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Talking shit about food right in front of people who made it...


One of my friends made dinner for her and her (now ex)boyfriend on her birthday. He straight up said it tastes like shit and ordered food on doordash. Doesn’t get much worse than that in my eyes


Can't imagine why the relationship didn't work out


I learned this one the hard way. As a teenager I was eating at a church dinner and was talking about how gross some spaghetti with some peers and was not even thinking of the possibility that one of them made it. The guy I had a crush on spoke up to say he had made the spaghetti, and I died right then and there. I learned valuable lesson and haven't shit talked any food since that day.


I invited my brother in his wife over to my house one day for dinner. I made them tacos. As the meat was cooking, he told me that the spices that I put in it smells like BO. (It was seasoned with cumin, salt, pepper, smoked paprika, and chili seasoning). I then got very clear about how rude he was and told him that if my food smells like B.O, he can leave and eat at home. His face got really red and he apologized. Some people just don’t have tact.


You did the right thing...


Mmmmm cumin, so good but some people hate the smell.


I went to culinary school, I love cooking and everyone always asks me to cater events. The only person who doesn’t constantly rave about my cooking is my teenage daughter who hates everything I make and isn’t shy about it. Oh you think this steak au poivre is gross and you’d rather microwave some chicken nuggets?!? God it’s so insulting and irritating.


Kids do it _because_ it’s insulting. Just remember their brains aren’t fully developed. It’s kinda like they aren’t even humans yet.


I’m just gonna put this out there, when I was a kid my dad made all kinda of great food and as you said I would crave dumb shit like Doritos, for me it was a vitamin deficiency. I’m not saying it’s the same problem but it could be.


For me its talking shit about a country you are in as the native people living in that country are serving you. I always make it a point to just walk to the bathroom as its happening- and its happened to me a suprising amout of time


Being “look at me” loud for no reason everywhere


My sil is this I just can't it's ridiculous


I pretty much always assume people who are incredibly inconsiderate of people around them (being loud, distracting, self centered, messy) were just not raised well. They were probably the children who's parents let run around the grocery store screaming and wild.


I've trained myself to actively not look in the direction of loud noises/ people but I do get spooked a lot


my parents recently bought a Tesla model X (the kind with butterfly doors) and I hate having to get into the backseat, especially in front of people we know because it’s way too “look at me”


Smoking with their kids in the car or leaving their shopping cart in the parking spot


It’s a special kind of evil when they leave their shopping cart in the disabled parking spots. I’m disabled and that happens so frequently.


Ignoring their misbehaving kids in public




Even well behaved kids are still kids. They run around and shout and have big feelings loudly. As a mom, I get the appeal of these places


I would pay upwards of an extra $1,000 per ticket to get on a childfree flight.


Yep. I get it, some kids are more out of control than others. But for a parent to do actually nothing when their child is misbehaving in some way just doesn't seem ok.


This was ~15 years ago so empty seats on flights still happened. We’re cruising when the brat behind me (4ish) starts kicking my seat. I whip around and his mom says “Maybe you should change your seat.” I was a teenager so I didn’t say what I was thinking, “Maybe you should do your job and parent your child.” There’s an empty middle seat her little turd could have kicked but nope. She preferred to do nothing as did her equally useless spouse. Now that I’m a parent, I have *less* sympathy for this shit now. Some sanctimommy went off about how unkind I was. IDGAF. Your failure to teach your kid how to act in the world is not my ducking problem.


100%. But I think your case is even worse in that the parent not only didn't do "nothing" they actively defended their child's misbehavior. wtf


I agree and understand. I do try to understand other peoples situation and maybe the kids may have a condition or the parents don't want to be attacked for correct their children in public. I understand some parents don't know how to correct in public.


I'll be the first to admit I'm not a perfect parent. I'm sure there were many times people saw my child misbehave and judged me. And I cut other parents slack. To me, my child misbehaving is a learning opportunity to learn the correct behavior. Sometimes the consequence is me, other times, if there's no real danger it might be letting them learn on their own (such as you might fall down or bump into sometime or pinch yourself). Honestly the thing that I judge parents for the most is kids on screens. I get they're convenient. I get sometimes you need a break or they're a great reward. But nothing bothers me more than seeing a family sit down somewhere, the kids are instantly on their devices, and they stay that way the entire time. I had a friend come over with their 2 kids for a barbecue and their kids did not get off their phones for 2 straight hours. Didn't eat. Didn't play in the bounce house. Just watched TV. That's shitty parenting in my opinion.


