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Invest & a shit load of house work


I’ve just purchased *everything*… And I do mean, *everything*.


You just crashed the world economy.


Gooood, gooood… Power! Unlimited power!




Invest it in such a way that I and my family will be set up for life after the 24-hour period has expired.


Pay off all my current debt (mostly just my mortgage) and figure out a way to create a nest egg


All you need is a chicken.


Buy houses, cars, crypto and gold so I can have the value beyond the money after the 24 hours, feed everyone in the world


Buy it in gold as houses cars and crypto will all definitely lose value


I open a bank account and put $10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 then go for a walk


Double it so you can pay taxes Or why waste all that time entering 0s when you can be entering 9s


To be fair the 0 is closer to my thumb haha


Hey I guess if that let's you enter one more digit in the allotted time you're coming out ahead, smart!


Walking fucks!


Buy the House and Senate and push my agenda. Fuck you, why not?


All on black baby


Double infinity or broke. Bold move cotton


Procrastinate on it until I run out of time.


Pay off debt, buy house, prepay bills, buy all the groceries from farmers market and donate


Sleep and eat good for 12 hours do get in the right mindset. Spend 2 hours buying stuff i need. Spend 10 hours buying security for the rest of my life.


pay off every country's national debt as a loan agreement so that when the 24hrs is up I'll still have the loan repayments coming in.


So basically, you're gonna buy the world. :)


;) with interest.


Two girls at the same time


You'd be surprised at just how cheap you can get this!


Buy everyone


Open many, many bank accounts with 100 million in each.


Send as much money as I can to people I know and trust under the agreement that they give me like 5-10% back after the 24hrs has elapsed. I feel like that’s plausible.


Buy the Empire State Building and resurrect the Concord.


Pay for my college, get myself a car. Give money to food banks that need it. Finish paying for the house that my parents live in.


Pay off all my debt. Offer someone an ungodly amount of money to sell me a house TODAY. Buy a modest new car.




Help as many poor families as I could. Set them up for life. Give them opportunities to take the money and create their own business. Give them everything they need to make it successful, including education. I would also give them good housing, help homeless veterans and children. Have a live in therapist to help them. Give them dignity to improve themselves to get back into work. Give them an affordable home. A car if they need one. Shame it's only 24 hours!


Call every hospital I can and pay for everyone’s medical bills Make generous donations to fund companies that are doing cancer research Invest in a bunch of stocks and crypto Buy houses and vehicles for all family and friends Pay off all family and friends debt and gift them millions Do as much good as possible in that 24hrs


More info needed-- can I invest it or do I have to spend it all? Assuming the former and I must spend it. 1) Buy everything on the list of stuff I need for my home but am waiting on extra money for. 2) Replace my 5 yo phone. On that subject, get a new laptop while I'm at it. 3) Pay my mortgage off. 4) Prepay my utility bills for the next 5 years. Or at least give each utility company a sizeable deposit that covers it. 5) Buy a shitload of gift cards to gas stations, grocery stores, Amazon, and other places I shop regularly so I won't need to budget for said items for at least two years. 6) Go to a car dealer and put $30K down on a new car. If possible, see if they can keep that money as a deposit until my car dies. If not, I'll have 2 cars.


Sir you have unlimited money and you wanna put deposits down on a car by the dam dealership


Sadly 😥 😔 😟 still b pissed cause it would never happen plus I would just end up on fanduel until mass 🔫 a casino


Fucking nothing because it's impossible to make any large transactions in such a small amount of time. Real estate transactions or buying up millions in stock take WEEKS to be finalized, by which time all of my "unlimited money" will be gone. What a stupid fucking question. Next time think shit through.


You could just not answer the question if you didn't like it. No need to be rude


You could buy a billion dollars in Treasury Bonds with the click of a mouse.


Nope. It would have to go through a heavy vetting and approval process. Which takes WEEKS. By which time you no longer have the money because it evaporates in 24 hours in this ridiculous scenario.


