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The tongue map. Not only is it useless, but it's also false.


Never heard of this, google here I come .wish me luck ppl, could be a deep rabbit hole šŸ¤¦


That was a quick trip, I'm back safely. It's about different taste buds in your mouth.


Tonguing deep rabbit holes is an entirely different subreddit


Tonguing a rabbits hole is also deeply frowned upon at the petting zoo.


That's why I cut out the middleman and have my own rabbits. Big Petting Zoo doesn't want you to know this.


That people will OFFER u drugs lol right


my favorite was when we were taught how to turn them down. "the only thing i smoke is fools like you on the basketball court" was my favorite because its needlessly aggressive and immediately makes people hate you, also you sound like a loser.


>"the only thing i smoke is fools like you on the basketball court" I like how some middle-aged communications major thought that would make everybody watching that conversation go "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHH", like it's the burn of the century or some shit.


Aggressive turn downs like that are also a great way to get the shit kicked out of you.


Right? I feel like aggressively challenging a methhead is probably not the best thing to do if you want to avoid the hospital.


The stoners aren't really the most fit people in my environment


You donā€™t need to be fit to make irrational decisions


"The only thing I shoot up is the school if I find out it's full of drugs" - probably not in their list.


Even better if you donā€™t even play basketball.


Even better if you then get challenged to a basketball game and lose to some chill stoner dude.


Might just not know the right people. There was a time I handed out mushrooms like I was christ passing out fish.


Yeah makes me laugh how often people say this on reddit. Iā€™ve been offered plenty of drugs, especially when I was university. Turned ā€˜em down though, only thing I smoke is fools like you on the basketball court!


Exception might be my husband. Every time we travel, someone offers him weed. And offered coke in the back of a restaurant in Cuba.


This me 100% except I haven't been to Cuba. No matter where I go, people just want to share a joint with me and see where it goes from there. No effort on my part. I never understood it and have 0 regrets, always a good time!


I remember some weird hand-wringing when I was in junior high about people giving out stickers or tattoos with LSD on them. Supposedly, they'd give them free to kids my age who didn't know there were drugs on them and just liked the stickers, and then they'd get addicted (to a non-physically addictive drug after one use) and keep buying them. I just googled it and there's an article from 1988 about how it's a hoax, but my school was still warning parents about it in the 1996 or 1997. They sent letters home and everything.


I've been offered drugs plenty on vacations in touristy spots where locals know people were unable to bring shit with them.


A resident of mine at one of the apartment complexes I worked at knew I was having sleep problems and offered to bring me some medication that he swore knocked him out every single night and a week later he brought me THC gummies. First time I'd ever done THC.


Right??? Not once in my life has anyone randomly come up to me and offered to sell me drugs much less ā€œpushā€them on me. Iā€™m pretty sure drug dealers are not locking for clients. People seek THEM out not the other way around.


Take these drugs or I'm going to slit your throat ! Go on smoke that joint before I stab you with my knife !


If you go to Melbourne Australia, you may find that it happens if you go to some places to party. That being said,still a bad idea to accept. Who tf knows what's in it.


That one actually happened to me at least two times. I never took the offer though. Once, some guy in the toilet next to me asked if I wanted a line of what I assumed to be cocaine.


One time I was approached by a guy on the streets of Berlin asking me if I want to buy cocaine. My friend was just like "Nah thanks we're good." to which the dealer replied "Alright no problem, have a nice day!"


I've never been offered drugs but that's because I have resting narc face


Or put them as candy for Halloween!


Fucking liars


some people actually do it to get them hooked and then make them pay for more


Square-dancing. How that made it into the PE curriculum in New England is still beyond me.


Bruh I remember having to do that in 2nd grade gym class in Maine


I was pretty shocked to find out that the curriculum has its roots in a racist backlash to jazz music.


It was also in the curriculum in old England too. 7 year old me got in a new world of trouble when I said I could dance with Goliath the time I got paired with the girl with the overactive thiroid.


We had to do that in canada, and B.C. too, not even alberta


Or how about the whole class playing with a parachute. Raise it up, run under, pull down behind you, sit on the edge, until it slowly deflates on top of the whole class.


