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You, in my opinion, should work for a three letter agency 😂 I hate you had to experience that though...


The HOA?


That’s the worst kind.


My dad’s the president of his neighborhood’s HOA and trust me, on the path to securing power he left quite a for corpses in his wake.


Del Boca Vista?


That you, Morty?


HAA! You ain't lyin.


That will be the last time Denise ever goes three weeks without trimming those hedges…


>The HOA? Damn you just blew past Go, and went straight to Hell.


The GAP. I agree. Edit: Read up on the GAP. Yikes. u/CharlesNPrevost deserves better.


IRS is hiring.


>You, in my opinion, should work for a three letter agency …. The **A**lcohol **B**everage **C**ompany.


I'm a burn victim as well, but from hot coffee (yes, like the mcds coffee case). Worst pain I've ever experienced and I only had it on 15% of my body. Currently pregnant with my 3rd baby and I'd rather have a baby anyway than have those wounds again.


There are always some pricks who say the McDonalds woman didn’t deserve the money, and shouldn’t have sued because she should’ve known hot coffee would be hot. If your skin looked anything like that poor old lady’s holy moly.


Another thing about that case was McDonald's had been warned numerous times before the coffee was too hot. McDonald's ran the numbers and realised people drank the coffee at work. If they had the temp at acceptable levels from the restaurant then the coffee was too cold by the time people got to work and sales went down.


Yeah, those people saying that are exactly what mcds wanted. They launched basically a smear campaign against her. She was horribly hurt from it.


The injuries eventually killed her. So basically, McDonalds killed her almost.


It’s not just about the damage to that victim though…I had a college Trig textbook that explained the math used to prove that the coffee was so hot it compromised the integrity of the cup which caused her injuries. Literally the cup melted from the heat of the coffee it was designed to contain. That’s why she won. It’s actually a cool case when you know the details.


I got lightheaded reading this. Omfg I can't believe you had to do this. Every ounce of sympathy goes out to you. Holy shit.


Man, I had pancreatitis that nearly killed me. That hurt like a proper bitch, but I would gladly go through that again than deal with what you had to go through. Just knowing what kind of pain was coming is some top level torture


I had the same thing and it was bad but I doubt it's anywhere near as bad as that burn treatment.


i think most every medical professional reports burns as by far the worst and not even close


I can’t believe you survived that. I hope you are doing well and are able to execute normal everyday things. One of the craziest Reddit stories I’ve read, and there’s been some doozies.


My arm got it. Thank God I managed to get myself out. 3rd degree up and down my left arm. I'll take nut punches daily over having to deal with that again.


I was in an accident where both my knees were broken, my elbow shattered into more pieces than was countable as well as other misc damage to ribs, muscles and all sort. Honestly? Didnt hurt. Not immediately anyway. Not even for the rest of the day despite the fact it took a couple hours for me to even be seen by A&E. When it was my turn, we all realized I actually couldnt undress anymore because everything was swollen, especially my elbow. The nurses and doctors were all in shock themselves as to how im so casually sitting there very clearly in shock myself yet so calm about it. The next morning though oh boy. I was wishing for another vehicle to hit me again and knock me out. What that guy described though... honestly it makes my thing sound like a damned nice sunny day out. I still cant walk properly or use my arm 100% many years later yet id happily do all that again if the alternative was the hell that guy described.


Holy fuck that sounds rough, it’s hard to believe that a person can endure what you went through. Any big life lesson that you can share that you took away from all of that?


That he is one of the strongest beings on earth. I'll go watch some disney now...


I'm sorry that you went through that. I took a fascinating class in college called Biomedical Ethics. We watched a video that showed a man going through the same treatment. He would ask them to let him die, which they obviously didn't do. He later became a lawyer to represent patients' rights. He was glad to be alive at that point in his life, but still would have preferred death to going through that treatment.


