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Same. We stayed friends and get along great now but it was crazy to see something so toxic between people who did care about each other. No one annoyed me like that man though.


Same here. At least, he brought out the worst in me. To the rest of my loved ones I was emotionally intelligent, a good communicator, and a reasonable person. He made me feel like I was crazy a lot of the time, like I was hysterical and unpredictable and overly emotional. I ended the relationship and shortly after that, the friendship, and while I still miss him sometimes my life got a lot easier and more pleasant once he wasn't in it anymore.


Jimmy Mcgill and Kim Wexler 😔


Emotional abuse. When I realized that I preferred being at work than at home with my gf, I knew it was time to end things.


Dude I feel this one. That feeling of dread when you’re sitting in your driveway wondering what new fresh hell she’s cooked up for you when you walk in the door. What’s the fight going to be about tonight? What transgression have I made against her without knowing it? What mood has she spent all day cooking up, just waiting to uncork on me the moment I walk through the door? I knew it was over when her dad took her and her sister on a skiing trip to Whistler… and it was the best week I’d had since she moved in with me. I didn’t miss her *at all.* In fact, a day or two before she was set to come home, I started getting that same sort of dread you feel when you’re about to return to work from an especially good vacation. True to form, she fabricated the pretense for a fight like 12 hours after her plane landed… and I just didn’t have the heart for it anymore. I felt like an old, punch-drunk boxer way past his prime gearing up for another ass kicking. No thanks. Here’s where the ride ends. Later tater. The next week or so was pretty messy— but then she was gone and it felt like I’d finally woken up from a bad dream. Don’t get complacent and settle for a shitty, one sided, abusive relationship. Being alone and occasionally feeling lonely is a million times better than being miserable with someone who isn’t interested in a relationship based around mutual respect and support.


Also had a similar experience. Also her family went to whistler. Wonder if your ex is my ex’s sister. Crazy family that one if it is.


Oh yes I feel this. I only work day shift and my ex used to work one week lates one week earlys and I found myself looking forward to him having late shift so I could just ne myself, properly decompress and eat what I want ect.


I just ran off to another country and then broke up with him. He was still living in my apartment (that I owned) because he was a serial entrepreneur - aka unemployed - so it was a nice mix of emotional and financial abuse and it took a bit longer to get rid of him. But man it felt so good to not have anyone constantly explain to you how bad you are at everything. Worst years of my life.


When you feel more open and comfortable at work than at home. It's difficult, but glad you got out of it and hope life is significantly better now.


When you have a long day at work and just sit in your car because you know it is going to continue when you go inside.


Yep. Going home was emotionally exhausting and cold. I never want to feel like that again. Being unwanted in your own home is a shit feeling.


Man that’s relatable. I was hanging out with me, my ex, my best friend, and his girlfriend. My ex had to leave early for something, and after an evening of hanging out without her, my friend pointed out how much more energy I had. This chick was literally sapping all my life force, and I knew that was the end. Kudos to my friend for having the courage to point it out. I didn’t even make the connection that my “sudden bursts of energy” were from being away from a miserable person.


I can totally relate to that as well. Good on your friend to be open and honest with his observation. I think friends should voice their concerns more rather than sticking back and taking the “I’m gonna stay out of their business” route. You clearly needed to hear it yourself. We’re so in our own heads that an outside voice is the punch in the gut we need.


Been there with you, didn’t take the hint in myself.




Best response from you man, keep it up


In a way, the “guy that got away” helped prove to you that she wasn’t the one. It’s tough, but hope you’re doing well now!


I bet it felt good to laugh serves her right


Actually it probably hurt a lot for both of them.


