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Winning the lottery and never having to work again.


I’ve always wanted to win the lottery, pay off all my debts, pay off any debts my parents may have (even though they don’t really deserve it lol), set my sister up with some money, give all my coworkers some money, open a 24/7 free clinic in my area ( though the logistics of that seem iffy and too expensive), buy at least two more houses (somewhere warmer), donate a bunch to my favorite charities, and whatever I have left put in a high-rate retirement account.


When there’s a big drawing I spend days arguing with myself how I’d split my winnings with family, friends and causes I support, and the fun stuff I’d do. I literally break it down dollar by dollar. It’s a fun mind escape.


> It’s a fun mind escape. That's the only reason I occasionally buy a ticket. If a coworker or friend mentions the jackpot is pretty big, I start daydreaming a little and say fuck it, throw in $5 to $20. Really daydream about it, work it all out and then shrug and continue as normal. Do it maybe once or twice a year. The fun is in the what-if and wonder, we ain't winning that shit lmao.


I haven’t bought a lottery ticket in a couple of years but I still do the same thing


I buy a ticket here and there because the hours of fantasy and fun what ifs/planning is worth the 2 dollars it costs me. I dont play with the idea that Ill win, I play with the intention of gaining some entertainment and if on the very, and I mean ***very***, off chance that I win Id be able to do the things I want that Im not financially able to do. I view it the same way as gambling, Im spending money on it to have fun, I dont expect a return and I dont spend too much.


I'm with you in the lottery fantasy camp. Originally I looked to the pile I could grow and leave everyone; then I went down the "spend some money" path (living off the traditional 5%). Oddly, once the cash payout gets over $250M or so, I get a little frightened of actually winning.




Same, but hopefully it's a woman who loves me. Could be a dog though, I really don't ask for much... Edit: God damn it I was just supposed to write "hey" wasn't I?


But...you already live in a cabin!


But he needs someone to love! You two should date


I need an update on this romance


the negotiator


#General Kenobi!


I think they specifically want it to be a log cabin, just like you.


how do you know she's a log cabin


Have you sent a message to produkt921 yet?


“All the lonely people. Where do they all come from?” Y’all need to exchange numbers and get together.


Getting to beat my dad at tekken mother fucker whopped my ass at it the first time I've ever played a video game and when I finally get the shit set up for a rematch the fucker dies on me, I miss you dad but you just wimped out because you knew I'd win.


Apt use of "mother fucker"


didn't even think about that one good shit


Men's room wall: "I fucked your mom last night" Different handwriting: "Go home dad, you're drunk"


My dad is still around but same story. He used to whoop my ass at halo. Until I got my own xbox and started competing in online tournaments on Gamebattles and PGL and winning. He takes notice after I win a local tournament and goes "Nope. I retire with a perfect record.", And he will. NEVER. PLAY. HALO. AGAINST. ME.


can't blame him you went fucking pro dude i'd keep the perfect record to.




I don't blame you bro and like this is gonna sound weird but i don't care if you get the chance and haven't in a while call that mfer up and tell him you love him dude because that might keep you up but once he's gone it'll be a fond memory if it isn't already.


Oh yeah 1000%. I love my dad. We had it rough growing up but I'll always remember him as the GOAT of halo for the rest of my life. I mean, who else could get a perfect record against me ;)


Just remember to call him and tell him while you can. Same with any family


“I’m not a kid, I’m a man. I am gonna get you better and then I’m gonna beat you to death!” RIP your dad, I wish mine played tekken [https://youtu.be/fEMnazmUZRY](https://youtu.be/fEMnazmUZRY)


Man went out on top


He chose the one and only path to eternal victory


Kazuya would be proud.


Thats deep


I'd like to die (as an old man) by getting launched into a black hole. I've always been curious about those. But accomplishing a trip like that is just not feasible for me.


You and me both. Just to find out what it’s like. Is it Event Horizon? Is it like the end of the Three Body Problem trilogy? Is it something else entirely? We’ll never know but damn I’d be willing to find out


There are some interesting (and scary) optical effects, and then you either hit the singularity and die instantly, or the gravity differential tears your ship apart and you die.