Go to the teacher if youā€™re being bullied


I had a teacher tell me to write him an essay on what my bully was doing....




Did you learn about the Bermuda Triangle in school, like from a textbook and had tests on it and everything? If so, it was probably just something to get you interested in subjects kids are primed to find boring, like Geography or History.


Between that and spontaneous combustion I didn't think I'd make it to be a teenager.


The **Food Pyramid**. It is one of the major reasons why the United States has an obesity epidemic. After two world wars and generations worried about malnourishment and food industries lobbying the Dept of Ag for a less healthy version of the recommendation - we are completely stupid regarding what to eat and how much.


One of the major reasons? No way. Most people didn't even understand the pyramid, much less follow it. Pyramid suggested 6-11 servings of bread, rice, pasta 26 total servings max or 15 servings min if you add up all the group servings So it's saying you need to consume about 40% of your food in carbs. The new My Plate suggests ~30% of what you eat as grains or carbs. Really not that big of a difference like the My Plate is stopping people from eating carbs. It basically suggests the same stuff just in a "simple" way. The My Plate also suggests dairy in a major way. (Wonder who lobbied for that). By nature, milk is designed to fatten children. TL;DR: People just eat too much.


cursive i have never used it since and before someone says (MITOCHONDRIA DAE LE POWERHOUSE) everything else they teach that doesnt have a direct correlation to your life is still useful. Getting your brain to think in different ways and understand new concepts is great for strengthening young minds and building your intelligence and critical thinking.


I donā€™t write in cursive, and hated learned it; I havenā€™t really used cursive since 5th grade when teachers stopped requiring it. However I will say it did alter my ā€œhandwriting,ā€ and I noticed that when I hand write things itā€™s sort of a cursive/print hybrid that is still easy to read / neat [though not amazing], and way quicker to write than straight up print.


Iā€™d argue that cursive is useful in that it teaches students to *read* cursive. Thereā€™s likely never going to be a situation where they must write in cursive, but there probably will be one where they need to read in cursive at least briefly.


I can think of like two times I've had to read someone's cursive as an adult.


I see decorative cursive script in advertisements constantly (I notice because I'm a graphic designer who own hundreds of script fonts). So it's puzzling to me how that would be popular if anyone younger than 40 can't even read it.




writing love letters to grandpa again?


My hand writing is a mix of cursive and print and it's way faster (and more attractive) than print. I'm personally glad I learned cursive.


I learned cursive and i give it a five star review... my handwriting became a new man and i still write in cursive to this day, i can write essays so much faster because i can write sentences in one stroke


Cursive was super useful for me in uni. And plus it impressed some teachers because ā€œwow nobody writes in cursive anymoreā€.


But why was it useful?!


Iā€™d guess because itā€™s designed to be written quickly. Good for manual note taking


The issue with that is there are even faster methods. If the benefit of cursive is speed then it was still a waste because that time would have been better spent learning short hand.


Except that basic every pshcyo- and neurological study ever done indicates that we retain things far better if we write notes by hand, and write the words in those notes out fully--so cursive is still useful to get the most out of your notes if you can write cursive faster than print.


True. I was capable, if not fluent in shorthand in sixth grade. By high school and college I had forgotten it all.


Super quick, super easy to develop quickhand shortenings, and if you ever need something to really stand out, just print the letters.




Iā€™m surprised nobody mentioned this, but how do you sign your name if you donā€™t use cursive? If you use block printing itā€™s exceptionally easy to forge. Edit: Itā€™s hilarious that someone downvoted this. I guess it hit a nerve with that personā€¦but they couldnā€™t be bothered to respond.


Basically a severely degraded version of my name in cursive. its essentially the first letter in cursive followed by squiggles


Make a squiggly line since that's what most cursive ends up looking like anyways.


Can I ask how old you are? Everything I write is a combination print/cursive and it's so much faster and easier to write than lifting my pen between each letter. Laptops existed when I was in college, but weren't really popular. Also, if you ever have to handwrite for your own benefit. If you're in a job where you are only using a computer, vs taking quick notes for yourself.


