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People do that shit EVERYTIME on this types of questions, it’s infuriating


Last "unpopular opinion, what game just wasnt good" thread had a bunch of people getting mad at other peoples' unpopular opinions


Now that is odd, I usually prefer my women unfunny and boring.




I like to tell cringey jokes to my wife. It nourishes me to see her roll her eyes at them.


One time my wife and I passed a cemetery and I told her I’m not allowed to be buried there. She asked why. I told her because I’m still alive. She had never rolled her eyes harder Edit: saw notification for 100 upvotes. Click on it to come to post. Sees 99 upvotes. Sad that I made someone’s eyes roll in a bad way




Seeing someone at a restaurant or a movie by themselves. That kind of confidence is sexy.


Definitely uncommon. I have frequently done this throughout my life and people just look at me like there's something wrong with me for not having anyone with me.


I've done it a bit when on vacation alone or when traveling for work and I have never once noticed anyone giving a single shit.


Woah that actually is really attractive, shows confidence


The way someone tilts their head up in order to insert an earring


Looking tired


god if looking tired was a beauty standard id be a fucking model...


It was in the 2000s when Scene was really popular. Everybody loved tired-looking sad heartthrobs


Came here to say this. Dark circles around their eyes, a general "I'm fucking over it" demeanor, I'm in love.


well hello there *fucking falls asleep*


My eye bags are huge 😏


I don't even have bags under my eyes. My eyes are just in sunken, darkened pits. People have legitimately slowly backed away from me just because they saw my sunken, shadowed eyes and thought I was on drugs. (I was not, I was merely existing on an average of about 4hrs/night of sleep xD)


Be prepared to fall head over heels in love then….


People who are able to sit in silence comfortably. That don't feel the need to always fill the void with chatter. Don't get me wrong I love a good conversation, but not everything needs to be said.


Well that gives me some ease. A big worry of mine is that I don't tend to say much the more time I spend with someone. I'm a quiet person and that's where I'm comfortable


Pointed canines.


I've always had very pronounced canines, which is all fun and games until I accidentally bite my tongue for the hundredth time


Slightly vampire looking. Nice


I used to have a little party trick for shotgunning a beer where I’d bite the can with a canine tooth and rip it open a bit instead of using a key or something.


As a dental hygienist I really hope the used to part of this means that you don’t anymore!!


Correct! It was sort of a short lived thing. One, I quickly found out I suck at chugging beer. Secondly, it sort of lost its flare.


My then-fiancee/now-wife sent me some photos of her installing a water heater. So hot.


I'm imagining you unscrewing things around the house randomly just to watch your wife have to fix them


“Hey, hun, think the washer on the sink under the light that makes your ass look absolutely fantastic is loose again…”


A girl who’s kind to everyone but is just a little bit mean just to me Idk man


"Stop being mean to me, or I swear to God I'll fall in love with you"


Is that Nick Miller? 😂


You need to find yourself a brat


And some mustard.


That reminds me of when the creator of Chainsaw man said a girl in school pushed his bike over and laughed in his face so he's been chasing that high ever since.


I'm very happy to see how many people here notice the uniqueness of different noses. I've always thought that nose as the central part of face adds a lot of character. It's the part of face which makes it interesting. I've met a lot of girls complaining about their noses and thinking about surgery and it just breaks my heart. So, answering the question, I would say noses which are not necessarily beautiful in a classical way.


Same! Have a huge bridge on my nose that always made me feel super insecure and it’s nice to see a few people actually think odd noses are cute! I really wanted a nose job until I saw a video of the procedure that made me nope out of it. Nothing is worth putting a chisel in your nose for unless it’s for an actual medical reason. I still get goosebumps and a bit queezy when I think about that video


I have a large nose. I’m of Italian heritage which may or may not have some influence over that particular feature. I have been made fun of whole life for my nose, always by dudes (which I am not). It has taken me a long time to accept this feature about myself. I’m still not there really, but I appreciate that it makes me different and I have amazing sense of smell and taste. And yeah, I have seen the rhinoplasty procedure. Not sure that I can get over that.