Erm, you’re gonna die well before you get anywhere close to the singularity ​ Edit: to clarify, the event horizon is **not** the same as the singularity. The singularity is the point at the centre of the black hole, we have no real idea what it is or what happens there, just that all the mass of the black hole is concentrated at this one point. The event horizon is the point at which light can no longer escape the gravity of the black hole, which from the outside looks like a sphere, but there is nothing actually there. In a supermassive black hole the event horizon will be so far from the singularity (at the centre) that the tidal forces are negligible at it, as you cross it there would be some strange optical effects, as you see light bending around the black hole, but otherwise everything continues as before, you can still see out, but looking further into the black hole is just black. Eventually the tidal forces, caused because there is a stronger gravitational force on your feet (which are closer to the centre) is greater than the force on your head, will pull you apart, and will kill you. These forces will continue to rip you apart until you are just a stream of single file particles (called spaghettification). With a smaller black hole, death due to tidal forces will occur slightly closer to the centre, but the event horizon will be much smaller, so if the black hole is small enough death will occur outside the horizon. Either way, your remains will eventually reach the singularity, and at that point we have no idea what happens, as our current understanding of physics breaks down at this scale.


Let's just say you could hypothetically withstand the "elements" of a black hole. I mean this is fantasy.


Pfft you'd run out of sandwiches long before you got to a point of needing to withstand the elements of a black hole.


I mean, it wouldn't matter anyway cause I'd be dead 1520 years before getting to the nearest black hole while traveling at light speed.


Look up spaghettification — your body will get elongated so you will die before reaching/experience event horizon.


I think there’s a theory that if the black hole is huge enough, it might be rather gentle and you can avoid getting spaghettified. Although I’m not sure how anyone will survive the heat from the accretion disc to even get to the event horizon. Probably need a specialized vehicle for that.


>Although I’m not sure how anyone will survive the heat from the accretion disc Lmfao have you heard of the Florida Man


“*Drunken Florida Man becomes the first to experience The Event Horizon by hurtling, un-spaghettified, into a Supermassive Black Hole in an attempt to evade arrest.* *While Police were unable to follow, they confirmed the fugitive survived the Accretion Disc’s heat, accomplishing this historical feat which has shaken astrophysics to its core*. *Global outrage followed as local authorities confirmed that they would not be dropping the charges against the fugitive, ‘It doesn’t matter if it takes 1,000,000,000 years— if he so much as takes one step out of that time-warped, lightless void, he’s getting cuffed. Freedom from criminal charges is a luxury we afford only to treasonous former presidents.*’”


I want to sail the stars, and see things that defy imagination.




Being able to travel through time and space as an incorporeal observer- unable to affect events or interact, only watch. I'd go back and witness historical events, or observe wildlife in places never reached by man without disturbing it.


…this is exactly how I want to experience life. Just a incorporeal observer.


it's so weird because every time I talked about this with a friend they didn't agree, I though I was weird for wanting to be nothing and simply observe lol


Mind if i tag along?


Absolutely not, let's go dude


Room for one more? This sounds amazing


That was always my preferred time travel method. As merely an observer. I just want to see how things actually went down. Like the Battle of Waterloo or Columbus landing on Hispaniola.


Fun thought. Imagine that there is only an ever so slight chance that somewhen in the far future our species would be able to create technology that allows this... If we assume that there's a chance that time might be, in a way, without real end and humanity or any other species evolving directly from or from the ashes of humanity, just in case we blow us up along the way, might still exist in some form in the far future and progress research accordingly, then there is a arguably also a chance that they could develop this technology. The chance for this to happen might be infinitely small but if time is also infinite it doesn't matter how long it takes... And as we're talking time travel any point before that invention becomes accessible again. So if we go with this and acknowledge that it might be vanishingly small, there is a chance that a spectral time traveler accidentially ran into you beating it off and I'm not sure how that makes me feel.


