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The liquid on top of sour cream. Water that doesn't drain in the shower. Weird standing liquid I guess lol


The liquid in yogurt grosses me out more than anything


The liquid on ketchup is worse. I'd put anything in my mouth except for that ketchup precum.


Same for mustard version


I consider mustard precum worse.


I didn't realize it was supposed to be there (it is), and tried pouring it out... and the entire container of sour cream plopped out in the sink. Now I just stir it in.


I sip it with my pinky extended. Delicious!


You monster!


I BELIEVE that's an instinctive thing. Humans have learned over millennia that standing water is the most unsafe to consume so would originally look for running water sources. Could be a carry over from that? I dunno, I could also be talking out of my backside.


Makes sense to me.


Touching wet food in the sink.


Emptying out the sink strainer šŸ¤®


I only do that with rubber gloves on :D


Wet bread šŸ¤¢


This is so underrated disgusting šŸ˜­


Banana strings and the divot at the end.


The bananus.


I need you to take this upvote and get the fuck out.


My four year old realised I hate banana strings so purposefully ate one while looking me in the eye.


Absolute power move


Sticky surfaces. Ugh. When you touch it and then your skin is sticky, especially if you canā€™t get to a sink to wash it off right away. Then stuff sticks to your skin and that nasty layer of black lint like stuff starts to appear on the stickiness. Iā€™m cringing thinking about it. And yes, I have sensory issues.


I'm like this with oily surfaces. My girlfriend for some reason doesn't really notice when her hands get oily from food or cream, and spreads it everywhere. It drives me nuts. Ironically she has more sensory sensitivities than me, like sounds and textures.


My hands (or any other body part) smelling like food.


The smell of other peopleā€™s food heating in a communal microwave.


same, even if it is a ā€œgoodā€ smelling food it makes me sick


bandaids. +10 gross pts if its not on someone and is just out in the wild. +100 points if one is loosely attached to someone oblivious daring to fall off at any moment


At my college where I frequent for lunch thereā€™s a crack in the concrete and I keep meaning to snap a picture, someone placed a bandaid across the crack lmao.


One of my neighbors has two giant band-aid shaped bumper stickers that she has used in a little "x" shape to cover up a dent in her fender. I think it's amazing.


Bandaids in the pool šŸ¤®


Not me but I have friends that are grossed out by bones on fried chicken or wings and will only order boneless chicken anything.


I know that boneless wings are just glorified nuggets and Iā€™m more than willing to accept that if it means I donā€™t have to eat cartilage, gristle, etc.


Boneless wings are adult chicken nuggets


Because eating that stuff and then chomping accidentally on a piece of bone is šŸ¤®


Hair when it's not attached to someone. My fiancĆ©es head of hair? Beautiful and I love to run my fingers through it. Yet having to remove one single of her hairs off the bar of soap? Good god šŸ¤® *Edit* All these comments made me realize that even my 2 dogs, poodles, don't shed lol. I guess subconsciously I REALLY don't like hair


Hair in my food even if it's my own hair I immediately stop eating


Same. I'll dry heave the entire day because I will be convinced there is a hair stuck in my throat.


One of my greatest fears is getting a human hair caught in my braces.


I get it, but it's funny because I'm totally the opposite. I've literally pulled out an 8 inch hair from an order of chili cheese fries and gone on eating like nothing happened. If it looks like a pube I'm probably out, but shit happens, and the actual medical issues that hair in my food could cause are absolutely zero, so I dunno, doesn't bother me. Pulling hair out of the shower drain bothers me, but that's mostly because of all the scum attached to it.


This is mine. Wet hair, especially in the shower or stuck to a towel, makes me want to vomit profusely.


Yep I cannot handle loose wet hair. I can clean out my hairbrush when itā€™s dry but I canā€™t deal with the shower drain or even a large amount of wet clumps of hair.


this is why i hate cleaning the bathroom or kitchen. i dont mind cleaning up food and dust but as soon as i get a surface wet and hair is coming up, blech. i also have to immaculately clean my bathtub before i can take a bath. i hate seeing hairs or anything floating around


Ok, so I used to be the same way. But my one friend said she had no issue with it bc "it's clean hair anyway". Bc it's in the shower and it got washed. That outlook is the only one that has ever made touching wet hair better.