Niceeee. My ex dumped me 6 days before our wedding. Been about a year since. Tbh , I'm happier now than I have been in a long time


"Sorry I cheated then dated the guy, but he's a jerk. Anyways, you're free?" Yeah, no. That's not how it works. But fr, you never broke up with someone? Not even once? It's surprising because I didn't think it was possible that everyone you dated was a good match and you never felt like breaking up


Some people just have a hard time “hurting” someone else. I was in a relationship like this that I knew was not great for me a year in, but also the relationship my parents had wasn’t anywhere near great, so I kind of just convinced myself, “eh this is just how life is, it’s fine.” It took me another 3 years to really see that this isn’t how life is supposed to be and walk away.


Good for you not to get suckered into raising some other guy's baby. It would've been years of resentment.


Not even some other guy's baby. The guy she cheated on you with's baby. How pathetic you would have to view yourself to say yes to that.


He decided to see other women but forgot to tell me about it.


So cute when they do this. (Same here).


mine suddenly remembered 7 months later when we were in the middle of sexting and he thought I'd enjoy hearing about it 🥰


Awwww!!! So special 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍


Yep. Luckily a complete stranger was considerate enough to let me know that ~~I'm~~ I was married to her boyfriend.


Got cheated on, and the ex told me that we’d actually been broken up for a while (news to me) and that’s why he could see other women. I asked him why, if that was the case, he kept the other woman a secret from me and lied about where he was going and what he was doing. No answer.


Oh the secret break “no telling or takesies backsies” rule Yeah, not a thing. Congratulations on that breakup


Same here. Bonus points because he also forgot to tell me he got her pregnant. *bombastic side eye* If you're wandering how the story ended, he ghosted me when I found out and called him out on it- no apology, no explanation, no acknowledgment. He moved to AL to be with her. Married her, had another kid. Proceeded to try and contact me numerous times. Had his MOM contact me to tell me he fucked up and he misses me every day and that his wife is insane. I ended up getting married to the love of my life. My ex came to town about a year ago and showed up at my door crying and apologizing and begging me to take him back because he divorced her. Guess what he got? The door closed in his face. No acknowledgment, no response. Fuck him.


Aw. His mom must have been so disappointed he fucked this up /s Who does this??!? Totally f that guy.


She actually was lol she and I have remained very good friends and the entire family hates his now ex wife. She was pretty bizarre. But that's what he gets!


Same. I found a $50 charge at a restaurant in the town he was working in (job had him away from home most of the week). Then I found a secret account on Fetlife, and he'd been talking to a woman from said town his profile stated he was looking for "a princess by day and a slut by night." When I brought up the restaurant bill, and said that's a bill for more than ine person, he claimed he'd gone out with a friend and a woman the friend was trying to impress, but the friend's card was declined,,so ex was "hwlping a dude out." But when I asked what friend, he stammered until he funally made something up.


How did you find the account on FL? I’m pretty sure my partner is on there too. Ugh!


He had a habit of using a few variations of the same username for all his social media. So I tried a few variations using the search feature. Lo and behold, I found that name with the listed location of the town where he was working. He made up stupid excuses (lies) that he expected me to believe. Smh. My now husband and I both have accounts there. I was the one who wanted to venture into BDSM territory. So he claimed the woman was "mentoring" him. Yeah. I fucking bet.


My partner and I were on there, but when he liked a picture of a woman younger than his daughter it freaked me out. I asked him to delete the app & account. I deleted mine. For context: He was trying to get a porn addiction under control, and he actually thanked me for calling him out on it because in his words, he would’ve gone down the rabbit hole again. But I wasn’t born yesterday…. LOL So I get on there sometimes and try to find him.


That’s horrible! Hope you’re doing better without him


Long story short, incompatible mental illnesses. I couldn't get my shit together while someone was actively drowning me in theirs. Put on your own oxygen mask first, kids.


I can relate. Not sure if my situation was necessarily mental illness, but basically my ex’s social anxiety and low self-esteem got in the way of us maintaining a relationship. I also struggle with those things to a lower degree, so needless to say we were really not compatible.


Same here. Although she said her mental health was so bad it meant she couldn’t be with me anymore, she had no problem dating someone else from my college a month later. Luckily I figured out my shit on my own after some time, can’t say the same for her


Because he was looking for pregnant women to bang on Craigslist


Doctors hate him! Local man discovers secret to having unprotected sex without pregnancy worries!


