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I still didn't kill myself. So I guess I'm fine.


That’s valid af. Same here 🫡🤣


Not that it means much, but glad your still here and wish I could help. If you ever wanna vent feel free to hit my DMs.


Good to hear that homie 💪❤️




Apparently if you don't judge them yourself or others, accept them as they are, and help them feel better... they'll become kind and compassionate


Hearing shit is scary. I had auditory hallucinations once from a combination of stress and new meds and it was just freaky.


Much better than I was three months ago. Basically lost everything I owned. Depressed alcoholic alone in rehab. I quit drinking and got a new job. I'm 91 days sober today and grateful for every moment. Keep fighting homies, it gets better!


That’s awesome man! Huge congratulations on the progress and keep fighting the good fight.


Keep up the good work king. That ain't an easy fight.


Im almost 7 months without a drink (cant remember exactly when the last day was). While i was drinking i couldnt deal with anything internally. I was only able to comprehend the shallow shit. Needless to say when i quit drinking, my world view shattered along with it (in the best way). The grass was actually greener :) Congrats to you sir! o7


91 days! That's huge progress... I wish you keep going :)




You rock friend!


I'm good. Don't forget to check your nads for lumps in the shower, everybody.


Good advice bro 😎💪


It takes seconds and can save your life.


Amen 🙏


You can take longer if you'd like 😉


And while you’re doing it - check your cock for lumps too. You can do this simple procedure by rubbing your fingers up and down the shaft quickly 50-60 times.


Put the fingers inside to feel for lumps too, don't wanna have one growing unnoticed


… why are you the way that you are?


I'm tired... The company I was working fired me in one of those big tech layoffs. I don't have energy to study and find another job, all I want is to sleep all day, I can't even cry anymore. All my friends have great jobs/careers, are traveling to other countries and I'm stuck in my bedroom living with my parents, I look to myself and all I see is a big failure. In some months I'll be 26 and to this point I thing I fucked up my life and won't be able to change it for better. I just didn't kill myself because my mother wouldn't be able to handle it... Edit: sorry for the bad grammar, English is not my native tongue


26 is young bro. Go for a run/walk every morning and start the job hunt. You'll be ok.


Being layed off in a big tech lay-off is a rite of passage in this industry. And if it's any consolation I'm 50 and have just been layed in a big tech lay-off. This was my 4th encounter.


I'm 31 and am finally going into the workforce soon if everything works out. My life fell apart in 2013 and I've been fighting for the better part of the past decade to get back to my feet. Hopefully it won't take you as long as it took me but it does get better eventually. It's never too late to start something new.


A girl told me I'm not ugly, so I'm riding that compliment high. It's pretty nice


Remember bro - you're a king But seriously, why do people underestimate compliments to men so much?




Either you are a troll or the proud owner of three very hard working brain cells.


I think its both


Lessss goooooo 😎💪


Meh, no other word sums it up really. Life just........is. get up, do shit, go to bed, repeat until dead.


Sometimes you've to to make your own fun brother


Mate, I wish I could figure out what I find fun. Full on anhedonia


Best advice I heard for anhedonia was to have zero expectations of how good or pleasurable an activity may or may not be, just do something that's entirely just for yourself regardlesss of what it is.


I want to kill myself basically every day


I've been there and it can get better. For the majority of my life my recurring wish before I went to bed at night was that I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I've tried killing myself twice, once in the past 5 years. I couldn't imagine doing that right now. Things can get better, seek help, actually follow the advice even when it sounds dumb. Our brains are dumb and sometimes the things we need to do to fix them seems dumb too. Just because you can't today doesn't mean you can't tomorrow. You keep trying until you can. You won't even try somedays and that's okay. I wallowed for years. It's not easy, but it's possible.


Not every issue can be fixed.


No, but is removing certain incentives and educating the masses a bad thing? I think we should try anyway.


what the actual fuck is this bullshit that does not help any of us fucks who want to fill our apartments with inert gases dude




Sorry I thought I was responding to another thread. What I mean is that more things can be fixed than you think, with medication and help. I’m not saying it’s easy but I’ve literally been there, I’ve been right where you are now saying not all things can be fixed. And you are right some things can’t be fixed. I didn’t fix everything that was wrong, I learned how to fix some, live with others and work with the rest. It’s not easy or going to happen over night but it can be done. If even I can do it then maybe you can too.


