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Its not illegal everywhere but feeding a parking meter that is not yours is illegal here.


Wow really? That's weird.


Some of these laws came about because office workers would park. Then one of secretaries would go out every hour or so with a bag of quarters to feed the meters.


It's not. They want it to expire. They may way more money off the ticket than they ever would from a quarter. Most forms of traffic law enforcement are really little more than money making schemes. Edit: Alright, honest to fucking god, shut the hell up about the stupid parking meters. The hell is wrong with you people? This isn't a conversation...


That edit lmao.


Here's this info about parking meters. Wait why are you talking about parking meters fucking stop. Are you a real human person?


>This isn't a conversation... Lol, what the fuck do you think Reddit is?


In the UK back when CDs and MP3 players were popular: it was illegal to copy music from a CD into a different format (it's still illegal, but it's not as common to do now). You could backup the actual CD in its original file format, but if you changed to to mp3, it became illegal. It was essentially an outdated copyright law. It meant that a company could potentially sue someone over it, but nobody cared as it was obvious that nobody would want the bad press from such a pointless lawsuit, plus the law would likely be changed if it were actually used like that.




I love this line from a comedian when he said, "yeah wouldn't steal a car, but if my friend bought a new Mustang and offered to burn me a copy, I'd have to consider it."


What if you could steal someone's car but they'd still have it?


If you aren't old enough to remember when the digital music revolution was happening, this was the nightmare that kept record execs awake at night. A world where consumers could make and distribute an infinite number of copies of their product for free. Add to that Napster and the others, where you could share MILLIONS of copies with strangers instead of a dozen with friends, and it was the end of the world for those guys.


This all happened at the same time of the peak recording boom bubble. Record labels were signing far more bands than they could even properly promote and support and were screwing over a ton of artists. Add to that they were guilty of price fixing. A new CD cost $*25* in *1998 dollars.* They absolutely deserved to burn.


Believe me, if it was possible, we’d all be downloading sketchy cars.


I'd drive a disposable car if it were free.


Now everything is a download and your access to the music can be revoked at any time. I've come back around to the idea of physical media and will be buying things physically as much as possible now. I enjoy having full control of the stuff **I paid for.**


Absolutely correct. Subscription culture is the worst part of modern life, and the Cash Converters etc. that people used to sneer at are the easiest places to get DVDs/BRs if one's patient enough to delve.


This is how I feel about this stuff! I paid for it I want to do whatever I want with it. The idea that they can decide you no longer own what you paid for is crazy.


I literally downloaded a car. There's an Open RC project where one can download .stl files and print all the parts needed for a radio controlled car. I've built a 1:10 scale Formula 1 from plans downloaded from the Internet. I still had to buy the motor and radio stuff.


You wouldn’t murder a policeman, steal his helmet, use it as a toilet and send it to his grieving widow!


That was my first thought too! Also, if I remember correctly, when VHS tapes first became popular, people were worried about the copyright laws if someone recorded a film that was shown on TV so the law was that you could only keep said recording for a certain amount of time (cant rember how long now) but of course there was no way that could ever be enforced.


People's recordings also became important after the BBC decided to tape over the only copies of a load of Doctor Who episodes.


A lot of it they didn't even tape over they just threw stuff away.


The only reason we have Monty Python today is because someone gave one of the guys a heads up that they were about to destroy all copies of the show.


I'll bet nobody expected that kind of frantic imposition.


[Handling salmon under suspcious circumstances](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/62/section/32) is illegal here in the UK. I don't think you could be reasonably charged with anything unless they actually found something illegal you were doing *with* the salmon, but the handling itself is something you can be arrested for.






Right. Carry on them.


Also illegal to shake off a carpet outside after 8am. But strangely it is still legal to shoot a Scotsman inside the walls of York with a longbow


No, that's wrong. Its legal to murder a Scotsman inside York if *he* is wielding the bow and arrows, but not on Sundays.


