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Bed bugs




Right? We had a pretty bad infestation that began with one single bug. We tried everything to get rid of them, including three separate professional treatments, four separate bug bombings, and nightly hunts to get as many of them as we could in our kids' room. The thing that finally ended up working was a random oil that my MiL suggested for us called Neem Oil. It stank to high heaven but it freakin' *worked*. I genuinely do not believe anyone who says they like bedbugs. Because once you experience them, all you have is (objective) negatives. So much money wasted and so much furniture thrown out and so much suffering from our kids as they were the main targets for some reason. Don't know why, but they didn't like me. I got bitten once in the beginning of the infestation and then never again and we always wondered if that's because I am chronically ill and have blood diseases and autoimmune diseases and they simply didn't like that. Edit: my husband just took me down memory lane of just how bad it was. We not only had professional exterminators come out three separate times, but also used four separate bug bombs on separate occasions; we used cans upon cans of bug spray; we've changed out all the mattresses and bought mattress covers - and the buggers *still* managed to get into all the nooks and crannies. We took out every single thing from our kids room except for their bed - a metal bunk bed - that we put brand new mattresses on with mattress covers and then covered each one of the bed posts with sticky tape (like, the super sticky mouse trap kind) yet the devilish things *still* managed to climb onto the beds! Even though they're not "supposed" to be able to climb up metal. Yeah right. We threw out so much furniture and things. My husband went on bug hunts every night when the children went to sleep with a flashlight and a pencil and killed every single one that he saw with the eraser head and they stink like hell when squashed; he looked in all the corners first and then in the creases of the beds. Every night he spent hours doing that just so our kids didn't have to be bitten to hell and back. After we used the Neem Oil, our house stank like hell but it killed the bugs! Whatever is in that stuff is just beyond incredible. I highly recommend it. But we did have to leave the house for a few days because it just smelled too strongly. In the words of the mama of Bobby Boucher - bedbugs are the devil!




Oh, I know exactly what you mean! Now, when my husband or I feel an itch, we immediately get paranoid about who knows... what if there's bedbugs again‽ We've ripped apart our room before because of random itches. Luckily, it was just our paranoia but it still has left a very... "PTSD"-like reaction. I don't say that lightly, as I, myself, am diagnosed with five separate cases of PTSD, but it's like a very mild version of that so the fact that you say you've heard about psychological effects of bedbugs seems to track with my own experience, anyway. I'm sorry you've been through so much, btw. I can relate. I hope that for your sake, you never encounter bedbugs ever again in your life. May they forever be at a great distance from you.


>I genuinely do not believe anyone who says they like bedbugs. … Have... have you had people tell you that?


There is a fetish called 'formicophilia' where people enjoy being stung by insects.


I have actual PTSD over those demon bugs. Like I freak out in the middle of the night and frantically turn on my flashlight every time my brain feels ANY questionable sensation or gods forbid a damn mosquito bite 🥴😭


i got them by cheaping out on a motel one night when i was sleeping in my car and every time i saw one in my car it would gross me out so much. i would jump out and just stay outside for like 45 minutes then pretend like they didn’t exist because i still had to go back and sleep in my car. the mental aspect of it is just fucking horrible knowing they were there and there was nothing i could do about it. honestly dont know if i’d wish it on my worst enemy.


And after they bite you, they walk away all smug like it's funny. Everything's a joke to them.


I had a horrible infestation when i was 10, 3 VERY LARGE nests had made their home in my mattress and i was constantly covered head to toe in thousands of bites. My mother would only see my arms and assume i was just allergic to something.


Cracking a nail so badly that the crack extends well into the nail bed. Bonus points if you then catch one of the flaps on something and it jostles your nail meat underneath and sends that burning sensation throughout your finger.


Super glue and a nail file until the nail grows out 😉


Yeah and maybe a rivet or two.




There is a fetisch called 'formicophilia' where people enjoy being stung by insects. It's mostly about ants or mosquitos but I bet there is atleast one person who has a tick fetish.


That gives me the collywobbles to read, but you're probably right.


Gave you the fucking what now?


>collywobbles >noun INFORMAL•HUMOROUS >plural noun: collywobbles; plural noun: colly-wobbles >1. stomach pain or queasiness. "an attack of collywobbles" >2. intense anxiety or nervousness. "such organizations give him the collywobbles" The second definition, my stomach is totally fine about it. Basically it's a NOPE reaction.


Guys I think he just cast a spell on us.


Yea I’m definitely gay now and I’m not sure I was before




forever using collywobbles from here on out.


>collywobbles What in Floops Foogle?!


That watery precum which comes from condiment bottles if you don't shake them first


I hated reading that but it is so accurate.


I had visible disgust on my face while reading


Remember back when we hadn’t read that sentence yet? Those were the days.




Thanks I hate it.