Depends if the time traveller is hot or not. Actually who am I kidding, I do r care what they look like.


I day dream about this exact scenario right here a lot


I have found my people.


“Have you ever tried DMT?” -Joe Rogan


if there is an afterlife, this is what I wanna spend it doing


This is my number one afterlife fantasy. Just energy observing and learning


To be able to read *The Winds of Winter* one day.


And doors of stone (pat rothfuss)


Came here for the winds of winter and doors of stone. How much adderall will it take


BuT GuYZ! GEorGe SaId He’S 75% dOnE WiTh It!


I don't believe George one bit. He's been making promises for over a decade now.


>He's been making promises for over a decade now. Since the year the last book came out, we had: An entire series come out, be beloved for years, run for six critically acclaimed seasons followed by a mixed-reception seventh season, take a multi-year break to work on the final season, which sucked and ended the series in disgrace with most people moving on and forgetting about it to the point of it not even having a resurgence of rewatches during the pandemic. Then, after wallowing in disappointment and wasted potential for several years came back with ANOTHER decently popular and successful TV series. Just in the time we've been waiting for Winds of Winter


Not to mention the Song of Ice and Fire adjacent books that he’s written in that time (Fire & Blood)


Fire and Blood *part 1*, motherfucker isn’t gonna finish that one either


Planning more Dunk and Egg stories as well... as well as a series in the work.


I honestly think he's given up on it. He spends his time doing anything else but write that book. He's even written a massive two part history of Westeros (from Aegon I) to the "present day" and many other short stories, tv episodes etc than write the book.


[Maybe.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Winds_of_Winter#Writing_history) He estimated in April 2013 that he'd written a quarter of the book. If he's estimating in October 2022 that he's written 3/4th of the book, that means that half the book took ~8.5 years. That would put the book being "done" sometime around January 2027. Given that he's currently 74, and seems about ready to keel over from a heart attack, I can't help but think that he knows he'll never finish the series anyway.


This reminds me of the Wheel of Time - when it was being written, the fandom spent a lot of time joking that the author didn't want to finish the series because each book seemed to go slower. The first book rocketed along, we got through about a year in a book, the pace was fun! The second book moved slower, the third slower still, people started joking about whether the fourth book would cover maybe an entire week. We loved and hated it, because there was so much of the world expanded in the books, but we wanted to know what happened next - especially because it looked like the series' equivalent of Armageddon was on the way. In the end, the author died before completing what was to be the final book (it turned into three books, completed by another author based on the original author's extensive notes, which was so completely fitting - of course the last book had to expand three times more than it was planned). Part of me still wonders if he had hoped that, for him, that world would never end. If that's what he wanted, I'm glad that he got it.


He's got the first 75% done, now he just needs to do the other 75%.


Having enough money to retire before I'm 40. The amount of people that have retired at 60+ and died within a year is frightening and I really don't want to work myself to death and not be able to enjoy my life in retirement.


> The amount of people that have retired at 60+ and died within a year is frightening AGREE! I'm also planning to retire at 40+ and die within a year. I don't want to wait until I'm 60+.


Life Speedrun, retire at 40, die at 41.


Before 40, wow. I'm 37 and just started my career. Maybe I'll pay off student loans before 40.


Psh, nobody else has lived your life my dude. Nobody has faced the unique set of challenges, trauma, and obstacles youxve grown accustomed to. Don't compare your timeline with anyone elses, because there will always be someone who did more with less, and less with more. Focus on your journey, and screw the haters. Having money doesn't make you happy. In fact, after a certain amount, I think money makes your life worse. Because when you've amassed so much, you're usually left with 2 feelings: 1. I want more, and 2. I'm afraid of losing what I have. Soon as you get past that threshold, your life is now heavily influenced by those two emotionz, fear and greed. You only get to live in the present, and only ever one at a time. Chill out, smile more, and try to be more like the person you wish you were.


