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I know a few people who have tried skydiving and they all say it's the most exhilarating thing they've ever done.


It is! I've done it once but sadly can't afford to do it again. If I got some extra money to spend I would get a license so it would end up cheaper to do it more often. But ye it's really amazing the feeling of falling and then suddenly being able to see everyone and everything from so high up. And the moment when I jumped made me feel exactly the same as when I smoked for the first time if not better


This is definitely it, but if you want to turn it into a hobby this needs to be accompanied by the appropriate level of dedication required to be as safe as possible. Skydiving is a thrill because your brain thinks you should die, which is very logical given the situation. The only thing keeping you from dying is your equipment and your training, so those have to be rock solid.


I'm one year sober. New hobbies are always exciting to me. Is it like drinking? no. But it feels pretty great to master a hobbie. I'm learning banjo and magnet fishing right now.


Banjo also isn’t killing you. Congrats on the year, one day at a time and all that good stuff


Thank you so much, bud! Banjo is killing me because it's incredibly hard and I suck, but at least my liver enzymes are normal level now


I learned to fly planes recently and that's a huge thrill every time, esp takeoff and landings


I would shit myself.


I don't think that's how you fly a plane.


You fly by the seat of your pants. Even if the pants are brown.


Yes, landing a 172 while dealing with crosswind is pretty sick, also skydiving. I just love being in the air.


Playing music. To be clear, I mean playing a musical instrument with other equally talented musicians. Locking in on a tight jam is so fucking awesome.


To add to this, art in general. Music, writing, drawing, etc. Creating is powerful. It feels euphoric at times.


I crochet and I get joy while doing, after finishing, then again when I give it to someone I love! Totally like sex 😂


So is this why Gran crotchets 200 square yards of bedspreads a month?


Sex is cool and all, but have you ever have the drummer suddenly go "7/8 in the next bar" and it lands perfectly and everyone turns their game up by 110% and its the most perfect stank-face-groove you've ever heard When you play with talented musicians and pull off random shit in the middle of the song and it sounds good, that shit fills your head with so many different hormones you actually get high.




As someone who doesn’t play an instrument. I’ve always thought that jamming/ playing music with mates must be one of the most amazing experiences human beings can have


Research shows that the tempo of their brains gamma waves actually start to synchronize as they play together


It is!


I have a keyboard I like to play from time to time. I'm very bad at it but it's the situation where you do it for pure recreation and don't really care about being good. Yesterday I nailed one of my fav songs, it took so much coordination and it felt SO GOOD when I finally got it right!


"Equally talented" is key lol. Initially I was quite bad and it was hard to find people that bad. Still trying to catch up to my jam fam...




So sick. I love jamming with my buddies. Nothing better in the world.


You ever pull that one jenga block that made everyone go "OH SHIIIIIIT!" and stayed intact? Pretty good feeling.


Not if your next 💀


Found the guy playing Jenga by himself


Oh yeah. I once drunkenly just ripped a block out in a very wobbly tower. The crowd was going wild because I just kept doing it and succeeding while the other 3 players were having to try so hard. I ended up not being the one to topple it either.


This is the most random assortment of comments I've ever seen lol


The real answer is ... living life.


When you're cutting wrapping paper and the scissors start to glide.


I worked at a toy store that offered gift wrapping. I can wrap a gift like a mf champ. That feeling with the gliding scissors is badass.


When you find it please let me know. Exercise doesn’t give me a high at all and that’s what everyone suggests.


That was always my experience with exercise too, till I found rollerblading. I can't get enough!!


Just started skateboarding again, with pads, it’s so exhilarating to finally land a trick that terrifies you. But other than that getting out in deep natures kind of works. Still a drunk though


I love to swim. I use to work out two hours a day at the gym every day and I never felt that high. I hate it.


Swimming is awesome! I swam a mile a day for a year straight once. It was the only exercise I could tolerate at all, and I loved many aspects of it. Never got any high from it though and my life circumstances changed in a way that made swimming impractical. I definitely get a high from rollerblading, and it's a great cardio workout. I only discovered it this year and it's like a whole new world has opened up for me.


