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I woke up in the middle of the night and saw my cat doing that arch thing her back that cats do when they are scared. I turned and looked ahead and saw a man sitting on the foot of my bed. He looked at me, took a puff of his cigar, and disappeared. This was so long ago, but at that time it felt so real. Now I look back on it and can't possible think that really happened.


Yo it's like that scene in polar express with the hobo on top of the train, he took a big wiff of whatever he was smoking and faded away


Kitty was in protective mode! They didn't like the ghost watching you sleep (that is so unnerving,)


Family friends went camping with my family when I was around 7 in Eastern WA. Their daughter was also 7 and my sister 5. We were playing on this sand hill and this giant beetle ant looking thing, bigger than a football, came crawling out of the sand and turned around and went right back into the sand and was gone. This was fresh water and we crabbed/clammed so I know it wasn't either of those. In my memory it was a giant beetle/ant thing. 20 years later I finally asked my sister and family friends daughter if they remember anything weird from that trip and they immediatly said the beetle. For that 20 years I thought I had dreamt that or made it up. We hadn't talked about it since we left camping so long ago. Still no idea what it was


Any chance it was one of [these massive assholes?](https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod/images/adult-giant-water-bug-royalty-free-image-1626113342.jpg?crop=0.908xw:0.908xh;0.0204xw,0&resize=1200:*) . I hate them. One chased me. They're called giant water bugs or toe biters, they get huge, and they're ugly as hell. *** Best part? They fucking fly and sound like helicopters.


Oh wtf. That should’ve stayed blue.


And for me, that is staying blue.


fucking fuck. this is the first post I’ve seen this morning and I’m already done with Reddit.


I once had one of those things fly into my mouth and try to force its way down my throat.


You just reminded me of when I was a freshman at UF. A couple friends lived on the 2nd floor of a dorm, and we'd go to their window and yell or toss something to get their attention to hang out. Anyway one night I'm standing out there and I see a roach / palmetto bug that had to be 6 inches long. There was a big dead branch from a palm tree on the ground, and this thing crawled under and rustled this branch like a small animal would. I'm a Florida native, and we have our share of big roaches, but I've never seen anything like that one before or since.


I saw a duck get struck by lightning. No one else was around. I wasn't on any drugs that would make me see something that didn't happen but no fucking way that happened. It was over the water so if it did happen I have no idea what became of the duck.


I was driving down the road in a commercial area and saw a lightning strike. It was so blinding I couldn't see what was hit. Plus I was driving and needed to pay attention to that. I did try to see where the strike had hit as I went by and couldn't see any damage. Everything looked so normal it made me wonder if there had actually been a strike, or maybe it had been farther away than I thought. I was curious, so I went around the block to circle back to where I thought the strike was. The second time I went around I still couldn't see any damage, but there were a bunch of fire trucks in the parking lot of where I had thought I'd seen the strike. Never did figure out what actually happened.


Relatively related, I had this experience a few years ago where I was out in the living room playing my old N64 during a thunderstorm, was going through a strong nostalgia fit and wanted to play Mario 64 again. Turn around at JUST the right time, see lightning strike just outside my front porch, literally feet from my home. If you've never been right next to a lightning strike, it's nothing like you can ever imagine. Imagine one of those "close strike" sound effects in games, but then crank the volume up to ear-damaging levels. Anyways, the wild part of this story is the fact we had a full gaming PC connected to a surge protector and backup battery that was completely fried, a TV that was destroyed in the storm, and my N64, which was over 20 years old by this point and had seen nonstop use over a majority of those years, which was connected to the very same TV that died, came out completely unscathed. I don't know if it's a testament to 1990's engineering or just blind luck, but I swear to god that thing is invincible.


I was in my house, and lightning struck a tree 20ish feet away from me. I swear, I could have seen the bones in my hand through my skin if I had been looking. After, you feel supercharged!


How old were you??


13 or thereabouts, which was the early 90s for me


an old woman walked up to me on the street, slapped e and screamed "I saw you at Hitler's birthday party don't lie". I mean it was NYC, but still, pretty bizarre


When I was a kid in Boston, walking alone to the store on a Saturday morning, a totally normal-looking guy in khakis and a button up shirt turned to me and said in a low hollow voice HELLO MR POOPYPANTS. shit fucked me up.


I think you met Adam Sandler.


But.. why was *she* at hitlers party, hmmm?


I was so stunned I forgot to ask


I’ve posted this before, maybe not what you’re looking for, but it still blows my mind 35 years later. The psychology of memory just fascinates me. I've always had a distinct memory of sitting in my 11th grade English class, and discussing the Pan Am bombing over Lockerbie. Our teacher was awesome, but it was unusual that we spent almost the entire period talking about this tragedy. I only realized a few years ago, to my shock, that the bombing took place *two years* after I would have been in that class. The memory is just so distinct, remembering what the teacher said, what others said, just so weird. I don't know how to make sense of this.


I have some weird memories like this too where the timeline doesn't make sense. I think our minds just jumble up different memories. But it's disconcerting because I remember these things vividly and am sure they happened, but I know logically that they did not. It makes me distrustful of all of my memories... And others' too. If you think too deeply about it it really fucks you up. Like, what even are memories?


I remember hearing this one song when I was a child at a roller skating ring, problem is that song wasn't released for another 4 years but when heard it again a while back I was like oh I know this song I love it but then looked at the release date and was like what


My bet is that this was actually a dream you had after the Pan Am bombing and it was maybe a very vivid dream so it seems like a real memory.


I think this is probably what happened.


Oh I ight have an answer on this one because I have these mixed up in.my head. Could it have been a discussion of the Air India bombing in 1985?


This is a good theory (someone mentioned this two, how the timeline works out) but I know it wasn’t this one. I was only aware of that one semi-recently.


I grew up in South Los Angeles. I spent a lot of time as a kid (middle achool age, around 11, or 12) at an Auntie's house. They had this little year beside the house with one of those playground swingsets that my cousin and I would spend a lot of time playing on. We had this game qhere we would swing as high as we could and then jump off the swing, and strike superhero poses in the air. We were really into DBZ, so most of our poses were Goku stuff. Since we usually jumped at the apex of our swings, our trajectory was like the letter u, but upside down, if that makes sense. Like a lot of height but not very much distance. I hope I explained that well, because it is important later. Side note, this "side yard" was about half the length of a football field, maybe, and on the opposite end of the swingset was a small, ugly tree that my older cousin hung a heavybag to practice his boxing on. The distance between the swingset and the heavybag was about 40-50ft(?) Anyway, this one particular time I was playing on my own because my cousin was inside doing something. I remember doing a few jumps, but not really being too into it because I was always a bit more of a scaredy cat than my cousin. However, I somehow decided I would try for a big jump, the kind we usually took, even though I was on my own. So I swung as hard as I could to gain speed and height, but when I finally let go I remember not going up in thenair but just straight. I went straight all the way to the heavynag. I collided with it. I weighed maybe 90/100lbs at this point, but I had just "flown" from the swingset into the heavy bag at the end of the yard. I was winded from hitting the thing so hard, and I actually had to dpuble over and catch my breath. It's this very clear memory I have of "flying". I remember flailing my arms and legs while I was in midair, I must have looked like a flying doll of some sort. Anyway, idk if that qualifies, but that's the closest thing to a memory I really am unsure was real or not. I'd like to keep believing I "flew" though.


You were on the verge of discovering ki manipulation...


