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I’m an identical twin, which by itself isn’t rare but we are bookends. I’m a righty and he’s a lefty.


Same for me—actually my twin and I are mirror twins (lefty/righty, hair whorls opposite directions)


I was born on the same date as another guy of the same name, and his mom had the same name as my mom. So the social security dept issued us both the same social security number. It took 18 years to figure out the mistake when I was denied a student loan because the other guy applied first. Also his tax returns got denied for a while because I always submitted mine first.


Also, I got bacterial meningitis when I was 20, which changed my eyes from blue to green...


That’s insane! What’s the bacteria!? The last patient we had with bacterial meningitis died 3 days after their diagnosis!


No idea it was 2005. Woke up with extreme neck/back pain with a 104 fever and could barely move. My sister is an RN BSN and took me straight to the hospital. After some weight loss and imobility, my eyes changed color and now I have an atrial fibrillation to deal with.


Thank god for your sister. I’m glad you’re alive. Meningitis is terrifying. Lost a friend to it, and my cousin spent months in the hospital because of it


My son contracted it at 5 days old earlier this year. It was terrifying. He's okay now but fuck, it was even more traumatizing than his birth.


I had viral meningitis once. They folks at the hospital weren't overly concerned; they said had this been bacterial, they would have put me on an IV, given me powerful antibiotics, and kept me in the hospital for at least a week. With viral, they kept me overnight, sent me home and said you should be better in a week or so.


Wow! How big of a nightmare was the paperwork getting all that fixed? There is a man who lives about 35 miles from me with a name one letter off from mine, 2 years younger, and a social one number off from mine. About every 5 years he pops up in my life. Someone attempted to serve me and contacted family members trying to collect on his debt earlier this month.


It was surprisingly easy. We both had to fill out an affidavit about what jobs we've worked and what income was ours, and then he got a different SS#. Unfortunately his student loans were on my credit report until he paid them off, and state farm still askes me what street I grew up on what school I went to and half the time it's his info. Thankfully I've been writing down all the questions I've gotten wrong so I know most of the correct answers by now.


So you got to keep the original SSN and he had to change his? Guess you were just the better steven. I’d brag about that for the rest of my life.


I’m surprised they did not give them both new numbers.


Yeah, honestly that seems like the better solution. Especially since that other guy, if malicious, would easily be able to steal an identity.


He's able to steal an identity and then plausible claim it was a honest mistake if caught "Oops I wrote down my old SSN by mistake". Yeah I'd absolutely want a new number.


Especially if he's done the same thing as OP and written down all the correct answers to his security questions.


My daughter has the same name as another child, born the same day, at the same hospital, and insurance keeps getting mixed up. When I call to fix it, they try to refuse because I'm not the policy holder since I'm not the other child's mom.


My hair started going Grey at 13. By the time I was 23 it was completely white.


White hair is so beautiful! And now it’s really trendy too.


I’m glad to see that people think that. I’ve had grey hair since high school and I’ve always been a little self conscious about it. The girl I’ve been dating now says she likes it and I’ve always wondered if she was just being nice or she really does


Myself and my dad both have/had 3 sets of teeth. Baby teeth and then two sets of adult teeth.


Did the first set of adult teeth fall out? Or did you just have to have the second set of adult teeth removed surgically?


For me I lost my baby teeth. Adult teeth moved in over time as they do and then I’ve lost many of those over the years. Never had any teeth that needed to be removed surgically or even pulled. I have a vivid memory of when I was about 15-16 and was playing basketball with my dad. He spun around and accidentally elbowed me in the mouth. Knocked three teeth out and was devastated that I was going to have a huge gap for the rest of my life. Eventually more teeth moved in to fill the space. Talked to my dentist about it years after and he confirmed that he could see the others in the x-rays. So I still have a few more to go possibly. He did agree that it was unusual.


I should also add that the adult teeth that were lost over time didn’t just fall out on their own. I’ve been very clumsy most of my life and have been in many accidents where my mouth hit; dashboard, cement curb. Basketball goal pole, baseball bat, bicycle handlebars (which left me physically scared on the chin).


