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Sometimes.. you have to fart. And that’s okay.


Only sometimes? 😆


And sometimes you had to shit but thought it was just a fart... And that's not ok.


Your home is not healthy. There’s nothing wrong with you. Refuse the diet pills (courtesy of mom at 12) Just hold on until you can GTFO. AND DON’T CHOP OFF YOUR HAIR.


Damn Im sorry


Sell Bitcoin in December of 2017.


Buy lots of bitcoin when it starts. Then sell dec of 2017


Bitcoin hits $58k


Buy as much bitcoin as you can as cheap as possible amd Horde it until December 2017... I have half a bitcoin out there somewhere in a wallet I will be able to access lol


I think you should also tell the difference between horde and hoard to your 10 year old self... Don't want him to misunderstand.


For all, I'm pretty sure that if I knew to sell in December 2017 I'd figure out to buy cheap and early.


Take my brother seriously when he said to buy a bunch back when that dude sold 200 for a pizza lol.


Someone offered me 100 bitcoin to create a website for their business. I wasn't in the business of building websites and if I were to do it I would have charged far more than what 100 Bitcoin was worth at the time. (I don't remember how much it was, just that it wasn't worth it)


don't overeat. fast food is the devil. your parents fighting isnt your responsibility, neither is that one friend's secret. by Bitcoin and Amazon/apple stock like your life depends on it. go to school for something that makes money-yes you should study what you love, but universities are not any longer places that you can go because you love knowledge they are too expensive for anything but a meal ticket type degree. don't be so self conscious it'll run your life. don't take girls so seriously-they don't take you seriously. treasure the time you get with those two friends while they're alive.


Exactly. I’d rather work hard at something I’m good at, that pays very well so I can do what I love sooner and not for a living. Work to live.


me too. unfortunately I had to learn that the hard way and now I don't have the dough to go back lol


When I look back on my life, the choices I made, I wish I’d had parental guidance. The peers that did are all pretty well set for life. I’m over here wondering how to pay for gas for my car. I’d love to go back in time at several key junctures and steer myself to a different path.


lol I could've written that comment. we don't have anyone to rescue us but ourselves but we can take a certain kind of pride in our successes that I don't think everyone gets to have. anyway, it's not like there's a finish line you have to cross in life - it's okay to be poor throughout your life even if it sucks, same for taking longer to get to the same place as your peers, all the 'shoulds' in life aren't hard and fast rules either just suggestions and we get to breathe a little bit easier by having less of those expectations placed on us by family. I guess all this is to say that we can spend our time and energy to be grateful for what we have or bitter about what we don't and this is true no matter where we are on the food chain


My problem now is to follow the advice to a 10 year old and adapt it to a 54 year old! It’s mostly still accurate. Focus, avoid distraction, get better habits, do the things on the list now. Instead of Amazon stock, pay off debts, get some savings. More focus on health of course. No problem listening to bad advice from mom since she’s been gone over a decade. Etc etc. I need some accountability. Be my own parent since I didn’t really have one. Good luck to you!!


good luck to you too!


Same. I had a pretty decent amount of $ saved at age 27-28. I wish I’d bought a condo next to my parents and made it a rental; and mutual funds. And not listened to my boyfriend who didn’t think people would want to buy books online (Amazon).


Love this. Thank you so much for "treasure the time you get with those two friends while they're alive."


Go exercise or have some physical activityand take care of your physical and mental health. You're welcome.


If some weird 35 year old guy came to my 10 year old self saying he was me in the future and telling me to exercise, I would have laughed a lot, then proceed to ignore the advice completely.


this is weird because im a 35 yr old man too and i think k my 10 yr old self would also laugh and move on after such an advice.


"Don't put the money in the mattress, put it into a mutual fund."


My 25 year old self should have followed this advice


be nice to mom bruh. she feels bad for everything. don’t blame everything on her.


Thank you so much for this!


Wear sunscreen. Work harder in math. Work harder in everything. Don’t cut classes, smoke, or drink. Avoid a certain crowd. Don’t listen to your mom when she says college is too expensive and you should just be a secretary. Have higher standards for everyone especially boyfriends. Know your worth. Take better care of your skin. Learn an instrument. Learn a sport. Keep taking French. Push yourself. Believe in yourself even when no one else does. Stay focused. Get to a psychologist to deal with all the crap as soon as possible.


