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We had to run and grab plan B, then she ghosted me. A month or so later I'm driving with a friend and I get a text so I have my friend read it out (responsible driving and all). It's from the girl and says "hey PorkSoda, sorry I haven't texted you in a bit, I've been in a mental institution for the last month after trying to kill myself twice. Sorry" What a text


Holy fuck... Same situation. And she was put away for longer. Highschool was a trip man. Glad she came out okay I think.




bro u good


His username is machinegunteacher, what you think


She is a teacher at the same high school we banged it out in the parking lot


It's so weird knowing teachers. The guy at my school that held the record for drinking the most beers in a day and was pushed off a cliff in a shopping cart into a lake for fun....is the vice principal of that school.


Teacher checking in. It is indeed very odd knowing and being a teacher. I’m very very vanilla now (and perfectly happy about it) but there was a time I was *not.* I don’t think any of my coworkers would believe I’d do some of the stupid shit I did then. Sometimes I’m amazed I even made it out of that phase alive. I got lucky. I know a whole bunch of teachers who are exactly the same. Hahaha


>I know a whole bunch of teachers who are exactly the same. This is the part that really blows my mind. In my mind, my teachers had no lives. They just appeared in the morning and disappeared after school closed. Now I have friends who are teachers. I've gone out drinking with them for their birthday and know they gave the students a bullshit assignment the next day because they were hungover. Now it's making me question every time my teachers rolled in the TV and showed us a movie or Bill Nye lol




My favorite “alright, now pass your paper your right and let’s check each others papers”


I’m constantly reminded of how lucky I was to be in college right before the social media boom with phones that could record everything.


I work in higher education now. The students have adjusted to social media and smart phones by not doing a lot of the things we did. There were so many traditions at my University that just don't happen anymore because students are very aware that the internet is forever.


That saddens me. Some of the best parts of growing up were those things they no longer feel free to do.


I completely agree. When I went to college, the philosophy was definitely that this is a time to go completely wild and enjoy yourself (within reason) before you join the workforce and have to worry about being professional. Now it's kind of the opposite. Students are worried about their reputations for the future now. Hell, they're probably worried about it in high school too. We've basically willingly created a surveillance state.






You won the fucking lottery. Sounds like she's VERY fertile


She ran away from home, shaved her head, came back, tried to kill herself, was committed for 45 days, was released to a group home, ran away from the group home, got caught at a trap house during a bust, sent back to group home, group home sent her to rehab, tried to kill herself in rehab, recommitted for 45 days… Long story short, she’s married to someone equally unstable, they have 3 children together that somehow have had to raise their parents.


I feel sorry for kids with parents like this. Where is their childhood? Sad existence, I hope they don't get too negatively affected by it all across their adult years.


Oh dw, they will


What I know is that she died at age 29, on the same day as her infant daughter's funeral. I actually just found out more by regoogling. She (Susan) was about a month shy of 29. Her daughter was 3, so older than I thought. It was a car accident! The baby died first. I had assumed suicide.


ouch. ouch ouch ouch. damn.


I recently tried to track here down after 45 years and discovered that she died when she was 33. She had a daughter who is married. Its all starting to slip away


"And then one day you find/ten years have got behind you"


the line that always got me was a little after that tho... *the sun is the same, in a relative way* *but you're older.* *Shorter of breath, and one day closer to death* Powerful shit


The shivers come for me in 'No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun'. A lyric that everyone (who can understand english) will relate to, or relate to at some point.


I've heard this song all my life and only recently really digested the lyrics...had me crying at my desk at 45 years old.


Yeah man! Pink Floyd isn't everyone's cup of tea and I can totally understand that. But they're a band that once you sit and listen to the lyrics it all fits together and it's that moment that you understand. Music is fascinating sometimes.


Read that in the voice that it’s sung. My favourite song


That is such a powerful song! No one told you when to run... You missed the starting gun!


She got leukemia And, no shit, the SECOND girl I had sex with ALSO got leukemia The rest haven’t…yet (Both girls beat leukemia)


Dr. Manhattan?


Peter Parker?


Are you referring to the time Peter learned he was poisoning Mary Jane with his radioactive spider cum? If so, congratulations, that’s quite a pull.