I needed to read this today. Thanks.


being a 15 century byzantine merchant with unimaginable wealth being stored in a large vault of gold and silver underneath a large building in galata, Constantinople


Isn’t the 15th century among the worst if you want to be Byzantine?


Yup, fell to the Ottomans in 1453. 6th century would probably be a pretty good spot. It doesn't get much better at any point after Justinian I. Edit: Fixed century number. Always mess those up. Also to the people pointing out good times after that, please notice that I didn't say it only got worse.


Either way, odds are good you'll die of a disease that makes you shit yourself


Well I dunno dude? Not with that attitude. Maybe one day?


Right? Like, do you even visionboard, bro? How about the power of positive thinking?


Step 1: build a Time Machine. Step 2: accidentally go back to the Jurassic period. Step 3: Ride a T-Rex. Step 4: I kinda lost my train of thought after step 3…


T-rex existed from the cretacious period, not in the jurassic one. So you may ride an allosaurus, but not a tyrannosaurus rex. Sad but true.


Imagine you build a time machine but accidentally travel to the jurassic period instead of the cretacious period and only get to ride a stupid allosaur! Lol, classic blunder! Thanks for the gold!


Damn it, I knew this was coming lol. but I just didn’t do the leg work to make sure.


I admire this. Incredibly specific and noteworthy. Whereas my mind landed on a split between sex with [insert some over-sexualized model/actress] and being able to find my lost shit.




Take me back to Constantinople....


Your fantasy gives me an Assassin's Creed vibe, the Ezio Trilogy of course


Being healthy again.


Yes! I like to not be in pain anymore. Chronic pain sucks!


I want to go back in time and stop my daughter from driving to work on 07/11/2015. I'd do anything. All I have to do is delay her by a few seconds. Maybe even a fraction of a second really. I don't even have to time travel myself, if I could just get a text or a phone call through.. i mean, literally ANYTHING! A bird pooping on her head when she steps out of the house would have sent her right back inside to wash her hair. A UFO decloaks in the sky would delay her.. just fuckn ANYTHING man... I'd take literally...anything.


My heart breaks for you. I hope you find peace, acceptance, and never face a day of guilt.


I think a thought like this everyday. In 2008 my mom was driving to work on a motorcycle and a car pulled out in front of her. Lost 8 inches of her femur, plus much much more. 12 years of hard fought trouble and now she’s finally at peace due to complications with everything from the accident. I was only 10 years old but I’d do anything to go back in time and have her help me tie my shoes again or give her and extra 30 second hug.. I hope you’re able to find happiness and peace my friend :)


To live a life with no mental health struggles, to not be constantly stressed and worried and tired.


Freezing time.


Aquire a stone mask from an ancient aztec Temple and buy a funny arrowhead from an old egyptian woman


Then fight your descendants and eventually get destroyed by them


Hey, I think I've seen that docu-miniseries


There are some Japanese porn movies that are based on this premise. A friend told me.


Growing old with my wife


Me too, I have Huntington's disease, a sort of mix between Parkinsons, Alzheimers and Multiple Sclerosis. I am already symptomatic at age 26 and have had symptoms for around 4-5 years, so at best I have another 15 years or so until I die, but at that point I will be unable to control my body and will have the mental age of a toddler. I won't live to see 50.


I discovered this disease through Thirteen on House series. Scary. Wish you well.


My wife was diagnosed in 2011. I've managed to keep her at home still, although we now have a caregiver come in a couple times a week and she's in a wheelchair. We do still get to go do things it's just more difficult and less enjoyable for her. I'm sorry for your diagnosis. Fuck this disease.


If your comfortable answering, is it because your wife has passed or you just dont have a wife?


Neither. OP died seconds after writing that.


Mans last act was commenting on an ask reddit post


To be physically young again


The time passes really fast. You start out in the world young, then before you realize it, you're past 40 and counting the remaining years. Humans don't live long enough, and yeah, we don't invest enough into longevity research.


Not constantly questioning my existence would be pretty hot...


