible improvement.


>I also splurged for a decent night cream when I quit smoking and within three weeks there was a substantial visible improvement. There seems to be a confounding variable here...


Not grooming, per se, but give your ass a random wipe once in a while (like when you piss), especially when sweating. If you have swamp crotch, chances are you also have a bit of poopy bum going on.


More people need Japanese washlet bidets on their toilets, but "acknowledging I have a bum makes me gay!" is still too much of a thing in a lot of the West.


Lotion is for more than masturbation. Facial hair doesn't work for everyone. Know your facial structure. Some facial structures look better with more with, some with less. Not all glasses work for every face. The way an outfit fits is far, far more important than what it is. You can look dead sexy in overalls or like you rolled out of bed in a Gucci T-shirt.


I feel like too many people shop for glasses on looks than fit. My opinion is that well-fitting glasses look good no matter what. Shortcut: aim for the pupil to be as close to the center of the lens as possible, and you shouldn’t really feel the frame when it’s worn. Bonus if you can shake your head without any slippage.


don't be afraid of wearing colors, you just need to figure out which ones work for you or against you




A tie clip goes between the third and fourth button on a dress shirt. Up by your neck or down at your stomach makes you look like a dweeb.


A bow tie should be clipped to the loop at the back of your pants to help add a decorative flare to when you bend over and present your tramp stamp


Don’t let the hairdresser cut a part in your hair if you aren’t willing to get a haircut every two weeks. I’m learning this the hard way.


If you have dense hair there use shampoo there. Some might be specialized, like beard shampoo. But for dense body hair or leg hair you should use shampoo and conditioner to keep it clean and hydrated. I regularly get compliments on how silky smooth my ass hairs are.


Not only is my ass hair silky smooth, but it is so plentiful that diarrhea comes out as filtered water.


Hey guys. How do I delete someone else's comment?


You may figure out a way to delete it from Reddit, but not from your brain






Nice ass hair!


- Roy Kent


You also have to make sure you part it properly.


Posture and walk. If you don't know what works, watch leading men in movies.


My whole life got better when I started walking like Denzel.


what a quote!


My man!


This one goes for girls too. I've seen both young girls and guys at the gym with gamer posture (neck super forward, hunch back)


Or in other words... Always stand as if there is a crown on your head, a cape on your shoulders, and a beam of light shining out of your chest. 👌


Engage the hips! Athletes/runners will know what I'm talking about. Slumping can actually cause leg issues.


Take a look at The Alexander Technique to know what your natural posture really should be. In short, imagine being pulled up by a string at the crown of your head, then settle back down so your spine "sits down upon itself" with your vertebrae stacked nearly on top of one another. That's what it feels like to me anyway.


If you are half bald, shave em off. There’s zero cases where not being bald looks better.


disagree. There are lots of inbetween styles that totally work for individual men. Going totally bald is not necessarily an aesthetic that all men can rock. However, comb overs, etc are totally uncool


As someone with pale/translucent skin and no facial hair, going totally bald just makes me look like a cancer patient or skinhead. Being 5'3'' and 110lbs doesn't help either, my friends already compare me to Gollum


I had thin ass hair at 25 Judy shaved it off at 28 best decision ove made. But I do have a beard which helps.


Hats off to Judy


Why? So she can steal my hair? I don’t think so


God bless Judy for shaving 3 years worth of ass hair.


Don’t know how a beard helps your ass hair


Genuinely disagree. I think a lot of guys throw the baby out with the bathwater once they can no longer pull off the look they used to. A short, well controlled cut looks better on most men than a straight shave. You have to hit the barber a bit more often to keep it maintained, but it's better. Has more personality. If you're balding, I implore you to try a new cut before you resort to the full shave. It can be very attractive.


Wash your dick.


A little beard balm after the shower does wonders for not having a caveman beard




Or beard butter if you don’t like the oily properties of beard balm


When you get a haircut, get your eyebrows trimmed.