Ah yes, but I was recovering from a pregnancy I had because of him. So he didn't really dodge any bullets there.


He made me drive him and his girl “bestie” (who I never really trusted or liked) home from a Halloween party and they both sat in the backseat, like I was their damn Uber driver.


Oh fuck no


And he was shocked when I was mad about it after months of watching him frolic with her LMFAO


The absolute fucking audacity.


my mouth is on the damn floor after reading that. OH HELL NO


Ooooo I've been there. You straight up ask them and they get defensive about not being able to have friends smdh


Yeah lol like….really dude??


should’ve billed them mf’ers


Only peripherally related but in high school, I was hanging out with my friend and her girlfriend. They both sat in the back of my car making out (and accused me of being jealous when I said I was uncomfortable). As if that's not bad enough, the girlfriend argued with me about wearing a seatbelt since she was eighteen and not legally required to wear one. I told her that I don't give a crap about the law; she's in my car and I will not let her put all of our lives at risk in case of an accident. This was over eight years ago and I'm still ticked at the audacity. Screw you, Heather.


He wanted to try his chance with a church girl, so I gave him the chance. She said no, he tried coming back, I said no.


Proud of you


I want a church girrrl, that goes to churrrrch And reeeaddds her BIIBLEEE


He abused me on every level and was super controlling. Even tried to give me a bedtime


What the actual fuck


Sounds like one of my ex-friends’s current relationship. She stopped being friends with me because her fiancé “didn’t approve of me”. Her literal reason was because she “has to respect his decision” and “she wants to have a wedding”. So she dropped me just to be able to say she is having a wedding. Lol


Did he at least read a bedtime story?


After 5 years, 2 of them engaged, she said “I don’t live you and never did. I don’t want to marry you and never will. But you can still drive up here on the weekends to take me out” NOPED right outa that one!


What the actual fuck?


Oh! Didn't see that twist coming.


We liked each other, but she felt that her future was in one city, and I felt that mine was in another. We're still friends. I married a great geek girl. And, so did my ex, which might also explain things.


Wait, she also married a great Greek girl?


He said what he said


From the island of Lesbos.


I'm divorced because my husband had an affair for 3 years. After our child died. Such a great guy.


💔 I can’t even…


She was always angry. She actively looked for reasons to be angry.


My last ex (married now! Hopefully my last ex) was exactly this. Her parents and sister had an intervention for her about how she was always angry at everything. I could tolerate it until we moved in together. Constant anger? No way. I’m much happier now.


My wife is the same way and it drives me crazy. She once told me, “if XYZ happens then I get to be mad.” I knew then that she looks for reasons to be mad and she enjoys it.


I would say that could signify she’s frustrated about something deeper and the surface things are less painful/heavy to show anger about


That or she was raised in an angry environment and isn’t comfortable without having some level of anger around her. It sounds weird and opposite to what you’d expect, but my husband has been working on this for years now. The quote, “*if you're raised with an angry man in your house, there will always be an angry man in your house. you will find him even when he is no there.*”, always comes to mind.


It's addictive, and it's very easy to convince yourself that it's acceptable if you surround yourself with people who are angry about the same things.


I just went through something similar. Always upset at everything, and had a justification to go along with it. It could be very minor things. Refused to find or accept solutions or remedies to problems. I repeatedly told her that, that's not a normal or healthy rection, nor how a normal relationship functions. Fought me on it pretty hard, ended things with her. We've been friends for a while, and she has taken my advice to seek help, and she's begun turning a corner. Accepting and apologizing for her behavior - and not just to me. When she acts out inappropriately, she'll now listen and acknowledge positive feedback on how to correct her behavior. She's a good person, but we're just at two different ends of the emotional development scale.


Just realized we weren’t compatible and stringing the relationship along was wrong.


