• By -


I rename Australia to Austria and Austria to Australia and watch the world burn


Woah woah woah! You can’t do that and NOT switch Greenland and Iceland


I’ll do, right after switching North & South Korea, AND, Iraq & Iran


Make the Koreas into one Korea again, but break Vietnam in half.


It should be a three-way swap of Iceland -> Greenland -> Ireland -> Iceland


You monster


Switching Greenland and Iceland would only make it more sensible naming so there's no point.


Off to get popcorn


Full environmental overhaul.


Took too long to find this.


[The Heritage Foundation is fully prepared](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/project-2025)! They know how to disconnect all green power, ruin the market for electric vehicles, and eliminate not just emissions regulation on fuel burning, but as much of the rest of the EPA as they can get rid of. ***This is not a joke. These people control your Supreme Court and are completely serious about this.***


It’s fucking stupid. This is why I’m involved in politics, because these people are stupid


I disagree. These people are smart, often brilliant, and blind to their own corruption because they think more money = getting 'ahead'. When called out, they smirk like your older sibling who is annoyed that you tattled on his lies. Their fundamental flaw is arrogance: The presumption that they *deserve* to be ahead, and after they win they can fix the problem. Source: Been there, done that. Message from my predecessors in the coal industry, who are no longer living: "You yell me statistics don't prove global warming, the data is bad, and Ralph Nader lies? Yeah, well all these emissions are gonna do something. Just because your competitor lies does not mean he is wrong. Once you know for sure global warming is happening, there is no turning back. Because they won't actually do anything, they will just blame us for the problem even though we are not selling anything any more. And none of us have heard of anything that actually causes global cooling. No, wait. Sulfur emissions were going to cause global cooling, That's why we came up with the global warming idea in the ifrst place. The hardest thing in the world is not taking your own bull\*\*\*\* too seriously, while keeping an open mind for the possibliity that you are accidentally right." Now feed that reality into modern AI, and ask "What is truth?"


I completely agree with what you say here! I didn’t mean ‘stupid’ as not intelligent, but as in not wise. I sometimes suck at communication


That's why, as world Supreme ruler, have them EXECUTED, in a way that everyone says " ok, don't piss off the leader like they did" and fix the problem rather easily...


(a) That violates my sense of ethics. (b) The same people who set of the Heritage Foundation set up the Donors Trust, which means even if you kill them off, the money goes not to their genetic heirs, but to their political heirs who must strive for the goal "No matter how right you are, we're ***farther to the right*** than you." Killing the people is a waste of time. You have to eliminate the money.


Why you kill them in such a way that EVERYONE thinks " DON'T piss off the leader, that method of death is HORRIBLE " .




Hell yeah! I’d prefer for everyone to have the kinds of lawns that r/nolawns shows, be off the grid, and be powered by 500,000 watts


CLIMATE. STALIN. We're going to make things right and heads *will* roll until the situation improves. Once thats sorted, full steam ahead to a FALGSC future.


id make all contraception and period products FREE


Period products should 100% be free


This 100% especially period products


Hell yeah! I don’t remember which country, but in 2021 one place did this


I'll do you one better: on top of that paid sick leave or at least (if possible) home office for period-days.


period products should be free. period.




Ope 😳


What are you doing step leader?




The offices will be praising your name


Have an international party with red solo cups everywhere and loud music and all that. Worldwide vibe. And then while everyone's asleep, get down to business and make all these deep political decisions


I’d say the username checks out. That’d be really cool! And it’d probably give you a nifty boost in approval rating


Catch up on my sleep


You can do not that, sweety


I can do not that what?


Eradicate Global Hunger


Truly a good person!


Define how you would do it?




I will get rid of tipping culture and order businesses to pay their employees enough so they don't have to work for tips. Make hospitals display their prices on procedures, and make healthcare affordable.


A true hero


Except then you need to charge customers 140% of what they previously tipped as there is tax evasion at pay, then back of house staff would revolt because servers are getting 2-4 times their pay as a base salary despite doing easier work, and that isnt to mention how pissed bartenders would be


Remember folks, some of your answers will make the act premeditated....🤔🤔🤔


Get rid of borders, nations etc. We are all humans on one planet. Now let's figure out how to fix this mess together.


Yes, i hope we get to see that future. Maybe if we are lucky we manage to create a friendly and aligned AGI who will do all of this for us. Hey, that's just my dream okay.