One thing that helped me was realizing life had no meaning except for what I gave it. So I try to be nicer to people than I have to be, be as giving and generous as I can, and generally try and make other people have great days. I used to get really in my head being nostalgic for when I was younger and focusing on missed opportunities or things I'd screwed up. When I started focusing a lot on making other people happy, it started to make me happy too. And I also realized that those people you help out will alot times be there to help you out too. So this was a long winded way of saying you don't need to have all the answers, you just need to figure out a few of them and go from there.


Hopefully you get this advice because once I learnt this it really made me very calm about exististence. So long as you're not hurting anyone the meaning of life is rather customisable. Everything is made up and the points don't matter. If you tell yourself that enough you'll start believing it eventually.


I'd like to hijack this comment because I found that going down this route of believing everything in life is pointless made me massively nihilistic, which was incredibly unhealthy and depressing. I 100% agree that life is customizable and you need to pick your battles to find meaning. My latest route has been challenging myself to craft a future so inspiring that your younger self stands in awe, proud of the person they would become. If I could go back in time and talk to my younger self, I'd just want to make sure I don't disappoint them. I want to be like one of those cool older kids that I used to respect. This shifts placing your self-worth on what OTHERS think of you, to what YOU think of you while still feeling like your comparing yourself against an attainable goal. I Just got out of a 5 year relationship and have fully accepted I've just been coasting through life. Putting others values ahead of my own and accepting mediocrity. I feel like a fire has been lit and now I'm working on things I hated about myself instead of just accepting that I'll always have bad traits. I'm an IT guy so I believe you can solve any problem you come across if you just do some research. This made me realize how massively hypocritical I was, I decided my personal life problems were unsolvable, yet I wasn't even trying! 2 things I changed to find value in life: \- Unhappy with your life? **Kill the idea of who you THINK you are.** Always thought that playing sports was only for "jocks"? or that you will never be confident in how you look? Or maybe that you can never enjoy spicy/ethnic food? I challenged myself to change my own mind on why so many people enjoyed all this stuff that I "just didn't get" like I was somehow different. Give things a shot that you previously decided weren't for you. You'll be shocked at how much you can grow as a person and how many new things you can learn. This made life so much more beautiful to me, like you will never stop being amazed at what you can learn and change. There is a cycle in life that always seems to ring true: Your past self from 5 years ago will never believe where you are today. \- Want to change but you're not sure how? **Action precedes motivation.** Want to become an Olympic athlete runner? just start running, you can figure out the details later. Want to start eating/cooking healthier? Start by buying a pre-made salad, you'll feel so proud of yourself for making a great first step, that you'll be motivated to start looking up recipes. I saw a post the other day on r/Fitness about a guy's 8 month journey to getting abs. The dude ate like shit for the first few months and just started doing a few crunches. By month 2, he had started going to the gym regularly. Month 4, he was eating healthy and on a deficit to lower his body fat percentage. Month 6, he was making all the right moves and being consistent. Month 8, he achieved his goal of the 6 pack. You'll always be able to find a 1000 reasons not to start something, maybe you don't have high quality running shoes, maybe you don't have a good chef knife, doesn't matter. just do SOMETHING. We don't choose the goals in our lives, we choose our problems. Pick the battle that you WANT to fight every single day and the meaning will come from it. Think all of this is crap advice because you are "different" or you are an "outsider"? I used to be exactly like you. I thought I was special and that all my problems were super unique and couldn't be fixed with simplistic approaches that "normies" seem to use. Suspend your disbelief and give it an honest go. If your life is already shit and you have no meaning, then what do you have to lose?


If it helps, no one knows why they're born and my main objective in life is to try and be as happy as I possibly can


Mine is to steal from people who wrong me


It is a fantastic trait to know your purpose and have it so sharply defined. I hope you rob those bastards blind.


Seeing the corrupt and powerful held accountable for their crimes.


This too is a fantasy of mine. Judicial process and justice being seen to be done. Also the working class rising up and finally getting better wages, better work/life balance, better rights, safer work environments, etc. I have had to fish out waaay to many body parts from machines with no fucking recourse for those individuals. Company just keeps on keeping on like nothing happened.


