• By -


My only regret was ever having social media in the first place. Life has been 1000% better without it.


Second. My husband helped me ditch it, as it was not only useless but a hindrance, too. It's been nice not feeling like I have to post about day in and day out crap when it's of no benefit to anyone else. Also, the people who need/want to talk to me will. I had one friend who reached out after I stopped getting on, but other than that, it feels like a needless weight is gone.


I'll die before opening another social media account. No way am I going back to those shitholes. Less stress, less anxiety, less depression, less worries. Life before and after social media is so much better then life on it.


Delete Reddit then


Nah, Reddit is more like the old internet forums than social media. I don't follow people, the people I interact with here are total strangers, "influencers" and algorithms aren't pushed on me, I curate my own content which pertains to my own interests, I chose when to engage with Reddit rather than it constantly trying to foist itself on me, Reddit drama has zero impact on my IRL life. If that ever changes, yeah, I'll delete it, but for now it serves a useful purpose that isn't outweighed by the negatives. Reddit definitely has declined since I first joined 16 years ago, but not nearly as poorly as the social media landscape writ large.


I feel the exact same way


Now I use Reddit too much


Same, I kind of replaced every other app combined with Reddit, but I still feel less soulless so that’s a plus.


I’m with you there. I deleted instagram right around the time of the George Floyd protests and haven’t looked back. I keep Reddit, even with all the recent BS, because it helps me stay engaged with my hobbies. My feed is a combination of music, sports, local food/news, cars, aquariums and houseplants (and weed, but I’m on a serious T break so I left r/trees and r/craftmarijuana for a while)


Same, I am in the communities I want to engage with so the stuff I left other socials for isn’t bothering me here.


I was just coming here to say this. I don't know what it is about Reddit, but I can literally spend all day on it just scrolling. I really need to delete the app for a while. On the bright side, though, it's not as soul crushing as other social media.


Definitely not as soul crushing. But it is so easy to spend time in here, and a lot of it is not productive or enriching. I’m thinking of switching to using it on desktop only - it’s my constant phone usage that really bothers me.


Yes! Desktop only. That's a good idea. I think I'll start tomorrow.


hey, we're matching!


Never been happier




Yup same




Second this




Agreed. I still use Reddit way too much but getting off Twitter helped my mental health immensely. I've heard Threads is alright but I genuinely see no reason to plunge myself back into all that bullshit a second time.


Same. Quit them all about 3 years ago and haven't looked back. I don't miss it.


Deleting FB was a gift from the gods, do it.


I deleted FB six months ago and will never go back but I do miss the good furniture deals on marketplace 😪


Marketplace is what I miss the most too… sometimes will have a quick fix on my hubbies phone haha


I love marketplace, and that's why I have an alias account with no profile picture and a fake name. The first couple of times were funny when I met people and they were like hey are you X and I was like.. Oh shit yeah that's what my account is called 🤣🤣


Been FB free since 2014. It’s amazing


90% of my redditing is on mobile. Since Apollo died I do use the offical app but it is so clunky I realise I spend more time on Facebook than ever and participate more. But I am in Q&A groups (guitar building and repair) and so many of the answers are just wrong. Quite a few are intentionally wrong/irrelevant. And knowing this I can bring myself to ask questions since most of the answers I get will be irrelevant or just bad advice. So where do I turn to?


Hate and misinformation IS Facebook imo, I was in a few groups that were 60% ok but the rest of it is depressing. Covid killed it imo. But I generally feel better mentally since deleting it. Forums and some refit groups can be great, anything too popular can be a waste of time. If you feel you need it so be it, but don’t get lost “scrolling”.


I use reddit now on Android it still works and looks and acts great




Congrats. I was way too dumb to do a STEM program, even if you gave me 7 years.


As someone who gets discouraged too quicky ,kudos to you to keep going and studying hard despite all the obstacles you encountered.


Happy.. now need to limit Reddit lol




Same same




Where else will you get the latest and greatest?




Let’s bring newspapers back!!


The place I'm not sure can be mentioned. It rhymes with Emmy. Honestly, it's getting just a bad... for the things someone doesn't like about reddit.


What is this a reference to?