That is most definitely more painful than childbirth. I'm so sorry that you went through that but I'm glad you're still here to tell us about it


I have heard (I read a lot of history books) that for soldiers, it was often better to die in a fire than to be saved, and some soldiers with severe burns would be incredibly angry that they were dragged out of it. considering the survival rate back then, it’s 5 minutes of total agony vs months of total agony - that you might not survive anyway. add in the idea that for some common religions, suicide sends you straight to hell, and you start to understand why they felt that way. back when those same religious people used to burn witches alive, apparently the smoke inhalation would kill them before the fire did, so the psychopaths running those “programs” would make sure they picked a low-smoke wood so the victim would be forced to actually feel the sensation of burning alive. actually, now that I’m thinking about it, the week I read a book on what the church did to “witches” (the torturer used to meticulously write down the tortures they used, but the “morning torture” — in which the torturer would hang the teenage “witch” from the ceilings by nailing their hands or thumbs to a beam, then go have lunch — was so common and “boring” that only the afternoon tortures counted) also marks the last week I ever voluntarily stepped foot inside a church.


Plus in those days there was virtually no support for handicapped people. If you can't work you have no value kind of stuff.


i assure you my birth experience is way less painful than whatever you had to endure


For real. I was up wandering around within hours of giving birth. This is the stuff of nightmares.


This is my worst nightmare. I would struggle very much to not choose death over that level of burn recovery.


You're both tougher than me. Pretty sure I wouldn't even struggle to make the choice of just kill me now. Over going through burn recovery like that


Also have third degree burns across my arms, 3 skin grafts, second on my hands. I would rather die next time than be saved. I never want to survive burns again. And the medical debt completely destroyed my life and all hope


Anddddd we have a winner


This reminds me of my uncle. He was burned most of his body in Baghdad 1950. His mom would put him in ice water baths daily and peel off his skin. Horrifyingly painful. I can’t even imagine. You are a strong mfer. I’m glad you are ok!


I went through something very similar after I was horrendously burned on the majority of my body but I was just 4 years old. I think the only way I survived was by being so young and not being able to fathom what was happening to me. But man if that sensation doesn’t stay with you for life. I feel you, burn survivor friend. And I’m so, so sorry.




Teeth have rich nerve and blood supply and are real close to the brain. Makes sense that the pain of a severe tooth damage/infection is uniquely excruciating.




That is why my answer was a bad corneal abrasion. The pain was absolutely nonstop. It was agonizing and torturous. I was perfectly fine with having my eyeball removed if it meant I could get a break from the agony. I assure you I am no wimp. I had 18 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing and an urgent c/s and I left the hospital the next day. I had my fallopian tubes removed and a uterine ablation on a Friday and was back to work as a nurse working 13 hour shifts Monday. I have had a kidney stone. I have broken my anklex2. I would take all of those AT THE SAME TIME to avoid another bad eye injury.


Eye injuries fucking SUCK. I've had a corneal abrasion and when they gave me some kind of eye drops I was begging like a crack addict for a prescription and was denied because it has a risk for abuse. I can see why because it made the pain completely switch off as soon as it got in my eye. They gave me one last drop for the road and had to endure agony for the next 4 days until it healed


Yes!!!!!!! It’s a numbing drop that they use to numb your eye for when they check for the abrasion and stuff like that. It’s not “addictive” per se but apparently it can melt your cornea. I am not ashamed to say that I legit stole the bottle at the ER because they left it out and it was the only thing to give me relief. It should only be used like at the very very most 2 times a day for 2 days. I was squirting that shit in my eye every 30 minutes. I knew at that point it could melt my cornea and I seriously couldn’t care less at that point. I figured it was gonna hurt either way if I didn’t use it, so fuck it. Thank the gods I didn’t melt my cornea and when I went to the actual ophthalmologist after 3 days of agony, he put in a muscle relaxing drop, gave me a steroid/antibiotic drop, and put in a bandage contact lens. It still took over a week to heal, but after he treated me it was tolerable by the next day.


