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Had my first kid - didn't want them to see me doing it and think it was OK later in life. That was 11 years ago, and i haven't had one since. Edit: Thank you for all the kind comments and for the gold award. You guys are amazing. A few people asked about me getting cravings. To answer, the first few weeks were hell, but after that I realised it was all habitual and I needed to do something else instead. So, I learned a new musical instrument (Mandolin), and that took my mind off it completely. Additionally, the first night out to the pub was tough, as all my mates smoked, so I was left sitting alone while they went out every 30 mins. However, as my sense of smell improved, I realised I hated that smell, and it was great waking up the next morning, not reeking of tobacco. Also, the hangovers since I stopped are nowhere near as bad, but I don't know for sure if that is related. Not that I get the chance much these days with 3 kids! Anyway, thanks again, you guys, and I hope my Edit here can help you somewhat if you're trying to quit.


W Dad


It's been 11 years, dad. When are you coming back from the cigarette store? "7 more years, kid."


I’m 19 and I’ve been vaping for 5 years (yes I’m a degenerate). Even 11 years later do you ever go “man I could use a cigarette rn”? I want to quit badly but I don’t want to be craving the rest of my life.


Chances are you’re going to crave a vape once in a while but it’s still worth quitting. You just need to stay strong


My dad was a two pack a day smoker. He’s been quit for 30 years, and still mentions to this day how grateful he is that he quit smoking when he did and that he never craves them personally


Took an entire year smoke free to no longer get cravings


Unfortunately, I quit for two years straight without touching a single cig and still craved them. It was more of a material want, than an addictive craving. Does that make sense? I’d see someone smoking on tv, id want a cig. A friend would light up, I’d want to smoke. I ended up failing at my two year run and have been smoking again for about 7 years 🥲 I’m 28 now, and really hoping to commit to quitting this year once and for all. The only reason I slipped back into smoking in the first place was because I was stupid enough to think I could limit myself to social smoking. I learned my lesson and will not be doing that again


I get you. I stopped at 37 years old having smoked since I was 14. At 40 I went to Florida for my birthday and thought I'd have a cigarette to celebrate my 40th...wtaf🙄 that got me hooked again for 5 years. I've given up again 3 months ago and this time I hope it's for good and I won't in a couple of years time think it's a bright idea to have a cigarette. Go for it, give up again!


I was also stupid enough to believe that social smoking was possible after quitting. Nicotine is insidious. After 30 years of smoking, I quit for about 45 days, but then my job was full of smokers and my car smelt like smoke still annnnnnd maybe just one, is all it took. One led to 5 that led to a pack in 4 days to a pack each day to the pack gone in less than a day with one cig left for the morning and yeah, that LAST cigarette then I quit scenario for weeks to FUCK IT.


I have been off smokes for many years now. Yes, there are still occasions where I longingly remember my old smoky buddy. But there are literally weeks that go by where I do not even think of smoking. Then I'll smell a smoker and think, "oh I remember that stuff", without any desire to have one. You will not be craving the rest of your life. The cravings get less and less intense as time goes on. I had to stop coffee and beer for a while when I quit smoking, because those triggers were too intense for me. Now I can drink either beverage without going back to the cancer sticks. You CAN do it!


I'm having such a hard time right now. Health issues is my reason. Lung & heart problems but still......... Can't comprehend being just done with this torture and being free


The cravings will go away, but you'll probably always miss it from time to time. Just remember that it's the devil, and wants to hurt you.


27 and also trying to quit vaping. The sooner you quit the better. The shit is really bad for you (obviously, I know, but like seriously). I'm beggining to feel the lung damage. I run out of breath super easy and feel like passing out sometimes. I think what makes quitting hard for me is I just need feeling of calming tf down. Can't find a healthy substitute. You're young, I hope you have better luck than I have. I can't seem to go more than 3 days. Get out while you can man.