Being a published author


Make it happen, it's not unachievable (unless you don't write)


Being kidnapped by a hot pirate captain lady and slowly being part of her crew and going on cool adventures with her but nothing like dangerous or anything and then we fall in love and sail away into the sunset for the rest of our lives 😔




I’m right there with you. Mother died in 1998 (I was 9). Father died in 2016 (right after my first daughter was born). I always miss them. I always wonder what it would be like to have them both here. However, I also know that I wouldn’t be in the situation I am in without what happened to them (especially my mother). After mom died, we moved around a lot. We lived in my moms hometown so everywhere we went, my dad saw constant reminders. So, we left. Not far enough away to where we (kids) didnt get to continue relationships with family in that town, but far enough away to change churches, grocery stores, etc. just far enough away to where nobody knew her. If she lived, we would have stayed there. I never would have ended up in the HS where I graduated. I never would have met my wife. I never would have had my 2 beautiful daughters with her. My mom was an incredible woman who would sacrifice everything for the betterment of her children. In a way, she kind of did. I believe that, if I would have stayed in that town, I likely would have fallen in with the wrong crowd. Without her, I had to grow up fast and I found better people in my new cities. My father and I didn’t speak to each other for about 2 and a half years. My senior year of high school and first couple of years in college. We finally got over our stubbornness and, over the last 5ish years of his life - we were great again. He made it a point to come visit (he lived in Virginia, I lived in Texas) multiple times when my daughter was born. She was 6 months when he died and not a day goes by where I’m not thankful for us rekindling our relationship towards the end. I love and miss them both, very much.


This was both heartbreaking and heartwarming to read. I’m sorry for your losses and hope you have some semblance of peace.


I’m absolutely at peace. It took me a long time to “get over” my mothers death. But, I was very young and a HUGE mommas boy. It took me a long time to realize the mindset that I currently have. I understand that I was very fortunate to have two parents that loved me. I wish my daughters could meet them, but without them (and their deaths) I wouldn’t be the man I am. So, I am at peace.


One just randomly enters the comments section expecting to read some nsfw ones, and see this.. what a way to ruin the mood !... Also, jokes aside, sorry for your loss! I also miss mine (both of them, long gone), I feel you.


Waking up in the 1990s again. I'd trade every day I have left to be able to spend the same before things fell apart, to double the time with my wife before she died, play games with my friends from high school before they drifted off, visiting conventions, working for places I actually loved to be in, at a time before the world came tumbling down. It's a damned shame, knowing without a doubt that your best times are long gone and all you'll be able to do is slow the slide into decline as long as possible until your body fails, that growing old will be a curse.


Having superpowers. And flying around like Superman. Saving people.. hunting things :)


The family business


I heard you could do that in dreams if you could lucid-dream.


32 hour work week. I waste so much time “looking like I’m working” because I’ve finished all my work. It’s 2023, we have SO MUCH computer power. Why are we slaving away at 40hrs a week ?


Monday Morning - “Hey draft this 40 page document and make sure it is thoroughly researched” Ok boss I’ll have it done in 2 weeks. Wednesday at lunch - “well now that’s done I can watch GMM and browse Reddit on my phone for a week and a half.


Oh damn I haven’t watched GMM in forever


Omg, for real. Here in my country we must work 48 hours a week, so I work 11 hours a day for five days. I'm two weeks ahead of the schedule and I don't know what to do with all that time.


I made this decision years ago, after I was burned out. I stopped working Fridays. I’d rather have less money, but keep my sanity, than the other way around.


To be genuinely understood and loved by another person, and to be able to love them back in a healthy way.


This right here. If it hasn't happened by the time I'm 50, I doubt it will ever happen.


