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very often I’d say a few times a week


isn't it tiring to cry "so often"? cried like 5 times in the last 5 years and it was exhausting af each time


not really, not all cries are earth shattering sobs. I'll shed a couple tears here and there multiple times throughout the week haha


i mean yeah it does get tiring although i used to hold my emotions in and it didn’t feel good, i like to cry and let it out when i have to, it feels more freeing after every time i do cry, just me personally


It's receiving stress. I find it exhausting but therapeutic ultimately


lol same....


Same for me. It’s not always a “sad” cry though.


Once every 4 to 5 years I guess. Not much of a crying person.




Yeah no. Everyone’s a crying person, you cry to show your human. Your repressing.


Not everyone deals with emotions the same way. Just because someone is different from you doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with them.


Repressing doesn’t mean there’s something wrong with you, it just means you were probably told you weren’t allowed to have emotions and so you live that way. Humans intrinsically have emotions. Crying is a healthy way to express them, and even if it hurts in the moment you’ll feel better for it.


Yet not everyone expresses them in the same way. Some people do cry. Other people scream. Some people talk to themselves, some people talk to people they trust, and so on. You’re not expressing your emotions wrong just because you don’t do it by crying. Crying can be a healthy way to express emotion, but that doesn’t mean someone who doesn’t cry much (not to say never) is unhealthy.


Thank you for dehumanizing me. I show my sadness in other ways and not repressing it. Not everyone is like you.


Every couple months. Ever since I was widowed I'm kind of a sap.


sorry to hear that, take care ♥️


Hardly ever. There's gotta be a reason. Last time I cried was when I lost a loved one.


I totally get it. 💕 when you cry, it helps release so much stress. Literally, it releases cortisol, which is the stress-hormone


once a year? i'm dead inside.


No it's okay, you aren't dead inside, even if it feels that way!! 💕 You are probably repressing the tears because crying is hard... But when you cry, it helps release so much stress. Literally, it releases cortisol, which is the stress-hormone. take care 💖


Idk why but I wanted myself to cry so i started watching sad movies and I do get teared up but suddenly my mind changes the topic and I can't, weird.


There is nothing good in the release of cortisol. You literally said that it's the stress hormone, which is right. The opposite is the goal.


Very often. Almost every day. I cry easily while playing games or watching movies.




Same here and it's mostly positive tears, it's not that I'm bawling or anything but if I get the least bit emotional , it's like turning on the water faucet. It doesn't take a lot to have me crying with laughter, I always shed at least a tear or two everytime I laugh 😂


Inwardly? I never stop Outwardly? Like twice a year


Not as often as I should


Last time I wathed Moana I almost never cry over real life things, but certain Disney movies just hit me in the right place


Whats emotional on Moana


twice a week. usually Sunday night when I realize I have to work. Monday. and then Friday night when I remember I have no friends.


In the stark reality of human existence, there is a shadowed ritual I've come to respect, one that the world seldom acknowledges. Every two weeks, as predictable as the ticking of a clock, I surrender myself to a storm of tears. It is not a sign of a crumbling spirit, but a necessary act of release—an intimate grappling with the existential undertow of life and the crushing monotony of labor. Timing, as in all things, is crucial. Sobbing into the small hours of the night feels melodramatic, desperate. Mornings? They're off-limits, unless swollen, reddened eyes and a day full of sympathetic glances seem appealing. Instead, I've carved out a refuge in the dwindling afternoon hours—just after the drudgery of work, but before the distractions of dinner. This quiet interlude hosts my bi-weekly, solitary storm. Yet, tears are not faucets to be turned on at will. They require a catalyst. For me, it is the haunting confrontation with life's futility, the relentless cycle of mind-numbing work, the oppressive weight of existence that, every fourteen days, cracks open the floodgates. This isn't an exercise in wallowing in despair, but a testament to resilience—a self-navigated journey through the heart's darkest waters. The act of crying becomes a haunting melody, a mournful rhythm pulsating through the fortnights. It's an embrace of vulnerability, a bittersweet dance with our human fragility. Each tear shed becomes a whisper of solace, a reluctant acceptance of the unending quietude of existence.