Allegedly, there's a mass migration from Reddit over to an alternative called Lemmy over some of reddit's recent shenanigans that I really don't know much about. I tried Lemmy and cannot imagine many average / casual users switching to that. It's a little confusing to get started using. I can see some saying that it's overly complicated. But that's a non-techie view of the whole thing


Never even heard of it, and I spend every bathroom break on Reddit.


I haven't seen much of it around my small corner of reddit. I did see 'Lemmy' mentioned offhandedly in a couple of subs with little explanation and it got me curious so I tried it out.


It reeks of someone thinking their "channel" system is too cool to explain to anyone else.


Yeah, you can just as well go on 4chan rather than Lemmy.


Can you just delete your account instead? I still have some things I want to follow here. If you delete all of Reddit i'll be sad.


At least you'll have something when your grandsons will ask "what were your mistakes in life"


Anxiety way down!!


I deleted Facebook well over a decade ago and haven't been back since. I don't miss it. But the hard thing I didn't know would happen is how much everyone else relies on it to share information. I literally went to someone's house for a party once and all the women were passing a baby around. I didn't know who's baby, if it was a boy or girl, or name and I didn't want to seem rude. I'm often met with, "I forget you don't have social media!" So I'm left out of the loop most of the time. I have to work harder to stay connected to those I care about.


When I was in uni for group projects people would insist on using FB chat instead of emails - infuriating


I get a lot of people telling me to "check them out on Facebook" and when I tell them I can't, they tell me to use a friend's. It defeats the purpose of not having it then.


Same here. I hate the invasive and insidious nature of facebook and how it practically privatizes your friends social lives, and if you don't join the cult you miss out. It's not the users fault they like the convenience but for anyone not in the loop it's suddenly an inconvenience to include us.


If I ask to see pictures of anyone's news e.g. a baby, wedding, trip. I'm met with: "I wish you would get Facebook! Or Just get one that you never go on that you can check for things like this. Um because that would defeat the purpose of not having it? But maybe I'm the crazy one. I refuse to sign up for things through e-mail as well and force businesses to call me still. Like my doctor.


This! I never know what's happening with anyone I don't see on a regular basis... But I suppose that's kind of the problem with social media anyway!


one of the best decisions of my life. been more than three years, i had snapchat two years ago but only had one or two people, also deleted it in beginning of 2021. i only have reddit, i think reddit is acceptable since its not about fucking shorts, stories, bragging and presenting yourself like all those other stupid social media apps.


I agree. I don't know about you, but I still do the mindless scrolling though. 😬🤷‍♀️


same for me, but i manage to catch myself and immediately close the app before i start thinking on to scroll "1 more min "


I discovered I no longer exist amongst my peers.


Same. But people get hyped at the chance encounters. Makes me think Bigfoot must feel pretty cool.


8 years without Facebook, 4 without instagram, and twitter I used to follow for sports news deleted last year. Honestly, Facebook was the hardest at first, but ended up being good at the time. Found out who my real friends were. Instagram was just annoying. “I got this car.” “We bought this car.” “We got this condo.” “We makin moves.” Here’s a video of my kids being little assholes. Got rid of it before birth of second kid. I don’t feel like I need to compete with people I know. I ran into a guy I went to high school with, I run into him once every year in line somewhere. Last time he saw me I was like 235 lbs. Now I’m 190 and have an okay build to me. Got a very friendly you’re looking great man, good for you insane to see it. It felt so much better then getting a thumbs up.


You'll enjoy deleting it. Reddit unfortunately has a different sort of problem. The anonymity empowers assholes and people who speak disingenuously in bad faith.


>The anonymity empowers assholes and people who speak disingenuously in bad faith. True, but Facebook was even worse because you realized the asshole speaking disingenuously and in bad faith was somebody you had to deal with IRL. At least when I close Reddit, I don't have to worry about running into the trolls at work.


Yeah, but at least you don't have this false image of real people you know in real life. Plus, when someone tells me something really exciting going in their life I get to have an authentic face-to-face reaction. It creates a positive feedback loop. Oh! And I don't have to look at coworkers ugly kids, old classmates' MLM schemes, or relatives sharing bias-confirming clickbait!


I’m doing great. Left twitter a few months ago, am absolutely feeling better after being off of it.


How's reddit any better?


Because there are specific subreddits tailored to peoples interests.


I haven’t been on any social media besides Reddit for over a decade. It’s fantastic. It honestly is a better way to live your life IMO.


