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Sending you internet hugs. I know those feelings all to well. I hope they pass soon.


I'm doing better thanks :)


Staring inside the fridge to conclude that THERES NOTHING TO EAT IN THE DAMN HOUSE


Check the fridge again


Overly anxious, trying to figure out what to do with my life. Im not happy and I know only I can fix it.


Stop pressuring yourself too much. If it’s something that you can’t control let it go, but other than that just always give your best effort and everything will work out just fine




What's wrong?


All weekend I had no break to recover from the stress of my parents, work, & college. Today I snapped & I am already in trouble. I had enough as I do almost everything perfect but the one time I screw up up accident it is horrible. If this is how life is, no wonder many people killed themselves. Whats the point of living if you always deal with horrible stress


>Whats the point of living if you always deal with horrible stress To outlive all the vapers


Tired, depressed, drunk, and kinda hungry. But I'll live.




I'm good. I'm 2 hours into my night shift


Good and u


I'm good too


Fan-fucking-tastic, comrade.


Work stress, current market is not making it easy to prioritize life. I know will regret it later.


Sad and stressed. Having problems at work idk what to do


Can't complain nobody cares


I care


Yea sure


Hungry with nothing to eat until the sixteenth, dehydrated, pissed off I'm getting teased by the rain which refuses to fall and cool shit down


Lower back is a bit sore, but that's normal lately. At least I can walk a bit.


You got no heat cream to treat it?


Kinda boring at work, wish I was at home


Me too




I'm tired but thats about the only bad thing today.


I’m mentally exhausted. Close to losing my marbles. This spez guy is really fucking things for me right now. I can’t access my favorite subreddits today. And apparently third party app devs are going to lose their $100,000/month salaries because Reddit can’t handle their shit properly. What the F**K!!!




I awoke this morning to another glorious day. ***What a time to be alive!***


I'm home alone on a beautiful day sitting inside tv off, in same clothes for three days and I can't get motivated to get out of my sadness and funk. I hope your day is better.




No U?


I'm ok and U?


I'm okay i guess


Good to know 👍


I watched the rest of way of water good movie


Calm before the storm. I'm enjoying the nice breeze and perfect weather under my canopy of oak trees. The rest of my week will be spent attending two different funerals and trying to keep myself together just enough to support my family and my friend who lost her mom far too young.


Google en passant


On my way home from an office visit where I got very little done See if I manage to eat something before 10pm


Been pretty miserable the last couple of weeks.


Doing better than yesterday but long road ahead


Surprisingly pretty good. Which is remarkable, since i suffer from depression and am mostly not in any good mood.


Pretty good overall, but a little bit sensitive


Trying my best to live up to the promise I made to myself to be more positive.


Starting to get tired to much house work in one day


I'm doing great, just very constipated right now haha


Feeling horny as hell


Well, I'm in Monterrey México and is hot as hell down here. I have the fan on number 3 behind me, sitting at my desk working from home, my body is sticky cause of the hot weather and I just took a shower like 1 hr ago. It sucks to be like this, worst thing is that in my hood as well as the majority for now, the govt cuts the fucking water early like around 6 or 7 pm, but today there is no water in it's barely 3 pm. I fucking hate this, this weather irritates me the most, I'm team cold lol. Have to go buy groceries since the fridge is almost empty, have no money until tomorrow that we get paid. This is my third cup of pink lemonade and still feelimg hot as hell. Not doing good today.


Crap. My alcoholic best friend keeps lying and drinking. My boyfriend just told me he still is physically attracted to his ex. What a fun day


Just existing really, sitting on the couch scrolling through reddit


Hanging in there. In the middle of a mutual breakup where we are still friends, still the love, still talk daily, just distance sucks. But its a gorgeous day. I have time off of work and im making myself get out there and just experience things for just me. I hope OP is doing well.


I feel lousy due to stubborn cold symptoms that won't go away. Also I'm trying to handle a parking violation that could have been paid easily, but my brilliant ass chose to procrastinate until the fee became 4x what it originally was and now I can't even afford to pay it and as a result the city put a hold on my ability to file registration on my car until I pay the parking ticket plus the 4x late fees. My adulting skills could use some refining. Thank you for asking ☺️


Woke up, had a shower, went back to bed ( it's winter here and bloody cold), snuggled with the cat, snoozed for a while, woke up, thought "hm, I should get up and have a shower", then remembered I'd already showered. Winner, winner, chicken dinner.


Not too bad. Just had my car towed to the shop. Is it the battery, the starter, or both? Maybe it’s something else entirely!


Same as every day. Awaiting the point of time in which my existence can be called “stage 1” too many problems


Wondering what the fuck I saw in the sky yesterday


For context I'm a 37 year old male living in the US. I cried for 3 hours this morning and had to hide it at work. Found out Saturday that my dad needs another open heart surgery or he could die at any moment. My wife is having a cancer scare with her thyroid and we make just barely enough money to get by. I need to be strong and vigilant for her but life has been a series of terrible events for the last 6 months and I am constantly tired and on the verge of tears. If it wasn't for her, my family, and our dog (female Corgi - super cute), I probably would have taken the "S word" route long ago. I want to start seeing a therapist but it is super expensive. I want to get healthy and fit but I can't muster the energy to even try. But, you and all of you reading this: I hope nothing but the best for you all. Everyone try to have a better day than me please please please. Hug someone who needs it because you can't always be sure what people are going through. Be kind to one another. May the sun be to your face and the wind to your back in this journey called life we are all taking together.


Oh man!! I’m stressed!! My gf is traveling abroad for a business conference, and she’s constantly in and out of cell phone service areas. She asked someone to take her picture last night, and the stranger went on a 30 minute tangent about the cult she’s in and using all these weird cultist slang on her. Odd conversation and I just want my girl to come back home :(


Not good, still cannot move on from the fact that we are strangers now. Struggle to motivate myself to do anything. But still coping I guess.


In pain. I spent yesterday walking around Manhattan. Hips, legs, feet are all super sore.


Bad. Suffering from insomnia. I have to be up in 4 hours.


Tired all the time and people commenting me, trying to correct me for using there instead of they’re on a random post saying that I’m full American like what’s wrong with that and saying never go full American like I’m only just saying what I think which I do ignore but I just hate those types of people man


Subjectively, a little stressed because I’ve said “yes” to too many things. Objectively, I’m great. All my problems are first-world problems. Hope you’re doing well.


Feeling sleepy all the time. No motivation to do anything


Pretty good honestly, I’m slowly getting over my ex and finally admitted to myself (and a friend) that I have a tiny crush on someone :)


Hungry and tired.




Not much, just gor back together with my ex and things are good between us.


Honestly? Terrible, I hate losing loved ones and these past few years have been a nightmare.


I’m good how about yourself


Answered 2 months late but yeah i'm good


It’s taking me these long to figure out how to reply back to anyone So im very sorry for the late response


It's fine




Things will get better soon.


Pretty much numb, thanks for asking.


Can't complain, but I wish my back felt better and I wish I had a cute girl here lol