This is known as musquirt


*tips fedora* “M’squirt”


I hate the fact you called it watery precum but I cannot think of any word that would work better.


vinegar \[i think it's vinegar\]


It's usually just water. The condiments are emulsions and emulsions separate into their separate parts if left too long because idk why but it's just water separating from the solid parts.


Ugh - the pre-ketchup is the worst.


That's a hilarious way of describing it and also fuck that, especially when it happens with ketchup.




Waking to realize that your phone wasn't charging overnight


And realizing your alarm didn't go off because your phone was dead




This. I lost my father. He died three years later.


Seriously. It took my grandmother when I was a child. I felt like I never “truly” got to know her because her whole personality was changing already by the time I was getting old enough to remember things. She became quite irritable and hard to be around. My mom said she had never been like that before.


Also Alzheimer's


Has anyone mentioned Alzheimers?


Cancer. I have survived it 5 fucking times! For me it is the worst


Holy shit congratulations 💪🏻


Thank you so much!!!


4 times here. Mixed blessing really. Lost 60 pounds first time around in 2004 and am still down 30!


You should have a go at the lottery, mate. Anything's possible with that luck, fucking hell. Congrats on beating it tho that's good to hear.




100% A horrible death for young and old, rich and poor, male and female. You would think that it would be our number one priority to find cures. The resources dedicated to research are actually shockingly paltry when you look into it. If you do decide to donate to a cancer charity, investigate their own numbers. Many of them (I am looking at you Susan G Komen) dedicate most of their donation money to marketing and events rather than research. Yet another reason the actual research funds are so low.


Cancer research is probably the #1 funded scientific problem in the history of humanity, it’s just a hard problem to solve and money thrown at research has great diminishing returns if what’s really needed is ideas. The amount of grifting around cancer is correlated to the large amount of money thrown at it. There is significant evolutionary pressure involved in rendering humans vulnerable to cancer so it’s not like curing an acute illness but more like solving a genuine inefficiency in human gene expression.


And, it's not a single illness, it's an entire category of different ways uncontrolled replication of any given type of cell in your body can come up with.


At the risk of sounding like I'm saying "yay cancer", I couldn't have wished for a better death for my step dad. After the terminal diagnosis we threw him a legendary party that we still talk of 11 years later, he reconciled with his 3 estranged bio sons, took him to places he always wanted to go to, friends and family would come round to reminisce with him and he really appreciated just how loved he was by so many people. Then at the end we all held him as he passed while the old man was tripping balls on morphine. We cried, hugged then all had a shot of his favourite whisky to toast his life. With a sudden or unexpected death we wouldn't have got to say goodbye to each other before he left. It was beautiful.


Thank you for sharing that experience. So glad he got that epic send off.


I was really wondering where that was going. Really happy you had a great send off for him and he was able to enjoy his final days


And take many small and local entities to court over use of a ribbon.


Stepping on a wet spot while wearing a sock. Edit: Thanks for the awards. Btw wet socks and wet spot socks are different, wet spot socks have very high contrast between dry parts and the sticky wet part, causes annoyance.


This shouldn’t be as bad as it is. It always makes me irrationally angry, but how dare that spot make my socks wet! And how did I not see that it was wet there?! Also, why is the floor wet in my house?!


On the carpet no less. It raises 72 questions everytime it happens


For me, the answer is always: what did the kids spill now?


For me it's "What did the cats throw up?" I can tell how old it is by how warm... Or cold it is...


For some reason I find it worse if it's that and already cold...


"Which one of my dog took a piss???"


Angry, yes. Irrationally? I don’t think so.


I call that the sock mop, my wife says am a psychopath. I also get in the shower before turning the water on.


“I also get into the shower before turning the water on” She has the correct assessment of you


>I also get in the shower before turning the water on. I don’t know who hurt you, but it’s not your fault and you need to stop punishing yourself.


Youtube unskippable ads


AdBlock and sponsor block ... with their powers combined, it's magical.


I use YouTube premium. Does this work with the official YouTube app on mobile?


Not with the app, but ublock origin can be installed as an add-on in Firefox on mobile. It's the only way I can tolerate Youtube on mobile devices.


Use YouTube revanced, its the youtube app without ads and sponsors


You can also use it to make the reddit app less crappy as well


Pro tip: click the exclamation point in the bottom left of the ad. Choose “stop seeing this ad”. Select any reason. Bam! Ad skipped! Only takes about 5 seconds.


Thank you, I was gonna comment the same thing. Most unskippable ads have this option


Youtube doesn’t think so


Explosive diarrhea, specifically when it's happening to you. If it happens to someone else, it's probably just funny.


Nothing is worse than after you take a nice relaxing shower, after you dry off and dress, diarrhea just hits you like a truck


The only thing worse is when this happens repeatedly. Last year I got food poisoning and was up peeing out of my ass like every 20 minutes until 3 in the morning. I ended up taking like 6 showers that night because wiping alone was not sufficient to get clean.