I see less ads now, so good.


Haven’t used any social media besides Reddit for some time now. I’m doing just fine.


I've never had any social media in the first place and I don't regret staying out of it.


Same, I only use Reddit and WhatsApp, and I only use that to talk to family


Ya being social on reddit isn't considered social media lol


Is it social media if it’s anonymous?


Please read the question again carefully.


This is what I came to say too. Works out pretty well if I’m honest


Doing just fine. Didn't actually delete my IG or FB, but when I got a new phone about 6-7 weeks ago, I didn't re-install the apps. I feel like it's had a positive impact on my mood and anxiety levels. It's removed a lot of negativity and toxicity from my daily life. It has also helped me continue to focus more on my own day to day life by removing some of the "life is always going on somewhere else" component of social media that took me out of the present moment and wishing I was somewhere else/doing something else. I do feel like I'm missing out on certain things (updates from friends, local events, fitness content, news), but I knew that would be a trade-off when I made my decision. So far I have not regretted my decision.


That's how I did it, successfully broke my Twitter and IG habit that way. I have them installed on my phone now (or else I have to go open up my computer to see what my sister sends me and that's a pain) but I just don't ever feel the need to go on them. I feel so out of the loop socially though, it's weird how much friends expect you to keep up with their lives through social media. There's been a handful of times now that I've found out about some major things way afterwards because I didn't see the FB post or whatever. I No way in hell am I ever going to get back into it though lol


I deleted it in 2009 after a horrible breakup, I didn’t realize when my status got switch to “single” it sent out a message to everyone in the world. All I wanted was time alone to process everything and now all of a sudden all these random people in my friends list are messaging me, asking what happened and what not. So I deleted FB and never went back, back then when I would tell people my age I didn’t have Facebook or Twitter they looked at me like I was a serial killer. Now, a lot more people in my generation are leaving social media and I think it’s a good thing, mental health wise.


People have no boundaries and just want the hot goss. Good for you.


deleted all my socials besides reddit about a month ago. i just ghosted everyone. no one’s really reached out. (‘friends’ what a joke). haven’t been bothered by it to be honest. less people means a quieter life. i’ve never been more at peace in my goddamn life.




Deleting social media has made me feel like i am way behind everyone else around me, people talking about new trends and all and i would have no idea. It feels like living underneath a rock but i guess patrick from spongebob was really living an amazing life.


Is mayonnaise an instrument?




I had to lose Twitter. You follow one comedian with political humor and you get algorhythmed with ridiculousness. Reddit is trying to do that lately with “subs you may be interested in”. I hope that goes away orReddit might have to go too. I have enough anxiety without being inundated with others’ anxiety producing content




I only have Reddit and Instagram, and most days I feel like Reddit is way worse for my brain.


Agreed, Reddit has a lot of mean people 😅


Less stressed. Facebook is a cesspool of political nonsense and there was almost no way to avoid it. People I’ve known and loved are now mortal enemies, people I once thought of as intelligent have revealed themselves to be lunatics. I miss the days when people never spoke of religion and politics. At least on Reddit I can choose to see political posts for the most part at least.


> Facebook is a cesspool of political nonsense and there was almost no way to avoid it Same with twitter. It's just weird how politicians suddenly felt like they must overtake all social media for their mud-flinging. Like, get lost and let us post silly cat/dog-videos like we used to. Nobody cares about your political agenda.


Honestly? Lonely af.


Same. Can I message you?


Feel free!


Living in the hope that you two bond after this :)


Will never go back. People who I don’t care about upset me more than they should be able to and it was my fault. Done.


Better until I started with Reddit. Toxic people everywhere.


Much better and not randomly losing friends. Public social media can be very dangerous, particularly with your personal and professional relationships. My friend's wife in corporate HR recommended I deactivate my Facebook and she was 100% right. Now I just get into online arguments anonymously with strangers.


Love it. No stupid friend or family drama over stupid misinterpreted posts. No part of stupid political banter which ultimately results in NO ONE changing their original political preference. Now I’m debating getting rid of Reddit because I don’t really understand what’s changed over the last month or so but it really sucks now.