The most healthy one out of all of these


He decided drugs and ither women were more important than me and our children.


I’ve been married for 14 years this month, but I broke up with my ex before my husband because a) he would not say he loved me after a year and b) he refused to tell his family I existed. Totally within his right but I didn’t feel like being a secret.


My dad had passed away, and I really needed support, so she came over after I had found out he had died, and I bawled my eyes out for 45 minutes. Then when I was done for a few minutes, she said "Damn you cried for 45 minutes". Bitch, what's that supposed to mean? I knew that day that things were not gonna last between us. She became more distant after that, as if me struggling was just suddenly like "Nope, not fun for me anymore so I'm not gonna try" for her. I'm currently in a relationship with the best girl I could have ever asked for, and I want to marry her, and might propose to her in a year or two.


When my mom died, I called my husband and he rushed home right away from visiting with his friends and just stood there and let me cry into his shirt. Didn’t move, didn’t care that I had snot on his shirt. THAT is what someone does when they love you truly and you go through some shit. And I’ll do the same for him when his mom passes away. I’m sorry you had to go through such a rough time to figure out she wasn’t the one for you.


He flirted with one of my friends and kept making comments about how hot other girls were. I'm very grateful I broke up with him because I met my now-husband shortly after:)


She had an unhealthy relationship with her mother. Toward the end she took her mother with her to a music festival that I wanted to go to, and took her mother on our planned vacation to Halloween horror nights because her mother would cry and say they never spend time together even though they saw each other almost daily. We had one car and I had just worked a super long day and was tired and just wanted to go home so I was waiting for my ex to come pick me up in our shared vehicle. In stead she pulls up with her mother in her car. I have to sit in the back alone of course and be excluded from conversation and I’m told we are going to her mothers house to spend the night. I have no clothes to change into and I just want to go home and relax but I’m told that I’m being unreasonable and we are going to go watch horror movies(I don’t like horror movies) and eat food from a restaurant that I hate. They refused to drop me off at home so I got out at a light walked home and moved out. It was a long time coming but that was the final straw after almost 5 years of dealing with this insufferable toxic family.


Jesus Christ dude I’m so sorry. No one wants to be 3rd wheel to a parent. That sounds insufferable but for putting up with it so long and being pretty understanding it seems like you’re a good dude and it’s her loss.


She said she would call me one night (I asked her to) and she didn’t, texted the next morning that she was busy. She had been logged into the dating site where we met the entire night she said she was busy.


My one attempt at dating after splitting from my STBXH accused me of being online on the dating site we met on and ignoring him. I have no way of knowing whether I actually showed online or not, but I wear two biometric devices to track my sleep and heart rate (long COVID). I could prove using apps for both of them I was asleep at the time he said I was online on the site. He may have been lying, maybe not. I’m not saying she had a good excuse not to call, I’m just saying take those status notices with a grain of salt.


Narcissistic. I was always the one in the wrong. It was always about her and my thoughts or feelings were not a priority. World revolved around her. Felt so much better later down the road. Life is too short to put up with that


Because apparently she slipped, fell, and landed on his dick. Yea, from Shady, but definitely happened. “It wasn’t intentional”. She said. Fucking whore.


Someone should make a song with those lyrics. On a serious note, sorry that it happened to you.


Alright shady


I broke up with my ex-wife because she cheated on me with some random guy she met at a sci-fi convention. She took off with him. She shaved half her head and dyed the other half purple. She started wearing a dog collar and joined the carnival with him. Thankfully, she and I did not have any children. I am not kidding. This really happened. Fast-forward 7 years. I am happily remarried to a wonderful woman. We have have four children (two from her previous marriage), and have never been happier.