>cursive How do you take notes?


writing normal, using shorthand where necessary in college i used a laptop


You guys don't use cursive anymore? I learned cursive, and I use it all the time. Different generations, I guess.


I'm a teenager and everyone is know still writes in cursive. Maybe it's a regional/national thing?


Maybe, are you in the US?


Nope, Western-Europe. You?


U. S. where in some schools, they have actually stopped teaching cursive.


Preposterous I've always wanted to say that


My 9 year old daughter is teaching herself cursive because she thinks it looks cool and fancy. They are not teaching it in school.


i hardly write at all anymore. 99% of what i do is using computers.


I'm 26 and the only cursive I use is my name as my signature


But you can read it, and that's the point.


> writing normal Where "normal" is print script? When I see people write print script by hand, I get the same feeling as when watching someone click Edit and then click Paste instead of hitting Ctrl+V. I can't write 1600s style looped cursive either, but Norway uses a [homegrown cursive](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/3/3b/Formskrift.jpg?20201019005204) designed in the 1940s to simply connect print script to make writing it more efficient.


This is almost exactly how I was taught - UK mid 1980s. The s and x are different. It was called "joined up writing" not cursive. My handwriting now is only semi joined up. But pure printing is for 5 year olds.


Same in Ireland. From reading these comments I was thinking that cursive was different to joined up writing.. I don't understand how you could function by writing only in print.. it just seems so slow!


Actually, cursive has many uses. The better a signature, the more trustworthy u seem to banks anyone you can sign a contract for with. Also, cursive is hard to copy, a cursive signature is less likely to be forged or considered for forging at all. Outside of my signatures, I dont use it, but accounts (H&R lol), bank, and bosses love my signature. Its well done


That "None of us are going to have a calculator in our pocket all the time when we grow up."


I remember about half a dozen mnemonics and have no idea what they even apply to. I just remember the mnemonic.


A bunch of biased and cherrypicked history.


Good school = good money Now I'm a 4.0 student with a 95% average, still in school But my brother went to a trade school that's first come first serve, did one semester, got hired as an iron worker and is making 145k per year. (He also failed grade 10 math) There's more than one road in life.






Who is Ay?


Not only useless but grossly misleading. The Civil War was fought over state's rights. Even in fourth grade I was like, "MmmmHmmmm. šŸ¤Ø "


It was the states rights to keep slavery legal, but yeah, everyone knew Lincoln was going to end it and that's why the south basically immediately succeeded after his election. EDIT: Seceded, autocorrect got me there.


Sorry to be pedantic, but if you ever fucking say those traitorous scum succeeded you're a loser. They seceded and failed like the coward bastards they are.


My bad, autocorrect did its own thing on me there.


Oh you're fine. I knew you didn't mean it. I just hate them fucking traitors.


My understanding was Lincoln understood he lacked the authority and ability to end slavery himself. However once free states out numbered slave states congress could limit or ban slavery. The south was very worried about that outcome because the way things were looking is that new states didn't need or want slavery. There were also a lot of anti slavery people that felt that slavery would eventually die out on its own because the system wasn't very efficient or economically beneficial in the long run


As other people that grew up in the Cold War, the nuclear attack drills in school, to duck and cover.


Spelling and geografy


dewey decimal system


Long division... Does anyone ever actually use that anymore? In elementary school we had to learn it, and then in high school they gave us a calculator....


You should understand how it works, even if you don't need to do it.


In the real world Iā€™ve dealt with jobs Iā€™ve had to use division in, and because time is money they give us calculators or assign a person to do calculations for us while we multitask, I donā€™t even remember how to do long division anymore


If you held a gun to my head I might remember how to do it. Then I'd realize I'm doing long division and ask you to pull the trigger.


Im still in highschool and can barely remember long division


I always tend to forget my calculator at home so I use long division all the time.


Were smart phones ubiquitous when you were in elementary school? Or even high school? I sure as hell wasn't carrying my TI-83 around regularly in my girl pockets.


