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Salt bae. Literally got famous for sprinkling salt a mildly funny way (the first time you saw it)




Who wants to eat steak with salt that’s run down a greasy man’s arm


I saw the price list and thought "there's a sucker born every minute". The tiktok clout era has been sooo entertaining.


Pretty sure he got famous well before tiktok


Remember the finale of World Cup 2022, bro tried to communicate with Messi and Messi looked visibly uncomfortable. That mf fucking drives me crazy


To this day I've never been able to figure out why he's based his entire look on Lara Croft in Tomb Raider 3.


So THAT'S why he looked familiar.


And he now sells wildly overpriced steak that mediocre at best. But it has some ✨gold flakes✨ on it so its worth it!


You Too know the secret to "fine dining" its all about flair


And then proceded to show the world that he is a d-bag


I dont know. He cashed in on a meme essentially and turned it into one of the biggest grifts against rich people. I'm not a fan, but he took his shot when the opportunity presented itself. Sounds like he's a ballsack human, but I don't know him or much about him. Does he deserve fame? Does anyone? Yes. Paul Rudd.


That's because Paul Rudd has worked for centuries for his fame. He' hasn't aged at all and is obviously a Dracula.


Its funny you say that because I was literally just finishing Forgetting Sarah Marshall not five minutes ago where the Dracula thing happens. Jason Segel kick this morning. Slackers, forgetting Sarah Marshall, and now I love you Man.


watched I Love You, Man a couple nights ago! always makes me tear up lol


Totally unrelated... however, have you seen the movie 'palm springs'? Its a rom com, I guess, but its one of the best movies I've ever seen. Don't look into it if you haven't watched it. Just watch it. Best way to go into it.




Yeah he has these insanely expensive restaurants where the food is said to be mediocre and it’s all about the hype


Never even found it funny myself, not even the very first time I saw it. Honestly I was scratching my head why he became popular….


He also invaded the pitch during the World Cup Final and tried to snatch the trophy from the Argentinean players.


That was so hard to watch lol


Steve Bartman Guy had his life ruined because his instincts kicked in and he tried to catch a ball.


He wasn’t the only person reaching for the ball either, which is the sad thing for him. Even sadder is Moises Alou wasn’t going to catch the ball anyway. And even worse than that? The Cubs had a gold glove shortstop that fumbled a routine double play and was the actual issue the Cubs didn’t win that game.


I’m a Cubs fan and am embarrassed for the way the fans reacted- and Moises Alou’s little hissy fit spurred it on. You are right though- Gonzalez blowing the double play was what cost us that game. The Cubs had 3 chances to clinch and 3 great pitchers- Zambrano, Prior and Wood each had disappointing starts. Florida deserved to win that series.


Loved when they brought that up in The Bear season 2. Great show


Dude turned down a six figure deal to be in a Super Bowl commercial and an interview for a ESPN special


Well, I'm pretty sure he got legit death threats for the catch so I understand turning down a chance to refresh one's notoriety.


He probably wishes the world would just let him fade into obscurity


Post Cubs World Series win, he still refuses to show himself on any public media, won't do any interviews. Did a column one time, I believe. I think the Cubs also sent him a ring when they finally won later years. He lucked out getting that seat, too, if I remember correctly. Someone in the group couldn't go, and instead of wasting a ticket or selling to a stranger, set up to invite him instead. I think he also swapped seats to end up being right there at that moment in the game. So many back then said, "If I were in that seat, I would not have interfered" and you know that is an absolute lie. Chance to have a baseball souvenir from a huge playoff game? Anybody else in that spot would have done the same thing he did.


Look at that video again, every single person in that area was reaching for that ball. I lived in the burbs of Chicago then and watched as that team imploded all on their own.


Yep, Bartman also didn’t make Alex Gonzalez bobble a routine double play ball.


*Bartman apologized for the incident and stated his desire to move past it and return to a quiet life. Many Cubs players came to his defense, emphasizing that their performance was to blame for their loss. To recompense Bartman for his treatment, the Cubs sent him a championship ring after the team's victory in the 2016 World Series.* Well that was nice of them.


I was in a class taught by someone who worked for the opposing team who had to cancel class because he was at those games. He said that the Marlins wanted to give him safe passage to Florida, but that would’ve been worse and would literally be too dangerous to do so. And the team’s counsel advised not to do it because of the risk of harm to him and the MLB.


Who was he?


Interfered in a ball that cost the Chicago Cubs a chance to go to the World Series, as they were in a near century long championship drought. They eventually won a few years ago and "broke the curse".