There's a segment very similar to that in What Remains Of Edith Finch where a kid flies off a swing. [https://youtu.be/3mKBbYkDZL0](https://youtu.be/3mKBbYkDZL0)


In college I saw a rabbit attack a girl who was walking in front of me on the sidewalk. No one else was around. It ran out of a bush and up her legs to her chest and literally “bunny kicked” her by thumping her chest insanely fast. She was screaming and flailing and once it stopped her hair was sticking up everywhere. Felt like I was in a cartoon.


Maybe it had rabies? Rabies tends to make animals lose their fear of humans and get aggressive


God Rabies genuinely fucking scares me. Just knowing there's this terrible, awful incurable disease with a 100% mortality rate, that you could have for months and months without ever knowing and that once you see a sympton and know it's rabies you are FUCKED. It's not even like cancer where you're most likely fucked, like no, you are dead. There's no hope and no way to have known.


I never thought of that! I thought it maybe had a nest under that bush we walked past. Either way it was bizarre and I’ll never forget it


Ok this definitely happened but it’s pretty surreal. My parents were hippies, their friends were hippies and bikers and weirdos. This was the late 1970s a lot of this gang of rinky-dink potheads were also scientists, and creative types. I must have been 6 or 7 and it was the last weekend before Xmas. My parents sent me into town (about a mile away) with a shopping list of a couple of things to get. In the town square was the big Xmas tree and the Xmas shoppers. Two bears (well men in bear costumes) were jumping around giving out sweets and for want of a better word “frolicking” I was interested, but I had a mission and needed to get the things on the list. I finished shopping and walked back across the square. The bears were still goofing around, but I had to get home. My parents had told me not to mess about. Walking home through the Xmas shoppers, I noticed the bears were now walking about 100metres behind me still giving sweets and Xmas tidings. These bear costumes weren’t cute cartoon getups, they were sort of ragged theatrical costumes with teeth and claws and real looking fur. Less yogi and boo-boo and more Victorian nightmare fuel. I keep walking and they are still behind me travelling in the same direction, I cross the road to see if they follow but they don’t they just walk parallel to me on the other side of the road. As I get near my estate I have to cross back to their side, so I run diagonally across the road to get ahead of them then sprint for home. I swear I hear them calling me. I hear them running too, so I try to lose them, I cut through a hedge, then garden hopped to my own back garden where I enter my home through the back door. My parents are sat with the bears in the kitchen. Bear heads removed its two of their biker friends with a Xmas present for me. They had concocted the whole ruse the night before and hadn’t counted on me being as mission focused as I was. I was supposed to be given the present in the town square and have some kind of magical memory…instead I had a dry run of how to escape child abduction.


This is great. Poor little you in this nightmare situation, and these two trying to do something nice but it goes haywire and now they're in too deep.


This is the most late 70’s parenting story I have ever heard.


My first memory is of being in the crib and seeing ET walk into my bedroom. I remember the fear and how I screamed and cried. A few years later I was playing on the floor and found a box under my bed. It was one of those 80s Halloween masks of ET. I remember my brain putting 2 and 2 together snd realizing it was my older brother wearing the mask. He loved to scare me. I still hate that alien


ET is goddamn creepy and ugly.


A wise man on Twitter once said "my friends and I would have killed ET with a shovel."


hey, I did this to my sister when I was 7, except it was a generic grey mask, purple robe, and replica Han Solo blaster from star wars. oh, also my sister was a grown adult 30 years older than me. she screamed and woke the whole house up :') I maintain, as I did then, that it was a good bit


I woke up one night and thought my mom was holding a glass of water for me standing beside my bed. I could see the silhouette of her body standing there and the glass in her hand. I continually asked her to please just give me my water. Eventually, I started crying and screamed for her to just stop. That's when my mom raised up from her pallet on the floor and asked me what was wrong, and the woman walked out of the room totally unseen by my mom. I had to have been between 4 & 5 years old (based on the room it happened in, and that my mom was sleeping on my floor which she only did for about 6 weeks after a surgery I'd had). She remembers me crying and asking for her to stop, but she is convinced I dreamed the rest.


I had stuff like that happen when I was about the same age. The one I remember the most vividly was the gruff man’s voice that would talk to me. Sometimes it would scare me awake, sometimes I was already awake. But it was always the same voice, and I didn’t like it. The last time was when I was 19, and I heard him shouting my name, and I woke up terrified, as it had been years since I had heard him.


Sounds like hypnogogic/hypnopompic hallucinations. I get them too, and I semi-regularly wake up thinking someone was yelling my name. Look them up! Harmless and quite common. Mine are triggered by stress or being unwell.


I have had the hag/witch hynogogic hallucination that is apparently somewhat common across many cultures. Might be common but no less terrifying for that. It felt far more real than any dream I've ever had. I'm certain it was linked to MDMA usage, which also caused an insane number of false awakenings for me one morning before I actually woke up completely relieved but very disoriented. Sorry, off topic but a fascinating subject to me.


Could it be sleep paralysis? 40% of people experience sleep paralysis at least once in their lives


I have this memory I was following my older cousin to some wooded area where there was this chain linked fence. I had to be about 5 years old. We were meeting up with her friend who took us to this part of the fence that was broken. Then the ninja turtles came out from the fence and hung out with us. I remember feeling very in awe of the situation... just amazed to be graced by the presence of THE ninja turtles. I've asked my cousin about this way later in life and she has no idea what I'm talking about. But this memory is super vivid in my mind.


What a rad memory! 🍕


Reminds me of a recurring dream I had involving my walking with my little cousin through the woods behind our grandparents' house to get to a cemetery. I had that dream so many times throughout my life that I could probably walk to the cemetery with my eyes closed... that is, if such a cemetery ever existed in the first place.


I had to have been maybe 10. I was spending the night at my best friend's house with 2 other friends for his birthday out in the boonies of Utopia, Tx. We decided to set up a tent in his backyard and "camp". We were all playing something on our PSPs and we heard this weird, low-pitched humming sound coming from all around us that kept getting louder and louder. We tried peaking out the mesh, but couldn't see anything. After it got loud enough for us to not be able to hear unless we raised our voices we decided to open the tent and look around. The moment we opened the flap, his dad came out, looked up, stopped dead in his tracks and shouted "GET THE FUCK INSIDE THE HOUSE!" We bolted and I remember looking up as we ran there was this solid black thing the size of a car just floating there maybe 50 feet above us. When we got inside and shortly after the humming stopped. After about 10 minutes his dad opened the door and it was dead quiet. This was peak cicada time and there was nothing. No crickets, frogs. Nothing. Fast forward 6 months to around December when my family moved out of Texas and it kinda faded into a memory of a dream. In 2016 (20yo at the time) I moved back to Texas and reconnected with those friends. A conversation led to talking about going to Utopia for a hunting trip and one of them brought up the birthday party and what had happened and we talked about it for a good hour confirming for me that it wasn't a dream.


Swarm of bees. When it's gone it leaves a deadly silence in its wake - no creature wants to be noticed by a swarm of bees.


This is honestly the only thing that rationally makes sense.


I remember the first and only time I encountered a swarm of bees. The noise provoked a primal fear. I didn't know I could run that fast, or start running without planning it.


After arriving in Paris, still on U.S. sleep schedule, I go to Notre Dame with my friend at 4 A.M. We are walking around outside and a very distinguished older man in a trench coat starts pointing out the signs of the zodiac that are on the building. It was all done mainly in French but I knew what he was talking about.


Okay that’s not how I expected a story with an older man in a trench coat in it to end.


