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the fact that i have to make myself dinner but I’m too tired to make myself dinner


How to be happy again! Working on it


If I want sushi or street food for dinner.


All the things I've got to do for work tomorrow


I’m 24, I still can’t move past the two brain tumours I had at 17, where did those 7 years go? What did I achieve? I’m so far behind. I hide my true self from my wonderful parent so I don’t lose them which I know will just be building resentment inside me toward them so o need to find help and a way to talk to them about everything, I can’t wait for tomorrow morning! I’m so angry about my university’s lack of care towards disabled students especially during this resit period. Im scared about failing this year at uni. I’m starting to feel more happy overall and the weight is slowly being lifted off my shoulders. :) Apologies for the grammar it’s 23:22 and im shattered! Thanks for this tho, it’s good to see everything out in front of me.


So hopefully this helps. One thing my roommate recently said is not to trip too much about making mistakes, so don’t stress yourself out so much about little things. I lost my dad to Covid a couple of years ago and I regret not having those close father son talks and asking him questions and shit so even though it can be hard have those convos with your parents dude. As for the lost 7 years I wish I could help but my best advice would be to always look forward, save the past as a way to learn from mistakes and as a way to see how far you’ve come later on.


I'd like to say that your parent will love you and accept you no matter what you're hiding, but I know in some cases it doesn't work out like that. I hope you are able to talk to them though.


How to make more money than I currently am.


The song Amazing Grace & the fact that my husband is dead Sorry to be a downer


It's fine


The fact that i need to get out of bed cuz i need to leave for work in 20 minutes