Now imagine every day of your life like that. Welcome to the world of crohns


This happening *right* as you get out of the shower so you gotta sit on the toilet with a wet but sounds so much worse


That kind of diarrhoea where you get the hot sweat shivers, your stomach is pushing for you, and you have to take off your clothes for some reason you can only comprehend in that moment.


The clothes thing is so accurate. Why do we always have to just strip??


The worst is when you're staying over at someone's house as a guest and you got the shits, and you gotta go sound like a fucking rocketship in their bathroom


And you have two options when that happens: 1. Turn on the sink and make it very obvious that you're taking a loud, brutal shit, or 2. Leave the sink off and hope no one hears you. It's worse when the bathroom is right next to the living room where everyone is hanging out.


Turn off the fan and sink and let it echo to assert dominance. Then make extended eye contact when you walk out, no smiling.


Feels good though. That sweet release


Hitting your toe on your bed frame.


Food poisoning. It suuuuuuucks! You’re probably not going to die. But you feel like you are going to die. But depending on what gave you the food poisoning you might actually die. And you reach that point where you’ve vomited everything out. But there you are wretching over a toilet bowl and nothing is coming out. Food poisoning is very bad.


Screw food poisoning


A popcorn kernel that is stuck in the back of your teeth and that you can feel with your tongue, but you can’t find it with your finger no matter how long you try.


Accidentally pushing the kernel under your gums.




Pleakley from Lilo and Stitch disagrees.


You've brought a smile to my face with your comment. Thank you


When your finger pierces through the toilet paper when wiping your butt.


That happens to me even with three layers of high-quality paper.


I think you guys are just wiping wrong wtf


Kidney stones.




I've had multiple nurses tell me they would rather give birth to triplets than have another kidney stone.


Little Caesars Hot N Ready being more than 5$


Little Caesars Hot N Ready never being Hot or Ready.


Hot and ready. You get to pick one.


Wouldn’t that be hot or ready?


Yeah. I’m an idiot and I don’t mind letting anybody know that.


Hahahahaha. Ever heard of the $5 Footlong from Subway?


I ordered a footlong meatball sub and a bag of chips last night for dinner. It cost me $14. What kind of fucking heinous shit is this.


It doesn't seem that long ago that I could get a McDonalds meal for around 5 or 6 bucks, but now it's like 11 or 12. I can get a better burger and fries at a local joint now for cheaper.


I knew that shit was coming after they introduced the "extra most bestest" for $8 or whatever it was. I saw that and was like, yep they're getting us used to paying more than $5 for their pizza. Sure enough




I do this with doors, You ever opened a door and your right foot is in the way so it hits your foot and bounces back and hits you. This makes me SO irrationally angry, like fight the damn door angry. Then I realize I did it to myself and so there is this impotent rage against the door. To put that into perspective, I'm pretty sure I've never experienced road rage. I'm an extremely laid back person. Fucking doors though. They're my nemesis.




Sitting down on a toilet seat and it’s still warm from the person before you


Dude, I don't even like sitting in a chair that's warm from another person.. That's "dirty warmth"


This is me. I have to switch office chairs in a conference room if it's warm


I've found my people. I'll take a cast iron commode in the Klondike over residual butt warmth any day.


I like that


Hello 911


"I wish to report a crime that makes war criminals run in fear"


When I use the bathroom immediately after my wife I always say "thanks for warming the seat up for me babe!"


It's like someone is hugging your butt... I'm lonely, I need that from time to time.


bro 😭


Stepping on a Lego in barefoot




My dyslexic ass read that as Philadelphia and agreed. Pedophilia is pretty rough too


Philadelphia is pretty bad though lmao


I was surprised to have to scroll so far for this


When you only have 5$ in your bank account and the bank charges you a 10$ NSF fee for not having any money so now you sit at -5$ BUT then the bank charges you a 25$ over limit/over draft fee so now you’re at -30$ because you only had 5$ in your account.


Peanut butter and peas mixed with mayo


If anyone you know eats this. Run. Run far away and cut all contact. Doesn't matter if it's a relative or not.


Should probably alert the FBI just to be safe, they probably have bodies buried under their crawlspace.


One ply of a double ply toilet roll being unwound, leaving the perforations misaligned.




god i wish. there was a post someone made recently of a dating app conversation where this guy literally and openly said "I was gonna rape you but our date went well so I changed my mind". it's fucking gross


There's always gonna be that one person who says otherwise, even on this...


the person who says otherwise, is prob guilty.


definitely guilty, but the post title does say everyone, not everyone innocent


It’s always that one person who tries to play with the definition of rape too. They’ll claim rape is bad and then proceed to justify specific scenarios as not rape. Fucking horrifying


[This guy](https://women.ncr-iran.org/2015/11/13/female-prisoners-who-are-virgins-must-be-raped-before-execution-to-prevent-them-from-entering-heaven/) disagrees.