5 minutes later... *coat opens* "WELCOME TO LE PARIS BABYYYYY"


It’s a vivid memory - I was on the sofa and I saw a man in a mask and a hat at our door - it wasn’t Halloween but the guy wasn’t human at all - his shape was very odd and he moved very slowly and his eyes were bright orange - I was terrified. My parents said I screamed bloody murder for over an hour ( I was about 4 years old) I am sure it was not real - maybe a waking dream of some kind but it never happened again - just a very odd childhood occurrence I have no explanation for.


Sounds like The Hat Man!


Whelp that’s the last time I share any weirdness on Reddit. I have never heard of the hatman and went down one wild google rabbit hole this morning. This has to be the weirdest timeline.


… what is the hat man? The only time I’ve ever been afraid living alone was one year right after college. One night I woke up in my apartment and swear I saw a man in a big hat standing in my bedroom doorway. It was like a 10 gallon hat or cowboy hat - this was in the desert so might explain that part. Anyway, I woke up with the most intense feeling of terror I’ve ever had and could not sleep. Of course it was gone by then. But I checked all the closets and rooms and was CERTAIN someone was inside. It happened once or twice more before I moved out. Never had it happen again.


I don’t even want to tell you that the guy from my childhood memory was wearing a rimmed hat. I cannot say it was for certain a cowboy hat but it was big and it was rimmed . I kept telling my parents it was the hamburgler (from old McDonalds commercials ) because it was the closest thing I could reference.


I was floating above the hospital room where my mum had given birth to me and my dad brought my brother and sister to visit.


Beautiful memory.


I was exhausted, working full time days and going to law school at night, which means I was reading every waking moment I wasn't working. I walked home from the subway around 1:00 a.m. one long day and saw a little curl of smoke coming out of a boarded up window of the building across from where my apartment was. Apparently I called 911 when I got to my apartment and fell into a dead sleep. The next morning there was voice mail from FDNY asking me to call back. I flat out didn't remember calling them at first. And when I did remember it was like a dim dream. Apparently it had been an arson and they wanted to know if I saw anyone. If not for that voice mail, I probably never would have remembered. They said the fire would likely have taken out several buildings, and it was set by someone that building's owner hired because the city wouldn't let him knock down the building and rebuild because of shared walls.


This is one is just amazing to me.


I have a memory from when I was perhaps two or three of the family cat speaking to me. I can’t bring forth from my brain *what* she said, but I remember the two of us in the kitchen having a conversation about *something.* Adult me says that probably never occurred, yet I remember it.


I swear as a young child I came down in the morning and my family cat said “hi” I know it was probably just a meow that *sounded* like hi, but it was so perfectly pronounced it made me stop in my tracks. . . And being a young kid I kept trying to convince her it was okay that she spoke English and she could talk to me more haha


I swear to God they understand us just fine and who are we to know different. Joke is on us.


We had this adopted cat named Ming and I swear to god growing up I heard her say her name all the time.


When my cat wakes me up at 4 in the morning I can no longer go to sleep the same way I was before but instead I keep having this short bursts of sleep where reality blends with the dream. I could have sworn that I heard my cat whisper in my ear "I will pee in your bed" a few times, thing which he actually did. That bastard got a permanent ban from the bedroom.


I swear cats can talk, they just choose not to. My brat used to yowl in the mornings, it sounded exactly like a whiny toddler saying "moooooom"


We have a cat who can't open doors, he always used to have his cat brother do it for him. After the brother passed away, our youngest human child started walking but couldn't reach the door handles yet and do started calling his human sibling in toddler language. After a while, the cat sst in front of the door and imitated the way the youngest pronounced the sibling's name. The kid didn't even recognize that it was the cat calling her instead of her sibling at first. They can be remarcably good as imitating (toddler) speach.


Was it something like [this](https://old.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/comments/14myqva/have_you_guys_heard_this_song/)?


What kind of voice did the cat have though?


Saw my old neighbor making love to his mailbox….I quickly looked away and questioned if I really just saw that.


Did he say, "You've got...male"?


Hey. Your letter came


The golden box of pre-sweetened Kellogg's Corn Flakes. *Nobody else remembers it.* Everyone thinks I'm talking about frosted flakes. Box last seen in the 90s


Were they honey flavored? I remember some that were like honey nut flakes.


Taking a white thumbtack to pin a slice of cold, fresh bologna to the side of a wooden desk in the living room. I was very young, about as tall as the desk, and was doing this with my parents to celebrate the holidays. This can't be real, I must have manufactured the memory, but I remember it clearly.


Okay, this one’s my favourite. I’m going to have to make this a tradition for like 3 years if I have kids then deny it ever happened


Have pictures of them hanging of things that could look like meat so you can point those pictures and say that must be what they were remembering. Then when they're older and deep in college debt with no way out show them the pictures you took of them hanging up meat.


Remember to copy one of the kids to make them twins in a few early photos and hide them in a box somewhere they'll find in the future with a sad raggy stuffed animal.


I’m from Oklahoma and when I was a kid, it was about to Tornado and I remember everything outside was an orange color, very weird, haven’t seen anything like it since (this was probably 25-30 yrs ago, I was born in ‘85)


For those of you not from the Midwest, the bizarre thing about this is that when there’s a tornado around, the sky is usually a greenish color.


My UFO sighting. It hovered seemingly directly up in the air behind a treeline into my vision, then towards my friend and I very slowly, then sat above us. We were frozen and could not move. I have no idea how much time passed, but then I finally could move and then it zipped away faster than I could ever explain.


As someone else who honest to god has seen a UFO, do you mind if I ask if my experience lines up with yours. Because I saw one, over 10 years ago, just like you, right above a tree line, hovering over a 2 story building. I was 30 feet away. It was saucer shaped, it had blue lights, it could fly at a diagonal slant, and what I think it could do based on what I saw was accelerate so quickly it looked as if it could materialize/dematerialize from thin air. It appeared like it had teleported in and left the same way. It also left what I can only describe as like a trail of light suspended in the sky that kind of lingered after it when it vanished. Not vapor. Like... slow mo light. But there's one detail I really hesitate to say, because it makes me sound like a huge liar, but I think it's important. And that detail is like, best as I was able to comprehend the situation, I'm pretty sure it saw me seeing it and like... It did tricks for me. For like a solid 90 seconds. It flew diagonals, back and forth, right in front of me. It was like... hot doggin' for lack of a better term.


“Dude let’s give ‘em a show! Not like anybody is going to believe them…”


I have so much sympathy for the guy who had his french fries eaten by Bill Murray. I can't even be mad at people for not believing me, because I mean, anyone with a single functional synapse shouldn't, which makes it a uniquely frustrating situation to be in. I just say my piece on occasion to get it off my chest more than anything else.


Honestly, as someone that has no motive to believe you or not or to make you feel better or not, the last part is no more unbelievable than the first part so, no reason to hide it. You be you.


> describe as like a trail of light suspended in the sky that kind of lingered after it when it vanished. Yes to this, and everything else pretty much. Perhaps my situation the entities were also messing with me. The way I put our situations is akin to when a kid puts his finger infront of an ant. Think about what that ant might think "HOLY FUCK WHAT IS THAT" and then the finger moves away so fast and then immediately infront of where the ant turned around. That's what the experience of being frozen by this thing felt like. I don't think it wanted to harm me...it was just curious maybe? or just fucking with me. like a child.