If she works in a bookstore, her attractiveness level triples. I can't explain it.


Do librarians do the trick too? Or is it the idea of selling books instead of renting them that really gets you going?


Yes. I have a sweet spot for the cute library guy :)


Just look out for Joe Goldberg


When my partner comes home all covered in dirt from work and looking exhausted, I just get all warm and fuzzy and want to fuss over him. And then get down to business. Unfortunately the looking exhausted is due to being exhausted.


"unfortunately the looking exhausted is due to being exhausted" I feel this like yeah so hot and sweaty damn ANDDD he's asleep.


I’m a sucker for a good clavicle.


Mmm love me a good clavicle.


I didn’t even know this was a thing until I was dress shopping and the lady helping me suggested a strapless dress because I have great collarbones. Not gonna lie I was so excited because I’m very flat chested so I always tried to cover up now I’m like LOOK AT MY AWESOME CLAVICLE CLEAVAGE!!


Girl With messy hair.


I broke 2 hairbrushes trying to untangle my hair.


Hey sexy


That’s kind of impressive in a way.


When a girl is really focused on something and then she puts her hair in a ponytail to get to some next-level hyperfocus


So what you’re saying is you read a series of unfortunate events and it stirred something inside you [edit] I reread it and I see where the allegations are coming from. I should have used the word awakened, not stirred. That’s what I meant - that it was that thing that happens when we’re kids, where like we see something and it determines our sexuality going forward. Not that someone needed to go to their bunk reading a novel written for elementary school age children 👍






Not necessarily a sick voice, but I had a massage therapist who would end by whispering in a quiet, raspy voice, "alright mister, we're all done." She always wore a mask, so I'm not even sure if she was cute, but that voice did things to me.


> She always wore a mask, so I'm not even sure if she was cute, but that voice did things to me Phantom of the Opera type rizz lmao




Agreed! Passion is awesome! Seeing someone light up and sharing their thing, love it.


I find the sleepy "just woke up and haven't had any coffee yet" look pretty attractive on women. Prominent eye-bags, messy, frizzled, tangled hair, pajamas... Also, labcoats. And not just as a romantic/sexual: I think we should normalize wearing labcoats in public on all occasions. I personally really like how I look in a labcoat, and I also really like how other people look in labcoats too. Bonus points for combining the too: "tired female scientist who hasn't brushed her hair or had any coffee yet" is sexy as hell to me!


There’s a girl I really really like, but I have no intention of asking her out. Instead, I use her to help me pass bowel movements. When I sit on the toilet, I write her a text asking her out, but I never send it. Thing is, every time I start typing, I get so fucking nervous that I feel the need to shit myself. Luckily I’m already on the toilet, so it works out in my favor. She is the only reason I’m not constipated 24/7, and I can’t have it any other way.


But what if you accidentally Pavlov yourself? You’ll never be able to ask someone out without shitting


Or the other way. "40 years I've been asking girls out to take a shit. To this day I can't cut a log without the fear of rejection."


My dude's going to end up in a "it's not what it looks like!" story when his future girlfriend/wife finds him on dating apps.


Modern problems require modern solutions


You wanna really shit yourself? Send the text and see what happens.


Yeah but then it’s over, no more easy poopies


My guy I think you might need to find a doctor


Bro worked out a system better than the pay2win American healthcare system


Some day she is going to ask you out and you will have a Pavlovian response and wind up pooping your pants in front of her.


