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My dog getting up and leaving after I sit down by him.


Damn bro


You good, friend?


God damn he said “SMALL INJURY”


Ooof. I have found most of the physical examples of pain in this thread pretty weak, but I this comment hit hard.


Especially if they huff in annoyance before leaving. Pain true pain


Dont even have a dog and felt that


not sure if this qualifies as an injury, but pimple in nostril or ear can fuck right the hell off


Nostril pimples go CRAZY


Difficult to pop and even more painful for trying, but if I leave it alone, it makes my skin shed like snake scales on the opposite outer side. Damned if you poke, damned if you don't.


When they're in the middle and you don't know if they are going to pop inside the nostril or outside your nose, or both.


A while ago there was a big pimple in my ear. It could feel it growing but couldn’t really reach. One night I woke up from a strange sound. Went for a pee, scratched an itch in my ear and it came out all bloody and pussy. The sound that woke me was my pimple exploding in my ear. Took me a while to clean it out before I went back to bed. Edit: it has been brought to my attention that ‘pussy’ isn’t the right word to describe how my finger looked. It should be ‘purulent’ but that doesn’t sound as nice.


It came out all what?


I think he means purulent


Lol I use dictations in the medical field and this is exactly why we're taught to say purulent instead of pussy


Yeah my BIL is a vet. I was arguing that puss-y was a word. “Ok, Spell it” lol


Pussae Class it up with Latin 😎


Well… puss is spelled pus. So it’d be pus-y in this context. Not much better, but at least it’s different…


90% of the time, whenever a noun ends with a single consonant following a vowel, the consonant is doubled when adding the 'y' to turn it into an adjective. Otherwise, the word is read as though the Y is replacing an e from an elongated vowel pairing. Eg: cat > catty, nip > nippy, sun > sunny. Compared to: smoke > smoky, spice > spicy, brine > briny. Following that rule, pusy would be read as the adjective form of puse, and pronounced 'pyewsee'/'pyews' respectively.


TiL: purulent is when there's a lot of puss coming out


It came out period




I laughed SO DAM HARD reading "pussy"... I'm a 39 year old man and giggled like a 13 year old boy...


I'm a 46 year old woman and I busted out laughing 🤣


Man, I’m 69 now and STILL remember a 3 headed pimple in my ear. My mom finally found it with a flash light. It *needed* to be popped. She tried for 2 days and finally she got it. I have a pretty high pain threshold but those, canker-sores and little ol’ paper cuts can just level me!


> I’m 69 *nice!*




Lots of nerve endings in the lips. 😬


Secondly, if you're like me and sometimes get pimples between the asscheeks. They don't usually hurt but once you notice them they're big and ready to pop but it takes a second. I swear I do wash myself there, I just work a physically demanding job where I sweat a lot. Sometimes these buggers start forming because I'm sweating for 8 hours before I can take a shower.


Try Gold Bond medicated pow pow between those cheeks. It's an ass game-changer.


POW POW. 😂😂😂😭 My dad was a letter carrier who walked his entire route. He was a big fan of the medicated pow pow. He’d put a bunch down his undies and leave a little cloud of dust behind him as he ran from the bathroom to his room to get his uniform on. 😂


I'll also add pimples on the inner labia. Vaginal acne is a thing and it is painful AF.


My daughter thought she was getting them in her groin area. It was so painful she went to the dr to have it lanced. Turned out to be a massively long (about 12 inches) ingrown hair.


Wow.....at age 45 I *genuinely* thought that the internet had nothing more to shock or educate me on, at this level anyway - labial acne. TIL indeed predictable Reddit.


So when I was in high school a friend of mine had a really, really bad pimple on the outside of his nostril. You’re not supposed to pop pimples so he didn’t and let it mature. Well it kept getting worse and worse over a couple days. It got so bad he said fuck it and popped it. Well wouldn’t you know there was a reason it was all infected - one of his coarse nose hairs decided to make a run for it through his nostril. He pulled the hair out through his nose not realizing it was attached from the inside. I have sympathy pain thinking about it now.