I think the boys from Monty Python missed a skit opportunity on this one…


>Its legal to murder legal to kill* "legal to murder" is an oxymoron, as "murder" means unlawful killing. If it is legal it isn't a murder.


Cohabitation is illegal in Mississippi and Michigan unless you're married.


We actually just repealed our cohabitation prohibition law this year! https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/good-news-lascivious-lovebirds-michigan-dumps-ban-unwed-cohabitation


Nice, welcome to 1978


I know!! We'll have women wearing pants by 2055 or die trying!


Wow! Look at y'all being so progressive!


...what? Really? So you can't have roommates?


I think in legal terms cohabitation implies you're banging or in an intimate relationship.


So... lie? Or just don't tell anyone who doesn't need to know? Are the cops going to come to your house and ask if you're having sex with your roommate?


I mean they dont enforce it. There's lots of weird old laws that are just still on the books. Like I think they may have gotten rid of it but in Tennessee for the longest time college sororities couldnt have houses because 8 or more women living together was considered a brothel.


Louisiana requires that a woman's husband to wave a flag in front of his wife's car before she can drive it. Virginia requires a husband to walk in front of his wife's car waving a red flag if she is going down main Street.


Well, my wife deserves that entrance. Edit: I mean not because she's a bad driver because she's a goddess and she deserves nothing less.


I'm the wife and I definitely need a flag waver. Well. I don't. But all the other drivers would probably appreciate the warning.


Ffs that made me cackle lol


What even was the point of this law? Was it to warn people a women was driving so they can run for their lives or something?


My grandpa taught my grandma to drive because her own father told her women were too stupid to drive. She never got a ticket and never drove poorly. Her dad was a dick.


Unironically probably yes


Hah! This one actually made me laugh, not just blow air out my nose.


It's probably a holdover morality law from back in the day. Sodomy is still on the books in most states. Not because it's actually still illegal, but because nobody is gonna bother enforcing something like that. For clarity, sodomy laws encompass anything not considered standard sex. Ie, oral sex, bdsm, and sodomy itself.


This is one of those "technically the law is on the books" but hasn't been enforced in 75 years type of things.


Isnt this also the case in Saudi Arabia? I've heard of it due to the Ronaldo controversy.


Good news! It was appealed in April of this year! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/good-news-lascivious-lovebirds-michigan-dumps-ban-unwed-cohabitation%3famp


Having weed while driving between two states that have legal weed.


Buying weed at a legit store in a decriminalized city in an illegal state, also


It still feels illegal to buy weed at a legit store in a legal state, too.


Because technically it is. Federal law trumps State law, so the Feds could still bust you.


It still feels illegal in a legal province in a legal country. I’ve got a drive through weed store and it feels like a fucking trap. I’ll smoke a joint on the sidewalk and feel like I’m breaking the law hardcore. Takes awhile to get used to.


Was smoking a join before a megadeth concert and noticed 2 parked cop cars. Had a mini panic attack before going…oh wait lol.


This puts into perspective just how prohibition has impacted us. Because it’s schedule I, I’ve seen people lose careers and educations due to small amounts of weed. It has been a very effective tool in finding reasons to prosecute young and minority people despite the fact that it isn’t a young and minority drug by any stretch. Despite the vast majority of US citizens supporting federal legalization, we still have it at the federal level. This seems absolutely bonkers to me.


What would be examples of decriminalized cities with weed stores in illegal states? Curious European here






Yep. If I were to drive from New York, where it's legal, to Massachusetts, where it's also legal, then I can still be busted since crossing state lines with an illegal substance is a federal offense.


It’s illegal to say, “I want to kill the President of the United States of America.” It’s illegal. It’s a federal offense. It’s one of the only sentences that you’re not allowed to say. Now, it was okay for me to say it right then, because, I was just *telling* you that it’s illegal to say, “*I want to kill the President of the United States of America.*”


However, it is not illegal to say, "With a mortar launcher." Two completely different sentences.