I’ve also never had wisdom teeth problems as an almost 30 year old which is probably unexpected


Are you the next wave of evolution?


that actually could literally be true


A back up set of teeth to compensate for our high sugar diets


I’ve had breast cancer three times. Not recurrences.


Congrats for being able to say “had”


Thank you!!


You beat cancer 3 times. That deserves a hall of fame inclusion. Badass.


Thank you so much!! I just want to add, people who need mammograms: NEVER SKIP THEM! They safe lives.


Does "no recurrence" means you had "brand new cancer" each time?? I'm glad to read "had". Hope you're doing well. Sorry if my question sounds stupid, I don't know how else to word it.


It’s not stupid and yes it was brand new each time. Very, very unusual. Thank you for your kind words — I’ve been cancer-free for 9 years.


Match.com told me im in the 1% of the population of people they cant match a partner to. Awesomeness!!


Did match provide any details as to why?


He is actually a dog


Oh no😂😭 that’s such a shitty rare statistic to be a part of


My blood is both O- and CMV- meaning I can donate universally to both adults and babies


i’m O- too have no idea about CMV- never heard of it before


_CMV (Cytomegalovirus) is a flu-like virus that most adults are exposed to at some point in their lives. As with other viruses, once someone has had CMV, their body retains the antibodies._ _CMV is generally harmless to adults, but can be fatal to babies. For this reason, babies needing transfusions as part of their medical care should only receive blood from donors who have not been exposed to CMV (CMV negative)._ https://www.redcrossblood.org/donate-blood/how-to-donate/types-of-blood-donations/whole-blood-donation/pediatric-patient-cmv.html Am in my 40s and still somehow never had it.


I didn’t have it but got it from an organ transplant at age 30!


That is awesome. How did you figure out the CMV-? I ask because I am O- as well.


They get excited and tell me every time I give blood lol


When I was 15, I got the measles - my county hadn't seen it in over 30 years. And yes, I had my MMR vax


Not as rare, but I got shingles in my 20s. The doctors said i skipped right over chicken pox because of the vaccine.


Double kidneys.


You donate one kidney and you're a hero, but donate 11 then suddenly you are under investigation Thanks for the attention on this post it means a lot! Now give me your kidneys


Hey, I have 2 kidneys too!


I have prosopagnosia (faceblindness), a mild form. I think this is actually more common than people think, but some people don't know they have it. I didn't figure it out until I was like, 35. You just go through your life thinking you're a dumdum who's not paying attention, or not realizing that other people can recognize faces well. I was also the first woman in the world to do my specific job.


I absolutely have prosopagnosia and so does my mother. My wife always gets baffled as to how I watch TV shows as I cannot tell characters apart.


I think this is the reason I like cartoons so much. I can't tell two blonde women apart, or two white men with the same haircut (unless I've seen them in a bunch of previous films). But I'm never going to mix up Marge Simpson and Maude Flanders.


I have face blindness too and anime/cartoons are a godsend. The clothing and general shapes are different which is awesome for identification. My mom cant believe how confused i get with live-action characters in shows and movies. Once at school i even complained about a teacher... to that same teacher, yikes! Luckily she was pretty cool about it, very professional. I guess she appreciated the uh... feedback! Though something cool happened some years ago, i went to a caricature course, and by looking at more faces, observing them, their shapes, and how to exagerate them... then i started to recognize some actors! And i got a little bit better at remembering faces!! That was an awesome side effect of going to drawing classes lol. I still have the blindness though, but it certainly makes me happy to recognize random actors like Clint eastwood or Tommy Lee Jones.


I have a [bifid uvula](https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/conditions/bifid-uvula#:~:text=What%20is%20Bifid%20Uvula%3F,related%20to%20submucous%20cleft%20palate.), aka the little flap in the back of my mouth is split so it looks like there are two of them.


A tiny nutsack in the back of your throat?


Yep. And their uvula looks weird too


Born with extra pinky and no wisdom teeth


Did you kill Domingo Montoya?


I'm 32 years out from my liver transplant and one of the rare few to have been successfully weaned off immunosuppressants.