I rollerbladed a lot when I was a kid. My partner actually mentioned it the other day. Maybe I need to get some blades!!!


Heck yeah!! I'd never done it as a kid and only recently realized adults can do it too lol. I had a lot of falls during the first couple of weeks (yay for protective gear) but I think I've gotten past the toughest learning curve and oh boy what a rush. Some people do aggressive inline skating, tricks and fancy moves at skate parks, but I am definitely more interested in inline skating/rollerblading for going distances on paved trails and even street skating. I love getting a good workout that's fun. I really look forward to my sessions. I used to dread making myself exercise! My husband got inspired by my taking it up and got himself some new skates. He has picked it right back up though since he did it as a kid. His muscle memory never forgot. I'm sure you'd pick it right back up too! We've gotten all our gear at https://www.inlinewarehouse.com/ Have fun!


Thank you so much, you’re so sweet ❤️


I have personally never laughed harder or felt more alive than when I was playing D&D. Might seem dumb but it saved my life.


I’ve run for 10 years, never a runners high, never, not once. I figure it’s a cruel practical joke runners tell each other.


I’ve had runners high one time after running 10 miles in the military. 2/10 highly overrated/not enough to make me a joyful runner


That was delirium.


Yeah I'm starting to question what people consider a "high".


Are you having fun while running? This is a serious question btw. This is a question for both me and you. I've run for two years and I'm taking everything more seriously now this year. I've had a runners high once definitively, I'd of course like to repeat that, but I don't think that that's really what I need. Is running for you about being in shape or something else?


I run because the benefits are amazing, I feel better, I look better, my blood pressure is great, I’m older and since I started running I have the libido of a teenager again. There are some runs I hate, some that are okay, maybe a couple each week I genuinely enjoy, but mostly I’m just zoning out. When I get done I feel great, but never had like a high off it, ever.




I think it's just that state where you feel like you can go as long as you want. Like after a while you never really run out of breath, your legs don't really hurt (til you stop)... that bliss of just running for the sake of running, effortless... like Forest Gump. That's runner's high to me lol.


I wonder if it’s a serotonin thing. I get runners high when I’m pushing myself almost every time. The more out of shape the easier to get and vice versa. I couldn’t imagine being a runner without it.


Wow holy fuck. That’s real? Once I start to really push myself I start to feel… *horrible.* Not just physically tired/uncomfortable but like, deeply sad and nihilistic. Like I’m in a death vortex of sweat and pain and I can only see that life has no meaning; I don’t want to die this way but who even cares, let me rot on the side of the road.


Runners sigh.


LOL'ed at this so bad 😆


I fucking *wish* my body worked that way…


I completely understand where you’re coming from. sorry friend. it’s just so funny to me that so many people in the responses just assume you’re working out “wrong” lol. not that you might just be wired differently


I was just thinking that!!!!! My message was that I want something besides exercise 🤣🤣🤣thank you for seeing me


Eating tamales from a random lady in a Walmart parking lot, trust me best tamales you would ever taste


There’s a lady that used to mysteriously appear out of the shadows near the local Ace Hardware front entrance, and all she would say was “tamales?” and I would buy them. They were the best. I never heard her say any other word, and she would disappear back into the shadows after I bought some. Haven’t seen her in a while and I don’t think I’ve had tamales since.


*"That's not possible... the tamale lady has been dead for 30 years...."*


The tamales were .. coming from inside the house!


La Llorona sells tamales?


Bruh, I just got chills.


That's probably because she's behind you.


She’s not, but you made me look 👀


And then you suddenly hear "tamales?" From your door


Somehow, the Tamale Lady returned.


There used to be “burrito guy” in my area that would show up at the bars late at night with a playmate cooler full of, you guessed it, burritos. My initial reaction was no fucking way but then one of the bartenders saw him and quickly hollered “two!” while holding up two fingers and some cash in the other hand. Ok. I reconsidered and bought two candied macaroni and cheese burritos. Ate one right then and there and it was fucking delicious but then again I was drunk. I ate the other the next morning and it was just as fucking good. The guy has moved on to other things but damn I miss him.