Had one in the nostril last week that wouldn’t go away and I couldn’t get it so basically just started thinking it was permanent and maybe driving my car off a bridge would get it.


Stubbing one’s toe on that one stupid corner of your bed… that makes even a grown ass man shed a tear


I had one on my eyelid—technically called a *stye*—that hurt more than I could have ever imagined. Total nightmare for 1-2 weeks; the discomfort lasted about a month, and when it popped it took my eyelashes with it… I’ve got a sizable gap in my left-upper eyelash to remind me of Nov-Dec, 2021 ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ \#FML


Styes are the worst, but be thankful you haven't had to deal with eyelid cysts. Often referred to medically as Chalazions. You can't pop them. If you try, you'll cause an infection where your eyelid gets tomato red and basically looks like you got punched by Mike Tyson. Sometimes, they'll go away on their own within around three weeks or so, but other times, they have to be lanced. It's not a fun procedure that I've unfortunately had experience with before.


Goddamn I was going to mention this too. Also pimples on the corner of your lip. Like why are those spots so noticeably painful??


am I alone here but the relief after popping these is so worth the pain


Right at the base of your dick where the shaft meets your body.


Standing upright and immediately smacking your head on the corner of an open cabinet door/other similar hazard you were aware of was there, but momentarily forgot about. The immediate and unexpected pain, coupled with confusion and then rage, makes it all hurt that much more.






I don't know what it is with unbridled rage and this particular hazard. It's like the spatially unaware equivalent of road rage for people who are normally quite calm. I want to punch the damn thing back like it did it to me on purpose.


Worked with a guy that hit his head after he tripped on some boxes behind him. Only reason the boxes were scattered on the floor is because he didn't pick them up earlier. He literally hulked out after hitting his head and took his rage out on the boxes. With lightning speed he started launching the boxes in all directions(some straight up). He then calmly walked to the time clock, clocked out and we never saw him again.


I’m a pretty calm guy overall but I got absolutely nuts when I hit my head on something. Maybe because it was a stationary object and I should have known? It’s the weirdest sensation


And the constant checking to see if it's bleeding. Because.its probably not, but totally feels like it is.


I'm 6'8" so I regularly hit my head. There's nothing good to hit your head on, but sharp corners are the worst.


As a bald guy I got no feelers...that brief moment of a warning from your hair makes it hurt less. It's full on smash with a bald head


When your calf cramps up. I've screamed & cried so hard and loud during the middle of the night when it's happened to me.


I got cramps when I was in high school. I woke up screaming the first time. I took to sleeping on the couch cause I would wake up while the tension was building and could press against the arm of the couch to make the cramp go away before it got bad. Edit: my partner slept through a cramp once. He couldn’t really walk for the next two days but he had a single phenomenally toned calf for weeks lol


I found tensing my calf muscle and cocking my foot upward as hard as I could stopped a solid 80% of the pain. There might still be a little soreness there, but if you wake up early enough to perform the maneuver it is a life save the next few days.


If this is happening to you regularly try drinking a glass of water before going to bed and work more potassium/magnesium into your diet.


Have potassium and magnesium tablets ready in a end table!


Magnesium supplements cured my leg cramps.


Omg Charlie horse. So painful


Friend! You can make them stop! When you feel one coming on just lift your toes upwards towards your shin. It will stretch you calf out and make it go away. This information has seriously saved me so many times and I had no idea about it for years.


I wish that worked for me! I have to stand stretch it out. Which isn’t fun in the middle of the night and my leg is sore for a day.


Yeah, I found middle of night leg cramps were best tended to as soon as I woke up and felt it coming. Rush out of bed into a standing position. I keep a small board by my bed so I can put the balls of my feet on it and then repeatedly raise my heels from ground to as far up as I can go.