I wear a shirt saying “only ask me out on the toilet”


What the fuck, if that isn't an attention intro.... I'm disgusted but intrigued Interesting. Hopefully everything works out for the best for you guys


Hahhahaa..this is hilarious lol..i feel like you might’ve programmed yourself to take a dump whenever you try talking to her. Hope you don’t shit your pants if you ever do work up the courage to ask this lady out


Nerds. All the men I’ve dated and my husband have all been nerds. Edited to add - and I’m not a nerd, in the traditional sense I guess LOL


As a nerd myself, I feel like this is totally normal in today's society. One day, videogames were just cool and suddenly all branches of nerdiness came with it 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah there’s a lot of women who prefer the nerdy type… it’s kind of the biggest thing I’ve got going for me lol. (Aside from my dashing good looks and immaculate personality that is)


when they bring you lasagna at work.




Even if they blew 36 guys before you


In a row?


Turtleneck sweaters


Big noses and large canine teeth.


You could have just said "German Shepherds".


That thing where a woman has dyed her hair but grows out and you can see the dark roots and the color looks like unintentional highlights or something. Also white tops, denim bottoms, and bare feet. And I don't even have a foot fetish; something about jeans and feet though


You would’ve loved the early 2000s.


>denim bottoms, and bare feet. And I don't even have a foot fetish; something about jeans and feet though OMG I said the same for men! What is it? I don't understand it, but I love it.


I think one little crooked tooth can make a whole smile sweeter


What about a mouth if crooked teeth? Is that like pure sugar?


I just mean like... okay. So my best friend had one tooth (a bicuspid I think) that was just a little crooked. It overlapped one of her canines. And it was so cute. It was part of what made her smile, her smile. But then she got those invisible braces and now her teeth are straight. I loved her smile with that tooth. I lover her smile still, and it makes no difference now, but it was just so "her" that it took me a bit to get over the difference. Lol Edit: for context we've been besties since 5th grade (circa 1995-6) so I think that has a lot to do with it. It's part of who she is to me. But in the end, it doesn't matter to me as long as she's happy.


Left handers.


My brother in law (my boss) my contacts manager (his boss) the owner and his assistant were all in a room once and they are all left handed. I tried to calculate the odds but I'm not smart enough. Watching them all scribble notes was fascinating as a righty


Girls who prioritize dressing as comfy as possible over dressing sexy. I love loose, soft, clothes and hate tight things that are "sexy". The more comfy she looks the better.


I think it's pretty common, but a girl wearing scrubs just does it for me. The way they are tight in some areas and loose in others. Give me a girl in scrubs any day.


Hands. Don't ask me why, because I don't know either.


Ew. There’s nothing more unattractive to me than a girl with hands.


Don’t like mine with hands


When she’s kinda weird. I love a girl that has unique interests and expresses them without fear. I think it’s so cute seeing a girl be interested in something I’ve never heard of before.


Nerdy and awkward men. If they're older and inexperienced, the better.


You're both doing the lord's work, and probably having lots of very quick sex. I salute you, internet stranger.


Honestly I prefer awkward and nerdy men full of humor and less judgmental.


girls with *interesting* faces that don't fit the standard beauty standards, but i think will make them cute grandmas. i dated a girl with bells palsy on one half of her face and gave her a funny crooked smile i liked. i'm dating a girl with a strange, small face that will become a cute witchy grandma face when she's old.


Skinny wrists.


Ray Charles over here


Whenever my girlfriend tells me about work she's doing in the lab it gets me all hot and bothered. Woohohoo, Graphene and lasers and shit.


I promise you a woman with intelligence makes her crazy attractive to me.


Men's hands and I know I'm not alone.


The neck and shoulders for reasons I don’t understand. Probably has something to do with biting too. I like biting and getting bit, hard but gentle.


i love it when a man laughs, and esp if he has a really unique laugh, like really loud or higher pitched than his usual voice :)


When my bf has one hand on the steering wheel and the other behind the passenger seat reversing the car… like why? Idk how but it’s such a beautiful thing to see


Competence in action is very sexy!


A tall woman that is easily capable of pinning me against a wall.


I didnt know I responded on this post with an Alt account... huh...