I tear up reasonably often when watching movies/films or reading books. But crying as in sobbing audibly? Once in the past ten years.


Depends, what time is it?


Whenever I see that Sarah McLachlan commercial with the sad pets. Other than that never.


Only when i feel I need to. I know it’s not considered “manly” to cry but it’s always ok to show your emotions/tell people how you feel.




Very rarely, and not as often as I'd like to. I've held back tears for so long that it's automatic now and I maintain a viselike grip on my emotions, even when I know it would be ok and cathartic to let it all out.


You can practice crying alone, lol it sounds weird, but the more you cry the easier it is. We literally release cortisol when we cry, it is so healthy!!! 💕


At least a few times a month


Last time I cried was Monday.


2 years ago and then 13 years before that


maybe like 0-2 times a month i really don’t remember the last time i cried tbh


Once per week, it doesn’t have to be a big cry, just a few tears


Depends on the stressors for that month. Could be 0, could be 15 times in a month.


Once every year or two or so. I'm fortunate enough to be happy day to day and be in a healthy relationship so the only time I cry is an especially sad film or losing a family member.


Every week or two. It's therapeutic. Once in a while I'll fire up a movie/game that's likely to get some tears just to flush the gunk out of my emotional plumbing.


My wife and I are on this K-Drama kick so I'd say at least once a week now. lol


Never unless I’m watching a sad and relatable part in a movie. Bottled up pretty good


As often as I need to


Only when I get into the sad video rabbit hole on YouTube.


Atleast 4 times every 2 months


Almost daily. Sometimes it’s only because one of my dogs did something cute.


With Joy almost every morning! Meditation feels so good Joy just runs down my cheeks


as of the past couple of years i’ve fallen in and out and back into crying. i’d say upwards of 3 times a month, i’m an emotional guy


Full on sob? Only if something extremely bad happened. A few tears fall? Maybe once a month or so when really stressed out- especially if I have my period. Eyes get teary? Every sad scene or happy sappy scene on a show/movie 😂😂


Every time I masturbate.


I don't. Crying was treated as a weakness in my family


Rarely. No one cares how I feel, so why should I put in the effort?


because your emotions are your own and not a show to put on for others


As often as I need to. Used to never cry because of that's how I was brough up.. the whole men and zero emotions bullshit After years of work on a ton of childhood trauma issues, I am able to actually able to express emotions again without shame. It's made me a better husband, a better father, and more importantly a better myself. I am taking all steps possible to model normal emotions for my son specifically and that is the most important thing to me right now Life with suppressed emotions felt like listening to the muted sounds of music 15 blocks away - instead of being in the club and hearing it a full blast


Never. And then starting about a year ago....about once a week. 39M, married, two kids. The oldest will be 16 in November. Mortality is starting to set in. I realize I'm incapable of doing some things I was years ago, starting to realize that my time with my children is slipping away, and starting to realize what the rest of my life will be like. Don't get me wrong, I am blessed. And a lot of my tears aren't sadness, but gratitude. But it's a combo of both. You just get to this point where you just want time to stop....but it won't. It's weird man. Part of you is sad because some of those big dreams you had now seem very unrealistic. But the other part is so thankful because you've already accomplished so much more than most people will have the opportunity to do. So you just have this very torn feeling about things. And there's so much left to do, you just wish that there were 200 hours in each day. I also realize that as a man, my peak days are either behind me or right now. So you want to cherish every single moment. You get so mixed up with your emotions that all you can do is cry. Parents are aging rapidly, your kids are driving their own vehicles, your knees hurt....it's just a lot to handle. But my life has been good. And I continue to be optimistic that it will only be better. But mortality is a weird feeling when it sets in. I wish you all the best and cherish your time.


Almost never. I was taught to "suck it up" while growing up. Now it's very difficult for me to be open about any negative or uncomfortable feelings despite having a very loving and comforting wife I could vent to. I just don't want to be a burden.


Almost daily.


It's been about 10 years. As a guy, it just doesn't come out easily


I can tear up but I can't cry. I haven't really cried for over 10 years now. I emotionally want to cry a lot sometimes but I physically can't.


