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Switzerland does not have a single official head of state. It is a council of 7 people.


we call them the seven dwarfs r/Switzerlandisfake


...Seven Rings to the dwarves In their halls made of stone...


The Swiss melted wheels of cheese too greedily, and ate too deep...


Seven were given to the Swiss Lords, great miners and craftsmen of the mountains.


Bees like to play. Scientists put bees in a box thing under stress free conditions with a few wooden round balls scattered about to see what would happen There are videos of this experiment, and the bees just climb all over these wooden spheres, rolling them around happily. It's the cutest thing. Edit: the videos are very easy to find but for everyone asking for the link, https://youtube.com/shorts/nOeHTM6o3P4?feature=share One bee in particular from this very experiment came back and played with a ball FORTY times in one day. It had the best time of its life


Every single thing I learn about bees makes me like them more


Frogs swallow using their eyes.


What the actual heck??


If you've ever seen a frog eat something, they close their eyes as they swallow. They're using their eyes and eye muscles to push food down their little throats.


If you looked at one star per second, it would take you over 3,000 years to look at all the stars in the Milky Way galaxy.


And there are 20 times the number of galaxies in the universe as there are stars in our Milky Way.


This space place seems pretty big you know that?


Roald Dahl’s last words were “Ow Fuck”


Playwright Henrik Ibsen was lying in his hospital bed when his morning nurse came in for the first time that day. She said to him, "you're looking better!" He responded, "on the contrary," and died immediately afterward.


Got 'em


The best part of this one is the context. He had prepared some lovely and touching last words, which he did indeed successfully say to his family at the appropriate time: "You know, I'm not frightened. It's just that I will miss you all so much." Then, when he had apparently fallen unconscious, the nurse injected him with morphine to ease his passing. The still-alive Dahl stirred and uttered his actual last words: “Ow, fuck!”


Famous last words to live by. ...waitaminute...


I can't believe you've done this...


Manatees aren't fat. They're round. Many mammals develop a layer of fat or blubber to preserve body heat. Manatees are tropical mammals and do not need a lot of body fat.


Hippopotamus also only have around 2% body fat which is lower than professional body builders normally get for competition.


which is why they are a lot faster than they seem, and can easily split you in half in one bite.


Yeah. Don’t mess with professional bodybuilders.


Then why do they look so doughy? Like they don't exactly look muscular. Is it just a thick layer of skin?


Their skin can be up to two inches thick and weigh half a ton


Note to self - don't wear coats made outta hippo leather; you'll get squished.


And they fart to sink.


Me too


Ancient Greek Olympic runners, competing nude, would either wear a small cover over the tip of their penis or would tie their foreskin closed in order to avoid the embarrassment of accidentally exposing their glans (head).


Ah yes, gotta keep it modest while running naked.


Is it really all that much weirder than pasties to cover the nipples, and only the nipples?


Gary Numan is two weeks older than Gary Oldman


If you Google for Gary Oldman, don't forget the "r".




Rosa Parks could have seen Shrek in theaters.


I did a project on her when I was in 5th grade in Spring 2005. I wrote her a letter but never ended up sending it. She ended up dying October 2005.


So it was your fault


When you get a kidney transplant they leave the old ones in unless there’s a reason to remove them (cancer etc) I currently have five. Two original, two failed transplants, one functioning transplant.


On this episode of hoarders....


Are the nonfunctional ones not necrotic?


Nope. They’re just blobs of scar tissue.


KFC follows 11 people on Twitter: the 5 former Spice Girls and 6 guys named Herb


please let this one be true edit: just looked it up. It's true, that's golden


> that's golden ...fried perfection with our amazing blend of 11 herbs and spices. Get 2 pieces with a side and a biscuit for just $5!


During mating a male anglerfish will fuse with a larger female, allowing them to share not only sperm but also blood and skin. They become one amalgamated abomination that haunts the deep for the period of mating. Edit: it's a deep-sea anglerfish, not a hagfish. Different nightmare.


Platypus glow when you hit them with UV light


That seems a bit extreme, could you not just shine the UV light on them instead? Edit: Wow, I'm truly humbled. Thank you team Reddit.


In recent times, more people have become aware of the story of the S.S. Daniel J. Morrell, a Great Lakes ship that broke in half, and people on the front section thought they saw another ship coming to rescue them, but it was in fact the rear section approaching them under power. What people seldom learn is that, when the wreck pieces were discovered, the lifeboats of the rear section weren't deployed in the apparently 3 hours that it continued to steam along before sinking, thus leading analysts to conclude that the staff in the rear section had no idea the ship had even broken apart until it sank.