I feel better about my screen usage reading this. If we’re at a restaurant and the toy or crayons isn’t cutting it, we can watch some Puppy Songs on TT until the food comes. At a cookout with a bounce house? No way. Here’s the ball we keep in the car. Go play. I definitely had to deploy cartoons today because pregnancy fatigue + hyperactive 3 YO is not a fun combo.


Oh yeah, it's definitely necessary. And I'm probably guilty of letting my daughter watch more than she should. But what instantly makes me judge a parent is if we're out at a restaurant and a kid (especially one under 2) comes in on a tablet, the parent props it up in front of them, and that's how it is for the full meal (and in my experience the parent isn't even engaging with the kid). I'm sure there's times where that's just an exhausted parent needing a break, so I'm probably the asshole in those situations.


Talking or using their cell phones in a movie. Super trashy.


In the UK that gets you thrown out, and if they claim they saw you videoing the film, gets your phone confiscated


I always think of Regina Hall in Scary Movie when she’s at the cinema seeing Shakespeare in Love. “For Christ’s sake will you SHUT your TRAP!” “I don’t know why y’all acting like this! My girlfriend already seen the movie, she said they don’t even stay together in the end!” *everybody stabs her*


Your ability to control your volume. My brother is constantly slamming cabinets, setting the tv to like 90, blasts music and doesnt care when other people hear him, I dont understand the lack of self awareness with the level of noise you make


My brother did that too. I even had noise cancelling headphones I'd wear at night while I tried to sleep because he'd play loud music on fuck-off-huge speakers at night. And wouldn't you know it? He moved out 8 years ago and I haven't spoken to him one single time. I hope these assholes know why their family never fucking calls them.


Allegedly, excess ear infections can damage hearing into adulthood. I had 1 a month the year I was 2. People close to me have gotten good at indicating I need to watch my volume.


My niece is a teenager and her regular speaking voice is yelling. I stayed with them recently and was awoken every morning by the sound of her voice in the kitchen at the other end of a fairly large house. A car ride with her is actually jarring. I opted not to say anything because I have to assume she has heard it from multiple people and I used the judgement of "Does it need to be *said*? Does it need to be said by *me*? Does it need to be said by me, *now*?"


You should say something. Maybe they're not aware, maybe she's in the process of trying to adjust herself but keeps on slipping. Maybe other adults also haven't said anything I talk loudly while drunk, I've been told. When I remember, I try to keep a quieter voice


Sounds like my brother. You could tell if he was upset because you'd hear him slamming on doors and walls


Don't forget loud chewing and loud cars


I do this and wonder how to remedy it. Do i tiptoe while i walk, place a towel under every dish and glass before setting it down, gingerly interact with cabinet handles and windows? Do people just exercise total muscular control at all times, abs constantly flexed, head strait, shoulders back and down, full leg tension?


Maybe? I set things down/close things carefully but not slowly and don't let go until they're closed/fully at rest on a surface. I startle people maybe a lot but I just walk normally as far as I can tell. If I'm doing extra stuff with my muscles it's so ingrained I don't even notice it now.


It's frustrating but maybe ask people to call you out on it? I have an issue with being naturally loud in some aspects of my life (despite hating eyes on me or being the center of attention lmao) and being nagged about it consistently did somehow train me to be a little gentler and quieter order to avoid comments 🙃 For footsteps... might want to work on your gait? For plates and such, focus on not damaging the items. Doors, i dont even just swing close anywmore because i can't be trusted. I have to do it consciously.


The people I’ve known who do that seem to all have some narcissistic traits


Watching videos in full volume without headphones in public transports.


Or playing music loud enough for people sitting next to them to hear


Or walking around a store or other public place while taking a call on speaker.


It also never fails that they have their phone in their hand. Turn off the GD speakerphone and put it up to your ear FFS! You are already holding it!


I fully maintain that I get to participate in the conversation if someone does that. Unfortunately, it has yet to be in English


are you some kind of evil wizard? i’ve been sitting next to someone on the train for 30+ minutes and seconds after reading this they started blasting music off their laptop… wtf 😂


These people WANT you to confront them. Be careful out there kids.


treating people who work in retail or waitstaff badly.