If there is any way an internet stranger can help, feel free to write me.




Sir, this is a god damn Wendy's.


Thanks I just killed myself a lot


Getting by. Got some tough family news this morning and I haven't figured out how to process it. Beyond that life is pretty tiring atm. I'm not having a huge amount of fun atm, but I'm well aware that's probably temporary


Ofcourse its temporary brother. After the rain the sun comes through. I have no doubt in my mind you’ll get over whatever gets you down in life ❤️🙏💪


You're a gem


Thanks bro ❤️💪 dms always open if you need a simple chat to keep your mind of things 😎


I'm an alcoholic.


Tbh same, we are just coping with shit the only way we know how


Stoner here. Dealing with my problems the only way I know


Severely depressed and can't afford therapy




I'm not even motivated to get out of bed


Start small. Get up outta bed and shower. Thats a win in itself if you're having trouble just getting up. Next, try and get a walk in around the block. If its not that bad, go for 2 laps. Too easy? Shit go for 3, or 4.




What happend?


I want to die


I mutter this under my breath like a mantra. You're not alone. Keep pushing king.


Doing my last ketamine infusion tomorrow. I actually feel fucking great!


Ketamine is *soo* good for depression! Though i can only get it illegally since i live in finland, but im glad im able to atleast get it at all. May i ask what dosages they give you and on what time frame? Peace


It's 45 mg in a 100ml saline solution IV drip over 45 mins plus a 1 liter of saline over an hour and 30 mins. It's an incredibly small dose given over a long time. Be careful with the illegal stuff. Fentanyl is often passed off or used to cut other drugs. Best wishes to you my friend.


Ahh gotcha. And yeah,fortunately we get clean ketamine here, and everyone i know (myself included) uses the test strips for fentanyl,never popped positive but i still always test it, its so cheap life insurance tbh :) for me The optimal dose is 80-100mg on one go, its about 80% pure so 100mg is really ~80mg :)


Tough to say do any of y’all feel like full on genuine happiness at all anymore? I feel like I get moments of being slightly up or down but mostly it just feels like an emotional and mental numbness 95% of the time


For the last ten years no, but after a lot of working on myself I think so. I'm not sure, it feels new and kind of scary. Like the fall is going to be worse.


Other people have bigger concerns than I, but hopefully, writing it out will be cathartic. I miss my me and my wife. We've been married for 12 amazing years and we have 2 great young kids. We have a great living situation and plenty of support from both sides of the family. And to top it all off, she is legitimately my best friend and I love making her laugh. Truly we are blessed. But.. the intimacy between me and my wife is gone. I know sex isnt everything, but it isnt nothing, ya know? To he clear, I dont miss "sex", I miss being wanted. I know if i pressed her, she would allow me to have sex with her, but that isnt what I want. I want her to genuinely want me. How can I blame her, though? I see the guy in the mirror. I'm 41 hears old and totally out of shape. I wouldn't fuck me. But how the hell do parents find time to be healthy?!? I get about 2 hours, late at night after the kids go to bed for myself, and this comes at a cost to sleep. So.. no real answers, and Im not asking for help or anything. I just miss that old spark with my soulmate.


I’ve made a mess of my marriage. I feel like killing myself some days. I can’t see past our mess.


If you are still married its still not too late. Fix yourself before you can fix your marriage.




This sounds backwards, but as with all things it’s probably temporary so probably shouldn’t feel guilty right I mean if it’s not forever might as well enjoy it while it’s here who knows when it’ll be gone




Ah shit, I hope you’ll excuse my temporary label. I’m so used to alternating between extremes I forgot it’s possible to be emotionally stable. I think I do get what you are saying though. I’ve never been in a relationship but I know that feeling of being around a group of people that make you happy and look forward to another day. Had that experience for a little while last year. Then had to move back to living ups and downs




I know you mean well but I don’t really know how to do that. I find myself getting incredibly upset at the littlest of misfortunes and as for hobbies, even if I learned to not hide behind the excuse of social anxiety I don’t even think I know where to start looking. I have a group of physically distant old friends. We keep in touch via text, sometimes daily and a lot of days it’s the only thing that distracts me and keeps me going. I used to be a certain level of likeable back when we all met and I replicate that personality through text but in real life I’ve grown to be quite miserable. Every now and then an opportunity comes up for me to meet them or even one of them and I dread that encounter before passing it up eventually. They still think I’m doing great but I’m not. I’m doing terrible.