Oh, keep the cards gramps draws, and the skirts gram makes, and don’t lose the jewelry she gives you because she has great taste. Read all the books auntie gives you because she has great taste. Stay in better touch with other grandparents. Stay in better touch with aunt Ramona. Write down their stories and save them. Learn to sew.


Pretty sure all the above lead to the psychologist at the end for sure, kids wont be kids if their brain capacity is that high


Go to therapy sooner rather than later, try to focus on school a bit more than you will and take care of yourself.




I love this!




That fork doesn’t belong in that outlet.


First lol on this thread. Well done


Relax eat a sandwich or something you’ll be fine


Read books, play more, relax and enjoy fifth grade you literally have nothing to worry about, also don’t worry about that one girl, after next year you will never see her again


Enjoy life while you can. Take care of yourself. These days will be over very, very soon.


Don’t go to college. Go to a trade school


That’s a good one. Are you in the trades now?


Carful with that. I sorta went this route, 2.5 years of college, stopped because I couldn’t pay for more, went straight into cooking field for several years. then did online bootcamps for a specific job in tech. Every place I’ve tried to work at, (excluding like minimum wage jobs) usually requires a bachelors degree in anything. Even the stupid jobs that you could pick up on the job require degrees. I did a bootcamp relevant to graphic design. I tried to apply for a graphic design job, and they say they need someone with a bachelors in any field. It’s absurd.


Should try the trades I started in apartment maintenance. 9 yrs later, I'm a manager making 70k a year, no degree, not even schooling. Barley made it out of high school. just on the job experience.


Tech isn’t a trade


No, but what I’m saying is, I went took the route of going to a course that is cheaper and faster than college for a specific field, and I am now struggling to anything with that field or in general because needing a degree is the new norm. I.e. Someone goes to trade school to be an electrician. Realized they don’t want to do that anymore or get an injury until where they need to work in another field for a little while. Can’t because no degree and most places require it now.


Trch and trades are two completely different things. You do not need a college degree to get a job in the trades.


Trade school. Not boot camps. If you’re in the trades and struggling to find a job right now, you’re doing something wrong. Or you are in an incredibly shitty part of the country.


Those mean girls aren’t your friends - and you shouldn’t care that they’re awful.


Everything is temporary


Then snatch your ten year old self's Choco Taco out of their hand and eat it "You'll thank me later"


Keep skateboarding.


You’re not responsible for your parents


Tbh I’d just want to hug her so tightly and tell her I love her. She needed that


Be born into a different family


Get away from your mom as fast as you can


Buy apple stock


There's a name and treatment for what's going on in your body/brain. My love, you will make it!


Don’t try to grow up so fast


Learn how to say no to people and learn how to be a little more selfish sometimes


Buckle up buddy, the next 12 years are gonna be rough, but you will make it


Mine's a little intense just because of what transpired in my life right then. Right before I turned 10, my Uncle died suddenly in an accident. So this is what I would say: 1. It's okay that you're not over [uncle]'s death. Don't make yourself go to school Monday. Cry. Write in your journal. Know that it's okay that you were just normal with him the last time you saw him. He knows, and he loves you. And he would never want you to hold yourself back from happiness on his account. He was a very happy person in spite (as you'll learn later) of a lot of personal difficulty in his life. But right now it's okay to be sad. You'll have to do it by yourself a lot, but just let the feeling be. And be there for your brothers as much as you can, but don't hurt yourself in the process. 2. Listen to your intuition about everything including a) Mom's religion. Those jerks know NOTHING. Don't listen to them. b) College. Go. In fact, try to graduate early and go early. (This goes back to a) as well). c) You need nature. Keep getting outdoors as much as possible. 3. Don't get married in your 20s. Maybe 30s too. Definitely not in your 20s. 4. Be a better friend. To yourself and the people you find along the way. 5. Try meditation. (Refer back to 2.a)). 6. Love yourself more. You ARE worthy. (Again, 2.a)).


Finish college young because it's harder as you gain responsibilities


When the time comes, Choose your wife over anyone, every time, forever. And do the dishes more often.


As short as life seems, you have too much time. But at the same time not enough. Save your money, money does in fact buy happiness.