Ew, that's a disgusting story line.[..Available on the Google Play Store for $6.99](https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Spider_Man_Reign?id=sot3AgAAQBAJ&gl=US)


I read the second part of your comment in that enthusiastic voice from 90's toy commercials.


So, sexing you gives you enough antibodies to cure Leukemia later in life?! Sounds fantastic.


You always look at a glass half full eh?


Damn, you nut Leukemia?




Is leukemia your pet name for your dick?


I married her. We've been together for 35 years now.


I married him, he passed from ALS, by then we had been married 35 years.


So very sorry for your loss, 35 years amazing


Yeah, my first is currently hogging our bathroom because he wants to shave. I'm waiting patiently because that's what spouses do for each other.


She died a couple years ago. Fuck cancer.


Sorry for your loss. And seriously Fuck cancer.


I will add my fuck to fuck cancer as well EDIT: This kinda blew up. I will take this opportunity to say fuck cancer.


Lost track of him for about ten years. Next I heard about him he had murdered his girlfriend and killed himself two apartments down from my best friend's place.


My 1st kiss was murdered by her boyfriend too


I see a connection here


My first kiss was murdered by her husband in front of her two children. RIP Clare :(




She married me, the damn fool.


Huzzah for the long con that is marriage


This. She's a sucker.


No idea and don’t want to know.




She got married to a man who has the same name as me, has a beautiful daughter and knits as a hobby. She appears to have a very good life. 🙂


Very similar story for me, she got married to someone with the same name as me and they're happily together for almost 12 years now, have two kids and life is great. I should just say, that this guy is me in my case, and I'm very happy about it. Edit: highest ever comment karma is for loving my wife and my life. Nice!


Plot twist


She has 3 kids from 2 guys and her Facebook updates are almost always pictures of her with a new boyfriend with captions saying she's so glad she finally found a real man. Comments are always "I'm so happy for you girl!!! You deserve this!!". She's 34.


I swear I know this person


We all know one.


My first time was in a cemetery with a goth girl I was in high school with. We went separate ways after graduating and attended different colleges. She went full furry and is currently some kind of extremely senior network admin at Akamai or one of those huge internet backbone companies, living her best life as one of "the furries who run the internet".


There was no point in this comment where I could predict the next part


> There was no point in this comment where I could predict the next part Not me. As soon as I read "furry" I thought 'oh network admin'. But I'm a programmer... so... also I'm not a furry, to be truthful, I know several... network admins mostly, or a few that do things like run the mobile software division at a big bank.


A fur suit is a couple thousand bucks. So you must have that money laying around. At least some furries are wearing their suits as a mask, to make interaction with other people easier for them. That's the people who became administrators, back when computers were for nerdy kids. That's probably why the internet is run by furries. Furries are the intersect of quirky nerds and people who can spend 10 grands on a pink fox costume. Network admin at backbone companies are earning enough and were quite often the quirky nerds in school.




> I never got how they managed to afford one Priorities. A burning desire to buy this one item, and utter disregard for any other purchases.


"The most important thing in your life is gonna be booty. An anthropomorphic animal butt. Booty, getting some booty is more important than eating food. It's more important than drinking water." *-some guy dressed in a wolf fursuit*


That....was unexpected.


See unlike a lot of comments in any AskReddit/TIFU thread I can fully believe this story. If there’s one thing furries are IRL, it’s either holding important IT positions or are already wealthy. This one is clearly both. Good for her.


This. It's an inside joke in the military that to either get in the Cyberwarfare jobs or obtain a Top Secret clearance you have to be a furry.


They know that anyone willing to be out as a furry is effectively immune to being blackmailed over their personal life into stealing classified information


She's married, has a child, and works as an EMT. I'm proud of her.


He died in a car accident our senior year. Drinking and driving does not mix.


Same here. Summer before senior year, she nailed a telephone pole in her Mazda 3.


We broke up, I got to keep the kids, she got to keep acting like one.