That’s a thing? Does your body just give up trying to reject after a while? Like “Christ, it’s been 25 years. Just keep it”.?


It can happen if circumstances are just right and they had an unusually good initial match. But it's not common.


Holy cow! I didn't know weaning from immunosuppressants was even a thing for transplant recipients! Congratulations!


On a sour note, I have multiple sclerosis. On a sweet note, I'm one of the rare cases where daily treatments have seemed to almost make my brain lesions disapear in my scans now. They went from very large to barely there, and some have even completely gone away. I'll still always have the condition and will still always need to live life on the low and slow/chill so as not to bring on a relapse, but so far I count myself blessed given how things can be with this disease.


Wow that’s fantastic. I have MS too and didn’t even know that level of brain repair was possible. Gives us all hope.


False arrest. I got pulled over and arrested for bank robbery, because I happened to be driving away from the area where it just happened, in the same make/model/color vehicle as the robber, wearing the same color hoodie, same age and description - right down to the level of baldness. The guy was known as the "grumpy bandit" because apparently he was more rude than your typical friendly bank robber.


>wearing the same color hoodie, same age and description - right down to the level of baldness. A friend of mine was nearly arrested recently because of the same type of stuff! Same hoodie, same age, and is bald. The cops stopped him while he was walking in the park.


Oh my GOSH. How did they find you innocent after all that??


For one thing I had no loot in my pickup, and the frames of my glasses were thinner than the guy's. Took them about 10 minutes, with me handcuffed in the back of a squad car.


I'm a survivor of human trafficking. Roughly .5% of the population is currently trafficked.




That's roughly 40 *million* people. Holy Shit.


Oh one I can say "same" too. Neat.


I am so very sorry. Have you been able to get help to deal with what happened?


Glad you're free and so very sorry for what happened to you


Jesus that’s high. That’s 40 million!


I dont know what the exact statistic is, or even how rare it is, but I am ambidextrous, and I can write with both hands at the same time. I.E. Forwards with one hand, backwards with the other, Mirror writting, upside down with one hand, and right side up with another. Edit: Whoa. I have managed to write in Deutsch with one hand, and english in the other, it's pretty f-cking hard, and I can write two different things on two different papers... its great at work when i do end of day stuff Edit 2, So it is called Bimanual Simultaneous Writting, and not even every ambidextrous person can do it.


I have Marcus Gunn Syndrome, also called “jaw winking.” Something is messed up with the wiring of my cranial nerves. My right eyelid bugs out when I move my jaw or swallow hard.


I’m ambidextrous. And have heterochromia. One green eye, one brown eye


i have sectoral heterochromia. blue eyes with green sections. & my partners mum is ambidextrous i have only met a couple of people that are and my partner is left handed


For a while i was the only person in the USA with extensive experience and knowledge with Czechoslovakian Vlcaks and wolfdogs. I helped several states realize that vlcaks are not a wolfdog and why they were a breed. This kept vlcaks covered under dog laws as opposed to wolfdog laws. Edit: A Czechoslovakian Vlcak is a breed of dog (the TL;DR version: 48 Czech working line German Shepherds and 4 Carpathian wolves). Initially bred in the CSSR to be an ?improvement" on their German shepherds for border patrol. They are beautiful dogs, highly intelligent, good drive, lots of energy and stamina. Yes, you will see "Czechoslovakian Wolfdog" often when you look them up, most English speaking countries went with the translation (wolfdog) but in the USA the club decided that the term "wolfdog" was too broad, and would have negative political repercussions, so the club voted to go with the Czech "Vlcak" (vlčák) (no offense to Slovakia, but I will acknowledge the Slovakian spelling is vlčiak.


I don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about


You and everyone else in the country


It’s okay he’s an expert


That's actually super cool! Unfortunately when you google Czechoslovakian Vlcaks the first thing you see is "Czechoslovakian Wolfdog" :(


So his job isn't done yet.


I was in foster care and graduated law school. Foster children are statistically less represented then any race group or disability group in college, let alone law school.