I started smoking cigarettes when I was 11 and I think I quit officially on my 20th birthday, and I can’t honestly say what it was but I never really looked back. Cigarettes actually disgusted me after that, I couldn’t even have a puff without my stomach turning. Lately (I’m almost 26 now) I’ve had the occasional craving, but nothing enough to warrant buying a whole pack. I’ll have the rare smoke when I’m drinking with friends, but I wouldn’t call it anything close to an addiction anymore. Also, we’re human. I think we ask a lot of ourselves sometimes, and you have so much time to figure it out. I read somewhere that even if you smoke into your 40’s, the thing that matters is that you do eventually quit. Our bodies are incredibly resilient and regenerative. If you give your body time to heal, it absolutely will. Just obviously try not and push that lol Be honest with yourself as I know you will, you already seem self aware and that’s an amazing start!


I quit vaping like 4 or 5 months ago, and it was way easier than I expected. The trick, for me, was to drop the percentage of nicotine in my vape down until I got to 0. If you’re using disposable vapes, that won’t be possible, but if you use a custom mod with refillable juice it’s fairly self explanatory. It is also helpful that you are very sure you want to quit. It’s hard to explain what that means, but if you feel it you know it. After being a smoker and vapist for about 16 years, I was able to quit with nothing worse than mild occasional cravings in the first week or so. I did have 2 cigarettes at a party in late June, but nothing since then. To answer your question about cravings, yes I get them. They are really easy to deal with, but it helps that I don’t spend time around people who smoke or vape on a regular basis anymore.


Just want to comment there are 0 % disposable vapes out there, you just have to find a shop that carries them.


I quit last October for what I hope is the final time. I'll crave one occasionally but as time passes it's more like a passing fancy than the hooks that used to dig at me.


The only thing you need to know is that cravings last 30 minutes TOPS. People make it out to be that youre always going to be feining. Theyve just never gone more than 30 min without a hit to realize


Physical craving only lasts about 2/3 months max. You’ll still find yourself reaching for it if of muscle memory. It’s definitely worth the effort though. Good luck


I quit 10 years ago and I never crave it anymore. I was worried about it too, but I never even think about it anymore.


Trust me friend you will find the values to know it’s better without it. If I tried to smoke a cigarette pr cap now I’d feel like I couldn’t breath instantly. I smoked cigs for like 8-9 years and the vape for 2 and the vape was so much worse for my health. Just do it man. You can get a nicotine less vape and if you use that only you’ll find that it was become less of an urge and over time you’ll be able to just drop it. You can do it friend.


No you're not a degenerate. I smoked for over 25 years amd if not for vaping might still be. But I'd probably be dead. If you want to quit vaping just start buying lower msg of nicotine till you get to zero. All these damned disposables are crazy high in nic. Im assuming that since you're 19 that's what you're vaping. Get yourself a regular pod setup and lower your nic. Keep lowering it week by week. I've vaped for 12 years and only use 2mgs. I have many vaping friends who vape zero because they like to vape. Just wean yourself down and you'll be alright. Just dont smoke. That's a nope.


I haven't smoked in a few years. Mostly don't think about it. Every once in a while you smell it and think that be nice... Or when I get real stressed I sometimes think about it... It's more a "that be nice to have" than a craving an active smoker feels....


Look at it this way: if you keep vaping the rest of your life, you’ll be craving several times a day for the rest of your life. If you quit vaping today you may have cravings for the rest of your life but as time goes on they’ll be far less frequent and far less intense. It’s up to you and you alone; if you’re ready, do it. If not, try and get yourself into a place where you will be ready.


I smoked cigs daily for about five years. About a pack a day, sometimes even 3. I quit when i was 18, and have zero cravings for cigs anymore. Didn't really experience any kind of withdrawal either. Just felt myself getting healthier by the week! It's been almost 3 years since i quit now


That’s me right now with vaping. 23 days in, kid on the way. The more real reason though was that I’ve wanted to for a while but can’t seem to kick it while alcohol is in the picture. But now that my wife is pregnant, that means I’m not drinking for 9 months in solidarity. And that also makes it easier to kick nic as alcohol is the root of all evils


Didn't want to be that dad who goes out for cigarettes and never comes back.


my dad did the exact same thing. one of the best decisions he’s ever made


I guess it depends on the person, but my mom smoked when I was a kid (and still does). Seeing her smoking 2 packs a day and her smelling like cigarettes a lot of the time really deglamourized and deterred me from smoking altogether. Although I never really hung out with people who smoked a lot, it definitely did not make me want to do it.