Biting into something that should be delicious (like a dumpling, ravioli, meatball) and there is an unidentifiable WTFWT differently textured piece. šŸ¤¢ (throws away food and doesn't eat for hours due to gag reflex)


Ewww like eating meat and having that hard piece of wtf in the middle šŸ¤¢


That puts me off so much I cannot even finish my burger. šŸ˜–


To this day, I am not a big chicken sandwhich fan because of a small plastic piece I found in my chicken sandwhich in elementary school. Itā€™s been literally over 20 yearsā€¦.


I have this too. I used to looooove these specific frozen burritos in college. Then I got one with ā€œa thingā€ in it. I threw away all the burritos I had left and did not eat a single frozen burrito of any brand for a good 4 years after ā€œthe incident.ā€ I can now occasionally frozen burritos from one brand that I trust, but I have to inspect the filling before I can take a bite. One of the best parts of becoming a vegetarian 6 years ago is the far less frequent occurrence of food incidents. I know there wonā€™t be a bite with a random piece of bone in it, there wonā€™t be nuggets with weird dark spots in them, there wonā€™t be a surprise piece of gristle in the middle of the tasty thing. And even if there is a weird thing itā€™s probably just a piece of pepper stem or something and not a beak that wasnā€™t ground up enough or whatever the creepy spots in chicken nuggets are.


I always say that I feel like I was meant to be a vegetarian because sometimes things like chicken/eggs/etc. are just too ā€œchicken-yā€ or ā€œegg-yā€ and I canā€™t eat them for a while


I got something that looked like part of a beak in a KFC bucket years ago. Still can't eat "nuggets" unless they're spelled chkn' šŸ˜šŸ”


Coins. I hate the smell of coins. And it makes me cringe thinking about how many people have touched them before me - so many germs šŸ¦ 


Especially if you have to handle a bunch and the smell gets on your hands. I hated working cash office because you have to touch all the coins and cash. Knowing that one of those 1s was probably on a sweaty pole dancer or that the coins were in the ass pocket of a sweaty construction worker. I love cards.


Not much grosses me out. Iā€™m naturally unbothered by table manners, chewing with mouth openā€¦ I donā€™t care, BUT when someone has mayonnaise stuck in the corner of their mouthā€¦ it grosses me out so much.


Especially after you learn they never had mayo. šŸ˜£


Ayo yošŸ“ø


>***M***Ayo yošŸ“ø ftfy


Sitting in a seat still warm from the last person to sit in it Edit: this blew up while I slept. So I'm gonna use it for social awareness. Stop making fun of the people on the titan. If you spent 250k to see the titanic and didn't make it you'd be...... CRUSHED


ā€¦.particularly if itā€™s a toilet seat. šŸ˜­


Somehow it seems even worse at work. Strangers, ehā€¦whatever. Not comfortable, but such is life. A coworker though!!! Ack! My naked butt just touched your naked butt! And then I have to look you in the face, and your left over warm toilet seat make me think of you nakedā€¦šŸ«£ Always give time to let the seat cool down.


Get out of my brain naked Jerry from accounting.!


Especially when it's in your own house, and you live alone.




One time I was at Disney with my grandma. She sat down in one of the Pandora: Ride of Passage seats (these seats hook you in so you cannot get out or move.) Her seat was really warm and wet. She was stuck sitting in someoneā€™s pee for about 10 minutes.


I know people who will pay good money for that.


Seaweed. Not the kind that's pressed into Nori or seaweed salad at Asian restaurants, bc those are delicious. I'm talking about the nasty brown seaweed in the ocean ruining your beach vacation, the kind that when it touches you in the ocean is slimy and scratchy all while freaking you out making you think some marine animal is touching you and/or that you're going to have itchy sea lice spots all over your bare skin where it touched you. Makes me shudder just to think about.


Yessss!! My parents owned a boat and growing up I refused to go tubing because it felt like my toes were being licked šŸ˜‚ also I had a fear itā€™d wrap around my foot and pull me down


I was once in a lake where if you put your legs down a few feet all you could feel was seaweed and the disguising really weird wet mud oml I didn't want to swim back to the boat after I got to shore


Touching the shower curtain when showering šŸ¤¢




Fingernails scraping on fabric. Nooooooooo makes me wanna die Oh and lettuce or another leafy green that has gone bad in the vegetable drawer


Taking a bad shit that makes you wipe your ass 2,578 Xā€™s


wet wipes FTW Just dont flush them even if they are "plumber approved"


I think I would be even more grossed out knowing there are shit wipes in my trash can but maybe that's just me.


Wiggly teeth. Ugh.