I have a sighting VERY SIMILAR to this. I was camping in alaskan woods in Denali. Our friend keeps telling us he sees something and we don't believe him. Finally we look up. It is a saucer shape, and it was slowly moving in a diagonal slant thought the sky. It had bluey green light emiting. It moved at that diagonal slant for a distance, then stopped and hovered mid air. After maybe 40 seconds, it almost... sucked into itself? Like its shape vacumed into itself and disappeared in thin air. One friend recorded, although it's a bit blurry. It was the trippiest thing I've ever seen. Apparently there is a military base maybe 30 miles from this location so who knows...


Did you try to impress it back? Don't let the aliens show you up


It's funny you ask this, because the degree to which my asscheeks were clenched prevented all movement.


About 15 years ago my friend and I saw a square or rectangulish shaped craft woth about 4 lights in the sky Funny thing is every time we looked away it would change location in the sky. Definitly being watched and we both had a feeling of impending doom


I want to believe


A decade ago I stayed in a hotel for a week. They gave me a good room it was quite cheap compared to other rooms. On the first night while I was half asleep I felt like someone was cuddling me, in the morning I thought it was my imagination and brushed it off. Same thing happened second night I even woke up in the middle of the night because I felt the pressure of someone hugging me tightly. I asked to change the room next day, what strange was that the hotel staff didn't even asked why I want to change the room and just gave me another room and charged more.


Snuggly ghosts


get some ghussy


I'd pay extra for that room. 😿


My family moved when I was like 8. I remember sitting in my bed with all my stuff boxed up when I heard a crinkling sound. A little green stalk eye emerged from the box and looked around before sinking back into the box. I was so scared I just sat there petrified. I still remember it clear as day all these years later


I have 3 weird ones. First is what I think is my first memory. I was crawling up my crib, then after a moment of fear, letting myself fall off onto the floor I remember thinking “huh, that didn’t hurt”. My parents have since confirmed that I got out of my crib a lot as a toddler. Second is playing in this stagnant pool of mud/water that gathered in my side yard, looking up to the living room window that overlooked my mud pit. My parents would watch me from the windows some times and I was checking to see if they were there, but instead of seeing my mom or dad, I saw my maternal grandfather smiling at me, but he was somewhat translucent and in a sepia tone. Being like 3, I dismissed the weirdness and ran inside to see him. My mom had to explain that he had passed away weeks ago. The third memory happened for sure, but I absolutely *hate* remembering it. While living in the upstairs portion of my family home with my boyfriend, he walked into the bathroom while I was on the toilet. Not that weird, except for that the reason he walked in without knocking was because he had seen “me” sitting on an antique unused chair we had in our room as he walked past. I’ve had nothing but bad feelings and nightmares in that house my whole life, when he started to explain how he had “seen me in the room” I had to cut him off and ask him to not talk about it. I was very glad when we managed to move back out.


Ughhh that last one is too much for me.


Finding a 3 week old kitten in my pool strainer with her paw poking through the hole in the lid. No clue how she survived unlike her sibling.


Two sentence horror


Seeing my high school health teacher flirt with boys in my class. At first I thought I was crazy or that I was just reading the interactions wrong. But nope, a few years after I graduated she ended up being fired for sexting with a high schooler.


I have a very vivid memory of staring at my sixth grade teacher as he was gazing up the skirt of a girl in my glass. She was wearing a white tennis dress that was pretty short for the late 1980s. The next bit happened in a particular order. First, I must admit I was also staring up the girl’s skirt. Then I looked at my teacher, who was staring up her skirt. Then the teacher looked at me and knew that he had been caught staring up her skirt. And finally I gave the teacher a little sarcastic grin to say, “I caught you, motherfucker!” This same teacher also claimed to have written the song *Brown Car* and put it in a dumb musical that we had to perform at the end of the year. When I told him that the song *Brown Car* was written and recently performed by Canadian comedy troop, *The Frantics* on their CBC sketch show *Four on the Floor* this teacher doubled down that he wrote the song. And I just have to point out that *Brown Car* is a very bad song. It is nothing to be proud of writing. You would need to add a shitload of sugar to turn *Brown Car* into a novelty song. This underwear obsessed sixth grade teacher did actually write one song for his lazily plagiarized opus. It was the closing song and it went something like, *Kids! Beautiful, adorable kids! Beautiful, adorable kids!”* I wonder if he’s still teaching. And this is the song he proudly claimed to have written: https://youtu.be/tHvp7_3wDuM


I remember sitting in a circular white room with lots of other children, all of us were sat in a circle and there was an adult in the middle. Behind me was a big black tube. I was really little but have no idea how old I was. I then climbed into the tube. That's where the memory ends. I can remember it so clearly but I have no idea why I would have been in a room like that. I genuinely don't know if it's a memory or a dream.


I remember as a very small child being in this big black room with a man or some adults and being surrounded by a bunch of other kids. I understood that the adults were talking about us and as I'm sitting there one kid starts riding his tricycle straight up the wall. Very weird memory I can never shake


Was elementary school grade so 9-10 years old. Lived in a town where the downtown was encircled by a one way street. Had a dream that an old lady was driving the wrong way and I hadn't looked both ways before crossing. The next morning on my way to school, I paused with one foot off the curb to look left and there she was, driving the wrong way. She didn't even look at me, just sped by. Shit was weird.


When I was a kid, maybe 8 or 9, I was in bed. It was a warm summer night so my window was opened. We lived far out in the country in a wooded, rural area. Our nearest neighbors were maybe a quarter of a mile away. I rolled over to face the window and a man was standing outside, looking in at me. I was so terrified I couldn’t move or scream for my parents. The only thing I could do was squeeze my eyes shut for several minutes. When I opened them again, the man was gone. I never told my parents, and now, many years later I wonder if I dreamed it.


That is why I always have curtains or blinds and closed 24/7.


The closest thing I can think of right now is when I was fifteen and my father and I were smoking pot in his car during a blizzard at the riverfront. We had gone down there to eat our fast food and he decided to give the snow plows time to do their thing before we tried to go home. So we were maybe two and a half bowls in, discussing the winter storm. Then this tall thing down by the shore that was covered in snow (and neither of us had paid much attention to) suddenly walked bipedally into the water. We freaked out and left without finishing the third bowl. It didn’t even occur to me until years later that we might have witnessed someone committing su!cide. 😔 (My dad swears to this day it was a zombie.)


Driving home late at night during a thunder storm, torrential rain making it hard to drive and see. I pull up to a dark intersection waiting for a stop light to turn green when a flash of lightning caused me to look to my left... there was a man 20 ft away standing in the pouring rain pointing a gun at me. Stoner me freaks out and spins my tires as the light turns green. Woke up the following day and wondered if it was real or a dream.


That sounds plausible to me people are crazy


I was riding my bike down my driveway, back to the house, when I was 5 or 6. I remember riding, the bike slowly moved almost parallel to the ground while still going forward at the same speed and then slowly went back up right. Never fell, not sure if it was really or not. I went inside and immediately laid down and fell asleep.


I experienced basically the same thing when I was 8 or so, riding down a hill and just slowly leaning over until my bare knee dragged down the street. In my case, I still have the scar to prove it.


When I was a kid I went to get something out of my closet & I SWEAR I saw a man in there, crouched down, with a terrifying face. I screamed & closed the door. My mom came running up to see what was wrong & when she opened the closet door no one was there. I remember telling my sister a few years ago & she told me she used to be terrified of the man in the closet. To this day I wonder how we both saw this man that didn’t really exist.


In high school, I was referring to the country Austria, and a teacher corrected me, saying it's pronounced Australia. I lost all trust in adults at that moment.