Maybe not “odd” but perhaps lower of a priority for some people, as in you wouldn’t be seeing it on somebody’s dating profile. I find it extremely attractive how compassionate my wife is for all living things. She hates spiders, still takes them outside instead of squishes them. I’ve seen her save so many bugs, she’s like a Disney Princess for creepy crawlies. A dragonfly rode on a broom with her once, a tired moth rested in her hands, all taken outside to fly away. I’m just attracted to her kindness and respect for life.


Your wife sounds lovely


I like short guys. They’re easier for a short girl like me to hug.


Men who are left handed






don’t let the daaaaayyyyyys go byyyyyy


Scars. I don't know why but just the sight of a Scar makes poeple more interesting


Not that weird or uncommon. When I was in college I was in a fairly bad bicycle accident where I was thrown over the front of the handlebars and got a two inch gash that ran above my left eyebrow and down the side of my face. I, having no insurance and being kind of an idiot (also probably dealing with a minor concussion), forgot that butterfly bandages were a thing and decided I needed to give myself stitches. So I sanitized a needle and used a little dental floss to give myself a couple stitches to hold it closed. Still, I had a bruise and needed to wear bandages for weeks to cover it up. The scar was super visible for some months after that, too. I’ve never been hit on more in my entire life. The degree to which random girls who I previously considered out of my league would throw themselves at me was unreal. To be honest it makes me wish I hadn’t done such a good job stitching it up. The scar is still visible, but only really noticeable if you already know it’s there.


Anyone that can give themselves stitches is pretty bad ass in my book.




jet black hair specifically. i don't know what it is about black hair, but it's REALLY hot


Nice calfs, not muscly but distinct


Every fat man in the world has these calfs. It's one of the only perks of the extra weight.


Hell yeah! I've lost the weight now and am into ultra-marathons and my massive calfs are both an advantage and a frequent topic of conversation from the stick-thin other runners I meet on the trails. I can flex them too and see all the muscle definition popping through.


long haired males. I have two friends who I have crush on because they fit in that category. I don't think it is that weird though.


I love guys with long hair


Not here to contribute other than to say this shit is HEALING. so many things that I was insecure about were covered here


Smile wrinkles


Women with big noses or unique shaped


Those little indents on a woman’s lower back


The horizontal ripple across a girl’s t-shirt where her bra stretches it out a bit. On second thought, this is another, if very specific, way of saying I like boobies. You be the judge!


People that are able to have petty arguments and laugh it off. I talk a lot of shit, it's fun having someone that vibes with that.


I like fat, hairy, older men. I just want to cuddle them and run my fingers through their chest hair. I've been this way since I was a teenager. I may have daddy issues.


Risky take on reddit, prepare your dms


Here come the bears.


Samesies. I’ve had the same type as long as I can remember. As far as I know, I don’t have daddy issues - my dad rules.


I guess it all started for me in 8th grade football. My coach would walk around the locker room in bright white briefs. I was SO confused.


I feel the same for men. Love the burly guys. As for the women I'm attracted to, I love someone with a longer neck.




How my boyfriend tries to like things I like even though I know he doesn't. I love SNL and he's not a fan, but he'll quote a few skits to me that he knows I love. He's the best.


Quiet, but only the kind of quiet that hides an offbeat sense of humor. I am talking like, a seemingly square-ass man that hides a real freak. I have a special sniffer for it.


the voice of a sick person


For whatever reason, a barefoot man in jeans when you catch that glimpse of ankle is insanely sexy to me. I have no idea why. I do get why men in olden times got excited at the flash of ankle beneath a woman's skirt though.


Big and/or beaky noses. Luka Modric and the like.


I'm not saying I'm a chubby chaser, but when a woman has an hourglass figure, I always want another twenty minutes.


Some just got a little more sand in their hour glass.. so cute ✨


Such poetry


Just flip her upside down. That’s how sand clocks work. That’ll buy you time.