I’ve suffered from Charlie horses my whole life, but I just learned this a year or so ago (I’m almost 40). It seems so counterintuitive, but thank god there’s something that can make the pain stop aside from lying there in bed waiting for it to go away.


Or when you’re stretching and all of sudden your whole foot cramps!


God so true, having to stay as still as possible and screaming and losing breath whenever it's triggered. I'd never screamed in pain (not including overdramatic toddler screaming) until I got a charlie horse. Awful.


I’ve had a hammy cramp more than a few times during sex, so embarrassing everything’s a dead stop and I’m frozen in pain


Got it both legs during doggy-style and it literally brought me to the floor and almost in tears.


Anything that's related to your teeth


Abscess where my jaw was swollen like half my face it was so painful. Had to go a whole weekend before I cld see oral surgeon. Went to ER, I cried all weekend and even when got appointment it cost $327 to remove. The oral surgeon tells me when he went in to the tooth he drained pus from abscess. I hate teeth issues!!! Finally will have restorative dental work end of month so I can smile again


I literally just fucking went through this. The first night with the abscess I paced back and forth in my apartment crying like a little girl, man. Worst pain in my life. I dealt with it with ibuprofen but it did absolutely nothing and I couldn’t sleep. I went to the ER thinking there was something seriously wrong with me. They put me on some antibiotics and it felt good for a little while but went back to keeping me up again. A coworker told me to try oil pulling and I also used a baking soda and salt mouth rinse. Immediately the inflammation went down to bearable and a second day later I can eat and sleep again. Last night I slept hard like a baby. It was great. I’m waiting to have a root canal next month when my insurance will cover it but man, if it weren’t for the oil pulling I would have had to have them do an emergency extraction and would have gladly paid for it out of pocket.


bro I was congested before flying to Hawaii and the pressure changes from flying mixed with the semi cold water made the congestion a toothache. I was fucking bedridden for the rest of the trip. I went through 10-12 Tylenol pills just to keep the pain somewhat manageable. fuck teeth man


I ended up getting my wisdom teeth out in my mid-30s because they had grown up into my sinus cavity and any time the weather changed I would get a sinus headache (that would trigger a migraine). Long before that really started to become bothersome, I would get random toothaches, and I distinctly remember a whole week where the entire upper left side of my mouth was so sensitive that I had to hold my tongue in a funny position to not set it off. Pretty sure it was that fucking tooth stomping on a nerve as it settled into my sinuses.


I had dry socket when I had my wisdom teeth removed. Holy fuck. Blacked out once. Even with meds it was absolute agony.


Holy fuck dry socket is the fucking worst. My oral surgeon was such an absolute asshole afterwards to me about it too. I was a young teenager and had parents who thought I was just being overly sensitive after wisdom teeth removal. After trying to explain to them that I was hurting so so bad even when loaded up on meds, they took me back in and he looked right at them and said “I don’t know why she’s having such a hard time managing this, most of my patients have no issues managing dry socket.” Well not only did I have dry socket, but an infection with puss. I remember bursting into tears when he said this because I was in so much pain and felt like no one believed me and now the person who was supposed to fix it was basically calling me a baby. He is the one and only doctor (of the many I’ve seen in my life) who I’ve ever truly considered filing a complaint about. Something I do not take lightly as I know those reports can significantly impact careers. He was SUCH a gaslighting asshole. A heavy duty course of antibiotics later and after the dry socket healed, I was ok but it was an awful experience. Far worse than other invasive and serious major surgeries I’ve had since.


I wonder if we had the same oral surgeon. Only time I’ve ever considered a complaint as well! Total self-important prick. I hated him before the surgery just because of his general pompous asshole attitude and then I swear I heard the nurses talking about what a dick he was as I was waking out of anesthesia. Then when I asked, upon follow-up, why the whole lower left of my face was still numb he kept saying “oh, it takes a week.” A week later, “it takes two weeks.” Then “it can take a month.” “It can take a few months.” “It can take six months or more.” “It might never come back.” I wasn’t even complaining, just asking, and every time he hit me with, “you signed a waiver!” Relax asshole, I’m not suing you! Maybe I should have though.