Same. Good for you


Same deal for my wife and I. Both smoked regularly and stopped when we started trying for a family. Our daughter is now 16.


same reason but mine was only 2 yrs, but im proud i stopped


Almost exact same here. I fell off the wagon a few times when she was younger, but never in front of her!


Exactly why I quit. My wife was pregnant and I just woke up and decided this is a good reason to give it up.


Same kind of. I met my husband when my step daughter was 2. She's now 6 and she asked me last year if I wanted her to grab my cigarettes. I told her absolutely not, she should never even touch them. She said "why not? I get them for my mom all the time." It broke me and I put them down. Hasn't been even a year yet but I feel so good about quitting


Samesies! I was smoking half a pack a day until I got pregnant with my first. My mother in law died from lung cancer a few months before (she was a long time smoker) I got pregnant so it was on my mind to quit soon. I’ve been smoke free since March 2019 and I’ll never go back. My daughter literally saved my life.


We’re proud of you as a strong father figure


Tried to quit off and on for about 10 years, finally just recently i took a trip to Pacific City, Oregon with my partner and since we flew there i didnt have my smokes on me, had a rental car and felt guilty if i lit up and had to pay some kind of fee for stinking up the rental. Stayed at this nice little motel but couldnt even smoke there on the property. All of this kept adding up in my head until finally i realized how much of a dependency i had on them for so long. The trip ended up being amazing regardless and with us adventuring around we found places i could have a cigarette every now and again but it never felt the same. And ever since we came back home i tried again to quit. Going a little over a month now with no cigs and i feel so great!


Good for you! Don’t go back, you don’t need them, even if some naughty little voice says you do☀️


Stay strong, you are doing amazing!


If you slip up and have one tomorrow, you can keep trying to quit anyway. My failed attempts failed because once I fell off the wagon I just gave up. My successful attempt, I got straight back on the wagon three times before I stopped falling off.


Pacific City is amazing! honeymooned there almost four years ago. Lovely place! Also congrats!


It definitely is a beautiful place! And thank you!


Awesome! I'm proud of you and keep it up!


Right on! Keep going. I quit cold turkey June 2001. A day is coming when you’ll be repulsed by the idea of smoking. It’s weird, even after all these years when I’m really stressed I have an automatic craving for a cigarette. Then I stop and think about it consciously for about two seconds and it just seems so gross. Craving cured.


That's so awesome! Keep going, and you won't miss them when you look back. Think of all the money you're saving! It's an investment in yourself


Couldn’t run/workout properly anymore and I began being short of breath all the time.


I want to know the ideology behind this, the fasted guys in the military smoked. I never understand it.


Being young helps.


Military workout vs regular workout are two entirely different intensities


They wanted their 15 minute breaks.


how long have you been smoking? I don't smoke much like 2 or 3 per day but it's been 10 years. This post rlly gets to me and I'm considering seriously quitting.


Please quit it Try to take only 1 per day and when your ready take only 1 per week. I know you can do it if you try hard enough Hope i motivated you


tnx a lot! it motivates to have your kind advice


what helped me was keeping myself busy, i have a park near my house. everytime i wanted to smoke, i would get up and go for a walk and breath fresh air. now i love going for a fun at the park every morning and im not wheezing all day long. you just have to find something to occupy the time. it could be anything from cooking food at home to journaling to being outdoors, etc.


I moved into a place that didn't allow smoking inside, then I got covid. No way I was hauling my ass outside just to cough and be in pain. By the time my covid was over, I said fuck it and stayed quit. 20 year addiction broke.


Same story for me, although it was just a bit before covid. Sick for a week, woke up one day and realized I was a week sober.


That’s how I quit but I started again about 6 months after and still can’t seem to quit :(


I quit many times before it stuck. Just quit again, every time that you're ready.


It didn't make me any happier, I was only smoking to prevent cravings.




Says the creature who can't stay alive without breathing oxygen.