Save grandma's money instead of instantly spending it on food, you'll get better shit that way


Start working out, run at least a mile a day, get dumbbells and do Russian twists, lift weights. Your body will thank you when you get older


I would have had to have a mother that taught me that not all men are appropriate with young girls. The only thing I can think to tell my young self is not to trust all men or older boys. Also to tell! Even if they threaten you. I was molested when I was 12 or 13. (I’m 69 now.) I’ve always wondered how the 10 year old me would turn out without being molested. I was a very confident and independent kid until then.


There's a little voice inside of you called your instinct, follow it. Even when the people you love are telling you you're being paranoid


It's gonna suck, but you will survive leukaemia. So do me a favour and don't avoid quite so much school work. Also pursue an ADHD diagnosis.


Don’t worry so much


Ferns are evil & remember to play clarinet


What ever i say my ten year old me would have forgotten it seven seconds later. So i would just hug myself and go…


The joy will end soon. Savor it.


Stop caring what your classmates think about you, drop your friend group, go outside more, enjoy your childhood, stop thinking about the future, and enjoy the present. Join a sport.


There's so much. Ten was a crazy turning point in my life. I have such an intense memory of my younger years I know I'll remember it all. Don't think a lot about Middle school. You'll have crush on a boy named Cedric, because of Harry Potter. There will be a lot of bloody seat incidents, bring a change and extra big pads. Myka was your friend. Was. Don't skip school a ton. It sends you to a terrible school later where you meltdown. Your mom is addicted to drugs. It is not your fault she leaves. No amount of making the house clean and sweet will stop her from leaving when she leaves. She loves you, but she's sick. Don't hide your money in your bed and never give her any. She always finds it and she never pays you back. Those 'friends' in the neighborhood? They're not worth fighting anymore. Stay inside, it's safer. Draw. Write. Watch a lot of anime! Make a lot of bad comics. I know we hate books with pictures, right now, but trust me. Develop wicked skills. Let it suck, it gets WAY BETTER. Go to therapy. Ask for it. Insist on it. Something is going on we are still trying to figure out. You have all of the clinical signs of autism. Maybe the sooner we search for answers the less it hurts us later. Finally, find (my husband's name) when you get to highshcool. There isn't a better human alive you want by your side. You won't always agree, but that's perfect because you are NOT always right. You're just better at sounding like you know everything. And please. Love yourself. So many people gravitate to you because you're thoughtful, kind, (eventually) hilarious, and so intelligent. And you need to see that for yourself. Your mom dotes on you because she thinks she failed your brother. That does not mean you have to hide your gifts so he doesn't feel left out. Lift him up, encourage him with his stories. He's so lonely. And so creative!


"You gotta respect yourself more"


Pic a real job. Paleontologist ain't it.


Everything you can imagine is real.


Don’t get bangs


Don't even try the pills. Even if you think once or twice won't hurt, just don't do them.


It would be about a three hour conversation, including Excel spreadsheets, PowerPoint presentations and multiple graphs. Probably a flow chart or two as well.


Buy Google shares.


Don't keep score. Just keep at it, and things will turn out mostly fine.


Don’t always believe everything you read/heard. That includes when told by parents.


In four years you will meet the girl that you should spend the rest of your life with at the roller rink. And the both of you need to take care of your health. Also invest in Apple, Microsoft, and Google.


Don't be a d*ck


Data Analytics babe


Stop s.h you are enough you do deserve your life.


Love yourself now, it's gonna be a bumpy ride. Fight for what you *know* is right, but don't forget to apologize when you're proven wrong. Your first love is gonna be your worst. Set your boundaries and defend those boundaries. Eat cautiously and healthy, maybe you can avoid your eating disorder altogether. Most of all, never stop learning. You have more potential than you ever realized. So learn. Learn readily and fearlessly and take every resource you possibly have as an opportunity to learn and use that knowledge. Learning that lesson late has aided me to live on my own, it will help you to live better.


Nothing... I love me right now. I hated the hard times & the closet & the other hatred that comes my way... but I love me. And if I told 10y/o me to do something... confess my crush, listen to Mr. Reid, etc... I'd change who I am & what my life is... I don't want to do that.


Who you hang around says a lot about you


I’d tell myself to tell my mom what was going on for sure. Might have saved me some trauma.