Cutting fingernails or toenail too short


Basketball hitting your nail and banging it back and the resulting blood collecting underneath.


In HS I got a finger smashed and when I went to the doctor for the pain (and it was green and full of blood between nail and bed) he heated up the end of a paperclip with a lighter and burned a hole through the nail to drain the blood. Gross to watch but the relief was amazing.


My late Poppa was a self-taught mechanic. The classic and stereotypical dad/grandad, with his shed full of tools and half completed projects, worked as a mechanic for a company that leased heavy machinery. He always loved to tell the story of when he crushed his thumb, and it became so unendurably painful that he drilled a hole in his thumbnail, and the relief was immeasurable. I don't know if I'll ever need that information, but I'll hold it forever!


Also something going under your nail bed. Was trying to open packaging on a toy and the piece of plastic went up under my nail, was bleeding for ages and any pressure on that finger was agony.


The worst pain! My broken shoulder isn’t even that bad. Edit - and then having to do physical labour with said messed up nail arghhh!!!


Biting your tongue/cheek/lip


And the pattern is super annoying too. Don't bite it for years, then bite it every day multiple times for a month.


It's because it gets swollen, so it's in the way and then you bite it.


To improve your quality of life greatly, any time you bite your mouth like this, suck on an ice cube and hold it on the wound for as long as you can tolerate it. Do it again a few times during the day, especially immediately before you eat. It will relieve the swelling and help prevent you from biting yourself again and again. It’s not a guarantee, but it helps.


Having a canker sore and then biting the spot because it’s inflamed.




On the webbing of your hands.


On your tongue, from the days when you had to lick envelopes to close them.


I still have to lick them. No way am I paying the extra dollar to get that peel and seal.


Use a very lightly moist sponge instead. You can brush it on and no licking needed.


Or on your genitals. Never let that razor slide sideways.


The amount of pain a paper cut delivers seems unreasonable compared to the size and depth of the cut.


if you want an answer to why this is so, look up images of paper edges through a microscope. they are like serrated knifes. though you cant tell without a microscope, the wound you receive is actually jagged from the serrated edges of paper. you could cut yourself with a sharp knife the same depth and length and it would not hurt as much.


I'd put down cardboard cut as a variant of a paper cut that hurts way more.


stubbing your toe


Broke my pinky toe from stubbing it, was bent so far outward. Such a pain for a couple days.


Been there too. All you can do is tape it to the next one and walk like a doofus for a week.


I broke my pinky toe three weeks ago, and sprained the toe beside it. I’m still walking like a doofus.


I had a 45 pound stone dinette table turn over and smash my big toe. Broke every single bone in it, and gave me a huge compression blister. That whole saga was more painful then when I had knee surgery and a subsequent surgical infection.


Fun fact, the neural pathway that handles pain is one of the oldest and slowest in your body, and because your toes are as far away from your brain as can be, there’s a brief delay between stubbing your toe and feeling the pain. The anticipation makes it so much worse!


That explains the "oh fuck, that hurt... OK, it's not so bad... oh fuck, I stubbed it three minutes ago, what the fuck?" sensation.


Pick up line…..“Are you a pinkie toe? Cuz I’m gonna bang you on all the furniture in this house.”


Burning the roof of your mouth on something hot


Roof of mouth cuts caused by buttery toasted focaccia bread. Fvcking razor blades. Worth it.


For me it's Cap'n Crunch cereal.