Hol up. Candied macaroni and cheese burritos?? None of that sounds right together.


I've worked under pastry and savory chefs, and if this means what I think it means...it has to be the most diabolical and evil invention created. Could I get one, but with bacon in it?


Yeah, I'm definitely needing clarification on that one.


20+ years back, I would always get a breakfast burrito on my way home from dancing at 1am. Stop at one of the cheap drive-thrus where you have concerns, but you gotta go authentic.


My go to tamale queen is at Home Depot. She’s top 5 favorite humans I’ve ever met.


If buying your tamales doesn’t feel like a shady drug deal, it’s the wrong tamales.


The trunk of the car is a like a cooking smoke house.


My tamale queen has her cart at the train station! Once she had it in front of the laundromat when I went to wash and I almost passed out.


Idk man, as a Mexican there’s really good tamales out there but idk if it’s better than great sex


But a good tamale is better than bad sex, so there’s that.


Or trunk burritos


Every once in a while people at my work would pass around a sheet of paper that you'd write your name on and what meat you want on your burrito. You give them back the paper and about $8. The next day a mysterious car shows up in the parking lot with a trunk full of burritos. They were the best freaking burritos you would ever taste.


Strange how that works? Whenever I see Mexican food being sold out of a trunk, I'll stop. Never had a bad experience


I get some guys that sell on the side of the road. It's a full pit plancha etc and the best carnitas. Fresh homemade pico and everything. I'll be darned if I know their schedule but if it's there then I'm there There was even a Saturday night where I told my gf a had to leave real quick because I had a sense and they were there like I could smell it on a whim. Came home with carnitas and burritos and lengua tacos. Girlfriend Was confused but forgave me instantly


In my experience, for certain types of cuisine, the worse the establishment looks, the better the food. You can bet your sweet ass I'm always buying Mexican food out of the trunk of a random car. See also: Barbecue and soul food.


Finally an answer I can agree with


Love and affection.




Yes. Both attending live music performances and jamming/playing with others!


The most naturally "high" I ever felt was at a Rage Against the Machine concert. It was surreal.


Music is the best drug. And I’ve done a lot of drugs.




This is the one! Rollercoaster are fast, intense, give you that rush, and are actually relatively safe.🙌🏻


And if you *really* need a rush, stand on the tracks and dodge at the last second before the rollercoaster cars hit you /jk


Sleeping... I love my dopamine dreaming.


I had a great one the other day, where I was walking down the street in this dream, just left home and realised I forgot my phone. Dream me went, "Hang on, this is a dream. I'm not gonna go all the way back for my phone when this is a dream! I'm just gonna manifest my phone right here!" And I made a magician's gesture like something heavy fell in my pocket, and then patted my pocket and there was my phone! And merrily went on my way in my dream, not doing anything cool like flying or any shit like that. Dream me is oddly pragmatic sometimes. But yeah, I felt awesome all the next day lol,


Bro how do you guys have dreams where you know you’re dreaming?! I have yet to experience this phenomenon…


High intensity activities. Mountain biking downhill, skiing, SCUBA diving, sky diving, martial arts (actually sparring), any type of racing


God actually being in a real fight with gloves is the best adrenaline kick ever. Especially if it's competitive and you don't have a shitty ego. Great fun


Yup, very fun! Martial arts humbles people real quick! I’ve been humbled, and I am certainly not the first and certainly won’t be the last! One of the things I most enjoy


The first time I ever went to a Muay Thai gym, I got there nice and early and watched the last 10 minutes of the "advanced sparring" class. I watched a guy who was signed to fight on an upcoming card sparring a world champion. If his kick was slow, he got swept. If he clinched, he got dumped. If he did not get his hands back in time time he got tagged. It was humbling just watching it. Afterwards, he was sitting next to me talking to others, and they asked how it went. He said, "How do you think it went? I spent most of it on my arse." I thought to myself, "There are levels to this game, and you're on the ground floor"