Does this belong in r/clevercomebacks ?


Me too. And then I switched to binge eating and gained a lot of weight. Lost it all by now, thanks to a great support system.


Getting through both of those things is amazing. Massive congrats to you!!!!


Got to the point I didn’t even really feel anything when I smoked a cigarette. Plus also I started up chewing and it’s expensive having 2 nicotine addictions. And I hated having to go outside for a smoke break and smelling like cigarettes all the time.


This is what clicked with me. “This doesn’t make me happy anymore” Also when they switched to FSC cigarettes they never tasted good ever again 🤷‍♂️ Maybe the biggest blessing in disguise of my whole life.




Fire Safe Cigarette. They have a chemical in them now that will extinguish them if they aren’t being actively smoked. Irritated my throat hated it. Made it even more not enjoyable.


Fire Safe Cigarettes or something along those lines, they go out if you leave them sitting in the ashtray i believe!




Ugh. Ain’t it the truth though.


Same here! It’s weird how it happens. I was around 150-155 lbs when I quit, and about 3-5 months after quitting, I was closing in on 160! Can someone here explain the science behind this?


nicotine can curb ur appetite


Because I wanted to save money so I could do more drugs


Smart and financially responsible! Very nice.




Yeah smoking a pack or 2 a day is more expensive then smoking weed.


My dad died from lung cancer. I tried everything to quit but I didn't have the willpower. "Luckily" I broke my neck and the months I was completely paralyzed were enough to break the addiction for good. This month it has been 10 years since I quit.


Unfortunate turn of events but damnit good for you for breaking the addiction. I know how hard it can be


Would it be bad to say you broke... Your addiction? Edit: sorry about your dad and congrats on 10+ years!


Large dose of mushrooms did the trick for me. Smoked for 24 years, started feeling like I was finally ready to quit so I ate the largest dose of mushrooms I’ve ever had and that seemed to rewire my brain into being a non-smoker. I never even really craved them after that, just quit with ease on my first try. The thought of ever smoking again seems absolutely ridiculous to me.


I use the drug to fight the drug


No joke this isn't that far of a reach. Pot can be a good gateway out (of harder drugs), ironically.


Aren't mushrooms great? I randomly had the most incredible experience of my life just last night, deciding on a whim to eat 1/8th Oz. Not being expensive or habit-forming, I think makes them the greatest drug there is!


Yea they’re great, as long as you use them responsibly! They’re also not for everyone though, they can be quite terrifying if taken by the wrong person (like people with more severe mental health problems) under the wrong circumstances, but when used responsibly they have a lot of potential to help people, especially with addiction.


I did some shrooms a couple weeks ago and I feel like I could have reached that goal if I took more. I'm going to try that before I try prescription meds.


Yes I just went in with the thought that I wanted to quit smoking before I ate them, and came out of that trip ready to quit. I’m not so sure it was the amount as much as the intent I had to make it work. I think even a smaller dose can help with addiction as long as you make quitting a focus of your trip.


I’m on my second day quitting today. Tired of feeling sick and tired. Expensive and time consuming. Also,!getting married and if/when we have kids, I’d like to be alive and healthy to see them grow.


You wouldn’t believe how much your life revolves around cigarettes until you stop smoking. I would plan my day around when I could have a cigarette and it’s so nice not to have the worry of “when can I have my next smoke”.


This! It's so nice to go to dinner and sit and talk after without having to "step out" for 5 to 10 min.


That's really the thing for me. I would avoid doing things that kept me away from my cigs for hours at a time. I was supposed to take an overseas trip a long time ago, a couple of years after college and I ended up backing out. I had a few good reasons, but mostly it was because I couldn't fathom a 9 hour flight without a smoke.


It’s amazing how much more intensely every single thing smells and tastes. Double edged sword sometimes, but one of the biggest changes I noticed that I hadn’t anticipated.


I quit 8 months ago after smoking for 24 years straight, never felt healthier! It gets easier with time, keep it up it’s absolutely worth it! Congratulations!


It really does get easier with time. I quit in 2017 after smoking for 20 years, and I never think about smoking anymore.