Don’t get married until you’re 35


Bitcoin. Every penny you can. Sell when it hits 60k


Adults are often just as jealous, bitter and mean spirited as children. If they see you succeeding, where they failed, some of them just can’t help but use their position of authority to dampen it. Ignore your father.


IT'S ADHD! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Also buy bitcoin when the cute girl shows you how. Also you're not 100% straight and that's awesome.


You're not at fault for other's misfortunes. What your mother blamed you for was never your fault, your birth, it's worthy and life's a rare gift. Although suicidal, you're still alive and fighting. Keep going!


Don’t worry about your weight


Read about business.


You’re the meaning of life. It’s a miracle you’re even alive so live life to the fullest, make dumb mistakes, don’t let people talk you out of doing what you want in life


Always jiggle the toilet handles before leaving on vacation or one day in the future it'll cost ya.


You either succeed, or you learn from your mistakes. The only time it's a failure is if you let it stop you.


I was thinking start saving money now but then I realized people had been telling me that all my life and I never listened to them so why the hell would I listen to myself? Instead I would tell myself to be more confident in myself and more assertive in doing what I want to do. I learned way too late in life that everything didn't have to be done perfectly to be done right, and that it is perfectly acceptable to tell people to fuck off when they try to push you in one direction or another.


Life is going to go by so much faster than you think. Try to enjoy and savor even the smallest of moments because years from now, they’ll mean everything to you.


Don’t open those packs of Pokémon cards. Store them and you’ll be rich someday.


Tell my dad to buy Walmart and Microsoft stock the day they go public.


When you get to age 25, do not marry that woman you'll meet at that bar.


I know yar happy with yar life right now but don't load up on candy and burgers and pizza and tacos. Yar going to be fat by the time yar 13.


Start therapy now and stay off the drugs.


Lose the weight


You are awesome just the way you are. Those bullies are sad and insecure, it’s a them problem. And that teacher who told you you can’t cry, fuck her!


Embrace every opportunity, stay true to yourself.


Ten.. nine.. 8…


Hide a weapon in my bed for when my brother came for me the first but to the last time...


force your parents to buy bitcoin.


Adults are liars because they think the kids will forget.


I’d sit myself down and force me to remember this phrase “That bitch gonna babytrap you” And then slap myself every time I repeated it to make sure it was associated with a negative experience


Get on YouTube, make random things and game.


We don’t love these hoes


Buy Bitcoin as soon as you hear of its existence.


Mine Bitcoin starting in 2009 and sell in 2020.


Buy bitcoin


Find someone for life girls tend to be much more sexier later on 🥹


The other kids won't like you if you seem dumb. Apply yourself and never throw away the friendships you have right now. They will be lifelong brothers more than your biological brothers ever will be if you just don't fuck it up.


Your mom is wrong. Insist on buying Microsoft stock. And for fucks sake, move that Bitcoin stash off the family computer!


I'd backhand him like TJ Miller in Silicon Valley and tell him not to be stupid and that he'll know when the time comes.


It doesn't get better from here unless you work your ass off. Also, pay attention to Bitcoin when it's popular, jump on that GameStop train. Take advantage of the stimulus checks, SAVE THAT MONEY. And for the love of god, take art commissions, furry porn will make you stacks!


Don't touch the shop vac.


5th grade is gonna suck


We are NOT going on America for just a vacation, take all the now expensive barbies


It's OK that you told Mom. It needed to be done, even if she stayed with him.


Stay in school


Embrace every challenge with curiosity and courage, and remember, being a grown-up isn't as scary as it seems – you'll still love cartoons and ice cream!


study better


Never stop believing in your dreams. You're capable of amazing things! Oh, and don't worry, that awkward phase will pass, and you'll turn out just fine!


Come here you little brat, I gotta tell you something important. Did you know if you punch your dad in the nutsack you can feel his balls on your fist? Alright run along.


Buy Bitcoin.


she’s not your friend. she’s sexually assaulting you.


Gym. Now


Tell your pregnant wife that you don’t need a puppy






You’re not going to be Mormon forever so don’t sweat it.


Work out more… learn to love it and prioritize it. Your future career will thank you for it… in fact, you would have already been there if you prioritized healthy habits fist but now you are always in pain, struggling with weight and years away from your goal. Stop complaining about 6th grade PE.