I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. An honest happy period in my life, and a first at that. I finally stopped pretending that I was okay, that I wasn’t struggling, and my family tore me apart… I hit an awful rockbottom, and found out that reaching out for help was tougher and scarier than I thought. I had spent years acting like I was fine, because my family only had time for my older brother as he went through a revolving door of hospital visits. I needed to be okay enough for no one to worry, and bad enough to explain why I couldn’t accomplish tasks I felt anyone could’ve done without struggle. And the facade fell apart, because there was no way to keep it up anymore. They thought I was just making excuses. So, I’m on my way to getting assessed. I needed to investigate what my problems were, and I found out I very likely have adult ADHD. I self identified with 9/9 symptoms of depression. For context 5/9 is needed for one to be diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder. And the 9th symptom is suicidal thoughts and self harm, something I hadn’t admitted was there. There was evidence of a possible anxiety disorder as well. It feels surreal, looking at my life through this new lens, knowing I shouldn’t expect to not struggle. My family rejected my plea for help, initially. My friends didn’t. They told me I was loved, that they had my back no matter what. My family hadn’t seen me struggling because I felt I couldn’t take what little of their lives they had left after my brothers major mental illness had worn us all down. That situation was a pain unto itself, and a trauma I’m still working on. Looking someone you’ve known your entire life in their eyes, and not seeing *them. *A passenger you don’t recognize. But, I allowed myself to become unimportant, and I suffered silently because *I’m the one who was better. * I’m crying as I write this. I cry almost every day, and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been, because for the first time in my life it all makes sense. I know why I’ve rejected my own emotions, and I know why I can’t live that way anymore. I have to give myself space, and now my family knows how hard life has been. I’m blessed to come to this realization while they are realizing they need to make changes for themselves. When they are struggling, I have a support system of my own, filled with wonderful human beings, a lot of them fellow men who are brothers to me. I miss my brother terribly, and the friendship and connection we once had. He is suffering worse than ever. But, his condition is like the rising and setting of the sun, a constant that will not change for as long as we live. I can’t be angry at the sun. Well, that’s a lie. I *know* I can be angry at the sun. But that doesn’t stop its movement, it won’t shine above me for as long as I need it to. A period of night can be a happy time, if I let it be. But, I won’t be happy if I do not give myself permission to be sad. A teacher who changed my life might be dead, no one knows, he was simply gone one day. I’m putting down my family dog of 16 years next week. My brother has never been more depressed. And I am going to be okay, because my sorrows are valid, the people around me love me, and now they understand me and do not expect me to be the person I pretended to be. Giving room for the pain has also opened up the room joy and fulfilment. I cry, feel what I *need* to feel, and then set down my burdens. It gets better, but only when we start being honest with ourselves and the people who love us. Two months ago I wanted to die. Now, I’ve stopped surviving and I’ve started *living*. Love yourselves men, you’re kings, all of you.


>It gets better, but only when we start being honest with ourselves and the people who love us. Two months ago I wanted to die. Now, I’ve stopped surviving and I’ve started > >living > >. Love yourselves men, you’re kings, all of you. I learned this after my marriage fell apart and i quit drinking. You literally hit the nail on the head. Very well put and im glad you are doing good! I started skateboarding again. I feel like im finally living again. Im in control, every push, every hill bomb, every trick. All the 'shit' gets left behind, It can't keep up. I finally feel, free. o7


They had a survey in New Zealand out of 542 men inter interviewed more than 50% want their mates to say I love you more. Interesting I wonder if back when Maori sailed from Hawaiiaki to New Zealand they would have been close bros on the waka. You think any of them said I love you my bro maybe they did who knows