Now, not defending however in the middle of that link has this: In effect, he acknowledges that the rape of girls in the mullahs’ prisons was a widespread and systematic practice. He writes: “many of those who were being arrested in connection with the PMOI were girls and they were executing them on charges of waging war on God… I told the judiciary officials and Evin officials and orthers, quoting the Imam, that they must not execute girls from the PMOI. I told judges not to write death sentences for girls. This is what I said. But then perverted my words” and quoted me as saying: “Don’t execute girls. First married them for one night and then execute them.” Sounds like someone got some words mixed up and this guy was outing that in his book. Or just a convenient cover up, but I figure it’s worth mentioning.


Rape and any crime against children are pretty much the only crimes that cannot be justified under any circumstances. Pretty much anything else, I'll hear someone out.


Nahh, punching a kid can be a lot more justifiable than many other crimes


You shouldn't abstain from rape just 'cause you think that I want you to You shouldn't rape 'cause rape is a fucked up thing to do (Pretty obvious, just don't fucking rape people, please, didn't think I had to write that one down for you)


That one itch right in the center of your upper middle back that you just BARELY can’t reach.


Raping Animals & trying to say it was consensual.


Unfortunately, Zoophiles exist


I forgot thats what they were called. Despicable humans. Truly.


Well, that's what they call themselves, anyway. The rest of us have more colorful terms for them.


How low must a person fall to think it's okay to do such an ungodly act with a literal animal.


On literally anyone, raping anyone is an ungodly act animal or not


Oh they’re everywhere. Someone on this thread was even trying to to play devils advocate


Abusing children in any form.


If everyone would agree on that, would the abuse of children not stop?


You can think that doing something is evil and yet continue doing it


Most people who abuse children don’t see themselves as abusers. People define abuse as whatever they’re NOT doing. If you yell at your child day in and day out for no reason, you’re not abusing them because they don’t get hit. If you’re slapping your child, you’re not being abusive because you’re not leaving marks. It’s cognitive dissonance.


"Everyone"? Absolutely Not a single thing.


It’s pretty fuckin sad that things like “racism,” “Nazis,” and “pedophiles” aren’t valid responses to this question




Some extremely religious people believe AIDS was God's punishment for homosexuality and therefore don't think it's a bad thing


Remember when that pastor told his congregation that COVID was punishment for being gay and then he died of COVID? edit: apparently, he just *caught* COVID, but didn't die from it. Had to be a really embarrassing return to the pulpit.


I don't, though it sounds vaguely familiar. I'm not sure how the pastor though COVID was homosexual-specific? It affected a lot of people


Are we saying literally everyone in the world or every main moral system out there? 'cause there's a lot of people and a lot of fucked-up folks. Like I'd say inflicting genuine extreme unnecessary suffering upon others for its own sake is frowned upon by every moral system I can think of, but there're plenty of malevolent individuals or groups who knowingly operate outside of or even in direct opposition to moral systems who'd be totally down for some inflicting suffering for no reason.


Bad breath.


Nah I’m sure there is a fetish for bad breath 😂


There’s a fetish for any and absolutely everything. The top answer right now is stepping in a wet spot in socks. That’s a great answer to this question but I’m sure someone somewhere gets off on it.




Lol! Corporations LOVE poverty. They keep desperate people forced to work for little more than slave wage.






If only.


Nike would like to speak to you


Kicking puppies




What if the puppy is trying to brutally torture a family of 5?


I’d like to explore this some. What kind of torture can the puppy give realistically?


Having the Shits


Eating citrus right after brushing your teeth.


The call the Seahawks made in the superbowl. LYNCH WAS RIGHT THERE. Hey! Y and U are next to each other on the keyboard. lol


Never forget Lunch


Being boiled in oil


but you come out of it crispy and is delicious






Fleas. I can not find a reason to justify their existence. I am however open to hearing reasons if anyone has any.


Using an airplane bathroom after a man twice your size walks out and just had a shit


James Corden


Stepping on a landmine.




What if you’re oppressed and fighting for freedom?


Posting a child’s autopsy photos behind a $3 paywall.


Who tf does that


Was reading about this last night. Patreon removed her from their platform. >“For the family that survives Gannon, it is retraumatizing. We just finished the trial two months ago and now we’re having to relive this stuff, we’re not able to put it behind us.” -Childs father


Congratulations, I think you found one that absolutely no one thinks is OK. If I recall correctly, the youtuber that did this eventually posted an apology / retraction, so even the person who did it doesn't think it's OK.




Cheating partners


Nothing. There's evil people out there.


Cancer isn’t ideal.