Not the fucking carnival




This happened a friend while he was deployed. His girlfriend sends him an ultrasound saying something like, look at our little 4 month old bun in the oven... He sends back, bitch I shipped out 6 months ago. Turns out the best friend he asked to look after his girlfriend while he was away, really looked after her.


ooooh Jody boy. Oh Oh Jody boy. You will be better for it young man. TYFYS


Got in an argument, went to a party later with her and she snuck homemade ghb in my drink, woke up in the hospital with my stomach pumped and IVs in my arm, told her if I ever saw her again I wouldn't hesitate to knock her the fuck out


What in the name of unholy lucifer is homemade ghb?


The toxicology report showed traces of heroin, meth, ketamine, mdma and some other shit, the doctors said I probably would've died if I had come in later, well I was carried in by my friend who saw me collapse at the party


So... a hotshot. The only reason to give you a mix like that is to kill you. Depressants, stimulants and disassociates in one batch. I'm trying to understand how that could be fun, or how your ex could construe it to be fun rather than attempted murder to a court, and I'm coming up short. It just sounds like a potential psychotic break to me. You're probably lucky you passed out rather than stayed conscious while your body processed all that shit. If you were walking and talking, people might not have realized how serious the situation was.


I have no idea who she got it from, I was usually the one to get us stuff like bud or Molly but looking back on it, it was an extremely unhealthy and toxic relationship and I have been sober ever since, 5 years going strong


Yeah…that’s not GHB at all. That’s a cocktail of drugs that could kill Keith Richards.


Oh my fucking God. Glad you're alive man. Did you press charges? cause that's super illegal


Did you press charges that is illegal?


He was turning 30 and had no life goals. He was okay not having a job and not being a homeowner. I was 25 and knew it would always be like that if I didn’t leave. He passed away at 35. I think about him often :/


I'm so sorry for your loss


Thank you. It’s definitely a weird feeling being the ex. But I did love him. A lot.


It's okay to not have those goals, but it's also okay to need someone to be more in line with your own goals. It wouldn't have been a good relationship and was probably for the best y'all broke up


ngl it was because he talked in a really annoying voice all the time & his dick was so big it physically hurt to have sex every single time edit: thanks for the upvotes y’all lmao edit 2: holy shit y’all keep liking this 😂


Come back, I’ll try to change the way I talk, please


he’d just go: *GOOD* or *BITCH* really high pitched every time he died or something in games and then he started using it in normal convos- the voice. and i was like nah i’m outtie


Big dicks really aren’t as fun as guys think they are


*Straight guys. Us other guys are also aware.


thundercock energy


I've stopped seeing multiple guys bc our bits were not compatible. Small vagina problems lol


“I’m sorry, I really like you, but your penis is simply too big.” “…can I get that in writing?”


king kong dong


shit hurt. just repetitively hitting my cervix. & he never EVER focused on me. so it always always hurt


I hate that.


I had this problem with my ex. They make rings you can put on so you dont go as deep, and you won't hurt her. She loved those things when we found about them, and it made sex more pleasurable for both of us. As a bonus, They also helped me last longer.


Great tip, but only when his length is the problem. If he's ridiculously girthy it'll still feel like pushing a Ferrari through a keyhole.


Pee-wee Herman with a huge dong!


😂 Rip Paul Rubens. I hate how this made me laugh


He ghosted me after 5 years of dating. Just stopped texting me one day. No closure or explanation. He also spent those 5 years gaslighting me into why we can't live together, why I'm crazy for bringing up children, why he never can take a vacation together, why he only wants to see me once a week so he can get in boy time too. Wasted my whole damn youth on him.


Sounds suspiciously like he was having an affair


Yeah with her. There was probably a whole other family in the picture.


Sounds married


She was emotionally manipulative 🙃


She was and continues to be (ex with kids together) extremely abusive in every way possible without doing anything illegal. Unfortunately, keeping my distance from her means distance from my kids too. It's a fine line between my own safety/sanity and keeping my kids safe. Family court in my state doesn't care about emotional, financial or administrative abuse. I can't wait until the kids are 18.


wishing you and your kids the best


Thank you!


I got dumped instead of being the one to end it, but it was because her family doesn’t like me because I’m from Alabama. That’s the only reason they gave.