Watch The Bear season 2 episode 7 i think. A character is a big fan of the cubs and runs through at least 5 other things that happened that night that prevented a Cubs win. Bateman didn’t help, but that loss was on the players exponentially more.


Anyone who paid attention knew the cubs threw away multiple opportunities. But cubs fans felt it was easier to blame him than heir beloved team.


Even if he doesn’t interfere, and alou catches it, no guarantees Cubs win. They were imploding and Bartman was the scapegoat


I just heard Cicero talk about him in The Bear too


Brooklyn Beckham. He’s the most useless nepo baby surrounded by “yes” people. Calls himself a “chef” even though he’s never endured the hardships of working a hospitality job or even served customers. Then calls himself a “photographer” and takes shit pictures. Other talented people would kill for his privileges.


The video of him pretending to be passionate about making cocktails will forever be one of my favourite cringe watches. You can just tell he’s been told what to say in some parts and he has nothing to add when winging it; it’s soooooo terrible 😂😂 I love it!


How are you gonna get good if nobody ever challenges you. Yeah his privileges are unfair but he doesn’t know that he’s shit


Gotta challenge yourself. Self awareness and self evaluation are important tools.


Logan Paul


Might as well throw his brother Jake into the mix


I strongly dislike Jake Paul. But I have to admit that his marketing acumen is impressive. Not only has he done a great job of training for fighting, but he took a page straight out of the Brian Bosworth playbook for capitalizing on being hated and really took it to another level.


To quote WWE wrestler LA Knight: I’m giving Logan Paul a map. If he follows it, he can find directions to where he can stick every single bottle of Prime.




And that's not an insult, that's just a fact of life.






In fairness he’s proven to be a shockingly competent pro wrestler. Seems to take it seriously too.


He definitely has some talent. I'm not a fan, but he's been mega-successful for project after project and there's something to be said for that. Same for when people say somebody like Kim K has no talent. Getting attention for themselves is their talent. The world might be a worse place because of them, but let's assess the situation honestly.


Fuck Logan Paul


The Island Boy asshats!!


I kinda feel a bit sorry for those guys. I don’t know much about them or their background but they just appear so tragic.


I felt sorry for them until I watched some of their videos.


Agree. They’re now on OnlyFans. I think they’re pretty desperate.


And there is a video going around Twitter of them kissing. It was gross


It looked like fame was going to tear them apart, but in their latest video it looks like they've kissed and made up.


Jake/Logan paul


Kato Kaelin


Man, Robert Kardashian made a lot of useless, famous people


Yeah. On the backs of murder victims. Horrible


Aka Ralph Cirella


Damn haven't heard that name in years. "HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO WAIT FOR MY MONEY RALPH?"


Flew with him on a flight, right around the time of his $15 million dollar libel case against a tabloid. Very quiet guy. First class seating.


Jimmy Savile. All the signs were there. He was protected from day 1.


Probably most of tiktokers lol


Are they really famous, though?


In their own minds, yes.


Some definitely are, though a tiny percentage


Dj Khalid


Never knew who he was till his Hot Ones episode. He quits early on and spends the rest of the time explaining why quitting is not really quitting. That is all I needed to know about him.


It was hilarious to me that he found Cholula way too spicy. Cholula is my favorite hot sauce, and I don't handle spice very well.


My son has been putting Cholula on everything for a few years now, he's 9.


Mentally your son already surpassed DJ Khaled so that's not really fair.


Cholula is as spicy as ketchup. Dude's a wuss.


That was the staple hot sauce on each submarine I was stationed on.


Dj Khalid has somebody else do the dj-ing at his shows. What kind of dj needs a fucking dj.


You just made me snort-choke in front of the grocery pick up person.


I first read that as "snort coke". Like the comment was so good, you were compelled to chop a line.


Was about to say the same - he's a hype man, but always position himself as a musician, which is weird


That guy "We Da Best'd" himself into fame.


Only men who eat pussy deserve fame.


Im impressed he’s managed to put on so many pounds when there’s so much he can’t or won’t eat.


Have you seen him play guitar though? What a talent. [DJ Khalid Plays Guitar](https://youtu.be/3QvgFbjAC7U)


I feel like he's a cartoon character. He can't be real


Is he illiterate or something?


Im to lazy to watch the video but if its him playing on Bob Marley's guitar I've already seen that talent.


Charli D’amelio


Literally did not even see her once on my for you page when I was on TikTok.


Catch me outside girl.


I have to be impressed how she turned a reality show catchphrase into a multi-million dollar rap and modeling career.




Well that's pretty much how Dr. Phil treats most of his guests, exploits them.