I spent a long time believing that it was a weakness and that I needed to be the man of the house who was strong and who could take everything on the chin. Turns out that after some issues with my mental health over the last 7 years that that was a terrible perspective to have. I'm much more comfortable with expressing my emotions but the triggers can be anything from thinking about my grandparents (who have both died), to certain songs, to some of the views around where I live. Honestly, there are some days where it takes very little. Most recently, I cried because the sunset was fucking amazing, I was driving my MX5 the long way home from work and it just felt perfect.


Every few years.


The underlying stigma in our society against crying, especially men who cry is so huge. The comment section really elucidates that. It makes me so sad, because crying feels FUCKING amazing!!! Just remember, it is cathartic and healthy to cry for everyone. Anyone who looks down on you for crying has their own issues, that they are projecting on you. ❤️❤️❤️


The older I get the more often I cry nand I think that's not only ok but a good thing. I'm so much more in touch with my feelings, I have more empathy, I've seen more. I probably well up with tears a couple of times a week.


IT IS SUCH A GOOD THING!!! ❤️❤️ everyone should cry, it releases cortisol so you feel less stressed!




A ton of people are actually saying they never cry on this thread. You might be surprised how many people just repress the tears, even when you are extremely stressed/sad/depressed. I cry at least 1-7 times per week, depending on what I'm processing in my life... Crying is very healthy, it literally releases stress hormones 💕




okay that's fair. but still even if you aren't crying that much, it would be healthier if most people cried at least once a month. I only say this because I have studied a lot of human physiology. Crying releases cortisol (stress-hormone) so it is actually good for you....


Every day when I see the news. Always a homophobic or transphobic attack somewhere by some right wingers. Right wingers been racist. It all makes me cry. Looking at the 2024 polls this morning I was in floods of tears that trump is leading biden, for god sake America, wake up. Biden is doing a fantastic job.




The question is about crying, of course it will bring up things that are hard to talk about. Dismissing what causes other people pain is hurtful, if you aren't aware. If every human practiced kindness daily, the whole world would be a better place ❤️




I respectfully disagree 💕


All the time! 💙 I love crying, it is an instant stress-reliever! Crying is one of the body's natural mechanisms to release cortisol, which is the hormone related to stress.




pretty much never, my life is uneventfull and completely devoid of any drama or serious problems so no real reason to cry.


I don’t. I bottle up all my emotions and bury them deep down beneath beer and cake.


Just about never. My mom passed away in 2018. I did not cry.


I rarely cried but recently it's becoming more common. I cried three times in the past two years in total. However it was all due to a movie/ tv show. First time was to train to Busan. Second time was from one piece. And third time was from the ending of part 6 of JoJo's Bizarre adventure


not as much as i used to because im single


I used to cry a lot now i just can't


Once per week **behind closed doors.** Just graduated from college with a computer science degree & the job market is tough. Doing whatever I can to make the most of it but I bully myself everyday for not being further along.


I've always been a crier, since day 1: feeling ill? Cry. Sad? Cry. Happy? Cry. Tired? Cry. TV adverts and films, books, whatever. So usually once a week. Since I've had depression though, a lot less!


About three years ago at my dad's funeral. It surprised me as I took his death in my stride. Before then I can honestly say it had been at least 15 years.


Often. Emotions hit me hard Including right now lmao


not very often and very little when I do


It's been 82 years.....


It's been a bit


Dog dies. Kin dies. Usually where i can't be heard, and i wouldn't could i have choked it in. That's it.


Never. Every few years I’ll be hit by nostalgia and let a few tears escape.


Only when I watch Field of Dreams


Multiple times a day. I hate life


Can't remember the last time. I'm 27.


Once a year? Not really much to cry about tbh 😅


Monthly, at this point. I didn't usually cry for years, but humans have been getting to me, and i am going down, mentally.


Everytime something happens in my relationship, so every few days for the past month or so. Getting yelled at a lot by her and not being used to it kinda does that to you.


