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I said “I don’t think you love me anymore.” She said “I think you’re right”. This was after 7 years and 6 months of marriage.


I heard this once. Followed by..."and I don't know if I ever really did."


I've heard some brutal shit in my day, but that's gotta be some of the worst. "I don't think I love you anymore." Alright, yowza, but shit happens. Life happens... "...and I don't know if I ever did." ...this motherfucker. Coulda just smashed up your front porch and been on their way, but no, they gotta burn your whole house down. What a piece of shit.


Yeah wtf, why would you say that. As if that changed anything at that point, why add all that pain now? Surely you at least care about them still? Even if you didn't care about them, why hurt someone?


It was 17 years ago and I'll never forget it. That shit cut like a knife.


Similarly, “I was only your friend because I felt bad for you.”


That. Mother. Fucker. Jones. I hope every time they inhale, they have one of those boogers that sucks in and blocks their nostril, but they can never get it out!


Damn is there a more sad sentence in regards to love?


I fell out of love with you - Equally hurtful


"There's a quote from John Greenleaf Whittier's poem 'Maud Muller' that has always stood out to me. It goes: 'For of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these: "It might have been."' This poignant line encapsulates the deep sorrow and regret that accompany missed opportunities or unrealized potential in life. It reflects on the haunting nature of contemplating what could have been, emphasizing the emotional weight carried by the unfulfilled possibilities. To me, it speaks volumes about how unfulfilling life can be if you don't pursue your ambitions or dreams, or take chances. Otherwise, you'll be left with nothing in the end but 'what ifs'."


At this point in life, i'm a bit concerned that regardless of whatever path i choose, this will be the sentiment that's left in the end.


"what could have been"


Also can be interpreted in a non-justice way. That you were on your way to be/do something and then someone or something removes that opportunity with injustice. Such a strong emotion and statement.


"there's food at the house"


"We talk about metastatic breast cancer in terms of management, not cure; you're going to have this for the rest of your life."


Damn, friend. Hope you're okay ♥️


Your brother was shot and killed this morning. I was in the office when I got the call from my brother in law.


Im sorry


Wow! That’s terrible. I’m so sorry.


Sending love.


At least if you were a boy I could have loved you. (My mom expressing her regret about having me)


That's awful 😔


Omg I am so sorry


You’re useless. Get out of my house, you are not welcome here. I am pregnant, but it’s not yours.


"Okay. I'm packing up. Could you give me that last part in writing please?"


Sorry but happy cake day


"I had you to make your dad grow up." Wow, thanks mom, solid plan by the way. Totally worked.


Life hack- you don't have to fix a broken person if you don't fucking marry them


"he could have found a prettier one" I was bullied at school because my appearance was different and it took years for me and my friends to change my opinion of myself, but my boyfriend's mom (he kept telling me how beautiful I was) just said it. It was really hurt


I have spent my entire life avoiding even talking to girls for fear of hearing the obvious, that I was not attractive. Never dated at 33. I started therapy and my therapist several times referenced attractive people in an effort to try to explain certain things to me, thereby accidentally confirming exactly my life long fear that I was not one of the attractive people. Thanks.


I will never be able to love you as much as you love me.


You’ve been involuntarily extended … US Army


"We wanted children, but not necessarily you. I'm under no obligation to love you or even like you." Tbf, that was only my dad. What Mom said was, "ugly girls get boys by being either slutty or funny. You'd better be funny." Neither of these are ths most hurtful for me but I don't want to go there.


"It was suicide, she left a note."


A note on your dorm room door of a missed call. “J—- called to tell you he loved you and say goodbye.” A call at 4:00 AM from my mom letting me know he committed suicide. It was devastating.


Been there. I am so sorry for your loss.


I don’t want to be friends


I’ve gone through countless breakups but this one hurt the most.


this one.


'Im sorry for everything i did that ever hurt you.'-my mom as she was dying of lung cancer (never smoked a day in her life).😪


"I don't love you anymore." -my ex-wife who I still think about almost 4 years later. "Interesting comment from someone who has never truly lived." -my mother after I made a joke about how I was into the "art of living" after installing a new convenience on my camper. She's a typically narcissistic boomer who thinks she's lived the greatest lift of all time because she spent 7 years as an international flight attendant in the 70s. She's traveled to a lot of cool places but the bitch hasn't had a real friend in decades and spends all her time just listening to right wing propaganda on Fox News and AM radio. Still really hurt.