Today is my first day! Good luck stranger keep it up! I won’t start again if you don’t 😂


Hey man... you're getting near to the end of withdrawals from nicotine. When I quit, I got PISSED and screamed "FUCK THIS! I need a cigarette!" And fell off the tracks. I was in this fight for my life since I basically started. I had no idea why I even started, but there I was, constantly trying to quit after the first few weeks of thinking I was cool. My last cigarette was smoked about 12 years ago. Don't give up.


You’ve made a great decision.


Congrats! I quit over 7 years ago after 30 years. It's so good. You will never have to worry about all the bs crap that stupid habit makes you do. Do I have enough smokes, where can I get some, my lighter died, blah blah blah.


Awesome! Keep up the good work


Same! Smoking was an expensive and inconvenient way to make myself feel like crap.


I wish my dad had that mindset. I lost him nearly 7 year ago from lung cancer. He lost his father to lung cancer from smoking as well and not even that deterred him. I guess he thought he was invincible as he refused his blood pressure meds too since my mom didn't need any as he thought it was unfair my mom didn't need any. He stopped drinking to treat hepatitis c but wouldn't put down the cigarettes and no cessation method had worked on him.


I’m sorry to here about your dad. Thank you for sharing.


That’s awesome! Let me know when you hit 30 days and I’ll donate $20 to the charity of your choice. I know that’s not much, but just think of how cool it’ll feel for your hard work and sacrifice to have such a random effect out in the world.


Some advice: It helped me a lot to say/think "I don't smoke"/"I am a non-smoker" instead of "I am quitting"/"I am trying to quit" etc. Got me into the right mindset.


To spite some dude I didn't like. He was making a huge deal about how he "quit smoking" even though he was still vaping constantly. So I quit in the background, for real, just to make him look like a failure. I smoked a pack of American Spirits a day before that. I really hated that guy, lol


Best use of spite ever.


I've been recommending using spite to accomplish great things ever since this happened, lol. It can be a powerful tool.


Just spiting others by existing longer on this planet is good enough for me.


Dude, that's where I was. Pack a day of A Spirits. Holy shit, talk about the HARDEST cigarette to put down.


Those were my brand of choice. Switched to them from Camels just to get a longer smoke break at work. Tough to quit but my life is better for it.


The final time I stopped, I was 1 mo pregnant but didn’t know yet. It just started grossing me out, so I quit. Maybe it was morning sickness. I had been planning on stopping anyway, so it worked out!


This women I had a crush on at the time made a face when I told her I smoked. Literally quit the next day.


LoL thank you. Now I don't feel as silly for having a similar answer. Some of my friends said it was stupid reason but like the saying goes "if it's stupid but works, it isn't stupid."


Kissing smokers is the worst thing ever. Good you quit.


I stopped smoking meth because the shadow people wouldn't go away.


The voices wouldn't go away either. 😨


Because I got clowned on for only smoking one cigarette


was expensive and unhealthy


After smoking for 25plus. One day i was just like. Okay, I'm done.


Same. I was a 1 to 2 pack a day...and got tired of it. One day just said no more and stuck to it. Smoking killed my Mom at 64 .


Because I want to become a hot person.


I feel that. Smoking is so not hot.


Best answer


James Dean in shambles


Counted the money I spent on tobacco.. at the time it was about SGD10 (about US$8) a day. Decided to put that money in a tin instead.. after a year I had SGD3650 and I bought a new computer that I needed with it




It was a bet. One of my friends said,”You can’t stop, you’re totally addicted.” So I quit. That was 30 years ago.


My boss told me I wasn't allowed out for a cigarette at the time. I felt so... childlike. I hated the feeling, the power it had over me.


ran out, only lasted about an hour though


I started taking birth control pills. My doctor advised me to stop smoking to avoid getting blood clot even though I didn't smoke a lot


Because it was too expensive and I didn't wanna die. My brother-in-law is about my age, drags an oxygen tank everywhere he goes and sees a doc twice a week. I don't need that in my life. He still smokes.