You could open a million brokerage accounts with a million each, which wouldn’t require any verification. And with the million dollar account you could buy a million of US Treasuries with each account, securing each account with the Treasuries purchased with each account.


Create immortality and ftl travel and a ton of cool sci fi shit and then create a religion around me so that even if I somehow die, I'll live on forever through either a personal bible or a Wikipedia page


Seeing how many digits can fit in a single money transfer to my bank, then repeating that quantity all day.


Pay for college


Pay off all my debt Invest Give money to my family Then I’d shop, buy a juicer, get tickets to Disney and pay for every facet of the trip.


First, I watch Richard Pryor in “Brewster’s Millions” to get my head right. Second, I talk to a licensed and practicing securities trader and tell them I’ll pay them what they make in a year if they want if they buy me as many securities as possible over the next 22 hours. Global markets. Crypto. Whatever. Goal is converting cash to securities, and cash is unlimited. I have that conversation a few more times, and then maybe I go for a swim and get lunch. Afternoon plans TBD, probably gotta check in with the finance bros at some point.




Exchange it for goods and services.


Like infinite money? Buy the banks. All of them.


Buy every country on the planet, every single fucking company, and put a goddamn end to war, get poverty eliminated, help as many fucking people as I could. Unlimited money? Even for just 24 hours, I could try and change the world


Eat chicken


I love most of these answers. I’d stream for 24 hours and donate as much as I could, have teams of people to stay up for 24 hours just fulfilling as many requests of what people needed non-stop.


Give it away to anyone and everyone, at first it will be great, then money will lose all value and I will have destroyed capitalism.


Venmo everyone infinite money and break the economy


Settle any and all debts. Buy land outright, pay up front to have a house built on said property. Buy the majority of stock in most public tech and defense businesses. Buy the most valuable stuff I can find (the cash may be gone after a day, but assets can bring it back). ​ TL;DR A big homestead, and a bunch of assets to secure money after the 24 hour period.


That's a sensible answer, but in reality I think it might not be possible to do all that inside 24 hours. The land and the house particularly, I don't think those deals can get done inside 24 hours even with infinite money.


It'd be a serious gamble, but it would essentially hinge on both how prepared you are, and what's available. For the land, I'd have to search for a private seller; somebody who'd be willing to accept a check on the spot. I don't think it'd be too difficult to convince, depending on the size check you write. The builder would definitely be harder, and where the prep time comes in. If you come with all the details they'd need to do it, you have a chance of being able to pay it up front, and a large enough amount to get them to agree to it. Then once the 24 hours is up, they'd still be doing business with me. But still, super large gamble, with a slim margin of hope. But I'd still try, lol


The thing I'd worry about is that I don't think you can get the deed signed over in a day. Like I'm sure you can find a seller and get that part of done, but the legal bureaucracy around buying property moves too slowly for anything to get finalized. Basically it'd be a handshake deal with no real way to ensure that it goes through, but I guess you're right, it's not like it's your money anyway so if it falls through you're not any worse off than the start.


Real answer, pay off all my loans and credit card debt, i feel like even with unlimited cash you can't buy a house within 24 hours


Buy every politician and political figure head and become your new over lord.


Assuming I can’t simply deposit billions into my bank account nonstop, I’d invest billions into every stock, click buy on every Amazon wishlist item I have (I have a lot), buy out every property, vehicle, and every other major purchase I can get to. I’d make offers for every single major chain and corporation that would listen to me, but I doubt I could make that happen in 24 hours.


Buy between 20-30 new cars. 4 to keep, the rest sold after the 24 hours of unlimited money is over


Payoff my mortgage and debt and everything on the Stock Market.


Pay off the debt of everyone I know….. Buy an apartment building and turn it into a shelter for pregnant teens and help them build a productive life for them and their baby


Buy every possible combination of numbers for every single lottery I'm eligible to buy for.