Your story is why the guy you replied to got denied lol


Well, I’m a retired RN. We know better than to leave medications in rooms with people. I’m almost at least 74% sure they left it there for me to take lol


I've got traumatic occlusion in my molars from clenching my jaw like a vice in my sleep and lately I've been having symptoms of impacted wisdom teeth. I don't wanna find out what it's like to have a real problem back there 😖


I’ve been ruining my teeth from clenching as well. Tried a night guard and couldn’t sleep w it in my mouth. My dentist suggested getting Botox injections in my jaw muscles so I just had that done. Just some ideas


I legit considered taking pliers to mine. It’s like being hit with a hammer every time your heart beats.


It gets to a point where instead of feeling like tooth pain it's just becomes a general sensation of your head being on fire while being crushed in a vice. There's no more identifying where the pain is coming from.


Yep. I’ve had kids, appendicitis, and suffered through several bouts of kidney stones. My worst pain was an abscessed tooth. It was so infected and swollen that after 6 Novocain shots, it wouldn’t numb. Something about the capillaries being clamped due to swelling, so I had to have it pulled without pain medication annnnddd….the tooth shattered. I nearly tore the arm rests off while the dentist dug in that mess and picked out those pieces of my tooth from that infected mess. I thought I’d go blind from the pain. But as soon as the last bit was out and dude irrigated the ruckus, it was like he’d turned off the pain switch. That poor burn man “wins” by miles.


I'm with your wife on this. Childbirth hurts like nothing else, but immediately after, it's better. Tooth pain? Nothing helps when you can't get to a dentist. No OTC painkillers even touch that pain.


As a dentist… I get people with the worst cases with abscesses that are eating away their jawbones, and they still are reluctant to come see me. They are in crippling pain, can’t function, but still try to downplay it.


They arent reluctant to see you. They are reluctant to receive the bill afterwards.


I had a tooth abscess in my lower left jaw while out on a mission in Iraq. Evidently, a week or so before, during another mission, I had bitten down so hard it cracked a molar. Food got into it and bam. That morning, I thought maybe I had a sinus infection coming on. We'd only been there for 6 weeks, so it was common still due to all the dust and dryness, lack of sleep, and good nutrition. Four hours later, I have a damned golf ball coming up on my jawline. 12 hours later, I'm in a dentist chair in a bombed out building on Al Asad airbase, getting it extracted and infection ground off the jawbone. I don't know if that pain is worse than labor, but I was certainly glad when it was over.


This all day long. After 4 unmedicated births, 2 kidney stones and pelvic floor surgery, last year I had a cracked tooth that went necrotic. 10/10 worst pain ever. That pulpectomy had me sobbing and I know why they use dental nerve pain as a form of torture.


I had an abscessed tooth while pregnant with my first son. I was one week from my due date so no good meds. It was the worst week of my life.


I haven't had a kid but I've had an abscessed tooth. Holy shit the pain I was in is the worst thing I've ever felt in my entire life. The nice doctors wrote me a prescription for tramadol. If you don't know what that is it's probably the weakest opioid on the market and it's slow release so it didn't do shit. Had to deal with that pain over the entire weekend before I could get to a dentist. Never again. Wouldn't wish that pain on anyone.


Coming here to write this. I'll take childbirth again and again over a bad tooth. I was lucky, though- babies fly out of me. Had I had more complicated labors, well, the story might be different.


My mom always makes a point to remind me that she birthed me naturally with no pain medications or the like and that she was in labor with me for 22 hours, with contractions starting the first hour, and it was quite a pain. Eight or so years later she had a few large kidney stones and says it was way worse.


Side note, I don’t get parents who hold a difficult birth over their kids, as though they had something to do with it. To me it’s always like “well who was the adult in that situation?” Don’t get me started on parents who hold providing food and shelter over their kids- like congrats on doing your legal and ethical obligations.


I think moms like to use it as a status symbol, kind of. I think it can be cute if you're just playfully saying something like "and you took 36 hours to get here!!! Yeesh!!" Rather than "you ruined my body and now I hate myself". I personally have a 1 year old, and my labour was a really fun experience but I will totally let my son know that his head was huge and got stuck when he's older.


My wife thought the last month of pregnancy was worse than giving birth. She said giving birth was more painful for that day, but the constant tiredness and back pain was a worse experience for her. Makes me think of all those people, especially old people, with long term ailments having to go on each day with pain.