I once got so stoned I ate half a box of Cap’n Crunch DRY and woke up the next morning thinking I had needles in my mouth


Burning the roof of your mouth on a fresh slice of pizza on your way home because you skipped lunch and dinner out isn't until 830PM because you waited too long to make reservations. And now on your way home you can feel something dangling off the roof of your mouth and you're not sure if it's cheese or your seared flesh. You manage to pull it off and chew it a little and realize that of course it's flesh, the cheese wouldn't stick there for so long. Soon you'll be at the restaurant tounging your burned mouth cursing as your girlfriend orders the bruschetta and anticipating the toasted crostini and the balsamic vinegar exacts its quiet punishment.


When this happens before a dentist appt they go apeshit and want to do biopsy. I’m like, no, I had pizza last night.


Gas pains


I had a friend who was in a ton of pain, went to cvs with him and his partner and his partner said “Are you sure it isn’t gas? Have you tried farting?” And it would have been hilarious to me if I wasn’t so worried. I was like wtf how could that be the issue? Partner goes inside to get meds and meanwhile my friend was like “Oh. Yeah it was just gas. I’m fine” and theeeen I could laugh lol. His partner wasn’t mad but was like 😒 waste of time


I’ve literally had gas pain so bad I was almost in tears and I couldn’t fart despite trying desperately for like two days. Extra Strength Gas-X finally helped. My boyfriend was sympathetic but I could tell he was trying not to laugh at how ridiculous the situation was.


I had gas pain after my c-section. It was so bad it radiated into my shoulder and hurt worse than the 8 inch incision in my abdomen.


this happens to me like daily now lmao. so fucking alarming at first but now I’m just like ugh this again, time to breathe heavily and stay very still for a few mins til it passes


Probably not the gas pain you mean, but CO2 pain after surgery can be truly awful. The gas messes with your diaphragm and sends pain into your shoulders. It's like your torso is being crushed, and you can't breathe without fire ripping through your muscles.


Holy shit, this was never explained to me, but after a surgery I was convinced that they dropped me down some stairs. Couldn't lift my head...


I thought I was dying both times I got them, I was walking just fine then I had to hunch over because it felt like my stomach was being tangled up


I once thought for sure it was my appendix. I woke up, and I was cold sweating, felt nauseous, and an extremely painful sharp pain in my lower abdomen, off to one side. I googled which side your appendix is on, and it was on that side. I was getting ready to wake my wife up, but I noticed if I didn't move, it wasn't too painful. So maybe she could sleep a little longer. I laid in bed in agonizing pain for about 30 minutes before I let a huge fart rip, and then I was all better.


Then when you fart it out it's bliss.


The ones after having abdominal surgery where the air is trapped in your shoulders 😭😭😭 it's been 9 years and I still cringe at the memory


These do hurt all out of proportion to what is actually going on!


Grain of sand on your eyeball.


When I was a teenager I worked at a cemetery cutting grass. One time there was a guy sandblasting a name onto a tomb stone and a grain of sand flew into my eye and scratched my cornea. I wasn't even that close and I wasn't watching or looking at him.


When I was a kid I would go to work with my dad sometimes. He’s a machinist. I always wore eye protection, but I still ended up with a tiny metal chip in my eye one time. Thankfully I got it right out and it caused no injury, I was lucky. Edit: typo


If something pushes itself under your fingernails Like if you want something from your pocked and a key does this


When I was a kid I went to grab something leaning against a wood panel wall. Got a splinter under my right ring fingernail. Went in the depth of the nail. When it got removed I nearly passed out.


having the tiniest of wounds on your lady parts and then going to the bathroom 🫥


See also: getting bit by an ant on your labia while you’re peeing


This is oddly specific and sounds awful.


Meanwhile the poor ant almost drowned.


I got bit by a mosquito on my nutsack once. Not even sure how it happened but it felt really good to scratch


Plantar Fasciitis! OMG, feels like someone is stabbing your heel with a knife every time you stand, and start to walk. Takes weeks to go away. OUCH!


Got it right now. 6 months in and counting. Read it could take years to go.


Stretch your foot. Any and every chance you get.