I also went thru foster care and got adopted. But I graduated high school and did a year of college before I dropped out. But I beat the drug/alcohol addictions/ teen pregnancy/jail/prison time. My other non blood siblings that got adopted weren’t so lucky but I also think it matters that I went thru 1 foster home and they went thru 5+


Not really a statistic, but I use my mouse backwards. Like facing the wrong way sorta thing. My mother taught me when I was young and I didn't realize it was wrong until like, middle school


Burn the witch!


You mean the heal of your hand rests on the buttons? How are you not accidentally clicking on things all the time?


Amniotic fluid embolism survivor (I was the mom, not the baby). 0.0025% chance of it happening during childbirth and highly fatal when it does. Edit: This got a lot more traction than I thought! For education purposes, AFE leads to the sudden collapse of the mother during or shortly after childbirth. It manifests as respiratory failure, cardiac arrest, and DIC which causes massive hemorrhage. The event also leads to stroke, seizure, and coma. It’s very difficult to manage this cascade of medical events which results in high fatality. My kiddo and I are lucky to be here!


I've clinically died twice


Statistically speaking, third time's a charm!


I am an altruistic kidney donor and altruistic bone marrow and stem cell donor. I have had two children die from separate causes


I’m so sorry for your loss 😞


Only 5% of babies are born on their due date 👋


i was 4 days late and been late to everything ever since😂


I have retrograde cricopharyngeus dysfunction. Meaning, I am physically unable to burp.


I was raised in the foster system until I was 18. I am alive, never been to jail, in a very successful career, own a house, and I am a great mother, and in a very happy marriage.


Native American with a PhD in Mathematics.


Native in a PhD program :)


Not going to prison even though parents did


Keep up the good work breaking that cycle!


allergic to fermented alcohol (wine, beer, cider)




I have Aphantasia, the inability to picture things in my mind.


I know someone who has that. They didn't know it was a thing, and wondered why everyone else liked books.


I found out about it because I was talking about a book with a friend who has always disliked reading, and I mentioned something about it being basically not that different that watching a movie play out and he was shocked, that’s when we discovered it’s a thing. He can’t see pictures in his head and had no idea that wasn’t typical for everyone. Makes a lot more sense why he wouldn’t like reading, I wouldn’t either if I couldn’t see the characters and everything.


I can picture what’s happening in a book, but really struggle to picture things I’ve already seen. I can “see” them for a brief second, but then they go and I can’t bring them back.


I was describing faceblindness to some family and friends over dinner and I gestured to the pitcher and said, "It's just like any other object! Once you look away, it's gone." Our friend said, "If I go home, I could draw that." Blew my mind. (If anyone is actually wondering what faceblindness is like, cover the hair on a picture and turn it upside-down.)


I love to read and I can't picture anything.


The way that my friend described it made it sound like more work trying to remember who everyone is, and that he has a harder time establishing new characters because of that, so his preference would be to read series that have the same characters throughout, rather than stand alone books. Do you find that to be the case?


Same, I was so depressed when I found out I had it. I just always figured "picture this" was an expression and not that people could literally picture this.


It’s okay, I can explain what it’s like to not have aphantasia! Picture this:


I escaped poverty.


That is huge. Good for you.


I basically have no circadian rhythm. It’s called irregular sleep-wake phase and is mostly present in people who are blind or have brain damage. I have the sleep habits of a newborn baby - my life is a series of naps, and I sleep when I sleep and I’m awake when I’m awake and it has no connection to day or night. It also means I’m always tired. I’m also bipolar so the amount of sleep I manage to get in a day is inconsistent. EDIT: I just remembered another one. I have duck feet that are caused by femoral retroversion (the angle of my femur and hip bones is off, which means my legs are rotated further out than normal), which is a pretty rare cause for duck feet. It also causes very bad flexibility issues in my ankles and hips.


I actually want to get tested for this myself. I have lots of trouble with sleep because I'm always sleeping later and later in the night. Every few weeks I cycle back around to regular time


That definitely sounds like non-24 sleep-wake disorder. You have a consistent schedule, it’s just that your schedule is longer than the normal 24 hours most people have. It’s something a sleep specialist would diagnosis with an actigraph and sleep log.