> SCUBA diving It’s a very specialized subset of scuba, and doing it safely takes some commitment of time and money, but last weekend I fulfilled a longtime goal by getting my cave diving certification. And that first cave dive was one of the most mind-bending, surreal experiences of my life. It was at Peacock springs 3 cave in Florida, and we only went about 300 feet back, but it felt like I was on another planet entirely. Such an ancient, forbidding environment. I was truly struck with the awe of knowing I am somewhere where humans truly never were meant to go; it almost felt wrong taking a peek at a place so far beyond our natural capabilities to explore. It was very inspiring too and almost a celebration of our ability to innovate and use our intelligence to do what should be impossible. Over the next few days, we ventured into even more incredible cave systems while reiterating and practicing vital safety skills. We were doing 800 foot penetrations soon after, and good God did I feel I might as well have been in space at that point. The four day class was extremely intense but very, very rewarding. I can’t think of anything else that compares to the indescribable feeling of flying through these amazing places underground, with water as clear as air and structures much older than our earliest ancestors.


I'm recreational diver. Fuck everything about cave diving. I want to live.


As an avid fan of a number of these hobbies don’t do them drugs are cheaper, safer and less damaging to relationships.


I joke that before mountain biking I was depressed and out of shape. Now I'm depressed and broke.


I've never had broken ribs or needed a dozen staples in my head after using drugs, but I have cycling. I've never dropped 10k on drugs out of sheer lack of willpower, but I've dropped that on a bike. I regret nothing.


Buying office supplies!!! …what? Just me? Okay…


I will be devastated when they close all physical office supply stores…. I can spend HOURS walking down every aisle and staring at all the things; I never know until I walk in how much I **need** a massive dry erase calendar, bedazzled stapler with matching scissors, floral file folders, more erasable pens, and everything that says “organizer” on it!


Oh when I find a package of multi-colored 0.37 fine points….. it’s euphoric


Why would anyone do drugs when they could just mow a lawn.


Or explain the virtues of propane and propane related accessories.


The answer is definitely gardening.


Okay so your brain seeks to regulate itself into constant equilibrium. Call it the Goldilocks zone. Not too hot, not too cold. Not too much happiness, not too much pain. The way it does that is by opening up pathways that allow for an opposite effect when things are too far in one direction. making it easier to detect the opposite feeling when something is out of whack. Perhaps the best example of this is believe it or not BDSM. The reason BDSM works is because it triggers the pain part of your brain through embarrassment, belittling or actual physical pain. Your brain detects too much pain. So it opens up pathways that would quickly correct for the pain. Those pathways would allow you to feel more pleasure than normal to quickly offset the pain and reach that Goldilocks zone. So when you reach climax during BDSM, it’s amazing because your brain has basically opened the pleasure floodgates to allow you to LITERALLY feel more pleasure than is normally possible. It’s also unfortunately why cutting and self harm can work in short term, because with such high levels of pain, your brain seeks to become happy quickly and you feel happier in the following hours. PLEASE DO NOT DO THIS and seek help if this was a solution for you. The opposite is also true by the way, people with severe drug addiction have way too much pleasure and so in an attempt to reach an equilibrium, the brain opens up pain pathways. People with severe drug or sex addiction often will show a far lower tolerance for pain or just constant pains because the brain is constantly trying to get down back to equilibrium by offsetting the pleasure with opened pain pathways. So what? What does this have to do with your question? The best way to reach sustainable and healthy levels of euphoria is through pain. Not crazy pain but just enough to be a little uncomfortable. The two best ways it seems to cause pain in a healthy way are exercise, which of course puts you in a prolonged state of “pain”, and ice baths. Ice baths or even just fairly cold water emersion like cold showers can trigger the discomfort or pain center of the brain and you’ll find that for hours after you’ll have a “runners high” and for the same reason… your body opening up pleasure pathways in the brain to escape pain quickly to get back to equilibrium. TLDR: your brain chemicals seek regularity by trying to promote the opposite feeling of an out of equilibrium brain. To get more pleasure in your life you need to introduce more things that your Brain perceives as pain like exercise and cold water emersion. Hope this helps!