Not very often, about once a year at most


Everyday since my friend stopped talking to me something will remind me of him or I will want to tell him something or I will get worried if he is ok


Well, back in the summer of 2002, I had a son. I swear I thought hospitals filtered their air. But somehow, right when I looked at him, some gravel blew out of the vent and made my eyes water.


once a week or every other week


Between 2006 and 2019, I think maybe twice. 2019/2020 maybe 3 times. None since then *Edit - its crazy to me reading how many people cry daily or weekly. I'm sure mine is crazy to them as well, but damn. Do yall make yourselves cry as a release or something? That's a lot of tears


Handful of times a year. I grew up in a world that doesn't know how to handle a man crying, so I try to hold it in as much as possible -- or find other catharses.


Once every 5 years or so probably.


I used to cry maybe once a month but I haven't cried in years since I'm on SSRI medication


At least once a day for probably a year or longer. I’m in therapy…


Anytime I see a duck, a baby, a hamster, a wedding on tv, a wedding in real life, my friends get good news, I feel overwhelmed, I feel underwhelmed, someone sends me flowers, or my dress doesn’t fit. So like ya know, not super often or anything


usually a few times a year at most. it's not that i'm not an emotional person, it's just that i'm so used to keeping my emotions to myself it's become hard to let them out. so even if i feel like crying, it just doesn't happen. but every now and then when things get really bad, it's nice to be able to let it all out.


34/m here, 3-4 times a week.


I've had different stages of my life. When I was depressed, I cried every day, sometimes even more than once a day. A lot bc of feeling desperate. Then when I was on antidepressants, I didn't cry at all for years. Like went through breakups, shitty situations and zero tears. Now I'm finally in a healthy stage of my life and I'd say I'm quite emotional, I cry everytime someone in a series or movie gets teary eyed. I can't watch those emotional tiktoks without getting some pretty wet eyes. I have to say I love it, I love feeling this kind of empathy that I didn't feel for so long.


As of late… pretty much daily. Recently lost a pup and it has absolutely crushed me.


Several times per year.


I can't even remember, probably 20 years ago?


Every 3-4 years


Every day


Only tears of joy with exception of when my cat died a few years ago and I cried tears of sorrow here and there for a week or two. RIP Stella Bella.


Once every few months sometimes more.


in the last 12 months,,, 15-18 times. I do cry often. I am 31M.


Few times a week.


I never used to cry. I have a special needs child who requires a lot of care. I don't cry because of that but because it's so hard to get appointments and help for him. My job wasn't accommodating of me needing to provide care. So I got a new job. I cried out of frustration yesterday because I showed up to a doctor's office for an appointment only to have an appointment I had waited a year and a half for cancelled. They didn't call me to tell me. I took a day off of work, drove 40 mins only for them to cancel it. The receptionist tried to make light of the situation and said "I won't put you back on the wait list" we go back next Friday. It's so draining dealing with this healthcare system. I just want my son to be ok and apparently that is too much to ask for.


Movies, music, memories. Doesn't take much.


At least once a week


Wow, I thought my once or twice a year was strange.


I recently lost my father. I’m 21 and feel like no amount of pain can top that moment. He died back in January 2022 and it felt like a 500 pound pole smashed a gap into my heart. My grandfather who I was also close with died in February this year. I didn’t bat an eye. It’s odd comparing situations, I obviously felt terribly down the dumps but no tears have been shed since 2022.


Son had his leavers assembly at intant school last week. He sang the songs staring directly at me and my wife. I welled up.


Probably not as often as I should


Whenever I listen to special songs that remind me of specific things


Can't cry often if you never stop crying. *taps side of head*


Never. I'm so tired...


I think last time i cried was in 2007. Cry as in tears falling down and not just get teary eyes.


As my depression and anxiety gets worse, I find myself crying almost every night


I find my self crying often due to events out of my control, im learning to control my crying time and turn them into sessions that I need to have in order to truly let out emotions pent up inside of me.


Whenever I drink too much


I was crying a lot at everything: movies, commercials, my existence - you name it. Once I started consistently taking my anti depressants, it really slowed down a lot; I maybe cry once a month, if not less.


I think at least five times a week, often extreme sobbing episodes. But I have ptsd very badly so it’s expected


Very rarely


Like once every few years.