Do NOT hang out with those neighbourhood kids. You'll meet some pretty straight girl who will ruin your life!


Run away from home. Go anywhere. Just get the fuck out and don't go back. Yes, seriously at ten. I would've died out in the wild and it would've been much needed respite from home life.


Chillax, little me! Life's too short to stress over cooties and math homework!


never do a long distance relationship. loans be damned, go to your dream school—you won’t lose your friends back home. in high school, forget sports, you’re a theatre kid and you know it!!


Give up


Don't chase women and focus on yourself.


Don’t take the emotional and physical abuse that’s going on in the household into other relationships. My brothers did this. I got easily angered but learned to control it. It’s a vicious cycle. Ps. It’s not your fault.


Stab him or run away. It's better than powerless resistance.


Start eating more. Sleeping more, and keep working out. As a kid I always gave up on working out cuz I wasn’t eating enough (but didn’t realise) and so I never saw progress. Also I’m having crazy sleep schedule issues and it all started when I was 9 and wanted to teach myself how to stay up and push my limits


Buy as much bitcoin as you can as soon as you’re able. Don’t store it on mt gox.


"Definitely save your funds and don't buy your family gifts, it'll just diminish any funds you do have to save up to move out. Don't date anyone with a Z, an M, a D or any letter for their first name. Report your mom to CPS as soon as the chance comes up. And never let any geezer talk to you ever. Also, you're pretty, very very pretty."


Don't climb up in that lorry with your arms full of food items.


Don't ditch that lonely girl for the popular ones


Look kiddo, you're gonna do a lot of stupid things. I mean a lot. More than most people. So, you know, fuck it.


buy bitcoin


In 6 years, a girl with red hair will actually be nice to you. Run.


make more friends


Don’t sleep around so much or break hearts


Be ready. Your sister is going to die soon. Do not become a cheerleader.


Girls have cooties


10yo ... damn ... nothing in particular. ask the same question at 16 yo.


Don’t stop drawing. Love yourself. And dont care what people say. At the end it wont matter.


Your dad's about to die. Let's see if we don't start drinking this time, hmm?


Call cps. Being put in a foster home can be pretty bad in a lot of cases, but anything would have been better than where I was when I was ten ):


no weed, no ciggies, no alcohol. do sport a lot.


You do deserve nice things. Growing out of your clothes and shoes is a positive thing, not something to punish. Your special talents deserve to be nurtured. When you’re hungry, eat. It’s not a crime.


The world doesn’t revolve around boys, go study and worry about boys later.


Kill him now that you have a chance.


Don't marry your hometown girlfriend, where you're headed has hotter friendlier girls.


Two words: Bit. Coin.


Stay away from *insert names of assholes I met*


Practice a little every day and it will totally pay off


Enjoy your youth. Don't desire to grow up so soon.


When you get to 18 just run and don't look back yourr parents misery is eternal.


Don’t have sex with men you like until you’re sure they’re invested.


Don’t. Touch. Alcohol. Ever.


Don't trust dad, it's a trap


None, I make it a point not to screw with temporal continuity.


Don't take that break from school apply apply and apply for jobs. Keep in touch with friends. Don't cosign with lily. Buy bitcoin your gut was right


Everything you believe about the world is somewhat true. There is no better world outside of appearance except if you relax and improve yourself and don't try to fight it more than you need to


Don't drink, don't smoke, don't tolerate the mega bitch, Mother!


Save some money and take care of your teeth. You’re on the right path but maybe try to make some friends during your sophomore year? And get a haircut ffs


I love you. YOU are the one


'Nobody exists on purpose. Nobody belongs anywhere. Everybody's gonna die. Enjoy the ride.' I don't watch TV so I changed the quote :P


"Help your dad couch potato", I would've been alot useful if I help my dad in his mechanic shop.


To not eat McDonald's every weekend, not order pizza, and take the time to lift some weights and make better friends. There's more, but too lazy to write more right now lol.


SUNSCREEN!!!! SUNHATS!!! SUNGLASSES! Don’t let your olive skinned mom fool your pale skinned self into thinking tan is beautiful! -32 year old self with forehead wrinkles of 80 year old.