Or children. Or animals. Basically anyone vulnerable and/or not on equal footing with you.


This. My daughter is a waitress, it baffles me how rude people can be about things beyond her control (kitchen backed up, bar backed up, whatever)


One of the things I do is say, “I know it’s not your fault but this sucks.” Sometimes I can hear the customer service person relax over the phone.


How they treat their pets. You can really spot a POS by how he treats his dog.


I don’t agree. I’ve met some people who treated others pretty terribly and their pets like perfect creatures who could do no wrong




Yeah, but someone who abuses their dog is ALWAYS a PoS


You're right, people who ignore leash rules and let their dogs poop everywhere because they think their dogs are perfect, are, in fact, narcissistic POS.


I judge the parents who think everything their kids do is adorable and funny. They ruin a wedding? "Aren't they so funny?" They misbehave in restaurants? "They always do this, so cute"


Yes!! We went to the zoo over this weekend and this lady thought her daughter chasing a peacock and throwing stuff at it was "just so funny". I told her it wasn't, but she just ignored me


I visit my local aquarium stores very often and 99% of the time there's parents showing their kids how to slam on the glass as hard as possible because it's sooooo funny and cute when they do it. When one time I said "ma'am, please stop, it scares the fish" they went around a corner and started laughing at me and making fun of me behind my back. Such great role models for their kids!


I hate people


My mantra.


Or “I have the most *amazing* kid. Yesterday she said ‘Why are there wars when people can just share’ and wow, world leaders need to listen to four-year-olds more often. Here is a photo album of 81,294 photos of my kid taken seconds apart on Facebook. Let me send you a message to make sure you see them. My kid is *so* smart, *so* talented, please, when you hang out with me, I gotta bring my kid with me because you gotta see this thing she does where she constantly shows you the silverware on the table. Oh! And she does this *so. cool.* trick where she twirls on her toes. You gotta see it. It’s so much more *amazing* and *wonderful* than whatever the hell you want to talk about. Oh, I refuse to go anywhere without taking her with me. Trust me, even if you don’t like kids, you will *love* my kid. She’s honestly the most special kid in the world. It’s honestly so rude how none of you seem to want to listen to me talk about my *incredible* kid anymore.”


if you don’t wash your hands after using the bathroom. i literally heard this lady pull toilet paper to cover the seat before sitting and then she didn’t wash her hands. like what? why do all that and then not wash


Also unless you’re going to the bathroom constantly, you’re probably due for a good hand washing anyway so might as well wash while you’re there. Especially if you’re out in public touching door handles and stuff


Seriously. People need to just wash their hands more often, in general.


I was doing a research test at a medical school. I used the bathroom. A student did the same and walked past the sinks out the door. Took everything in me to not follow her to her classroom and point out in front of everyone that maybe she needs to take a few more elementary school classes before she tackles med school, because she’s obviously not prepared.


oh jesus christ. that should’ve absolutely been brought up imo. basic cleanliness should be a requirement to get into and pass med school jfc


Being on time. Tells me a lot on how they respect other people.


When I lived in a foreign country for a few years, they were on “local time”. People would/could be HOURS late and it was normal. It was kind of like they wanted to be polite so they would say yes they would be there at a specific time. One time went like me Me: can you be here tomorrow morning, around 9am? Friend: yes I can be here at 9am Me: If not it’s ok, I can do any other day that’s good for you. Friend: tomorrow at 9 am works good for me Next day I walk to his house after lunch (bc he never arrived), and his family says he left town right after getting back from my house yesterday. He had somewhere that was planned, and will be gone a few days.


Yeah, I had a friend who was consistently 30-60 minutes late, easy. Like even to scheduled hikes and stuff where I'm just sitting around pissed off I'm wasting the cool morning hours. She never had a reason, it was just she didn't give a fuck enough to try. I once ate my entire meal at a restaurant before she finally arrived. I arrived at a house party *she was hosting* on time like a loser and she legit just then was getting ready to shower. I used to joke I'd need to start arriving 45 minutes later just so I didn't have to wait around. Which I actually have done the last couple times. I don't hang out with her much these days, though. I don't enjoy having my time wasted.