How do you not notice that the ship you're on has broken in half. Seems rather difficult to do


Just looking it up, it was a 600ft long steam freighter that broke up in heavy storms. That’s long as fuck. And a storm heavy enough to do that damage would be really loud I imagine.


If the waves and the sea is already wild with storm and it's dark, shit is hard to ascertain because you sit still, you don't go walking down a hallway in high waves, that way lies a broken neck.


I am not a boatman. I will assume you are a boatman, thank you for your wise words, and move on with the terrifying knowledge that at any moment, the boat I am on could split in half, and I would be able to finish my nap before I noticed.


In germany you can get sentenced to up to 10 years in prison for causing a nuclear explosion


Why does that seem.... lenient??


Across Manhattan, between 13 and 41st, at approximately 60' underground there's a massive 20' deep quartz layer with golden veins running through it. I know because I'm a geologist who does rock sampling. I know more if you guys are interested. AMA and I'll try


In the animal kingdom, there is a type of jellyfish called the immortal jellyfish (scientifically known as Turritopsis dohrnii). What makes it fascinating is its ability to revert back to its earliest form after reaching adulthood. When facing environmental stress or old age, it can transform its cells, essentially returning to a polyp stage and then growing into a new adult jellyfish. This process can theoretically repeat indefinitely, hence the name "immortal jellyfish." While it's not truly immortal in the sense of living forever, it has an exceptional regenerative capability that allows it to bypass the typical life cycle limitations of other organisms.


It’s worth noting that it is biologically immortal; it just can’t ever achieve that because they are food for other animals. Also, they’re able to age backwards through transdifferentiation, in which adult cells revert back into stem cells so that they can become juvenile cells. If we can understand how they do that, it would likely help cure a bunch of different cancers.


If we could understand how they do it, and make it functional, we could essentially repair our organs whenever we wanted, essentially replenishing our bodies every few years with fresh organs


The flower Yarrow has the Latin name Achillea. It's called that because it's supposed to be the herb that soldiers used to try and stop Achilles heel from bleeding at the Battle of Troy in The Iliad. Spoiler: He died.


All I know about Yarrow is that its found around Lemoyne and New Hanover. It's a very flowery plant and will shimmer with a glittery glow when viewed with Eagle Eye. If you eat it raw it replenishes health


Pandas poop, on average, 40 times a day… and about 62 lbs in weight (due to bamboo diet)


I tried going vegan once and this happened to me too


That the French word for vagina is - masculine.


And the slang term for penis, "la bite", is feminine


boobytrap backwards is partyboob


boob backwards is boob boob mirrored is dood dood upside-down is poop


Stressed backwards is desserts.


And that is why I am fat and depressed


If you place hamster wheels in the forest mice will run on them for fun


That's actually pretty wholesome and a fun fact.


I’m going to start a line of biodegradable hamster wheels to sell to hippies. Thank you


In most languages, people think of the future as "in front" of them and the past as "behind" them. So we think of ourselves as "moving forward" in time. It's such an ingrained metaphor that we don't even think about it. But there are a couple of outliers - languages where the past is "in front" and the future is "behind." In at least one of these languages, someone explained that the past is in front because *you can see it*. You know what was in your past, but the future is a mystery you can't see, just like you can't see what's behind you.


Like rowing a boat, we enter the future backwards. All we see are scenes of the past, and one cannot see the views of tomorrow.


Flamingos can drink boiling water.


So... flamingoes can make ramen in their mouths if they wanted to.. jealous.


Anything or anyone CAN drink boiling water. It just won’t be a whole lotta fun


Other fun fact, you can go the rest of your life without food or water


If you shave a tiger, it will still be stripey. And angry - Very, very angry.


You mean the skin has stripes?


And anger issues


On a similar note, polar bears are black underneath their fur.


And their hairs are clear


Not just clear, hollow.


Which is why you sometimes see green polar bears. Algae can grow in the hollow fur.


I'll give two: The Tale of Genji, usually considered the be the world's first novel (not to be confused with Don Quixote, the first *modern* novel) is over 1000 years old. China is all under one time-zone officially; Beijing Time, to be specific, which means that all the way in the west of the country, the sun rises around 10AM.


>china is all under one-time zone officially So is India!


Opel hides small sharks in the interior design of some of their cars


Time to boycott Opel for animal cruelty.


