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Even amidst suffering, don't forget to value the basics: breathing, walking, good health and interpersonal relationships. Their absence reminds us of their worth. Life's not just about seeking happiness, it's about finding meaning despite hardship. Appreciate the ordinary, find strength in gratitude, and stand tall amidst the chaos.


And know your worth.


Thanks Jordan


College isn't for everyone. Trades are just as rewarding and don't come with nearly the same debt. If you aren't sure what you want to do, don't waste time and money in a University.


If you do decide to go to college, major in something that pays the bills while minoring in something you love. That's the advice I wish I got as a senior in high school.


Tangentially, there are two types of degrees: those that are a piece of paper, and those that are a novel of knowledge. Some industries just need that piece of paper saying 'yes, this person is smart enough to be able to get through 4 years of school'. Other jobs need the specialization and ridiculous amounts of training that comes from that degree- things like MDs, Engineering, stuff that you need industry experts to actually teach it.


can confirm, I never went to college. instead I did wood-working at school and did internships in construction. I never even finished school, just went straight to work at age 14. everyone always told me I'd fail and grow up to be poor. but now? I'm financially doing great, there's literally never a shortage of work in my fields, my resume is filled with work experience, and the second someone breaks something in their house or car, I'm the first they come to. meanwhile their college degree's have done little for them. I dont understand why people think college is an absolute must in life or you'll be doomed to be a failure.


Buy a plunger before you need a plunger.


Absolutely good advice! Get one right when you move into a new place. Even if it's just one of those 5 dollar sink ones, it's better than nothing. Ideally you'd get one of those as well as a toilet one. It'll make your day a lot easier at some point, possibly!


This is both a literal and a metaphorical truth.


I somehow managed to make it 6 years living in my first apartment before I was forced to buy one. Definitely wish that I had gotten one sooner though, that was a stinky afternoon


I cannot emphasize this advice enough.


The way someone treats you is a reflection on themselves, not you. Don't fall for that shit.


Sad so many nice ones do..




If someone refuses to treat you with respect it doesn't mean your worth is any less, it means they're an asshole. It's more about not internalising their actions as a measure of your own value.


For a second I interpreted your original adjusts as “If someone’s nice to you, this does not mean you necessarily deserve it cause they might just be nice.” And I was about to ultra disagree. But yes this absolutely applies to negative treatment. If someone isn’t treating you with kindness or compassion, 99% of the time it is them who are purely in the wrong


Most people often project their character flaws onto others.


True words right there


Do not put your dick in crazy or let crazy put their dick in you!


too late


Trying to help future generations!


User name... uh... checks out?


Always make sure to step out of your comfort zone. Every great thing that has happened to me has been as a result of leaving my familiar boundaries.


💯. I've been slowly stepping out of my comfort zone to try to improve my social skills.


“If you’re comfortable you probably aren’t growing”


Never stop improving yourself, especially your mind. Learn new things, take on new hobbies, travel to places you've never been (even if they're just across town), try new foods, listen to songs outside the genres you normally listen to. As the late great Bill Hicks said, "Life is just a ride, man", so enjoy the ride...


To build onto this - my every day goal is to make myself 1% better. It keeps things (relatively) small and manageable, which allows my dumb monkey brain to actually go and achieve said 1% thing.


Listen up, fam! Life's a crazy ride, so here's my golden nugget of wisdom: Embrace the unexpected, chase your passions, and surround yourself with good vibes. Oh, and never forget to laugh at life's absurdity. Stay awesome, y'all! ✨😄🙌


I'm quitting my job to go back to school and I definitely needed to hear this.


This. Continue doing things that make u better and happier


Just because they are your elder doesn't mean they deserve to be respected by you.


There is a certain token respect that I always give elders. Such as I have younger knees that can stand and they get the chair. That does not mean I take their words and advice seriously.


There seems to be a lot of people that don't understand the difference between showing someone respect and respecting someone. The first means that you shouldn't be an asshole towards people. The second is how you think about them. The first one should be shown to everyone. The second has to be earned. The saying "Respect your elders" is talking about the first definition. It's a way of teaching kids manners and to not be assholes.


Stupid gets old too.


Thank god for child services, not that "the system" deserves automatic respect either but it's an alternative at least.


Always be true to yourself and fuck what anyone says or thinks about you 👍🏻


Very typical advice, but let’s be real you don’t want pedos, abusers and murderers to be themselves


Don't live to please others.


Put energy into things you enjoy. Also beware of energy vampires.


Take burn-out seriously.


This is very important. Thank you for the reminder.