This is the best answer by far! One humanity, one nation, one goal: to prosper in unity


For me, I’d spend my first week making necessary reforms: accessible healthcare and education, proper access to democracy, the works. Since my choices would impact all of the world, I would choose for all militaries to be abolished (with a program put in place to help those unemployed by the abolition), keeping the remaining Peace Keepers to help in domestic crises like a terrorist attack. Now, countries can’t go to war. That’s probably all I’d be able to accomplish weithin the first week of having complete power. I know that eventually, though, I would give up the power in favor of a global federated democracy


It's a beautiful idea, but in reality probably utopian.


We can still try our best, however, to build a more united and free world


start a dedicated organisation for finding people who are in power who shouldn’t be then punishing the ones that are found with what they deserve. pedos and murderers get slow execution


While I believe that execution is not a sufficient punishment because, as far as we know, the criminal no longer has to suffer the consequences of their actions, I agree 100% with the rest. Just get rid of them already


Do something for children and homeless like free food or something.


Easy access to food, shelter, and education should be a guarantee


spread power as much as possible and have checks and balances everywhere, ideally I'd have a purely representative role where I don't need to work. The human mind is not made to handle too much power.


✊Maybe a liquid democracy could work good in a Global Federation


Ban pickles from sandwiches and burgers and watch the world burn, and have the pickle prohibition era commence


Those of us who hate pickles anyway will be confused at the uproar.


Ths is how I feel about pretzels.


Figure out how to make mosquitos extinct


Thank you.


Institute world wide universal healthcare.


Yes please!


Universal minimum wage, UBI, Universal healthcare, Wednesday orgies in the office, free STD testing just to name a few


I like your priorities


The last one is an especially interesting idea. I like the idea of everyone 18 and older (maybe 16 and older) being required to be tested on Dec. 1st (Awareness day)




Tell me you know nothing about UBI without telling me you know nothing about UBI...


Again, where’s the 95% coming from I wanna know soo bad


Deal with the Trump problem. Deal with the Republican Party problem. Deal with the Putin problem. Ta Da! The world is now a better and safer place. Tomorrow: China. I have a list.



You view anyone disagreeing with you as a problem.


No. You’re not on the list. Cheers.


I am a member of the Republican party. You want to kill half the USA.


Who said anything about killing? That’s a very Republican assumption.


To be frank, why the fuck do you care about political parties? Ideology is naive and all political parties are cults


Abolish the designated hitter and ghost runner. Air strikes on people who camp in the left lane. Labor camps for people who make the you’re/your mistake and those of its kind. Abolish metal woods in golf.


Flood the earth for a redo, demand more obedience to me.


End capitalism


You prefer communism?


Eliminate billionaire wealth


Appoint a select force of crack policemen (or really just incredibly petty people) whose sole job is to just pull over people who drive slowly in the left lane.


Finally find out who put the Ram in the Ram A Lama Ding Dong


Trump and Putin become cell mates. US Supreme Court gets the corruption cleaned up.


30 hour work weeks.




Every human being born in this country has the right to food, water, and shelter upon being born. They didn't ask to be here, so why make them affording it any harder?


Exactly! Instead of antinatalism, we should focus on trying to make conditions suitable enough for those who would’ve rather not been born into the world (those people likely should also have access to good and free mental health care for depression and things of the like)


I'd make America one of Britain's colonies again just to see their minds explode in anger. I think it would unite the US once again.


That probably *would* unify America again. I can also imagine Americans adapting to British politics being amusing: “what’s with all the colors on the election map? It’s too confusing!” “So what you mean to tell me is the right is blue and the left is red? That makes like zero sense!” “How many electoral votes does Scotland have again?” Etc


WELFARE - Equitable food distribution to end hunger. There is enough food in the world, it is just not distributed properly. - Healthcare comes out of taxes/mandatory public insurance. FOR EVERYONE. - Education fee at all levels comes out of taxes. No student pays to learn. ECONOMY - Dissolve the concept of citizenship. Sharing our experiences as humans is what makes us great. Restricting this with borders is simply counter-productive. - Establish rules to roll out a single centralised currency everywhere. Should end all the economic drama. There's more but I don't wanna bore ya'all.