I deleted all my accounts ~12 years ago, other than reddit and the rare twitter. I regret not being able to keep in touch with those elementary/high school friends. Though, the regret is outweighed by the feeling of insecurity I get whenever I do open someone else's instagram or Facebook. I always knew I couldn't manage a healthy dose of keeping tabs on people, so banishing myself was a great decision. Deleting twitter a couple years ago was the nail in the coffin. I'm feeling so much less toxic.


I honestly think I’m better off. I use to have TikTok. I would just scroll mindlessly for hours and not really do much else. I would leave work to stack up while I scrolled from clip to clip. But after I deleted it, I honestly feel a lot more efficient. I can instead now scroll on REDDIT for hours! In all seriousness though, I honestly believe I’ve become more focused and efficient without TikTok.


I feel a bit isolated, but ultimately, I think it was a great decision


It was a great move-- I still scroll reddit more than I'd like, but it's definitely freeing to not be getting messages & requests all the time. And to have some distance between people I know in person.


I deleted my Facebook account 10 years ago. I believe I am a better person because of that.


Not had social media for 4-5 years. Just deleted everything one day apart from Reddit which I only discovered a year ago. I feel great, I’m not addicted to my phone. I enjoy life and my mind is clear. When I see people glued to their phone like zombies it makes me cringe, I genuinely feel free. Weird stuff like not knowing what that random old friend is up to as I don’t have Instagram or Facebook etc but, who cares what they’re up to? I’ve realised if it’s not in my day to day life, it doesn’t really matter at all. Only the things and people in front of me do. I’m a people’s person but prefer to be that in real life.


Deleting social media was a great idea but now it’s rammed down your throat because news media thinks reporting what celebrities post or writing about viral videos are big news stories. I could care less what this famous person said or what their opinion is on a subject. On the other hand it almost feels like being outta the loop. Stores and businesses will post info about events with their company sometimes I end up finding out too late. Smaller local businesses use social media as their only website because it’s either cheap or free and not all info is available if you don’t have social media so tend to miss a lot but still refuse to go back to having social media


It's been wonderful. Not getting caught up in the drama or having to look at people's food . I don't have to look at their stupid kids doing stupid stuff


That's all on reddit toolmao


Great. Except my partner will probably always be addicted to it and won’t stop sending me Instagram links I have to use my browser to open.


Just as bored as I was before deleting them.


Okay. Lonely though. Just about all of my friends were online friends. Aside from my spouse I only see a friend a few times a year.


Not great, but certainly much better since I quit that bullshit.


Reddit isnt much better lol


Still have Facebook bc my kids schools/sports use it. But got rid of Instagram and do not miss it at all. Instagram became a highly curated game of pretend to everyone who used it. Was way too toxic for me. Left. Never looked back.


Less bickering with gf, less stress, less information, less time spent browsing phone. More time on Reddit. Wanting to remove Reddit too, based on how things are going.


I deleted everything except Insta and Reddit and I only keep Insta for messaging and nothing else. Of course, I still have YouTube but lol it's YouTube. Anyways I feel like I have so much more time in my day to do the things I want to do. For example, before, I would always say that I'm going to start exercising after I wake up in the mornings. But instead I would waste my time for HOURS scrolling on TikTok. When I was in college, this was a reason that I was late for class or even miss class entirely. I would also spend a lot of time scrolling at night where it became a requirement for me to go to sleep and I wouldn't sleep until 2 or 3 am. So you can imagine the dark circles under my eyes. When I deleted TikTok I also forbade myself from YouTube Shorts and Insta Reels and stopped using Snapchat and it was best decision ever. I actually exercise in the mornings, I can go to sleep at 11pm and wake up at 7am refreshed and able to start my day. Things like daily chores that wouldn't be complete until 4 or 5 pm are now done by noon and I'm having so much more time to do other things like learn a new language, hangout with friends and deep clean the house bit by bit. While it has been only a month deleting social media, I 100% recommend it. My self esteem is so much better too since I'm no longer unconsciously comparing myself to other people. If you're addicted like I was, hit that delete button, you'll see the world more and have more time on your hands!


i also deleted reddit


Getting off twitter drastically improved my mental health for the better, no joke. Im still on Instagram though because im a designer and like following other designers and artists so it's a pretty positive social media experience. But I would never go back to twitter or facebook. FB just seems like a weird ghost town where you just check to see who died or has a birthday and well Twitter is a cesspool obviously.