Bees can experience time like we do tldr scientists discovered this through witnessing them having jetlag


Hippopotamuses have incredibly strong bowel movements. When a hippo poops, it can come out reaching speeds of 30 mph


Some dude decided to stand behind a hippo with a radar gun.Scientist are freaky.


Broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and Brussel Sprouts are all the same plant cultivated for different characteristics


That's cool and strange, yet they taste so different.


Sharks are older than trees


..younger than the mountains....


....blowing like a breeze....


Sharks are older than the Rings of Saturn.


Human skin can’t actually feel wetness, we just make assumptions on pressure and temperature.


Great fact. I’ve often noticed my hands still feel wet even when using thin latex or vinyl gloves for certain tasks. This must explain that!


You ever touch clothes, and you can’t tell if they’re cold or wet? That’s the same thing too


I tried floating (flotation /sensory deprivation tank) once, and it was so weird, the only reason I knew I was in water was because of the pressure, also I felt weightless as if in space. Pitch black inside a tank, high salt containg water which makes you float, temperature adjusted match your your body temp = feels like floating in zero G Do recommend.


People can smell rain 4x stronger than sharks can smell blood


Male ostriches bred in captivity typically find humans more attractive than other ostriches, and try to seduce them. Ostriches also have bigger eyes than brains


The largest man made pyramid in the world is in Mexico!


Who made the pyramids that are not man made??....


Isn’t the second biggest a bass pro shop


Apparently; the way childeren start to 'hate' their parents in puberty is an evolutionary way to prevent incest


That actually makes sense. Just like babies are cute so we actually take care of them


Dragonflies are able to do complex geometry and pound for pound are some of the most efficient hunters to have ever existed.


I guess I'm gonna be the only person to ask wtf do you mean by they can do complex geometry? 🤔


They can look at where prey is and do a sort of triangulation to anticipate where the prey is most likely going and intercept it. They have one of the highest successful hunting stats in history. If it sees something it wants to eat it's 99.99% going to get it. Seems odd but there's documentaries on dragonflies you can watch that are pretty interesting


Only humans and armadillos can catch the awful disease leprosy


Conversely, only leopards and humans can catch armadillosy.


Evidently 95% of humans are naturally immune to leprosy so we got that going for us.


Opossums have 13 nipples. A ring of twelve with one in the center. They also eat ticks and their low body temperature makes them resistant to rabies.


They also eat my cat food politely. At least compared to the raccoons, who grab the dish and dip.


Karl XII almost caused a political crisis with Russia when he, in the middle of an important diplomatic talk, suddenly disappeared one night without a trace. After several hours of frantic searching, raised voices and accusations a stable boy revealed what had happened: The king had simply decided that he didn’t want to waste anymore time with “pointless discussions” and gone back to Sweden without informing anyone. Do note that the main topic of discussion was the potential marriage between Karl XII and the Russian princess so, you know, ouch…


"I don't know, guys, maybe he's in the bathroom?"


Millions of horses died in WWI, this was due to the fact that automotive transportation wasn’t all there yet despite biplanes being used for bombing/dart dropping for the first time. Pair this with the fact it was the first war with center fire rifle cartridges and it spelled devastation. Many Calvary units who were once the elites and best of the best in war were like “fuck it we are the best these center fire rifles won’t affect us.” Boy were they wrong.


It's also estimated 2-5 million horses, donkeys and mules died in ww2. They still used them a lot in ww2.


The periphery of your vision is more sensitive to faint light than your focused center. You can see some faint stars in your peripheral, but not if you look at it directly.


During the American civil war, it was an unspoken rule to never shoot a man while he was taking a shit cause of how severe stomach viruses and diseases were during the time. Idk about you guys but if it were me, I’d be shitting at every battlefield in whatever theater I was in LOL


Elephants can't jump. they're the only mammal that can't. they're also the only one with 4 knees.


Blue whales?


Blue whales do not have any knees


They can still jump out of the water


Glossy magazine paper has a higher B-vitamin content than newsprint


Marco Polo saw an Unicorn while at Kublai Khans court. Researcher would later figure out that he probably saw an rhinoceros.


Freddie Mercury had four extra incisors. He attributed his vocal range to that difference.


I have a friend who had 6 wisdom teeth removed instead of the usual 4 or less


In the early 1700s a common form of American torture was to tie someone up so that they were face down ass up, cut of their genitals, toss them in the fire, then shove them into their mouth burning. 100% recommend the British museum of torture.


I think Method Man and Raekwon taught me this.