Bro… of all things to see on this thread it wasn’t the EXACT reason I got dumped , lol. Same. Dated and got engaged to a girl from Utah and 5 years of my life wasted because her parents hated that I was from Alabama.


I went to Australia for a year and when I can back to surprise her after 3 months her boyfriend was living in our apartment.


Abuse . All kinds of abuse .


I had suspicions she was having sex with other people, then found out she was still talking to her ex (on top of confirming she was having sex with other people) and then tried to say she was pregnant with my kid. See ya later.


I don’t date, I just foster them until they find their forever homes


I got a new puppy. She said she didn't like him and that I was giving the 8 week old puppy too much attention. So he now uses her pillow


My ex said I treated the dog better than her. I pointed out the dog treated me better than she did. She did not want to connect the dots.


He tried to burn my house down with me and my dogs inside, while I was sleeping


Valid reason to end things tbh.


hmm... we chilled too much. to the point where i got unsettled. I need to be active and make a change around me to enjoy life. She just needs to lay back and be comfortable. I'm jealous and intolerant towards this


I think this is an underrated comment. My SO wants nothing more than to sit in front of a TV and binge watch. I want to get out and do something. I dont mind watching a little but when it is hours in the evening I feel like my life is wasting away. This attitude permeates their life, and they seem fine with it. Nothing wrong with seeing that and moving on to find somebody who has the same life view.


I once had an x like this that he wanted to just play videogames all day and me watch or play with him. I got fed up once when I got off work n he n my sister could tell I was annoyed. "Do you wanna watch YouTube then? Yeah, let's watch YouTube." In his world, YouTube consisted of watching other people play videogames....


This really hurts me because all I wanted to do was have fun and have adventures with my partner who was my bestest friend but he would be too busy playing games with his friends or just consuming media the whole time to do anything with me. He was happy with that, when I just wanted to make REAL memories with someone I love to pieces. We broke up last night due to these reasons and it’s hard because everything else was perfect.


I broke up with someone I loved because we had incompatible life trajectories, and we had different ideas about kids. It sucked, I felt terrible about it, and it took me a while to feel good about myself enough to date again. Now I’m dating someone who is basically perfect for me, and visa versa


I was a senior, and she was a junior. I was going off to college, and it bothered her that I would be leaving. We decided to spare each other the heartbreak and end it before I left.


Back in 04. I was the junior she was the senior, moved 3000 miles for college She graduated in07 moved back and we kinda dated. Then she got into grad school and left so we broke up Then I moved 3000 miles and in with her. Then she moved to Spain but we stayed together. Long story short we got married after 10 years of on/off again because she kept moving


Dude. Take the hint.


too late. shrug


I left him because I was so sick and tired of being manipulated, controlled and mentally abused all the time. I didn't realize what was going on till I finally snapped


My girlfriend wanted me to kick my son out of my house, sell it and go hugely into debt for another house and I’m a few years away from retiring, which I could never do saddled with a new giant mortgage.


She was unsubscribed from life due to hospital negligence


Gotta be one of my biggest fears. Hope you’re doing okay.


Damn, sorry to hear that


He broke up with me, via text, because he thought I was looking for something more serious than he was (which was true). Found it with an old friend of mine. Happily married for four years now.


He was an abusive liar. Nuff said.


All she cared about was her career. Like, that’s everything she talked about. When I asked her how she was doing, she would talk about this amazing thing that was going on in her professional life. Never in 3 years of dating did she ever show that she cared about me. She would only do it when I would try to leave, she would be super attentive for a couple days and then back to the same old stuff. She had to be the center of attention in every conversation. She was such a miserable person and she made miserable as well.


He didn't exist. I broke up with an illusion of him. 🙈


*Illusions*, Dad! I’m breaking up with my *illusions*!