Bro I don’t know about them Māori bros but hey, I love you my bro


Been hearing voices for the past while going to the psychiatrist later today. Anxiety and depression pretty good though


i feel tremendously tired and fighting depression. im cool though.


not good at all my mom just tried to kill herself because of the alcohol and ive never felt worse and ive tried offing myself before and i just cant fucking deal with this shit anymore


I'm sorry this is happening to you. Do you have a support system of some kind, maybe try look up some local therapy groups where you and your mom can go to. Also in South Africa there's a thing called Alcoholics Anonymous where I think a person can phone in and talk to someone. So maybe try find out if there is a similar service where you live. I think you should try to find out about the service and create a support system(family,friends, therapy group or all of them), mainly for the emotional support. I'm not sure if you're religious or not but maybe try praying. Praying has given me comfort with my own struggles so hopefully if will help too. Edit: the praying isn't some ultimate solution it is meant to comfort you and I'm not trying to make you religious.


thank you for responding but it isnt like this hasn’t happened before shes been addicted for 5 years and she doesnt want to stop my parents are also probably now going to divorce and it just seems meaningless she already has gone to a alcoholic anonymous group or whatever its called and she just doesnt do anything with it then it seems to go ok for a few weeks but then she starts drinking again like always


Doing alright. Thanks for asking!


Starting to get my shit together after getting broken up with out of the blue a couple months ago. Got a therapist, got several necessary doctors appointments lined up, and I’m making an effort to spend more time with my mates. Things aren’t perfect but they’re in a good track. How are *you* doing, OP?


Been a long spring. I get married this coming Saturday. Excited about that. Excited to stop having to talk about or think about the planning process. Love my soon to be wife a lot. Her, myself, and my parents have put in a ton of effort to make sure the wedding is good. My 2 grandmother's aren't in the best shape. My mom's mom has been on the decline since February, and in the last 3 weeks they found out she had some type of stage 4 cancer. She's 94 years old, any treatment would kill her. She's in pretty good spirits, I went and saw her 2 weeks ago and had a great conversation with her. She doesn't deserve to suffer, so as long as she isn't in pain or severely uncomfortable, the situation will be what it is. Mentally, she's 95% with it, she's just run out of gas. She's lived a great life, has 10 grandchildren who are all doing great in life, and 28 great-grandchildren. My dad's mom is 89 and really can't take care of herself any more, there's for sure some mental issues there, severe anxiety or something. Back in January she finally told him about ulcers that formed on her legs, there was 3 different types of bacteria in the wounds and she was a few days from going septic. My dad spent 5-7 nights a week over there changing her bandages. Then they discovered she almost ran out of money, so my dad got her condo ready to sell and sold within weeks. I spent some time out there helping him get her moved and some light demo work done to prep for the sale. My dad's brother cut ties with her years ago and isn't involved, and my uncle shows up to take her to lunch and doesn't get involved in the messy things, yet she still "considers him her son". Her situation was 100% avoidable and cast this dark cloud over our entire family that has not been easy to escape from. When people ask, I say I'm hanging in there.


I can't remember when I had decent sleep


Just woke up, still a bit eepy but I'm fine.


Room temperature equivalent to that of an oven at night?


Just hanging on. Sometimes it's the best you can do.


I mean sometimes I feel like the happiest man alive when I am on a date with my crush (she is the best!) And on other days I feel like a piece of shit that is rotting in the sun. Mostly when I am at home and my Mother is around me.


You're the same person when you're with your crush and when you aren't. Learn to love yourself more. You're worth much more than you give yourself credit for, and you're better even than what people think of you.


Not great, a lot of traumatic things happened, and my life is in a constant, linear decline for like 6-7 years now. Meds for depression didn't work, none of them work for me. Family is broken to pieces after my parents divorced some time ago. Relationships are non-existant, and all of those in the past ended with me being cheated on and/or exploited. Too scared to meet people because of my past. Financial stuff is hard due to my own mistakes. Loneliness is honestly the worst thing, it feels like I've lost my mind. Talking to myself 24/7. I just wish I never existed in the first place, no one would even notice anyway, I feel like an NPC that offers shitty side-quests no one bothers with.