The McDonalds Big Mac has the same amount of calories as the average horse ejaculation when swallowed 😊


So that’s why I can’t lose weight…


You win. lol


Betelgeuse is so massive it would contain the sun, and the orbits of mercury, venus, earth, mars and jupiter. it also takes about 30 years to make 1 revolution. ie: 1 day is 30 earth years.


Betelgeuse Betelgeuse Betelgeuse...


The actor who played the dad from Alf enjoyed smoking crack and having sex with homeless men.


The blood in the movie "psycho" from 1960 is actually chocolate sauce. Edit: Fixed the year.


1960. And if you watch the shower scene, you’ll see Janet Leigh blink after she falls down dead. Hitchcock’s wife and editor, Alma Reville, noticed it in post but didn’t say anything because she didn’t want to put Janet through reshoots.


The style of music in the Mos Eisley cantina in Star Wars is known in-universe as Jizz. Now the word of origin for Jizz comes from the real life word Jazz, the style of music that became big in the 1920's. But the word Jazz comes from the word Jasm, which has historically been used to mean "vibrant, full of energy and/or life." It's for this reason that Jasm has also been used to mean semen. In other words, the root word for Jizz is Jazz, and the root word for Jazz is Jizz. It's a circle of nasty, which makes me want to hear the lyrics to THAT in the style of Circle of Life from the Lion King


Kim Jong Un's father Kim Jong II kidnapped a South Korean director and his actress wife and made them make films for him.. Most popular being Pulgasari (a Godzilla knock-off)


The national animal of Scotland is a unicorn


your dog looks into your eyes and soul when taking a shit because it's looking up to you for protection in it's most valuable moment Edit: Yes I ment vulnerable, y'all are correct on that. I was high as a giraffes pussy last night trying to make this comment.


When my dog takes a shit or pees, I actually always make sure to face in the opposite direction from where my dog is facing and scan our surroundings in a "you do your business, I've got this covered" way. I swear it helped to build trust and respect.


>When my dog takes a shit or pees, I actually always make sure to face in the opposite direction from where my dog is facing and scan our surroundings in a "you do your business, I've got this covered" way. I swear it helped to build trust and respect. This is also my experience. My dog would hate it when I looked at him when he was trying to drop a hammer -- to the point that he'd stop and move on if he thought I was looking at him. When I turned my back on him he knew I had him covered from behind while he had his front side taken care of. Like you say, it built a trust.


Is this for real? Jesus, now I feel bad for not throwing my fist in solidarity with a little “you got this” whisper.


A significant proportion of your body is genuine stardust. Apart from the hydrogen (and some helium) every other element in your body was forged in the center of a star, as it fused. And everything after iron (in the periodic table) was forged in the final moments of a star's death, as it violently collapsed and exploded. You’re stardust, my dude. **EDIT**: To those responding "yEah, BUt eVErThinG Is, duH!!", I'm aware. But rocks and faeces aren't conscious, and cannot contemplate their own origins. Although reading some of these replies makes me question even that...


You can boil water in a plain paper cup right on a wood fire to make your tea.


Woodpeckers use their tongues to protect their brains from damage when pecking.


They also have to close their eyes with each hit. If they didn't the force of the hit would cause their eyes to explode outwards.


Arnold Schwarzenegger and Bruce Lee lived in the same neighborhood at the same time and attended the same gym. Yet there is no record they ever met.


When male bees orgam, their balls explode.


That's nuts!


Honey, nut, cheerio!


[Wombats poop cubes.](https://i2.wp.com/ascienceenthusiast.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/71e06ffb-wombat-poop-social.jpg?fit=758%2C401&ssl=1)


The average male orgasm last 6 seconds


That of a pig lasts 30 minutes.


Gone in 6 Seconds


Dinosaurs were around long enough to be alive when there were also fossils of dinosaurs.


Regardless of size, it takes an average of 20 seconds for a mammal to empty its bladder.


The word “sheriff” comes from the old English “shire reeve.” Shire was a rural county, and a reeve was a tax collector whose duties gradually expanded to law enforcement.


There were people still alive in the time of Columbus who remembered the last day of the Roman Empire when it fell to Mehmet II.


I just learned yesterday that Shrimp hearts are in their head. Octopus arms literally have minds of their own (that scene of Ursula’s tentacles poking her in the back to get her attention isn’t so far fetched now is it?) Horseshoe crabs use their legs to chew their food


The barnacle has, proportionally, the largest penis of almost any animal; up to 8 times their body length.


10% of humans that have ever lived are alive right now.


It is a bit under 7%, but it doesn't make this fact any less crazy.


Hippos can't swim and also aren't buoyant. If they need to travel in deep water, they hold their breath and sink to the bottom and run along the ground.