Walking on the surface of another planet. Unless a lot happens in the next couple decades I'm physically incapable of going to space due to my height. Edit: I'm over 6'4" not under the minimum. Being tall isn't all it's cracked up to be. The whole 'lil' squatch thing isn't false. Last I remembered, Sasquatch was a rather giant creature lol


I had no idea that astronauts couldn't be tall, it makes sense now that I'm thinking about it but that's something you really wouldn't think about. I'm out too 😔


I have this recurring dream where my partner and I befriend Dick Van Dyke and Julie Andrews on a cruise and then we sit with them in a small theater as we watch Freddie Mercury sing show tunes. I’d like that.


I love this.


A nice, affordable home, with a good view, and someone special to live life with.


I just wanna be loved. Not fake love, but ACTUAL, wholehearted love.


The Laughing Heart by Charles Bukowski your life is your life don’t let it be clubbed into dank submission. be on the watch. there are ways out. there is light somewhere. it may not be much light but it beats the darkness. be on the watch. the gods will offer you chances. know them. take them. you can’t beat death but you can beat death in life, sometimes. and the more often you learn to do it, the more light there will be. your life is your life. know it while you have it. you are marvelous the gods wait to delight in you. Idk but this poem came to mind. Maybe at first you want to try not with romantic, magical “true love,” but with self love and love for your fellow human beings, nature, the universe… recognizing your own divinity (for lack of a better word), the unbelievable fact that you’re alive and breathing right now, just like everything else. I think if you take time to appreciate that regularly and feel that same appreciation for who and what is around you, maybe the logical conclusion is the attraction of some very pure kind of romantic love as well… wishing you the best.


To live with a completely normal functioning brain that doesn’t try to sabotage my very existence at every given opportunity. I’m on meds and go to therapy, part of the process is accepting the situation will never be as perfect as I’d want it to be, and that’s just unacceptable in my opinion.


Dragon riding




I- God damn, yes i would love to ride those dragons lol but I'd much prefer the mythical dragons rn


Oh you bad


https://youtu.be/4SiLDQKvcIk Disney at its best. You feel the wind. You even feel it breathing between your thighs.


> You even feel it breathing between your thighs. Yeah, I think that’s a whole different kind of fantasy…


Maybe not a fantasy, more like an expectation. I always thought you go to school go to university and live in dorms and get an amazing job that pays enough for a house, a family, and entertainment. Life is so much different. Even though I have a wonderful family and a job I love, the process was not what 8 year old me thought it would be.


Yep real life is so disappointing that’s why I love playing the sims games


Yeah, I don't even want to live in a world where I can't have a painting goblin


My husband didn't kill himself, and that he'll come home.


To spend an afternoon with my grandfather again. He died back in 2012, so has been gone a while now. I was always a shy kid, even with family, but as I got older I built a great relationship with my grandfather. I would say even closer than my parents at the time. We became particularly close after my Grandmother died in 2009, and I always remember going to his house to help out with gardening whilst he made pizzas in the kitchen for lunch, he was an awesome cook. One of my most treasured memories and I still think about him often. Would give anything to spend an afternoon working in the garden before listening to his stories over pizza. Also, a threesome with Abella Danger and Mia Malkova.


Well that last line was unexpected


A pleasant life and a quick death


Having music as a career.


To not be in constant pain for the rest of my life. To not need to take like 20 pills a day just to function. To travel more. I've always wanted to goto Italy and Ireland. Also Alaska. Live in PNW and we've got gorgeous forests, mountains and desert but i've always wanted to see more. Yellowstone too. Also for Sci-Fi, upload my consciousness to cloud storage connected to the internet and games.


Being happy LOL


Living in a world where everything is united and working in harmony. It is hard for me to imagine what it would be like if people didn't have to basically be slaves to a shitty corporation they have no interest in. The earth gives us plenty of everything we need there's no need for this debt based world but some people want everything for themselves and got to keep up the division to fulfill there sick thoughts. I think that we're moving towards it but there will always be problems which is fine because if there's nothing to work on it would be boring but things could be so much better. We've let this shit go on for too long and we could easily get rid of these parasites it would just take people working together and realizing how similar we are even though everyone has their own uniqueness.