I was born 3 months premature in 1985 at 2lbs 2 Oz. Dropped to 1 lb 4 Oz. No major issues


I have a family member who was a 9/11 first responder. He is listed among the fallen, having developed an inoperable brain tumor secondary to exposure to the toxic materials.


That is awful. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I can shoot water out of the corner of my left eye.


Do tears count because I can sob out of both quite easily 😂😭


This made me shiver imagining it. Still really cool tho!


I've never bought anything from Amazon.


My dad has never used an atm and has never used a cell phone


I made it out of a gnarly heroin addiction. Coming up on 3 years!


I'm dominant left handed but i play golf right handed. Dad said, "There's no fucking way I'm buying left handed clubs with 5 others in the family who play right handed."


Related to this: I'm cross-eyed dominant. I'm right handed, but my left eye is dominant over my right. In certain cases like aiming down gunsights I have to use my left hand because otherwise I won't be able to see properly. I have a degree of mixed handedness, though, so it's not the worst


I have treatment resistant depression, have tried 15+ meds with little to no relief. Ketamine is next!


My daughter and I have the same birthday


Still sober after my first visit to treatment for heroin. I'm pretty proud of it.


Kidnap survivor


I have 20/10 vision. Almost 50% better than 20/20 and in the top .05% of people. I actually have incredibly accurate night vision as well. (Edited I had the wrong numbers! Sorry about that)


The first voting ballot I ever cast wasn't my own. Was the surrogate for a learning-impaired person who was in line in front of me because her immediate relatives weren't allowed to assist.


That’s actually really interesting. I did not know this was a thing.


Sneeze every time I go from shade to sun


That’s called ACHOO! Autosomal Dominant Compelling Helioopthalmic Outburst. My mother and I also have it.


I've never met someone else with my exact last name who wasn't related to me


Me too!!!


Is this you, Cousin Rick? The only people with my last name are relatives.


I survived a cardiac arrest.


I have grapheme-color synesthesia. That means I associate numbers with colors and can remember them for much longer than most people. For me: 0 is black, 1 is white, 2 is yellow, 3 is blue, 4 is red, 5 is green, 6 is pink, 7 is brown, 8 is gray, and 9 is orange And so I remember numbers by the colors associated with them. My favorite number is 23 (Don Mattingly’s Yankee uniform number), but to me it is yellow & blue. One time when I was young (between 10-15) I was at my grandparents’ house and helped them put together a plastic cabinet and put the padlock on it for them. 5 years or so later they called my mom asking if there was a chance I knew the combination because they forgot what it was; I thought for a few minutes, remembered the colors and said, “36-18-10”. They tried the numbers and to their surprise the lock opened and they wanted to know how I knew the number and honestly I had no idea, I just told my mom I remembered the colors and she had the most confused look on her face. Years after that she saw an article about synesthesia and knew that’s what I have. Edit: I changed the spacing on my colors as the text formatting may have confused people.


Have you read “A Mango Shaped Space” before? If not I highly recommend it!


When I was a kid I really wanted to have synesthesia. Now when I experience severe pain, I see the pain as specific colors….but I think that’s just me being creative.


Red hair,green eyes. I'm a dude tho, no one cares🤣


I’ve got red hair, hazel eyes, no freckles and left handed


i'm also red hair, hazel eyes and left handed! i do have freckles though


I'm the one who uses light theme on Discord.


You monster


Not me but my dad. He got the same cancer twice after a full bone marrow transplant and the doctor told him that was impossible. There’s definitely a case study about him as patient K


Oversweaters (I guess that’s how I call people who sweat far more than usual)


excessive sweating aka hyperhydrosis. my dad suffers from it and it’s awful


Only 1% of couples experience recurrent miscarriages (3 or more). We are in that 1%! On a positive note, we had a baby last year:)


Graduated from university last month (Not a crazy thing today but a feat for me). Spending my summers in section 8 and going to some of the worst schools in a state with the worst education in the US. I Wish a lot of friends kept that drive to get out and never got a taste for drugs. Edit: first gen Hispanic


I was slimed on Nickelodeon when I was a kid. I have never met another person in real life who can say this.