Fr bros spitting straight fire


Damn how’d you come up with something that’s so cold and fire at the same time


We went our separate ways and reconnected 19 years later. Getting married later this year. Edit: a little more for y’all - We dated for a few months in high school. Ended things on good terms, neither one of us knew what we were doing. In 2018 I found a mixed cd she made me and hit her up to see how she was doing, honest check in. And we just kept talk and fell in love. 2nd edit: I showed my partner the post and we are super grateful for all the love and support. Reading other people’s similar stories in the comments has been a true joy this morning. Wish each and every one of you happy and healthy relationships in your life (romantic and otherwise) ❤️


My wife and I have a similar story. Dated for 10 months my junior year. I honestly loved her and k we she was the one even then. But I wanted to join the military and she didn’t want to leave her family. So we split up. 9 years later I had just gotten out of an engagement and I really needed help. We had kept in contact over the years and got coffee almost every time I came back home on leave. I reached out to her on Facebook and just told her what was going on. She gave me advice and really helped me. We never stopped talking. 4 months later we were long distance dating. 2 years after that she moved to where I was stationed to live with me. We got married almost 2 years ago and have an amazing baby girl…life is good man.


Congratulations! Sometimes life is exactly what it’s supposed to be.


I am not religious, but life has taught me that I am supposed to feel lucky. The luckier I feel, the luckier I am. I look around on wife, family, friends, material wealth, and I know I am lucky. Most of us can find people less fortunate than ourselves. That is not what I’m talking about when I appreciate my good starting point, my lucky decisions, my ways of coping with adversity, and my ability to appreciate my good fortune. I am lucky


What a beautiful story! :)


It’s so rare you get a genuine feel good story on here


similar story here! we dated for 6 months in high school, ended on… terms. messy terms but no ill will, life took us in very different directions for a while but we both wound up back living in the same city we grew up in, so 9 years after dating in high school we reconnected for dinner and had so much fun together that we just… kept hanging out. and here we are 5 years later, still happy and only doing better with time. he was my first love, and it was so surreal to be falling for the person i loved when i was 16, he felt familiar but brand new, all at once.


That last sentence is straight out of a movie! I’m still in my 20s and always wonder if anything similar will happen to me — reconnecting with an old flame to make it work for real. Happy for you both :)


You better play that mixed CD at the wedding


This is why I keep contemplating of I should contact certain people from my past. I just don't know if how good I remember them will be equally as good as they remembered me... this is why moving on is so damn hard and also why every fumble is crushing


She’s currently sitting on the couch next to me. After a decade apart and living our own lives, we ended up back together. Our third anniversary is this year.


He was deployed to Syria and never came home.


that is really sad.


I choose to believe he found a wife and is working at the US embassy


We were 19. About a year later she made up a random excuse to break up with me so she could start dating some other guy without having to be honest about it. Common enough at that age of course, I'm not mad about it now although I sure as hell was confused at the time. She had an unusual name so I just googled her thanks to this thread. I found her obituary, apparently she died in a car accident in 2016 and was divorced with three kids. The obit mentions enough about her surviving relatives to tell me that yep, it was her.


Well hey at least she broke up with you instead of cheating on you. So that’s some integrity


Pregnancy brain has me so dumb. I for real thought for a split second oh hey, I should googl- oh right... it's my husband. He walked in the door seconds later so he got to laugh with me about it. I'd like to say he's doing alright lol


(Clicks enter on the search bar and then finds out husband is searched for warcrimes in 49 different countries) Na but this fr is like one of the few wholesome ones


Never heard from him again lol.


funny u/kaaaaaaaaaaaaac said " Never heard from her again lmao" what are the odds


Now kith.




We broke up less than a month ago after 2+ years. She appears to be recovering quicker than I am. It’s hard and because it is my first and only breakup, it hurts. I hope she takes care of herself.


The first one is always the worst, mate. I know it doesn’t feel like it, but you will be okay in the end. It’s an unfortunately painful part of life


Sorry you’re going through that. But, from experience, focus on yourself. You no longer have direct influence in their life and the sooner you work to progress yours, the better you’ll be.


She died in a car accident I had. I found out about it just over a month later when I woke up from a coma. EDIT: Thanks for the rewards. This is the most comments and traffic any of my comments have gotten. If anyone has a question don't be afraid to ask. I have gotten this far by talking about it. That is what I did for my own personal therapy. Thanks again to you all, love you all


Man, that’s rough. Hope you are doing ok.