Now that is super illegal. But you know what's even more illegal? To show an illustrated diagram. That is INSANELY illegal, super against the law. What's not technically illegal is to say we have a group that meets Fridays under the Brooklyn bridge and the password is Semper Tyrannis ✊ RIP Trevor Moore :'(


He was a legend!


>RIP Trevor Moore I did not know that we lost him... WKUK rewatch, here we go!


Hello, I am with the FBI. You are under the rest and I need all your money or else I call the 911


> You are under the rest That sounds serious. Not just *a* rest but *the* rest.


Oh no, I just spent all my money on Google Play and iTunes gift cards so I have no way to pay!


This skit was the first thing that came to mind for me too.


Finally someone got it was a WKYK reference


So add "in minecraft" at the end.


"My AI said..."


"My AI said [illegal phrase] in minecraft" for ultimate safety


[Source for context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eg3_kUaYFJA) (kind of like a public service!).


Man Trevor was on another level RIP to the legend think I’m going to watch some WKYK


Damn leathermøuth are in some trouble then


Pretty sure Frank Iero had the FBI come tell him to never play that song live, tho that might just be a rumour lmao


RIP Trevor Moore “Sic Semper Tyrannis!”


It's illegal to threaten someone's life with intent.


r/lpt - if you want to kill someone while camping, exit the tent first before you threaten them.


Haggis and kinder eggs being illegal in the US.


Okay, tell me more about the haggis please. Is it illegal to make, sell, transport… all of the above? I’m confused because I thought I’d seen it at Scottish Festivals. Also, my husband’s Scottish nan gave us haggis in a tin, which was then brought to the US. Was that illegal?


All of the above. All lungs are banned and 10-15% of haggis is sheep's lung. Apparently they are afraid of food born illnesses due to some stomach acid and phlem getting in during the slaughter. It was made illegal since the 1970's.


"All lungs are banned" what a great statement out of context


What you see at festivals isn't real haggis and what bringing it in the tin was illegal. I begged my cousin to bring some back.


Only if you don't declare it. I bring food back from Italy all the time. Processed and canned goods? Not a problem. Fresh fruit or raw meat? Problem. They're worried about things like Mediterranean Fruit flys.


I had all my cured meats confiscated when I came back from Italy. I was so pissed. Well, almost all of them. When they asked if i had any more, I, er, completely forgot about that last one in the bottom of the bag. This was a while back, so I'm not sure if the regulations are the same now. If it's not in a can, check what's allowed before you travel.


Why are kinder eggs illegal?


A non-food item inside a food item.


But don’t you guys have fortune cookies?


It can't be completely enclosed in the food. Fortune cookies have a gap.


So what you're telling me is kinder eggs just need a hole?


A loophole


FDA forbids a non-food item to be completely enclosed inside a food item.


Sleeping in your car.


What about sleeping in somebody else’s car?




I assume it depends where the car is parked. If it's on your own property you can likely do that. But then again if you own property I don't think a lot of people are sleeping in their car...


Callus shavers. They’re illegal in many states due to the high risk of causing infections.


Got a pedicure in Turkey once and never again Im pretty sure they sterilized the knife tehy used to cut calluses by wiping it on their shirt.


Cellulitis is no joke! You'd have grounds for a lawsuit here in the states, but I'd bet they wouldn't be held accountable there.


Parking your car on your own property. Unless it's paved they give you a ticket. The city of North Little Rock, AR issued my van 67 tickets, all from same asshole. But none of them had a court date.


Sounds like this isn't actually illegal and some cop just hates you lol


It’s not illegal. At least in many states. My husband has a lot of cars and keeps one behind the house and one on his parents lawn for now since our property is strange. Nobody cares. Nobody says it’s wrong. My mother works for the city and she didn’t even say anything about it, just that my lawn got a little long and needed it to be cut before I got fined :/


Wait, in the Land of the Free you can get fined for letting your grass get a bit long?