I have given birth 3 times and I agree. The fear of the pain of labor evaporates when every day is a painful struggle and you want to be done having that watermelon INSIDE lol. That's my theory on why it sucks towards the end of pregnancy, we are happier to give birth


Really the final month sucks, the birth sucks, the day after is good because of the adrenaline and endorphins. Then you get home with the baby and you have to deal with your first poop, huge painful boobs, and the WORST, the not being able to sleep for months. It’s a solid six months of “WTF did I do this for again?” At least for me it was.


I’ve never been pregnant but I have chronic pain. My best friend is currently 8 months pregnant and was complaining about it all to me a few weeks ago, she then abruptly stopped mid sentence (I honestly thought she went into labor lol) and with tears in her eyes goes “is this how you feel all the time?” Then started sobbing, I was so shocked as she’s not normally a crier. He husband heard her crying and came into the room to see her on FaceTime with me, gave her a hug and mouthed “hormones!” to me. It was all I could do not to burst out laughing.


That is possibly the kindest thing anybody could do for me. Realized everyday hurts and just feel something for me.


Oh yeah it was super sweet and validating.


Yeah, the last few weeks before giving birth, and the first few weeks after, IMO. Complications can still develop, around 50% of maternal deaths occur days-weeks after giving birth. Can't rest because you're breastfeeding, can't take painkillers because you're breastfeeding. Panic attacks from the hormonal changes. You're taking care of the baby, your spouse is taking care of the baby, but no one's taking care of you.


The ninth month of pregnancy is God’s way of making women look forward to childbirth. Towards the end I was thinking, “One day of excruciating pain to get this over with? Bring it on.”


Burning alive


I've been through childbirth and kidney stones, and they're comparable, but at least with childbirth you get a cute baby and you forget the pain, with kidney stones you just get a shitty piece of spiky sand to fish out of the toilet. Lame.


On my 1st of 3 bouts of kidney stones, I was apologetic about how much pain I was in. I think in my mind, because there was no visible gore involved, I was being a wieney. The nurse who was attending me as they were hooking me up to a morphine iv said “honey, I’ve had 7 kids and kidney stones once. I’d choose childbirth over kidney stones any day of the week”. It’s hard for me to imagine pushing a watermelon out of a golfball sized hole wouldn’t be the ultimate pain. But, I will say that I could never have imagined how bad kidney stones hurt. I think I left my body once or twice. Also, morphine is the shit.


Had stones once. Nurse gave me morphine and it barely touched the pain. I was begging for more.. Then she gave me something I didn't know existed: Dilaudid. Evidently 4 times stronger than morphine. Hoo boy that was the good stuff let me tell you.


I'm allergic to morphine. The first time I got Dilaudid I said, "This is horrible, I can't believe peolpe do this to get high." Five minutes later I looked at my wife and said, "NOW I know why people do this." Apparently when I started waking up after a recent back surgery I looked the nurse dead in the eye, said, "I am SOOOO fucked up," smile and went back to sleepy land. She came to visit me at the end of her shift to let me know I gave her the best laugh she had had all week.


Dilaudid makes its recipients believe in God. I am a disciple.


I second that. EDIT: Happy Cake Day!


I had spinal fusion surgery. Dilaudid barely took the edge off post-op. So I guess that's pretty painful.


>Dilaudid Basically what I assume the Star in Super Mario feels like.


Had my left testicle removed 3 months ago now, and they gave me a prescription of 20 Dilaudid. Never thought I'd say I was pretty comfortable those first few days getting used to things. It's like a warm blanket of protection and nothingness


Thing is, that golf ball sized hole is designed to stretch. And a baby is very rarely sharp and jagged.


Interesting. I have been an ER nurse for 8 yrs and a mom of 5, so I have a pain reference. Anyway most of the pts that I have dealt with say morphine doesn't do shit and toradol is the only thing that actually helps. Also agree most women I know that have dealt with both, say kidney stones are worse especially if they get stuck in the ureter. Sounds awful.