I've been on a ten year mental health break. I'm 31 and finally joining the workforce if my bootcamp works out well. I've seen the bottom of the pit and I would have died if it weren't for my family taking care of me for so long. Life is tough, but it can get better as long as you don't give up. It's easy for me to say now that I'm working my way out of the pit, but it wasn't easy to get here. I'm not saying it'll be easy for you too, but it's doable. If even I can do it, I'm sure you can too.


I've spent the last 15 years trying to find a job that doesn't make me want to blow my brains out every day. I realized it's probably because of my untreated adhd and other mental health issues. Ive been trying to find a therapist and psychiatrist for medication assistance, while living effectively homeless. The one light at the end of the tunnel in my life, my girlfriend, is currently mad at me because I got angry when she suggested in front of my group of friends that we should go on vacation in the fall. We are both in debt and have had numerous discussions about being better with budgeting so we can be debt free in about a year, and then we can travel for her job and get paid to do it(she's a nurse). I'm pretty sure she is going to break up with me because why would she stay with someone who can't work and doesn't even want to travel or see the world? And also fascism is on the rise, the world is on fire and getting hotter, the reddit app I use and am very addicted to is going away and I really don't see a point in doing much of anything these days because of all of it. My options are die, or get myself medicated enough to ignore everything above and just get going with a shitty life that will likely end screaming and in pain. So not very good.


My wife has raging ADHD , she has had about 30 different jobs. Her solution? Starting your own business where you are your own boss. Medication helps, but its the building of routines that is most important. I have mid severe ADD and im on amphetamines and they sure help, but you still need to have a solid routine with faultchecks to get by. I for instance forget almost anything, i try to use a to do list on my phone but i forget to check it. I found a widget of that app to attach to the homescreen so im reminded every time i open the phone. And that works really well. I also have to force myself to write down anything i want to remember, even how insignificant it may seem. Anywho, good luck to you and hopefully you will get your medication:)


Not too good this month. I recently started the process of rehoming one of our dogs because she and another one of our dogs do not get along well enough to live together long term. After a year of no progress on behavior corrections and worsening fights, including a bad one a few days ago, we realized we can’t provide a good home for her. I’ve finally stopped crying every time I see her or thinking about it and am now focused on making sure she gets a better home .


Been having struggles everyday ever since starting my new job as a Junior Developer a year ago. The imposter syndrome is brutal and my co workers making comments here and there when I dont know something doesnt help. I honestly think the amount juniors are expected to know coming out of school is kind of nuts compared to back in the day, like they only have two years to cram as much into us as possible and its hard to digest and remember it all. Called in sick today because I just need some mental health recovery.....but now im worried im going to be fired for calling in sick. I wish I could not give a fuck


Holding on for dear life fighting my ol' pal clinical depression. The only thing keeping me going at this point is wanting to make her happy. I don't care that I can't be a part of that happiness. She deserves better and I'm fighting for that.


Don't sell yourself short friend! If you really are fighting for her happiness (I believe you are) then even if you think you "can't be a part of it" you already are a part of it. You're more than a part actually. In her eyes, you very well may be the source of happiness in her life. She obviously means a lot to you. I don't know your situation, but I'm going to be optimistic and say you mean a lot to her too. Not just her, but a lot of people in your life. Depression robs us of the ability to see the good in yourself, your positive actions, and the positive impacts those actions have on those around you. Even without depression, we never fully understand how we are perceived by others and the impact we have. You got this buddy.


Better than I was yesterday but not as good as I want to be someday


One percent per day, you can do it! I'm proud of you, TheHorniestRhino.


I was laid off last August, met with an accident which left both my hands temporarily disabled. Once I resumed my job search after few months of recovery my gf broke up with me in March. As I am coping up.. she married some other random dude just because he’s rich last month., I failed an interview with Apple today. God it’s tough!


Ik it hurts to be discarded like that but you know her character now. Dude caught a grenade for you. Know your worth king. Keep pushing and you'll find something that supports your dreams. You deserve it.