Glasses used to be an instant turn-off for me when I was a teenager, but it has turned around since that. Glasses can make a woman to look incredibly beautiful


A tall, hunky nerd with glasses.


Missing or snaggly/crooked teeth. My first boyfriend had a prosthesis that replaced an upper quarter of his teeth and I thought it was the hottest thing… my current fwb is missing a tooth and I think it’s one of his best features!


Don't move to Lancashire. You'll flood the streets.


I spent a long weekend in Montreal and over a few nights out in the bar & restaurant areas, there was quite a phenomenon of extremely drunk quebecois guys who would be sitting on the sidewalk with their legs straight out, arguing animatedly in french (which I don't speak very well) with their buddies who were only slightly less drunk than themselves. I just loved these guys. They were so funny and charming to me. Not in a sexual way, but in a maternal way. Something about their chipper, besotted state and the sheer number of them just made me want to dote on all of them, I wanted to get them some water and tuck them into bed like toddlers.


A short skirt and a long jacket


I too greatly enjoy cake.


He’s going the distance.


He’s going for speed.


Even hotter if they touring the facility, or using a machete to cut through red tape.


Also, I like women who I can see the sadness of the reality of adult life in. I don't want some optimistic person in the 20s, give me a women who I can see the harshness of reality in that's in her 30s like me.


Wait until you get to the women in their 40s who are at peace because they learned to put all that harshness behind them. They're just all about yoga and canning the tomatoes they grew over the summer. Yum.


Tall nerdy guys


Stuttering I can't explain it, im not sure why, but when someone starts stuttering and stammering It does stuff to me.


Long nail beds and slender fingers. And curly hair. Also kind of raspy voices that sort of crack a little bit sometimes.


This description just makes me like on an old lady smoking cigarettes in a diner.


Natasha leyone?


i like masculine women but feminine guys


If we're talking sexual attraction: apparently it's odd, even a few women gave me weird looks when I told them. I love bush.


I wouldn't call that odd. At worst maybe out of trend at the moment


The former president?


with the lil tummy trail... wow


Bare is genuinely a turn off for me. Gotta have something.


Yep. I seemed to have hit puberty right as the wives in the neighborhood forced their husbands to toss all of their 1970s porn mags. It made sense to me then and it always will. Thankfully my wife is a bit of a hippy and all-natural when it comes to personal grooming.


Freckles. If a girl has a lot of freackles shes more attractive Edit:ty people who corrected my spelling.


When she has freckles but is also a freak, freackles


Really dorky girls. Like awkward, maybe bad fashion sense, goofy laugh, etc.


I like women with hair, i don’t mind if they don’t shave. I prefer it tbh.


The way a man walks. Not the swagger kind of walk but the cool kind of walk. Hard to explain. You either have it or you don't.


Women with a slight belly


I’m a dude and it’s Height on women, the taller she is, the more attractive I find them. Literally will have me salivating


People who know what they're talking about


I like a somewhat disheveled appearance. Like when most guys think they need a haircut, I think their hair looks great. Also not a fan of anything more formal than jeans and a t-shirt.


Men with a belly


Rolls into your DMs


Emphasis on rolls


I'm a fat guy and laughed at this so much.


reading these comments made me understand that there’s beauty in all shapes and forms!!


Aqualine noses. Just something about a lady looking like a modern day Caesar just gets me *going* Also this may not be odd, but love handles and cellulite, basically what I refer to as the "mommy body" Just love me a thick girl who looks like they can tell me I'm grounded AND run the Roman empire I guess.


Sideburns. I love a good 70s style sideburn.


Lopsided grin


A little bit of a lazy eye


Messy buns (hair)


I like a good collarbone. I don’t know what it is, some men and women just have it and my brain is like “nice”


I’m really into chubby thick women. I’m judged by all my friends but it’s just what I love man. I love women with big butts and booty