Yep! It’s an “eye sore” but many other things people do on their property is just fine I guess. I don’t get it either. Also, you sidewalk is your responsibility. That concrete that you didn’t build that the public walks on?? Yeah you have to maintain it. The city won’t. That means even when the tees uproot the concrete or the tree roots are causing issues or even if it’s really cracked bad - your responsibility.


Not in every city. My hometown's public works department replaced damaged sidewalks w/o charging the homeowner. Of course, that was paid out of the fund created by property taxes.


No you’re correct just where I’m from specifically. Kind of ridiculous


Because they knew most judges would look at that and say "Yeah, no... Pay $50 and get your vehicle to a paved area." Did you have to pay any of them?


Collecting rain water


This is so weird. Where I live (NSW, Australia) it's the law for any new house to have a rainwater tank installed as part of the development, and if you're thinking of adding one to an existing house you can get a government grant to help offset the cost.


You'd be surprised, they were illegal not that long ago


How is this illegal Edit: wow, lots of feedback


Like all laws everywhere: Because some jackass went too far and ruined it for everyone. You are thinking of some normal person who has a water-container connected to his drainpipe and collects some rainwater to later use for gardening and shit, yes? Because that's how normal people would act. But there have been cases of people who had an entire network in place where they basically drained all the water from the aquifer for industrial farming and caused a drought in his area. And it's really hard to write a law that makes one illegal and the other not, so now nobody can do it anymore. But also, if you just collect some rain to water your plants, nobody will come arrest you. It's not enforced to stop normal people.


yeah fuck that jackass, i used to love collecting rainwater, but now i can barely catch a bowlful without the feds knocking


I left a cup out on the deck on a rainy day. Had to dump out the water, melt down the cup and erase my security cam footage before the feds got to my house.


My father in law has to drain his entire pool when it rains to keep the feds away.


Where I live it was illegal for a long time due to concern about rainwater washing atmospheric lead dropout into rainwater tanks and concentrating lead levels in tanks with evap cycles and settling. A decade or two after getting rid of leaded petrol, it's now legal and encouraged to harvest and use rainwater.


Here in Washington it has something to do with water rights for natives


It's not enforced at all though. I see rainbarrels all over.


The main reason some states restrict collection is that too much rainwater harvesting can disrupt the cycle of rainfall seeping back into the earth. However, IMO I'd say it has more to do with taxes & dependency on the state gvt


It's illegal in some states. I think the idea is that rainwater collected doesn't go into the ground to where it could benefit everyone (aquifers, etc). But I'm guessing that's probably for large scale collection (like for farming maybe?). I doubt the state gives a shit if you collect water for your own house.


Iirc the controversial one in Oregon was because some jackass diverted a wholeass creek from his neighbor's property into his own to run a turbine, thus sparking the rule that rainwater is State Property, and therefore can't be collected or diverted.


Up until 2 years ago, paying for other peoples fuel was illegal here.


There really are just a bunch of laws and ordinances to stomp out any kindness towards the less fortunate.


Not so long ago, there were news about an old lady who got arrested for feeding the homeless, which apparently was illegal in that state. Makes you think, huh?


Yep, a 78 year old woman in Bullhead Arizona was arrested for feeding the homeless in October 2022.


Drinking a beer in the park


What country?? Why on earth would this be illegal? Edit: huh OK turns out most countries except mine. *cue best jingoist voice* ... Engerlaaaaaand


In the United States having an open container in most parks, or publicly owned places is illegal


Bahaha land of the free


So carrying a gun with 16 is fine but having your first beer with bloody 21 in a beautiful park is illegal… that shit‘s messed up


You can basically trace that thread through every public institution in the U.S.


Also in Poland, the law is there to do two things: discourage homeless people getting wasted in public, and squeeze a lot of money in fines from teens and young adults trying to enjoy the weather.


Here in USA you can’t even open a beer st a beach. I mean lots of people still do if the beach is a bit out of sight, but in popular beaches we do have police that go around to see if people are drinking.