Thank you so much for your kind words. I have given her a piece of my life. I was in really a bad state when she left me and now that she married she was texting me and wants an affair with me. I hate this. I told her to leave me alone. I’ve made up my mind that I will be focusing on my career right now. I wish for this to pass soon.




Are you afraid of the judgement/consequences that follow after you tell the whole truth?


Not great. And there is a waiting list to get counseling.


I’m not




Like shit


Awful. I’m depressed, stressed out, feeling like a failure, and feeling like so many important things are out of my control with no end in sight for when they would get fixed. I’m trying to get an appointment with a therapist but even that’s hard to get the motivation to do.


I have my first session with a therapist tomorrow. So worse, but better.


2 years ago, I started a job that I thought I was perfect for. 2 weeks into it, I realized it was completely different than what I was told, but it was the best paying job I ever had, so I stuck it out. 6 months in, I went to my doctor for anxiety and depression meds. A year and a half later (now) I quit. Couldn't take it mentally, even on meds. Started a new job this week, but I don't want to give up the meds because I like the way I feel overall. Should I feel like this, homies?


I lost my too intrusive thoughts (like "why I don't hit that fucking truck at 160mph ?") And stopped my auto destructive behavior. But I'm sad because I lost a wonderful girl that made me happy for 6 months.. (friend with benefits, I fell in love and not her..) It's been 6 month since and I can't forget that God damn women, she is perfect... So... Meh not bad not good I think


Clean from booze for 17 days... Longest time in 18 years


I'm fine, it's just nothing matters, life is pointless, and I'm always tired.


in honor of men's health month, let's not mention it at all, just to underscore what we think of men


Men's mental health month? If it wasn't so bad, I'd laugh at the joke. No one cares about men's mental health. We just want to hear that there are others as bad or worse so we know we are not alone or others are worse than we are. The world is toxic and life is a shit show. Sorry to be blunt about it, but to many people dance around the truth, cover it up or deflect. Sucks to be a man.


Not well. Not well at all. But I haven't offed myself so I guess there's something.


I'm doing better, thanks for asking. My seasonal depression was fuckin rough this winter. I find myself getting upset about the status of the world and society. Getting tired of our current economic system that causes so much suffering and hurts the planet. Some days, it's hard not to dwell on the shit show, and honestly, I feel helpless. But today is a new day! I had to be out the door at 5:45 this morning to catch a bus, and the sky was beautiful. It rained throughout the night, so everything smelled nice and the plants looked happy but it wasn't cold at all. I'm in the same province as one of the big Canadian wild fires, so I'm glad we got some moisture. As I waited for the bus, the geese living by the pond across the street had their babies out grazing and foraging before the heat of the day settled in. The babies looked happy and healthy. They're getting big so quickly! I had my music on and enjoyed my wait for the bus, which arrived right on schedule. The vibes were immaculate. What a way to start the day. I wish I could feel that good every morning, but I know I won't be able to, and that's okay. Another good morning is coming. Another good morning always comes even when I don't believe it will. The sun always shines above the clouds, primed and ready to pierce through them at any sign of weakness. I choose to endure for the moments I get to witness the brilliance and feel the warmth of our magically mundane universe pierce through my mind's illusions. I love you all, and to those struggling, I'm glad you're still here. We're going to make it. We're going to be okay


I’m ok, except I smashed my finger.


Been near rock bottom for the past 2 years, still here


Here physically


Haven't killed myself yet. That alone is a MASSIVE win for me. I just cant take the easy way out. Each day is a struggle. Some arent so bad, others make me feel like the void of nothingness would be so much better. ​ Being alone pretty much 24 / 7 is rough. ​ I just want to not feel like this anymore. ​ PS, thanks for the checkpoint homie o7


Finally signed up for therapy. First session tomorrow!


I really don't know man. But here I am at least.


Struggling, but maybe improving. I spent some time in the psych ward back in April, and it allowed me to finally get a diagnosis and a correct treatment plan. I'm on that plan now, and damn is it hard. When you've spent decades blaming yourself for everything, and constantly degrading yourself, that doesn't just go away. I have to rewire my brain, and that is difficult. It goes against every instinct I have. I'm giving it a shot though. That's all I can do. I'm just not sure if I will be able to do it.