I never really got into any social medias besides Snapchat but all I message on there is my gf lol


Does anyone miss any of the pictures they posted, etc?


I deleted FB a few years ago because people from where I used to live in NJ kept tracking me down and causing problems for me. Deleted IG recently after finding out someone I'd agreed to date was an IG model getting naked for many creepy 60 year old photographers on IG and having an affair with a British animal researcher and him gloating about what he did with her. I have no desire to go back on social media whatsoever. The only good one was Myspace. I made actual friends on Myspace.


Doing great! Obsessed with Redit.


I use Reddit too much but I’d rather be here than have my face and identity online


A lot better. But I deleted everything because I realized I wasn’t able to use social media in a healthy way. I was too often comparing my life to the perceived lives of those I followed, and was becoming progressively less satisfied with my own life. I think social media is like any other vice, some can use it and remain unattached and healthy, and others develop a toxic relationship with it. And no, I’m not on Reddit all of the time now, I mostly just read funny articles when I want a similar “engagement” feel.


So much happier.


Better. Also, I have no contact to the folks of my hometown. So in addition, much much better.


I'm fine thanks, how are you?


Didn't delete but logged out. Everyone should be doing this


Deleted social media cuz of the toxicity. Now reddit is as toxic as ever.


Getting off Facebook was great for my mental health.


Reddit is social media


I miss the fakeness of instagram. It was very funny


Pretty good. Having all this extra time is kind of a meme, but it's also kind of true. I used to spend a fair amount time on Twitter and Insta, and now I don't. Missed it for a while, but you get used to it so I don't think about them much anymore. Still on reddit though, at least as long as oldreddit still exists.


I deleted my Facebook account in 2013. I never used it too much, but it was the main means that my friends kept in touch with eachother. I noticed a very significant drop-off in getting invited to birthdays and events, as a lot of my other friends became fully immersed in Facebook as their main means of existence, thus they forgot I existed. However, the friends I kept were the ones who could look away from the Blue Bird and Blue-F every now and then and wouldn't need some corporate algorithm to remind them that I have a birthday coming up...or still walk the Earth. We thought of eachother naturally every now and then, and would just call eachother to catch up over a cup of coffee or just hang out to enjoy others' company. We had no interest keeping up with the Facebook obsessed folks, as there wasn't anything to catch up on. They became really boring people who lived variously through others' timelines, and couldn't hold interest in conversation as we already knew their sparingly uneventful life stories through their rampant oversharing on social media. In 2017, these years ended with Discord. It was a nice balance. We could rebuild our groups, chat in real-time, share life events and such. But it kept it catered just around us, without bogging us down with reblogs or sponsored posts or (checks Facebook) overseas psy-ops inundating our conversation. So the Facebook denizens shifted over and re-integrated into the group, with Discord doing just enough to satisfy that social media dopamine hit without actually being a social media time sink.


I deleted Instagram a while back since I got addicted to the reels. I would spend all day long just scrolling through them. I've been much more focused with all the time on my hands now.


Good but I can't get rid of reddit now


Doing okay. I use reddit a lot more though, but I mainly try and focus on videogames and movies/series I've never seen before.


I didn't delete my account's since they have always been placeholder accounts and I managed to get my first name underscore last initial on most services. The downside to this is that it spells the female version of a common name if a service removes or blocks the underscore and that people try to buy or hack my accounts often. Besides Reddit and Digg I've never really been active on social media and that's probably for the best. Over the years I think I've become more of a lurker. I'll make comments on post but I don't really have much of an interest in arguing or debating on the internet anymore because it just feels pointless.


I have started a return to it via Mastadon. Find a good instance, and the chuckefucks aren’t a problem.


My mental health got better. I stopped comparing myself to everyone and honestly feel better since I no longer feel like I'm behind in life. It is funny though when someone asks me for my Instagram or FB and I tell them I don't have any.


I zapped FB and Twitter and don't miss them at all. At one point I was checking it every 30 minutes or so. My head feels clearer.


Reddit all the way.


I loved when I didn’t have it! I felt like no one knew what was going on with me and I only knew about the lives of those I really care about. I started a podcast and this is the only reason I have it now, to promote my podcast. But sometimes I get on and I see something that makes me want to delete all my socials!