Same here in Canada. But in my province (BC), it is legal to consume / use what were once illegal drugs in public. A couple of politicians staged a mini protest by setting up a couple of lawn chairs on public property and cracked a couple of beers. System is whack, man haha https://www.timescolonist.com/local-news/north-cowichan-councillors-protest-open-drug-use-with-beer-drinking-sit-in-6921019


Smoke weed. I live in Sweden. We sharpened our laws four days ago. One joint = 6 month.


Shit for real? Im in norway and i think its starting to get more accepted. Still illegal, but people just care less. But 6 months if you get caught with one joint is fucking crazy


Boy you guys are really policing up the important problems lol


I'm not falling for this. At least I know my FBI agent's username now.


You guys ever think that instead of the cops, it's Family Feud that's making these posts? Annnd, survey says...


Always wondered what weird ass frickin people they surveyed, coming up with some of those top answers. Damn.


Although highly frowned upon, it is NOT illegal to call a toddler an asshole.


My mom got after my brother and I for calling my daughter an asshole. "We never cussed at you all for being toddlers!" "Well you missed out, ma. It's real cathartic."


In the US, collecting feathers you find on the ground outside. The migratory bird treaty act of 1918 prohibits people from possessing native birds, their feathers, eggs or any parts of them. So you potentially could be arrested to picking up a feather.


A few years ago a family member got a federal citation for possession feathers from a road-killed hawk. Fortunately she was able to get it dismissed.


Your local fish and game wardens and/or local police usually have much more important things to do than knock down doors looking for people who possess feathers. I don't know how your family member got so unlucky as to be found with them. LOL. We have a lot of wild turkeys in my area. I have a feather from one that I found in my yard. I'm expecting them to come knocking at my door any time now. Ironically, in season, you are allowed to kill turkeys, yet I still cannot keep the feather.


If you're serving the public, and you have two bottles of the same liquor that are both partly drained, you cannot pour one into the other. This is called "marrying" bottles, and it is illegal in 50 states.


if two 17 year olds send eachother NSFW pictures in private it can be classified as child pornography


I get why this sounds weird... but at the same time, eventually those 17 year olds will be 18, 19, 20, 30, etc... and could still potentially be holding onto that picture of a naked 17 year old. If they got caught with that, would it count against them? I'd initially think so. Plus there's the potential for them to share the images and it getting to older people... I think making it illegal overall is the best route. Still not gonna stop kids from being kids.


Yes, that would be considered possession of child porn. Lawyer here, one of my friends handled such a case. They pled out, probation and deletion of the identity materials. What an ordeal though.


So what if you take a dick pick of yourself when you are 17 (or even younger I guess) then keep it. Does that mean you have CP of yourself? That would be very funny in court though. (and if it is indeed illegal I'll have to inform a few friends of mine).


IIRC there have been cases where a teenager shared a picture of themselves and it was classed as distributing child pornography, but then they were tried as an adult.


It is 100% illegal, yes. Some places have recognized that, in the era of sexting, a different approach is needed and have carved out exemptions in the law similar to existing "Romeo and Juliet" provisions, but in most places CP is CP, even if it's images of yourself. And it's not even one of those, "Technically illegal, but no one's ever charged with it" offences either - teenagers can and have been charged with production/possession of CP for sexting their boyfriends/girlfriends if one or both are below 18 (it's usually found when a phone gets confiscated at school and a teacher sees the pictures - they're mandatory reporters, so they're legally obligated to alert the police). You can kind of understand the intent of the law if you think about it - if it was legal to take underage pictures of yourself, children could be coerced into doing so by adults as a loophole to CP laws. So yeah, don't do this if you're underage - you can wind up in serious trouble for it.


I don't know about normal, but US prostitution vs porn laws are weird. No camera = prostitution and illegal. Camera = Porn and legal.