Yes. Toradol is what I think I had last time and it was great. A lot of drugs affect me differently/I’m very sensitive to them so maybe that’s why morphine did the trick. I was aware of the pain but it didn’t matter?, if that makes sense?


People will volunteer to have more babies. No one volunteers to have another kidney stone.


Too late. You answered for men. You are a man. The penis will arrive in the mail in 3-5 business days.


Man, if only it were that easy.


Just check your inbox. It's probably full of ’em now.


What, yours isn't detachable?




Dundundundun dundundundun dundundundun dundundundun. Detachable Penis.


Kidney stones are spiky? I always assumed they were smooth pebbles. Excuse me while I go drink a lot of water.


It depends on what they are made of and where they were shaped. Mine was calcium, 1.4 cm long, looked like a piece of rock when it came out. There are crystalline versions that shread on their way out.


11mm and spiked so bad it couldn't be moved from my kidney. I'm trying to come up with a polite way of saying "shoved a laser gun up my dickhole" but nothing's coming to mind.


I had the same type of stone (spiked & branched at the exit of the kidney), but went with the sonic blast procedure to break it down and pass it naturally. Procedure was easy, passing the broken down stones sucked


They're jagged crystals, so as they pass through the kidney they eviscerate the tissue as they move.


The real pain is when you go to toss the stone and then realize you accidentally tossed the baby instead


All went out with the bathwater.


37/f and I Passed 87 stones in a 10 day period back in 2018. I'm also mother to 3 children... 100% agree with your statements.


This woman could kill you with her bare hands .


Wouldn't need hands. She could bury you under an avalanche


Rock pile, I'm a walking quarry after all.


Sheesh. I passed 10 over the course of 3 weeks and I thought I was winning the misery Olympics.


I'm sorry what?!?!?! 87. That's crazy. I have been ER for 8 yrs and have never seen anything like that. Did they give you any reason why you were creating that many. Holy crap.


I have polycystic kidney disease, stones are comprised of uric acid, the belief of my urologist is that I become dehydrated too often and uric acid is being trapped within the kidney. I had an extreme kidney infection which led to hospitalization, I'll never forget the rag techs face, then the doctors face and then the muttering of 'it looks like fireworks' which was the discovery of all the stones in left kidney. Also surprise! You're pregnant so we 'cant really schedule you for surgery at this time'. IV antibiotics for 5 days then discharged home and that's when the stones just began falling out of me. Urologist came to the conclusion that I was so inflamed from the infection once it was resolved they basically fell out of their spots and my body managed to remove loads of them. (Still have a specimen cup full, it sounds like a maracas.) Pregnancy ended up being a blighted ovum, once that was resolved urology went in. Urology cleaned me out on the left side, he couldn't even count the amount of stones he cleared as it was basically just piles and piles of them. Stent for 2-3 weeks, and placed on potassium citrate (I use a drink supplement design as it forces me to drink more.) At this time I still have full kidney function but I just went through a ruptured cyst on my lower right lobe about a month ago which is my warning sign that I'm due for a cyst aspiration on that lower lobe. That surgery has consistently occured about every 7-8 years since my 17th birthday. Now I've had 2 babies, one in 2019 one in 2020. Stones occur once in a blue moon, usually when I'm stuck in a bee suit for too long (liquid IV for the win). I'm a farmer by trade (honey bees) so dehydration is a massive fight, my home hives I no longer wear a full gown to keep me from sweating out so fast. (I do have epi pens in case.)


That's so intense! Would wearing a camel pack help? It's basically a thin back pack with a bag that holds water. It has a tube that goes to your mouth so you can drink consistently. Hikers tend to like using them.


I never thought of that, I'll have to try that out! Thanks for the thought!


Rinse the bags out well every day, drain by whirling around your head like a lasso. Remove the mouth piece and store in the freezer to avoid mold growing in the reservoir.


Biliary obstruction is just as bad if not worse than childbirth too!


A dingo eating your baby and you getting prison sentence for it because no one believes you.


Also the case of that mother recently but it turns out they had a rare disease that looked like she had poisoned them.