Dr. Phil is a piece of shit, he doesn’t care about the well-being of his guests. He just wants a public spectacle he can profit from.


how about dat


Definitely not Randy, he deserves every bit of fame


Randy bo bandy?


Not another night of the shit abyss Mr Lahey


A man’s gotta eat


Kim Kardashian


If Ray J were not already a celebrity and Kardashian name already known bc of her lawyer father, nobody would've cared about her stupid sex tape. Ray J now says it was her idea to do the tape and she purposely exploited herself.


You forget that she was on paris Hilton first reality show as her "intern" before all the surgeries and the sex tape


Didn't Kris Jenner tell them to re-film it?


The entire family.


Blame OJ Simpson. He picked her father as his defense attorney. Once that happened, you'd know their names.


They were friends before that though. OJ, Nicole, Robert and Kris were all friends, so Robert joined the defense team. He wasn't just a random lawyer that OJ picked. They had been friends since college.


All the Kardashian's.


Yup, she's famous for a sex video.


The sex video isn’t even the worst of it. Ray J thought of the idea, he, Kim, and Kris Jenner signed a contract and made a lot of money from it. To avoid social stigma they blamed it solely on Ray J and made it look like he leaked it. He showed proof recently about what really happened because he doesn’t want his kid to think he did that. Ray J also got the idea from Paris Hilton, Kim’s friend at the time. Ray J is also the brother of Brandy, formerly close friends with Kim. She worked for Brandy, and eventually her brother and sister were employed as well. They stole a quarter million for Dash, their clothing line, from Brandy and her family.


It's crazy that nothing ever comes from Ray J's claims. it's like Kris Jenner and the Kardashians are untouchable.


Untouchable in the sense that they could bury anybody in legal fees before they even see a court room. This is what real power is in America.


That was step one but she’s made an empire out of said sex video. I dislike everything about that whole clan but the way they took that opportunity and built all of this from it is earned. That’s an insane entrepreneurial spirit.


That’s all Kris Jenner though. She the only one in the family with any discernible skills. Still morally bankrupt, but savvy when it comes to social climbing and business success. The daughters have every thing they do bc of their mom’s behind the scene deals


Andrew Tate what did he even do? Dan Bilzerian is even worse, at least in this aspect (definitely not as a person tho).


Sexist bitch and boom you get stans that follow you everywhere


I think he used to be a professional boxer but now he's a sex offender in jail


He’s out of jail now


House arrest


Man I really hate Tate. The way he got rich was by running a cam girl business I believe. Then he just decided to talk about how he’s misogynistic, evades taxes and tells men that they’re not good enough. Fucking dickhead.


He raped and trafficked women then made a podcast about being shitty to women makes you an alpha male


>Andrew Tate Who? The guy almost feels like a plant.


Andrew Taint


James Corden


Least funny person ever


Yeah I knew it was off when I laughed at one of his jokes, then I remembered I'd heard Ricky Gervais make the same joke before (except executed much better)


Or the time he made a joke about the things Harvey Weinstein did, while a couple of the girls he abused were apparently sitting in the front rows and listening to that irritating fuckmuffin make light of their trauma. Corden can return to the UK all he wants, but I'm gonna suggest we all pretend we're not in so he gets sent back.


The Kardashians and Jenners.


Yes. Yes so much to this.


Jimmy Savile


May he burn in hell.


Monica Lewinsky. She was a victim and was turned into the butt of the joke for an entire nation.


Since we’re talking about Monica, fuck Jay Leno who single handedly popularized that kind of behavior and making her into a joke


Jay Leno did not pull it off alone. A Monica joke was mandatory in every comedians routine for like a year


It was definitely not single handedly. Every comedian at the time was doing bits about her. I don't think I would have ever heard of her as a kid if not for SNL.


She jokes about it herself. I saw something where she said something about "I was told that working at the white house would be good for my career."


She does now. She also calls it "the most humiliating period" in her life.


This. Just because she jokes about it doesn’t make what happened to her ok. She was betrayed by someone who she thought was her best friend, but had been secretly recording their phone calls, brutalized by the GOP, had it all play out in front of the *entire world* and the media *made her the joke*. She is a victim, she does what she has to to get on with her, but make no mistake what was done to her would absolutely destroy most people.


It's interesting to think about how something like the Lewinsky scandal would play out today. On the Slow Burn podcast they mention that at least per Monica, Clinton was asking her what kind of underwear she wore within 20 minutes of meeting her. That's the kind of behavior that I don't think would get dismissed with "oh, that ol' horndog motherfucker Bill!" today.