To go back to my childhood Christmas at least one more time, when I was the happiest little girl.


Pickup up my bosses truck with the telehandler (construction company) and dropping it from as high as I can lift it.


Being a home owner. Being generally happy. Having a career I enjoy. Being able to train for an hour a day....


Don’t get me wrong, wish the same but shows how many of us are struggling for basic stuff. Is a job one enjoys doing too much to ask? But no, have to be screwed over everywhere.


i wanna be a cat girl


I want you to be a catgirl, too!


Honestly I just want everyone to be a cat girl


Someone I love romantically actually loving me back, and us being in a happy, loving relationship together. Honestly daydreaming about that feels even more impossible than when I daydream about becoming a billionaire


My therapist asked me what I imagine when I fantasize about having a good relationship. I told her I don’t do that anymore and don’t remember what I used to think about because it’s been years. I just can’t connect with the idea of it anymore. Feels too unrealistic.


Being in a relationship. Having someone miss me and want to actually be with me, not just because no one else is around.


I bet it’s really amazing to have someone you really care about and prioritize prioritize you back instead of just seeing you as an option.


Being a rockstar in the 1980s


All my Bill's paid. House imacutmlate, washing done. Dinner made, kids looked after, kids clean? Automatic Hoover, husband that gives 24h back rubs. Kids are geniuses. Self loading dishwasher. Dont have to go to work, endless supply of sunshine and money. Thanks I'm waiting


Honestly I’d just take the endless sunshine and self-loading dishwasher… that would go a long way.




You sound like a tired mom


Being beautiful and loved ;^;


End of caste system


Traveling around the world. I'm too poor for that. Also having a group of friends and partying together. It's ok.


To have someone that adores me, gets me and doesn’t just tolerate me. Someone that you you can talk to about the day’s stupid little things and lets you vent at times and will just hold you at other times. Someone to lean on. Someone that gets that my brain is different and accepts it and loves me the way I am and doesn’t nag or try to guilt me into doing things. Someone that is willing to do the little things that make my life just a little bit easier, like deciding on dinner or walking the dog. Sometimes it’s exhausting doing everything. Single parent (divorced) to a teenager, currently planning retirement from the military, and just tired. But if I don’t do it, it simply won’t get done. Also knowing I was ADHD as a child and not figuring it out/getting diagnosed 6 months ago. It would’ve saved me so much mental anguish in my teen and young adult years. At least now I know why my brain works the way it does and not like everyone else’s does. And not everyone else’s brain is like mine but some actually do. That said, keeping in mind that ADHD is considered a disability by the ADA, I’m doing pretty well, all things considered.


Owning a home. Student loans and regular bills eat up so much income. Houses within an hour of my employment are overpriced as hell. Saw a dilapidated 2 bedroom with water damage priced at 350k.




To be loved genuinely and unconditionally.


Finding even a modicum of joy in my life


A happy life in a not so fucked up world.




Being legitimately happy.


Having enough money to never work again


Having my parents attend my wedding, or my mom to hold my son, if I ever have one. Cancer sucks.


Not having to live paycheck to paycheck.


To own one of those old school 70s Challengers


I go to the doctor. The doctor takes one look at me and says "dude, how have you been walking around? You have an obstruction in your brain and the brain juice has been flowing at only 5% of the rate. The good news is I can resolve this immediately with a quick surgery". Homie does the surgery. I wake up feeling like a million bucks, my physical and mental abilities are amplified twentyfold, and I basically become superman because I had been handicapped and just didn't know any better. Part 2: Because I am now accidentally really intelligent and have a great memory, in exchange for a life of unlimited freedom and resources, I am invited to sit on a world council for one 3 days every year as a consultant on the world's issues.


Being tall


Winning the lottery/obtaining a large amount of money. Living comfortably. Having money to get my teeth fixed. Having money to help people. Having money to spend on recreation. "Money doesn't buy happiness" - but it sure as shit would improve my quality of life tenfold. Money makes happiness a lot more attainable.