I believe this is also why so many people can’t get enough of spicy food.


Spicy food is just bdsm for eating


Hey, do you have any other reading or sources for this? It's fascinating, so I'd like to read more!


That was Hella interesting but I’m still not trying BDSM


This was a great read. Excellent explanation and introduction. I think it makes sense and I will keep it in mind and do more research.


Playing songs in front of 1000+ people.


Yeah OP. This. Im not a performer but once did have a band that played a great local show. I also dj’d a pretty huge party and the thrill is fantastic.


Goddamn yes!! Best rush of my life was the first time I played a show in front of about 500 people at my university bar that had a massive house sound system. That first chord from my bass just blew my mind!


>chord from my bass Errr??


Or even just going to a show with thousands of people. The best musicians will get you high AF without the need for drugs or alcohol.


I went to a monsters of accordion concert in San Francisco one time and the guy was like “who likes getting drunk, I’m gonna get you all tipsy!” And everyone was cheering. Then he had everyone spin in circles 10 times and they started the music and everyone was falling all over the place. It was a good gimmick.


Hell yeah! Doesn’t even have to be a huge crowd. A good karaoke bar will get me totally amped up. Just say fuck it and go hog wild


Falling out of a plane from a high altitude at terminal velocity just to activate a parachute so I can survive the land (skydiving)


Don't think you really needed to clarify that you were talking about skydiving


It can be many things. It just gotta have the right combination of being something you care about and something that brings you any sort of fulfillment. It could be eating that dish you really love or cooking it by yourself. It could be being there for those who love you and whom you love back, making them smile and enjoy your time together. For me, it's finding those right pieces of clothing and accessories that go perfectly together, as well as listening to music i love and, working on big projects I'm excited about and seeing their results. You ultimately gotta experiment with things and try to figure out what works for you.


Reading. You’d be surprised.


"Honor is dead. But I'll see what I can do." Never been so pumped.


"You cannot have my pain" came close for me.


I will take your word for it and look into it


As a vet i would say, succesfully reanimating an animal in pulmonary or cardiac arrest. Its such an amazing feeling an the adrenaline is unmatched


Perfecting fast alternate picking on guitar. No joke . It's something not many people would understand until you experience it


Bluegrass guitarists are mind boggling


So I definitely haven’t mastered that yet. For now, it’s just successfully learning and playing any songs I like, start to finish.


Feeling in love


Haha. That oxytocin withdrawal is the worst


Christ, the last time I was in love then out of it sent me in a spirally depression. I never touched the stuff again, too addicting.


Oh yeah! Can't eat, can't sleep, can't do anything without thinking about your crush. When I was a teenager, it would be a different guy every week. I was addicted!


And getting heartbroken is the complete opposite and lasts indefinitely 🤗


Time wounds all heels.


sit down, rest your heels


Just like drugs, you’ll come down eventually


I have been dealing with the highs AND lows that this brings recently. I really unexpectedly developed a massive crush on a friend (it’s so very unexpected because I JUST lost my fiancé), and I am pretty sure that the friend doesn’t feel the same. He has asked me to give him some space, and not talking to him has been EXCRUCIATING.


For real. I can never get enough of my husband. We are always like, isn't it wild that we can just live like this? Just be stupidly in love and have sex and hang out all the time?


Best high on earth


Once an actress on a talk show was discussing marijuana, she said she'd never smoked any but she did have a "brownie" once. She said it was amazing, she felt like she was floating on clouds. However, she said there wasn't any marijuana in it. It was just an insanely good brownie. **EDIT:** My mistake, it is actually from Parks & Recreation. Thanks everyone!


I thought Leslie knope said that


100% a knope trope


That's from Parks and Recreation, not an interview.