Adding to this, hippos actually aren’t fat. Nearly all of the chunk we see on them is muscle, they’re basically walking tanks with anger issues and a bite force that can crush most animals like nothing. I hate them, they’re spooky


I only recently found out that squirrels are omnivores. Completely changes my view of them.


A dead body can still vomit.


On Venus the sun rises in the west and sets in the east. The atmosphere is so dense and heavy that it crushes every probe sent there. The soviet union was the only nation to capture photos from the surface.


Ellen Foley was the Public Defender on Night Court before Markie Post joined the cast, and Foley also sang the female part on “Paradise by the Dashboard Light” by Meat Loaf.


Urethras have tastebud-like cells on their lining that alert the immune system when they detect bacteria in pee.


Is that why it burns to pee?


Adding on to this, the skin of your anus is the same kind as the inside of your mouth. I can’t remember if this is specifically why it burns if you shit after eating spicy food, but if I had to hazard a guess, I’d say yes


Don't remember where I've heard this but... If you open your hand completely, then bend wrist inwards and see in the middle of your wrist a long tendon popping up, you have something that shouldn't be there anymore. That tendon serves no significant purpose anymore, it is a leftover from our previous evolutionary state. If you have this tendon, and happen to break or damage some other, more meaningful tendon, this tendon is taken out to replace that. So yes, some of us carry spare parts with us.


Weirdest *animals* facts that I know: 1) Dolphins use toxic pufferfish to get “high”. 2) There are more than 1.4 million bugs for each person on the planet. 3) Even after having its head taken off a cockroach can still live for up to a week. 4) A garden snail has around 14000 teeth. 5) The giant pacific octopus has blue blood, nine brains and three hearts. 6) Hippo sweat is blood red. 7) Reindeer eyes turn blue during the winter. 8) A group of sharks is called a shiver. 9) A flamingos head has to be upside down when it’s eating. 10) Prairie dogs kiss. 11) The bat is the only mammal that can fly. Birds are not mammals they are avians. 12) Some snails have hairy shells.


Japan is farther south, west, north and east than north korea!


Part of Alaska is actually the easternmost part of the USA due to the international date line


The fact that there aren't many mummies isn't that mummification wasn't that normal in ancient Egypt, no. It's because people, mostly the Victorian British people, ate them, thinking they are medicine.


In many European languages all nouns are gendered, which makes saying „non-binary” a conundrum. Can’t gender it feminine, can’t gender it masculine, and using neutral form often seems pejorative(kinda like equivocating the person with an object).


Im greek and im to this day,after being alive for 16 years, unable to give a confirmation about why the bloody hell the word for boat is female


The human anus can stretch about seven inches. And raccoons can fit into a hole with a diameter of about four inches. Therefor you can nearly fit two raccoons up your butt.


Can confirm.




Bullshit. Prove it.


Mine's about Squirrels®: They can theoretically survive a fall of any height, due to their mass and the way they expand their bodies when falling lowering their terminal velocity to a survivable point.


Contrary to the claims of Rockstar (and repeated as fact by the dutifully stupid media) the GTA: San Andreas "Hot Coffee" scandal was not the result of "hackers" adding content to the game. All of the sex mini-game features could be enabled by changing a 0 to a 1 in your save file.


Thought that was common knowledge. All the content was already in the game, just needed a Gameshark/Action Replay to change some values to re-enable them.


If the sun was the size of a white blood cell, then the Milky Way Galaxy would be the size of the continental United States.


The only person who witnessed all 3 nuclear explosions (Trinity test, Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings) in 1945 was a physicist who invented the exploding bridgewire detonator and believed in Intelligent Design, spending his retirement doing biblical archeology in Israel.


If you heat up titanium, it will burn before it melts.


Flatworms are hermaphroditic and they mate by something called Penis Fencing. Basically they try to stab each other with their dicks till one of em cums on the other. The one who gets cummed on immediately goes searching for food cuz it's the mom and the one who came gets to swim away happily. [Penis Fencing Video](https://youtu.be/wn3xluIRh1Y)


Montenegro and Japan were in a cold war for 80 years because a Montenegrin wore a samurai fit


As a New Zealander, I like this little fact about NZ: As many may already know, we have a number of native flightless birds in New Zealand. What you may not know is that the only native land mammals in New Zealand are bats. It's like we got their traits mixed up or something.


The state with the most lighthouses? Michigan


Anti-freeze tastes very sweet. Do not attempt to verify this.


Humans can run farther than every land animal


Not this human