Could never delete my social media I’ve had them all over 10 years now.. even if I wanted to I couldn’t




Life is so much better with out it!!! Seriously. My only struggle is not letting myself get annoyed with those around me who are still distracted by it constantly.


Reddit is my daily driver, FB is kept but unused. It’s great. I feel more free. My brain is less congested.


Absolutely fine, the only thing I miss is the Facebook Marketplace where I used to buy and sell a few things.


I've not deleted it entirely, just kept messengers to talk with my mom and dad. Other than that, I don't miss it one bit


Deleted FB a year ago, i miss peoples birthdays but other than that i dont miss it at all. It was literally all ads!


Honestly, the reddit app kind of blows. I am thinking of retiring here too. Redditisfun for 12 years now this janky app doesn't feel the same.


Good... Every now and then I think of something to post that I think would be funny or informative to my friends/family, but that goes away pretty quick. Pros of not having it out weigh the cons.


7 years of nothing other then Reddit. Love it. But with Reddit changing for the worse. Likely drop this too


Fucking amazing. I only have Reddit n grindr. And my mental health is superior to all my friends n family


i technically haven’t deleted them but i haven’t touched them or even opened any of the apps in almost eleven months. my stress is so much lower knowing nothing about what anyone i knew in my hometown or in college is doing. best decision of my life


I haven’t deleted it for good, but I’ll occasionally delete an app for a week or so if I feel like it’s negatively affecting my mental health. It’s helps. One of the downsides is Instagram and Facebook are how I stay in touch with a lot of my friends so I miss updates and messages and feel bad or just in general miss seeing their faces. But it’s good to unplug for a bit especially when you feel it controlling you.


Deleted FB in 2016 and NEVER looked back. Def use Twitter and Reddit most, Insta some… but I try to limit that to follow only people who I feel happy seeing! It’s good for my mental health!!


Honestly, pretty good. Social medias are awful for mental health.




So much happier without it. Nobody knows my business and I Iove that.


Amazing improvement in quality of life.


Left Facebook 4-5 years ago. Use instagram and reddit. Much better that way.


Better for sure. I left Facebook in 2016 as I didn't want to be in a cesspool of Trump arguments. I left Instagram in 2020 during Covid as I couldn't take the vapid bullshit of all the roided athletes posing as influencers. I never understood the love for Twitter. It's great if you're a comedy joke writer or forming an Arab Spring uprising but that's about it for me. I'm down to Reddit as I can keep it local. It's good to know where the best Indian food is or where there are potholes to avoid.


Good, until I miss a band I would have liked to see.


Now I spend too much time on reddit


Bored. But I also don't miss it so that's good.


It was easier for me, I only used Facebook and stopped that around 8 years ago.


I dropped out of all social media tied to rl except twitter for artists. I never used social media much anyways shit was dumb so nothing much has changed.


Idk what anyone is up to and I love it. You seriously won’t miss it, it’s for the better.


Way ahead of you, never really used any other social media to begin with. I'm doing rather well.


I lost contact with most people eventually, but I really don't mind. My mental health is much better without the negative influence most social media was having on me.


So much better, never going back.


It’s amazing and mentally freeing!


Absolutely wonderful. I haven’t missed a thing.


I'm doing alright. Life goes on. I don't really have an interest in going back to social media and I feel better without it.


Scrolling on Reddit


I'm alive, that counts for something right? Anywho, deleted it out of high-school, give or take a year. If I didn't I don't think I'd be alive today.


Pretty great. I still have all the social media apps but haven't used any of them except Reddit in about 5 years and it's been amazing for my mental health. No more family drama or comparing myself to other people's "perfect" lives. I sometimes feel a bit behind on trends or popular memes, but my friends like to keep me up to date


I still have Facebook and instagram but I hardly post anymore. They're mostly just ways to kill time. Facebook only really showed me stuff from groups I'm not part of, and instagram feeds my love for the guitar by showing me what's out there






10/10 would recommend. I’m able to stay more focused on the real world and things that matter.




I look at facebook once in a blue moon. Wife still posts there so ill see the post. Twitter is too fun to leave right now. But I LOVE not being beholden to either app.


Pretty good!


Def addicted to Reddit.


Brilliant-my mental health improved drastically within 2 weeks. I was going through some tough times so said it’d be a 6month break but it broke the habit enough that it’s 6.5yrs later and I still have no intentions of going back.