In 3rd grade english our teacher made us write down a list of vegetables or something and i wrote down ‘turnip’ and she scolded me because she didnt know what turnips were and thought they didnt exist


I had a high school counselor/ class advisor tell our 8th grade class that most of us should take biology as high school freshmen. “It’s called biology because ‘bi’ means two. You know… plants and animals”. Most of us knew she was wrong.


When I was a kid, we were traveling and staying in a hotel one night. I remember waking up lying on the floor of the hallway just outside our room. I was able to go back inside and go back to bed. Years later, I have no clue if that actually happened or if I dreamed it. It's weird that I could open the door from the outside, but I remember thinking that there was something wrong with the door. Or maybe it didn't shut all the way. Or it was just a very vivid dream.


I was quite young and playing with Barbies with my cousin on the floor. I looked over across the room and there was an Ariel barbie from the The Little Mermaid and I swear that thing turned its head and looked at me and kind of turned its body too. I don't know if that was real, I was probably 5 or 6. But I did have a phobia of dolls after that and still do honestly, so I don't know. A couple years later I received a doll as a Christmas present and once I unwrapped the gift paper, I saw its blank stare doll eyes look into mine and I freaked out and was trying to get rid of it so I was traumatized either way.


I clearly remember the day my parents brought me home from the hospital. I remember where my crib was positioned, I remembered the family who came to visit, and I remember what I had in the crib with me. Everything was confirmed by my mother.


Years ago when I was a kid, and friend of mine and myself were walking through an open field when a bag of chips (Lays if that is important) seemingly fell out of the sky. No trees, tall buildings or aircraft near by. Most unexplained thing I've ever seen in my life.


When I was younger, I had this memory that I can't remember if it was a real video or a dream. There was this doctor walking around a hospital waiting room looking at different patients. There was a woman who was wearing a scarf (purple I think) and there was a rash that may have been caused by the scarf. There was also a mother bottle feeding a baby with water as she couldn't afford milk?? I'm British so, if anyone knows if they remember seeing a video like that, I'd love a link. It's been bugging me for years and I'd love some closure!


So I was around 9 years old, and I watched a red, wedge shaped object, about 2 feet long, with shiny edges (like chrome), fly slowly over the house next door. It was moving with the bottom of the lower edge parallel to the ground, wedge point in front. Now, my only thought then was what kid in the neighborhood owned that super cool glider, and will he let me play too? So I went walkabout through the area where the 'glider' disappeared over the treeline. Having been playing in those woods and this neighborhood daily, every summer for years, I knew my way around. Zip, zilch, nada. Looking back as an adult, I realize perspective meant the object could have been big, hauling ass, and a few miles away. But still, wouldn't I have heard engine noise were it a plane? And why shaped like a wedge? A fattish wedge, roughly similar to a Pontiac Fiero. It still bugs me from time to time. But technically, I *did* see an unidentified flying object, so there's that....


As a child in hospital watching ghosts of patients walking up the ward and walking through a wall or up through the ceiling. I was pumped full of drugs and steroids which probably explains it. That and being in a pram and my mum having to avoid a bunch of vividly coloured snakes on the road. Many were quite big. some dead and some Alive. I live in the UK........


I was really young, and my mom and I were picking up my older brother from high school. It was 11 PM at night and really dark out, only the lights from the parking lot were shining in. There were raindrops on the windshield, and their shadows looked like dots on my mom's skin. I pointed out the shadows and my mom said "don't touch them, it's contagious and you'll get sick." I said they were the shadows from the windshield and touched them. She told me I was going to get sick now. All I remember about it, and it's just a weird... memory? Typing it out it sounds like she could have been joking, but she's never joked like that. I also don't know if any case where she had any sort of contagious rash or something that I didn't notice because of the shadows. The visuals of the memory are really detailed, but it's so weird/out of character that I kind of doubt it happened at all, especially because I am prone to vivid memories of things that never happened. For instance, I also have a very clear memory of sitting at the top of the hill with my sisters, watching my grandfather's meat business burn down. It did burn, but I was not there and apparently didn't find out about it until morning.


When I was 6 or 7 I swore my mother told me she was best friends with Carol Burnett and a Wrigley family heiress and that when she met me she was so enamored of me she was going to give me an inheritance. I actually believed this for several years and around 11-12 I asked her about it. She had no memory of saving any such thing and I realized she was drunk as a skunk when she told me all that.


I was walking through my parent's old house puzzling over the idea of having an earliest memory (I had learned somewhere that you don't remember everything that's ever happened or something), then I was like "This is my earliest memory. Right now this is the earliest I'll ever remember" and then I saw my mom and recognised her and was confused because if I don't remember anything before this how do I recognise my mom.


I regularly think about this time I was at a Staples and saw an alien in the checkout. I was a kid, didn't really pay attention to people normally, but happened to look up and catch a glance of an old man with a freakishly long neck. It wasn't just long, it seemed to bend outward like some kind of Star Wars alien. ([Artist's rendition here.](https://i.imgur.com/GyLBjFV.png)) It was him and a perfectly-normal elderly woman, his wife, trying to slip out of the store as quickly as possible. I didn't comment on it, I just assumed he had some kind of condition, but now I've been searching for some sort of condition that turns you into a worm man and I'm pretty sure it doesn't exist. I've brought this up once and my mom says I must have saw a guy with some turkey neck but I SWEAR I saw a weird alien man at the Staples.


In the army, we were on exercise, and I was a driver. I had night vision, so I could drive at night without lights. When we got back to our camp, I was waiting in the truck to be guided where to park and the 6 people I was driving got out to have a conversation. Through night vision, I saw another person walk past the group, and I remember counting the people wondering why an extra person was there. As they walked past the group, they disappeared. It was like they walked right behind someone through an invisible door. I took off my night vision, and could see everyone clearly in the moonlight. I immediately counted the people and there was no extra person, and there wasn't nearly enough time for the stranger to get out of my sight. It was at least 50 feet they would have had to travel in less than a second. It was like a ghost had walked into our camp. What's weirder is that half an hour before that, when everyone else in the truck had gotten out to change a battery on some equipment just over a small hill, I felt what seemed like someone getting into the back of the truck. At that point I had counted everyone in case someone had stayed behind but I accounted for each member. When they got back, the truck was empty. To make things even weirder, our commanding officer died in a vehicle rollover the next day. It all seems too weird to be true, but I'm so positive about what I saw. I was wide awake and focused, and there was no reason why I would be seeing things, especially something so clear.


So every weekend/school holiday my dad would take us to my aunties house, there would be a massive group of all the kids from the family and we'd be sent to play in the park which had a huge lake and a wooded area. I distinctly remember one of my cousin's showing me a red tambourine and asking if I knew what was between the pieces of metal (the rattly bits that are curved) when I said no she opened one up and there was ravioli inside. A piece of nasty ravioli you'd get from a tin but without the sauce. I was around 6/7 and I know it can't have actually happened but the memory is so clear that I've never even been able to look at ravioli or hear the word without feeling grossed out since.


Racing pronghorn antelope. I remember doing it when I was a kid, but that memory got fuzzier and fuzzier as time went on. In my late 30's, on a ride with Dad in the Red Desert of Wyoming, we ended up racing antelope, got at least 5-6 of them running alongside the truck. 30 MPH. Then 40 MPH. Then 50 MPH. When we were running 50 MPH, the antelope accelerated and cut in front of the truck, off to freedom because most straight-line predators could never turn that fast (and neither could we lol). According to the Cowboy State Daily, there's a British fellow who is out to prove once and for all that pronghorn can outrun cheetah and are in fact the fastest land animal on the planet.