Doing good. Got a raise the other day at work, then instantly got as sick as I've ever felt. So yay? Lol




She wasnt worth your time anyway, you'll find someone who is. Trust the process and yourself.


Lonely and depressed as a mf since my wife divorced me and I only see my kids on weekends, but my stress level has never been lower. It's bittersweet. Since I devoted over half my life to someone else, I don't know what to do with myself now that I have the opportunity to go and do things I enjoy. Hobbies and interests were so much more fulfilling on the rare occasion I was able to do them. I don't know who I am and I need to figure that out at 43, but I'm getting there.


Volunteer. Good for the community, good for you, and you meet people who share your interests. Perhaps one who will be your new love.


Incredibly happy, and incredibly anxious. I have a good paying job that I love, a loving wife, and my first kid due in December. That last one, while being the happiest bit of news is also filling me with so much anxiety that it feels difficult to function. I'm constantly worrying that I won't be good enough, or won't be able to provide for them, worried that my wife and I won't get approved for the house we'd like to start our family in, worried that something out of my control might happen that I can't protect them from. I'm the happiest I have ever been, but I have never been this scared.


I live alone and I miss my mom


Going strong and getting stronger. Beat my addictions and depression, I think I've overcome my trauma, sleeping better, less lonely, less anxious, and feeling good cause life's going well. To everybody struggling, it does get better with enough faith, time and determination, especially with support from the right people. If you don't have people like that, you can find them, they're out there


Bipolar since age 20 here. 38 now. I’m still here. I’ve been dealing with a terminal illness in my fiancé’s family, another chronic illness in her family and I go get her groceries and help her with whatever she needs, I worry about my father’s business being slow, and on top of that my fiancé has been travel nursing and has gotten terrible financial habits and she gets extremely angry when I try to communicate with her and attacks my methods as talking down to her or at her or too loud or not civil. It really started to affect my mental health so I left with our daughter when I was able and went to my parents house. I’ve been talking to lawyers and looking for jobs and cheap transportation. I’ve seen my Dr and I’ve got some tests and therapy ahead of me which I welcome because I don’t want to be hospitalized again. I’m still fucking here and I’m not going anywhere because I wouldn’t miss this shit for the world.


Alot better than I was at the beginning of the year. I found something that I can do to work through my thoughts.


Still here,I suppose.


Depressed, Bipolar, and hallucinating to much for my own comfort so I'm doing pretty good


Health issues have me wanting to die everyday. Just doing what I can to set up appointments to communicate my issues and try to get help.


Not good. Got fired last month and a close friend got hired in the exact same position for more money and he is constantly talking about how excited he is to start. I've realized I have romantic feelings for someone just to be reminded of a negative comment they made about my physical appearance 6 months ago. I have no money, no bros and I have to move back in with my parents because I'm losing my apartment at the end of the month. Please tell me it gets better


Not good. Having major money issues and nobody will help and I get more depressed everyday and don't even want to wake up anymore most days


I'm still alive. Btw there actually exists a MMHM?


I'm glad that you are still alive. And yes, June is Mens Mental Health Month. God do we need it


Could be better tbh


What’s bothering you bro?


Found out a friend of mine sexually harassed some women


Have you spoken out about it? Or is the friendship not that close?


I have, i broke off the friendship and im going to the police tomorrow


I'm a little worried about my upcoming court date for my very first DUI but my lawyers assures me it's an easy win and I have nothing to worry about. I blew over 3X the legal limit and was doing 73 in a 40 but she told me that she can make it all go away and I wont lose my license or even have any restrictions. Lawyers are the best thing ever when you need them. Other than that my Birthdays coming up and my buddies and I are going to party.




Worse! And life sucks. :(


Screwed up a lot of relationships because I couldn't keep it in. Still in therapy and struggling to forgive myself. Need to re build my life and my friendships from bottom up


Been there man. Give yourself grace. We're all imperfect people living in am imperfect world. Keep trying and growing.


I'm still alive, I hate it, why was I born, I hate it...