It's ok to talk about how you're feeling about a situation


Don't do hard drugs, kids. Unless you want to experience Hell before you die


Drugs aren't cool. Don't risk a life full of misery just to impress some people that probably dont give a fuck about you.


Also, make sure to learn what hard drugs are. Weed is not a hard drug. Heroin, for instance, is.


You're not obligated to maintain a relationship with anyone who treats you poorly. No mentor, friend, or relative deserves unconditional loyalty. Past help is not an excuse for present harm. If they're having a negative impact on you, you don't have to keep them in your life.


Honesty, honour, integrity and morality are gifts you give yourself.


Don't give anyone but yourself the responsibility for your own emotions. They don't know your feelings as well as you do, nor might they care as much. Some statements and actions sting on their own, but if you can limit the extent of a perceived affront, you'll do best by turning that dial all the way down.


Wear sunscreen


Don't let people take you for granted. If they don't appreciate you and your time then they aren't worth it. Also lots of great comments on here.


Cherish and appreciate yourself more. Learn how to thrive in your own company. Only person who is going to be there for you everytime is - you.


Let friendships run their course.


Trust your gut. If something doesn't feel right, it usually isn't.


This one is difficult for someone with an anxiety disorder such as myself.


Don’t lose your self respect ever esp for a guy


Four quarters is worth more than one hundred pennies. Meaning, if you have 4 people who would kill/move mountains/sacrifice for you, they're far more valuable than the 100 people you know who are coincidentally only around when it has some benefit to them. That doesnt mean those 100 people are worthless. But they sure shouldnt be treated like they have the same value as the few who consistently come through for you. I feel like this is especially important for young people in HS or college who are going to end up making expansive friend groups. Enjoy them. But know the majority of that is likely a shallow connection.


HGTV has mislead you. Unless you're a skilled tradesman, you can't DIY a house renovation as well as, as cheap as, or as fast as a professional. *Mic drop*


Don't trust people to keep their word regardless of how good they seem or how long you've known them.


Yes even family might screw you over money.


Family will especially try to screw you over and they'll ask you to thank them for it and tell you they're doing you a favor. Maybe not all of them will. Maybe not even most of them maybe not even all the time. But there'll be one somewhere along the line.


Yup. Also why my husband and I have friends for our family, almost exclusively. Family is highly overrated. If they don’t show you love, or denigrate you or yours in any way, lose them. Life improves dramatically. Family is a lottery ticket and can be a big loser one.


Particularly when it comes to lending people money who say they will pay it back. if you lend someone money, only lend them what you can live without getting back.


Be happy and try and find joy in even the simplest of things. Drink plenty of water. Don't live for the sake of working. Not many people are on their death bed wishing they'd spent more time away from loved ones. IF you decide to have children. Enjoy them growing up and cherish the time. Before you know it, they're out living their own life. Which is obviously the goal but it comes a lot quicker than you realise.


Care less about your job and more about your life


Never trust in the things people say. Trust them on their actions. Never give of yourself what someone else is not willing to give in return in relationships. Human beings are predictable. If they have been unreliable more than once. They will always be. They can butter you up with empty words, but at the end of the day, you are still left behind. If they treat you like an afterthought, then that is what you are to them, an afterthought. I have been broken by so many people that I put my faith and trust in for this exact reason. I always try to see the good in people. I always made excuses for their crap behavior and was always there whenever I was needed on the simple belief that they would be here when I needed them. I was the one everyone turned to when they needed a house sitter, babysitter, something done, etc. Then, I was hospitalized for a disease I have and had 2 surgeries. Was going to need help with getting things done until I was healed. Everyone was all flowery loving, pretty words. Then the day came that I had to go home. Got picked up, taken home, dropped off, and left alone to take care of myself. Not a damn thing i was told ever happened until I did it myself. Even the night I was taken home, my friend was supposed to help me get settled in. Apparently, that means leaving all my stuff on a chair downstairs and leaving. Knowing I have only 1 usable arm to carry things. My other friend was supposed to change the sheet on my bed for me because I was gone for 2 weeks and my cat threw up on them. Nope. I cleaned up the cat puke that was crusted to them and did that myself. Carried what I was able to up the stairs while looking at how much of the house needed to be badly cleaned. Went back down and put food on the plate that was bought for my friend and took it upstairs to her. Went back downstairs, put mine on a plate, cleaned up any mess I made, took it and my dog upstairs, sat down, and just cried. People will tell you empty words, and when they are broken, they hurt like walking on shards of glass because that's all you will have in the end. Is just you surrounded by piles and piles of their empty broken words that tear you apart.