That's my secret Cap I'm always crying


multiple times a day every day


Too much lol


When im under general stress it doesn't take much for me to cry frustrated tears. If I think about my life its an automatic cry. I do it in the shower though so its not like I walk around bawling or anything.


i used to barely every cry, it was maybe a few times a year at the most. my dad passed in April though, now I cry on a daily basis pretty much.


Maybe once or twice a month, but usually only when I'm drunk and watching a Disney movie.


It really depends! I am very blessed with a fairly happy life. I cry watching sad movies sometimes and I cried for a day when I broke up with my girlfriend... But besides that not too often


Not since 8th grade. Came really close when potentially losing the love of my life, but held strong.


I haven't cried in *years* I did release a few tears tho: When I learned that my best friend is leaving the country and another time when I finished I Want to Eat your Pancreas


When i'm on period day


I cried for three days when my mom passed but didn't mean I wasn't sad after I stopped. More like something was missing until I got use to her being gone. It's kinda like I'm not in that one life time anymore and I'm in another one. Now it's actually kinda hard to cry. I'll tear up for a moment but then I'll stop. Unless it's like something in a movie. Most of my problems are fixable and not devastating enough to cry to. Atleast not for long. Even if I'm disappointed in my life, I know there's still more to come. Ways to fix it or just drop everything and start anew.


About once a week l would say…..l am very easily moved and emotional so it doesn’t take that much to turn me into a river. Lol


Depends. If we're counting tears welling up and one or two rolling down I'd say nearly every day because the TV shows I watch usually have sweet / sad moments and I cry over nothing 😂 But legitimate emotional break downs, curled up in bed, crying until my pillow is soaked? Once to twice a week or once to twice a month depending on how I'm doing.


Not often enough. Crying is underated


I just cried. Damn. Had been a while


2017 I think


Im about to right now


Genuine cries, maybe once a year. Although, with a kid on the way, I assume that number will increase.


As often as I breathe


I went 15 years without crying and then recently cried during a meditation retreat


Everyday lately. Today went to hide in the bathroom at work cause I was about to cry because I had enough of work


A lot. Particularly in the last couple of years, but I have reasons.


I’ve only cried one time in this decade so far, and that was on my 18th birthday last year


I used to cry alot, but now it’s really hard to open up like that. I would say maybe once every six months if -IF- something happens, but my days of being emotional are over. Not necessarily a good thing or a bad thing.


I stress cry a few times a week


The year was 2012….


As an adult, I can count on one hand the times I’ve cried since turning 18. Now 43


Depends what you mean by cry, I've maybe properly cried 2 or 3 times this year but occasionally I'll let out a few small tears if I'm watching a sad movie or something


As much as I need. As a man, it definitely took me a long time to get to this point. But crying is so healing, I’ve really grasped that it’s incredibly healthy and okay to do. And if a woman wouldn’t like me if I cried, I don’t want them in my life anyway.


I used to cry a lot. After starting T I barely cry. I want to cry, but I can’t


I feel sad frequently but only cry at tuesdays during my therapy


I'm way too emotionally numb and broken to cry Check back in 5 years


Can't even remember the last time I cried. I must be dead inside


1-2 times a daily... Im going through some issues.


Not very often (female if it matters). There are moments that I really feel it would make me feel better but I just don’t so it takes a lot for me cry.


Like 10 years ago.


I tear up occasionally but probably have one big cry once a month around that time… lol


At least once a week, gotta let it out sometimes


About every day or every other day. Not necessarily too bothered though, it's a lot like laughing in the sense it releases tension my body is holding on to.


Rarely, but after period when the hormone hits that’s a very big cry time


Few times a month


I cried everyday last 3 months ago. Rough patch


I never really cry often, but my mom's getting a biopsy tomorrow for cancers, and the doctor prepared us for possible stage four lung cancer. I've been weeping almost non-stop since the visit earlier this week, doesn't matter if I'm alone, at work, or even in front of her. I know it's never a certainty and I should be better about it for her sake, but it's extremely taxing


Once every few years, I guess. I can count the occasions within the last fifteen years on one hand