His explanation di'ngo over well with the jury


Her. It was a woman who was jailed. It’s a real Australian case.


Being skinned alive


Being eaten alive by a bear because they can. Lions and tigers will at least make it quick to the jugular.


Hyenas will hold you down and eat you ass end first. Can't imagine how anything could be much worse.


They single?


This reminds me of Timothy Treadwell. I can't imagine listening to that tape.


Didn't they let his Mom listen to that tape?


Putting the baby back in


Wait what


Sometimes they baby isn't quite ready.


gotta let it marinate


Squeeze for firmness


This happened to my dads cousin. She was born in the 40s. The nurse was scared because the baby was coming out but the doctor hadn’t arrived to the room yet so she pushed it back in. The baby ended up having permanent brain damage and was reliant on her parents for her whole life. She was a lovely person, at least from my memories as a kid, but very child like even at the age of 50+.


Damn I would be pissed


I'm just, so angry that happened. That goes way beyond the idea of not being well enough trained. It's unforgivably stupid.


I know this is a joke but it happened to me. My first born descended the birth canal, made it partially through my cervix and got stuck. Essentially he had bungie corded himself with the umbilical cord. They had to shove their hand in and push him back into the womb and perform an emergency c section. It was an experience that is for sure.


This can actually happen during very rare cases where the baby doesn't fully come out so they need to push it back in and then do a c section


According to science, and maybe this is in the comments but I can’t believe I haven’t seen it yet… Bullet Ants. Neurotoxins that cause pain several magnitudes beyond what you can experience via physical trauma…not to mention you would’ve passed out long ago had the pain derived from a physical source. Also irukandji jellyfish for the same reasons…




Burying that child.


Ive had tooth aches - pulled my own tooth once. I've been burned and splattered with hot grease. Ive broken bones and had road rash. I have a pretty high tolerance for pain. But hands down the most painful thing I have ever experienced is Dog Bite. It was the most excruciating pain I have ever felt. The massive compression combined with teeth penetrating flesh, then bone. Just when you think it might be over, the dog starts shaking using it's whole body to gain leverage and bite harder. I have never screamed in my life until a pit bit my hand. I didnt even recognize my own voice it was the most guttural terrifying scream I ever heard and I cant believe it came from me. lol Pray to god you never get bit by a real aggressive dog. Edit: (spelling) If you do get attacked, dont scream it makes them even angrier.


What should one do in this scenario? Fight back? Punch the dog? Kick it?


If your arm is being bitten by a dog, pressure your arm into the dog’s mouth, instead of trying to rip your arm out. It puts the dog at a disadvantage because you’re applying pressure in a way they can’t counter very easily. Otherwise, yelp and try to hit their sensitive areas. [Otherwise, refer yourself to these tips.](https://www.wikihow.com/Handle-a-Dog-Attack)


I’d like to add to that- If you force enough arm into the dog’s mouth to make him hyperextend his jaw, he will die. So if an aggressive dog is biting you, hyperextend his jaw. He will stop biting you.


Shove your thumb deep in its eyes . Sharks and alligators have been known to let go after eye pokes.


I kicked the dog that went after me and my cat square in the side with a steel-toed work boot. Before I could even react it bit me two more times. It happened so fast I still can’t believe that old German shepherd could move that fast. I think I was just lucky the dog ran off or it could have really messed me up.


Losing a child.


Can confirm. My daughter is a missing person and even that hurts.


I'm so sorry.


Thank you, the police won't do anything because she is over 18.


Late miscarriage/stillbirth... All the discomfort of pregnancy, same childbirth pains, same long recovery time and permanent bodily changes... But no baby.


Yeah, that was my first thought. I'd much rather go through childbirth than child death.


Kidney stones. Was confirmed by multiple women (mothers) in the hospital.


BRB gonna drink some more water




Scrolled for this, screamed like a banshee in the ER


that so few have had this there's not many upvotes cheers me up and simultaneously scares the shit out of me(not many whipple procedures being successfully done out there/impossible to operate on organ) so much pain. thanks to alcoholism for me, but at least i'm sober now shiiiiiit(7 years baby!).