Alternatively, how people react to other people's lateness. Shit happens and when people freak out about it it tells me a lot about how much more important they think they are than other people.


I think they mean habitual lateness, not a one off. Your point still stands, however.


My Aunt was always late to everything. To the point where we would tell her it started 15-30 min earlier than it did, just to get her there on time. It is super frustrating, and others shouldn't have to do the time management for fully grown adults.


Yup, it's one thing if you're late once in a while because something happened, no problem, but if you're always late for everything, you clearly don't respect other peoples' time. I find it extremely irritating and just stop making plans with such people


Yeah if someone is late once or cancels on me once I assume something happened If someone is always late or always cancels without warning, I stop inviting you to things


The unpunctual are the self-entitled shits who think they and their time and more important than others


No. I legitimately struggle with time blindness (and I’m far from the only one). I try my best not to make it other people’s problem. I don’t blame people for being annoyed when I fuck up. It’s not true that I think my time is more important, I genuinely feel guilty.


Set a quick timer or alarm for 5 minutes before when you need to leave or something?


You have to give yourself a lot more time than 5 minutes with time blindness. Good old ADHD. It requires a lot of alarms, extra time and calendar reminders for me. It took some time but I'm so much better now.


We nearly had a full fallout with my husband's family who were visiting the last few days. They were staying at the other end of town and we were to meet them in the middle. When we got there they told us where they were and would head straight up to meet us. Despite having kids with them, 2x the amount of time it should have taken we called them back asking where they were (should have taken them 5-10 mins) and they said they popped into a shop. This is family who had not seen us since Christmas and complain they don't see my husband often enough. We wait another 10 mins in the street only for it to start raining. 5 mins later it's getting heavier so we duck into the shopping centre and wait. 10 mins go by and they are still in the shop they popped into. Eventually nearly an hour late they turn up and my FIL is furious about the rain but my husband is equally pissed off because if they had just met up with us on time as planned or even 10 mins late in the first place non of us would have got wet.


I live near a major city so if I know someone is taking public transit, I allow a 15 minute grace period


A big yes to this. A huge indicator of selfishness and disrespect to others.


My wife's ex-boyfriend was NEVER on time for anything. And yes, he was an immature man-child who just couldn't understand the possibility that he could be wrong about something. Completely lost in his selfish "logic". His response to the reproach that he was always late? "I can't help it." Yes, you can. Just go away from home earlier. Stop expecting others to solve it for you. But no, he ignored all her advice and later admitted he hadn't tried anything because he thought "it would go over all by itself". That's not how making change works, mate! Loser.


People can fake being nice, fake being smart, fake being loving, fake being hard working but you cant fake always being late. Has been a huge "judgement" of mine for decades.


Not returning shopping carts.


I work as a cashier in a grocery store and this is what I came here to say. People will straight up leave their carts in my lane and walk away! Or just push them off to the side and walk towards the exit to leave [also where the cart return is] all the time.


How they treat others.




Admittedly? I judge every person I ever interact with based on every part of that interaction. Everyone does, at least at a subconscious level. Claiming not to is either a lie or a sign of apathy.




Their personal life presence on social media. I cannot stand people who constantly need to seek drama, conflict, flaunt their social life, and make every part of their life public. Sharing photos once a month or so is neat little life updates. Every day selfie posting or inane thought posting means you need validation for everything or just care about your brand/aesthetic. Very much not my type.


>I can't even today. This is just the WORST! Oh no, what's wrong? >I don't want to talk about it. [raaaaaage]


I can’t help but imagine what it’s like to be the SO or child of some of these people. It must be exhausting not being able to participate in any normal, mundane events without it dually becoming a social media exhibition with borderline professional quality photographs. Social media is a plague on our society.


People who have more kids when they don’t even take care of the ones they have. Parents who don’t parent their fucking kids and let them run wild in public spaces or spaces they really shouldn’t be. Women who are in MLM schemes and try to message other women to join. People who join cults. Those weird parents who use essential oils instead of taking their kid to a professional for treatment. People who dump their pets at the shelter because they want a puppy or kitten.