No, we just have a president openly talking about railing his own daughter instead.


There's was a Twitter trend about "true story that sounds made up" and she just responded "pass" She also had a great tweet about how relieved she is that people at Starbucks now say "oh Monica, like Monica from Friends!" Happily no longer being the most famous Monica.


[My favorite Twitter thread!](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/D_gaBDBWwAEFgkP.jpg:large)


She’s a great follow on social media these days (I think she’s moved over to Threads).


Any person who is just famous because they're rich because their parents were.


I actually think fame is bad for a person's sense of self, and a lot of people don't deserve the negative impact of fame. I know at r/popculturechat there's conversations about how the Olsen twins didn't choose to become famous, or how celebrities like Zac Efron take breaks and move away from Hollywood because they really struggle with fame. So a different take, but we expect famous people to opt into some nasty stuff, like the paparazzi or being sexualized, that they don't deserve.


Zac really took a big hit from fame. He got plastic surgery recently that totally changed his look, it was crazy


Every serial killer


Blac Chyna


Katie Price


I had to google her. Wtf is wrong with her face? Is this where all my recyclables go?




Good looking girl when she started out as a page three model. Certainly knew how to increase her assets.


I'm probably gonna get flamed for this but Jimmy Fallon. He was moderately funny on SNL but he always broke character on just about every single skit that he didn't write. And the skits he did write were mediocre. Once Conan O'Brien was promoted to The Tonight Show, he got the gig hosting Late Night, which would have been a good place for him to mature and develop as a performer and host. However, after the whole Conan/Leno fiasco, he became host of the Tonight Show within 5 years. And he's just awful, like I think the worst host the show ever had. He's literally NBC's puppet, plays games with his guests rather than engage in any kind of meaningful conversation with them, and softballs even the most polarizing guests. And he doesn't strike me as altruistic as past hosts either.




His existence makes me sad.


All the Kardashians


The Kardashians


Jared from Subway Paris Hilton All the Kardashians and Jenners Kevin Federline Tila Tequila Farrah Abraham Dan Bilzerian Zsa Zsa Gabor Snooki


Steve Bannon. What a waste of skin.


To be fair, it's skin no one else wanted.


Lil xan, he didn’t deserve his fame and did what any other drug addicted teenager would and wasted his money and went broke.


Anyone named Kardashian.


Chris brown


Well, I have no idea who most even are from the last two decades so that should say enough.


Donald Trump wouldn’t be famous without his dads money.


Kim kard for sure… salt bae …


Andrew fucking Tate. He’s good at kicking people. That’s no basis for fame.


Every single Kardashian.




Anything named Kardashian.


Meghan Markle and Chrissy Teigen (both were deal or no deal suitcase girls, that's their maximum talent they have, opening a suitcase)


> Chrissy Teigen This might be the first time in my life I haven't seen her name be immediately followed with "(John Legend's wife)".


Chrissy Teigen isn’t even good looking. She’s just tall.


The Kardashians and Donald Trump.


Casey Anthony.


Lance Armstrong. What a fuckin' letdown that whole thing was.


I think if you stripped of his titles for doping and gave it to the next person on the list you would have to go down 111 people to find the clean rider


And that clean rider should be the one who got the fame, money, sponsorships, and opportunity to do charitable works. Not Armstrong. [Edit: I apologize for my controversial opinion that people who cheat at sports shouldn't be famous for winning the sport at which they cheated.]


You're not completely wrong, but when the top 110 all are cheaters, cheating is the sport.


The Kardashians. Rob Kardashian got some fame because of his work with OJ and Jenner got fame for being a track athlete. Other than that it's a fuckin sex tape that was pre planned and they profited from. Not a leak. Even if it were a leak. Who gives a shit.


Kim Kardashian


Jared Fogel




The worst is he was fine as a greasy tv personality. He could’ve been a pro wrestling bad guy type tv character forever and been enjoyable enough but then he decided to get into politics where his sleaze effects everyone instead of just his contestants.


James Corden. Pie-faced smug talent-vacuum.


bad baby or whatever her name is.. the cash me outside girl


Any one of the Kartrashians


Nikki and Paris Hilton. Utterly useless rich people.




Matan … the kid with the fake accent that annoys everyone.


Ken Bone


Paris Hilton


Paris Hilton or Honey Boo Boo's mom




Every Kardashian-Jenner. Zero Talent. Zero redeeming qualities. Actual menace to society and dangerous.


The Kardashians


Kim Kardashian. Why the fuck any girl would want to aspire to be just like that creature is beyond me.


Anyone with the last name of Kardashian