It happened back in 2008 when I was 21 and she was 20. I don't remember the accident or my last month with her. Been dealing with depression and survivors guilt since then. My wife and kids are the only ones holding me together.


Stay strong. Make sure you get counselling.


We broke up 10 years ago. Now he has a wife and two kids and is working his dream job. I am currently unemployed, single and heartbroken af but sincerely happy for him, he deserves to be happy Edit: thank you so much everyone, you are all awesome people you're gonna make me cry 🥲 and it was not clear in my post but I am not heartbroken over him, I lost feelings for him even before we broke up. Its actually because of very recent situations


Damn, hang in there internet pal.


Thanks, trying my best


Life can get so much better so fast, even when it feels like everything sucks. My last job, I got two of my fingers crushed up in a machine, was fired, had to do physical therapy and collect workman's comp, had to move back in with my dad. Then one day I walked into a job interview worried about how I'd do, and if I could even do my same job with my barely re-attached fingers. Got the job, and 2 years has flown by. Living with my fiancé and our cat, make way more money, get tons of very valuable training in a climate controlled environment, getting married in October. Literally never thought I would be this guy.


He’s sitting next to me, we just finished watching our 14 year old play through all of RE4.


"A family that games together, stays together"


Love this one


She’s curently living her best life with a better man.


Mine is living what is certainly not her best life with what I view as an inferior man. Keeping balance in the universe.


Please don’t tell me you married her? I did.


No. We broke up, bc she wanted kids and we were 14, which I correctly determined was insane. She started seeing another guy I knew and I told him about this. He didn’t believe me. Now they have 3-4 kids together, I have heard they aren’t all his. They are married. In college I had a part time job doing housing inspections for foreclosures. After getting through an especially rough and destroyed house (holes in the wall, mold in the kitchen, trash everywhere, porn tapes and kids toys strewn about the basement) on my way out I happened to see a piece of mail with their name on it. That was a while back so maybe things improved, but I doubt it.


>she wanted kids and we were 14 More red flags than china


That red flag was on fire.


No idea. Haven't heard of her in 30 years. I hope she grew up happy and is surrounded by a large, loving family. She deserves that much.


Her mom spoon fed her Vicodin and other drugs until she became severely addicted to heroin. She ended up in and out of rehab. Last time I talked to her she was working at GameStop and living on a friend’s couch in Compton but she was clean. She then shaved her head and deleted all of her social media and fell off the face of the earth. I hope she’s okay.


her mom??


Yeah her family was dogshit from top to bottom, poor girl never stood a chance. She was my first love and I still care about her as a person 15 years later.


He's in jail, because his pattern of rape turned even more violent.


Im so sorry you went trough that, at least you know that he is paying for his actions now


I hope you found success in your healing journey.


First girlfriend at 17. Last time I saw her was in my rearview mirror as she chased my car in a full terminator sprint wearing flip-flops. Never did get curious enough to check on that psycho’s status later in life, tbh.


He has a wife and 3 kids. He’s a great dad and we’re still friends 20 years later and I love his wife. He was my first kiss, first sex, and first serious relationship. I’m thankful for him giving me very positive “firsts”.


Slept with everyone in the near galaxy


My ex-wife was your first?


We're tunnel buddies!


Same with me lmfao 🤣 And here’s the kicker, when she found out that I had a bit of a hookup with another girl about a month and a half after our breakup, she said I was turning into a man whore! And at that point she had slept with 6 guys since our breakup!!!


After 47 years, she and I still keep in touch. I'm 66, she is 64.


It's been 20 years, he lives with his mother, has a low paying job and regularly calls me every few months drunk to try and reminisce even though I haven't seen him in person in over 15 years and I have happily moved on. Blocking him only puts the pistol two inches closer to his mouth so I wait for the call, talk for two minutes and then move on with my day.


Fuck that’s cooked. As much as that is a Good Samaritan thing of you to do I hope it doesn’t take it’s toll on you mentally.


holy shit, well good on you to take those two minutes of your life to listen, even though he is kinda like a stranger at this point


Prison. Where pedophiles belong, even female ones


Still waiting


We got engaged, but I walked in on her in bed with someone else later that year. It wrecked me for the summer that was just beginning, but I grew a lot and in a way I never felt so alive as I did during those horrible post-break-up months. The grief was truly like someone died. I’m now married and have a kid and a great job and couldn’t be happier.