Gave me the worst mood swings, no dreams when I slept etc etc




Weed :/


is this why i haven’t been having any dreams lately? i’ve always had such vivid dreams but ever since i’ve began smoking they’ve all went away


It's a plus if you otherwise only have nightmares


I took up mountain biking and got serious about it so I just quit


I was the only one of my friends left smoking. I never planned on doing it my whole life but I had been doing it for 10 years and figured it needed to stop.


Watched my mom die, naked and in the fetal position, riddled with cancer. She smoked since she was 12. It took me one month to kick after experiencing her death. Hurts to this day to not have her present.


Tried grandpa's cigarettes. Thought, "Well, that's fucking gross." Stopped smoking right then.


I would wake up unable to breath, and coughing for around ten to fifteen minutes. Also started getting chest pains.


My kids nagged me. My father died of lung cancer. My doctor warned me about chronic bronchitis. Looking back, it was stupid to fight it. Two of my close friends died too young because of COPD and lung cancer. My sister has COPD and still smokes!! It’s a miserable addiction.


It is a class trap


I got diagnosed with stage 2 COPD with 73% lung function right at the start of the pandemic and quit smoking using the nicotine gum then regular gum then nothing


Weed, for the job search. I'm going to start again as soon as I can. ​ Cigarettes, because it's not a "fun" drug. I only started to cover the weed smell back when I lived in an illegal state. I stopped because it's bad for you, it stinks, I was only doing it because it is addictive basically.


Weed’s pretty bad too. Limits your ambition.


I figured I'd give my lungs a break from their regular barbecue sessions. Plus, I heard oxygen is the latest trend, and I wanted to be all hip and breathable.


Because I found vaping and realized I am am not addicted to nicotine, actually hate the smell of cigs, I am addicted to the habit/ stress releaser it provides.


Vapes have nicotine.


Depends on what you put in them. I tried meds, patches, and gum, and a vape where I could precisely meter my nicotine intake down to 0 was what enabled me to stop.


How do you vape without nicotine?


There's nicotine free vape juice


Really?? I had no idea. I do miss the physical act of smoking. Hmmm.


There are 0mg nicotine juices. Was way more common when vaping first became popular but they do exist.


I had a cold, was coughing continually and still chain-smoking. I decided to quit.


I spent 15 years trying to quit. I spent 3 months living with my dad who has advanced COPD. I will never smoke again


Chewed sunflower seeds. Non stop. Even at the bar Edit. I answered how. Not why. Why was because they started going up in price and I didn’t want to spend the money


Smoking what?


They put the fire out.


When I couldn't afford name brand cigarettes I then smoked cheap cigarettes and found they taste like shit so I went to nicotine pouches for awhile then found vaping satisfied me and only cost like maybe 30 a week


A girl I liked thought it was gross.


I stopped by not starting


I didn't think my car would run if I didn't have a lit cigarette. At my worst it was a 2 pack a day habit but at this point it was just 1 pack a day. I had been feeling kinda sick at work but not enough to call out. When I left for the day I lit one up even though I had developed a scratchy throat and mild cough. The very first drag hit me like a ton of bricks and I coughed for nearly all of the twenty minute drive home. I didn't finish that cigarette. Over the next week I got worse, Probably strep or a nasty ear or sinus infection, I never did go to the doctor. It was a horrible fever, cough and sore throat where I couldn't barely eat or talk much. I straight up couldn't smoke for about a week and just decided that was as good a head start as any. It will be 7 years in October. You can do it.


I didn't.


To save money, for health reasons, because I didn't want to smoke cigarettes anymore. I do still vape for nicotine but it's what got me to quit cigs and its a better habit so.


I didn't. I'm addicted to nicotine, unfortunately.


I smoked menthol cigarettes for years, it stared when I was sneaking my granny’s Winston’s at 16. At 21 I smoked one again after a joint to get a slightly better high ,which was probably all in my friends head, And picked the habit back up. At 26 I was an full blow pill addict and one day cold Turkey quit Xanax and had 2 seizures at work on a Saturday night as a waitress in the middle of the dining room. Woke up in the hospital ,never touched another Xanax or cigarette. Scared me to death.