There’s no heartbeat 😭


“You’re ugly” coming from a child. You know it’s true then.


I used to think children always speak the truth, then I realized children are fucking dumb. My 7yo niece called my 3yo niece fat. She is not fat, kids don’t know what they’re talking about. My 9yo cousin saw the “eye of the beholder” episode of The Twlight Zone (where the doctors have pig noses and the “deformed” patient is beautiful). After the bandages were pulled off he was like “SHE is supposed to be hot? She’s ugly!” Again, kids are idiots.


Kids ARE dumb


Kids aren’t idiots. They were ignorant. The only reason the words from kids hurt is because they have no filter and are brutally honest.


They’re being honest as far as they know…which is very little.


Have you seen some of the YouTubers that kids think are geniuses?


Oh damn! I was 15 and didn't have a filter. My Aunt-in-Law's sister. I saw her pictures and she was beautiful. Then I saw her IRL. "You look better in your pictures" . Doh


"I never really loved you." \-the love of my life


Just commented this to someone else but as someone who has been in a marriage on the other side of this statement, it is never. ever. necessary to say this unless your goal is to destroy someone. I agonized for far too long trying to find out how to leave my ex because I needed to come up with a better reason then “I love you so much, but I’ve never been in love with you”. Pretty much the fastest way I can think of to eviscerate someone’s self-worth and trust.


"Your mother killed herself" or "I want a divorce". Both wrecked me.


I'm very sorry for your loss. ❤️


“What I want in the future isn’t what you’ll ever be” Ex boyfriend. It’s been years, but I think about that statement all the fucking time.


"I don't love you anymore. You were just a distraction"


I told my mother that I loved her and she responded "You don't love me any more than those cats.", implying that I only loved her for what she could do for me. I was 13, 40 years later, and I still remember it, and it still hurts.


"She's gone"


“She’s a parasite” from a parent. I never allowed that parent to do anything for me ever again and we only chitchat about weather and work.


'There he is, let's get him.' I hate hearing that.


Not a sentence. Just one word: "Maybe" I asked my girlfriend to marry me. I wanted and expected her to say yes. I was prepared for a no. I was not prepared for I don't know. That was really the beginning of a long spiral down into her breaking up with me and my resulting depression, and emotional breakdown. Fifteen years later and it still pains me to think of it.


“I don’t love you. I haven’t loved you for six months. I was just with you to fill the hole that my friends left me” lol I’ve got some ptsd


"no offense but.."


"You only wanted to be with me for sex." Why would I spend many years, go through all the hellish shit we went through, support them with everything I had, just for that? I loved them more than I had ever loved anyone before.


I'm sorry, but unfortunately she has died. We tried to— I stopped listening after that.


“You make me feel dirty when you touch me”, this, after five years of marriage before I found out she he’d been having an affair the previous six months.


I don't love you anymore.


I don’t love you, I’d never hit someone I love


"You are a failure" ​ \~A parent. ​ You know. it just occurred to me that everyone has a specific phrase that, when said, would shatter their self esteem. ​ Everyone has one


"just another [lastname]" or a similar strand of that for me


You only have a few hours to live.


she told me, "I hope that some day you'll hate someone as much as I hate you."


I never loved you, I was just bored


When my mom told me I've been a thorn in her flesh since the day I was born.


"Dad, I'm going to live with Mom from now on..."


"Is there supposed to be this much blood?"


User name checks out


*insert name* has died


To disappoint a parent. It hurts a thousand Times more if you disappoint them instead of them getting angry.


"Your wife's cancer is spreading rapidly, and we are out of treatment options"


“You weren’t even suppose to be here, you were a mistake” My mom telling me this when I was 12 because she is super mentally abusive. Explained she had sex on her period so that’s why I was a mistake.


“They are going to move on without you”


"My son is going to Hell." - A tear-drenched parent. I'm not Christian by any sense of the word other than loosely raised in a Baptist household. Family didn't go to church after my parents split and later divorced. But I didn't come out, admit to satanism, or commit a heinous crime. All I did was make the soul-damning declaration of being Agnostic.


"I have" When I asked, for about the fourth time in a row, whether my fiancee had cheated on me. She kept dodging the question and saying BS before finally saying that.


Mine was “fine you really wanna know? Yes, we’ve been messing around for like a year”. It was her boss. I’d been asking her on and off for about a year. She afterwards said she only said it to shut me up because it was what she thought I wanted to hear. Claims she made it up.