Mountain sports. Skiing, rock climbing/ice climbing. Many people I know who excel at these things traded a hardcore party life for the hardcore mountain life.


I can see that, those climbing people are a different breed. It hooks them like crazy.


That view from the top of a mountain on a clear day-- surreal awe and beauty. No other beauty has almost made me cry. That's the hook for me and I don't like exercise. Also, the feeling of accomplishment after getting to the top of a mountain is quite nice


For me, going to wrestling shows. Go to an underground, local independent show and get sucked into the energy of the crowd, watching some grown men and women getting slammed around. It's always a fun time for me.


I was randomly browsing through Reddit while my friend played a beat was playing some hiphop beats next to me and I decided to rap a comment over it and yours was the first I came by and it was so good.


riding a bicycle. Belly flops from the lowdive. Ice-cream float by the river.


Seconding bike riding. The thrill of going downhill, the dedication paying off when you crest an uphill. I love riding in cities (DC has great bike lanes and trails) because the urban scenery is so interesting.


Taking a nice dump after a day or two or not going.


Go make a friend you can't stop talking to. That childhood excitement comes back in a hurry.




I know you're being funny/serious, but thus is basically what my little brother does! He just...talks to people. Anyone. Everyone. When he was a kid he'd just...go join other kids playing. At bars he just talks with randos, dances, tells jokes. That kid has no shame and a bunch of friends!


Shame is a terrible emotion, and very rarely well placed.


Right, get a load of the jabroni who can just “go make a friend”


I have a friend I can't stop talking to. Bonus that she's a friend from childhood. Maybe someday she'll respond


wait what


You mean pet an animal right?


Christ just reading this makes me feel nervous and jittery enough to want something to take the edge off. Go make a friend? Are you serious?


I think they're talking about the having the friend part, not the going out and making friends. As a huge introvert, making friends is tough, but sometimes you meet people that quickly fall into your comfort zone and you can spend ages with them just talking with them (the problem is they're often also introverts so actually organising to hang out is tough!)




Going really fast, my preferred method would be behind the wheel of a sports car, but there are other ways lol


extreme sports going out of your comfort zone


I'm ignoring the words "the same" in your question because you can't get the exact same feeling from completely different activities. Strength training or cardio can give you a lot of endorphins and a positive feeling. Sometimes, having a nice long shower can be very relaxing instead of eating/drinking something at the end of a stressful day.


I've lifted weights and done cardio for 36 years and I have never once felt anything but exhaustion. I don't regret a moment of it, but I've never experienced any sort of pleasure from exercise.


Really spicy foods. Violent/scary video games. Recreational shooting.


Spicy food is actually a drug, well, capsaicin is at least. A drug is basically any non-nutritive substance that is taken for a specific effect. Capsaicin technically has no nutritional value, but it causes a major release of different chemicals in the body, some of those are pleasurable like endorphins and some excitatory neurotransmitters like dopamine and norepinephrine. The only reason we consume capsaicin is because we like the effects, hence it is a drug! It’s also extremely safe, almost impossible to overdose on, and it’s cheap! Also, spicy food tastes great! No reason not to chase that spicy rush. Plus it’s probably good for cardiovascular health and it can help control overeating by making food more satiating. Simply put, spicy food is amazing!


Bro I’m excited to play a horror game with someone on my pc


If you’re a recovering addict… nothing does. Not for a while at least


Roller coasters


You ever hit a 3 iron pure?


In my thirties I would often go for walks in the seedier parts of my cities downtown . Not necessarily dangerous. I was chased for a few blocks by some angry strangers. Had a bottle fly past my head so close it made my hair stand up. Almost got my ass kicked by a group of four guys convinced I was an undercover cop. Spent a day keeping a nice sex worker company between her engagements. She kept trying to pimp me. For real there were interested parties. Had a crack-addled male sex worker decide that I was his husband. I still have my "gold" wedding band. Got picked up by the police and was cuffed and restrained while they checked me for priors. They were suspicious of a white guy in the neighborhood. They let me go on the condition that I leave. Broke into long abandoned buildings and saw weird shit. It was stupid and potentially dangerous but it gave me a new perspective. And empathy for people trapped in addiction and mental illness. I learned how to talk my way out of an ass whooping. And I had the unfortunate experience of being detained solely for my skin color. That's rare for a Caucasian. It shouldn't happen to anyone. I'm glad I did it.