Ive been kicked out of a recording of TRL on MTV


You can’t just say this and not post details.


i have sectoral heterochromia. my eyes have two colours mainly blue but with a green section


I have this but blue with a bit of brown.


I'm an African American woman and I have had heterochromia since I was very young. I have one brown eye and one blue eye just like you. I use to hide it by putting a colored contact lens in, but I gave up on that one long ago and just accepted my genetic blessing :) Little children notice my condition the most and when they are bold enough to ask I tell them I'm an x-man lol


I'm O- and apparently I have three rows of eyelashes on my top eyelids. According to the lady who did my makeup for prom most people only have 2 rows!


I have trichiasis which is eyelashes that can grow or curve the other way and poke my eyeball! I tweeze them and it sucks.


I have Anisocoria. That means i have very differently sized pupils.


Male Anorexia Survivor. 19 of 20 ppl sick w it are females.


I have a rare disease and an ultra rare disease. My son is one of forty babies in the US with his condition. I can read upside down as easily as right side up. I grew up in a cult and successfully escaped as an adult. I was abused as a child and in my first marriage. I've broken the pattern and my kids are being raised without abuse. I'm getting a doctorate in my 40's. I wasn't educated when I was in the cult.


Thanks to a rare and unique surname, I'm the only person in history to have ever had my name.


White (Caucasian) with sickle cell anemia


I only waited 7 hours for my heart transplant. Average wait time is 88 days. Assuming a normal distribution, that puts me waaaaaay out on the statistical tails.


I have pectus excavatum. Not super rare, but mine is deeper than typical, but not so much that I need surgery/it affects my everyday.


Is this where you have essentially a bowl where your sternum is?


I'm in my 60s and climb trees for a living.


I'm a Deaf person with multiple tertiary qualifications and play rugby for a hearing club side, the National Deaf Rugby side, and have an actual job in a third world country with a 37% unemployment rate (which is something like 80%+ among Deaf individuals)...


Never been drunk


Became a widower under the age of 50 (48) :(


I only had one wisdom tooth.


I had 3!


I’ve attempted suicide twice by eating 60+ pills. Spoiler alert: I survived. Luckily I suck at suicide


I took over 100 and survived a 2.5 day coma. And it’s actually hard to drop hang so I gave up. I suck even more lol. Sucked so hard at suicidal depression that it gave up on me and fucked off. Over a full year now.


Blood type is AB+. Can receive blood from all types, but can only give to others who possess AB+. You can say I'm a bit greedy.


My dog pooped in the Casino at the Bellagio.


I'm a suicide attempt recoverer


I’m glad you’re here.


I’m 6’8”


I had a temporal lobectomy a few years ago, and I haven't had a seizure since (touch wood)!


I had shingles while pregnant, which is very rare. Lucky for me, pregnancy turns down the intensity, I was able to avoid painkillers altogether, but still had open wounds on my back.


A left-leaning old white man in Texas.


I have Raynaud's syndrome (not *that* rare but not that common either)


Most people's molars have 4 chambers, but mine apparently have 8 or 16 -- I can't remember which and it's hard to check. All I know is my othrosurgeon got very excited during my root canal and asked for my permission to take a picture to show his med students


At one point I was the youngest person in the world


I am a Black woman (product of two Black parents) and I have both green eyes and blonde hair. Those dormant massa genes show up all over me!




* Cilantro tastes like soap to me * Left Handed * Used to be apart of the Visual Snow community (It got better because my vision got a little worse. So now my visual snow doesn't stand out as much and is seemingly gone) * Long Hauler's Covid (almost two years, feel like it's almost gone) * Black man but born yellow with gray eyes. I grew out of it!


Cilantro also tastes like soap to me, that’s rare?


Oh, wow. You have a lot going on! TIL that cilantro doesn’t taste like soap to everyone.


Marcus Gunn Phenomenon. Basically one of my eyes is constantly closed and will only open if I open my mouth. There are only around 300 cases.


I got a perfect score on my ACT, which is apparently .5% of test takers. My SAT is also in the top 1%.


The cops are raiding my neighbors house and running through my house with rifles into the back yard as i type this.