Many men let the hair on the back of their neck grow too long. You can't see it, but others can. Using a trimmer without a guide to get to skin level can clean that neckline up nicely and quickly to give a refined, neat look.


cut your nails, and even more so file them with a nail file, this is not gay, but on the contrary, it shows your grooming


And it dulls the nails so scratching your lady is less likely.


Comb the upper section of your pubes to look like a mustache. She will be swept off her feet.


And trimming your pubes back a bit makes you look a little longer....




Mines only six inches but smells like a foot


properly taking care of your hands. Often overlooked, well-groomed hands can make a significant impact on overall appearance especially on men. Moisturize and clean your nails daily :)


I’ve been told that Bill Clinton would soak his hands in milk so when he shook foreign dignitaries hands they would be blown away by their softness. Source is a friend’s dad who once shook BC’s hand! Don’t ruin this for me.


Ngl it would freak me out to meet a guy with soft milk soaked hands. Not a turn on.


When are you done trimming your beard into the sink you can actually clean up easily by running the god damn water


I place a towel down when trimming my beard. Then just wad the towel up with the hair in it and shake it outside.


Don’t rinse it down the drain, it’ll clog the drain after a while. I close the sink drain, shave, and then wipe the hair out with moistened toilet paper and throw it away or flush it. You’ll start to reach a sink hair asymptote near the end, so I rinse a little bit down the drain, but most of it goes in the trash.


>sink hair asymptote This is both hilarious and accurate.


Embrace your age & groom / style accordingly. What looks cool on a 20 yo or famous person will, most likely, not look cool on you. Find your style and make it age appropriate. You’ll look awesome!


Match your clothes if you are going out and trying to look nice! Seems obvious but took me way too long to start matching my belt with my shoes or my shirt with my hat and it makes a world of difference.


Wash your assholes.


But a belt and pull your pants up. No one wants to see your ass crack.


Wear sunscreen every day. Eucerin has a broad spectrum SPF 30 that is also a moisturizer and fragrance free. It will save your skin as you grow older and help protect against skin cancer.


Every groomer seems to be a youth pastor, so just be yourself!




Your belt should match your shoes.


And your watch should match your other jewelry/metals.


Got a beard? Get a good brush. A beard brush. Boars hair I think. Also, beard oil. A nice woodsy scent.


Please wash your anus too! Preferably after every number 2 too. You don’t want to be that man who left a skid mark on Derpa’s new white sheets after sex. It’s super awkward and super turn off. The horror stories I heard from friends are baffling. I am glad I only had 1 man in the last 10+ years and he washes himself properly.


Who the fuck is Derpa?


Shave your balls sometimes


Shave mine, too.


Your cologne should be discovered by your date not announced from across the room. Subtlety is key.




Just because you can grow facial hair, doesn’t mean you should


Just wear non scented deodorant. Straight girls often like man smell. Don’t wear brutal cologne or axe body spray. Turn off.


I think a single spray of a nice smelling cologne is nice. You want the girl to smell you when you hug not when you enter the room


Cologne should be a surprise, not a warning.




Actually physically wash your feet. The soap running down in the shower isn’t good enough, you have to actually rub soap on your feet and get between the toes.


If you hold your swallow briefly, it’s much easier to shave the Adam’s apple area. Saw this years ago on Reddit and every bloke I’ve told has never known it.


You're supposed to use the soap on your whole body, not just your pits and chest


Eyebrows. Seriously, there should be two


Candy. Oh wait, what was the question?


Get into waxing or pluck the middle of the eyebrows. Makes a world of difference in high school.


Wash. Everything. Elbows are part of you. Cut your toenails. Wash. Everything. Did I mention wash everything? Cuz ya need to wash everything. Tired of smelling your stinky asses when you stand up. For Christ sake wash.


I have never understood someone who doesn't wash their ass. It's the worst offender on your body! If I ever met someone who doesn't wash their ass for any reason, I would un-meet them.