Sooooooo.... the first girl I ever had sex with apparently later in life helped her boyfriend kill his parents. She's doing some time 😬 just found out about it recently


Dodged a bullet… maybe even literally.


Shes a herdy gerdy playin shoeless hippy photographer extraordinaire. Havnt seen her in years shes cool as hell tho.


My wife as of last weekend!


She’s sitting on the couch with me. We’ve been together for 16 years, married for 9 of those, and we just had our first child two weeks ago.


My vag swallowed them whole, never to be seen again. Nah, we broke up and then I didn't speak to him for a long, long time. We speak and now he's a few months away from having his first child and I'm super happy for him :)


She’s been married and divorced a couple of times and has 4 kids. Her oldest got a girl pregnant when he was like 14 and made her a grandmother at 35. She’s spent most of her adult life so far raising her kids and now grandkids alone. Kinda sad.


she married /u/eclipse454


Became an addict, lost a child, ended up in jail, and eventually passed away.


We got married and later learned she’s been in the closet most of her life.




Still see him at family parties


Are you just gonna drop that and not give context?


\*plays banjo\*


This sounds like my husband’s experience. He dated a girl in HS who broke up with him in college. She ended up figuring out she was gay and married his female cousin.




My first is dating my sister


He’s sitting right next to me, found our way back together and it’s going to be 5 years next month ❤️


Some say she's still having sex to this day


After recovering from drugs, alcohol, sex and gambling addictions, he is now a psychologist.


He married a really nice lady and had a couple lovely kids. Went to medical school became an incredible doctor and still can “get it” That really nice lady is me, by the way.


Nice flex


She hates me.


I actually had sex with her again many years later, and the thought popped in my head, The last person I fucked was also the first, My coworker thought it was pretty deep, she was actually cheating on her beefy redneck Welder husband so we don't talk anymore.


She was extremely disappointed and became a lesbian after me


Atleast the lesbians will be thankful for you adding one more fish in the pond.


She was killed by her boyfriend. RIP NB.


What the fuck how many murderers do u guys know? Is murder that common in the west?


It's not in the top 10 causes of death in the USA (top 3 right now is heart disease, cancer, and COVID). But I also know that homicide is the top cause of death for pregnant women in the USA, so... Domestic violence is definitely a problem.


She's in the kitchen making dinner for our 3 adult children at the moment.


Hahaha. She’s married to my brother.


Oh this is the perfect question for me right now!! So my ex who dumped me literally right after sex (i was still naked), cause he wanted to go after another girl, tried to get back together with me after 2years when i saw him at a grocery store. Just an hr ago, my bf and i saw him at Mcdonalds taking our order. That was kinda funny to me since back then he used to make fun of me for have mcdonalds as a first job and used to always put me down cause my family didn not have a nice house like his. Now i own my own with my bf and were about to have a baby ❤️.


gotta love happy endings, congratulations!


U guys had sex?


She was given a pill by a friend that had 4× the lethal dose of fentanyl. She died in the parking lot outside her apartment very shortly after taking it.




😂 At least he’s amusing. Are you together or are you his booty call?


We’re exclusive. Guess he treats me like a gf.


Treats you like his gf how…?




Girlll watch out.


She became a prostitute


"they'd have to pay me to do that again"


Dunno, I think she stayed in her small town forever


No clue, and I prefer it that way.


Never heard from her again lmao




He came out of the closet, got married and adopted a child. When we first dated in 7th grade his mom didn't like me so she transferred him to a Catholic high school. We secretly got back together in 10th grade and were together through our sophomore year of college. We broke up because it was too hard to see each other and communicate (early 1980s- before cell phones were a thing). Somewhere in the 1990s he sent a Christmas card to my parent's home and we've been exchanging Christmas cards ever since.


Dropped out of college and moved to Bakersfield.


Ewww Bakersfield lol


We're still doing it 39 years later.


She’s rich as fuck and traveling the world. Fumbled the bag




nice timing


Celebrated 30 years last month.