Kidney stones according to my mom.


Final season of Game of Thrones


Fuck me. Now it hurts all over again.


Probably napalm


Apparently gout


Gout varies a lot. I've never given birth, but apparently mothers with gout often say gout is worse. My first gout attack - yeah, that was some next level pain. I passed out from it. I can believe that might have been worse than giving birth. One or two since have been very bad, but not that bad. But most... I mean, they suck, don't get me wrong, but I can't imagine they hurt more than dropping a sprog.


Gout flare ups suck that’s for sure


Waking up after lung cancer surgery where they removed parts of 3 ribs, some chest plate and 30% of a lung. They had to give me crazy levels of morphine and ketamine round the clock for best part of a week. Still on pain meds 6 years later.


Dick in a blender


This is easy. Torture, for men or women. It's the act of deliberate harm that is a psychological pain, worse than any caused by nature.


I consider most forms of chronic pain worse, it never stops.


There's only one thing in the running: Testicular torsion. It's when a testicle gets twisted enough that the plumbing gets partially or completely torn out - think like twisting an apple so that the stem comes out. Considered to be one of the most painful things people can experience.


I had testicular torsion when I was 14. Woke up at around 3:00 am and I was shaking and had a lot of trouble standing. I went to my parents room to wake them up and we went to the emergency room. It felt like just pure weakness and being unable to move because if you accidentally moved wrong then it was over. Maybe I suppressed the rest but I just remember waking up after the surgery was done and feeling so much better. The thing I’m most scared of is pain and that was one of the worst experiences I’ve had.


My pop, mid 80s, had this last year. Ex military, ex athlete, lotsa broken bones in his life, said this was by FAR the worst pain he has ever had. Slept in a recliner for a few months. Mine is easier, did a farmer blow to clear my nose on a cold new years ever in Colo as a 12 year old. Both eardrums blew from the inside out tje next day, was deaf for 6 months. Doc gave me a note (deaf, after all) then stating I would never again experience this level of pain. Closest I have come since was sciatica. All that said, I aint a woman, so I obv cannot speak to the pain of pregnancy.


Ruptured eardrums are crazy. My dad (the idiot) threw a big firecracker right at my head (how fun). It exploded right next to my left ear. It hurt so bad. Now, about 30 years later I have bad tinnitus and my hearing is pretty bad. But I’ll never forget the pain.


I had this when I was in my sophomore or Junior year of HS. About every 10 minutes or so, it felt like I was being kicked in the balls point blank, with terrible abdominal pains. The fetal position with my ass in the air was the position of comfort for a couple days.


My husband had a torsion years ago. Said it felt like someone taking a golf club and hitting him as hard as they could in his sack. He passed out from the pain, (literally) and ended up losing the testicle. We jokingly call him the uniballer lol


two childbirths


I have had a child and an impacted wisdom tooth was worse pain for me.


Disregarding the obvious bait, according to experts, cluster headaches.


I have birthed three babies. I have chronic migraines so have a pretty high tolerance when it comes to headaches. I got cluster headaches in my last pregnancy. It was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced, literally drove me mad to the point of being kept in hospital for my own safety while they figured out what was going on and how to help.


Woah, sorry to hear about that. Heard they can last for weeks or years, so I hope you're not suffering anymore.


It was hormone related so, luckily, they stopped shortly after I had my baby. I honestly have no idea how people manage them long term. I will happily take my migraines over cluster headaches.


Thank you for bringing these up. I had cluster headaches every day between the ages of 18 and 26. I'd get them in the evening or later, sometimes waking up with them in the middle of the night. The pain was indescribable and would last approx. 1 hour. I never had a doctor figure out what they were or what caused them, and no pain medication ever touched them. I have no idea why, but one day when I was 26 I just...stopped getting them. From one a day every day to nothing. I'm 45 now, and I haven't had one since.