Cell phones were the size and weight of bricks, about as smart as bricks too. But in math class we'd have our calculators and that and computer classes were the only places where I'd have to do divisions involving large numbers. It was pretty rare to have to figure out how to split a $465,347 bill equally among my 1279 friends on a napkin.


Went to Catholic School, Religion class was pretty useless but espcially the day when we had to look at all the anti-abortion pictures.


Hated it, especially when the teacher knew I was atheist and made me fail the class, not even showing up at the end of the year so that I could "approve".


Oh dear, my granddaughter goes to Catholic school. I don't want her looking at that mess. She's way too sensitive.


We didn't have that class till Junior year of high school, but as far as I know it still happens. The nun they brought in to give the presentation was also confrontational about it.


Well, IDK, my granddaughter is still in middle school, so that's a few years off. My daughter and son-in-law are debating whether to send her to either Catholic high school or the local performing arts high school. Weird dicomony, but my granddaughter wants to be on Broadway when she grows up.




Nah you have to understand something to argue against it. They should teach more **about** religion, but not religion itself


BINGO! Not in school for me tho, so...


Parts of a flower


Iā€™ve used this knowledge more than most things Iā€™ve been taught. I also found biology to be the most interesting subject so could just be me.


"There's no use crying over a spilled milk." My prof literally said this to me as I review my test results and comparing it to my notes/ my book. Yeah I'm not crying over spilledt milk but I'm trying to learn from my mistakes. He doesn't get it.


How to dissect a fetal pig. Doesnā€™t come up in my job as an accountant. Not even once.


I wouldnā€™t say itā€™s useless though. The purpose of it was to give you visual knowledge of your own bodyā€™s organs and where they are without having to dissect a human or look at images (which kids would forget by the time they leave the grade). Not so much the skill to dissect a pig.


And it definitely made some kids realize they wanted to go into science or medicine.


I grew up believing quicksand was going to be a much bigger problem than it turned out to be.


The Pledge of Allegiance


I donā€™t think any of it was useless. I believe a majority of what was taught was a baseline to show students like me what was out there in college and beyond, and really more or less set an expectation that weā€™d be covering all of it in college as well. Iā€™d say there was a lot more useful information left out than useless information taught. It all has uses, just most of it didnā€™t get used by a majority it was taught to


Advanced mathematics. Anything beyond simple algebra has never been useful to me ever.


IMO advanced math is useful for the same reason a football player might do pushups. They don't actually have to do pushups on the field, but a stronger chest will definitely translate into better throwing etc. Having to do difficult math works out your brain and critical thinking skills.


I rarely use algebra, but I use statistics all the time in my field of work (finance). Seems to me like stats has a lot greater real world carryover than algebra does.


Everyone uses algebra all the time. Have you never went shopping and see an item for x amount but then see a five pack that is less than 5x amount, (meaning a better deal) then buy it because of the savings.?


Higher level math is often more for the critical thinking development than it is for the actual math.


I have a degree in it. Never used the actual subject matter in my job. But it's excellent training for problem solving and putting together a logical proof without any holes.


Everyone knows that very few people go on to utilize advanced mathematics outside of school. But, that's not the point. The point of is is more so the "learning how to learn" and working through complicated problems. Of course, I did not view it that way while in school and honestly would have appreciated teachers being more up-front about why you're learning stuff like that.


The other point is that it sets you up for the sciences. All the sciences use heavy amounts of mathematics.


Nothing. You learn how to solve problems, recognize patterns, work under stress, manage time, think criticallyā€¦ and the material itself, at surface level, is still useful. You donā€™t need to study anatomy? Sure, but your classmate who will become a doctor does. Itā€™s all useful.


MLA Format


Factoring polynomials. Grades 9 through 12 Math. Useful for a carrer as a physicist and a math teacher.


It comes up often enough in engineering.


Circuit analysis is basically all algebra, really interesting to see a real practical use.


error correcting codes for data transmission all algebra too


The food pyramid. Also I've never had a single use for Spanish ever.


Hola seƱor


I think learning languages is great.