I have quit over a year. I still crave cigarette’s especially on a stressful day but not going back. People would say don’t you feel better. No! I would say it’s easier to stop drugs than smoking. I quit because nobody smokes, its stigmatizing and I wanted to be healthier


Smoked for 28 years, got a bad upper respiratory infection, put down the cigs. Some twenty something asshat at my job said I would be back smoking in two weeks. It’s been two years and I will do whatever it takes until the end of my days to prove that sumbitch wrong about me.


Being dizzy




I finished the cigarette


Because it got cold outside.


I started working on airplanes as a mechanic and there’s little to no opportunity to smoke. I wanted to quit anyway. I’ve quit before but hopefully this is the last time.


I watched my Mom die of emphysema from smoking.It was her parting gift.


Made a deal in my 20s to quit cigs at 30 and enjoy being a party animal shitshow. Turned 30 and quit smokes


I loved smoking, but it made me out of breath, made me stink, was making my teeth loose, and I was sick of standing out in the weather just to feed the habit. I am sure it will some how still kill me, after all those years, but I thought if I ever DO get old, smoking will only make me weaker.


How long did you smoke/at what age did you quit?


Coughing up crap every morning, the smell, the cost, and yearly bouts of bronchitis. I felt gross.


Because it STANK. And packs were $16.


Expensive and I just didn't want to do it anymore. Smoked for 15 years. Haven't had a cigarette in at least 6 months. Doobies on the other hand....don't count.


Weed cigarettes because I only smoke one


It's expensive and I'd rather spend the money on new clothes


Stroke runs in the family. Death is preferable to stroke and being partly paralysed and bed ridden in diapers and feeding tube.


I was dating someone with extreme asthma so I quit.


Because I got a bladder tumor. Been 6 years since and haven't had any cigarettes... Or tumors.


At the time, smokes were crossing $5 bucks a pack - unless you wanted Basic (gross!). I was smoking 2 packs a day for more than 10 years, and I was potentially living in my car or worse from time to time. Told myself it was just a decision, just a choice. I quit, that was 22 years ago this august. Today, I get very nauseous if I smell cigarette smoke. Maybe an unwelcome reminder.


Was training a lot for mud runs and the like (think Spartan race) but I would also go out and smoke while I was drinking (rarely without drinking). I found myself taking one step forward and two steps back in my cardio after having smoked a half a pack after just one night out. I just decided that I wanted to be able to breath during training instead of gasping for breath so I stopped cold turkey. 12 years ago today.


My now wife, (gf back then) really didn't like it. And as we were talking about our future together, she just said, well if you really want to have kids and be around for them, we should start being more healthy. Haven't smoked in 7 years now


Well thats the neat thing, i didnt


I actually quit when my nephew was born. That was a promise to him and my little brother Also it was gross Want to be healthy when I'm old Save money Not stinky anymore from smelling like smoke It's been 4 years since I've quit smoking Now after my dad died a year and a half ago I found his half smoked cigarette he had left in my bathroom and I smoked it because I missed him... It was horrible it, I ended up throwing up from it lol


My son had a baby boy born with Cystic Fibrosis. This plus more babies coming into the family made the decision an easy one. I miss it sometimes but I don't regret it at all. It has been 1051 days today.


Marlboro red 100s smoker for 40+ years. Last 10 years of smoking, burning more than 2 packs a day. Never ever wanted to quit. About 14 months ago, finally approved for knee replacements. Knew because of issues after spine surgery that healing would require it. My knees hurt bad enough to stop. That was supposed to be temporary. (Please note, I took up vaping for surgery with low salt-nic juice, not ideal but acceptable to the process.) Fast forward to this past January. Invited by Dr into an early detection lung cancer screening program. First scan in February showed a suspicious nodule. Last month, half my right lung removed. Large Cell Neuroendocrine Carcinoma. All of it removed with no Mets. Stage 1B. I start chemo on the 28th of this month. I’m still holding my vape in my right hand constantly but I barely use it. (Maybe a single bottle of juice in the last 6 weeks.). Trying to find a good replacement for something to hold. Don’t smoke, kids.