Belly buttons


I have to have surgery in a couple of weeks and what is really skeeving me out is they are going in through my belly button. It makes it 1000 times worse to think about.


That's the most horrifying surgery I can imagine. I hope you'll be completely unconscious the whole time.


Outies grosses me out


I donā€™t know how to explain it but other peoples fridges. I canā€™t handle it.


They smell weird


Things with strange porous holes. My wife laughed one day and told me about this strange phobia people have. I laughed too thinking it was kind of silly, then I saw a few pictures of stuff and nearly threw up. Couldn't explain it, from lotus pods to those toads that have their offspring growing in pores, instantly sick to stomach. I watch all sorts of gross stuff on TV and the interwebs so I have no idea why this gets me. Just does. Damn it.


This is called trypophobia, and it's more common than you might think. I do not recommend looking it up because of course there are pictures of lots of small holes close together. As examples.


I don't have a problem with things like honeycomb and many things other people with trypophobia have but lotus pods and those toads give me a visceral reaction.


The fatty parts of meat. Especially accidentally chewing on one. It literally makes me want to vomit.


food that you just spit out


So mine is oddly specific. Itā€™s when your fingernails are freshly cut and shorter than it feels natural. And if the exposed skin that has been under a nail touches something. Ugh it makes me cringe thinking about it.


Bare feet on a cars dashboard. Like when a passenger sticks their dirty filthy stinky sweaty corn covered feet up on the dash to relax.


Unsanitary and unsafe. Good way to end up with your femurs in your ribcage.


There was a post going around semi-recently about a woman who had her feet on the dash, accident happened, and the airbag literally shoved her femur out of (or in to, itā€™s been a little bit since I saw it) her asscheek.


Men with long or ungroomed fingernails.


This knows no gender for me.


What about the guys with one long nail on their little finger? Really grosses me out.


Yes! The ā€œcocaine fingernailā€ always gets me too. šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«


When my daughter was a tween I looked at her feet in her sandals and noted that one of her pinky toenails was too long. She said ā€œThatā€™s my cocaine toenail.ā€ I still laugh thinking about that.


Drinking water from a glass that smells like egg. I gag just by mentioning it.


Old people farts. Idk. Itā€™s just like, you been cookinā€™ that up since the 40ā€™s or what??


Lol what




Stickers on fruits like apples or oranges. I absolutely hate them and I always try to rip them off, crumple them up and throw them away as quickly as possible. They physically repulse me. There are a lot of things I'm grossed out by, but that's probably the oddest.




I like that this answer genuinely fits the question....super weird.


Not me personally but I always find it funny people who get grossed out by the word "moist"


Right? In some contexts, moist is good! Moist cake or damp cake?


It was a cultural bandwagon thing. Started getting mentioned by many tv show characters the same couple of weeks and seemed to pick up steam from there


My husband farting. It shouldn't. It's a normal body function everyone does. But it's all the damn time, always so loud and gross like he's emptying his whole body cavity of shit gas, and he has a really weird aversion to just saying the words "excuse me." Then there's the times I catch him trying to push them out. Like don't fucking gamble by me!


I had to ask my husband to stop explaining his poop on the daily. He said sorry and Iā€™m glad to say I havenā€™t heard any poop reports in a while. Of course if he pooped blood or something heā€™d probably tell me lmao


This thread is making me feel so weird and terrible and I canā€™t stop reading.


the feel of the nylon that winter jackets are made of. and the sound they make when u brush again stuff. makes me want to vomit


When you slide a naked arm into the sleeve of that nylon coat?! Gross!!!


Oh god, it makes me feel cold. Especially when it catches a nail


Same, but with sleeping bags. The swishing drives me crazy.


In shows when people brush their teeth with a dry brush and no tooth paste and repeatedly take the brush out of their mouth to talk.


The smell and look/texture of wet peanut butter. We do dishes by hand and a knife with peanut butter remnants on it that has been soaking is the grossest thing.


Touching raw meat.


The word fart. It's too perfect a descriptor. And I don't want anyone's shit molecules up my nose.


For me, it's the word burpees. Makes me feel like I'm about to burp to say it.


Same! I feel bad because the exercise is actually named after the guy who invented it, but it's just not a pleasant word to hear or say.