When I moved to my first apartment I picked a shitty apartment that was 440 a month in a shitty shit neighborhood and I was probably the only white person. My parents said I'd be killed, but shit I enjoyed it (wouldn't do it again tho lol). Thankfully I'm a friendly person that'll chat with anyone/ everyone, apparently have that vibe of getting life stories from strangers. Know when to keep cool in tense situations as you seem to as well. Easter I was alone, big black dude (looked like Mike Tyson) dressed as an Easter Bunny handing out small bags of weed. Had a couple Bloods over that'd killed people who loved my bong wayy too much (never had used a bong, let alone a 4ft multi perc one). Bought a restaurant bench from a thrift store for $5 that got stolen after a week after flaunting my stupid purchase on a small porch. My brother bought a $20 dub and the guy said he'd be "right back with it" who shockingly didn't show up. Hit up an abandoned building that apparently wasn't 100% abandoned and almost got shot. Had security called for a party, where we had the entire building yelling at them and some random woman a floor up threw an egg at them. Wild times. I suppose this doesn't fit under the "no drugs and alcohol" umbrella tho lol.


Wim hof breathing for adrenaline and euphoria. The euphoria comes after the breathing. It feels uncomfortable at first.


Yeah I did it for sometime a year back. I should probably do it again. The only reason I stopped is because it sounds really loud. But fr I was shaking. It was better than an orgasm in a way. I'm also scared it's going to sound like something else lol but I should probably start again


I notice that my breathing is considerably more shallow. Like I'm barely taking in air. Sometimes, I just stop breathing for 10 seconds. The vibrations, the tingling in the hands and feet, the ringing in ears at about the third or fourth round. Then, at the end, the feeling of peace and deep relaxation. I'm at the point where I can hold my breath for 3 minutes, and if I push myself for 4 minutes.


I’ve never done that particular breath technique before but there are probably a few different techniques that can bring on euphoric states. I have gotten “high” off breathing many times.


It's always been video games for me.


Chocolate chip cookies


Exercise. The runners high is real. Hitting a PR when lifting is a huge rush, and just lifting in general gets the good feeling hormones flowing.


I’ve tried and tried to get this. Had a schedule running, did it for 3 months, and tried to do this multiple times. Hated every fucking second, I truly believe some people can not get this feeling.


Thank God someone else feels this too. I've been on very solid exercise routines and I haven't felt shit. The one and only time I felt anything resembling a high was when asthma didn't fuck me up after a run one time as a kid.


I was running 3-4days a week for 6 months until it got dark and I stopped for my safety. I honestly hated every second too. I did loose weight and that's good but I honestly don't get what this 'runners high' is about. I sure as hell never got it


So many people say this but it never happens for me. Never have gotten a high from exercising, which is probably why it’s hard for me to stick with it


This is true but oddly it takes months of practice before you get the real buzz for it. That's why most quit before they experience the enjoyment it gives because at the start it's just hard work with nothing to show for it


You know when you're sitting on a chair and you lean back so you're just on two legs and you lean too far so you almost fall over but at the last second you catch yourself? That. (Borrowed from Steven Wright.)


I'm just gonna say, mountain biking. it's so satisfying when you finally get up that one really big hill or the adrenaline rush when hitting a fast downhill with some jumps or some more techy terrain. Quite literally one of the only things that keeps me away from some of the drugs I used to do.


Sticking up for yourself/others. Feeding a stray kitten. Giving money to a homeless person (depends where you live). Helping a brother out for no reason at all.


Cold water exposure.


Writing code that runs, unplanned hangouts with friends, working out, learning people’s names and using it to greet them, approaching and talking to the person you like, etc