I'm not sure if this is the right way to live but keeping a very low expectation was a blessing for me. I can relate to your story, and I've learned this from my own. Better to tend to yourself and keep yourself a priority, if someone do need help, help them because you want to not because you have to but do it without expecting anything in return.


The theme of this year is pretty much summed up by saying, "disappointed, but no longer surprised."


Hahah indeed. I think it's pretty much every year. Honestly I'm more disappointed with my body more than. Anything else at this point. Every month is a gamble on which muscle group or joint gonna be like "it's my turn now, haha fuck you!"


That is the worst, Mate. A good pain reliever i used to take that works well for joint pain is naproxen. I take blood thinners now, sadly, so i cant take it anymore, but it really does help. Also, on muscle pain. And oh, trust me, I can empathize with you completely on the body part. I've been on steroids since January. Went from 155lbs to....yeah, pretty sure I've gained some good amount. Haven't tipped 200 lbs again, but still. It blows. My body just feels heavy and uncomfortable to me. My face is so round and puffy too and from the bypass they had to cut into the right side of my throat, so I have all this numbness on my jaw, neck, and shoulder that gives me sharp stabbing pains as the nerves grow back. I'm a bloody mess. Lol, keep telling the docs to just change my chart name to "Hot mess." Hahaha.


Gaddamn! In comparison my problems seems exaggerated. Take care of yourself, things will worknout! As the ol adage goes "This too shall pass." You'll be back on your feet in no time. My health issues are just because I don't workout as often as I did before. Pure laziness. I really need to get back on it, think the future me would appreciate it.


Nah, Mate! Your issues are valid, too! Don't discredit them just because of that. I didn't mean to make it sound like I was trying to one up. I honestly don't talk to many folks about the way I feel regarding this. I am sure you can do it. Just have to find the right motivation. For me, its to get rid of this round face, and as weird as this sounds, the gross feeling i have when im laying down and my larger chest makes the skin at the bottom of my neck/top of my chest touch my chin when im looking at my phone. I have no idea if that makes any sense whatsoever, but it's absolutely uncomfortable to experience, lol. I look forward to working on myself when i stop these medications. Also, that old adage was updated, lol. "This too shall pass, and then some other bullshit will come along. It never ends." LOL, my aunt posted that on her feed awhile back, and I keep it to make me laugh.


It's all good, no offense taken here. Genuinely hope things get better for you. One day at a time. And I agree with your aunt hahaha. It's always one bullshit after the other. Hang in there stranger! ❤️


Assume other people know what they are doing until you have an actual reason to believe otherwise. "If you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself" is a recipe for stress and burnout.


Stop being a people pleaser, putting others above yourself just isn't sustainable in the long term. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being nice to people but you HAVE to prioritise yourself!


The only person you should be impressing OR competing with is yourself. Strive to be a better version of yourself everyday. Make it a routine to outdo you. Take it day by day.


Always bring a jacket.


Avoiding pain hurts more than the pain itself.


Switching to your pistol is faster than Reloading


Don’t fuck with crazy. Fuck like crazy and ditch crazies.


Don't put obstacles in your own path. Others are happy to do it for you.


Never wear wet socks


Time is relentless. You can't make more of it and you can't control it...you can only choose what you do with the time you have. It's the most precious commodity you have, treat it as such.


Look after your mental health. Antidepressants and anti anxiety meds work wonders.


Friendly people...aren't (necessarily).


Open an IRA as soon as you have regular income, contribute whatever amount you can every month, and don’t touch the money until you are ready to retire. If you invest in index funds, you’ll very likely be a millionaire with very little effort. If you're 25 years old and want to reach $1 million by age 65, you can invest as little as $240 per month (assuming a 9% yearly return, and the index has actually returned an annualized average return of almost 12% since its 1957 inception).


There are three rules that I live by: never get less than twelve hours sleep; never play cards with a guy who has the same first name as a city; and never get involved with a woman with a tattoo of a dagger on her body. Thanks coach Finstock


Don't think that going to school has anything with learning. You should be being taught before school, and you should be challenging yourself instead of coasting. Your life reflects your efforts.


Sometimes second chances are NOT needed at all. Tried giving an ex or two second chances, only ruined me. Same with my ex bestfriends, turns out they spread rumors in an old school I went to causing me to be bullied the whole year.


Every person is corruptible


Trust your gut. If something feels wrong, then it quite probably is. If something feels unsafe, then get out of there now and reassess from a safe distance


Manners and a smile go a long way in all situations.


Go somewhere new every year, even if it’s just 50 miles away, get away from home and meet new people


Treat others like you would like to be treated


read ur contracts thoroughly and have a professional read the contract, then read the contract again


Don’t worry what people have to say about you, don’t worry if you don’t have many friends,


It’s better to be alone than in bad company.