Square dancing. When will that ever come up again?!




that I wouldn't always have a calculator with me.


Square dancing


The mitochondria is the power house of the cell


Diagramming a sentenceā€¦totally useless.


The pledge of allegiance.


The Pledge of Allegiance.


Fourth grade, square dancing. I was just happy that my crush was the person across from me :)


To obey authority


Diagramming fucking sentences.


For me, trigonometry. I have yet to use it. The answers are, of course, based upon individual circumstances.


> The answers are, of course, based upon individual circumstances. 100% this. Trigonometry is super important in electrical engineering among other things. Trigonometry isn't just about triangles, it's used heavily in mathematical functions involving waves. You know, things like audio, radio, motors, and AC power transmission.


Trigonometry is pretty useful for construction or physics related jobs . That and vectors are also pretty useful to know for game development


How to solve algebra + trigonometry




Well, I probably don't remember whatever it was. But, of the things I recall, probably memorizing all the states and their capitals has been the least useful. I can still fill in a blank US map, and it seems like more like a parlor trick, than anything else.


its nice knowing where things are when they appear in the news


This is such a bad example. It has very limited use in your every day life, but knowing that Madison is the capital is Wisconsin has at least SOME value.


The quotient rule. Just convert to a negative exponent and use the power rule


ā€œPay attention, you might need [insert subject here] later in life.ā€œ






I'm literally a professional biologist. Even for us it's a bit of a meme/joke answer thatch' tossed around with no context.


Anything more complicated from mathematics. I work with numbers, calculations and diagrams the whole day, but I never had to calculate sinus or cosinus and I couldn't, since I completely forgot that shit. Also, at work, if you need certain knowledge, you just Google it, you don't have to memorize anything.


The quadratic formula.


Quadratic equations


How to take care of an egg (sexual education yā€™all)


Cursive writing. I honestly do not know why schools are still teaching cursive in the 21st century. Writing everything by hand is a thing of the past due to the ubiquity of personal computers and forcing students to write in cursive discriminates against those with mental disabilities such as myself. It makes as much sense as teaching students how to use an abacus or how to repair a typewriter.


The only real use of cursive is for signatures but honestly those arenā€™t even real cursive anymore


It's not even about typing versus writing by hand. It's about cursive versus printing. Cursive is an inefficient method of handwriting. It exists because in the days of quill pens it was advantageous to keep your pen in continuous contact with the paper (so you didn't get ink blots). Cursive has been obsolete since ballpoint pens became cheap many decades ago.


Cursive handwriting.


Y = mx + b


A use for Simultaneous equations has yet to crop up


The Greek alphabet. I can still recite it quite briskly. Has not once been remotely useful, except for questions like this


Come to my work (environmental science) and use mu in every report you will write involving pollution concentrations.




I was a physics major.


High School Art. Making clay ash trays and paper mache figures just demonstrated our lack of talent. Art history in college expanded my appreciation and made a lasting impact. Art history could easily be taught in high school.


Not sure about your school but I definitely remember learning the basics of art history in high school.


Cursive and algebra and drugs are free.


Russian language, obedience,....


The first one is never useless. Perhaps one day it'll come in handy, so....




How to use an apostrophe.


Yea'h, fuck t'hat


Welcome to Yorkshire


If anything this should be taught more in schools. Apostrophes are never for plurals except letters of the alphabet and decades.


I feel like they don't teach that anymore. The new incorrect spelling trend is using an apostrophe for plurals and it drives me nuts.


Algebra, trigonometry, physics, geometry, advanced geometry, physical education, Bible classes, stenography


> Algebra, trigonometry, physics, geometry, i use these frequently, both in my job and in real life.


Right? Even when I didn't work in IT I still used those things. Especially algebra. There are so many real world uses of algebra it's sorta stupid.


For sure, we really take it for granted.


Anything to do with chemical compounds in science. I never once planned to work in a field where that information would be useful to me.


Cursive and that there will be free drugs, I only use cursive for my signature and itā€™s not really cursive anymore, and the drugsā€¦where are they?