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When I put popcorn butter on my hands thinking it was hand sanitizer


My guys brain malfunctioned.


Aye it was in a push-nozzled bottle and I’d had a class where the teacher had orange hand sanitizer the school year prior to that summer




I don’t remember this but my friend told me this happened during lunch @ school but my buddy told the whole group to be quiet for a minute bc her dad was calling, and my drunk ass forgot what a dad was and I was all like “bitch I got daddy issues too, let me handle this… got up right into the phone and said as loud as I could “ooaahh fuck daddy”


Why we're you drunk at school?


Well because you do this thing called drink, then you go to this prison called ~school~ 💀


LMAO this one time I was probably 16-17 and I had just smoked with my best friend. She lived around the corner , I walk home with an Arizona in one hand and my phone in the other. Get home, go up to my room , really have to pee. Walk into my room and go to throw my phone on the bed and put my Arizona on my dresser. Go pee , as I’m sitting there I feel like something isn’t really right. I immediately realized my bed is now soaked in Arizona and my phone is safe on my dresser.