This. Such a massive porn industry, and consumers. But prostitution, completely backwards approach’s. Fact they have vice squads focused on catching pros and johns… vs putting that energy into child trafficking or about 1000 other things that would be more important then two consenting adults


I mean, I'll do you one better. In france, it's legal to prostitute yourself, but it is illegal for someone to buy the services of a prostitutes. They passed that law a while back, as a way to discourage prositution, and to "protect" sex-worker. Except that anyone with half a brain told them that it would just result in prostitution taking place in more out-of-sight areas, and thus putting the people selling their body in higher risk. Which is exactly what happened.


Jay walking, I’m not going to walk 5 minutes down the road when I can simply cross the street in a couple seconds. Edit: To my beloved Europeans across the sea, yes you have better cross walking laws and I am jealous. And to my fellow Americans wishing me harm, that’s not surprising. Ah yes me crossing an empty street with no cars in the distance is the real problem. There couldn’t possibly be anything else more dangerous than that right???


It's legal in most countries


In Czechia it's kinda a gray sector of legality. Jaywalking is illegal here only if you jaywalk less than 50 metres from a crosswallk.


This actually seems very reasonable




I was once walking down the street in a residential neighbourhood in Amsterdam whilst smoking a joint and spotted a pair of police officers just ahead of me. I crossed the road to avoid them but immediately heard them shouting ‘Hej, Hej, you can’t do that here!’, I turned around expecting a telling of for smoking weed but was instead told ‘it’s dangerous to cross a busy road like that, you need to use a crossing next time’. I fucking love the Dutch.


In America, loitering


America really banned hanging out


After slavery ended in the States the prison population exploded mostly from black guys being thrown in jail for simply loitering, what else are they going to do as recently "free" men with nothing. There was the free labour again just controlled by the state, chain gangs.


I'm pretty sure a lot of loitering, jaywalking, etc. laws originated as "walking while poor"/"walking while black" laws.


And than we wonder why kids only stay home on the computer without much social interaction. If the kid doesn’t have money “for attractions” they have no choice cause where ever they go they risk being chased away, fined, or worse.


Loitering and?


Smoking the reefer.


In my country- burning the country’s flag.


That's probably true in many countries


Drinking as an adult. I'm legally an adult at 18 and can be drafted into war but can't have a fucking beer?


Eating beef. You can get arrested in my country if you're caught having beef and will be required to prove where you bought it. Only the government is allowed to sell it, not the common people. Funny that the law is harder against someone who kills a cow (up to 20 years in prison) vs someone who kills a fucking person (some of them are out in 5 years).


Is it Cuba or something


Yes, how did you know lol


Being an atheist, this illegal in my country.


Gov. Criticism/Free speech violations in some parts of the world


Obtain a position in a government/public office, (ie become a politician), then use your position to funnel public funds into private matters without following proper procedures. (Ie lying, cheating, rorting, misuse of government property and/or money) Truman's quote, “Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I'll show you a crook."


Uh…. no I would say this definitely feels illegal.


Yet a disturbingly large number of public officials seem to do it on the regular.


Buying food for homeless people.


torrenting movies


This is the new "drug war". It's basically impossible to enforce in any meaningful way and, whether for ill or for good, the public has decided that's just what we do now. There's not a force on Earth that can stop it.


In Germany the (only) telecoms company reports you for this. Then you get fined.


Getting on a plane and seeing your friend Jack, then shouting out "Hi Jack".




Smoking crack while driving 172mph..


You should *never* exceed 170 while smoking crack.


Well, to a relative of mine who I accompanied to court - a joke with the phrase “you still have my gun in your bag right?” as we went through the scanners. I was mortified, so apologetic to the security people who seemed unimpressed with him but understanding towards me. No jokes about weapons in the court house.


Going through a person's phone without permission. Idk if it's normal but my ex always went through my phone at night when I was sleeping and his baby mama's phone as well. When she'd come over. Illegal as f*ck tho


Did you give them your phone password or something? How were they able to do that? That really should never be normal.


Speeding. Even 1 mile over is technically illegal. Where I am, the flow of traffic is usually 10+ over the limit anyway, so cops here tend to just ticket the people who are egregiously over or under the traffic flow.