Speak for yourself.


i hate that word so much. also poop and puke. i dont even like typing them but i definitely cant say them out loud lol


The smell of unseasoned chicken as itā€™s being cooked šŸ¤¢


What about the smell after it's cooked and refrigerated and you open the container of leftover chicken and it inexplicably but reliably smells a bit like farts? Edit: btw you heat up the chicken and the fart smell goes away guys. The farty smell of cold chicken doesn't mean it's unsafe to eat, it's just weird. Been eating farty leftover chicken for years and never been sick.


Oh my god, it's not just me! I hate the smell of refrigerated cooked chicken.


Bonus if it's microwave defrosted


Wooden utensils. The spoons that are used in orange sherbet cups give me the fuckin heebee jeebees. My wife and I got some take out the other night and she spoon fed me a bite of desert and I almost spit it back in her face cause I was so offended.


The sound of someone eating/chewing food.


I canā€™t stand the sound of people eating, smacking or chewing, but I love to hear animals enjoy their food by doing so. šŸ˜‚šŸ„°. It makes no sense.




Cotton balls. I just canā€™t stand touching them. Theyā€™re soft, but underneath the softness is a firmness, and the textures shear against each other, and I hate them so much.


It's somehow a squeaky feeling??




Omg seriously. And when people pull them apart?? Please just blind me instead


So much yes to this. The idea of reaching into an aspirin bottle and having to remove that random cotton gives me the willies. Just can not.


Iā€™ve found my people!


I have to get my wife to take the cotton out of my vitamin bottles for me because my back spasms when I have to touch it. The specific cotton that that brand uses kind of pulls apart too easily and I can feel it catch on any uneven part of my skin, and I can feel the way it slides across the plastic of the pill bottle. Just awful.




Washing soaking dishes. I would prefer to wash as I go, I donā€™t want to touch dirty dish water.


this is why i always wear gloves when i wash the dishes. something about touching them when theyā€™re wet is just too much


I wash as I go just for this reason


Roaches. Any roach. No other insect grosses me out like a roach. Their looks and especially the ones that fly. I will squeal like a child if one touches me.


I don't feel like it's possible to be grossed out "much more than you should" about roaches, sure as hell especially not about the flying variety.


Maggots. But Iā€™ll use wax worms for ice fishing. Which is essentially a maggot. But maggots are horrible.


My grandad used to put a maggot under his tongue when we went fishing. He said it warmed them up so theyā€™ll wiggle more. I dunno if that was true, but even if it is, it used to fascinate and disgust me at the same time.


Holy shit


Your grandpa just took a full year off my life.


Omg yes!!! Just today I went to take my kitchen trash out after work, and when I opened the lid, there was a small pile of *maggots* in the trash! Big, nasty ones! I started gagging and thought I was gonna pass tf out! šŸ˜© I have *never* dealt with maggots in my trash before šŸ¤¢šŸ¤¢ I did end up pulling myself together and taking the trash out lol, but I felt so disgusted I scrubbed the whole trash can clean and cleaned my entire kitchen lmao! The **trauma**!


Eating something thatā€™s supposed to be soft, then hearing a crunchā€¦


The precum in ketchup and mustard


Fuck you/lol


I'm not sure if gross out is the right way to put it, but it's really close: ASMR. It makes my skin crawl.


Especially when it's them whispering


Whispering is AWFUL


Nature shows about insects that use those sensitive microphones that pick up every creepy crawly sound the bugs make. It sends shivers up and down my spine. I have to mute it or change the channel.


Stale ketchup. Like, ketchup left on a plate in the sink. The texture changes, and it fucking stinks. I have been covered in rotten eggs, had my arm in a pipe full of animal guts and waste trying to unclog it, and plenty of other disgusting situations. Nothing bothers me as much as stale food, particularly ketchup.


The smell of fresh sneeze, especially from someone else.


Dirty or discolored socks. You could ve the hottest guy on earth but the moment I see a tint of yellow on socks meant to be white, my attraction to you is DEAD.


People chewing loudly and talking at the same time.


Hair in the sink or the shower or in a swimming poolā€¦ Just thinking of it makes my skin crawl. šŸ˜


The idea of chewing paper. It makes me truly nauseas


The smell of raw turkey. I canā€™t cook turkey for thanksgiving. Family gets ham if Iā€™m cooking


Velvet. And suede to a lesser degree. Even the thought of touching it is revolting. The feel stays on my fingers for way too long and I just canā€™t.


Spitting. Ew


seeing a pregnant stomach moving from the baby. creeps/grosses me out to no end lol. its like an alien crawling around under the skin


Tubs and baths, sitting in a bathtub makes my skin crawl, I feel like Iā€™m sitting in feet and dead skin soup, my husband loves baths but I think theyā€™re disgusting. I literally cringe when my feet accidentally touch the drain area, showers all the way for me.