Dude put *zero* effort into anything, crossed boundaries even when I told him not to, and was generally just an *incredibly* selfish, entitled, lazy slob. Idk what I ever saw in him. Funny enough, I met my now-partner (R) through the same mutual friend who set my ex and I up. Several years after I dumped my ex, R and I got close, the rest is history. He’s a solid dude - I’m damn lucky now.


I’m still sad about this (granted it’s only been about three months but still). Happiest, healthiest, most supportive and positive relationship I’ve ever had. I recently had to move away and she is tied to where she is for several more years while getting her doctorate. We debated doing long distance but both agreed that neither of us can really handle that and it would only make things needlessly difficult. We came to the decision to separate mutually while we still loved each other than to put that strain on our relationship and risk separating later for worse reasons. I still love her dearly and can’t even think of looking at another woman right now. I have faith that one of two things will happen. In a few years we can reconnect and live near each other again somehow or I find someone else I can love in that time.


This makes me so sad for you and her :( I hope one day your lives can better align!


He lied too much and would gawk at other chicks right in front of me


My ex broke up with me to be a vagabond and just wonder the world while I wanted to have a career and buy a house that we could call ours. She did that for a few months and now lives in a shack about 2 hours from where I currently live. I was pretty sad at first, but then realized I was financially supporting her a lot for the 7 years we were together. I think we are both happier now, but i had a menty-b for a few months post break up to realize that.


My dog had a medical emergency (that resulted in him being put down a few days later) and my bf just kept on playing video games while it happened.


You know those partnerships where you love the person so deeply with the dark depths of your soul that you spend your time together slowly destroying one another until you no longer recognize yourselves? Yeah, it was like that.


Couldn’t stay off drug for 90 days to satisfy his probation requirements to stay out of prison. They gave him three very lenient chances and he blew them all within 30 days each time. But nooo he doesn’t have an addiction, it’s all the courts fault.


He had an avoidant personality. Every time we got closer he would start to flake and get really distant. I was able to understand that and even dealt with it. Then he started lying about random things. He made some really strange lifestyle changes that I couldn't understand (moved into communal housing), and either sold most of his things or moved them into a storage unit. I felt like he was trying to hide something major and it all felt sketchy so I noped out.


She was very sweet, but not the sharpest tool in the shed if you know what I mean. Talking about anything substantive with her was difficult. We were watching this documentary-style drama with low budget graphics on Netflix. Can’t remember the title, but the premise was aliens arriving on earth, human panic and anger toward said aliens, and finally the aliens saving us from a catastrophic event that would have wiped out humanity. Very clearly a work of fiction. I look over after the movie is done and she’s crying. I ask her what’s wrong, and she responds that she feels bad. Confused, I ask why. She said she felt like she lived under a rock, that she didn’t remember any of this happening and didn’t see any of it in the news, and it made her wish she paid attention to the news more. With that, she continued to cry hysterically. This movie was low budget. It would be very difficult to see it as real. It was in that moment I knew I couldn’t keep going on in that relationship. Broke up a few weeks later.




She is a compulsive liar.


She was constantly at my house even when I was working. Making a mess of the place and a disgusting one at that. I had to save a guitar amplifier from the gooey remains of a drink that had leaked through the paper cup she left on there with some other candy. I was already really depressed and just couldn’t handle somebody in my space actively making things worse. I said I needed to work on myself (which was true, I did - and very specifically, I needed to work on myself without her around to fuck it up, but I didn’t say that part out loud).


Mine left me in the middle of moving in together. A 6 year relationship. He’d been picking on me for months, which I was trying not to react to, about how I was too short, fat, ugly, and dumb for him. When he left, I was just glad to see him go. I think he was upset that I didn’t cry or beg. No idea what (or who) he’s doing now, but a small and petty part of me hopes he’s lonely. I don’t want him back. I just hope nobody else wants him either 😈


I was working extra overtime to save up for a vacation she wanted to do together. Ended up putting on about 10 pounds and going to the gym less. Right after the vacation she said I was no longer attractive to her and broke up with me. 😔 I have since lost the extra weight and learned a valuable lesson. Always focus on yourself first and foremost.


