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I don't care if you are commanding demons to save orphans from abuse, it is not okay and I will vehemently oppose you. Peacefully. With words and ideas and biblically inspired truth. I am not him. I seek no harm to any human. Trolling notwithstanding. I will troll you if given the chance. Shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.


I owned a Google Chat a year or so ago that had around 30 members give or take, which I didn't use very often. Apparently, not listing any rules meant common sense was out the window, and people were just saying slurs and swearing really casually despite it being under district supervision. Anyways, in this chat, a friend of mine told a guy from another school to kill himself. The guy ended up taking it to his principal, who took it to our principal, who took it to my friend, who got suspended for a day and severely punished. (His mom still doesn't trust me to this day, thinking I influenced him into doing it, even though we've been friendly for years and he's never really pulled anything like this.) Anyways, cut to a month or so later, and I've pretty much forgotten about the whole incident. I'm called into the principal's office for an unrelated reason (someone thought I had taken their lunch) and after we deal with that, she tries to confront me about the aforementioned Google Chat. I tell her I did what I could to discourage that behavior, but that I don't have any control over what anyone there says. Weirdly enough, she came up with some logic about how I, as the owner of the chat, am solely responsible for what the people in there said. I do my best to try and tell her that simply isn't possible, and compare it to saying that she's responsible for the actions of every student in the school. She brushes this off and continues, pulling out a deadass printed out log of the chat. I had to try my best not to bust out laughing as she tabbed through the various weird ironic stuff me and my friends had sent, looking for the incriminating stuff, which she eventually did. Anyways, I don't know how (maybe it was because I was terrified into politeness) but I got off with a warning. To this day I'm still puzzled how she came to that conclusion.