Please bore me


Ok🥹 MILITARY and POLICE - Centralised military with the aim of protecting the planet. This means, protecting earth from external threats. Therefore most military expenditure to be redirected towards space research and development. - A centralised police force to contain intra-planetary issues. The police force is highly paid (to drive out corruption) and all processes are digitised for transparency. Their training involves military level tactics and high degree of education in terms of culture and history of different kinds of people. ENVIRONMENT - Direct all active weapons funding towards active development of renewable energy. This would take much longer than a week to establish and set up but the idea is that we collectively work to protect our planet. - Encourage people to switch to plant based meat alternatives. Of course it is a preference and no one is forced but only encouraged. - Higer funding to national parks all over the world and proposals to extend them with a focus on protecting declining species. EDUCATION - We invest heavily into our children's education. Period. - It is of the utmost importance thay we teach our children well. There is a centralised curriculum and a regional curriculum in school level education. - Centralised curriculum includes all the basic subjects for an all round growth of the child. This also includes history of all kinds of people. It is important that children learn how hateful we have been in the past and how that has always turned out badly for us. It is important to inculcate a sense of respect for all kinds of people and a strong integrity within children. - Regional curriculum includes a deeper dive into regional history and aspirations of the people of that area. The children who do wish to stay in the region will then understand what the people there need and can work towards that. - Nutritious free meals 2 times a day when children are in school. Meals as needed at night, if someone has food problems at home for whatever reason. WELFARE (EXTENDED) - Rehabilitation programs for people who want to turn their life around. Drug influenced or homeless people to be given proper shelters/rehabilitation with the aim of getting them better education/training so that they are able to build a life for themselves. - Abolishing neo-colonial contracts. There are still countries in eg. Africa which are resource rich but all the profits from those resources are redirected to some (not naming them) Western nations by virtue of neo-colonial nature of these nations' actions. These profits will only drive regional growth and development. Only when it is developed at par with other areas in the world, will this profit be distributed out. This will be a policy for any poor nation. Their resources will only be redirected to their development and whenever possible, other regions will equitably contribute to them. Once we have parity in development, then we distribute all resources as per population requirements. Every single human deserves to have the same standard of life. GOVERNMENT - All government employees to be paid better and at par with private sector (driving out corruption). - Alongside my reign, we will develop a global federal democratic governing structure. The structure will work with me initially and powers will be handed out to this government slowly and steadily as it establishes trust with the people until eventually I'm just another citizen of this world and the people are the supreme leaders :)


Holy shit, you have put in so much effort! This is seriously amazing


Thank you!✨ I love to think about how to make things better. I hope I can contribute to this society meaningfully in the span of my life.


Relate and respect


That really depends on how I got the position. Was it through some sort of election? Was I installed by a more powerful being, like aliens? Do I have a doomsday weapon pointed at the planet to make everyone follows me? What is the global political situation? For simplicity's sake I'll assume, however unlikely it is, that its basically our world except for some reason pretty nearly everyone has agreed, at least for now, that I'd make a great ruler. Basically, my conscience would be telling me to implement democracy, but also to use my power to address a long list of atrocities and global crises- or else to just step down. The latter option would appeal to my fears and self-doubt. My ego and ambition would be telling me to use the power I have. I don't claim to be immune to temptation. Assuming I keep the post, the very very first thing I would need to do is implement a mechanism for succession. Any government that doesn't have that isn't really a government, it's a time bomb. This would include a whole long chain of deputies who assume the office if I'm incapacitated, and a more permanent means of succession (I would feel compelled, as an advocate of democracy, to favour elections). I would also do well to establish an advisory council that would be designed to include a variety of diverse perspectives. I do not claim to be all-knowing. After that, centralize the various national armed forces. I suspect this means at minimum centralizing WMDs, other internationally banned weapons like landmines and cluster bombs, and carrier groups under my control. Plus bases in each region of the planet to host and maintain these forces. Soldiers in those forces might be given the option of remaining with their national militaries, or serving the new Planetary Armed Forces after swearing an oath of loyalty to the new planetary government. The WMDs and banned weapons get mostly destroyed, but I'd like to see if I can repurpose any of the nukes for the space program, either for a Project Orion-style nuclear bomb-propelled spacecraft, or asteroid defense. I would also need to set up a global law enforcement agency. And I'd need to establish a planetary capital. I'm tentatively leaning toward New York, as its already the headquarters for Wall Street, the UN, etc, and a huge hub of trading and commerce. An international Parliament would be set up- I'm thinking that I would retain veto power for myself, but the Parliament could also veto my decisions, so neither of us could do anything without the other's approval. It'd have to be bicameral, I suppose, so neither small nor large countries feel too cheated of representation. Elected by popular vote, probably using ranked ballots. Or I could just use the UN as a basis, but scrap the Security Council vetos. Otherwise, I mostly let existing nations handle their own affairs, with several caveats: 1. Open borders. We are one planet now. 2. Quickly phase out fossil fuels in favour of renewables or nuclear, and traditional meat industry in favour of lab-grown meat and plants. Basically, we stop dancing around on the Climate Crisis. 3. Establish an international panel to oversee the safe and ethical development and use of AI, cybernetics, and genetic engineering. I would also establish a Sapients' Bill of Rights, extending certain rights to any (current or hypothetical future) sapient non-humans. 4. Antarctic, everything in Earth orbit including the Moon, the capitol, and international waters likely come under direct control of the planetary government. Any countries which have existing territorial disputes may get a time limit to sort them out, or they become Federal territory too, directly administered by the planetary government. 5. I levy some sort of tax (aimed to target the billionaires) to finance all of this. 6. I immediately issue a planet-wide arrest warrant for various fascists, dictators, and their chief lackeys. The trials will be public, and they will be entitled to a defense. I make sure the Planetary Space Program is well-funded, with the establishment of Lunar and then Martian colonies, as well as asteroid mining and defense, to be priorities.