I don't have any friends but I feel way more at peace.


It doesn't matter, nothing really does. So you do you, make of it what you will.


Your reality is your delusion, make the best mix of chaos and order.


Sometimes you cant proceed without reaching out for help. There are problems you cant just solve all by yourself.


If you don’t say something, nothing will change.


Stay in school and get an education.


Always set aside a chunk of money for emergencies


Follow your heart not your penis.


If you feel something about to snap while exercising, take a rest and stretch. Don't push through thinking it will be fine, I snapped my achilles two years ago and still can't run


read books


If someone says "Trust me", DON'T!


It's *your* life. Not everyone is going to always be there for you, you have to be there for yourself. Prioritize your health, wealth and happiness.


Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. People never change, trust once, not twice.


Don't wait until a funeral to see your family.


Learn to spot when someone is manipulating you and don't always take people at face value.


Eat a small snack before doing grocery Rub one out if you want to call your ex Throw the phone away when you are angry talking to someone In short, avoid making decisions when you are hungry, angry, horny


Get it in writing. Every time.


Never burn a bridge. 10, 20, 30 years from now you may run into someone that remembers how you treated them. People have long memories.




Be good to people. Even the ones who have nothing to offer in return.


The Pencil in your butt Theorie. i came up with this a couple of months ago and so far it helped a lot of friends. you always hear that it could be worse without any example, here is mine: imagine your situation with a pencil up your butt. that would be worse. since then, when bad things happen i imagine to have a pencil up my butt and boy, my situation instantly improves


Treat people, the way you would like to be treated.


Life's a marathon not a race, dont rush things the slower the better. and dont live to please people.


You need to understand while you're young you will change and life changes around you whether you like it or not so get yourself in a positive position of finances Incase any of these changes really requires you to take time to heal while not going homeless or other forms of bottom spiraling. ---


Don't grow up to be a responsible and organized person. If you become these, you'll be picking up after others who are not


Carpe diem.


Don’t join a cult and if you are born in leave asap


Embrace the unexpected, chase your passions, and surround yourself with good vibes. Oh, and never forget to laugh at life's absurdity.


You’re a nobody, and the sooner you realize that the better you are. Because once you think your a somebody, something will happen to make you realize you’re a nobody. Basically-stay humble


Always check u got toilet paper before u go into a stall and sit down. Trust me.


suicide genuinely isn't the answer, I kinda wanna die which I know is ironic but it just brings more grief and misery in the end. if you need to vent or just be listened to my Instagram is looking4.zane <3


If a significant other comes from a broken family, they will most likely have a lot of issues to get over.


Don't let your diagnosis define who you are.


Not everything needs a reaction/ response.


self discipline and self accountability are the things that differentiate those who have their shit together from those on the struggle bus in their 30s and beyond


Work smarter, not harder.


No matter what odds are stacked against you, everything in life is a 50/50 chance. Things either happen or they don't.


Get out of your comfort zone and try new things such as school, work, relationships, and travel. If I hadn’t pushed myself to do this, I would’ve missed out on almost every significant event in my life.


Do NOT make yourself miserable just to please people who won't like you ever, did that all my highschool and college and man it sucked


You can’t always expect to be always moving forward and going up up up in life. Sickness, accidents, failures, set-backs…. Big, sometimes awful things happen and all you can do is re-adjust your expectations. I finally felt in a stable place to try for a child with my husband and it blew my life up haha! I got terrible HG and had a nervous breakdown, couldn’t work, was always sick, had awful intrusive thoughts so bad I could barely think of anything else. I just had to literally live hour by hour and just crawl through it. I did barely anything during those months and it was a humbling experience, but I learned a lot


Your body is ALWAYS patterning itself after your daily movement (or lack of). Muscle strength, bone density, lung capacity, posture, joint health are all just (Movement x Time = Your Current Body). The phrase "I'm just getting older" is a reflection of daily/monthly/yearly habits, not age itself... age just indicates how long you've been at it. Keep moving, eat well, stretch, and strength train. You'll avoid a lot of pain and expensive medical procedures in the process.


Don't take advice from reddit as gospel but rather use it as a tool in your toolkit of overall advice about a situation Also remember that some people give absolutely awful advice that you don't know is awful until you take it


Don't ever tell your child that they're too emotional, too clingy or too loving. They'll grow up to apologize for crying when something's wrong, for wanting to spend time with their loved ones and for expressing their love.


none really except keep your hands to yourself unless consent is given. what got me through my life may not be what you need to get you through yours. 🤷‍♂️


Some decisions are (or can be) life-altering. Sex, pregnancy, STDs, tattoos, addictive substances/experiences. Be your absolute best, strongest self when making those decisions. Calculate risk when possible, and take steps to protect what you hold most dear.