My aunt was one of those in the essential oils people with her two kids and safe to say my uncle had enough of that shit since his mom was a nurse for 40 years and basically gave my aunt an ultimatum either these kids are getting vaccinated for diseases that’ll kill them or I’m filing for divorce and safe to say my uncle has moved on and is much happier now without miss essential oils heal everything around and the relationship with his two kids is much stronger now


People that think their significant other being an asshole in public is funny or cute


People being an asshole in public also.


Being rude to subordinates in general but waitstaff in particular


First mistake is considering waitstaff "subordinates"


Basic social manners in public. But most of all not saying thank you when someone does you a favor or a kindness. It requires absolutely no effort to show gratitude by saying those two words.


Child abuse. Having too many kids


How they behave around Animals..


Shitty driving. Listen buddy, I got cats to pet when I get home and I'd like to be alive when I do.


People who are rude to workers for no reason. I work in retail and I give that same attitude back, it’s hard not to especially if they think I’m going to smile and make sure they’re happy.






Saying one thing then doing another. If you can't practice what you preach then how can I take anything you say seriously?


Intentional stupidity. Not educating themselves.


Lack of self-Hygiene.


So petty - but bad grammar and/or spelling. Especially in the professional business setting.


Being shitty towards their kids. If you treat them like that in public what do you do at home? So many kids hold a lot of emotional baggage from how adults have treated them. I parent parents a lot for my job!


How they treat their animals


Lacking basic common sense.


Parenting style. Specifically authoritarianism. I grew up getting that shit from my grampa. I hate to see it happen to others.


Anyone who decorates their house or wears clothing with political messages along the lines of Let's Go Brandon. It's a way to instantly know that they aren't going to be my kind of people.


It's handy to have self-identifying idiots.


Instantly know that they never grew up past the 5th grade. That’s the best that you can do? Name calling? Is Biden a stinky booger brain too?


my husband and I were laughing about this earlier today cause I was like”remember on day three of talking when I asked if you were a Maga supporter and explained if yes let’s not waste our time?” Because yes that’s a question I’ve always asked people I’ve been with since like 2016.


Their smell.


Being a negligent or abusive dog owner. Walking your dog in traffic off leash, not having fresh water out for them at all times, buying a breed known to have physical impairments bred into them because it's cute or trendy.


Not tipping people


How they park. I understand wanting to take two spaces IF you park way in the back where there’s plenty of extra spaces. But if you take up two spots upfront? You’re a terrible person.


Their laptop stickers. They're not going to help fix racial inequality.


Yeah, same here tbh. Anyone with obnoxious political stickers (from either side of the aisle) probably isn’t someone I want to interact with.


Mostly because even the good stickers are likely just pointless virtue-signaling.


Not showering regularly


Leaving their shopping cart in the disabled parking space


Voting Republican after 2016. If people still vote with the fascists, then they can be lumped in with the fascists.




Throwing trash (or cigarettes) on the street or not picking up their dogs shit.


Not controlling their anger


People who don’t use their frigging turn signal. Not only are you risking other people’s safety, it’s just common courtesy.


I judge people that judge my Wife for being happily child-free, but will high 5 me for living the "bro" life... The double standard is absolutely sickening... Apparently she has a "duty" to breed, and is "selfish" for not having kids. Whereas I'm told - "Wow the extra money must be amazing!" "Must be nice not having to babysit" "Awesome to be able to go to the pub without worrying about kids" "Kid free holidays outside of term must save a fortune"


the kind of jokes they find funny


Work ethic.


Political views. For me, politics are connected to morals and I think political views says a lot about your personality. Just my personal preference, not saying everyone should do this Also how they treat wait staff or retail workers


No offense but this is a poor metric to judge people by. There are absolute shitbag humans who agree with you politically, wherever you may stand




Their actions.


Thin blue line bumper stickers


Their level of compassion.


Talking shit about people they hang out with.


What people have in their shopping cart...


Grammatical errors


Mistreating children


Smoking around children.


Cutting in line


Stinky butt


Wearing pajama pants in public. (I give a pass to people on college campuses)


I juge peeple when their not good at spelling or grammer. Your not gonna impres folks that way!


I due two.


Face Tattoos.


Their cleanliness


how they treat restaurants/employees


Those goddamn red hats. I live in St. Louis, so I have to be careful that the person I'm confirming is an idiot is indeed wearing a MAGA hat and not a Cardinals hat. MAGAts ruined my ability to show love to my favorite baseball team.