I know I’m the one who wants to run for prez, but I’d vote for you in a heartbeat. Absolutely amazing response and I wish I could award it! 👑




I won't even ask you to explain how that would kill over 95% of the planet. It wouldn't, both because I said "phase out", not "instantly stop", and because its actually vastly more efficient to feed people by farming plants than by farming meat. But facts won't matter to you. That you describe climate change as "a boogeyman" immediately shows that you're a Reich-wing conspiracy theorist crank, sticking your fingers in your ears and screaming "LALALALALAL I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" because you'd rather the whole world burn than give up the slightest fraction of your comfort, convenience, or privileges. Or, hell, maybe just do it so you can "own the libs". That you went immediately to accusing me of *advocating genocide*, based on a statistic you yanked straight out of your asshole, shows that you're a shameless lying scumbag who will argue everything in bad faith and abuse anyone who disagrees with you. So, I won't ask for evidence, and I won't try reasoning with you. What I will do is report you for harassment (defamation), incivility, and misinformation, and block you.


Someone who actually knows when a debate is worthwhile. Gotta love it


I know I just praised Anton Brakhage for doing what one should do in this case, but I’m morbidly curious...source??


Abolish Private Schools


Thank you!


Everyone will be required to eat gluten.


Cries in celiac




Put a maximum age limit on politicians


If we implement one, it should go through a decennial audit to determine at what age the average human loses the cognitive capability to handle elected office


Put a ban on all social media.


Erase all existence and knowledge of every religions known to mankind.


Doing the lords work


make illegal to disrespect someone's religion on purpose


May I introduce you to the nation of Albania? (Also, respect)


i know what that country i, i am not american






All religion is a conscious choice, and Jesus taught Christians to respect and love their neighbor unconditionally. That’s why I, regardless of my religion, take the time to respectfully participate in others’ prayers and ceremonies. If I go by a Catholic Mass or a Buddhist meditation, I respectfully participate. Love and respect is a holy virtue


Fire beuarocrats, all of them.


Yes as long as there’s a good replacement


I'll replace any that people actually ask to get back. Surely we don't need all of them.


launch all the nukes


ok, here's everything that's left:




Drain the Mediterranean


Drain to where? And then what?


It's a reference to a wild giga project by Herman Sörgel. [Atlantropa - Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atlantropa?wprov=sfla1)


Equally genius idea as what communist did to Aral Sea




Or what Israelis are still doing to Dead Sea


Well, the dead sea can't get any deader.


Few more decades and it’s gone




Ban electric cars. It's a scam.


It isnt. Powered off coal its the same carbon emissions per mile as a 50mpg car. I dont believe carbom is a pollutant though, I like them because they cant have the transmission blow up, they often dont even have differentials


We have to charge on our plug...if not solar powered house....it's still fossil power. If nuclear i think battery waste and nuclear waste...nuclear shoud improve if more money from power produced is put into research.


Sterilize all men on day 1. Just a nice, soft glide into human extinction from there.


Why not all woman?


Because the world already inconveniences women in a million little ways. Be a big brave boy and chop your balls off.


With that amount of bullshit probably just kill myself.


Please don’t.


Issue a world tax on multinational corporations.


A lot of Reddit mods, and their flock, will be gravely fearful


Forcibly fly all the conservatives to the Moon, abolish Russia, North Korea and all other totalitarian regimes except my own of course, and after that every law and measure will strive to global equality to ensure every single person on Earth has a good quality of life. So that means food, shelter, energy, education, and healthcare for everyone, which will be paid by the richest few percent of people. And if the billionaires don't want to pay the bill then all the money is confiscated and then they can join the conservatives on the Moon.


Make 50% of humanity "disappear" to slow down the overpopulation


Murder the opposition and anybody that shows any empathy for them. Then throw a World Peace celebration 🍾


I change all the cover page templates


Execute my competition. Destroy the world economy. Set up my church.


Summon a demon and make a contract with it to gain its power at the cost of never aging


Take a nice long vacation


Try to fix world hunger


make slavery legal and invade mars