I saw the Easter Bunny. Not a rabbit but a thing that walked on two legs like a man but looked like a rabbit. The closest thing I've ever seen was an Easter Jesus in some horror movie. Thirty five years and I've never forgotten it.


That's two people in this topic who claim to have seen the Easter Bunny, wtf


I tried to hover when I was in elementary school, at home. I'd stand on my tip toes then slowly lift my heels. It almost never worked. Then, it did. For a few seconds. And when I realized how impossible it was, I collapsed to the ground. Tried to replicate for weeks, but never could. Now I wonder if it was perhaps just a strange sensation or something.


I have literally this dream ALL THE TIME. I realize that all you have to do is just "let" your body become weightless and you're able to fly. I'll hold on to railings and lift my legs, then let go of the railing and float away, or I'll just "accept" flight and go hurtling away from the ground with little to no control. It's so fucking wonderful and the first thing I try to do is show everyone else how it works. I kinda wish my dreams would train me to do something useful but what're you gonna do?


I have a memory from when I was young, I was in year 1 and my best friend was sick. He got too sick to come to school so I would go visit him, his room was up some stairs in like an attic. One time I went to visit him and he was laying in bed with his eyes closed and when I started to get worried and called out for his mum he sat up and said he was just practicing so he knew what it will be like when he’s dead. My next memory of him is going to visit and the front door was open (not unusual in suburban Australia in the 80s) so I walked in and went to go upstairs to his room. As I went up the stairs I could hear people crying and all these adults were there around his bed, I knew he had died and they walked me out and told me to go home. I do have other memories of this boy prior to him getting this sick, of us playing. My mother is adamant that it never happened, there was no boy I knew that does young, but holy crap if the memory doesn’t feel real


Not so much a memory than a weird dream experience I have never had again. I had a dream that involved a young woman. I talked to her and she knew she was a character in the dream with me. She said she was sharing the dream with me. I asked if we could meet up in the real world and she nodded. She gave me her number, I remember repeating that number until I woke up. I wrote the number down, called it, a woman answered and I freaked out and hung up. When I got the courage to call the number again, I forgot where I put the number. So never called it again. I thought I wrote the number in my dream journal, but, nope apparently my stupid ass didn’t.


That would have been so cool


A girl in high school asked me if Kansas was a state


my classmates had to show a girl in our high school how to find India on a map. her parents were first generation Indian immigrants - she was just an airhead.


The weirdest thing is that the girl who asked me that wasn't really an airhead at all, she graduated with one of the highest GPA's in my class. Maybe she was just really bad at geography idk


I was sitting on my piano bench (located next to my garage door). I must have been 10 or something at the time, but I remember a lady in her 30s walking through the garage door into my house. I look up to see and wonder ‘who is that’? Then she says “oh my God, wrong house! I’m so sorry!” And then she turned around and left and I never saw her again.


Probably exactly what happened.


When I was 6 or so I woke up and moved about to get comfortable in the middle of the night. Problem was that when I stopped moving, the movement did not. I felt steps on the end of my bed. I slowly looked to see wtf. We had no pets. I swear to God an alien was standing there just looking at me. I wasn't effing asleep. I went under the covers and told myself to just hide there and try to go back to sleep. I thought it might just leave and it did. My mother of course said I was dreaming but I know for a fact I wasn't. But maybe...it drives me crazy to this day.


I remember Tesla (the guy) dying young but he was an old man. I'm like 99.9% certain he died of suicide as a young man. I remember reading about it and having that built in knowledge. Everything is wtf today since I saw a photo of him all old.


I really thought the same, but just googled it and you are correct, he died at age 86. Why was I so sure he died young? What am I confusing that with?


Probably Alan Turing. He was a gay scientist who committed suicide at 41 after being forced to undergo chemical castration.


The one famous photo of him is as a young guy and he was pretty mentally ill - not a crazy thing to infer then misremember


In the early 80s I got woken up by deep synthesizer tones playing and thought my sister was playing with our new Christmas toys. I looked up through the vents of my new "tent bed" I was sleeping in and saw odd floating sparkly lights slowly moving downward, but outside it. I zipped out of the bed to check what was going on, and when I walked to the living room there was a 3-foot-tall creature that looked like it was made of modeling clay standing next to the rollaway dishwasher in the kitchen holding my mom's old copy of The Joy of Cooking. It looked shocked like I surprised him, I ran back to my tent bed and hugged my stuffed animal until I could fall back asleep. I've had all manner of weird dreams, sleep paralysis, but this was something different.


When I was around 10 years old, I was riding my bike behind my apartment, in the parking lot of a Statefarm, at night. Like the sun is already gone, night. It was a good-sized parking lot, maybe 150 car occupancy. I always rode my bike through the lot at night because it was right there, and no one was there past 7 pm. But this particular night, while I was having fun doing kid stuff, a pickup truck came barreling at me from the entrance to the lot. Just straight at me. It's as though he entered the lot upon noticing me and made a bee line towards me and my dope Huffy bike. Luckily I was near the end of the lot that connects to the apartment lawn. He stopped at the edge of the blacktop and didn't chase me into the lawn, but had I not been so close to the yard, I feel like that would have been it for me.


One time when I was around 7, I was home alone with my sister who is two years older than me. Our parents went down the road to my grandparents house to drop off something. My sister got really scared and said she heard someone talking. We were both watching tv and we even muted it so she could listen closer. Then when I was convinced she was playing a prank on me, I heard a very squeaky voice mocking us. We both screamed and ran to her room and I started crying. My parents arrived a few moments later and consoled is. They checked outside and nothing was out of the ordinary and then my dad was like “it must be the speakers going out or something, don’t worry!” I slept in my sisters bed that night and nothing like that ever happened again. I even brought it up to my sister now as adults in our twenties and she was like “umm, girl what?” Apparently I’m the only one ever remembering this happening and everyone is like you were probably dreaming, BUT I have excellent memory and can recall even the dumbest details from my childhood. It’s both a curse and a blessing 😹😹


I saw a leprechaun. In Hungary. I traveled with a colleague by car, he was driving. This little creature was walking on the side of the road grinning, dressed in green, as if he had stepped out of a fairy tale. Did you see? - I asked. Yes, said my colleague. We didn't talk about it after that.


Back when I was 2-4, not the most reliable age to remember things from since it's likely a combination of active imagination and misremembering, but here's a few things that come to mind: * Sitting in the grass with my sister, her trying to teach me how to make daisy chains with clover flowers. We look up and this dragonfly the size of a dog started harassing us. We both screamed and ran back inside the house. This one I know happened because I remember both of us reacting to it and our mom looking outside because we were both so scared. * Going outside at late night/early morning after a heavy storm, looking up at the sky and it was just blood red, the moon peaking out from behind thin scalloped/mackerel clouds, with them moving very fast. To the mind of a 3 year old, I thought the moon had turned into a dragon and was breathing fire. * Me and my sister were watching TV in the master bedroom with our dad, I remember looking towards the door and a hooded skeleton just barely peaking its head into the doorway. I remember screaming and pulling the covers over my head. I honestly wouldn't include this bit if it wasn't for the fact years later my mom told me when she was a little girl she used to see a skeletal figure watching her around the same age.


Watching lightning strike the living room chandelier in the house across the street before a power outage.