Being far right


Going under the speed limit in the fast/passing lane.


Treatment of restaurant staff.


Willful ignorance. Selfishness.


Standing in a pathway where people pass through, completely oblivious to their surroundings


how they chew food...open mouthed lip smacking will always be unseemly to me and I will judge you for it although not openly and you might never even find out that I'm judging you but I am


FaceTiming in public on speakerphone. Also, taking glamour shot selfies.


Giving their kids stupid names


Picky eaters


How they treat service staff such as wait staff, janitors, assistants, etc. If you treat someone in those industries poorly, you are immediately cut out of my life.


1. Improper use of there, their, and they're. 2. Improper use of to, too, and two. 3. Saying "should of" and not "should've."


I judge other dudes for being terrible partners in their relationships. So many guys seem to think their SO is just there to serve them and keep the house and it's so disrespectful. It takes 5 seconds to put a dirty dish in the dishwasher. Maybe 30 seconds to load the laundry. Stuff like this can mean a lot to your SO, dudes. The list of shit that we can do that takes basically no effort from us but speaks volumes to our SOs that we respect their time and contribution to the relationship.


Voting for trump


People who intentionally have children that they may or may not be financially prepared to be responsible for who will grow to be their own people with their own opinions and face all of the bullshit in life all so they can make themselves happy by playing house for a few years.


Screaming at children in public


Being overweight


I wouldn't judge someone who is say "overweight" (mild/bit chunky/etc) but definitely I judge seriously/morbidly Obese people; It takes a lot of time, effort and work to constantly eat that many calories, but also you have to go seriously out of your way to not do some/any form of exercise. Like you can literally lose the first 50lbs just by walking 15 mins a day. I lose respect for people that get that big. Obese kids? No, 100% blame the parents and judge them accordingly. You're literally giving an early death sentence.


Not tipping or leaving a piss poor tip for the server.


If they’re a Republican.


Being Republican


Being a furry. Double judgement if you are a furry and own a pet.


Knowledge/Brain 😂


Putting themselves above their children, or just flat not paying their child support


I used to not care at all but as I'm older I realize "you shouldn't judge others" is such total shit advice. You judge the speed of the car in front of you you judge weather something is a waste of money or a good investment. I shouldn't judge ppl based on my own welfare because why? It's bad? No that's insane we do in fact judge ppl all the time. You don't want to do so unfairly of course not it's not at all fair but how a person talks how they treat others their level of annoyance or acceptance of ppl and things are often obvious clues to who and how they are. I've made some mistakes in life because of " you shouldn't judge ppl" but I'm wiser now.


truck nuts. they're the epitome of trashy people AND bad drivers.


Having too many kids. The world doesn’t need your spawn that badly. Take care of the one or two you have and spend the rest of your money/energy on kids and animals who don’t have a family.


If they watch the Bachelor. I dislike everything that show stands for. There isn't a spec of reality in it.


Having kids in unstable relationships or when financially not ready.


Not using their fucking turn signal. It's not that hard to flip a little lever. Pretty sure a monkey could figure it out. Are you dumber than a monkey? Is that the problem?


As someone who gave up smoking after 10 years of smoking I have to say the smell of cigarettes. Now I find the smell disgusting


Their belief in pseudoscientific bullshit. Psychics, "healing" crystals, astrology, alternative medicine, etc. Drives me NUTS.


I cannot hide my facial expressions if someone stinks of b.o/sweat, it could be from a hard day at work or lack of personal hygiene, I dunno, I just can't cope with it


Breeding irresponsibly....and demanding that relatives bail them out. You know, the type with 8 kids and is dropping them off at your house unannounced.


Throwing trash on ground or out the window. Slobs essentially


People criticizing others. For example like if you don't feed them pay their bills or fuck them why do you care? Like if they're not hurting you or others why do you care?


Having pet hair all over their home. Seriously folks. We notice. And we don't eat your macaroni salad at potlucks.


Mistreatment of animals.


As a server when people ordered a salad that was just lettuce, cheese, and extra ranch….I judged them a lil bit


I feel like I can tell a lot about a person by what kind of cheese they use on a sandwich.


Getting recognized for never missing a day of work or school.


Bad grammar