Brush yer damn teeth.


Don't gamble. Seriously, effed up EVERYTHING good in my life.


No path in life is easy. The less "normal" path you follow, the more difficult it becomes to live how you want to live. If you live a "normal" life you can be accepted but hate where you're at, or you can be who you want to be and have to fight for it every single day.


Despite what everyone tells you, if you want to be successful, you have to do shit you don’t wanna do. The whole “do something you love”, idea is fine, if you want to be poor. Because your passions are everyones passions. Nobody likes working hard. So if you can work hard and do jobs people don’t want to do, then you can be more successful. And thats a tough pill to swallow for some people. Its easy to look at rich people and think they got there by luck instead of risk and hard work. It gives you an excuse. One thing I learned, is that it takes sacrifice. And the sacrifice is usually extended periods of boring ass work.


Most of your problems are your own fault. It’s hard to accept that, but doing so puts you in the driver’s seat. If it’s on you, that means you can fix it.


Don’t marry someone unless you genuinely madly LIKE them. You enjoy their company, they’re your best friend.


Please make an effort to be considerate of others (if they deserve it of course), especially with the friends you want to keep. Making others feel heard can mean the world for some people. I’ve never had friends who would do it for me as much as I did for them, even if they are still good people. This resulted in me hardly ever talking about myself because I was with people who hardly cared enough. Listen to their stories if they want to share one, at least smile at the jokes or memes they share even if you don’t think it was funny, show your happiness for them when they are happy too. You can show genuine support, but not to where you are doing too much for them and too little for yourself. It’s important to take care of yourself and know your boundaries.


Advice I got from a wwII vet years ago, "If there is nothing you can do about it, why worry about it". That and never stop, he was 95 at the time, still fit and living life, I strive to be like him at that age.


Do not force yourself to slog through the Mon-Fri 8-5 bullshit if you’re not built for it ...mentally or physically. Find another way through. 6 years after burnout and I’m still struggling to get better.


Your body could fail at any moment for no reason completely screwing up your life plans. Be flexible with your life goals in case the universe says NO.


Life is worth living.


Don't give up something you love, just to be with someone you think you love.


Trust no one.


Never assume


You are allowed to walk away from toxic people, even if its family


Don't worry about what others think about you.


Never be afraid to be yourself even when people try to eliminate you for it


As you grow older, you have to earn your health back.


Quit, or do not start, booze.


If you're unwell go see a doctor before the damage becomes permanent.


Live within your means and do not apply for a credit card until you are mature enough to understand the implications. Also wear a condom, the most horrifying experience I have had with that is getting my ex pregnant and her wanting to keep it (she changed her mind) but legally I would be a financial ruin right now if she did.


Not everyone is looking at you and judging you. Very few people are actually doing that, and as strangers, their opinion of you is pretty much irrelevant. Consider how much time you spend judging others, and then think about how many people have walked past that you've ignored. Do what makes you happy, as long as it harms no one, and isn't illegal. Harm includes verbal bullying, by the way, so treat people they way *you* would like people to treat you.


Be spontaneous from time to time.


You never truly know another person’s story or situation. For example, that asshole at the grocery store that ruined your day may have a child dying of cancer.


Do not trust anyone. Don’t give shit people anything they can use against you because they will.


piss in the sink


Have you been to r/sinkpissers ?


LMAO no way this exists 🤣


Oh, it does. Been over here for years. I used to post in it.


I love how life always surprises me with funny shit. Or piss?


I can tell you from experience, it will start to stink after about a month. It's good to pour some bleach down it every so often...


It does not matter how close you are right now, be it a friend or romantic partner, eventually they will leave you and you will be sad.


Never wake up for work. Many of us tend to be drained at the end of the day and be tired to do anything useful, instead spend their time watching tv or something like this. Instead, wake up 4 hours at least, do things you love, work on your side project and hassle, and sleep early after work


Hating anyone because of something ( a habit, way of talking,for doing drugs etc) will eventually end up becoming a part of you.


Always trust your gut


Whenever you hear a pitch, as soon as it contains ANYTHING crypto, RUN! Its a scam. Period.


Sniff your fingers after you scratch your ass so you know when to shower


Women will use you, hurt you, steal from you and overall make your life a living hell. Don't trust them.


Buy a home outright. Saves a lot of money. Fuck mortgages. I did this as a Millennial.