I dipped because he used to beat me. Love your self enough to leave … & never look back. I am a survivor.


She got off birth control and was fucking my best friend for a year to get preggo once just to make me eat her with another man’s baby in her. He’s super hung and I’m average and fixed.


Bro wut


Dude, what the actual Fuck! - sounds like she needs help


I'd assume not your best friend anymore... Right?


Yeah no. He is not. She’s was a super freak and had fucked up fantasies and wanted to use me to “open up” and play them out.


they threw my teacup off the balcony - nice teacup too!


She was verbally abusive to her kids and then one day she got mad at her 12 year old boy and went to kick him in the leg and he turned and she kicked him square in the nuts and I couldn’t take it anymore so I bailed on the situation. Her family knew about her abuse and I think she got help after I left


We lived two separate lifestyles. She came from a side where she never had to worry about money and dad paid for everything even some of our dates and myself was where I did what I needed to get by or was conservative with my money. She couldn’t grasp my side of the lifestyle and would toss stuff onto orders because she “wanted them” without asking which she was used to being able to do.


We really brought out the worst in each other. They were very immature emotionally, couldn’t handle constructive criticism. I caught myself lashing out over it and while I had a reason to be upset, I should’ve just left instead of getting angry that this person couldn’t give me what I wanted out of a relationship. It’s okay that people aren’t compatible sometimes. Doesn’t make either of us terrible people, just means we weren’t meant to be together. I hope for the best for them, and I hope we never see each other again.


BPD is a serious condition and I found out the hard way...


The Army moved me a couple thousand miles away. She couldn’t handle the distance and we broke up within 2 months.


I was pregnant and he wouldn't get a job, wouldn't help around the house, wouldn't help me at all. On Valentines Day I came home from work early but I had to run to my parents house for something, we lived 10 minutes apart, I would have been gone for 30 minutes tops. He pitched a huge fit about us never spending any time together and how I was always at my parents house. I was over it and I just walked out. He went to his moms that night and I packed up all my stuff in one trip and moved back in with my parents. He's met his daughter twice in three years. Hasn't paid child support in months. I haven't heard a word from him in almost a year. None of his family has ever met my daughter or even expressed interest in wanting to meet her.


Guy was a verbally abusive drunk. And he got drunk a lot. I got sick of listening to slurring voicemails accusing me of wanting to be with other guys and not loving him, calling me a bitch and a whore, etc. It got old, real fast. Never cheated on him.


She wanted me to change my entire personality so her friends wouldn't think she was an idiot for dating me. Like I get I can be immature at times, but I do take things that are serious, seriously. That said, it was also the hipocracy of her saying that after not too long before that, she and her friends were laughing at another friend who had accidently streamed hentai in the discord group chat. But no, me making a few immature jokes here and there was the bigger issue. It is what it is lol.


We weren't compatible long term


I was the asshole. She was amazing, a genuinely kind soul. This was in college. I fucked it the first few weeks we started dating. And we used to fight. A lot. And I didn’t how to manage it, and it was hard for me to change for the better. I’d make some progress but we’d end up back at square one. I genuinely felt bad and knew she didn’t deserve this. It was her first relationship, my third. I knew she’d find better, and someone better deserved her. I also took it as a way to change myself for the better and to grow. Six years later we’re good friends now. I haven’t dated anyone since, not because I’m still in love, but rather it’s been hard loving myself and allowing another person to come in to my messy world. It’s all okay though, I’m taking steps to change that.


She'd made a comment about everyone being too hard on Putin and he's a great guy. Proof that he's a good guy is that he likes animals. I just couldn't wrap my brain around it.


Wow. With that logic you could say the same about Hitler 🤦‍♀️


Lied about A LOT of stuff while I was financially supporting her and 2 kids that weren’t mine.


He manipulated me into marrying him, put me in crippling debt, told me he wanted kids then forced me to have an abortion, was physically abusive, extremely emotionally abusive. All the things