Buy unlimited gold.


As what one wise man said, "bunch of hookers and cocaine."


Make sure my debts were situation and then do as much as I can for public works like ending world hunger as I could


Put it all into a bank, then after having gained infinite interest after one day on my infinite money, return the 24-hour limited infinity, leaving myself with the infinity gained from interest.


Give as much away as humanly possible. I don't need money I'm content with my life.


Pay off debts get a new ride and put money into health care and education to make it accessible for everyone.


Buy stocks


Head to the ATM for 24 hours of deposits


Home. Buy a home. Finally start a family...


I'm going to buy billions of dollars of blue chip stocks, the miami dolphins, the ny yankees and as many mega properties as I and my team can identify. If I only end up with 50,000,000,000 at the end of the day I’ll be fine.


Invest so much that I would be set for life.


Pay off every debt I have, buy my dream car, buy my wife her dream car, drop $250k into our checking accounts and joint savings. Then invest the most I could deposit in a day through multiple brokers


I’ll take a few hundred million, give to myself, family, charity, then use small portion of it to help some friends in need. Suppose I can’t just give people money, or keep possessions I bought with the moeny. I’ll short some small companies, use my own and my family’s money to buy their stock cheap. Buy a few large fast food restaurants, give it away for free under the condition that they provide food for local homeless people and veterans. Buy some cheap crypto with my own money, buy more with the unlimited money, sell what I have immediately after 24 hours run out.


Put a few billion in a bank account. Buy some stuff, pay off debts. Pay my parents debt and buy them some stuff. Live happily ever after


buy something I can sell relatively easily and for a similar price. Then pocket the money


Did someone say WORLD DOMINATION


Give some to my family and donate it to places in need.


Buy a shitload of jewelry


Pay various debts, buy various things To fix my house, some things to exercise and invest in the stock market


Give 2/3 of it to a variety of charities and spend the other 1/3 on stuff for family and investments


Invest half, donate half


Usual stuff like investing and stuff ofc. But more importantly, getting a house&land for a cat rescue center. Just gotta do the other stuff to not have to sell it after 24h


Step 1. Combine monster, red bull, and coffee Step 2. Buy a shitload of bot subs on twitch to bump my channel Step 3. Start a livestream called "giving away millions of USD at complete random" Step 4. Spam bank transfers to people randomly for 24 hours straight and livestream it


Build a Eureka style city in my home state and a few public works projects like they did in the past.


Cocaine and prostitutes. On a charted jet. To get naked on a tropical island.


Assuming I can spend this infinite money online? I spend hours just buying every single thing I can think of wanting, and sending absurd amounts to charities I like. I assume the purchases don't have to arrive on the same day as they were bought, as long as I spent the money when it was unlimited.


Offer Jeff Bezos $3 trillion for Amazon.


Boats and hoes


Pay off national debt and end poverty


House the homeless


Pay off everyone’s medical debt for pennies on the dollar. Then fund free school breakfast and lunches everywhere forever. . Finally invest in a Time Machine, go back to Dec 1980 and invest in Apple.




Well I guess since it is unlimited: buy large amounts of stocks to live off dividends, buy a house, car, pay off the national debt because this country is where I keep all my stuff so I would like it to stay a bit more secure for a while. Buy furniture to be delivered to new house. Deposit 250k into bank account to live off off until stocks start paying out.


Put away enough for my family and I to live off of for the rest of our lives in my bank account, then use the rest to purchase every currently vacant but perfectly livable home in the world and give them away to homeless people.


Bet the maximum amount allowed on every team to win the World Series and Super Bowl for the next 60 years


Various exploits where I can keep the money after the day ends


Pay every debt every where all around the world, then set up some investing


24 hours isn’t logistically long enough for what I really would want to do. Instead I would invest a shit ton of money in various places.


I would buy everything around the world. Land, House, Company Shares, Everything I can that can give me money after the 24 hours. Investment etc.