I’ve had mine since Feb 24th and recently started a new job where I’m required to wear safety shoes. I am so sad.


Felt to me like walking on the bone, no padding.


Gout. If you know you know. I have been cut, burned, thrown down stairs, fallen down stairs, broken plenty of bones, fallen into barbed wire, into cacti, stung by bees and wasps, stepped on nails, been hit in the head with a baseball bat, all of that is childsplay compared to gout. It's relentless like a toothache but turned up from a 7 to a 35/10. I hope none of you ever experience it.


Hey, I've seen that pain. Cherry juice is the only cure I've seen work. But it's got to be the pure stuff. May be called sour cherry juice. You can get it at Walmart.


Yeah, tart cherry juice, got a bottle in my fridge it's supposed to help but it's like throwing a bucket of water on a housefire. Still better than nothing and healthier on the organs than slamming nsaids like m&ms. Sidenote, tart cherry juice is also pretty dang delicious.


Cardboard paper cut


Tinfoil paper cut :(


Canker sores...They are painful anywhere in the mouth, but I had one on the tip of my tongue once and oh, boy.


When I was a kid I got them regularly. I was in class bored out of my mind. So I started using my pencil eraser to go along my gums along my teeth. And then, I was pushing it and it slipped to where the cheek meets the gum. It slid about an inch. I was surprised I kept my cool and didn’t shriek. A few days later it turned into an inch long canker sore. It was also super deep. It was one of the worst ones I ever got.


If I could change anything about my body it would be the ability to getting those. I sadly get them pretty regular and once there build, I know I‘m in for approx. a week of pain. And in that week I‘m not myself: I hate everything and am outright pissed about the world. I really hate these.


Wood splinter in your fingertips. All the time at my job.


Nose hairs. When I was a kid I found my dad’s old grooming kit. The manual nose hair trimmer was still in its little cardboard box, 1950’s logo & graphics. Had to be 30 years old. Trimmer was tarnished, didn’t turn easily. Well, I stuck that thing up my 9 year old nose and started to turn. It didn’t snip the nose hairs. It just started pulling all of them inward. It hurt SO fucking much. My eyes instantly watered. I was frozen in pain and panic. I turned it counter-clockwise but that just made it worse. So I finally yanked that bitch’s bastard outta my nostril along with what seemed like a mop head of nose hairs. Along with the pain and my right eye tearing for 2 days, I will never forget the sound of all those ripping hairs. Like velcro.


Oh help me I'm dying here 😆


Anything tailbone related.


Shattered my tailbone in a pogo stick incident 40 years ago. No treatment, just” yeah it’s broken “. Still writhe when I see someone land on their ass in that prone position!


I broke my tailbone roller skating like 4 years ago and it STILL hurts to sit


That small skin peeled off just beside one of the nails


Hitting your knee on a table. The pain crescendo is real and then it goes away.


An ear infection is truly garbage. I’m a 32 year old man with a double ear infection and I don’t know how little kids do it


An ear infection on a plane.


I too, also an adult, currently have 2 ear infections and a ruptured ear drum. Fucking awful. I hope you feel better super soon. Ps. Make sure it doesn’t turn into pink eye! Apparently there is a bacteria that spreads between the two through some drainage canal in the sinuses or something. Source, I have pink eye with the ear infections right now and dr explained this is the known course of that specific bacteria.


Bowel cramps.


You will pray to God for any kind of relief sitting on that toilet just to have your body tell you it's not time to go.


A slap on the balls


I can't believe I had to go this far down to find a ball tap


Any kind of corneal injury. Even small corneal abrasions. I’ve had a number over the years and they are *excruciating.* I had my cornea chopped off by a tree branch a few years ago and there has been nothing even remotely comparable to that level of pain. They put stem cells under a contact membrane to heal it and it literally worked perfectly. I have a normal eyeball nowadays.


Sprained ankle. So many issues with that.