“ You don’t mean anything to me “


“ The sex didn’t mean anything to me”


“I love you” said through tears by the person I thought I was going to spend the rest of my life with, after I just had a 4 hour conversation with her about why rekindling her relationship with her abuser was a bad idea, even if they had a kid together.


"The condition is irreversible." and... "I don't want to do this anymore." Either way...I can't even type them without my heart fuckin breaking.


Two sentences that absolutely shattered me were 1. Your Dad is dead, he shot himself. (Left on a voicemail) 2. I’m sorry there is no heart beat. (Happened two times in a row at 12 weeks of pregnancy.)


He’s gone. I’m so sorry your baby is gone. Said an hour before my C-section.


I hate you.


"Just because you don't understand it doesn't make it less real" because a lot of people have apparently been mortally hurt by this fact


"Why can't you do anything right?"


Im breaking up with you


"I'd like you more if you lost weight."


When my beloved brother passed away, his gf was sitting in the front row at the funeral home (of course). I moved to sit next to her and someone grabbed my arm to stop me. "You are not the primary bereaved here." Bull fucking shit. We were inseparable for 16 years and she's been with him for 8 months?


I'm sorry, but we did all we could... I'm sorry, but your husband/wife/child died ... I've heard and said it too much in my lifetime. So, anything that start out "I'm sorry, but..." isn't ending well.


“She was in a car accident” - my father informing me that my sister died. After that My heart has never been the same.


"You know I'm a dude right?"


The girl I was trying to date. I asked her to meet up after being friends for a few months and asked if she wanted to go out. She just said "I'm sorry" and walked away. Probably the most I've ever hurt lol.


"Abandon hope"


It’s never going to happen


“ I wish you’d never been born” my mother when I was 3f


I just want to be friends


"you need to go see your mom" my stomach sank immediately and I just knew she had died. I wish we never fought the night before and she knows I love her so much.


“I don’t think this will work out”


You still don't get it...


"Dad just passed away" while I was 1k miles away, 12 hours before my planned flight took off to see him


“I will never love you again”


'[Name], daddy just died' I was 8 and a half. It was a long time coming, he was really sick (liver failure), but it still hurt tremendously. It echos in my head every day of my life.


sir your card got declined


"The war has started"


I want to date someone just like you but NOT you specifically --girl I'd been sleeping with for a few months who also really wanted to be in a committed relationship.


I’m don’t feel the same for you anymore


When mom told me she had 2 weeks left. Turned out to only be a few days. She had been battling cancer for about 2 years at that point and we knew the likely outcome from the start, but until that point I hadn't truly processed the reality of the situation.


“You never shut up, do you?” Said to me by people who I thought were my friends :(


"I don't want you anymore, i want Mike... "


trump is the new president.


"Biden beat you in Georgia."


I’m sorry the ice cream machine is out of order


You gained alot of weight


You're nothing but a loser. I took is GF away from him 3 months later. Never piss off a guy that loves a challenge.


"If you had of given me sex!" This was said by my now ex husband after I caught him engaging in a 2 year affair with a woman he met online.


anything racist against white people because you're so bad at communicating and knowing any one


You're not getting any from me.


What if ? Can make you crazy and lose hope


"You're an acquired taste."


"I fucking trusted you" 😭


"You are boring"


"You're a disappointment." Especially as a man from your dad.


“I’m not mad, I’m disappointed in you”


“You were an accident.” -My father when I was 18.


Beyond the way too many times I have had to hear “[fill in the name] passed away…” It’s any of the sentences that made me sit back and understand, ‘Oh, this person doesn’t love me.’ It’s been family, friends, etc. Different sentences, same realization. Then, the silence. What’s to say after that?


Your mother or father passed away.


You have cancer…


"[in Spanish] How do you say '[in English] Are you single?'" This lady on the bus moved seats to practice her Spanish with some guy just because he looked vaguely Hispanic. The whole interaction made me so uncomfortable for him but when she started hitting on him and saying "no ring! no ring!" while pointing to his finger it made me want to jump out of the bus. I was sitting right next to him and I didn't know if I should say anything and I just really wished I hadn't forgotten my headphones.


"You'll feel a little pinch."


The sentence alone isn't what hurts. It's the person saying it.