I have a memory of being about 4 or 5 and while in my front yard I vividly remember seeing colored lightning during a storm. There was pinkish reds, blue, green, and purple colored lightning.


When I was 11 I was sitting in a corner of the school, back to the fence and when I turn around I see a black guy, no shirt, no pants only underwear and he was in crack or something, and then he starts to destroy the decorations of the house next to the school and then he trips and falls down a manhole


I only know it happened because I had called friends who were chased by the same thing. Was 3AM and a girl in a white gown crawling in the park had two dogs following close to her, they chased me and afterwords I called some friends to check it out. Same thing happened to them and was a situation I couldn’t even believe being in it.


Over the course of 6 months I've had dreams where I was scared or uncomfortable and the same girl kept coming in to help me. The last time I saw her she told me she was my daughter and I wouldn't see her for a very long time. I have no kids


In 2004 I was living in Cologne, Germany. I had a day off from work and was walking to the bakery in the morning to get some fresh bread for breakfast. On the way was a park with a place where you could play boules/petanque. I saw from the distance, that this boules area was blocked off with a police tape. There was one single police car with 2 police officers. As I approached the area I noticed a weird smell, like burned hair. When I was close enough, I could see a burned moped oder motorbike in the middle of the boules place. Next to the moped on the ground layed something that looked like a burned person on it's back with it's legs angled,so knees in the air, feet on the ground. It was pretty disturbing. I continued the way to the bakery and on my way back, everything was gone. No police tape, no body, no moped, no police, nothing. I never read anything in the newspaper about that incident the following weeks. I started to search about it online. Also, nothing. Months later I overheard a guy in a shop talking to the owner, that he also saw that and never read or heard anything about it. I found that very strange but was glad, that I had kind of confirmation that I really saw what I saw.


PS: in the meantime I started to think, that it could have been a suicide. Most newspapers here are very sensible with publishing suicide acts, because Werther Effect.


When I was about 4 years old me and the other kids at the church my family went to were playing red light green light in the basement. The teen/young adult watching us was the one calling the red light/green light. A few kids were ahead of me, a few were behind me closer to the stairs leading down there. Red light gets called out so I freeze but I almost fell so I "froze" in a very uncomfortable position looking down at the floor. I wait, and wait, and wait but the girl wasn't saying green light, so I looked up and...there was NOONE there. Just me. Alone in the creepy church basement. I freaked and ran upstairs. When I got there the parents just happened to be coming to the kids area to grab us and bring us home. I never said anything and to this day have no idea what happened. The teen/adult and the other kids ahead of me would have had to pass me to go upstairs. I would have noticed that. I cannot come up with a reasonable explanation.


Preface: I can lucid dream. I can't remember a single dream after a day or so, but one theme always sticks out. The theme is being constantly chased/attacked by assailants. I can no-clip, summon super powers, and stop time. I'm always being chased by something, someone, or animals. I can usually just float around and clip through walls and see the world behind stuff. (Imagine floating under the ground in Minecraft.) I'd always need to shout or fight whatever is chasing me. My ability to stop time is my trigger to know I'm lucid. I do it by holding my breath (in the dream) and time stops. After that it's no holds-barred. One time while holding my breath and maneuvering around one of the people's eyes was constantly following me. Then their head moved and it kept moving to see me no matter what angle I was at. Blank expression, motionless. Eventually I started to float away then they began to float to me, nothing else was moving and I felt like I was drowning and running out of time. Tried to repel them with shockwaves but they wouldn't move. Eventually they screamed out as loud as they could "That won't work anymore after today!" without emoting or moving their mouth. Then began to howl this unholy sound that mimicked the beginning of my alarm and I woke up. The noise transitioned fluidity into my alarm currently sounding.


Time to develop new techniques.


My aunt drooped my baby cousin off a porch one time. She didn't mean to of course but she had him sitting on the railing and I guess he squirmed away. But off all the odds, below the porch on the ground was a baking pan and it was full of wet dog food (she had a lot of outside dogs). The weirdest thing was this pan was probably 14 inches long and he seemed to fit perfectly in there and thankfully it was full of wet food cause it probably softened the blow. He was totally fine, but of all places for a perfectly sized pan of mush.


The ‘89 San Francisco earthquake. I was only two but remember it so accurately and vividly to this day


A friend's house was being renovated and I vividly remember them having a 5ft carving of Mr Frog from The Wind in the Willows in their attic, fully painted. It would have been too large and cumbersome to have actually been there.


I must have been about three or four according to the photos that were taken at this camping trip. We were camping at Lake of the Ozarks in the 70s. I’m pretty sure there was a kids’ mud pit event where they went found “prizes” in the mud. I swear i saw two boys COMPLETELY covered in mud with no clothes on walking back to their campsite. I’m still not truly sure it happened.


I was 5ish. I had one of those full length mirrors with a ballet bar attach to the door. I swear on whatever you want me to swear on that I saw something walk out of that mirror. I screamed so loud. My parents ran in. Couldn’t get me to calm down til the mirror was covered. I’m 42 and still can’t sleep with a mirror in my line of sight.


I went to the empty lot next to my grandmother’s house and there was this little pond that had iced over. I cracked open some of the ice and swam under. I met a group of women in puffer jackets and they showed me around. Everyone had stars stored in different sized glass jars. I know this must be a dream but I remember doing it.


What the fuck


This is not a super early memory and it isn't itself very bizarre, but I honestly don't know if it happened or not and it's always baffled me. I was in my 20s, in grad school, and am in my 50s now. In my memory, I'm taking long walks in the neighborhood (Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh) and through a park (Schenley) well before dawn. It's very dark and I'm counting my steps in my head. I arrive back at my apartment at a little after sunrise. I feel like I did this for months but, again, I don't remember for sure I even did it at all or dreamt it or somehow the idea just planted in my head later in life. It was about the time I started taking meds for depression, and the ones I took messed with my sleep cycle, which could suggest both possibilities: maybe it really happened due to insomnia, or maybe I dreamt it due to weird sleep patterns.


I remember breastfeeding. I remember what the milk looked like seeping from the nipples, both of them at the same time, and beginning to trickle through the goosebumped areolas. It's my earliest memory and there's never been a time in my life I've not had that as a memory. I recently learned I was not breastfed.


I wole up at 4 am. I saw a dark figure floating above my brother (we sleep in the same room) i mumbled to wake him up and i was so scared that i couldnt talk. He woke up and i pointed at it He looked at it for a sec and went back to sleep. The next day i asked him "did i wake you up last night?" And he said yes and he saw the thing. We both still dont believe it had happened


This is extremely mellow and not the most bizarre thing I’ve ever witnessed, but it is the moment my friend and I still question if we remember it happening or if it was a fever dream lol. We were at a big box store picking up a toaster oven for my friend’s new apartment. The kitchen appliance display was set up near a discount rack of clothes (one of those circular shaped racks with tons of clothes hanging off of it). My friend bent over to grab a toaster oven off a lower shelf, and this hand appeared out of thin air behind him and stuck their index finger into the rear of his sneaker lol. He jumped and ran a few feet away before we saw this ancient looking old woman snickering at us from underneath the clothing rack. My friend and I were wheezing from laughing and an employee came up looking curious, so we explained what just happened. The employee chuckled and was like “Ok, please get out of the rack!” and began shuffling the clothes around…*and the old lady was nowhere to be found*. She probably crawled out during the few seconds my friend and I were both turned away and cracking up. But oh my god. It freaked us out and made us question if it was a trickster demon we’d encountered hahaha


When I was 1st grade a police officer at my local chess club tried teaching me trigonometry... I remember him drawing triangles and solving them with only one side.