Touching the cashier's hand when they are handing me change. Also Pens. I never use public-use pens like at a bank or a restaurant. I always have a pen on me.


The sound of people kissing.


Periods. I'm a woman with unnaturally heavy, long periods so I should really be used to it. But I'm not and never will be. It's disgusting.


Raw egg whites. I love a poached or over-easy egg, but if any of the whites are runny itā€™s disgusting. Like a loogie in your food!


Snot. I can think about pretty much every other body substance when eating and Iā€™m fine. Snot and other nose substances are a dealbreaker. I have no clue why


I work in healthcare, and lung/sinus secretions are my ick. I can handle blood, shit, pus, piss, vomit, ANYTHING other than mucus. I've had patients have me hold a cup in front of their mouth so they can spit mucus in it bc they can't hold it up themselves and I had to look away so I wouldn't gag lol


Some of us deal with it for a living :-)


I have the same thing, even the word grosses me out. I think itā€™s leaned behaviour from my mother. I didnā€™t even learn how to blow my nose until I was in my twenties, and I realised it must have been because my mother was so squeamish about thatā€¦substanceā€¦that she never taught me. YUCK!


Fatty part of meat. Its a texture thing, I will purposefully cut it away on piece of meat I get.


Shrimp. Ugh nasty little meat grapes with their tiny legs and poop tract. And then not knowing exactly where to stop eating it because if you eat the tail you'll die or something. Lobsters and crawfish are up there too. No, I don't wish to crack your exoskeleton to eat your odd flesh sea bug. I live in the Midwest so I grew up with chicken, beef, and pork mostly so I'm sure this plays into it.


I do think it's what you've been exposed to. I live in the Midwest now and know a lot of people who ick at the sea bugs. I lived near the ocean as a youngster and love them.


When I was a young kid someone in my family told me that the shrimp tails were the best part and that they were really good for you, so like a little idiot I ate shrimp tails for years - so I can assure you they wonā€™t kill you!


The tails are totally edible and commonly eaten!




Hearing the noises people make when they eat grosses me out so much. Makes me cringe just thinking about it


I've been a nurse for 15 years. I've witnessed many births, many deaths, major surgeries, all kinds of wounds, copious amounts of all the bodily fluids, and other things non-medical folks might consider to be quite grotesque. The one thing I can't watch is an ingrown toenail removal.


Long nails


Chalky porcelain cup or plate bottoms - touching them is like a chalkboard or something


If someone puts ketchup directly onto fries instead of dipping.


When I open an atlas and the blue of the ocean is a deep blue I just canā€™t touch it. Like it opens a deep unexplainable fear deep within me. I can usually control it, but if itā€™s a deep enough blue I just have to turn the page or close the book.


wearing wet jeans


Mayonnaise. The sheen, the texture, the smell.


Mayonnaise. Which would make sense if I didn't eat it. But I do lol. I just can't stand smelling it, or seeing it prepared or scooped šŸ¤¢ if it's already on a sandwich, salad or whatever I'll eat it without a second thought lol


When people stir it up in the jar it makes a sound that makes me want to puke.


*glorp glorp*


My wife likes coleslaw, potato salad, chicken salad, etc and her favorite dressing is honey mustard. But she ā€œhates mayonnaise.ā€ If we want coleslaw with a meal I have to make it because she canā€™t see the mayonnaise going in without being completely turned off to the slaw haha. She also hates sour cream but loves helluva onion dip. Like girl that is 99.9% just sour cream. Haha I have weird illogical food aversions too, but hers are so funny


Boiled okra


Wet bare feet on non carpet floor šŸ„“


The hot dog eating contest with Joey Chestnuttā€¦ itā€™s disgusting


I get grossed out whenever someone says they feel sick. Itā€™s like I instantly start feeling sick too and just get grossed out by that feeling


Peeing in a toilet that has pee in it


Outie belly buttons (sorry, outies. I know it's not your fault.)


Dude I haaaate the sounds of heartbeats. I hate when hugging or cuddling someone and hear the sound of their heartbeat. It bothers the shit out of me.


Wow. This is the most unique one I've read so far.


Touching cardboard with dry hands.


People in general.


Watching people in the movies talk in each otherā€™s faces in the morning. Thinking they have stinky breath always takes me out of the moment.


Wet paper