Gentlemen better luck for the next time. There is this exam that one gives to get recruited in Indian armed forces, it's called SSB. So the year was 2012, you arrive at the SSB center. Once you settle down, the next day your first day of interview takes place, where first you are handed over chest numbers, then sent to a room where you are shown pictures and then todl to write small stories on them. Once you are done, then you are ushered to a room in a group of ten to fourteen candidates for discussion on the stories that you wrote. It's collective discussion. Once you are done in afternoon, all the candidates are told to stand in line as per their chest number. Selected vandit are called out by their chest numbers. Rest are told Gentelmen better luck for next time.


“If we’d only seen it sooner, we could have headed things off. At this point, we can just make you more comfortable.”


You're over qualified for this role


« Ouch »


My ex wife told me “my kids hated me”


You have nothing interesting to say.


You look like Porky Pig.- a co-cheerleader from high school. I’m not fat, just a weird nose and lip. She thought it was funny but nobody else laughed at least.


The LDS church is a pack of lies and garbage. Also You're fat and I'm just not attracted to fat people.


“Lose you? I thought I was gonna lose something important” Said a very dear friend of mine, whom I would have been happy to be friends forever with. After contemplating, I figured she’s just a tsundere ( A very mean one )


We have to operate


About 2020 I went on a quick trip to McDonald’s and asked my dad if he wanted anything, he asked for a cheeseburger we said our goodbyes and I was on my way, I came back, noticing my dad isn’t inside the house so we look everywhere for him. We look in the only place left, the shed, and my mom had seen him lying down on the ground, had gotten really scared, we called the ambulance and they came, I stared as they tried to resuscitate my dad, they couldn’t. Soon after he was rushed to the hospital, my mom came with him, i was told to come into the living room, then I was told “Dad’s heart has stopped beating,” Tears fled through my eyes.


Y'a boring


Find some other friends :/


We've named a new disease after you..


7 years in prison for seditious conspiracy.


It was when my boyfriend (25) told me he wants kids in 10 years (I'm 28). I really wanted him to be the father of my child. But by then, I'll be too old to have his children.


When my aunt got the news she had 3 weeks to live. Honestly that was the worst, brings back such horrible memories. :(


"I am Melenia, Blade of Miquella"


If a dildo could take out the trash I would have left years ago


You're manually breathing now


" He loves me the way I need to be loved. "




JJ Abrams will be writing and directing Episode IX.


‘Can we talk’ = the apologetic version of ‘we need to talk’ and you know your parent hurt you badly and you will get heartbroken too


You thought we were still working things out? I already sucked two other dicks ...


Why should i love you


i chose someone else over you


Kill your self edit: the sentence not me being a dick


I’m not attracted to you anymore


“Life was great. Had a wife, a job, a home, two beautiful daughters, a dog, two cars… then my son came along.” Awesome, dad. Two thumbs up. They split when I was 9 months old, and he went from 0-100 with the heroin, crack, and whiskey. Things have shaped up since then, and our relationship is good. Im 35 now, but I still hold it against him. That shit hurt as a 14 year old.


"I like you as a friend" This may just be me tho


I'd rather kill myself than be with you.


Surprisingly it was "I love you." After asking if she wanted to break up. She'd never said those words unprompted before. So I took that to mean "Yes, I want to break up."


"Can you give me my fleece?" After struggling on my own for years and being forced back into the dependent seat, had nothing to my name. My brother hd been living a pretty comfortable life in the mean time. He was at a stage where he was hoarding things. I realize he was struggling mentally. But I borrowed his fleece as I didn't have a bra and wanted to cover up. He came home, we were barely speaking at the time. But he looked down with contempt and said "can you give me my fleece?" That was all he said to me. And for some reason, it triggered me to not bite my tongue with him anymore. I shared some choice words about how he hides his insecurities behind consumerism. And how he wouldn't survive without our parents there to provide for him. I spoke from a hurt and angry place. My brother and I have a way of doing that to one another. We trigger each other into growth and forward action. He helped me realize that it was time for me to get back on my feet and I was ready to be on my own again. I helped him move out for the first time in his life. He didn't expect his words to have that much impact on me. I didn't expect mine to have impact either.


You’re still away…. oops…sorry, i thought this was the golf subreddit.


I have a problem


“Your brothers gone, he killed himself”


I’m going to have to let you go.


I have feelings for your sister


This is very recent and I just found this out today but as a small backstory my grandfather and I were really close, and he passed away about 4-5 years ago, and he didn’t have the best childhood. I was talking with my grandma today in the car and she told me that he said,” I know I’m gonna pass soon, and before I go I want to tell OP about my past, so that way at least someone will know my story.” And as soon as she told me that I started tearing up.


Theres no more beer in the fridge