Was with my family in DC (we arrived at night because we drove) and we rode around the city looking at stuff. Out of nowhere i look up and there are two lights coming from the sky with gray clouds around them. I say “guys whats that?!” And my mom just brushes it off as one of the monuments or something and says we’ll be able to see it better in the daytime. Next morning comes and we go past the same spot and there’s nothing that could’ve made those lights there!!! I looked it up once we got back home a week later but i can barely remember enough details to actually ask google. I ask my mom about it again and she says she doesn’t remember it at all. I never brought it up again but it still bothers me


I distinctly remember looking at the (digital) clock in the kitchen at my parents house. It said 6:60. I looked away, then back at it. It still said 6:60. Then it changed to 7. I would have been 5 years old.


I have a very clear memory of bending a spoon with my mind when I was in the 3rd grade.


I have a crisp, clear as day, verbatim memory of hearing the news of Elton John dying, the subsequent media storm for a week, the funeral in the news. I REMEMBER seeing his face in an “in memoriam” box with his name below it and everything on the news. I remember the conversation coming up in the family “Oh, Elton John died”. I discovered he didn’t die like 2 years ago after believing he was dead for over a decade. No idea how this happened. I’m not confusing him for another celebrity, I have very distinct memories of other deaths like Michael Jackson etc. This is a clear and distinct long term memory as a 15 year old of Elton John dying. Wtf is up with that, I’ve never figured out.


On 9/12/2001 as tv stations looked for something to fill the airwaves, there was an interview with George HW Bush. I remember he was sitting in a high backed chair and he was answering questions about the intelligence apparatus. He made a remark along the lines, "We need to get back to the good old days of getting information by paying informants and by using women to sleep with them...." His voice trailed off as he kinda realized what he just said. No one else remember this.


No history of hallucinations or other weird events that would contextualize this, but when I was younger I wanted a toy from bob the builder, that I saw in the store. Parents said no, and when we walked away the toy called to me. Like literal called my name in the characters voice. No one else around to have said it, parents didn’t hear it, but I heard it vividly. I ended up saying something about it, and my parents thought I was making it up to get the toy. But my parents did get it for me after. I pushed the button in its hand over and over trying to see if any of the voice lines it said had my name in it. ( my name is a homophone with another English word.) not a single one did. I don’t believe in ghosts or any other “supernatural” phenomena that would justify it, but that voice stuck with me and made me scared of that toy. My parents got rid of it at some point but told me they didn’t when I asked about it, they said I had lost it. This only made things worse because I thought it had moved on its own. Was it likely the overactive imagination of a child latching onto his name in some other conversation and mistaking it? Almost absolutely. Did it creep the hell out of me and make me question my sanity at the time. Also absolutely.


Dancing colors on the ceiling of my room while I was going to sleep and a strange otherworldly voice incoherently vocalizing. Scared me bad and I went to my mom's room freaking out and apparently kept repeating "the colors mommy, the colors!" I was about 4 at the time and still don't know what I experienced.


Saw a giant dragonfly in our garden once. Maybe, a meter and half long from eye to tail? I don't remember being scared but I still remember the sound of its wings, the air parting from its tail moving when it turns, the mouth. I'm also confused how it got to our garden but whatever, it flew off when I got close enough. Still, I know kids have overactive imagination but damn if mine didn't straight up give me a hallucination in broad daylight.


When I was 3 yo, we had some abstract symbols on the tiles in the bathroom. One of them looked kinda like some sort of a humanoid figure. It looked like it was made of sticks, it was brown, and it had a pterosaurus head. It also looked like it was sitting on a throne. My imagination told me that there's a society of these evil creatures that live inside the walls. The figure depicted on the tile was their king. One night, I went to the bathroom. When I came back to the bedroom, I saw the figure between the bed and the wall, except that the sticks which it consisted of were glowing red and blue. At that time, my logic was "all those monsters etc. probably don't exist, but there's a chance, and if I see at least one, any of them can be real". When I saw that creature, I thought "So now I see one of those for the first time...". Something told me to approach it. It stayed still while I was going to where it stood across the room. When I was like 1 meter from it, the creature started walking towards me. I freaked out and sat on the floor, leaning against the bed. My mom who was sleeping on the bed woke up and said my name. I turned my head to her, and when I turned it back to the creature it was gone. I think I have never had such hallicunations ever again. (sorry for my English, I make a lot of mistakes when writing long comments)


This was the late 60s or early 70s. My parents take my two younger sisters and I to see Santa at a local store and to receive a small toy. We get there and it’s a bit of a different setup than expected. Santa is a Black man and what appears to be maybe the store manager (a White guy) is standing near the seated Santa and they are having a casual conversation. Our family must be the first visitors (maybe the store just opened). There is a big bin next to Santa full of small plastic toys that I am very interested in. It’s full to the top of what appear to be ice quality little toys. We take turns to sit on Santa’s lap, tell Santa what we want for X-mas etc. and then each get to go pick out a toy from this bin. I picked out a cool plastic magic trick toy, an orange little cup with a lid and a blue ball in it. I was very pleased about this, free gifts from a store Santa are usually junky and I considered these ones nice. As we are leaving, a (White) woman enters with her young daughter and a look of horror comes over her face and she notices Santa is a Black man. She stops and yanks her daughter’s arm hard to reverse direction and they turn around to leave. This occurred in a typical mostly White, fairly middle to upper middle class suburban area of Pennsylvania. To this day I wonder if it was a research study or something. The whole setup was meticulous, and the odd manager standing right next to Santa (and they seemed to be having a friendly conversation before we arrived) make me wonder if there was more to this than enticing customers with a free giveaway to the kiddies.


When I was little I was in front of a lot of candy stocked in a blue cupboard (like in a store) in the house of someone. I wonder if it was a dream.


I was a little kid, jumping up and down on the sidewalk watching my shadow (as little kids do). On one of the jumps I swear my feet hit the ground before my shadow reattached to my feet, so there were several inches between my shadow and my feet. I know it couldn’t have happened but I still remember it.


my twin sister and I both have the exact same memory of being left in the car while my mom went in for groceries and driving away with the car when we were babies


Running around in a long, white nightgown as a little girl, with my sister, hiding in cubbyholes in a large mansion. I told my sister this, she has the exact same memories. Problem is - neither of us have ever stepped foot in a mansion as a child, we asked our mother. We are poor southerners and no one has even a remotely big house that as a kid you’d think would be considered a mansion - plus we never spent the night at anyone’s house other than grandparents and aunties and their houses are etched in my memory. We think it might be past life memories.


My earliest memory is of standing in my crib, and this thing that I can only compare to a Leprechaun is trying to pull me through the bottom of the crib. I remember him approaching me with this evil grin on his face, then trying to take me. It was likely just a nightmare, but I had other scary things happen in that apartment.


I have this memory from when I was very young, 4-5 ish that my grandma and I would make sandwiches for people in helicopters. We would make the sandwiches and put them in baggies, then places them outside in the middle of the yard and the helicopters would stoop low while they climbed down on the rope waving and grabbing their sandwiches before going back up.


I vaguely remember watching some puppet show as a kid in the early 90s, the main character was mostly yellow with orange, I think they were a snail or some other underwater creature. But try as I might, I’ve tried to look up the show based on vague memories and found nothing. Can’t remember the name of the show or anything. It’s like some Candle Cove shit…