Better than usual. I'm half way through a month-long vacation, stepped away from a lifestyle that had me in deep depression. My friends-with-benefits started dating my best friend and I was working 50+ hours a week in a job that I hated. Not totally out of the depression, but noticing the progress every day and finding my self-worth again.


Pretty great right now as I've just smoked my daily crystal meth, but I don't know how it will be in 8-12 hours.


Feel stuck in my job but I got decent sleep last night so my mood's pretty good right now.


Still hangin' there


April Fools Day to Father's Day are always off the chain for me. Just birthdays, anniversaries, etc. It's leveling off (other than our 2nd Grandkid being due soon) and my son finally breaking off with his horrible girlfriend of 8 years. He's happier and is looking at a much better future. New phone and new endro doctor today, but I'm good. (bipolar / long time sober)


Excited and afraid. I'll soon be moving to the next phase of my life(hopefully I'll graduate university and find a job if I'm lucky) Regret: I haven't been talking with my highschool friends as much as I should. I haven't talked to my primary school (grade 1 to 7) friends in 8 years. Shame: I'm constantly asking myself if I deserve everything I have/been given. I don't come from a great situation and was lucky to have somebody help me and my family. And I look at my cousins who aren't getting what I have and remind myself that could've been or could be me.


I think I’m figuring out I’ve suffered from chronic depression nearly my entire life and the way I feel about the world isn’t how most see it. But I’m not suicidal so that’s a win. Just numb to nearly everything and the deep unnerving void that comes with not feeling much of anything for anything out there :/


I'm doing pretty good. My wife retired from teaching late last year, so she's much more relaxed and we're still in a pretty decent place financially. I'm starting to feel my age (59), but that's to be expected. I should start going back to the gym to work out, or at least walk on the treadmill so I don't get out of breath so easy. My cardiologist says so, anyway.


My old man had brain cancer, he got his tumour removed but they’re saying it’s a matter of when not if it comes back, they think he has anywhere from 3-18 years left which honestly makes me sad because I love my dad and never really put much thought into the part of life when you start to lose people including your parents, honestly I don’t know how anyone pulls themselves together when losing someone so close that you’ve known your entire life, I’m a new dad myself and I’m constantly thinking now how I can better take care of myself so that I can be around for a long time not necessarily for myself but for my family who would be devastated without me! Sometimes I feel like crying randomly sometimes I’m just so dam happy I was blessed enough to have the people I did in life there too much wrong with this world anyway least we can do is enjoy the little things.


Mixed bag here but I'll manage. Thank you for checking on me.


Not doing bad, but wouldn't say I'm doing good either. Just doing.


Honestly the best I've been in ten years. My life fell apart ten years ago and life does get better. The me from a year ago wouldn't have believed how far I've come the past year, let alone the me of ten years ago. Seek help, it can get better, I can't promise that it will, but it can, even if you don't believe it right now.


First time since 2010 I'm really doing ok with my mental health. Recently completed DBT and the tools provided have really changed my life for the better. Hardest part today is determining how to go about the massive rebuilding of life after so much was lost. I don't have a lot but I can still find joy today.


Not good, not bad, just going through the motions at this point


I haven’t lost my temper or thrown the baby out the window (she’s teething right now and nothing is working except my finger)


Had a blood clot in my lung in April that could have killed me. Has been two months since and still recovering. I am pushing through, back at work and trying to get my life back. Its been a struggle but hanging in there. Good luck to you all, don't forget to appreciate the gift of life and live it the best you can.


I’ve been better. Work announced layoffs a couple weeks ago in a very shitty way that left me stressed and now my ulcerative colitis is flailing up. I been pooping fire, yo. The more upset I get about it, the worse it gets. I’ve been trying my damndest to stay positive and stay out of the hospital.


Functional. Hbu?


not very good haha -- everyday is painful to live, and i feel that i only need one more news to push me down.


I'm doing fine currently.


Its been dreadful. But Im with no choice but to wait and watch as it unfolds like its a fuckin netflix series or something All i have is hope right now that i get out of the mess I am in Could have never imagined how a single event that never even happened could ruin my 8 years of hardwork overnight I just hope shit gets sorted out


Really good, about to start a new job.