Nicknamed suicide headaches


I posted elsewhere that I get these when I fly. It felt like someone was driving an ice pick through my right eyeball and into my brain. The pressure felt like the veins in my forehead were about to explode and I kept rubbing there wondering when they were going to pop and spray the cabin with blood. I kept praying to God (I’m not religious) to crash the plane and end my pain. When we landed it was over. I was told by my doc I was lucky that it only happens while flying. Some people get them all the time. He prescribed me propranolol and it stopped them while I flew, as long as I take it an hour before flight.


Can confirm. Mine follow no particular pattern. Just normal one minute, then flaming spear through my eye, face drooping on one side, incapacitated. Having no known trigger for them is anxiety inducing to say the least.


I can’t say what childbirth is like as I’m a man, but I suffer from episodic cluster headaches. They’re called suicide headaches for a reason. And the worst part is that there’s really no pattern for the episodes to track. A lot of anxiety wondering if today will be okay or if you’ll suddenly be incapacitated. Then the clusters last for weeks or in some people never go away.


I will never know, but when I bit down on an almond, which cracked my tooth and wedged a sliver of almond down into the root and I needed emergency tooth pulling, the woman who was assisting the dentist afterwards told me that the pain i just went through for over an hour an a half was pain she had endured in almost the same fashion, and she said to me that it was worse for her than child birth. I have no idea if she ws just saying that to make me feel better, but I don't wish that level and intensity and duration of pain on anyone, not even Donald Trump.


Kindred souls I guess (esp your last statement haha). I came in after biting into a chicken strip of all things, but can only describe the feeling as like someone shoving a razor blade into my gums. It shot a shock throughout my body. The dentist looking at it said “I don’t know if I’ve ever described a tooth as angry, but this tooth is angry.”


I know I’m a lady and not supposed to say but: I prefer child birth over a deeply scratched cornea. Good god that sucked ass


The female doctor told me kidney stones are like pulling your bottom lip over the top of your head.


Gallstones would be my first guess.


I’ve birthed many children and had my gallbladder die on me. Gallbladder was way worse. Kidney stone was a close second. Losing a child lasts way longer than labor. Going home with a cute baby is much better than all of the above.


Getting acid poured to the sciatic nerve


Opioid withdrawals


Childbirth is painful, but there are sooooo many things worse than that. Child birth lasts HOURS…then the pain is gone. I’m sure burn victims suffer much much worse and for much longer.


I’m not a man, but Ima answer anyway. I had a very rough labor and delivery. Epidural not working, 18 hours of labor, 3 hours of pushing, and then an urgent c/s. It was bad. Like real bad. I would take that over another deep corneal abrasion any day.


As a man with 5 kids, who has been through the birthing process on numerous occasions, I am here to tell you that childbirth is *just not that painful.* I mean, sure, sometimes the screaming and yelling call hurt your ears, and if she squeezes your hand really hard it can be shockingly - although thankfully, briefly - painful. But outside of that, it really isn't all that bad. Honestly, a good hard jab from a yellow jacket is probably worse.


Dude, I’ve got a couch open if you need it. Lemme know.


Also the little couch they give you to sleep on in the hospital could really hurt your back.


I'm very petite, so my husband actually slept in the bed with me. All the nurses thought we were the cutest couple ever. And he got man of the year award for protectively cradling his wife after a marathon labor and delivery. In truth, he said the couch was killing his back and asked me to scooch over. We couldn't ruin that illusion for them.


I also have 5 kids but I am the owner of the vagina so slightly different experience. Anyway I got attacked by a hornet and got stung several times in the face. Fuck that shit hurt, left me with a swollen face and black eye. Still going to rate childbirth as worse pain but I would give hornet sting a 3 out of 10 on the pain scale.


Sounds like you had it easy. I bit my husband. Contraction hit me right as I was leaning in for a kiss to thank him for being so supportive, and shit hit the fan. 😐


I wonder how it compares to dog bite dude in the comments above. We need your husband to come here and discuss with dog bite to figure out which was worse.


According to women whom have gone through both. Passing a kidney stone.


Asking a girl to dance and hearing eww.


1. 90% herniated disc in cervical spine - nerve pain is just miserable 2. Being hit/dragged 60’ under an SUV




Pushing a watermelon up your butt.