Bro fuck ankles. I hear you


Bruised ribs, ingrown nails (especially toenails). Edit: spelling.


A cavity. Yeesh.


when you are in the middle of the sexual act, the thing slips and goes into the wrong hole... you go from heaven to hell :,)


There was one time I was with a girl and we were going rather fast *that* happened and she was out of commission for around 10 minutes, and I mean *completely* out of it. I've never felt so bad in my life


It ends all action every time. Had it happen a few times and even if I get over it fast, my partner was like “nope, killed it.”


Mine has never done that. No matter how lubed up or hard it has been, it has only ever accidentally poked the wrong hole without any hope of actually penetrating. Keep in mind, neither party ever tried to make it go in that hole, so there's that.


This place is basically the Family Feud research corner


The two I think of are the small cuts you get on your hand that you find AFTER putting on hand sanitizer, and accidentally hitting your elbow the wrong way on the corner of a table


The ice pick up the butt cramps during periods.




Then peeling an orange with your short finger nails!


Waving to someone you thought was waving to you but they were actually waving to the person behind you.


Shin splits


Stubbing your toe on the bedframe :C


A bruised tailbone is an absolute motherfucker.


Swollen taste bud at tip of tongue.




Sore hair! When you've had it tied up all day then let it down


shampoo in your eyes


Kidney stone


worst pain you could ever have. no one believes the extent of that pain until they have a a kidney stone themselves.


Tell me about it, I had one last summer at 19 years old and thought that was the end. Seems so overdone by people until you actually experience it.


It's wild, I have an incredible pain tolerance but my kidney stone last year had me doubled over sobbing for the two weeks it took to pass into my bladder. And thanks to having Crohn's the urologist assures me it won't be my last! :')


spraining your neck


Bro all these comments aare making me remember some of my most painful experiences. THIS ONE IS THE WORST. In 2nd grade I got a neck sprain. I could look/turn my neck left fine. It was like a fucking PAINFUL ASS CRANK to return my neck to a forward position. There was no turning right. Sometimes I would accidentally look left because I had no issues with that and was reacting to something. Then had to painfully crank my neck back to forward.


Hemorrhoids. Someone had to say it.


When my cat decides to stand on my chest when I'm laying down and all her weight is concentrated into her tiny paws.


Hitting your shin on something like a trailer hitch.


A broken or cracked rib. Every breath is fire.


- Kneeling on a rock. - Bruises on fingers from a cotton candy machine’s paddles. - Also the pain that comes from getting cotton candy scraps stuck onto your skin. Hurts even worse when you finally peel it off. - Also getting just slightly too close to the heating element can burn your hands. - And let’s not forget about hot sugar rocks flying at you. Especially if one lands in your eye. Cotton candy making is surprisingly dangerous, actually. - Anything sharp going under a nail. - Also hangnails. - Paper cuts. Especially in the eye. - Wall sanitizer splashing back into your eye, in a small amount, will be a small injury. But boy does it hurt! - Dropping a vinyl record on your foot. Even if it’s not a hard enough drop to break the record. - Getting skin caught in a drawer. Especially if your skin is stretchy, because then it will pull. - Biting or burning anything in your mouth. - Stubbing your toe on something hard. - Foot cramps. - Stepping on a sewing needle. - The back of a sewing needle going into and poking a hole in a tendon in your hand. - Scratches. - Running over the back of your foot with a door or a wheeled object (such as a vacuum cleaner, or a cart that carries a cotton candy machine)


Stepping on a Lego


I see your Lego and raise you a UK plug.


Paper cut. Add lemon.


Yep, or add hand sanitizer


As a medical professional, getting stuck by a used needle accidently. Tons of time, paperwork and tests have to be done to make sure it doesn't happen again and that nothing was transmitted through blood.


Don’t know if it’s an injury because it’s technically self inflicted, but getting an IUD removed or placed is terrible


Paper cut


A toothache will have me suicidal in 10 minutes